Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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at-ng larre anmmt f-r vrT-t. 'VTii1
tnere irn sot mnnr who csri hratrt nf nrit-
in( trt-hsr-ts at tile pcst nt time, still rhoee
who have heertrg rr-ea this y-ar n.l net
Sa XcCej of a Fnwmioo Saiitrl (riod hv a rm nav.-st n.l hv
- If fiund thn pmrluc'inn "f fr-ilt as ,nf!t -i hie,
" j T"ia fruit fa. n and nursery if Chris
CCB1A.1 C.-.rlS 10T STAM") FCH ".NCRINfi Thompa.!-!. six mii noi-n of Rapid r:tv.
ntrkaia at lax
Bath. Wktra
f leaaelai
re flta I -est Year
aa taa Jm ef
r Daattly 4r4- -
eaae Oa.
Aim IIcCtv ia a Sun """-a wtne
aun who muiont.!)' nukn Omaha. "Tlie
Isnser rr-viblea In China a few years ago,""
ha Bald, recalls a strange story I hear-i at
'"-Ttsee noaily H waa an the rniwinnary
tuMtlnn and thnwi the peculiar reverence
anme of the Cannibal Is.andrrs have for ths
missionaries, even, thmigh they do orr take one on toast. One of our mm
waa aent dium umnc the Skilumtin ulanda
to introduce otir goods, and the ship tiruK i
ona of tha learrt known of thn (roup and 1
anchored. A little while afterward the I
enter or the island came on hoard wit a a
hunch ( bia niggers.' and he w.-va cf course
treated aa became h:a dignity uiir men
piled him with soma of our heat gradt-s of
Caltfomia wines and the old chief tj" to
then tn great shape. In fart, he got howl
bis; drunk, and in wobbling around tha shin
fell overboard and waa drowned. He waa
fathered up and tn ordrr to do tha best
ay him that waa possible, the body waa
waatied and prepared for burial. Then came
the curious thing. Airross hla stomach waa
tattooed In very distinct letters the words:
'Barred to the memory of Rev. Abralorn
White, missionary.' tt waa a mv'tery that
no one seemed able to explain until after
Use ship pulled away from the inland. Then
an old sailor volunteered an explanation.
Ba aaTl that some ten years before he had
hipped on a missionary vessel for tfcat re
gion, and Rev. Ah-auom White waa una of
the passengers. He waa landed there, aa
waa this sailor. a while the natives
killed and ate the missionary, but owing to
tha old sailor being liberally talUiond Uuey
spared him on condition that he wnild
tattoo the old chief. Su he himself was tha
author of the memorial Inscription on the
old chief, and he anew of no better war
of perpetuaung Rev. Mr. White a memory. '
"Tha crowded condition of the Omaha
hotels during your Aa-iar-Ben carnival."
' saud Matt Holmes, a K anssa City traveling
man. "reminds me of a funny thing that
happened during a session, of court In the
county seal of a souQinrn Missouri tuwn
soma years ago.
"As court only convened there about once
In atx months, the little tuwn on those oc
casions waa crowded to its utmost and the
ana hotel there couldn't begin to accommo
date tha crowd. Aa it waa, a number of
lawyers and litigants were f-irmaned with
bedding and given quarters for the night la
tha court room. Among the crowd was a
Gertran. who. during tha night, became
very mnch annoyed and nervous over the
naunant snoring of some of his room
wiates m tha court rrwim. Ha t aleep
and sat up a greater part of the nighu
Finally one pretty good snorer let off
on Bit E'.der at this rime ts indi-r per
fect cultivation and contains thousands of
trees" which for the past ten ear have
been a source of profit trt their owner It
ts ever twenty yar since the flrat aople
free was planted in this nchiird, but
since that time Mr Thompson. who
hmiisht wtth him to the Blark Hlils a
knowieiisre of horticulture gained hr long
e;ier!en-e. has Increased the atandarl of
hia orchard, until It now contains onlv tha
choicest varieties of apples, uardy pears.
and cherries. '
Mr Thompson has picked and packed.
over 1.2s) harrels of early apples from 'tt
on-nurd already this year, and there are
still on the trees many hundreds of "bar
rels of winter apples. He haa ais-t mar
keted large quantifies of rhrt lev plums
and gTspe. besides many thousand tv.Trs
j of small fruits which came est'ier in the
I year. At the presit tune re has shout
I 10 seres of apple trees alrjie. a.l but a
few of them are bearing and his force of
men at the farm during the picking sea
son la a large one.
NHW TOHK. tt, -Ki'li.Wv.s are ne offctal hulling averases of National league
plsvera who panli tp 4 ted In flffeen or mora ehamplonauip games during the eason of
an .-ompiled tt ecrelary H. C P.illlam:
far aavel CJsatay at I -a a tale aa
Phircihaaa atxaasttiaa.
MTTC71EU. 3. D . Oct. Special, v
PVom tha various countT ejhihits which
have bewi dlsnlnyed at the Huron fair,
the stale fair st Yankton, and the com
palace. In this city, a sufficient amount of
agrbmltural produce will be selected aa
tn make a mot creditable exhibit at the
St Lotus exposition next year.
H. A. Wsrner. of WoonFocket. haa r
:elved the appointment from the state
commission to lock sfter this Important
matter. He secured some material from
the first two mentioned fairs, and a (Treat
deal more he has secured from the county
exhibits at the com palace. The counties
now ire through with their samples that
they have shown and are willing to con
tribute more liberally for the beneflt of
the state.
Mr. Warner is looking after com now
for the purpose of decorating the building
Inside and nut. and a larsa quantity of
ail colors will he stored now In order to
split the com next spring It will be soaked
In water, which wilt sdmlt of Its being
sawed with the anme ease as when first
taken from the field in a soft condition.
The com palace building to ba erected
at St. Louis will ba modeled somewhat
after tha building tn this city, which is
th best sr-hltertural design for decora
tions, although it will not be ouite so
large. It is very IlkeJy that some of the
special work done hy the ladies of Mitche.l
and shown tn tha com palace will he placed
on exhibition In the state building.
j Cestrsl DikMa Pi aeas !.
! HURON. 8. D.. Oct. 4. Special, t The
particularly loud snort and then roiled over ' 11 meeting of the Central South Dakota
aod waa quiet. Tha German raised up and
looked over In the vicinity wbaia tha fellow
lay and obaerved with every manifestation
at relief: Tank God. too of 'am ia dead.'
"It may ba that laboring' men in America
get batter wages than they do tn Scotland,"
remarked Frank ktoulton of Chicago to a
hunch, of traveling men In front of tha
Paxton last evening, while watching- the
AkSar- Ben UluminatUms. "but some
Ocotetnates -are Urea lad vary eanstderataly
hy their employers. It Is told of an old
anipboilder at Glasgow that every year he
glsea hla men an outing down at soma sea
bathing resort. On ona occasion a big
parry af the workmen were enjoying the
outing and bathing at tha beach, when one
of them remarked to a fellow workman
that waa particularly dirty: 'Hoot mon,
hut ye 'ava a dirty body.'
- 'XT. Sandy.' waa the reply. 'I missed the
trip bust year.' "
There ia a droll little darkey newsboy
down at Lincoln, or was a few years ago."
aaid a Lincoln commercial pilgrim, "who
haa tha habit of calling at a certain drug
Mora anea or twice a day for a match to
light his cigarette. Tha druggist finally
grew tired of It and told the boy that
matches) coat money, used in the quantities
that ha waa disposing of than.
" 'How much do dey cost a boxT asked
the darkey.
" "Well, a cent a hog. anyhow."
"The darkey dived down In hla pocket and
Brought frith a handful of pennies and
ttandirg ona to tha druggist asked for a
box of matches. Tha has waa forthcoming
and tha darkey demurely opened It and sat
It an tha cigar case, at the same time re
marking: 'Now. when a gentleman comes In heah
and aata you to' a match give ona out of
my box.' "
Year Whew staay refcaurwa rail Bax
Klde T alley slaa Aaalee
ta IL
RAPID CTTT. 8. D . Oct. 4. (Special)
Tha valley cf Box Elder creek la gaining
fame aa tha most productive fruit region
tn tha Black Hills and the crop of applea.
winter pears, pluma, cherrtaa. grapea and
small fruits that haa barn raised this year
haa more than sufficed to supply tha de-
anande of tha local fruit markets, besides
presbytery was held In Wolsey last week.
with an attendance larger than heretofore.
Tha opening address was by Rev. Frith
of Xanchesteri Among other speakers
during the session were: Dr. H. P. Carson
of Scotland, synodlcal missionary. Rev.
Hugh Robinson of Madison. Elder . H.
Grant and Rev. R- A- Vander Las of
Huron. Rev. Stewart of Blunt waa made
moderator for the next half year. The
next session will ba held In Woonancket in
April, rM.
Caralval a . bora era.
ABERDEEN, 3. D., Oct. 4. (Special
The Aberdeen carnival haa bean a fine suc
cess. Thn attendance has been large and
every one feels amply repaid for the efforts
put forth In behalf of the undertaking.
Tha exhibits and attractions In the mid
way were all first class and the parade on
Thursday of floats and floral-decorated
turnouts was one of the finest seen In the
west. Tha crowning of Margaret CtsUy as
queen of tha carnival took place Thurs
day evening and waa attended with all
ceremonies ta lit the occasion. Several
thousand people witnessed tha ceremonies.
Wtrk ef Lamd Osier.
ABERDEEN, S. D., Oct. 4. Special, t
The United States land office transacted
the following' business during September:
Twenty-al homestead entries, covering-
1.773 acres; nine humestead final proofs.
covering !. acra. and sold LM
tar LaaiataTtaai See em.
LEXINGTON. Kr.. Oct. 4. The thii
first annual meeting of the Kentucky Horoe
Brewers association begins next TuMMay.
October C and continues for twelve iliva
The meeting promisee to ba the moat suc
ceaerul ever held here. in the twenty
live narneaa races, exclusive or tbe nine
wagon races, a grand total of 83 eligible
starters are encereo.
Among the special attractions will ba the
tiunpl or Luu itllon to lowor her record
of J-.ta). Prince Aiert 'will also make an
attempt to lower his pacing record of
1 .
Other features will be rhe six stake
events, aa rouows- Kent-.irky Futurity
year-old trot. : tne Transylvania. S:I2
trot, m.nns: the McDowell. rmt. sV.0:
tha Tenor. pace. 0.': the W uriut
mu cup, trot. fc,va; the Blue Uraisi.
2: 1 trot, tt.:
Horace W. Wilson, general manager of
tne i narrer u ana Oaaiev Park tracks
arrived here titay to taae tin lite work of
s retarv s. v snanklin. who was hurled
today, with many turfmen In attendance.
Far Cable Chess a.
LONDON. Oct. 4. The Cltv of London
t na dun has arm a cnajenge to the
Brw-klyn cluo for the aunual cabi
( The agar that (T
beats them all at
4 s-
I (FdDDD 1
I I ayarwaBst galuag ssiaaa I
, A H R H TB. :a SB HTt P1 911. SB
Kenncdv Txtis'irc 1 ; 1 u j i .1
,-r' P'tT-Iji;, : -r; 3V, m -x 5 .K
1-OMim. 'ntlt.all .. ir ral li 174 JS ". ? t
IsrXe Fittmnrg uft 4-T U i.T j: ,6 S l 1 :i
Hr-wa.-ian. Vrk 1.1 ; 1; 4 X" Z ;i lri-1nnatl IZS x ' T S !- T . Z il i
Heaumort, lttel.urg 141 Cii ;-T j rT; 7 ,.tl .2 J
!heckar.i. Br-k'v 1 13 i-S e 11 :S 3 r
Thomrsx Philadelphia 41T l!a 1"4 11 : I ..CT J ::
ban ja. rhicaao U 1 " 14 14 ?4 m ; .VT :
R"-'.'"v. 1 'ncinnaii r.s M 1V1 ;ia ; in 5 - l '.
Lyovtn. Si. L.nx .lift 4I a li 1 .ITT 14 Ji 1
.e-re-tie. Brn.liin sa -:i e 74 .r4 1 i'
Xcmer. Phlia.le'plna lo it 13 n 57 7 2 ' a
keilev. 1nc!nnil 14 tvl ;:i 1ms J2 4 jl 7 1
brnwne Mew York 141 lie jsi r 3 J ..13 i4 J7
lov'e. Br-mki.n. i. i:4 4 lh4 iS a ..III 4
Tnnev Ronton I 47 74 l- ITT " 1 J 14 -I
Stinfeidt. t ln-innatl ii.4 4 71 1.T7 211 .3 It 4 312 4
W 01 vert or. Phiiatieiphia -4 TS iM 1" II U s ..1 3
!a!e. hi,n. 5- -04 ti le4 . .4
Leach. Plti.-inirg '.-7 So. '.'7 lil i-J m " T .." 12 :
Kling. Chtrigr. ITS r1 T lej 2ia 9 12 I .J7 St
S-Kwit, 3t. Luiiia 13 . 7 t 1 j: 4 4 in 1"
Ever, '"hlcaan 1" 4 To V ITT ;7 7 .JM 11 2
Talv '"1n'-nnatl " T 4C 13 14 3 1 7 i
Tinacr. 14 7 "14 ITS :1 7 Z '2 7
r.v. Chtcaan 112 CS S IS III 4 2 1 .1 J "!
ooleV Ponton US S5.2 74 '( 3" 1 2-4 1 T.
Z"nn. Onfiunari 2S M 111 l.TT 3 2 . 7 11
R;tchev. Plttsixirg 1.T7 i -ift A ln 2 10 o ,.7 12 15
Til l-. PhiU.iclpliia "I rt TS t 1.2 :i J 10 "
Rurke. St. I.oins 112 S1 i, U 1I 2 ' 7 Z
'aein. Philadelphia l' 12 5 l'.T 1?1 1 4 T :2
Wjnw New Tork S i x 5 e JS i
Jonen. D . Oiicaao V 1'7 M le 1H7 1" 2 1 .1 4 '.5
Phelns. P'ttnbiug TS r. S2 TT -7l2 Z
louder. New Y rk li" .vt 111 U' 12 1 IT 1
H.-aroe. Brooklvn i i7 4 1 Ji I 2 I 2
Mrres. New T rk 13 T.1T If la 734 rC 14 7 T 11 4i
fehrlns. Pltt-hurg 14 71 14S i;a 14 U 4 ." 4 Z
Mfi'irtliv tThlcagn TA :i '1 J "S i ' .."TT 1 4
Par-v. PhllHcielpmn. TT. t TS "ja :.4 14 5 1 .r 14
Rowermnn. New York fS T.n 22 a l 4 1 1 .J7 4 i
R th. P!u'ade!phia 23 77 " II 4 " 1 X'
f'ranx. Rmon.rn Si 5.4 in 131 -tB 21 S JTT 4 44
F trrell. St. Uuts i: SIS a il 4 1 -TT. 4 IT 1
V.-7enn New York l T Uo 1T2 21 4 2 .-TA 3 2. I
Jacslltsrh. Brooklyn Si r si 47 4 2 I .T 1 4 1
Lowe. Chlcsgn 2 : 14 tS 5 2 .JC X 11
Prsnsneid. P'tisti-irg 1T7 1:14 IT 2t 7 ; JK5 12 12 1
Tr"minger Por.i ! "n 57 :rs '"I 74 , 4 5 '-2
I"nhien. Brooklyn 1S4 4T4 Tl :4 H-Ti !7 1 22 4 .14 , B.wton 1' v4 li 1 " 5 7 ? 7
P!tx. --icmniit1 . ... I"! TP- 4 t 114 li 2 0 S 7
Van H.iiiren. New Tork 7 S 2 T - 4 I o 2T T 14 I
Jones. .. Brookivn 2 13 12 J I .2 2 (
Cius'a-a. Philadelphia T 177 ' 112 S 4 1 11
F-n. "Inclnnarl Tl 4S 17 74 Tl 2 2 2T2t 1
Vi;ter- Nw York 12 12 l-4 V.4 sot ..r2 2 27 ,
ataniev rt-wtim 3fa 4" T I'l T2 5 1 2?" 4 1"
Kim-r rincinnart 17 A T 14 2 2 2 4 4 1 I
Flood Pr-e-k-vri T TT T t 15 : 4 2 "4 1
Dunieavv .-"f" Iruls 3 1M "71 2 .2 7
Paltn. New York in 414 1W TT !S 4 .244 11 22
fa-clav 9t Tnul- . ""T 414 ST 104 4 Jt 4 12
TT-ilrw-ltt PMIadelphla -...12 Vi M 13 171 ' 2 4 1 .;7 11 I Brockivn 42 154 t S2 4 2 t :t7 2 4
More-saev. ("Inclnnstl T7 14 s 2J 1 4 .."47 2 2
f.Tin-. r-in. innaU i:S 4T4 41 v 14 7 2 1 12
K-iiecer Plttsbnrw .. 71 42 V 4 4 1 ,4 4 7i
M-rreerv. Brooklyn. Boston 1 24 2 a 71 7 2 1 - 4 11
P'Miie. ("IncinnaU "ST T IT IK 1 1 4 : 3 '
Te Montr-ville. St. Louis "n Tn IT '22 2 I J42 2 2
Reidv. Brook !vn IS "T S " 4 4 9 4 -!42 1
Dunn. New York "? 2-7 2S A T 16 1 -1 4 1:
-ar-iev. Boston 10? W 2" -M 1!T 1- 4 1 2 S Irt
W!rker 31. Loula Chicago "2 li 2 "2 2 '. 4 ; 1 1
Rvan. 3t Louis -srTl)-4ti4511.r4T?
Weaver St. Louis. Pittsburg "2"T;"2-5 4 1- nTll
r-ohiia. Chicago. Brooklyn U 475 is 1:2 lie) 14 4 ; r. 14 3
Jordan. BrooKlvn T--T-T'3-4!!14-4
Rltter Bronklv-i 75 Jffl J4 41 4- 4 .14
O'Ve-lI J. J . !t. Louis T4 2M. 3 '. 4 t i 11
Williams; W. "hi.. Phil.. Bos... 15 T,l 4 12 i2 4 4 i SS 1 1
Brain, dt Louis ....y V.n M 44 jo; 4 15 1 Ji 7 72
Har!ev Chlcsito l' "J" 7? s lia 9 14 31 15 "
r-'iKBlebv PhilAdelphia :"4 10 74 H S 1 4 .1 2 A
Ha. KctT.' St. I-uts M -SI 24 I.a 12 4 4 J7 2 2
Abhauchto. Boston in 4k4 1 11' 142 IS S 1 IT 2
trre-. ("inclnnatl SU TOT 71 T Si 4 2 4 T 4 2
VXeill. M. 1. SI. Lotus 22 110 12 75 Tl 2 2 i.7 n 2
Braanear. Philadelphia 3 TS 4 17 2 .-T 2 2
Mathewson. New Y.rk 46 124 12 2 M 1 4 1 -J IS 1
Rauh. ("hlcsgo 2744 1 S 1 : .2j ' 1
Piatt. Boston 3 H 7 IS 14 4 4 4 .25 4 4
Dexter. Boston 3 4RT 1 IK 1J 15 1 I .23 12 22
Tavlor. J . Chicago 39 1- 1 2 34 1 4 .22 2 2
Bonner. Boston as 172 11 JS 44 S 4 I .211 4 2
Zimmer. Philadelphia " 11 1 JS 24 1 t I 23 2 2
Doom. Philadelphia 73 '.-a IS 41 at 5 t n ON 4
Magoon. Cincinnati 41 V 4 20 :t a .34 2
A.ihrey Boston 44 33 3 2 9 -12 7
Hrtilman. pniladelphia 57 BM 7J 42 S7 B 2 rt 22 12 2
Kittre-l-. Boston " a in 3 3 2 l " 22 4 1
Williams. O . St. Louis. Chicago 21T 24 T i " 21 7 14
Philllpne. Pittsburg 27124 2 2 S4 4 2 4 .2Z 4 4
Pohenv. Pltrstiurg 27 H 11 1 34 1 4 It t 1
McOlnnitv New Yore: 55 MS 12 .14 S 1 4 4 314 12 4
Praser. Philadelphia 22 -812 1 27 1 I1.J4 2 4
Murphv St. Louis 34 4 4 IS 14 1 9 Sn 2
Menefee. Cmraa-o . 22 44 t II 14 I 4 4 .Jd 2 4
Mitchell. Philadelphia. 3 U 1 3 4 3W 2 4
.-hmidt, Bmoklvn t 1"7 IT a 27 I t 1 .lia) -
Wam-r. ChK-ago 1C.T 14 3 3 4 9 1K4 I 4
Cronin. New York 44 !1 4 I .14 2
Brown. St. Louis T 4 IS Is 2 I a .IK 2 2
Nlrhota. St. Louis 3 13) IS 3 3 2 441W 2 4
Willis. Boston t 1 24 2 2 a 4 1n1 2 4
Smith. Pittsburg 22 15 27 44 I 2 9 2
Phillips. Cincinnati ! 7 6 1 14 4 .1 9
Evana Broaklys 11 3 5 a 9 .172 4
I.eever. Pittsburg 1"5 11 I 2 4 I 8 ltS 4 0
Harm. Cincinnati 112 11 18 2 I 4 11 4 1
Maiarkev. Boston S2 7 12 14 M 2 2 9 11 14
Miller. New York IS SI 1 5 7 2 0 9 .! 9 9
Ciu-rle. St. Louis. Chicago 3 :a i 11 4 1 Ifa 2 rt 1
T or L.. New York S2 7 12 12 4 4 4 .144 4 rt
Sutshoff. Clncmnatl ITlMll 12 19 3 20. 1S 2 1
Rhoadea. St. Louis 14 Ss 7 7 4 4 0 lai 2 4
Lundgren. Chicago 21 T T944 I15 21
Plttenger Boston 44 13 14 IT 4 4 1 1 1 9
Sparks Philadelphia 3 V T 10 12 2 4 4 .1.4) 3 0
McF-arland. St. Louis 3 74 3 4 1 4 .) 1 1
tiarvm. Brooklyn 3 lift 12 t 0 4 iTTi a 4
K'l0 aaasaa wa "
ar-MJia a
is not easily broken off
that's why people become
wedded to it.
ILxtra long, strong sticks.
Every am a match.
Valuable coupon in etery
5Isk your grocer.
--Vote Kennedy having paxriclnetrd In but ten complete games, the hatting cham
pionahip of the National it-ag-aa for the season of VA ia awarded to Waarnrr of the
Plttsourg dun.
etwee t lev r lava a aaa 1. ia--a-aMttt
tav Oh la Caaaepeeaal
ia Saw Ttee.
Aberdeen Normal, the score standing 10
to 9 in the first game and 12 to 9 in the
Sam Farka Sayi Tbei-a C-rj ml 7 W.U Bt
02a on En RivT Bnd-4.
Jertfy. teat Better Klesaeat a(
Brlage Wtrken with Ulna
la the r aatrat.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 4. President Bu
nh.tnan. former Vice Prestdent Butler. Sec- ,
retar-T.-asurer Johnston. Jumes Coaklcy ;
and William Burke, members of the ex- ,
erutlve board of the Iron W.trkurs" union. ;
left for home tonight. The executive
board met last nltiht, but did no b'lsine-s. !
and it is expected that the board will 1
meet in New Y irk within two week.-.
Before Sam Parks left for New Y-rk 3-tt- j
urday mifht he said: "When 1 came here I
I said tinre would he a strike called on
the Het nver bnde. Since they want
Buchanan, that goes. ' j
PrMl.lent Buchanan said tonight: "Aa the
head of the international order. I say there j
will be no strike on the East -lver bridge. ;
I can rally to my support 177a men In i
New York City today. Sam Parks has
dug his own grave and he will be repu
diated by hut own people.
"For the first time I will express myself
on certain events of the convention. In
the flrM place, I think a great mistake
was made in seating New York, No. 2
It had been suspended at the request of
the better element of the union. Repeatedly
I waa urged to take such action, but did
not do so until the matter waa brought
up in tiie executive board meeting, not
withstanding what the Parks people may
say. After reviewing the situation I Xiid
I believed it my duty to su-pend that local.
There waa no protest and accordingly I
did so. Had the convention been In po
session of ail tbe facts perhaps Its action
would have been different. A committee
of the better element was to come from
New T irk and present its aide.
"The majority of the delegates from the
first believed No. 2 should be repreaeniel
and when it became evident that this
to he the sense of the convention the other
delegation waa wired not to come. The
unseating of Parks here, however, would
have ha-tened what now is bound to come
his elimination aa a power in the labor
circles of New Tor City. The fight w;ll
now be carried on in the east, but the re.
suit will be the same. 1
"As to Parks' declaration that he haa .
tied my hands by electing an executive j
board favorable to htm, that is nonsense.
I know I have the support of four out of !
six, not counting my own vote."
If .'
.u a v.c'lm .f X.-rvi-S-t wl D -w.iii
ail its din i r axing y npioina.
r'anilv do noi int. mi i.t remain .
t.-l fflHl vmi nave uaen imerr rem
edies tit no .i.til .tnoiiiti nio -icsir-i vir
TaiTb ;n il '.n-s.mcni. nor vour none if a
ram ai cure, i n . evoi.r.i n p.-t: at iret-m.-ut
fr N.r. -.-rtexiai Leni.uv that .s
ui'.if-.rmiv H(uf"! ui m ca.-es a her su--c
!w w.i s twnire 0v om. r dor tors deemed
imi.eibie it does not mmu-afc lem-porai-ily
lint ret ires per-nanent'.v. it
aiiavs ilif irr-tatioti of rhe d- U -tr tis
sues -'irriurMt ttg rhe lax tnd un.lulv -;
crnniHi inns. .ontr-icrliig them
to their rvrnHi c-t million, ahi.n utops
r.ight minniin- drr.ta .ip dav drains, ir.d
rvrevenr- prvmii'.irei; It 'ones up arid
-tre'lK'hera liie r.i.tiid veeaela that arrv
-iotir-fhrneil tt the -reatencfl iter's, which
ricaiii f ill ;wiwer, Mi'e ami v:if:ir. Men
while all oilier -vmiiToma
:iie patient r'-a.ises that
!ia.t iMen .ified frn n hl 1 fe. 1 o'.ire
!y. safe: .t.'.d 'h.irough.j'
1 X A hi
vigor. 'J'sr "' ' ;id p ... ,
grent tutr-ht f V 5v
n-I ftlf--.p-f-i nmt mexn9 if mn du ;o inhri1ta,nc-. wit hah: fa, x-
rftMCtM TITI?! rOCE Tte If you cannot c,U
laW.awbls I I Isll rtateas I i n. lo ) p. m.
Office hotirs.
Sundays, 10 to 1 only.
Stats Elsciro-JMical Institute,
1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and !4th Sts-, Om-ilia, Neb.
Fear fa I Drake
ttea "Versify
IOWA CTTT. Oct. 4. .Soeclal. Practice
on the defense will be the principal work
or tne Iowa team this week. Loaen Cliai
war k
Property Deatroyea' aaa Stork j
Killed hy Wtaaataraa la
ST. PAITL Minn.. Oct. . A sneciai to
j the Pioneer Press from P'ainfleid. Wis..
I aava: A tornado which villM tr.ll
I tlon tore down many buildings ants dam-
fureH haa since died. Mjch stock waa
killed and the farmers are heavy losers.
CINCINNATI. Oct. 4. The Cincinnati Na
tional league team took the second game of
the sarit-a from the Cleveland Amaru ana
for toe Oniu cnamptonamp by their timely
hiiung. The lucma startva In on Moore as
it Lhey wwe guing to nave a wasawsy.
but he steauliaa down. Swing
waa hit uard. but he kept iha hits weil ( is afraid of the Minnesota trains, and
staitered. Iha attendance waa over .. is even afraid that Dane university may
Score: defeat Iowa in the game on Iowa Held next
. Saturday Iowa has not been improving
Cincinnati 9 1 2 9 J 39 3 1 so, fast this year as had been hoped of the
Cleveland 4 9 9 1 9 3 li 4 . team. This is pmhauiy due to the fact
RatiMnM- Cincinnati. V-wins and Peita: ( that hnnM were nnr rnn hlsti and no con.
Cleveland. Moure and Bemia. siorration was taken of the fact that it aged much property. Mrs. John Fisher
.44- Laaaa Aaaencauaa Wla. would be slmost lmpoasibie to build up . ws killed and Mark Wood, who was in-
ST. "-OLIS. Oct. 4.-The St. Louis Amen- ( r-mnants of aat years team and only or
can team ealy uetesuea tbe St. Louis Na- : ,Jnry new players.
tlonaj at the witters grounds loaay. Sua-' 'Drake university has her old men hark
hod twin mi fur tbe .iinwiaun aod wa this year. Is heavy and fast, and from
very effective Lhrougtiuut. tirown. wtio j what I have been able to leam of her. I
pin-bed fur the Xaunnau, o-d wett, but waa rtunk that she wtl! p ish ua awfully close
accorued pour supourt. Ax tea. In nee. .;, j and may even defeat us." said Coach Chal
ocore. mere of Iowa to. lay ""The lowrv team is
R-HE. working hard and is working together. I
Americana 3 1 9 9 3 9 9 3 a ! like the wav the men are doing, but I
Nationals 9 1 1 9 4 3 7 i know o.ulte well and thoae who h-ive seen
Batteries: Americana. Sudhoff and Sug- I the team in its sames know, that it wll
den, Natlonaia, Brown and u Neili, j take verv hard work for our team to win
aawrieaaa Far a Tateiaaw its grimes this year, particularly the Min
nesota game, which I -ount tha hardest on
CHICAtJO. Oct, A Tne AJBmoji league our schedule. Minnesota appears to have
tram tumeU the tables on tde Naaunaj secured speed this rear, something thev
umimv and by buncoea tutttug and euata have never secured before. Thev should
firming woa. utetr first game o me senrs ' have a stronser 'earn than lat yer "
niy. ikmauonai atH and throws I a,,r Buckley. Ciw!it Grlfnth and Willi
ravia are on the sirsritly iniured list and
will not be able to taxe part in the senm-
by Casey and Tannwiiiil ware tbe teaxitrea
Americana 2 14 2 a I 9 4 u 14
Naiiuna 4 9114 9993
Battenea: Natlunala Taylor and Kii
Amsrr.mua. uswu alia taii.ivan. Lnpirw;
Slienuaui and JonnMuua. .attendance. is,ja.
Time. 1.4a.
rwaaaUyai a4iswala fkal Oat.
NEW TORK. Oct. 4.At Bayonne. N. J .
today the Bayaiue Athletic club base ba.l
llllll Out tha Broak:i n nmj.i. hv . n
I surt of 1 iii t rile Brooa.yn s uutoatieu
tne winners, bu, puur base running lost
them at least t'ao ruua. aVure:
Baystde i 4 9 t 4 9 9 I 4 4
BrM.k:yn j a 4 s 9 4 4 u a l
B:trnee: BrtM.alyn. Dors her and Rlt
ter; Bayait'a. Wa.irr and Brown.
Wlaala Uataal 9ai.rralnlasaia,
NKW TORK. Oct. 4. In an exhibition
game btitwern tbe New Tork Natiuiuua and
Murrav Hlil eem.potra&iuiia.s. sunn was
putyet at Olympia neld tooay Mirtwa
men won by a at ure of 4 to L Tayiur. who
iutcard for New T .ra. struck out thirteea
""I. and .he nettling feature was a feni-
magea for aome mgiita.
laatrartar ef Field Clate Meats Hla
Caaatry date t'ej art iter at
Farsarr Llaka.
8 I
The contest betw-en W C Sherwood,
true-tor at tne Kleid ciuh and K'd Bar
instructor at the Country ciui. or a
purse, to determine wio waa the best gulf
player, was ended by Sherwood winning on
tne KlWd cluu dr.ka Sunuav afternouii wrirt
nine up after i;ie .ntestants had plave-l
ten htilea. This mstch was begun utkt
week, the Aral piav bring on the 1
K-eid club Unrip. Eartcn wmniiig ?rm I
Slivrwood by one up alter piaviug eighteen
holes. The secind mat. h of the eer-ea via
an the Country club links, and waa agxm
won av Barton ner eigiiteeii holes naJ
bn plsyed. In the third day a piay Sher-
: W'm-mI iwatett nla onpunent on tne field
l'-!uD Unas with a of five up. and on
'l ait unr-ruuided cai.'h by Mctiraw. wno . (4uiulay he aa. ked u(T with the ciiimpi4n
Patyed eft and fur bis own team. Attend. anip. making a acor f nine up aiu-r ten T.juu. Srrure. bt.lea had been plated. This made a tu-
R-H E. ' tai score In t:tvor of aUerwoiMl of 14 u 2
New Trk 991 94919 14 11 J. W. Ban. a. a broiler of PrnJ Bart.-n.
Murray U:ll 9 4 4 9 1 4 9 9 a I 7 2 who has been a enamt;iou among- tic bow.
Batteries: New Tork. Tav'.or and War- 1 ' Chicago wbree he hue i-n kcird. 1
3er. Murray Hill, Ijergaa and O Nel.L i
ptre : C .iea.
Tea as
est I aavtetw ta Seas a.
TABLE RCtfK. Neb.. Oct. 4 Special.
At trie t.tut ball game mated yasteniay on
Hie Tscumwo grounua brtween lb nign
at f Tlue Uuit and T-cnraeeh. a
bullv canteNted game raauiled: Tallt R-k.
. Tn-umariL - The lwiHa ':ty his".
a-h.Hi iM tu yiav t,ie TUie Rot-g
a Be4 an iha Tnte ii.K a aroautaa aaiui
Oay arat.
1 aaa. lea Uasraaa iatrseaa.
Jk BKHDEEN S. D . Oct. A -Soet lal V
Tauaiua aaa laa tail, aaui aataea i.a toe
hs cna.leesvd W C. S!itr'l to a
of six (una for a purse of ti Mr Bart.-n
has retnt'v taert :-.u:.t of ;;ie i.leva at
Lents A Williams, and t:ie first 'h
games will teas place ua these a'leva
tne oilier in rev ur'ng piayad on the .ireat
W-atern tilttt No uaia haa brn ar
ranged for tne marca vet.
aeewaat ftaf.aalal at K4aaraV Birth.
XDOVEU M.uts . ."let, 4. aemcea In
.ateorat.ou of Uia lh aiinivrraary of tut
l.irtit .it Jonathan tusni itu at 'li
kldl-wr TrHil.irtl ..BItl.rV li.V P...
lie eaert-ita-s w..l la ui 1 at trie nominal'" '
utmum.w . n at :en aatt evening -v-efal
uruauusnt C -ii rtiut ua... t a a.U La '
Blaiz matho-i is a(tn a im
mentei on aa mutt re mark -go-a
and uaiqta for tha
reason itutt ia most svwry
par'.icular their plan ia arif
ioai from brawar'4 poiai of
view. There. Is no guesswork.
Set! reg'.utarini" thertni.Q-i-e
ers and pr-Mtura jaJt-BS in
dlcata tha exact tm per ature,
and stata of maturity of thn
benr m tha stocic uuueee. gt
a., times.
Atcnyt he acme jotxi aid B'az
BLATZ V1ALT-VIVINB "Saa taiaa. "njf-4C
Omaha Branch 1412 Doui;laa St. Tel. :f:
Tsaaa ad tssaa el
-sVciSr'istx ar
- .J 19 VaaraladasaSia
- - , , r , 1 , j
If J aa
I a4T -4k. w
jg-----B---aiL..iiL.-a-.jB-uji ispiiiis JasaassssssswBwsi
1 r nrsr
I Kansas
as I a - -
I City
0 aTi4l HM
mm at,"ssv
I IIDiUill
I 1 m
, 2Zra7 . jts
MSx -1
al Z-Ji
1 r t
I I ' - ill A -WT handsome
I ' k ! sirring omcea roan
. I"
"ilfer -In-eK rWrT-WaWEMg
On October 4th to 10th, In-
clusivf, the Burlingtoa will
sWl ticket to Kansas City and
bark at onr fare for the mnnd
trip. rerurninir leavin?j
Kansas City np ro October 12.
Thi very low rare pves every
one an opporraniry of attenil
in;: tbe Fall Festivities at
Kansas City.
The morninpr flyer leaves
Omaha at 9:13. and arrives
Kansas City 4:10 P. if. The
evening flyer leaves. Omaha
10:43, and arrives in Kansas
City :40 A. II.
These trains carry all anulprnent ta
ae traveling oorafortable and piaaaut.
City Pt444h4r Affta
1502 Farnam St., Omaha.
If you have a
dirty, shabby office
people think it is
ydur fault; it does not
occur to - them that the
janitor is careless, neglect"
ful or has more to do than
can be done well
In reality, it is your own
fault, because you can
move to the Bee Building,
where the janitor will keep
your office as clean and
neat as a Dutch kitchen.
teat, price (3 per month. an4 roam
It ataa aVxa ft., kU oar isanta
uu-iuuiug agnt. Beat, watet
Jaaitor ssrvtoa aacepUona-ly
Ugnt, well iueaiad am aa.
R. C. PETERS 45c CO.,
leatai Aeit. Cmand Hor. Bet Bidf.
Sal Ba 022 Vaal Ails Prcduoa Essnlis.