Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Km Cub Deposited bj Hebrttkt Feopli
TlftB Em Before.
lasresse (aarl "leerss Verdict
iftlitt ArrKnl .4 sswrlat laa,
Holala. a tasssalttea
From Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Oct. S. (Special.) Again have
the deposits In the Nebraska state banks
reached a new high mark. While the peo
ple of the east are complaining of tlgiit
money and low reserves and feel psnkkr.
plain people of the fertile Nebraska pran k-a
have planed on deposit during the last year
more than U.2M.M) In excess of the
amount In the banka at the time of the
September report last rear, when a new
hlrh level was reached.
The reserve at thla time la JSH per
cent, one-third of 1 per cent leas than It
waa at the time of the September report
lut rear. At the asms time there has
been a healthy Increase In deposits, thv
number of deposit ore haa shown a marked
Increase, especially during the time Inter
vening since the last report on June a.
turtng that Interval, the number of in
dividuals who hare placed their faith In
bail k a haa Increased by 11.871 or more than
J per cent. 1
Secretary Royse said: '
"When we broke the- record In Septem
ber last year, the fact was heralded at
large throughout the nation as an Indica
tion of prosperity In Nebraska. The pres
ent statement shows that there haa been
a healthy development all along the line
In bwdftess and In commerce. There Is
nothing extraordinary In the increase tn de
posits except what can be accounted for
by the natural development of the state.
The Increase In depositors as well as In the
total cash entrusted to the banks Is sign
that the growth has bean even and
The great addition to the number of
depositors is one of the most noteworthy
things about tbe report. Never before has
auch a vast addition to the total been made
In the short space of three months, but
It la claimed that It does no mora than
to reflect the great prosperity of the work
ing r la see.
So awe C em part sews la Fiarares.
Mr. Royse gave out the following state
ment showing the comparative changes:
"Compared with the statement of Sep
tember 15, itcn, the. present report shows
that deposits hare Increased tl.74S.2SO.7S;
loans. tl.CI4.Cll.Tl; capital, S39,7n; number
of banks. SO; reeervs deoreased one-third
of 1 per cent; Increase In depositors, 14. MS.
Compared with the statement of June B.
IMS. three months slnoa, deposits have in
creased tl.00C.29t.12; loans Increase. tlSO,
4M.M; reserve Increase 2 per cent; number
of banks. Increase, t; capital stock. In
crease, 124,750.
State, banka now bold a reserve of SH
per cept, the legal requirement being lR
per oeat- '.-,'
"The number of depositors at the date of
this report was 1XJ.KS, being an Increase
of 1X,J71 over the number reported June s,
The total number of banks reporting at
the close of business September K, UOt, was
4M. '
Caaaltlaa af Baski September B,
Ivoans and discounts secured
by real estate t32,C!.2T7.3
Overdraft 4Ul.S4i.60
Bomts, stacks, securities. Judg
ments, claims, etc CUJSM.4I
Iue from national, state and
private banks and bankers ll.M7,C.4
Hanking house 14ll.urr.4Sj
Other real estate M6.M1.SS
Current expenses and taxes
paid 47t.S32.00
Premium on 17. S. and other
bonds and securities II7C.14
Cash Items not to be Included
in estimating reserve 72.508.87
fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents..... 1SU.C38.S4
Total 4S.&3S.5!fl.S
Capital stock paid In t t.ooi.ono W
Surplus fund 1.4TT. :.
Vndivlded profits L6fc6.2M.ll
I'lvldends unpaid t.i.S6
Time certificates of deposit St, 401.448. 47
Notes and bllla redlscounted..... r.eB1.41
bills payable 74.U1S.07
Total t4.S3S3.U
Calls It yaaaatay Terdlet.
The supreme court took a blow at the
common practica on tbe part of Juries at
basing verdicts on conjectures. The ca
Is that of the 'Woodmen of the World
against Hruby. la which the plaintiff In
error Bought to reverse a 'udgroent of
the Cuming county district court against
It for tt.OOO, the face of the certificate in
the association held by Hruby.
Tbe opinion In the case, written by the
nd af Judge Holcomb, la a stirring re
cital of one of the most pathetic cases of
aelf -Immolation found tn the records of
the state's highest tribunal.
Hruby shot himself at the bier of his
sweetheart, who had herself committed
aaidde. The mother of the dead girl, when
he waa called as a witness, had testi
fied that the young men had been sum
aaoned to his Cuming county boms from
aWuth Omaha, where he had been at work,
te attend the girl's funeral. She told the
Jury In her simple way of ber action la
taking the-maa ta see the dead body of
the woman on whom he had lavished his
affsrttona. He- bad not known that she
had committed suicide aad was dlatraught
whea the mother puahed back the masses
f hair on the girl's forehead to point out
the ghastly wound made by the revolver
with which the girl had ahot herself. '
In support of the syllabus, "Verdict based
oa conjecture cannot stand." Judge Hoi
comb sums up succinctly and tersely the
evidence against the Jury's verdict.
After aa examination of the evidence the
writer of the opinion asserts that the ver
dict of tbe Jury, In face of tbe evidence tn
Support of the theory of suicide, because of
despair, must have been based on the sheer-
; Germ Infbcted Aira
. Malaria is not confined exclusively to the tramps and
marshy regions of the country, but wherever there is bad ais
this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous vapors and
rases from sewers, and the musty air of damp cellars are
laden with the genus of this miserable disease, which are
breathed into the lungs and taken tip by the blood and
transmitted to every part of the body. Then you begin to
feel out of sorts without ever suspecting- the cause. No
energy or appetite, dull headaches, sleepy and tired and
completely fagged out from the slightest exertion, are some
of the deplorable effects of this enfeeblinr malady. As the
disease progresses and the blood becomes more deeply poi
soned, boils and abscesses and dark or
upon the skin. When the poison is
the microbes and rertus to multiply in
Kidney troubles and other serious complications often arise. As Malaria
begins and develops in the blood, the treatment to be effective must begin
f . S. S. 5. is a guaranteed purely
Harmless, w rite us u yoa want meaical advice or any special iniormauon
About your case, This will cost you nothing.
est conjecture and reverses the same. As a
discussion of motives for suicide the case
is probably unique In the annals of the
state supreme court.
Teamster's Leg Brakra.
Elmer E. Salisbury, a drayman employed
by the Lincoln Transfer company, who re
sides at E North Tenth street, was seri
ously Injured at II o'clock this morning at
the Free Press building. Thirteenth and N
streets, while engaged In loading up the
mail preparatory to Its being hsuled to the
postofflce. The mails descend from the
third floor through a long chute on the
south side of the building, which reaches
over the street to the wsgons. This is held
by hinges and at the end is an iron weight
weighing fully 100 pounds attched by a rope.
It seems that something ws wrong with
the mechanism todsy, and when the chute
was let down over the street, the rope
broke and the Iron weight fell, hitting
Salisbury on the leg.
ReecwIloBi ta P. K. O.
The P. E. O. Is still grinding away In the
senate chamber and at this time they are
debating changes In the constitution. A
number of new visitors have come tn and
the Llndell hotel, where "most of the dele-
i gates are stopping, is crowded. Tonight
the delegates were given a reception at the
governor's mansion, where they were met
by the club women and the business men of
the town. Friday afternoon will occur the
election of officers and a most Interesting
meeting Is looked for.
One of the leaders In the convention Is
Mrs. DfWI'.t Lukena of St. Louis, who Is
the heed of the order In that city and who
is working with the women's club In the
Interest of the Louisiana Purchase exposi
tion. The P. E. O. is federated with the
women's club and considerable time here
has been spent In a diacusrlon of the liter
ary features of the organisation, upon
which the members place much stress.
Search for Ralph tieorate.
Relatives and the police are searching for
Ralph D. George, whom they fear has met
with foul play. Nothing has been heard of
him since Sunday evening. September 27.
at which time he filed a telegram at the
Postal telegraph office In Lincoln to be sent
to a friend In Sioux City, stating that he
was sick and Intended to stay with a sister
In this city. He left 8loux City that Sun
day morning. It Is believed, and arrived In
Lincoln the same afternoon, going direct to
the telegraph office. Previous to this he
had written his relatives here that he In
tended to visit them during Ak-Sar-Ben,
consequently his coming here In September
cannot be explained by them. None of
them saw him and the only evidence they
have that he was here Is the telegram on
file. George Is years of age, has black
hair and brown eyes, five feet and ten
Inches in height, and weighs about 153
pounds. He waa employed on the Sioux
City Journal.
Bleodhestads as Wltaeasea.
The question of the competency of blood
hounds as witnesses In criminal prosecu
tions has been brought to the supreme
court of Nebraska, The case is that of
George W. Pratt of Nemaha county, con
victed of burglary and sentenced to the
penitentiary for three jeara. In his ap
peal Pratt alleges he was convicted mainly
as a result of the bloodhounds trailing him
from tbe place the burglary was com
mitted to his awn borne, where a stolen
purse was found. In his brief filed today.
the attorney general admits the contention
that the dogs are not competent to take
the oath and are not subject to cross-examination,
but tbey are a silent witness
for tbe state.
Hyaaatlst Caaiea a Stir.
PAPILLION. Neb., Oct. I (Special.)
A great deal of excitement was caused here
yesterday afternoon over the discovery of
tha body of an unidentified man, about
thirty-five years of age. In a vacant build
ing south of the bank. Paasersby saw the
body through the windows and at onoe the
news spread over town that the body waa
that of a murdered man. Other reports
had It that It was the remains of Charles
Rosencrana, the Pa pillion man who so sud
denly disappeared several weeks ago. While
the different theories were being talked
over a stranger came upon the scene and
stated that the man was not dead but un
der a hypnotic spell. The stranger proved
a traveling hypnotist who had placed this
man under a spell and had laid the body In
the window of this building for exhibition
purposes. Ijist night he was brought to
and taken to the opera house, where a dem
onstration, was made of. hypnotic powers.
Bl Wheat Yields.
TORK. Neb.. Oct. t (Special V-John
Jacobs, living " near McCool. threshed 838
bushels of wheat from a ' forty-one acre
field. John Lants. living near McCool,
threshed from a small field of wheat thirty-
two burhela to the acre. William D Boer,
near Blue Vale, threshed nearly too bushels
from a fifteen acre field of oats. Henry
Cites, a farmer near McCool, threshed out
a large Arid of wheat which yieluded twen
ty-six bushels to the acre. There was
never a larger crop of corn raised In Tork
county than what Is promised now, and If
the corn crop is as large as conservative
farmers predict, Tork county will have
soma phenomenal yields to report.
Urhtataa Bolt Hearty Fatal.
Hl'MBOLDT, Neb.. Oct. (.(Special.)
During the thunderstorm John GuUmer, a
young farmer living a few mi lea north of
the city, was struck by lightning and fears
are still entertained that his Injuries may
be fatal. He waa opening a gate with his
hand on the wire, when the flash came
and It la supposed the bolt struck the
wire and then communicated to the ground
through the person of Mr. Ou timer. The
young loan was rendered unconscious and
itl'l lies la a stupor, but his physician has
hopes of his recovery.
Postal Cassaaay Estradiol-.
GIBBON, Neb., Oct. t (Special.) The
Postal Telegreph-Cable company has Just
reached here setting poles, west bound oa
the north side of right-of-way of the I'nion
yellow spots appear 1
left to ferment and
the blood. Liver and
tn ere too. b. b. b. destroys tlie germs ana poisons
and purines and strengthens the polluted blood,
and under its tonic effect the debilitated constitu
tion rapidly recuperates and the system is soon clear
of all sizns of this depressinr disease.
vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant ana
Mn. W. . P Elected for Etcond Term
by Federation of Woaen'i Clubs.
After t oaslderable 'Debate tbe Qaes
tloa of aa Osiris 1 orgaa for Feaer
atloa Was Left to Eteraihe
toss as It tee.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
FREMONT, Neb., Oct. S.4 Special.) The
annual election of officers preceded a fjll
morning of business and throughout the
under current of politics that has been so
apparent during the meeting was in evi
dence. The announcement of the Omaha
delegation late yesterday afternoon that
they would support no one but Mrs. Page
set at rest all thought of opposition to
Mrs. Page, end the first business of the
bouse waa to elect her unanimously by ac
clamation, the vote being followed by ap
plause that indicated the sincere satisfac
tion of the convention. With one exceptlcn.
that of auditor, that office not being eilgl
ble to re-election, the entire executive com
mittee was re-elected, the board now stand
ing: President Mrs. W. E. Page of Syracuae.
Vice President Mrs. E. J. Hainer of Au
rora. Recording Secretary Miss Sheldon of Co
lumbus. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Nellie Mil
ler of Lincoln.
Treasurer-Mrs. T. T. Eell of SL FuL
Auditor Mrs. C. B. Letton of Fairbury.
District Vice Presidents First. Mrs. W.
M. Wilson, Falls City; second, Mrs. M. J.
Monnette, Omaha; third. Mrs. Reynolds of
Norfolk; fourth. Mrs. Mead of Tork; fifth.
V-rs. W. Bonekemper cf Sutton; sixth, Mrs.
E. O. Bartlett of St. Paul.
Delegates to the St. Louis Biennial Mrs.
W. E. Page, Mrs. Belle M. Stoutenborough,
Mrs. F. W. Miller, Miss Daisy Spkkard,
Miss Bessie Sheldon, Mrs. Lydia Bonekem
per, Mrs. E. N. Cobb. Mrs. William Wilsjn.
Alternates: Mrs. Monnette. Mrs. A. W.
Field, Mrs. Dr. Geer. Mrs. J. Klngery, M-s.
Paul, Mrs. Charlos Hsy. Mrs. W. H. dem
ons. Sa Ptate Oraaa electe.
The report of the commute regarding the
selection of some plan for an official organ
for the state federation occasioned a re
petition of the debate on the same subject
the day before. Three recommendations
were made to publish Its own monthly or
gan; second, that a committee be appointed
to secure advertisements to Insure lis pub-
lication for the year; and third, that the
president appoint an editor of the publica
tion. As nothing definite had ben ascer
tained regarding the publishing of the
paper, the question regarding sending such
a publication through the mails arose, sev
eral of the women who have had experience
fearing trouble on this point. Its discus
sion consumed the greater part of the
morning, several authorities being pre
sented. It was finally decided that the mat
ter be referred back to the executive com
mittee and they were empowered to act
without further instruction from the house.
This closed the morning session.
Mrs. Harriet McMurphy of Omaha, chair
man of the household economics commit
tee, presided at the household economics
sefcaion, which opened at t o'clock. The fol
lowing fcymposlum was given. Mrs. J. R.
Hays of Norfolk being In charge: "The
International Pure Food Law;" "The Na
tional Pure Food Law;" "The State Law;"
"How They Affect the Home," and "How
Home Making May Affect Them."
"The Outgoing and Incoming Era In
Home Making" was the subject presented
by Dr. G corgi ana Grothan of St. PauL
"Am I My Sister's Keeper," by Mra. Lois
Wolf of Nellgh.
A Joint meeting of the federation and
the Nebraska Library association occupied
the evening, the following being tbe pro
gram: I O'clock Library Session
(Joint meeting with Nebraska Li
brary Association.
Mrs. Stoutenborough, Presiding.
Piano Solo Tarantella with Canrona
Neapolitans Lisst
Miss Daisy McGlverin.
Vocal Solo Dry Those Tears
Teresa del Rlego
Miss Marilla Maxwell.
Report of Chairman... Mra.. Stoutenborough
Nebraska Public Library Commission..
J. 1. Wyer. Jr., Librarian I'niverslty
of Nebraska, President.
8:45 O'clock Mr. Wyer, Presiding
Library Opportunities J. C. Dana
Librarian Free Public Library.
Newark. N. J.
10 O'clock Mrs. Page. Presiding
Report of Resolution Commit lee.
Installation of Officers.
Music Singing "America"
Rev. J. W. Caaley Selected ta Pre
side Over Baptist Media
' at Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct, t.-(Speclai.)
The attendance at yesterday's session of
the Baptist state convention was larger
than at any lime sines the convention con
vened. The board of managers met at
t o'clock and at o'clock a short prayer
service was held, conducted by A. Fauquet
of 11 old red-a- The forenoon session wa
largely occuppied by the Baptist Young
Peoples' t'niou. Rev. George Van Winkle,
president of the organization, presiding.
Mr. Van Winkle gave an address ahich
Inspired the representatives present to at
tempt greater things In the future.
Rev. B. F. Fillmore of Omaha, followed
with an addrnss on the subject. "Our
Greatest Need," and the remaluder of the
forenoon scsnion was Uiken up by Mrs. R.
A. Huntley of Pawnee City, who has
charge of the junic r work, ar.d the annual
missionary sermon, which was delivered
by Rev. A. K. Myaitway of Hebron.
The afternoon session opened at 2 o'clock
with devotional service, led by Rev. Mr.
Craft of Mead. The report of the commit
tee on foreign missions followed and was
discussed by prominent ministers of the
church. Especially interesting was the ad
dress of Rev. A. F. Carson of Burnish.
Incidents in the life of tbe missionary and
the characteristics of the natives were de
picted so fervtn'Jy that all present felt
and realized that Christians in Nebraska
do not begin to live up to their opportunity.
The afternoon session closed with a report
of the committee ou publication society
and an address by Rev. T. L. Ketman of
Chicago on the publication of good liter
ature. Tbe praise and song service in the even
ing led by Rev. H. O. King of Crab Or
chard, followed with an anthem by the
In tha absence of Mrs. L. M. Dentcn of
Lincoln, who waa to have read the report
of tbe committee on borne missions, the
paper was read by Mr. Eualy of Wayne.
Remarks wers made on the paper and
some Its most interesting features wre
discussed by Rev. D. D. Proper of Des
A soprano solo was then rendered by
Mies Isabella Maynard of thla city, afier
which Re. K. E Chlvera. D. D., of New
York City delivered the address of the
evening. Dr. Chlvers is field secretary of
the Home Missionary board of tbe Bap
tist church end bis address was a very
Interesting tst,
Folloaing arc the newly elected offli erg
ef tka ounvenlioa: ttev. J. W. Conwy.
Omaha, president; D. M. Aaoabury. Bro
ka stew, Aral tste ipreatdabU Astr. Caurge
Van Winkle. South Omaha, second vice
president: Rev. C. W". Prinstrad. Omaha,
corresponding secretary; W. K. R;iod'S.
Omaha.' trer-urer.
Following are elective effieer f the
Baptist T unrig Peoples' fr.ion: Hev. tYcl
den. H astir g, president; K J. t'lmer,
Columbus, vice prcFid' ::t ; Anna Brandt.
Ulcnvelle. ret-orcling- secretary . l"Tof. Hie
glns. Grand lslHr.d. c !rrcr"nding seere
tary; K J Tvikr. Wayne, treasurer.
Three Men Are Tiered
at Ranch Hease
la Custody
SHELTON. Neh.. Oct. t .Sperinl Tele
gram. Probably one of the most lmjor
tant captures ever m!e In this portion of
the state was accomplis'iei! here this fore
noon and three criminal? are now safely
behind the bars of the Hall county Jail.
Last Saturday three strar.iters came to
the home of John Brown, a farmer a mil
east of town, ard being of a friendly turn.
Mr. Brown allowed them to remain, ss he
lives alone and likes company. They have
been to Shelton a nunler of and
seemed to be well supplied with ready
cash. At the store of L. L. Weaver they
gave an order for two large revolvers and
paid part cash down and the guns were
telegraphed for.
In the meantime officers have been on
the trail of thee criminals and this morn
ing Sheriff Sammons of . Buffalo county,
accompanied by a deputy from Hall
county, and two detectives from Lincoln,
went out to the Brown home and before
the men could escape placed them In Irons
and brought them to Shelton, where they
were held until the arHval of a train, wh?n
they were taken to Grand lcland. All are
supposed to 1 connected with the Byron
bank robbery and several ether l.ank
wreckings In the state, and one of tliem
has served time of seven years in the Ne
braska penitentiary.
They had learly rv in cash In their
possession and are reported to have been
making a set of tools to be u.-ed In another
Claims f hlM'a Chere of Estate.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Oct. R.-i ffperial.)
According to a petition which has been
filed in the county court, another heir to
the late Theodore Boedeker has been found
in the person of Mrs. Katie Johnson of
Omaha. Mr. Boedcker died In this county
on April 14. I!i2. leaving no last will find
t'-stament. His estate is composed of prop
erty In this county valued at between
110.0(10 and tl2,W0. There are already about
ten legal heirs who c!alm a share of the
estate. Yesterday was the day set for
I hearing
th? petition, and Mrs. Johnson
and her attorney, T. J. Nolan of Omaha,
were present In court to efend their side
of the case. In her rvetitlon, i.Irs. Johnson
alleges that she was duly and legally
adopted by Theodore Boedcker at Musca
tine, la., on I larch 25. !63; that she was
years old at the time of adoption, and that
she lived with the Boedekers until the ago
of IS. She also alleges that Charles Boe
deker, tdminli-trator of the estate, refuses
to recognise her claims and has not reported
her same to the court aa one of the lawful
heirs. In substance, the petitioner claims
to be entitled to a child's share of the
5 if " ..".i. .-.we, -..-- :. -m.n. B - V - . . s, r... v ; r, :
" n A t :
;A V :v d r -
ll ' V- ' - ,'( 'th
v - -".. "t b '
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tit r "
.'l(W,;,:..-,.i , ; v i f? s
' - !i ' Zi
: X . i 'z' ilr
: imii i ma n in " J
There are many other jKiints of excellence which can only be explained
by personnl examination. We Invite you to call at our parlors and allow us
to prove these claims.
Ft'RAV & MeAKIU.K. Owners, Arlington Block. loll-lMS Iodee Ft.
Piano riayer recitala every Saturday afternoon and evening, free to all
music lover.
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet So,,
Like cut, larga full sire,
strongly braced, One goldeu
finish, regular value) 4.50,
special tbis week.
$2 -
.Com in andlookcround..
x "r -- L. . ' i
OrTOBKK 0. 1003.
estate and ak the court to five her the
mc risht In the matter as the other l;elrs
hava bier accorded
Reralara make a Raid on Fograe
mitfc'e Mere at Hasla,
ebt auks.
PI'TIl". Neb.. Or:, t. i Special Telegram.)
Tins morning at 2 o cl xk burglars broke
Into Kncne Fmlth's general store and
poFt'ifTce at P.nsin. ten miles west of Butte,
blew the safe, took $3 In stamps and
burned the 1'UiMlng to the ground. Ixss.
?4.oi; no lnsurnnce. F-ntth was away frrm
home. The opinion Ik It was the work
of sn organized gang. The tjsnk here was
warned a few weeks sgi to look out.
jtorlallst Ticket la Dodge.
FKKEMONT. Neb.. Oct. t. (Special.) -The
sccla!is:s held a sllmly attended con
vention yesterday and nominated the tA
lowing county ticket: County Judge.
Thomas MacNell; treasurer. Fred Barnard;
coimty clerk. Isaac Presmesky; sheriff. B.
Whiter assessor. HsrveT Adams. The other
positions were left vacant. Adams, the can-j
dldate for treasurer. Is a colored man, the
first of his race to be rlaced on a county
ticket In Chls county.
Teaaaster Fatally flart.
FREMONT Neb.. Oct t (Special)
Martin Keck, a teamster employed on the
Nye, Schneider, Fowler company, was seri
ously and perhaps fatally lrjured in a run
away accident yesterday afternoon. The
team became frlgr.ened at the Main street
crossing of the t'nlon Pacific, and he ass
thrown out. his head striking one of the
rails. His head was badly cut and he also
sustained severe Internal Injuries.
By tba
leather of which
i made; Judge tba
rather by the lalel
(shown below)tliat Identi
fies It as We lTa Ideal
Leather. The leather that
keens tbe feet oool in summer.
warm In winter. Makes heavy
Msde in kid. calf, goat, colt or F 1
eow bide. Writ for booklet I
"How to Boy Shoes."
Iron Beds.
We show tha lar?et assort
tuaxit, the latent styles aod new
finishes. This pretty bra-
triuiuioti, boar foot iron beds
regular value .(U,
sp'l thiasreek, cboioo
of colors, each. .
f '--iiaasin mf 7
Yj yrr-l f 4 ft
The Bennett Store First, the Parade and
Then the Ball.
Our bargains are the Greatest thing PnsfciMo !n Kof-nomy. Our
Prl s Make Festivals and Holidays FREE. Fl'LL ANR EAY.
We Throw More Bargains I'jon Friday than We Ever Did on a 61ngl
Day In Our History. Mke 'em yours.
Bee thr royal robes ln.lwh street window.
Green Trading Stamps
With All Purchases.
A Few Ak - Sar -
Our Cloak
WOMEN'S 8tI Tf Samples snd oJd Suits tn walking and dress
Inigtha worth tU.00. $17. snd tZiW ail
WOMEN'S SUITS Including Jacket Suits, Louis XIV Suits.
Eton Suits and Corset Fitting Suite-all colors had been
marked t20i to 116.00
WOMEN'S WALKING SKIRTS Heavy melton, shrunk colors
black, navy and gray worth Ave dollars
at ...i
WOMEN'S SILK WAISTS Black peau do sole excellent quality
perfect make down rrom Ave dollars
FVR CAPES Electric seal thirty Inches long full satin lin
ing not dear at twenty-five dollars this week
ASTRAKHAN CAPES-Large and small curl twenty-five
dollar '-slues this week
CLOTH CAPES-Fine black kersey, good satin lining storm col
iar good value at eight dollars this week
l or
One big section full of fine Mercerised Satin Striped and Oxford
Waistlngs light and dark colorings lie quality for
KiO pairs 11-4 extra fine ail wool Blankets tn grays and tans
the five dollar grade special only
pair 60 dozen full bed slse Comforts covered with sllkollne filled with
the finest white cotton all knotted and tied our regular tl.Ti
quality for this week only each
10c and 15c OUTING FLANNEL the prettiest of patterns for-yard
We will soli the beet ten and fifteen cent WHITE CAMBRIC
at yard
All Day
One hundred pieces finest 76c and SBc fine all wool Dress Goods
all the newest fall styles your choice all day Friday
Ten pieces finest all silk black Peao de Sol. for dresses, skirts and r g-
Jackets guarantee stamped on selvidge our regular quality VJ.!'
all day for-yard -JW
Ak-Sar-Ben Bargains in
Best quality Iron Stone China Dinner Plates)
Ilaviland's White Hanson Cups and Saucers
High grade domestic white
tiinner sets, new shapes
Best nickle plated round
complete with decorated
chimney, each
No. 2 Rochester or Electric
We have a full line of
fancy can dictate for use at
are tbe freshest and finest on
list with prices specially cut.
Colgate's Dactylls, jn
per os tJ0
Rlckserker's Pins Pong. Cn
l-r os . OUv
Dal.lwtn's Plutn Blossom, 50c
iJruttiers'iiav Ue'lis,' Eflp
per os OVfc
Vce-olsy 'a Cytess. 71r
Tr o
Vw-olay's Chypre. 7Rr
per os a
Busy Busy Busy
Always Busy
Our grocery department la attract
ing attention all over far the hi a val
ues given. Everything strictly re
every purchase.
Free postal cards. Telephone 117.
Japan rice special, per lb Sc
Te at low prices.
B. F. JapMn. Oolong, Gunpowder,
English Breakfast, per lb c
Imperial Japan. p-r III 2f
Coftres roaated dally.
Santos coffee. gixl. 1 lb 12c
Oolden Kio. delicious. 1 lb S.c
Full line of pure splses.
Fresh, l pure country butter re
ceived direct from tha producers
Freab country butter, 1 lb 0e
Bennetts Capitol Creamery. 1 lb..!5c
fcmxK sour plcklea per dig he
Wisconsin cream cheese, 1 lb l!tc
8 ilmou. 1 can i(lc
Breakfast cocoa. lb can ;
Baking powder, H lb can iy
Akias-ua. new, s-lb. can lie
lmporttrd sardines, can lie bottle
Preserves, 1 lb Jar
French mustard, glass and apoon.'.luc
Pancake Hour, 1 lb package log
Special rates now on.
Pure ro k candy. r lb Ue
Cinnamon Imperial j -t
Wliitergreen berries, t lb lc
Boston baked beana, 1 lb jSc
Uum drops, 1 lb lie
You will have to hurry. Ton old
Smokera Friday afternoon, 4 to
p. m.-Ulllan Russell cigars. 10 for
Sc, each ISc-
Make Our Bargains Doubly Valuable.
Ben Wonders in
Five Cents a Yard
semi-porcelain '- A ft p?
nick burner reading lamps
shade and QQ
every desirable perfume that
the Coronation. Our goods
the market. Here's a select
Pinaud s Carnation Pink.
per os
Plnaud's Esnbaumea Violet.
per os
Toilet Waters,
yaca I owders.
latest toilet novelties tn perfumes.
Green Trading Stamps mean Interact
on tha money ou spend.
An overstock of a
Splendid Brand
Handsomely nickled, fully
guaranteed best grade
material made to sell for
This is tbe biggest fetove
bargain of tbe year.