Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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(Coiiunuei l.u:n First Page.)
tha work foi uC,UtX). In.i Is omy one ex
ample of what K is rpc-.-cd Uio co.ii.n.i.e j
appointed by M.-. lal.ner will imi As lo
present prices whim have ine smcilou
f ttio authorities goi-crning the priming
office. The Milier case reiiuiro.4 closj study
It has many ramifications and tlie pocltloa
Of the president should be perfectly unuer
eiooa before union labor pusses In final
Judgment upon It.
Chlaa Lets Opportaalty Quit.
China has misled her opportunity. The
latest cabla advices from the F.owery King
dom assert that a treaty has been nego
tiated by Minister Conger which will give
the Lnlted States greater advantages than
ever before In the matter of Chinese tar
iffs. It was believed here that the Chinese
authorities would use the opportunity af
forded by the expiration of the pres.-nt
commercial treaty to force the United
Btates to make concessions In the matter
f exclusion laws. In fact, there are a
number of attorneys In Washington who
expected to arrange with the Chinese gov
ernment to represent the empire here and
to bring about a treaty which would Insure
a modification of the exclusion act. The
fact that a treaty has been practically
completed, which makes no reference to the
question of Immigration, would teem to In
dicate that the Chinese government Is by
no means anxious to Increase the facilities
for the depariure of Its working population
from Its shores.
As to tha Canal.
It Is doubtful If there are three happier
men in the United States today than Sen
ator Morgan of Aalbama, ex-Senator Miller
of New York and R?pre.iomative Utpburn
Of Iowa. No trio of statesmen worked as
Industriously or as faithfully for legislation
looking to the federal Indorsement of the
Nlcaraugua canal scheme as these three.
The fact that the Republic of Colombia h is
absolutely declined to take any step toward
arranging with the United States for the
construction of tha Panama canal gives t.he
greatest- satisfaction to Messrs. , Morgan,
Miller and Hepburn. Ex-Senator Miller liaj
sunk a great many thousands of dollars
In preliminary work along the Nlcaraugua
route and he is quoted as saying that ha
sees in the preient situation an oppotunlty
for himself and confreres to recoup in part,
at least, the losses which they have thus
far sustained. Messrs. Miller. Hepburn
and Morgan are confident that the preel
dent will use his prerogative and take steps
toward constructing a oanal along the Nic
aragua route. On the other hand there Is
excellent reason for believing that legisla
tion will be enacted to- nullify the act of
congress authorizing the president to tst-te
steps to build a canal. 4The western rail
roads particularly have recently placed or
ders for thousands of tons of itoel raila,
which 'will be used In" tHe.xontructlon of
new lines, spurs-and feeders, which tha
' knowing ones think would not be 'under.
: :UkeK St this time unlssgJ.thtie shrewd,
railroad to,-had aasurasceav-Hiat a inter
oceanic canal Is probable for many years to
Should the United States abandon Its de
'"dared Intention of uniting the two oceans
! by ship canal the chances are that no other
V company will undertake this task, in ep te
of the assertions frequently heard to the
contrary, which are to tho effect that a
Franco-German syndicate stands ready to
' buy the rights and franchisee of the French
company. , , . .
A Gaarantced Core for Piles.
Itching. Blind,. Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Tour druggist will refund money If
FAZO OINMENT falls to cure you In 6 to
U days. 60c.
Leonard Snyder.
TECUM8EH, Nob.. Oct. 4.MSpeclal.)
After a sickness of a few weeks Leonard
Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. TC. Snyder
of this city, died at the family home at
' 'IS:) o'clock Friday, Of typhoid fever.
..There were four patients In the one family,
his father, brother snd a sister, besides the
deceased. Leonard Snyder was born near
.Dysart. Ia.. February 23, 1873. He had
,livd In Tecumaeh some ten years. Some
.years ago he, entened 'the employ of the
Nebraska Telephone company at this place,
but for a time he had .been the foreman
of construction for the Golden Rod Eloc
trlo Light company at Wahoo. He was a
bright young man of excellent reputation.
The funeral was held Friday evening at (
o'clock, as It was Impossible to preserve
the remains longer. Brief services were
conducted at the grave by Rev. W. F.
Smith of the Baptist church and Rev. F.
T. lilakemore of the Methodist church.
Mrs. Mary Gooeera.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 4. (Special.)
Mrs. Mary Coossen, wife of Abraham
Qoossen, a prominent Mennonite farmer
residing six miles west of this city, died
yesterday after an Illness of six months,
aged 48 years. She had been a resident
'of Oage county for the past twenty years.
AWie leaves no family except her husband.
The funeral will be held Wednesday after
Boon from the Mennonite church north
west of this city.
A Hart Never Harts.
After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is sp
elled. Relieves pain Instantly and heals at
the same time. For man or beast. Price, S6a
Manchester Cloth Market.
MANCHESTER. Eng.. Oct. 4-There was
eonsldt rable Inquiry on the cloth market
last week for eastern outlets, notably
China. Buyers were disposed to operate,
but manufacturers vtlftened their rates.
Buslneas i Irregular. Hume sellers nego
tiated a fair number of orders, but others
Diade llllie or no progress. The bulk of
the transactions have tnu for forward de
luery, and therefor producers have nut
obtained Immediate relief and are further
curtailing their output, some closing their
mills altogether until the advent of more
favorabU rondltlona. There waa more
South American business done In ordered
lots. Business lu yarns was limited and
-4 . Household Necessity
Silver Polish
Cleans as well at polishes
Does cot cake. It economical
Other Eide of ths Controvert Regarding
Life at the Winer Farm.
Work on the Farm. Attead School aad
Are filren Opportunities to Play,
Have Plenty of Food and (om
fortably Provided For.
WIENER, NebT. Oct. 4. (Special.) This
community is somewhat wrought up over
the report of Rev. Father Ruesing relative
I to the Wisner branch of the Tat tha. homj.
wncrein it is nem that the boys connected
with the home there were not properly feJ,
were overworked and were denied many
pleasures and that their education was
neglected, and that typhoid fever had pre
vailed among certain of the Inmates, etc.
This branch of the Tabltha home. It
should be borne in mind, ha been created
for the special benefit of orphan boys and
such others as come Under the care of the
home. The purpose of Its eatabllbhment
Is to give they boys a practical education
along agricultural lines, encourage habits
of Industry and give them a good business
education. This home Is located at Salem
and is on the extensive and magnificently
equipped ranch of J.EOJ acres, owned 'by
Henry Lelsy, pfe. Ident of the Clt'iens' Na
tional Bank of Winner, and the home is
under his direct observation.
The adverse report submitted by Rev.
Father Ruesing to Governor Mickey has
stimulated the friends and occupants of the
Salem home to submit to the governor a
number of affidavits denying the essential
features of Father Ruesing's report.
Henry Lelsy Speaks.
Mr. Henry Leisy, the owner of the ranch
upon which the Salem home Is located, af
firms that there has never been a case of
typhoid fever on the farm since It has been
in his possession, he having acquired it In
1S81, and rather than hieing conducive to
sickness the location Is a healthy one. That
It Is his aim to give the boys at Salem a
good practical business education and mike
of them good, Industrious, Chtlitlan citi
zens. That as to their home, school and
treatment, he Is doing nothing which he
desires to be kept from the public, but In
vites public Inspection and visits from his
neighbors and the pub'le In general at all
times. That when he made the lease with
Rev. lleiner he required him to iy the
boys who live and work upon the farm 20
per cent of his share of the profits. That
It was to his pecuniary Interest to have a
good home, good wholesome food, good
sleeping rooms well furnished, provided for
the boys at this home. That there was
nothing in the management or treatment of I
these orphan boys that he desires to have i
kept In the dark or from the public. He
further requests that public condemnation
be withheld until a thorough Investigation
be made by unprejudiced parties, In order
that Justice may be done to all parties con
cerned. He states further that It Is his In
tention to build and maintain here a good
agricultural school and a home which shall
be open at all times to the poor orphan
boy, as well as to the rich man's son, where
the habits of Industry can be learned and
where the boys can obtain a thorough
knowledge of agriculture and a good busi
ness education.
statement of Instates.
George White of Lincoln, son of Rev.
White of that city, testified that he was an
Inmate of the Home of the Lelsy ranch for
two months.. He waa 16 years of age, and
his business was overseeing arrd herding
sheep, during week days and teaching a
class in tne Sunday school at Salem on
Sunday. He stated that he lilted living
there better than any place he ever
worked, he was given the opportunity to
learn agriculture In all Its branches and
was very much pleased with the treat
ment he had received at the hands of the
superintendent, Mr. Helner. They were
served with good, wholesome food, and
'had plenty to eat. The beds were good,
clean and warm. The boys were required
toget up at 5 o'clock In the summer and 6
o'clock In the fall and winter. He thought
the Home was a good place for boys and
he particularly, was delighted with It
Frank Ebel, aged 17 years, had been at
the home since the mldd)e of February. In
response to the query ss Jo whether Su
perintendent Helner paid him for services,
and which Father Rueelng In his report to
the governor says he did not, Young Ebel
replied: "There will be nothing due me un
der the lease with Mr. Lelsy until the crop
of 1903 Is fed to stock and the stock mar
keted." When asked If he was the boy
whom Father Ruesing reported to the gov
ernor as having the fever, he replied, "Yes.
But I wss not sick when Father Ruesing
saw me. but I had been In bed a few days
previous. While I was sick I was care
fully nursed and looked after by Mr. and
Mrs. Lelsy, Superintendent Helner and the
boys. I like It here very well. We get all
the time to go swimming we want."
George Salshury, sged 13 years, testified
that he attended the day school and Sun
day school at the Salem Home, and that
P. A. Brlch taught the day school end
George White the Sundsy school class of
which he wss a member.. He testified to
having plenty to eat, and had plenty of
time to play, about three hours each day;
that he had a good bed.
School Advantages.
P. A. Birch testified that he was a
teacher at Salem. He studied four years I
at the Omaha high school, was graduate
of the University of Nebraska, taking tho
A. B. degree, and that he took a two
years' post graduate course under Prof.
Lyon, and a course In pedagogy under
Prof. Lukey. He teaches six hours during
the day and from one to .two hours at
night. The teaching at night' Is mostly
along agricultural lines, but also In arith
metic. William Haefllger, an Inmate of the
home, testified that he was almost IS
years of age. He likes It there very well.
He la not required to attend school because
of his having attended the Lincoln high
school. Likes the work there, has plenty
of ( time to go swimming and works but
seven and a half or eight hours per day.
Is not compelled to work beyond his
Charley Long testified that he was 15
years of sge. He waa there when Father
Ruesing Inspected the home. Ptd not re
port to him that he was required to get
up at 4 o'clock In the morning. He was
awakened about S 46 by Superintendent
Helner and gets up at o'clock. Has been
cooking since the family that did the cook
ing left, some three weeks ago. Is helped
In doing the cooking by George Bolescllk
and by Mrs. I-eisy often. Would prefer
remaining at the home than go back to
Lincoln, because he could get a good
knowledge of agriculture.
for Broken Leg.
Neb.. Oct. 4. (Special'
John Hladky has sued the Standard Cat
tle company for 115.000 damages for a bro
ken leg. He alleges In his petition that
year ago last August he was driving a
team fur the company and was directed by
the foreman to turn out on a narrow road
and let a team pass. The wagon over
turned and he fell underneath, breaking
his leg and otherwise Injuring him to the
extent of 115.000.
Organising the Hlkernlaas. '
PAP1LLION. Neh., Oct. 4--(Special )
Western Organiser J. C. Bheehan. of San
Francisco, a 14 )A Gretna )eaterdajr ia
an effort lo onr?nlxe the Ancient Orde
of HlberniHns. Much Interest Is being man
Ifested and there will re a large member
ship. Several years there was a strong
society In Gretna.
Hiram Chase trees that As Re I.ald
at the Foot of the
FENDER, Neb., Oct. 2. To the Editor
of the Bee: Tpur paper Is to be com
mended for the pert it has taken In bring
Ing to view the deplorable state of affairs
at the Omaha and Winnebago Indian reser
vatlons, wherein It sppeors that the "In
dlon wards of the nation" have been th
prey of a few favored land "grabbers" In
league with bad officials.
It will be labor lost If The Bee rhrhild
quit the field now; through Its column
much has been done, that will ameliorate
the condition of the Indians, as well as to
deter avarice and Breed from making
further spoil upon a weak and helpless peo
ple: but at this stage of a long drawn
fight for principle. It must be observed
evils dn or do not exist on these Indian
reservations, as that since the crime of
plundering and making spoil of a weak
people la abundantly proven, what meas
ure or punishment,, is to be meted out, or
what remedy Is to bo applied to prevent
the recurrence of these shocking evils? and
It Is to this point that of inaugurating i
better policy In the treatment of the In
dians on these reservations that the thun
ders of newspapcrdom ought now to be dl
To one who has given some thought upon
the question In hand. It sterna that the so-
called "Indian Question" to the govern
ment. Is In many respects what the "col
onial policy" was to the British empire
orntors on either side of the question rea
son well, but upon false premises and doc
trines; and it seems to be upon the same
plan that legislators pass laws for the
government of Indian affairs, till now we
have a so-called "policy," tho tendency of
which Is to wrest from the Indian, under
laws to which he has never consented, tho
lands secured to him by solemn treaties
with the government. To those Informed
It appears that the law under which it Is
supposed that Indians are given the boon
of selling their homes undsr the guise of
BO-ealled "heirship" lands. Is merely an
Instance of unconstitutional laws passed by
congress upon IndlRn affairs,, as such a
law Is nugatory In its attempt to divest
rights under former acts and treaties with
the Indian tribes; that this point on con
stitutional law la well taken Is abundantly
supported by the opinions of the highest
court in the land Is beyond controversy.
The "Indian policy" now In vogue must
be fundamentally wrong In principle, which
must require an eternal watch upon the
conduct of those officers sent to protect
the "wards of the nation" one which
necessitates a periodical exposition of un
consclonable practices even of "respect
able" citizens In their deals with the In
dlans. Under these conditions, like the
ghost of Banquo, the ' Indian Question
will not down till a better system, based
on rational Ideas be established for the
conduct of our Indian affairs. '
lt it be remembered that the kick on
The part of the Indian and his friend Is
not so much on the ground tbat the so
called "heirship" lands are not bringing
prices according to true value, but the
complaint goes to question the wisdom of
the "policy"- which must sooner or later
wrest from the Indian his ancient home
and patrimony secured to him by solemn
treaties with the government and drive him
naked If he survives the wreck, "a vaga
bond throughout the earth."
This policy 4f opening the door for the
plunder and the perpetration of frauds
upon the "wards of the nation" . as the
best means at hand of "civilising and
Christianising" our Indian tribes. Is with
out support of any - known principle of
man's relation to his fellow being under
sny state or condition ancient or modern,
which must address Itself to the profound
contemplation of an Intelligent people.
If treaties have been entered Into with a
weak nation, It will be to the honor and
glory of the more powerful that her officers
and citizens live up to them to the letter,
Instead of violating these obligations.
Treaties are but another form In which the
laws of a country are expressed; let these
laws be enforced and lived up to no matter
under what facts or conditions, In Indian
affairs as much as In any other depart
ment of government; In the faithful Inter
pretation an execution of the law no one
can be injured, except wrong-doers. Tho
Indian question lias had too many Utopian
theories; private opinions, and sentlmen
tallsm has usurped the sceptre of cold facts
and eternal principles of Justice and hu
manity towards a yet weak and Ignorant
Seek to Prove Defeadaat Did
fllct Fatal Iajarles
Not In-
STOCKVILLE. Neb., Oct. 4.-(Speclal.-At
four o'clock yesterday afternoon a
recess was taken In the Frymlre murder
case to "allow the defendant's foster
mother, Mrs. W. D. Frymlre, to recover
from sudden Illness.
The defense called Its first witnesses.
ThV a tn r.rn... V.., .V,-. . V. . .v..
.,,.. ineiot.H k
Mrs. Tracy Puis were not necessarily
fatal. Witn esses werA railed In nrnva tha
friendly relations between Frymlre and
the dead girl, but very little of their testi
mony reached the Jury. Much of the time
was taken by the discussion bet wen the at
torneys regarding the admission of evi
dence. The defendant's foster father, W. D.
Frymlre, was on the stand and testified
to the marriage relations of the defen
dant and Tracy Oldenburg and identified
the .marriage contract between the two.
He gave other testimony that was of no
particular Importance.
An attempt was made by the defense
to ahow that Puis married Tracy Olden
burg, believing her to be Frymlre's wife.
County Attorney O. E. Bogarth of Gosper
was the witness. Puis called on him 'at
E'wood and asked If the marriage con
tract was binding. The witness. however,
was not allowed to testify to the conver
sation between himself and Puis. Puis
testified yesterday that he married Tracy
Puis, knowing her to be enclente.
Gives Newsdealers a Seare.
FREMONT, Neb.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
Borne news dealers are much Interested
over the Intentions of an unknown man
who waa here yesterday. He visited every
news stand and stationery store, looking
over the stock carefully, especially the
Wild Bill blood and thunder kind of lit
erature and story papers of a loud class.
He declined to give his name or residence
to anyone and told them that he was a
representative of a reform organization
whose object was to prevent the sale of
literature of the tough kind and thst prose
cutions would follow in case certain lurid
periodicals and loud pictured ye.low
backed book were kept for sale.
, Two Attempts at 8nlcld.
FREMONT. Neb.. Oct. 4.-(8peclal.)
Lou Davis, a porter at Lallman's barber
shop, made two Ineffectual attempts te
commit suicide last night because, as he
told his friends, his best girl had declined
to go to s dance with him and he didn't
waut to live any longer. The dm time he
tried carbolic acid, but Just ss he was In
the act of drinking it his friends took It
away from him. . A little later he was
seen to have a box of rough on ruts In his
possession, which was forcibly taken from
him and for fear of his getting hold of
some more poisons he was locked up In
the city Jail on a charge of disorderly
Qnestlon Likely to Be Injected lato
Campaign of Candidates for
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. 4.-(Speclal.) In all
probability the question whether the re
gents of the state university should fur
nish text books to the students of that
Institution at cost, will be Injected Into the
campaign and the candidates for the re
gency will be given an opportunity to state
their positions on the question. The pa
rents of the students are deeply Interested
in the matter, and as It Is too late for the
present regents to do anything this term
It is more than likely the candidates will
be called upon to tell what they Intend to
do about It If elected.
C. 8. Allen of Lincoln, one of the
publican nominees said this morning:
have had no opportunity to look up the
law In the case, though I know the statutes
contain a provision that the regents of the
university should furnish text books at
cost. If no tpproprlatlon has been made
for them to do this, and they should at
tempt to use the temporary university
fund, then of course the matter would be
up to the auditor to say whether he would
Issue the warrants. If such a plan on the
part of the regents would be for the best
Interests of the students and It could be
legally done, then of course I would be
In favor of the regents furnishing the
books. However, I have given the matter
no thought whatever, and am not familiar
with the provisions of the law, and neither
have I Investigated to see the good points
of such a scheme."
Now that the report of Superintendent
Clarke of the Peru normal school shows
that tVlOO has been saved to the students
in this purchase of books during the first
term of the year, and that the school only
has an attendance of 43 students, those at
tending the state university and those
parents who pay the bills, are becoming
more and more Interested In the matter,
and are anxious that something be done,
The executive committee of the State
Teachers' association met at the Lindell
hotel Saturday night and arranged the de
tails of the program of the holiday meet
ing of tho association. The speakers for
the evening meetings will Include Frank
""Roberson, who will deliver his Illustrated
lecture on "Norway;" ex-Chancellor James
H. Canfleld and Rev. Joseph H. Nugent of
Des Moines,, who will talk on the "Phil
osophy of Civilization." For the gerstral
Instructional work the committee has se
cured Dr. Hale, professor of Roman lit
erature of Chicago university; and for
primary , instruction Miss Adalalde Holton
formerly of Salt Lake but now of Minnea
polis, and Miss Cooper supervisor of prl
mary work In Omaha..
Frank Roberson will deliver his lecture
on the evening of December SO, Rev. Nugent
the next evening and Dr. Canfleld the even
ing following that. , The .state spelling con
test will occur on Friday afternoon of the
session. The evening sessions will be held
at the St. Paul church. To look after the
visitors a local oommlttee has been ap
pointed, consisting pf Superintendent W. L.
Stephens. I. 8. Cutter, J. W. Crabtree, E
C. Bewick. J. I. Wyer. H. K. Wolfe and
u. Bishop. , It la expected that fully
z.wo teachers In attendance.
Burglars last night gained entrance to the
Pioneer barber khbp In the basement at
Eleventh and Q streets, took the safe from
the room and broke It open with a sledge
hammer. They secured nearly $100 and 200
cigars. The safe was found today beneath
the walk In front of the shop. Entrance
was gained by unlocking a window which
opens beneath the walk. The police have a
clue to the Identity of the wen and expect
to make arrests soon.
Methodist Meeting at Lexington At.
tended by Large Numbers
of People.
LEXINGTON, Neb.. Oct. 4.-(Speclal.)-
Saturday morning's session of the West
Nebraska conference was devoted entirely
to routine business, with the exception of
the devotional service led by Rev. E. H.
Gould. In the afternoon the evangelistic
aervlce waa presided over by Rev. James
Leonard as usual, the sermon being
preached by Rev. D. D. Forsyth. This
was followed by a temperance meeting,
presided over by Rev. W. H. H. Forsyth.
The main address was delivered by Mrs.
Dora V. Wheelock. president of the State
Womens' Christian union, and, as was ex
pected, she made a plea in behalf of the
temperance cause, that created an Intense
Interest in the work of the Women's Chris
tian Temperance union.
The anniversary celebration of the Wom
an's Foreign Missionary society took place
at 4 o'clock and was presided over by Mrs.
James Leonard, who showed her especial
fitness for this line of work.
In the evening after devotional service.
led by Rev. J. H. Derryberry. occurred the
anniversary of Nebraska Wesieyan univer
sity. 8. K. Warrick of. Broken Bow pre
sided over this meeting., which was ad
dressed by Governor Mickey, whoa en.
th-jslasm for this educational Institution
was such that he carried with him the
entire audience. Chancellor D. W. C. Hunt-
ngton, D. D., also delivered an eloauent
address In behalf of the Institution.
Sunday was a great day for the confer.
ence In the way of attendance and the ac
commodations of the city were taxed to
their utmost.
Two Perkins Coantr Men Are a..
fenced for Mtoallag Carload
of. Horses.
GRANT, Neb., Oct. 4. (Special. )Dlstrlct
court was In session from September 28 to
October 2 and two Important ca&es were
tried. Judge Thompson of Grand Island
presided during th first trial and Judge
Grimes during the last one. The first case
up for trial was the Bill-Beaumont case,
which has been In the courts for ten years
snd the verdict Is slwaya In favor of th
defendant. This lawult Is over a note.
The second case was the trial of Hansen
and Richards, charged with stea'lng a car
of horses in July. lo3, from Frank Bishop
and C. L. Pankonln. Hansen entered a
plea of guilty and Richards was tried. Th
evidence produced by the prosecuting attor
neys was very complete snd although the
defense made strong efforts to prove sn
alibi, the Jury returned a verdict of guilty.
The prisoners were sentenced to three
years' hsrd labor In the state penitentiary.
Hansen Is single and half-witted and not
responsible for the act he has committed.
Richards has a wife and six little chil
dren. Rnral Delivery at Table Rock.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Oct. 4. -(Special. )
Mrs. J. W. Phillips, postmaster at this
place, says her report for the quarter end
ing September 10 shows that on the two
routes running from this place there have
been V families served snd the number of
pieces handled was 7J.ET3. an average of
over 4,ov0 pieces eavh month fur each rout.
Th amount of cancellation was $1K.19, an
average of more than ts per month for each
Association of Humboldt Organised
Against Thieves Fleet Offleer
for the lear.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Oct. S.-(Speclal)
Testerday afternoon In this city occurred
the annual meeting of the Humboldt Horse
society, an organization of several hundred
farmers from this section, which has for
Its object the discouraging of horse steal
ing, the ferreting out and conviction of
this class ot criminals. The society has
been organized for a great many years and
the members have done some effective work
along its chosen line. Of necessity much
of the plan and workings must be kept
secret, ss must also the names of the route
men and detectives, but the following are
the officers elected for the ensuing year:
t-reaident, C E. Nlms; vice president. C.
L. Hummell; secretary, C. O. Avery; treas
urer, r. m. ueraen; Doarfl or managers
M. R. Wilson, J. B. Davis, Henry Schwann
I.-M. Reynolds, William Brandow, W. G
Hummell, O. Johnson and W. 8. Robinson
Arrangements were made for a mounted
parade of the members to take place In
this city on Saturday afternoon, October
li, at which time it is expected every mem
oer win De in line on horseback. The
parade Is something new and novel and It
Is expected that this array of stern and
vigilant protectors of the barnyard will
have the effect of checking any local de
sire toward accumulating a supply of other
people s horseflesh.
nepuniieans Harmonious In Cnmlng
vv.ST POINT. Neb., Oct. 4.-(Speclal.)-
ine republican county convention was
called to order yesterday afternoon by
vnairman t H. Ward of Bancroft. The
convention organized by electing Hon. A. R,
uieson of Wisner permanent chairman.
full delegation was present and the pro
ceeoings were perfectly harmonious
throughout. The following ticket was noml
nated: For Judge. S. Lant of Wisner; for
cierk. August Llnnemann of West Point
for sheriff. F. W. Klokc of West Point; for
treasurer. Fred Meyer of Nellgh; for asses
sor, 8. 8. Hall of Cleveland: for sunerln
tendent of public Instruction, M. F. Sawyer
01 wisner; ror clerk of the district court,
G. O. MtiUln of Garfield; for coroner. Dr.
H. 8. Summers of West Point. The ticket
Is regarded as especially strong. Every sec
tion of the county Is represented and the
reeling Is very strong that at least the
major portion will be elected. .J. K. Rnker
or Beemer was elected rhuirmin e u.
county central committee and Colonel J. C.
Elliott or West Point secretary.
Creating a Fishing Resort.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Oct. 4.-fSneell
ine cutorr fishing Association has Just
urcn organizea here and Is to bo Incor
porated under the laws of Nebraska
The officers elected are as follows : Pr.i.
oem. Hon. Charles 8. Wood; vice presi
dent. C. H. Barnard; secretary-treasurer
. a. conklin; superintendent. Mvrnn
wooa. ine company has leased the Cut
off, a couple of miles or more north of
town, made by the Atchison and Northern
railroad cutting off a bend of the Nemaha
river, on the farms of J. C. Wnnrf n
Somerhalder and John Stelnauer, and pro
poses to nt it up, stock It, and convert It
Into a fishing
11 oe commenced Just as soon as the
a 1
contractor can get to It, which will be
in. the course of ten days or a couple of
weeks. Local levers of tha piscatorial art
are greatly Interested In the protect.
..ropallata Oct Long End.
AUBURN. Neb.. Oct. 4.-(SnecIal.)-Tha
populists and democrats each held a county
convention here yesterday. Fusion waa . f -
fected, the populists taking treasurer, sheriff,
assessor, clerk of the district emir
veyor and commissioner for the Second dls.
trlct, and the democrats clerk, county
Judge, superintendent, coroner and commis
sioner for the Third district. The following
ticket wss nominated: Charles Anderson,
treasurer; C. O. Snow, clerk; W. D. CUlwell,
sheriff; J. 8. McCarty. Judge; L. B. Arnot.
superintendent; Dr. James Kay. coroner: H.
Gilbert, surveyor; Fred Parker, eommta.
sloner of Second district; W. E. Daurhertv
Third district; 8. P. Robertson, assessor.
No nomination was made for clerk of th
Fatal Fall from Hay
TECUMSEH. Neb.. Oct.
Bryson Balne. a man well known here
abouts, suffered a fatal fall at Simpson's
livery barn. He went into the havloft tn
ieep and some time during the nleht hn
got up and started to comei down. He fn
down the stairway hole and his leg was
.muiy nroKen in two places and he suffered
internal injury. He was taken to hi. hm.
In the southern part of the county and
medical help summoned from Pawnee City,
but the shock was so severe that he died'
He was buried In the Lewlaton cemetery.
Balne was a married man and leaves a wir.
and one or two children.
Project Still Lives.
Neb.. Oct. 4-(Speclal.)-J.
Smith of this city, one of the urometers
of the Wyandotte road, states that he Is
till In correspondence with the nartlaa
who msde th survey of the extension from
Virginia to this city, and that hev iir.
him the railroad will be built not only to
Beatrice, but to the northwest. Mr. Smith
accounts for the delay by tha fact that the
money market in the east has been verv
lose, and it Is found very difficult to finance
new enterprises.
Inspects Relief Corps.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Oct. 4-fSD3cl1
Mrs. Rosalie B. Condon of Pawnee City, In-
iwcior or tne woman Relief Corps. n
pected John N. Gere Woman's Relief Coma
No. 120 at this place yesterday. There waa
a full attendance and the corps Is In a pros
perous condition.
Offer to leenmaeh Haa1.
TECUMSKH. Neb.. Oct. 4 -fSnecl.l
The Teeiunseh Military band has been ten
dored the position of the reglmentaf band
the Becond regiment by the adjutant
general. It Is not known whether the
bond will find It possible to accept the kind
nin- Shipment of Feeders.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Oct. .-(Special.)-Ifteen
hundred head of young steers will
be shipped here tomorrow by Kllpatrick
Bros, from Imperial, Chase county. Neb.
to be fed on the Kllpatrick ranch west of
town this winter.
Call to Teeamseh Church.
TECUM8EH. Neb.. Oct. .-(Special.)
Rev. Herbert E. Waters, a recent graduate
from a theological school at Auburn, N. Y.,
has been called to the pastorate of the Te
cumaeh Presbyterian church. He Is here
with his wife.
Chaaaherlaln'a Toll, t'holera
Diarrhoea Remedy.
The uniform success of this preparation
In the relief and cure of bowel complaints
hss brought It Into almost universal UM.
It never falls and when reduced with water
ard sweeten, d ts pleasant to take. It It
equally valuable for children and adulta
wilier 4 aaratta Salrlde,
CARTHAGE, Mo . Oct. 4 F. M McDan.
lei. a wenlthv miller, aged So years, com
mitted auir-lde ti1iy hv drowning. Ilia
mind had failed and he feared oon.iiement
In an asvlum.
- , 1
Nelraskan ia Porto Rico t) B Investigated
by Treasur; Department Officials.
Acting Secretary of the Interior Sus
pends Allotments of Lands to
the Cherokee and Hrla-
wire Indians.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 4-The Treasury
department Is about to conduct a further
Investigation into charges that Collector of
Customs A. B. Cruzen at San Juan, Porto
Rico, had accepted presents of more or
less value from certain lHrge Importers and
ship agents and an Inspector will be sent
to the Islands for that purpose. Tha
charges were Investigated and made tha
subject of a report last February by Spe
cial Agent Leslie Cullom, In which he
said that the collector did not deny that
he had received certain presents, but did
deny he made any request or demand for
thorn. The collector In his defense declared
thst the Inspector's report was badly col
ored, but he acknowledged receiving some
presents, asserting, however, thnt none of
them was of a qharacter on which duty
had not been paid.
Mr. Cruzen recently has spent a month
In the United States ami has returned or
will shortly return to Porto Rico. He w.ts
appointed from Nebraska.
Ofnrlnt Tribute to Herbert.
In a. memorial service to be held at St.
John's church on Tuesday. October 6. at
noon, Rev. Roland Cotton Smith, the rec
tor, officiating, this government will pay
official tribute to the memory of the Right
Hon. Sir Michael II. Herbert, G. C, M. Q.
C. B., his brittanlc majesty's HmbH.iim
dor to the United States, who died Septem
ber 3u. The president, his cabinet and the
diplomatic corps, will attend the services.
Acting Secretary Ryan of the Interior de
partment has sent telegraphic orders to the
Dawes Indian commission to suspend the
allotment of lands In the Cherokee Na
tlon pending rt-.s approval by. the depart
ment of the segregation of the 157,000 acres
of land In tin Cherokee Nation, clnlmel
by the Delaware Indians, provision f ,r
which was made In the Curtis act of lv&s
This order is tho outcome of litigation
Instituted In the courts of the ni.Hnt
of Columbia by the Delaware Indians, in
which Justice Anderson accepted an ans
wer made by Secretary Hitchcock that the
segregation had been aDnrovert hv v.u
Acting Secretary Ryan has directed the
commission to forward promptly the cor-
,n-" n tne segregation of the lS7ftm
acres made necessary by the fact that som?
01 tne lands heretofore set asld r.
pied by Cherokees and as soon as these
are at hand the RPffrmMtinn -m w.
-- c . o'-wv" up un
proved. Judge Ryan exnects th ti.i. .n.
be done expeditiously so that the allot
ments can go forward.
White Men Pnrsne Men Who Asaanlt
Them and One of Pursuers
Is Killed.
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. Oct. 4.-Rohep Tri
ton Burdln, a well known man ,.
dered and D. Hays, his cousin, probably
fatally hurt In a fight with
river front this sftemoon. The youn man
who are members of the Loiiiaviit k,
club, left for a sail in the afternoon. .
companled by several fellow club -members,
and us they were passing Towhead Island
were attacked bv ft f S F A 1 II a O sanaai . U
threw lumps of coal Into the h,' ti,.
boat tied up and its occupants started after
the negroes, chasing them into ....
where Will Fletcher, colored, seized an axe
nd striking Burdin over the hH iin.j
him Instantly. liays attempted to ecuro
the axe from the negro, but was aaulted
from behind and badly Injured. The nmi,.
arrested four negroes. Including Fletcher,
aunougn ruily twenty
were concerned In
the assault.
Physicians Do Not Give Anv n
that He Will Entirely
BALTIMORE. Oct. 4.-The physicians and
surgeons who have for several weeks been
in attendance upon Archbishop Kain of St.
Louis, a patient at St. Agnoi' sanitarium,
this city, held two consultations todav. At
the close of the )tst one, late In the day,
they reported that wh'le Monsignor Kain
was much improved, his condition does not
warrant the hope that he will entirely re
cover from the aliments he la (Tri
from. Consultations of the five specialists
end physicians will be held tomorrow.
Fred H. Dunlon la affllri.A o.i.k ...
dlcitis and la at St. Joseph's hospital.
,- arrig, H. B Robinson of Columbus
lid GUV LacltWfKlil nf A M BHA . . .
ti i..- i mo
Colonel Henry Wygant. of the Twenty
second li.fantry of Fort Crook, was a Sun
day visitor In the city.
Major J. C. Muhlenburg, chief paymaster.
Department of the Missouri, returned yes
terday from an official visit to Kannus City.
Horace Scudder. of the firm of Tollman
4 Scudder. proprieters of the Paddcjck
hotel. Beatrice, was a Sunday visitor In
Omaha, enroute to Denver and Idaho
M. H. Hegerty of Alliance, K. M. Park
2' v,t'loo. Mrs E. S. Langdon. M as
rrederick of Paplllloln, Ouorge Mencke
of Blair. D. J. lturd of Hastings, and A.
Abel of Bioux City, are at the Murray.
O. H. Babbitt of Cedar Rapids, F. N
Phlfer, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred N. Uerlche of
Nebraska City, Samuel L. balnden ot Rose
bud, 8. D., H. W. Lpdike. J. S. Smith ot
Denver. M. K. Kuhn of Tender, MUs Alice
Rlnkln of Bancroft, and U. Brockhaven
of Hastings, are at the Dellone.
O. L. Adams of Stella, Mrs. R. F. Blck
erton of Honolulu. H j., ir. anj MrM, t5
D Batterfor of Norfolk. F. V. Laflln of
JNymore. W. II. Kllpatrick of Newcastle,
Vyo., Theodore J. timersh of Hrulna.d.
A. W. Rector of Lincoln, and L. M. Ornis
by of Casper. Wo., are at the Paxtun.
R. Henry Reed of Rock Springs. Wyo.,
JV. O. Lrowu, R. R. Dement of Lincoln,
John Tlcknor of Hairier, 11. H. Osliorne
of Hartington. Robert J. Mackler, M. I,
Schneider of Humphrey, Anna M. Price,
C. M. Young of Parminton. 8. D.. J. V.
Adams of Beatrice, 8. W. Mallory of Day
kin, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards of Ne
braska City, are at the Millard.
W. C. May of Gothenburg. Mr. and Mrs.
F. E. I wis, K. H. LolidtlT of Ogdeu. Mr.
and Mrs. K. N. Harvey of St. 1'iul. Mrs.
It. E. 8tlllman, Ml is Hazel Stlllman of
Genoa. Mrs H. A. Cohen of San Fran
cisco, W. Naugart of Hamburg, Germany.
J. 1. Mendenhall of Wymore, B. V. Kohouf
of Wither, and Miss Lillian McKennu of
Grand Island, are t the iter Grand.
K O. Wisner cf Bayard. W. II. Hlggs,
L. P. Spellnmn of Central City. W. II.
Johnson of Mlnatar. Charles Vittlng cf
Lynch, F. L. Kunard of Rcrlbner. Webb
Killog, T. 8. Berry of Ememon. Mrs. Mary
Clay f Fremont. W. A. Huward. F. M.
Landea of Lincoln. I.. B. Hushman, L.
Si-urth of Aurora, W. B. Weekes of H.otla,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Henphey of Gothenburg.
O. K. Renoer of MmmnJa. Mull . tl. 8.
Clinton of North Platte. W. M. Hopewell
of Tekamah. J. I). Fitzgerald. E. J. Marts,
A. Anderson of Hyannls. F. O. Lundgren
of Norfolk and J. II. Tower of Sutton,
are at the Merchants.
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