TITE OMAHA DAILY REE: - MONDAY. OOiOHKK mi. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Serert Deolini in Wheat Took Placs cd Chicago Market Saturday. PRICE FOR CORN WAS ONE CENT LOWER Data Prleea Stamper! la Sympathy vtltk Other Grains, While the Prorlelona Market Waa oaneirhat Knalrr. . HI''AUO. (K'l. S.--A "vri? ,!. -.'line oc. urred In when! today. flu1 l'i lb- hnrNh advjees from tho southwest where the stock lire said to he piling UP rapidly, nml lecember flowed nt a loss of I'-'. ''i'"n Closed le lowr nnd oats were off ',f(c January provisions were from !'c to T'fcc lower. With the opening sales wheat prices started In a downward direct Inn and the decline continued throughout the entire session. The opening was barely i-tondy nn rather Indifferent cables, I)ec -ember being unchanged to a shade higher at T-MiTVjc. .eal nouses with Ht. Louis connect ions had selling orders from the start ami added to this whs the break of nearly 2o at St. I-ouls. The big houses hi re v,t:c on the selling side eaily ami thl started :i general liquidation tmd value: iler lined apldly. One of the chief f-icturs In creat ing the bearish sentiment tt.i-- the Luce firlmary receipts, those nt St. Ixnils show n( the greatest pain. There wns little de wand at any lime In the ..cssi-m. and the volume of trading was small, (."-ising price were at. a hoot th" bottom figures. fin I ! igures on iwcfmnrr being i;ie lower m T74fiT7c. Clearances of wheal and flour were eoual to !i'T.2uo hit. I'rlmnrv lecelpts were 1)41, 7fln hu., against 1.115.""" a "r ago. Minneapolis and Puluth reported re. celpts of W cars, whh-h. with local rc. caipt of M cam, none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of CI cars, against 877 last week and !Cl a year ago. Extremely favorable leather throughout the corn belt, together with the weakness In wheat, were responslhle for lower pices In corn. f'nmmMon houses were tlie .ct ae'lers. while shorts did most of the Inning. The volume of trading was llirht. After selling between 44S'S44c and lf.-V 45".c pn. cember closed lc lower at 44ie. local re. celpta were i0 cars, with 4'i of contract grade. The weakness In wheat nial corn wn the prlnclpsl factor In brlnaing out free selling of ots by discouraged longs, ami prices stumped accordingly. The bearish sVntl tnent was stimulated bv the flue weather, which Is aald to be resulting n freer offer ings from the country, flats were we:ik. jiecember aoll htweeri Mc and JS'.ic 1val receipts were I ears. There wsa Pule doing In the provision fit and prices were easier In svmpaihv with the lowr gr'n prlc. .Tanuni v port closed at a loss of lUr. at f 12.45. Januarv lard wns off juo at . S7V4 and ribs were down ;V(ir'e I 6 S7H. Estimated rereipts for Monday: TVltest, ears: corn, 465 cars; oats. 2" cars; hogs, V '4 head. The leading futures ranted n follow: .Article.! Open. ! High.l Iaw7 Close. Yey. No. S. tNew. Taah quotatlona were ns follows: IriJJf TR Rt-.nftv wfnui- .... t A., t- toar.; 4)0; s'relghts, te SOfFl oo- snrhia fii tents K2WK4.C0; atraighta,. a.St"(j4.00; bakerg, J2.C0j WHEAT No. 3. :2flS2o; No. 2 red. TTVrf 784. 'ORN-No. J. 44e: No. 2 yellow. V. OATS No. 2, 8.v(j;t7c; No. 3 white. U51V3 174C. TIT R No. i 53c. BARI.TCT Good fredlrg;, 4S45c: fair to CPo'ce malting, 47fi55c. REED No. 1 flax. !i5c: No. 1 northwestern. H.01H: prime timothy, 12 95; clover, contract fiait fflfl ?K ROVIBIONR Mesa pork, per bid.. $11 "5 1 . fill 60. Lard. per MO lbs.. t'M2K1i1 1',5 shoulders (boxed). Iti.ti." 75; short clear gldeg (boxed), S.75f9.U). Tha following were the receipts and ship, menu of flour and grab-: . , , TU-jelpta. Shipments. Flour, hhls i- i Tht. bu 1ti7.7no 1"1.. Corn, bu ;..415.i:"0 PSO Mo 0.',, ."U 1W4..3"" 1-s.HiW ny. u M.4(1 2 O'tn Barley, bu 125,7m) R,7tiu I On the Produce exchange todav the but.' ter market waa dull and easv; creameries I la204c; dairies. 14rtl!c. Ene. casv at"1 mark mmm I i,L.,r.. . ' I . i .,77,7, iwik, incese, ateady, llifllSc. JBW YORK UENKhAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Varloos i'orumodit lea. .?,!rTu,VORK- Oot' -K'-oi;RReceipts. 14.116 bbls.; exports. 11, ft, bhls.; sales 0 Sou ' Quiet, but with prl.-es steadily held. i-.inirr patenvs, i.s"'o i.jti; winter Ktralghts 1 $3.754f3.90: Minnesota patents. $4 7irti4 wi- ' winter extras. $2 ";!.25; Minnesota linkers'! I winter low grades, $J.7lK1(3 05 Rve flour, ' steady; fnlr to go-id. 13.15i.1 40 choice to fancy. $3.45i3.iiO. (X)BNMEAI-Dull; vellow western. $110 city. $l.fi: kiln dried., $3 2ifi3.25. RYE Easy; No. 3 western, f)'c. t. o. b float; state and Jersev, 67si5S!oe. H A RLE Y Quiet; feeding. 5c, c. I. f, Buffalo; malting. oStH'. c. I. f., HufTalo WHEAT Receipts, 92.650 bu.; exports. 16.162 bu. . The market for spot was easy; No. 2 red. elevator. 84e, and 8.1',e, f. 0. b , afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, IHiic, f. o. h , afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba. 92c, f. o. b., afloat. Opliona developed early strength on-higher cables and good local buying of December, but soon yielded to reulixing and wnstarn depression. The close was rather weak under a light export Inquiry and prospective latger receipts, closing Hc ret lower. May. 83 3-16l)S.t1c, closed S3V; December, 84 9-l86 l-le, cottd. 84iC tXlRN Receipts. 138 9i0 bu.: exports. 850 bu. The market for spot was casv; No. nominal, elevator. &3c, f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 yellow, 66r; No. 2 white, 53c. Options declined under liquidation ami favorable weather conditions. The market closed I weak. W7"V net lower. .Mac WV'51c. closed, Uc; December, ClVri51V. closed. HV. OATS Receipts, l,9afl bu.: exports. 21.BS9 bit. The market for pot was dull: No. 2. l,4e: standard white. 42c: No. 3. 4V; No. I white, 42c; NoS white, 41Vic; truck white, I1VMJ4(C. 1IAV Easy; shipping. fJVff'Oc; good to choice. 8t35c. HOPS Steady; state, medium to chol.-e. 191, ifciJiic; I'JtC cotninon to choice, 21 rf 6Sc; olds. 101jl3i-: Pacific viat. 19"3, com mon to choice, 27'fi32c. l;ic2, common to choice. ntfKSc; oldi-. livjrU'.c. VUDE8 Steady; Oalveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. 18c: California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texas, drv, 4 to an lbs.. 14c. I RATH EH Steady ; seld. 2325'. PROVISIONrt Beef, firm: family. $!0flil jll OO; mess. $ 0iiX.50: beef hams. $Jl.E"t 00: racket. $! 6u-ii 10.5": city extra India mess, $14. Sou 16.00. Cut meats, easy; pickled bellle. VVittllc; pickled tduiulders. 5,'nti.-, pickled hams. 11,'aUSe. lird. dull: west ern steamel, $8 25; October. .h.a.l, tk 25. nominal. Rellncd. easy; continent. South America. $9 25; compound. $7.12''d 1W. Pork, easv; family. $19.U'; short clear, $14.5i1ti .60: lTteas, $l3.7.Vdl4 50. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4'l 6c? Japan, 5-4i'is. UFTTER 4Julcl: extra creamery. 21c; reamery, common to choice. 16ii2Sc: Imi tation creamery. 15'alHc; rcnovuted. 13.'(jl7c; factory, 13V,ial5Se. CHEESE Uulet: state, full cream, fancy mall colored. 12'c; lure colirod, 12c; snr-ll white. 12c; large white. 12c. EvJGR Firm: stale and Penns Ivatiij, fancy mixed. Suhiodc; state and Pmisl I. ta, seconds to nrsts. 21j?4e; wcriern ex . traa. 2&c: refrigerated. liM'-'lc: western 1 firsts. 23:0 2 4c; western thlriis to seconds. 31 :2c. TALLOW Easy; city. 4c; country. 44 ' ' fhlladelohla Prodare Market. PHILADELPHIA. tt. 3-BITTER-Dul); Hi lower; extra wes;ern ireaiucry, Sic: extra neat by prints, 22 . EOJli Stedy. fair denial. d : fresh near he. !4c loos cff; fresh western. 2lV24c. loss off: fresh southwestern. 21V'l22c. lovs off; 1'resii oonthern. 2ij'.lc. loss off- ... i'HEBSE Firm, fair demand: New ork full creams, fancy. I2V,-; New York lull rrnams, choice. 12c: New York full (reams, fair to goovi, HSIiIm-'. LIVERPOOL, Oet. 3 WHEATtpot. No. I rtJ wlin SMiilvr, dull, 'd, Nu. 1 Whegt I I I 1 I tPee. !7sU' TS'V 7TU 7Ti;W' T I May I TDff'.B1 7!UI ' 78','S'.i: Ta'rfi, Corn 1 I I I I Oct. J 1 4; 0 Tj, ' 44V. f 4 41V' Tc. 'iSfitftS 45,'f'4 445i'3'li 44' 4. May I 4S'il 45'4' WWVi'h Oata-- I I I Oct. I a-itl' 31' 3-Wi ?'. iftfi. rec I w,' 3ni; 3.VK .ns-ti'iirTi' n;-. May I 37'4i Z7W SSS-WoHi' 35 i Pork- I! Oct. ! n ?o J ii 20 i it jo ! ii ai I ii m .Tan. 12 50 I 12 ,V I 12 4?'ii 12 45 ! 12 KK .May 12 65 I 12 0 112 4.". I 12 5t) 12 55 I.ard I I I I Oct. 7 R2'4' 7 ?Ht 7 fin ! 7 W 7 B2' rec. 6 92SI !2Hi R RT, fiso " Jan. 6 85 J 6 74l 6 8.ra! C 87 G St) Bibs (III Oct. 9 40 J 4A I 9 40 I fl 4S I 9 50 Jan. I 0 60 8 fiO ! 6 55 57'4' i iC'i ' ' t northern spring, no stock; futurrs, dull; Oc tober 'is 3'd; December. s l'd. 'dUX- Spot. American mixed, inlet; 4a 4'yl, future". 1 1 1 1 1 ; I lefober. 4 :i"td; N'ovem tier. 4s 3d; Lieeember. 4s ?.d. OMAHA MIOI.KAI.K (RKET. C ondltlon of Trade and .Quotation! -n Staple and f'aner Preaacf. Kt HJH f.t eh stock, losa oft, 13c. Pi n,TK V Hens, c; spring chick en. !! lac; rostrs, according to age. 4iw: to. keys. Il(ni2c; old ducks, 6c young (luck. V'lS'.r. IJl'TTbH-Packlng stock. l.WMHc: choice to fancy dairy, in. tubs. 19 itc; separator, Lie. KrtKSH F1HI I Fresh c.mght trout. 11c; pickerel. Se: pike. Mc. prch. ijc; b'lrTalo. T't'ule; bhietish. ISc; whlteflsh. lue: halmon. 1e; haddock. I'V. codfish, 12i.; redsrapper. lie: lobsters, boiled, per lb., lobsters, green, per li.. c: bullhead, lie; caitish, lie: blaek bas.s. .r.d2;c; helltut. 9c; oappiea, 1-e; herring. He; white hats. Me: blueftns. Ic. i 'VSTKKS- Kw York counts, per can, ("; cr gal., fl.vfl; extr.i selects, per cats. .T7c; j.cr j;al.. tl. 75; rtandatd, per can, 3'c ; per gil.. tl .:". . PKAIRIK CIirCKF.NS-Per dot, I5.' G.w HHAN-Prt ion. 114. OC. HAY Prlc-r quoted by Omaha Whole-s-ilc Denleis' association: Choice No. 1 up land, 'i.oi; No. 2. $.1.51: medium, Is.iO; carse, v.S. Rye straw, 7.00. These prices are fur hay of good color and quality. Pe mand fair w-.il receipts light. ('i)RX-l'. i ATS Mc. t:yk-No. 2. vi;uKTAr.r:5. ' roT.TOF.S-l tali and Dakota, per bu., 75 c. KWKKT POTATOES Home grown, per b;l.e, tjiic; A" i j gi n I ! ". per 3-blt. btil.. HEANS - Hi me grown, wax, per market b.iket. 4o.ioi''; airing, per iuhi basket. 1'r.(:o. T'lATt iKS Home grown, per basket, Jt. NAVY PK A Per bit.. $!... fF.LEllY -Michigan, ptr dor... 033o; 1,'IEe western. 4&C Nf.NS New home grown, ilr', per lb l'y: Spanish, pee crate. $1.7i. l.r.fi Pl,ANT-Pei- doz . II .90. FRFIT.o 1'1,1'MS- l lah and Colorado. Ivtctl.OO. PTcFNEi4 Italian, ;.cr box. 1.0): Mlver, Jl.Ki PEACHES - Cnlifornl.i 8a la way a. I1.00; Ftah freestones. il.W: (oloiado Albertas, tl.io. PEARS-t'nlorado and Itah Sheldon, luilehes. jier h,,x. $2.2512.80. t'RARAPPI.ES- Per l.hl t 00 A I 'PLEH - Jonathans and tlrlmes fjolden. M E"'i:: 75; Snows. J;:.:.'., Michigan stock, $3.60: California pellflowers. per box, JI.50; New York stin k, $! Wi; Oregon Spitz, Openings nnil tlrlmes (lolden, per box, 1 15. ORAPES -California T.iknys. $160; Corln eholn, SI oO: Muscats. $1.25: home grown, per S-lb. basket. 231 24e; New York. 27e. CRANPERHIES- Per bbl., $7.2r.'n 7 50; per box, $2.5nr2.7S. TROF'ICAT, FRt'lTS. ORANOES-Valeneles. tX-lu fixes. $1.15; Mexican, all sizes, $4.00. HA NAN AS Per bunch. $20Ofi25O; Jum bos, tl 00. LEMON'S--California fancv. 300 to 3'V1 Bliea, $1.25; choice, 240 to :70 sl7.es, $4 0fifl4.2i. MISCEIr.ANEOl'S. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, fi.ll cream. 125-; Wisconsin feting AmcriciiS, 13'4c; black Swiss. 15c: Wisconsin brick. Wisconsin limhoiger, 12c. HONEY Nebraska, per 24 frames. $3.50; I'lah and Colorado, per 24 frames, $.1 .50. POPCORN Per lb.. 2V: shelled. 883Hf- HIDES No. 1 green, ti'tc; No. 2 green, 6'so; No. 1 salteu. ftc; No. 2 salted, Clac; No. 1 veal calf, 3 to 12 lbs.. Rite; No. 2 veal cnlf. 12 to 16 Iba.. 4c: dry salted hides, turf lie; sheep pells, 25&.5c; horse hides. $1.50'tf Nl.'TS Walnuts. No. 1 sort-ahetl. per lb. 17c; hard-shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2 soft-shell, per lb. 3c: No: 2 hard-shell, per lb.. 12c; Brazils, per lb, 12c; filberts, per ;b.. 12c; almonds, soft-shell, per lb., ISc; hard-shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 124ci small, per lb., 11c; peanuts, por lb. 5Vc; roasted peanuts. ;er lb., 7c. Kt. I.onls Grain and Provisions. ST. ITIMS. Oct. IT-WHEAT-Market lower; No. 2 cish, elevator. 8547Hc; lie. ember, R3c; May, Sic; No. 2 hard, 77 CORN Mai ket lower; No. 2 cash, H7t4g 3Sc; December, 35'.4c; May, liS'.ic; No. 2 white, 41943o RTE Market steady; No. 2. 62i53c. FMU'R-Qulet. firm; red winter patents. 3Xfi4.10; extra fancy and straight. $3.ti0 3.95; clear. $3 :Vr3. 40. SEED Timothy, Hteadv, $2.75i&3.25. COUNMKAL-Steady, $2.70. RR AN Dull, slow; sacked, east track, 75i 80c. HAY Quiet: timothy. $S.00gi2.5fl; prairie. IW.iHWi 10.00. IKON COTTON TIES $1.05. PAOOINtl 6io. -HEMP TWINE 4c. PROVISIONS Pork. higher: Jobbing. $11.90. I.ard. Ilrm. $7.55. Bacon I boxed ), steady: extra shorts, $10; clear ribs. $10; short clear. $10.50. M ETAL8 Lead: Steady at $4.30. fipalter: Steady nt $5.t0. POI I.TRY-Market steady; chickens, oil. Wc; springs, 10c: turkeys, springs, 10c; ducks, 9c; geese, H4c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls R.oon . 11,000 Wheat, bu 9."iiii 36,000 Corn, hu ,. 4fj."0ll 31,i)0 Oats, bu 52.000 11,000 Kansas C ity Grain end Prorlsions. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct 3. WHEAT Kceember. fiiforWic; Mav. 68Hc; cash No. 2 hard. 71iiV72c; No. 3, 670Sc; No. 4, 6UVi 'atMc: rejected. oW0,c; No. 2 red, 80iiSlc: N. 3. 75W78.'. CORN October. 38e; December. 37c: May, 37'8r37Vic: cusli No. 2 mixed, 39Uc; No. 2 white. 401ic: No. 3. 40c. OATS-No. 2 white, 3941c; No. 2 mixed, 37i.'c. ' RYE No. 2. 5,'c. HAY Timothy, choice. $95ofil0.00; choice prairie. $800(uS.25. BrTTER-Creamery, lS'iS19'c; dairy, fancy. 17c. EOOS Steady; Missouri and Ksnraj ati.ek. cuaes returned, 17ij-: r.ew No. 2 whltewood cases Included. Rc. RecelDts. Shloments Wheat, bu 225.60O 14. Corn, bu 26.4tii' 30.400 OaU, bu U.O'K) 10,On0 gngar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Oct. a.-SPOAR Raw. steady; fair refining. 3Sr; centrifugal, 91 test. 3 2!i-32c: molahaes sugar, S 6-3ic. Re fined quiet. No. 6, 4.40c; No. 7. 4.35c; No 8. 4.30c; No. 9. 4.25c; No. 10, 4 25c; No. II. 4.15c; No. 12. 4.10c: No. . 13. 4.05c; No. 14. 4o : confectioners' A, 4f5c; mould A. 5.05c; cut loaf, 6.4c ; crushed. 5.40c; powdereJ 4.90o; granulated. 4 80c; cubes. 5.1.5c. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. Jlii442c. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 3.-KPGAR Dull ; open kettle, eentrifugal. SViWic; centrtf ugal whites, 4V: yellow, 3 13-16c; seconds 2t2V. . MOLASSES -Dull; centrifugal, CSi'sc Evaporated Apples and Dried Pralts. NEW YORK. Oct. Ja-EVAPORATED a t t tjr.n 1 ne market continues quiet. Common continues imlet at 4tjs5c; prime, 5ti6ric: choice. 6r6Hc; fancy, (".(iiTVic. I'Rl'NES Were In good demund and ruled firm at from 3'e to 7c for all grades. APHK'OTS Firm and a fair Jobbing de mand reported. Choice reported at foli l"c: extra choice. 94'(i Iti'ic: fancv, 10'4'9l2c. PEACHES Steady; 74t7to ifor cholcs and 7'fr8,4C for extra choice. Minneapolia Wheat, f'loar and Bran, MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 3 WHEAT De cember. Vtltyt'TVi May. 77je. On track: No. 1 hard. ?; No. 1 northern. 79c; No. 2 northern. V6477"; No. 3 northern, 7.i73c. I'LOFR Dull: second patents, $4.vViri4.70; firm clears, t.t.50 l!RAN-ln bulk. $13-75fjl4 00. Milwankee Ciraln Market. MILWAFKEE. Oct. J.-WHKAT-'ilo lower; No. 1 northern. 8fii84',.c; No. 2 north ern, 79(nS2c; iKcembcr. 77,e. P.YE-Iiwer. No. 1. 56a57c. UAKI.hY-W'eu k ; No. 2, 64V; Siimple, 44ff U0v. CORN De ember. 44e''r444c. Prorla Graia Market. PEORIA, Oct. 3. CORN No. J, 44,c; No. 4. 434C. OATS-3.4C. nnlath Grain Market. DI LI") II. Oct 3,-WHEAT-On track: No. 1 1101 1 hern, 7S'c; No. 2 northern, OATS 3-tc. Toledo feed Market. TOLEDO. Oct 3 8EEDS-Clover, Octo ber. Vi."1?'-; December and January, K.T?t. limothy. Sl tV). Alslke. $6.60. M:tal Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 3. M ETA 14 The markets showed no Impoitaut featuie to day. busi'i-.i being of a usual Saturdav average. The pig iron ultuutioii has not Ix-ru improved bv the attiynpts to secure 11 curtailment in production and prices are nominally unchanged. Tin. firm at lJ 25f '6 si. Cupper, nominal: lake and electro lytic. $1.1 wii 13.25; custing, $13.i. 1,-a.l, firm at tti.U). WkUkg Market. PEORIA. Oct. $. WHIbKT Steady on h im of St 23. ST. IX"i I IS. Oct. J WHISKY' Steady on bsi of $1 :i CINf 'INN ATI, Oct. J. WHIBKT Di" tit le! ' uuinhci to -His, stcaiiy, oa bs.111 ef tl 21 OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Cattla Receipti Heary for the Week and A 1 Kin tin Bold Lower. HOGS ALSO SOME LOWER THAN WEEK AGO Liberal Receipts of Sheep and l.amhs, . hat Demand for Killers and Feed er Has Keen Heavy- Enough to Keep Prices lend. SOUTH OMAHA, Oet. Receipt were; Cat 11c Il"(;s. Sheep. Official Monday Official Tuesday Ofliciftl Wednesday, nmeia! Thursday". Official Friday Official Saturday. .. 1. :0.;8 .. 7.4... . . .7S 6. Pit li.Hi: 5.111 " 4, i'5'l 31.1 'I ..vi 11.. .-5 'iio H'k ending Oct. 3....31.KI1 2H.4S7 72.070 Week ending Sept. 2ti....33.r.,7 ' 1H.7S5 ti'.'.L'W Week ending Sept. 10. . . .29, 81 "I 2it.tC7 45.H Week ending Sept. 12. ...23.353 37.822 65.73S Week ending Sept. R 20.4H': 37.8JS Hl.!'5t Same week last year 3i.av; 17.075 ti7.9i;j RECEIPTS FOP. THE YEAR TO DATE. The lollowlng tuble shows tnu receipts of cattle, hogs uud sheep Ht Soui.i i.inaiia for I lie year lu dale and comparisons -.v:i i l.tnt eur: 19..1J. i:r. Inc. t Httle u-j.ii.i7 4.3."5 Hogs 1.77',.:'. 1 .7C...-') 1J,3i'7 Shtp '. 1.117,15 1,057194 tu."4 Aera;e piles pHid fi.r hug at South Omaha for the la-i several days with com patlsons; Date. ! 3XJ. ;1902. 1901.1POO. '1899. 1WIS. 1S97. Sept. 20.. I Sept 21. .. Sept, 22..) Sept 23.. 1 Sept. V4.. Sept. 25 . ( Sept. 2..l 7 38 6 761 I l 7 49f I 7 1.1: 6 S9; T 7l t 34; 7 65 ""I 7 37; 75i 311 ll i9, I M 7 31 7 22j 6 37 7 1 1: ii 75, 7 wi 1; &x: 7 3": 6 5.1, 6 22 6 23; '."I S 14 5 It, 5 16. j '.5i 5 161 V7 5 13: 5 is; 5 19 4 31; 4 31; 4 36; V' 4 41 4 39 3K 4 44; 4 37, 4 3: 1 4 Mi 4 4 !, 3 71 i 3 71 3 7:i 3 7. v 3 71 721 4 (.3 4 01 3 8 3 7 8 Ml 3 82 3 7H 3 81 3 81 6 81 5 8-1 6 77S 5 74'k 5 6,( 6 W'sl 5 69 I 5 71V S 7"-'4, o 62H, a ! 5 6r.it Sept. 27. Sept. 2V Sept. 2. Sept. 30. 3 61 3 64 3 (ill 3 71 1 3 SI 3 8 3 7 Oct. 1 ... Oct. 1 Oct. 3... . 1 3 66 The offielal number of cars of stock brought in today by each road wai-: cattle, llogs. an p. uri. C M. & St. P. Rv.. 1" Walmsh fnlon Tac. Svstem.. C. A N. W. Rv V., E. & M V. R. It. C. Sr. P . M O ... H. A M. R R. R C.. B. 4 Q. Rv K. C. A St. J C. P.. 1. & 1'... euat. . 1 7 4 15 1 Total receipts f.S The disposition of the day's receipts was s follows, each buyer purchasing ths num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Ho. sheep. Omaha PS'king Co 363 swirt and company s.w Cudahy Packing Co W6 Armour Co 31 7::i Armour & Co . 8. City 4"2 poildln Price....- ivl Morton & G 1 Other buyers GO 3S8 192 t8) Totals 94- 3.7(17 Lead COM'L 3.one,. 3 CATTLE There were practicully no cat tle on suae tnls morning wlin wnich to make a teat or the inarKut. F.ir tno weeK receipts at this point have not been exces sive an mere Is a oecreaae as computed with last week of about 2.0..O begu. and as compared with the same days ot last year the, decrease amciin.s to atiout 7,uu heuo. At Chicago, however, e.-peciuhy th tlrst of the week, supplies were so neavy thai tha market was piactlcatly demoralized and tha supplies since that time nave been Heavy enougn to prevent much ot n. reeowiy. Pries at this point of course have surtercj in Hympathy, out stl.l the break nas not been as raolcal as at soma other markets. 'Ihe supply of corn ted steers haw b.-en moderate ail tho weeit, and ns 11 reside prices have not suffered very badly. '1 he top price of the week was f.bi. paid on Tuesday, and since that time there have been no choice cattle offered, so It Is Im possible to tell what they would bring, i'he best grades, though, are probably not over hxqloc lower, wuli the common and warmea-up grade luihc lower. Oood to choice cattle may be quoted from ti.inao.5o; fair to good, M r.vg5.0u; and common from H.75 down. The cow market has been well supplied all the week, mostly with western rangers. Strictly cho.ee cows, which hve been very scarce, are pernaps not over 15c lower for the week, while the commoner grades, and particularly cttn tiers, are 154125c tower, t'anners sell from $1.6012.00, fair to good grades from J2.0d4j2.6o. and good to choice are quotable trom $2.75?'3.25. On Wednes day and Thursday it was almost Impossible to get over $3 00 for anything, but on Fr.day the feeling Improved considerably. Bulls are a little lower in sympathy with the decline on other grades and sell largelv from $2.0y&2.40. Veal calves have not shown much change. . This has been the most succcsf ful week of the year In the feeder division. In spite of the fact the.t the tendency of prices has been downward. Country buyers have taken hold In much better shape than at any previous time, and over lOo cars have been shipped to the country most every day. Owing to the henvy receipts, how ever. prlc.ee are considerably lower. The best heavy dehorned feeders are probably not over 10W15c lower for the week, while the light and medium weights are, and especially those lacking In quality. I5;1 25c lower. Very few rattle will be carried oyer Sunday in. the hands of speculators, and as a result the pens will be practically emptv for M'-nday morning. Choice heavv feeders mav be quoted from $3.50r4 15; fair to good. $3.0Oii;).4O; and common stuff from $3.00 down. There has been a big run of western grass beef steers on sale all the week, but the uuallly has been verv Inferior. The best grades are about hrt&'l&c lower for the week, with the commoner kinds 154t'J5c lower. The best grades aell largely from $3,504?) 4.25; fair to good. 3.253 50; and the cotn inon atuff from $3.25 down. Western grass cows and Blockers and feeders have fluctu ated just shout the same a-i noted above for the natives. HOiTS There was Just, a fair run of hog here this morning for a Saturdav nnd thoe were very slow In arriving, which delayed the market in bad shape. At the beginning ho-s sold strong to a nickel higher, hut after packers had fhelr more ura-ent orders filled thev were not so anxious for bogs nd the late arrivals sold a Mg &c lower than the nrtv- iuIm 'di ttt.ll rt tt.A h,a,' hnrs sold enrly from xS.09 to $5 65. but th" J tale neas pad to sell In some cases as low nn $5 55. Medium welehts went fnostlv fmm $S.5 to $5.70 and lights from $5.7" to 15 75. For the tlm of venr the receipts this week have been fairly ltheral ns there Is a e-etn over last week amounting to about 5.0m head and as compiled with the same week of last enr the increase mounts to shout. 10 000 head. PMccs have chns-d I11 tlnie from day to day. but as comired with the dose of last week the market Is fully a nickel lower. Representative sales: No. At. Sh. Pr. No. nr. bb. tt. ll ? tin 5 r.i Si jii ... i ti r.T .'7 8 ? S'iZ 4 8 6 (( ::n Ml 5 tM t.4 :7 41 i -, i-7 sit nu 6 i'. :o 10 it: 6r. !. ... a ) 2 ... ft 6.", mi '...zt; 40 t r.5 mi ... :, 2. to . ', -,. t ;. -:. U4 zhf l'.'u s ;, c ?., no r, i ? mo 5 ij'-j i; in :iii f. 0.-, :-s7 ... mt, ;-4 :ii r. tpi so si: 4 s i.'i, ... :, 7', 47 so ... r. (:, j :-t,4 yii r. 7'- W l.' "i 73 -.'.Ii ... 5 70 1 :3 i?i i ' w ..:s 44 s -n 4 :i s -; -.itj m 6 in i r4 () i Wi SI 1'44 Krt 1 - :f ... 5 " nt ... 8 7'. .! l 40. 3 :. i 7;ii '. ... 6 -. 4! Mi no SHEEP There i;ns bren a very heavy tun of sheen here this week, us there 1. n gain over last we. k of abum a.mxl lo ad, and over the same week or iaL year of aliout u.tiOO head, 'i'he demand, though, lias been lu good shape und all desirable arrades have inn with ready sale ut steady prices. Paikera all had liberal orders ll.ix week lor deniable grades and with the oitile rxcepilon of Tuesday and Wedix-sday, when there were a few weak spots, tho maiket baa ruled actiw nnd steady. The commoner grades of course iiuve Imhi neg lected to some extent and may txi a little weak. The big bulk of the offerings on most lays consisted ot f-edei s. hut as there weie a good many heavy bue:-s on the market pti es have held steady on all de sirable sra Common lambs and old ewes 1, re Cue only kinds that have shown anv weakness. quotations for gross stork: Choice west ern lambs, $1 7;i.i0, fair t) good larohs, H'fii',i, choice yearlings. 2 6"a4.8i; lair to gixid vearllngs, $1 4xn3 60; rlnmc weth ers. f.SMhS&l; li'lr to K'Kl wethers. $3 15'rr $15; choice ewes. $3 1(3 : fair to KOod ces, $2 65(i2.0; choieu i.-eO'T .ami's 84 U 4 5"; fair to good fe Jer latr.bs. S3 5ti4.00; feder yearlings. $3 27. u 3 60; feeder wethers, JJKwiJ'o; feuer siics. $1 9O'd2.50. 338 Wyoming ewes 90 2 90 t, ltuls l.lvo Stuck Market. ST. IXJCIS. O. I. 3. f'ATTLK Receipts. Isi head. Including 4ou Trxan; market dull but steady: native ahlping and export steers. $4..io4l5.75. the lop obtainable, for strictly fancy; oreseej beef sn.l hjielu r .teers, tt.iio 60; tee!4 uniVr I, 'Ml lbs.. $J 7ia 2i, aiwcktrra maiy (vui:r, $2 vji 1J; - - ... .... , cons and heifers. $2 . 25fi I TS. th fop corn fed helters; runners, $1 .72tti.l"; bulls. 12.5" l.t'; ales. $2.5Vj4in; Texas and IndlKn si'ers, r: .3h4.2ii: cows and heifers, $2.t1f 2 y. MUCH Receipt, jrt.i head; market was stead v to -trot.g; vice and '.Ights. $5.nnf't 6 .0, packers. $s.t.ii.it; butchers and best henvx. V. ."o'afi 20. SHEEP AM) I.AM US Receipts, ton head; market steadv; mitlve millions, 3.3r4.': lanih.j. tt 1"''ln 7"; , nils and bucks, 2."0' 4.1V; ttockers. $2.efK,3..i. I lilt Ann LIVE ST4K'K M All KMT, llabt Receipts for All Kinds, nltlt 9teadj Markets, ma the Rnle. CHICAOi. Oct. 3 CATTLE Receipts, ;i' li.aii. The market vk nominal; good to prime steers, Jj.2.Vi6.(: poor to medium, H.rnKi i.sn: stoekers and feeders, $2.2.i,"'r4.15; cows tl it4.g; hef.rs. $2.(.t4l 1.73: CHtinrrs, W.4I4T2..S-: hulls, 2.i'r4.r'i; .ulvcs. ?:!.50':( 7 H: Texas wteers, Sv.7brl.75; weterri steer.4, $3.""i4f.". Hot IS Receipts todav. 7.0ii head; Mon day (estlmatcu), 2.""0 head. The niaiket was steady; nilxi-d and butchers, $5.i'.5T 0 5"; good to choice beavv. T.h5b4i.l5; rougn heavy, $.i 2v..i.h1i; light, fo.Syo .at); bulk of pales. l5.6t.Mt i.a. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt.", 25,000 head. Tho market lor sheep and lambs was steady; good to cholco wethers, $3.3 M4.25; fair to choice mixed, t2.2.3.ir; western sheep, $2.&rfr4. 00; native lambs, 3.5) (o5.75; western lambs, $4.H'r5.50. Kansns City live Stork MnrUei. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 3. C ATT I. E Re ceipts. 6"0 head; market unchanged; choice export and dresveil beef steers, tl.tWr.i. 25; fair to good. J4.l'u4 .: Mockers and feed, ere. $J.Jfi4.li; western-led st : -, s.'.754r 4 . fi' 1 ; Texas nml Indian r'. ers, 9.50'd3.ii5; Texas cows. 41 .7.'ii 2 2.: native cons. i.2.r. ".50; natlo heifers. 2..'o4 '": cunners, $l.iv frt2.4": bulls, $1 .Vtfj.l.na; calves, 2.tn.on. Receipts for week; Cattle, 70. 9M; calves, 84.900. MOOS Receipts, 4. 'Do head; nitkt was strong; top-. Ifi.05; bulk of sales. $5.ti54i5.?0: heavj. $5.5')'j j.i; mixed packers. $.65-i 5.90; light. t5.7u'dil.05: yorkers. tR.fXxS.ni,; pigs. 5.r'ji5 85. Receipts for week. 3!'.5O0. SHEEP AND LAM US No receipts; un changed; native lambs, $3.2S'if5.0o: western lamb)-. 2.9"fr6.15; fed ewes. $2.00rt3.75: Texas clipped yearlings, $2.501 4.U": Texas clipped sheep, $2. 409) Hi 75; stockers and feed ers. $2.0tKj3.6O. Uccelpts for week, .tn.SiX. eir York l ive Stock Market. NEW' YORK. Oct. 3.-REEVE8-N0 re ceipts, dressed liecf, steady; city dtessed native sides. 6'i9c. Exports for today, 820 cattle nnd 3.5oti o,uarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, fi head; 23 head on sale, nearlv all western calves. Reported sales were of a few vc-ula at $7.lW8EO; city dressed veals, 81i'o"13He. jKii s Receipts. 1.140 head. Reported sales were oTVfew state hogs at $'i..O ard a deck of western bogs af $ iO SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts. 2.1..9 head. Dull, rated steady, in prlc-s weak; about six cats of stock unsold; a few sheep sold ut 11.00; lambs, st $" 751tf..?5; a. car of Canada. at $5.80; dressed inuttoi,. ul.Wic; dressed la nibs, 7'4y!rI0,.ic. Mont City Lire Mock Market. SIOVX CITY. la.. Oct. (Special Tele gram.) CATTIF,-Recepts. VO; niutket steadv; beeves. $t.U0ii'n.4o; cows, bull 1 end mixed. $2 2Ofl3.70; stockers and feeders, $2.,0 fi5.Rii: calve and yearlings, $2-5'k'o3.5i HOCiS Receipts. 2.2C"; market steadv ti strong at $5.55rgo.0;, bulk, $5.b.v5.6i. ft. Joseph Live glock Market. ST. .IOSEPIT. f)t. 3 CATTLE Receipts, 8i",4 head. The market waa steady. HOi IS Receipts. 2.907 head: lit;ht. 5 70ft 6(6; medium and heavy, $5 4'Vfi.).5. bulk. $5 4.vfv..oti. SHi.EP AND LAM RS Reeoipts. non. Stock in Sight. Following are' the receipts of live stock at Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 6ft 4,11:1 410 .. 3"" 7.001 ?,,000 .. 500 4.1100 ...... .. .Vi 3.000 400 .. 864 2.907 ., 100 2.200 .,314 25,157 :5.810 Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis St. Joseph ... Sioux City .. Totals Coffee Market, NEW YORK. Oct. 3. COFFEE The market for future opened steady at a decline of S points; under realltinr. follow ing the decline in Hamburg and the In crease In the world visible supply. Which amounted to 622.229' bags . for the month and places the invenrnt. supply at 13,770,429 bugs, against- 13.0t'.t,325 bags last : year. Aside from Havre the foreign markets were steady, Willi Clin Brazilian centers re porting advances. Primary receipts also were moderate, but. as the session prog ressed liquidating became heavier and at one time pilces were 610 points lower. Just before the close demand increased and the market was finally steady at a partial decline of . 5 points. Sales were 26.250 bogs, including November at 4.70 4.75c: December. 5.0f.c: January. 5.U"5.10c; March. 5.25frr6.30c; May-. 5.40d5.45c; July. 5.65c; August, 5 5ic; September, oft'e. Weekly Bank statement. NEW YORK. Oct. 3 The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this cltv for the week shows: Loans. 1912. 9O3.10O. decrease $4.144.io: deposits. $-9 214 4(0. decrease $4,130,800: circulation. $45,674,700. de crease $11.80"; legal tenders. $70,762.7(0. de crease $1,057 h)0; specie. $167,478,400. decease $'W.4oO: reserve. $2:18.241. 100. decrease fl 664--500; reserve required. $224. 303.6(4), decrease 81.O3V0O: surplus. $13,937,600. decrease $!!. 800. ex-I'nlted States deposits, $22,139,700. de crease $l.lo!.800 Bank Clearing for Week. OMAHA. Oct. 3 Bank clearings for the week ending today are $7,747,134.53, a de crease over the corresponding week of last year of $175,849.87. ' 1902. ' 1903. M0nd.1v ,$1,29,6"2.."1 $1,458,533.10 Ti.esdaV 1,249.450. o 1.187,799.78 Wednesday ........... 1,291.860. 19 1.164.614.38 Thursday 1.4;i.835.3 1,373,033.71 Friday 1.257.0O5.O8 1.361.119.13 Saturday 1.2M.330.S3 1.377.83. 97 Totals.. ....$7,747,134.13 $7,922,984.40 Wool Market. ST. LOriS. O. t. 3 WOOI Steady : me dium grades, combing and clothing, 1602U ; light fine. l5'17Hc; heavy fine, 12''J14c; tub washed. XHtfW- LONDON. Oct. 3. WOOL During the week there has been a fair Inquiry at lirni prices. The arrivals for the sixth series of auction sales amount to 208.408 bales. The Imports during the week were: New South Wales, 4'JO bales, Queensland, 1.073 bales; Victoria. 6.576 bales; South Aus tralia. 1.900 bales; Cape of flood Hope and Natal. 36 bales; elsewhere. 304 bales. Exports and Impor.i at rm York. NEW YORK, Oct. 3 Total Imports of merchandise and dry goods at the port ol New York lor this week were $10.i3S.SS. Total Imports of specie at the port of New York fur this week were $52,155 silver and t il 041 gold. Torn! exports of rpecle from the port of New York lor this week were $s52.6V silver and !1,000 gold. Cotton Mar ket. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 3 COTTON Closing: Spot, in limited demand, prices 8 to 12 points lower; American middling. 6 9Cd. NO DATE F0 CONVENTION Time of County Meeting Is 'ot Yet Fixed by the Demo, e rnts. The democratic city committee met Sat urday at the Jacksonlan club to arrange for culling a city convention for the nomi nation of school board candidates. The met tills? ' called to order by Chair man Rullard. A motion prevailed "hal the city delegates to the county convention shall constitute the delegates to the county convention. The secretary announced that there was u vacancy on the city committee owing to the fact that Committeeman Hart had moved from the Eighth ward to the Fifth ward. Mr. T. II. Compte was elected from the Eighth ward to fill the vacancy. After some dlscnshion relative to fixing the date for the city convention the chair man was authorised to look into the leg il requirements regarding the matter and Is sue the call, fixing the date therefor. Candidates for the school board thus far announced on the democratic ticket are Mr. Peterson of the Eighth ward and .Mr. Oeorge Prltchelt, who bus an office In th Ftrst National bank building. VEARE GRAIN CO. 110.111 Boar ( Traso. OMAHA, NEB. j W. K. Ward. Maoager. Tel. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Cordial TarewtU Reception Will Be Giren Fther Moriarty. ALL CITY REGRETS HIS CEPARTURE Officials, Business Men and Clergy Will Join la Extending Greet ings to the Pioneer Priest. Rev. D. W. Moriarty will drllver 1,1s lust sermon at St. Agnes' chinch at 10 o'clock this morning, he having been transferred at his own tequ st to tho :T?niovat le parish at Jackson. Neb. Father Moriarty has bc?n In South Omaha sixteen years and lias hosts of friends, having a personal acquaintance with almost every tine In the city. His de rnrture is grently regretted by his friends and the members of his parish h.'re. Father Moriarty declares tl iit his health is falling and he desires to ltmove to some parish where there is not so much work and thu. give him n chance to recover his health. In the building of St. Agnes' church, tl.e parochial school and t lie reclnrage Father Moriarty has worked hard to obtain suffi cient funds, and the nfTalrs of this chui' li are now considered to be In lirst-ciass con dition. In order to do honor t the departing prle.st the members of the congregation and the friends of Father Moriarty have planned a, reception for him at Ancient Order of l.'nlted Workmen temple. Twenty-fifth and M streets, on Tuesday night. A genera! invitation Is extended to the public. Tho reception will be held at S o'clock. A lengthy program lias been prepared. Fiivt. there will be a selection by un or chestra. Dr. W. J. MoCrann. chairman, will state briefly the object of the meeting. The Knights of Columbus quailet will gr.s a selection nnd thc.i Rev. R. L. Whc-let, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will make an address. P.ev. Mr. Wheel. -r will speak particularly of "the high repaid In which Father Moriarty Is held In il. pastors a,ad church workers In Soul It Omaha. Coming after the address of new Mr. Wheeler Miss Maud O'Ncil will sunt a vocal solo. This wili he fotl.twcd by ai. address delivered bv Rev. Charles Mugaii. A. II. Mutdock "ill make an ml. dress and express regrets on the part of the city nt iargc that South Omaha Is to lose such a valued citizen. Miss Margaret O'Toole is next on the program lor a vocal solo. Rev. '' Callahan of SI. Hridget's r.hureh, Jay .1. Laviric, (.d ietary of the Hoard of Kilucaliiin. and Captain D S. Pnrkhurst, prcsiilei 1 ol the South Omaha Ll'e Stock exchange. Hre d iv.ii lor brief remarks. Thomas J. Nolan will deliver the principal address of the ovenlng and present :i set of resolutions regarding tho departure of Father Moriarty In addition to the resolution Mr. Nolan will present ! the departing priest with a number of valuable, presents, the. gifts of friends In tho Magic City. Father Moriarty Is the last, on the program. After the presenta tion he will reply to the remarks of Mr. Nolan ar,d the others. Republican Primaries Tuesday. Republican primaries will be held In South Omaha Tuesday, October 6. Tho polls will be opened at noon and will re main open until 7 p. m. There will be two voting precincts In each ward, making twelve voting places In ul. The voting booths are located as follows: First Ward First district. Ilckman's store. Twentieth and L streets; Second district. Collins' store, 627 North Twenty fourth street. Second Ward First district, feed store, Twentv-flrst and Q streets; Second district. 230s N street. Third Ward First district. Railroad ave nue and Countv road; Second district. Eagle house. Thirty-second and T streets. Fourtli- Wnrd First district. Twenty, sixth and O streets; Second district, Thirty second tnd L strtcts. Fifth Ward First district, lumber office, Thirtv-flfth and G streets; Second district, Thlrtv-tdxth and Q streets. Sixth Ward First district, 1 ronson s, Twentv-fourth and (i streets; Second dis trict, Mayberry building, Twenty-fifth, be tween M nnd N streets. Indcrtaklna; Rooms Damaged. The undertaking rooms of the George IT. Brewer company . were considerably dam aged by fire yesterday morning. This estab lishment is located at 414 .North Twenty fifth street. Only by extremely hard work on the pnit of the fire department was the loss kept down to $10. From n examina tion made after the lire was out it wai discovered that the blaze started In the workroom In the basement, but 110 cause can be assigned. The company carried quite M. stock of expensive caskets nnd these were mostly ruined by smoke and water, very few being burned. As it is expected that it will take a day or two to adjust the insurance, Mr. Brewer se cured the building at 411 North Twenty-fifth street and is now ready for buslners. Lull ing the fire Chief Oarrett was slightly in jured by a heavy casket falling on his left hand. Chief Oarrclt says that only by the use of plenty of water could he prevent tho llames from spreading, as the wind waa blowing hard at the time. Legal Department Hnsjr. The legal department of South Omaha Is busy Just now In preparing for cases to be called III court shortly. Special Agent Barrett ban only recently recovered from a severe illness and when he reached iil.s office a day or two ago he found a lot of work piled up. He is doing all he can to get wltnest-es and evldenco together for the use of City Attorney Murdock when the cases against the city are called. Fewer damage suits against the city will come up at this term of court than for some OHIO. Toledo , 1 rbana Marion , olumbt.... Rprlngdehl .. Iiaytou Cincinnati ... Kanduaky .... l ima Bellefontalna : M 14 .4 ; .M n A tn 1 Tbia is only a partial list of points to whkh rate will apply. Full information at Illinois Central Ticket Office, 402 Farnam St., Omaha, or write W. II. BRILL, Dis. Pass. Afft., Omaha. i in au Mijium. time. The reason for this l the gennl 1 laying of peinisnent sidewalks. Hock Island firndlng. The Rock Island road Is preparing to do considerable gYadlng In the vicinity of South Onmhn. Satindsy afternoon n large number of graders with scoops, shovels sn.l ' teams were, unloaded at the company's I depot in Albright. It Is understood thnt j the company will widen its roadway font 1 teen feet, commeneing lit the: Albright I depot. Just how f 1- west this gradint i will go ! not known here. Contractor I Cnllahan bns rharge of the grading outfit, lie said that le would comnnnce work on Monday. Magic I(t Gosilp. V; ,,'1"',w, I""'? on M-.11.lav for Wood hike tor ten days shooting. Rev. 1 r. Wheeb-r will preach this morn ing at the First Pre shyterlan church. Preaching services will commence a 7-.m o tloek tonight, Instead of 8. as formerly. Samuel McRa'in has gone to Trntlon Out to vteit his parents for n. couple of weeks. ' Jay Williams and John Parks went to Kansas City frlday night to spend Sunday. A d.it:ght.T has been horn to Mr. mid Mis. M. lionahnc, 21.7 South Twentieth t1ee. Mt. C F Oliver ha returned from n two c(l' visit with friends nnd relatives at Jes-up, I -. Harry I'.vwi.-r of HxeNior Springs sper,'. last week with his parent. Judge and Mis J. M. I'oulei. The city -t , ri f.irce was engr.gcd yester day n cleaning a porMm of lie iavrin.M:t on 1 wci.ty-fout th street. Oeorgo W. Un g. SS11S 1, street. Is .lotne the honors to his friends on account of the arrival of a son at his home. Jake Klein is getting around with the 5iid of a cane these days on account of having be.11 kicked by one of his horses A business and professional men's gvm naslum class l soon to be opened at the Young Men s Christian association. The retail clerks of South fhnaha will Bive a dancing party nt Wotkrnen temple mi Thursday evening, October Id. Arrange, mens have been made to accommodate a large crowd. The general public Is Invited. !-m,a Allbcrv left' vesteidav for St. Lcuis. where lie will locate. Mrs. Alllnry will rsnialn here for a ooupl of weeks. Rev. M. . Head wili pteach morning and ' renins ut the Methodist church. Ills even lug topic tie -Jesus at Jacrh's Well.'' - me.-ting of 11 flirlil board of the M.st Mi'ihodist nt.tirri, nnj t,B !,, ! In im In lure lui.nii of ch.nch ...u Tuesday .Veiling. c. . M1II-1 ,.f v wtil -wail at the ' '.' Men's Christian nst .tl"fi thi.-t iiltrrtioon Ids tuple , "Mv Kxpe"- nco In Mial,. Study." A meeting .1! tli.. v oing Peonie s I'hrl" tian union will be held nt the home of J L. Puff. Sixteenth ::;i.l Mi-i-ouli iirnuc ,M 11 inday eei.ini: 1 ictnhcr v. II '.'. Hotwlei vli p'id.:iil of the Smith Omaha National bnn' -c turned ves lerrl.iy fioin VJilcago. w liv he spent : we, i looking iifier I ttslness k..atters. Frtuk Coad. on- of the bookkeepers nt the i'.-iekers National bank, was passing around the cl;rs yestciday on account of tlie arrival nt his home of a healthv son. Secretary Marsh of the local Young Men ChrlKtlin bssool.it Ion s.ivs that special st tenilon is being paid now to the promotion of hihle study at meetings to be held each Sunday afternoon during the winter. A C nt ifr Bleeds After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap plied. Relieves pain Instantly tnd heals at the same tltr.e. Por Man or beast. Price, tia. REPORT ON YANKTON AGENCY Superintendent glairy Hectares the Year a gnccesafnl One In Kviry Parllcalar. (From a Staff CorreaponUent.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 4--(Speclal Telegram.)-The annual report of Superinten dent James Staloy of the Yankton Training school was made public today. He states that the year has been a successful one in every particular and that prospects for the coming jear are quite as flattering. A census taken June SO, !W.. showed n total population 011 the Yankton agency of 1,693. The most Interesting statement made by Btnley. howeven relates to the sale' of in herlted Indian lands, upon which subject ha has this to any: "The aalc of inherited lands is detrimental and the III effect of It has not reached Us climax. The first deeds were approved April 15. 1903, since which date 3.290 acres have been sold at an average of 317.80 per acre." Within the previous few; weeks bids have been accepted Ht a rate of 10.000 acres per month. "The money," continues Superin tendent Staley. "rightfully Invested by those receiving it could he made of lasting bene fit, but the prospect of a fe" "-ousand dot lars coming In seemed suC .t to cause the Indian to live in Idleness .a. wasteful ness. After a sole Is made of heirship land and pending the approval of the deed the Indian's credit is fabulous. As n result when money Is actually received creditor' literally swarm around him and he is for tunate If he has money left sufficient to bu a small supply of groceries." About MO leases of allotments were made during the past year on the Yunkton reser vation and the receipts from rentals were slightly in excess of those of Inst year. Judge Willis Vamlevanter. who has been In Washington during the last twenty-four hours, left tonight for St. Paul, Minn. Judge Vandevonter came east chiefly for tho purpose of placing his sou in school at Morrlstown, N. J., and huvlng a day or so to spare stopped In Washrngton to pay his respects to the pccsldent and to see old friends at the ?r.i"'.or department. Mvs. W. K. Andrews, wife of the auditor of the Treasury department, has gone to Burlington. Ia., in company with Mrs. Kd ward MeKlttrleU, whose husband recently died In this city. Mrs. Andrews will visit with friends in Lincoln and lh stings before returning to Washington. Postmasters appointed: Ivr.-i.-PlcUerIug. Marshall county, Peter Olsen. vice S. 11. Hagen, resigned. Nebraska Dnnbiiry, Red Willow county. Moses M. v ning. vice A. Seweil, resigned. Soulli Pakota Chancel lor. Turner county, H jr. Wheelhouae, vlco fienk. Popplngn, resigned. The corporate existence of the Beatrice National bank of Beatrice, Neb., has been extended twenty years. CHEAP EXCURSIONS fj to OHIO AND INDIANA POINTS KJiPTHMBER 1, 8, 15 AND OCTOBER C. RETURN LIMIT, 30 DAYS. ROUND TRIP RATES FROM OMAHA INDIANA. .JiT M . 30 . t: 4 . i ll . il .14 . T 0 . U W ! .t9 Himmnnd South Hend Kort fl' i. Marlon J.aFa.'.eti .., l'idiar.apolls Newcastle ... l-vansvllla .,. Richmond ... Terr I taut POPS - NAME THEIR JIDCES 8'Xt?en Leaden of PeopVa Party Ho'd Their Judicial L'ouTentioa. SELECT FIVE, LEAVE TWO PLACES 0Pt Advocate Nonpartisan Reach, Cow itenm Acceptance of Pnwnea by .ln4aes anil Advocate nights of Labor. JOHN O, VVIPKR J. J. POINTS Oi:ORi7F, V l.oANK C. T. P1CKINSON orv ii. c. iti:u Popn'- Populi' 1 . . .1 lemoer.' 1 , . .1 icnnxn :i ...Iemo-rpt Two remaining plates to li tilled bv tie democratic nominees. F. C. Page nnd A. V Ferguson. If the democratic committee w ill reject the republican nominees. Irving R. Baxter and l.ce S. Kstclle. ami replace them with the two populists, will complete tho populist Judicial ticket. Sixteen populists arranged the above ticket nt a nuiet little mectim; at Washing- I ton hall Saturday afternoon, called th. Judl ial convention, t'elrgates hud been up. pointed, by tl.e committee and the conven tion called "to rntlfy" the ticket placed in l.e held by the mass convention which all parties were invlied to attend on September f. At that time ntie place was left vacant, to which J. J. Points was elevated yester day. Asiiie from this the sixteen populists adopted a" platform and adjourned. The prior cmnentlon had not been cf .1 partisan character, it was said, and the ticket could not be enteted upon the ballot until It had been ratified by the populi 'M or some other party. Therefore It was necessary to do the work over again. KImer F.. Thomas called the convention to older, nfter giving the delegates an hour to find where Washington hall is located. Laurie J. ijulmby was placed in the c hair and T. O. Kellogg made sc. 11 tnry. t onlal iiplnnt Itntli Mm. Mr. Thomas explained that Judges F.stelln and Baxter had failed to qualify on tho democratic ticket and thnt the democrat i: com mi I lee toild replni" their names with those of two populist nominees If it cared to It had declined to substitute Y'elscr and iMane, however, he dorlcrcd. and lie thought the pops should not endorse Pago and Ferguson until the courtesy was re. ciptocateil. He moved that Yclscr. Iloanc, I'hKlnson. Read and J. J. Points be nomi nated. Sonic feeble opposition came from P. L Forgiin mid Patrick McArdle. hut Thomas had the majority with him. Iatcr Yelser and Points were empowered to ap point n Judicial committee of live, which ,'ill haxc power lo fill the vacancies and negotiate with the democrats. KImer K. Thomas, A. F. Hansen and S. W. Logan fixed up the following platform, which went through, with P. L. Fnrgm demanding that Individuals as well as or potation lie denounced for Indue nelng ti.u bench: Platform Adopted. Polities We favor a nonpartisan iudl clnry. By this we mean that the Judges should be of different politics, should not engage In politics personally, nor r.'inli r fiolltlC4il decisions: should not be controlled iv tlese politicians who have hitherto ni templcd to control tho Judlclnrv, ami should assign to the criminal docket a Judge who will not protect criminals. Corporations Judces t-liouhl not accept favors from nor grant favors to corpora tions. A pass is a bribe. A Judge should not try n damage case against a corpora tion with such a bribe In his pocket. Judges should not la- as liberal lu cutting down and setting nslde verdicts of Juries ngalnst corporations us they have b en ia this district. Fnlon Labor We endorse and recom mend to the thoughtful attention of tho Judiciary the first amendment to tho fed eral constitution, which gu.irajitces, free speech, n flee press and the right of peaeenble assemblage. Judges should not deprive union labor of those guarantees, neir should they be governed by Injunc tions. "F.ijualliy before the law" should be their motto In dealing with the unions) as well as others. 0 ANY OF OUR 15G iFFICES RKET PRICES ON Rli We Ljft'O the largest private wlra aystem tn America, and will give you the latent telegraph prices at Chicago, Minneapolia and Duluth. , Orders lor future delivery attcuted at the market; prompt eervice given. Commiaatonsi Wheat, l-loc per bu; on oata and corn, t-Kc per bu. CommiiakMi on stocks, 1-4 per cent. SHIP IT VOI '9 WHEAT AN1 J 3 OTHER (JKAINS. We guarantae big hrwt cash price and prompt returns, paying drafts In advanoo upon con .slgnntenU. Commissions, he per bushel. No Interest Charged for Carrying; Long Stocks. COMMISSION CQ CAP.S6URPLUS iiOOX)0() GRAIN STOCKS OENP.RAL OPFICESi NEW YORK I.H E HUXJ., MINNEAPOLIS. BUY A FARM on .Monthly Installments. Farm bomea In Polk and Barron Counli Wisconsin, wlthi" "-0111 W to ! miles frer St. Paul and Ml. vHs, t to $16 per aci. upon payment ot ..m 6" e-ents to Jl.Dn pt 1 acre cash, balance In three, Ave or let years, on monthly payments. Monthly hi stallnienls of ,'rom $1 to $4 will proem c ., farm. For maps and lull Infoi mallon .ni di ess. ll.CKE'S LAND Atir.NCV. Cumtbrland. WlBConin. Ian i'1 V r-v 1 i INDIANA (ConUnued). Loranaport I"I T KeTtomo -I.hd Vabasli .:.40 Lap-it ta L-icno rrawfordsvllla 21.4 ;;orlh Vernon Vlncennea il.W KENTI'CKV. Louisville M M 3 Mnuraaajr rugnt - nr.it a tiwm MA VilEAT.rcATSSORll SOB i