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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
3 TITE . OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 4. 1003. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MKNTTO. rrl Willi druss. Btorkert Mil carpets. A stors for men "Reno's." Crayon enlaralns;. Jos, Prosdwsy. Expert watch repairing. Vffert, B'y. Celebrated Met bwr on tup. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rlna at Leffert's, -M Brondwajr. 14K and 1SK wedding rings at Lc?fferts, 409 Broadway. Rchool paints, brushes, drawing and prac tice pHpers. Alexnrder'a. 8M Broadwny. The IMdv Msocsteee will meet Tuesday afternoon in regular session at the usual place and time. Williams make your photorraph correct In stvle. llnlah .and price. Only ahotit half what others charge. Nothing cheap but the twioe rr rnt nfllc room around floor: one I cf the moat central locatlona In the bual- I "iT" po!;."on ofthe clty- App1' t0 Tb I Nice organs for rent at the Botirlrltis ! tilano house: SI per month will be allowed . on purchase price, H36 Iirnadway, where the : orann atanda upon the building. Th case sgalnst Charles Watta, a lad Charged with m:illclonMy Injuring a dog be longing to R. E. O'llnnley, whb dismissed in justice Ouren'a court yeaterday. For rent aeven-room house, gas and water; suitable for boarders or private fnmlly; centrally located. Mra. M. J'orter field, 707 Flrat avenue. Council Bluffs. I We contract to keep public and private houses free from roncnee by the year. In sect Exterminator Manufacturing company, Council Bluffs, la. Telephone F-634. Want accounta settled. Having great deal standing out, I muat require all per ona Indebted to me to aettle at once and avoid coats. Respectfully. George 8. Davla. Members of Council camp, Modern Wood men of America, are requested to meet at their hall this afternoon at 1 o'clock to at tend the funeral of their brother Sovereign l'eter Kane. The funeral of Mrs. E. W. truster will be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family residence, 1034 Kaat Washington venue, and Interment will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Andrew C'olhurgi an aged patient who wandered away from Bt. Bernard a hospital T.'l .1 ,. - fnttnA K.r R ....lln IT..,, p.l.i 1 murnlriK In tha vicinity of the i:nlon Pacific Transfer depot. A. R. Hooker, the former deputy sheriff committed to Ht. iiernurd's hospital for ob servation a few dnya ugo by tne Commis sioners for the insane, was ordered die , charged yesterday. Hans Boje, aged 77 years, died yeaterday morning at hla home in Garner township. Three daughters and two Bona survive him. The funeral will be held Monday morning at 11 o'clock from the residence and Inter ment will be In the Garner cemetery. Mra. Mary Miller, aged 84 years, died yesterday morning at the Woman's Chris tlan Association hospital. Death waa due to tne innrmiiies or old age. i he body will ,do pjnyi an,i tn , apparently rattled be taken to Bliinchiird.t la., Monday fori,, ,.. ... - . " burial. Mra. Miller is survived by one son. j l"m- Within the first five minutes Scott, W. F. Btephan haa gone to les Molnea to ' Ames' fullback, made a splendid forty superintend the wurx cf Installing the steam yard run through the Guards' line and se- .'".STo'lllaf an"S l'oVa" Vn ! company a new building, contracts for which have been awarded the firm of Btephan Bros, of this city, George Carter, the 15-year-old son of James Carter, Avenue H and Twenty-first street, is reported 10 ne sunering irom blood poisoning caused by paddling In the j The boy'a leg la badly swollen and feara are entertained that It will have to be ampu tated. The qucrterly meeting 'of the Woman's Christian association will be held Monday afternoon at the home of i Mra. Lonald Macrae on Fifth avenue. At the close f the business session a musical and literary program will be ttmlereds followed by a so cial session and the serving ot refresh ments. The Council Bluffs Kaglc have accepted n invitation te attend the Omaha Street Fair and Carnival In body Wednesday eight, which haa been designated as Ksiglss' night. Memhera of the order Intending to attend will meet at the corner of )'earl and Broadway Wednesday evening at J:3u o'clock. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel., 30. Night. F667. With the diarrhea. , i At St. Paul'a Episcopal churoh there will be holy communion and aermon by the rector, Rev. George E. Walk, at 10:30 a. m. Junday school will be held at noon. The fjsenlng service will be omitted. At the Second Presbyterian church this morning the pastor. Rev. Harvey Hostetlor, "Will take as the subject of his sermon "The Lord's Love." At the evening service his theme will be "Not AsharaeJ." The First Church ot Christ (Scientist), will hold services In the Sapp building at 11 a. m., when the subject of tne lesson will be "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" Sunday school' will be held at the close of the services and the regular midweek tes timony meeting will be held Wednesday ' evening at I o'clock. Elder Charles Derry of Woodbine, la., will preach at 10:30 a. m. and I p. m. In the Latter Day Saints' church today. Bun day school will be held at noon. The quar terly business meeting of the church will be held Wednesday, evening at 7:30 o'clock. Thla will be the order of exercises at the Bible school conquest rally services at the First Christian church this morning, commencing at :46: Bong W All Hall the Power '. School Standing The Lord Is In Hla Holy Temple, Let All the Earth Keep Silence Before Him Prayer By the pastor, the Lord's prayer closing Rallv Bong Tune, "The Battle Cry of Freedom" Responsive Reading frjehool Hong J Scatter Sunshine Teaching the Leitsun (Twenty minutes). Enrollment of new metibers Formation of new clashes Reports by Classes (1) Attendance; (2) New members; (3) Offering Class mesxage with verse of song .... Solo I'll Be a flunbe-im Eva Mooney. Recitation If I Were Ycq Marian Owena. Sunbeam Chcms - ' Ijvs Recitation Lltt'e Pink To Brigade .... Eva Mooney. Reception of our cratf! roll Funtteam Chorus No. Not O"" Recitation The Spirit of the Home De partment Vera Saunter. Reception of cur fome d"-rtmer.t .... Blackboard Sum-rv K-nurt Secretary. Duet Hapoy Chlicirwn Marian Owers. Ola-lvs Crum. Rally Talk C. f. TUfsvle. fVtimary claa i Address My Flh' ftchnol Crocl W. B. Cli"-"t. "-.'or. atnng 12R I Wsnt to Be n Worker The lord's Supper Tie loxoloirv , , The Benediction The Second Church of Chris' (Scientist) will bold services In Hmlrn v.'oodmen tf America hall In Mei-rii"- Mock nt 10: a. m. Subject: "r " rtv" and Death Real?" Bund-v t -M-lv ftr the service. W- l"s-lay eve1 ing tetl-nnrilil meeting at 7:4T. There will hi r-o-.ei-tnr HrWea at the First Congrng"tlo"nl "ur-i t-1iy at t:J0 a. m. and 7:30 n. -v t --vrtihia serv ice the psstor. R . .Ii k T.nn, H tnk aa the su'-t cf H -n. "TSe Gospel cf th- r vine f-!t-n-" In the ewr-lng his - -v'lt - Christ sn 'e- r -?" 8umly school will r'"-M - t-t(ly sfter the tnornlr.g sarvi te . slatted rl -Here's a plcii- -r mala, slxe a1!'. ' Jects. no llmff -i- dy at 5 cen' printer and stit-v- r4 v. """": -- nV- LEWIS CUTUitt MORTICIAN, tt Paerl SC. CuuucU liUtT. 'Fhos M. I BLUFFS. GUARDS FINALLY HUMBLED 8UU College at Ames. Defeat! Boldien by Score of Biztesa to Hothing. FIRST DEFEAT EVER SUFI ERED BY ELEVEN Amea Callearlan Bear Tvt Taaea iWM and Kirk as JHany Koala la Flrat .Ten Mlaates, After Walea Guards Brace (. Iowa's sturdy agricultural atudenta from Amea college proved too much for tha Podge Light fluerds' foot ball team and for th "m Mirrr of their organisation the soldiers went down In defeat yesterday afternoon by a acore of If to 0 In favor of the collegians. The gamo, however, was not so one-aided aa the acore would Indicate, aa after the first ten minutes' play, the soldlera rallied and held their opponents down In good shape, despite the fact that the visitors suc ceeded In getting a third touchdown In the last half. The Ames team not only had the ad vantage of practice and training, which the guards sadly lacked this season, but It heavily outwelghted the soldier players. While the Ouarda finally met their Waterloo, they played a good game after they got over their flurry in the beginning of the flrat half. At the outset of the game the Ouards lost fifteen yards In three aucceaalve penalties for offside play, and thla seemed to rattle them, as Amea scored two touchdowns within the first ten minutes'- play. After the second touchdown the soldlera pulled themselves together and from that out the game was a rattling one- Tne ,nlr1 touchdown secured by Ames was about the middle of the second half. The game was witnessed by about 1,000 people. The game had been called for S o'clock, but it was half an hour later when Cap tain Wlckham of the Guarda and Captain Daniels of the Collegians got together and spun up the coin. Ames won the toss and chose the north goal. Wlckham I kicked off for the Guards and the game I waa on. ' Three tlmea In succession the Ouards were penalised five yards for off- CUd th toUcha' Tellle' k"ed an easy goat. , ; Ames kicked off, and the ball waa caught by Dnlley on the flare-yard line, who ad vanced It about twenty yards. Then ensued a series of line bucks, the collegians grndu ally forcing the Guards hack, yard by yard, until Ebersole secured tha ball, and with a short end run secured the second touch down for the visitors. Tellier again demon strated hla ability as a goal kicker. This second touchdown was within ten minutes of play. CasYaln Wlckham Retires. Captain Paul Wlckham of the Guards, who had been lick for several days and went Into the gamo against the advice of hla friends, now retired and Hs took hit place at center. Ames' kicked off and Dalley returned the ball about twenty yards. The soldiers took a brace, and for a while kept steadily gaining, yard by yard, on the collegians. The' advantage gained by. the Guards, however, was lost when Ames punted, and the Guards fum bled, with the result that the ball was downed on the Gaards' ten-yard line. The Ames men worked desperately for a touch down, but the Guards held them for three downs and gradually force! them from the danger polnv The Guarda then made a good gain by a punt, but loat It ngaln by a punt from Amea, the ball going out of bounds. This brought the ball back Into the Guarda' territory In the vlclnlly of the ten-yard line. When time of the flrat half was called the ball was In the soldiers' territory, and the score stood 13 to 0 In favor of the Ames collegians. The second half was not marked by any particularly brilliant playa and consisted mainly of atralght line bucks. About the middle of the half Bcott went through right tackle for a forty-yard run, securing the j third touchdown for Ames. Tellier again demonstra ted that he waa an adept at kick ing goala. The succession of straight Hne bucks resulted in four of the players being ( knocked out. Jorgensen, Warden and Scott j of the Araea team had to retire from the game, aa did Galnea of the Guarda. Except for the touchdown secured by Ames, neither side appeared to have much the advantage : In the second half, the ball being In the ; middle of the field 'the greater part of the ) i i DODGB GUARDS. R. K St usrt R. T loMnion . . . Poula Wl-khjin . .. knux H. O C u. a L. T V u m Q B Chntnut ......... D.ll.r , DIMrlrh j R. H. B... 1. H. B... r. b KtrhmoDd Joe Warner, Twenty-flve-ininute hulves. umpire; J. J. Mess, reieree. Pletarc Hale at DeUsi'a. Heavy matted pictures, i cents each at DeLong's. Monday. 07 Broadway. Death of Fred Lamb. Word was received here last evening of the death of Fred Lamb, a pioneer ivaiJent of (. ouncll tlluTs. on the farm of his son-ln-la. W. Ii. Klssell, near Avocu. la. While no particulars were received here. It waa s'.nted that Mr. Lamb's death due' to a fall from a load of hay. Mr. Lamb was years of age. He became a resident ot Council Bluffs in 1MU. Eighteen months ago he removed to niaWe his home with his daughter, neir Avoca. For many years he was caretaker at Falrmount park. Three daughters, Mra. E. Huntington of thla city, Mrs. N. E. Smith of Ludington. Mich., and Mrs. W. H. Klssell. with whom he made his hi mo, survive him. The remains will be . hrmirht Ia thla fit v fnr And th ... , . , ,w mude later, will le from the residence of his ginddttghter, Mrs. Mynster street. J. H. race, 710 j To SleW People. ! Fur tomach .ltters. nerve tonlca, cough j syrtins f ml rtlsrrhoea medlelia. go to i nHivn'a lirus t-re. IVHaven's rnturh I " - Mut'era la Itlatelet C'aart. Jndre Thcrnell has notified Clerk Reed of district court that he will be here 'ef"n'diy to hear the rase of Logan rr-vford sgalnst the BoKia of Supervlsora p0twsttmle end Hwrl'in counties. time. AMES. ' I Tlllr T...U B H.Rtilnsvr ...-L. T- Eb raol UU 0 Una r :...c. Flu-kl.r R. O. JorgenMQ R. T. Wrrd.a R. I'. rwHlKls Q. B 7nr R. H. B. HIT L. H. H i.o-1 I....F. B. Tb's Is the sutt a which Crawford seeks to er.-ln the surrvleo-s cf the two ejuntlea from proceeding wtth the construction of the H rrtiKn-Pottawattmte county drain er nt"he. It Is exnected that te hearlf will t several d-ya and the outcome wt'l be w'ched for with much IntsrAtt in both counties. , In the district court yesteday Judge Wheeler granted a divorce to phn A. Jones I from Flossie Jones, whom he married In Adrian, Minn., In July, 1900, and whom he alleged deserted him two year later. Disagreement Over Keee. Dr. A. H. Csrter and Samuel Roberts are neighbors Inasmuch as the property of Dr. Carter on South First street abutta the property of Mr. Roberts on East Pierce street. Roberts started to put up a new fence yesterday and Dr. Carter objected on the grounds that Roberts was encroaching two feet over onto his lot. Dr. Csrter alao claimed ownership of the old fence which Roberts took down. The dispute resulted In Dr. Carter filing an Information In'Jua tlce Ouren'a court charging Roberts with the malicious destruction of his property. The hearing was set for next Thursday. Reavl Estate Transfers. These tranafera were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Baulre. ML Pearl street: William O. Fullnger and wife to Timothy W. Kellev. lot 5. block 3. Judaon's 5d add to Neoln, w. d f 1,300 Emma L. Smith and hushrtnd tp Pat rick Gallagher, lot C. In CnVady s add, w. d : 1,000 R. O. Folk to Frank J. Alnsworth. s4 lot 2, block . Hayllas' 1st add w. d.. 1.600 Svend Rasmussen and wife to William Hill, lot 1. block 3. Hnbbltt Place. . and lot t. Auditor's subdlv swU no'i 29-75-43. w. d . 1 Ellen W. Crowe and husband to John Kin, lot 15. block 40. Ferrv add. w. d ; : ....." Iowa Townslte companv to William Duff, lots 5 and 6. block 13, Bentley add, w. d 3,000 Total six transfers Marriage Ureases. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. S. R. Faulkner. Douglas Co.. Neb 2S Marie Nelson, Douglas Co., Neb 25 Sterling Forrest. Pottawattamie Co.. Ia. ..25 Althta Ewing, Pottawattamie Co., Ia 30 Plumbing and Heating. Blxby tt Son. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY Womaa'a rlafc Haa Resamed Activity for Another Beasoa of tse fnlness. 8. E. Whaley Is home from two weeks' visit In Spenrflsh, 8. D. Mrs. N. P. Dodge Is visiting relatives In the eastern part ,of the state. Mrs. O. T. Camp la home from a visit with relatives In Delavan, Wis. Mrs. C. O. Fisher returned Friday from a visit with relatives In Red Oak. I a. The members of the Woman'a Whlat club will met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Al br'rht of Glen avenue. The members of the Euchre club will meek Tuesday orternoon with Mrs. Charles Wood- ourv or willow avenue. Mrs. C. L. Whitman left Wednesday for Oklahoma City on a month's visit to her Bister. Mrs. Watson Hawk. The members of St. Agnes' guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet Monday evening with Mra. H. A. Qulnn. Mrs. McCuskey, who haa been the guest of her daughter, Mr Page Morrison and family, returned to her home In Woodbine, la., yesterday. Mrs. M. P. McClelland of Brooks, lv, and Mr Frank McElrath of Wlnslde, Neb., are guests of their sister, Mrs. Elmer E. Smith and family. Miss Georgene Bebhington entertained the members of the Flower mission at her home on Park avenue Thursday afternoon. About twenty were In attendance. Mrs. M. V. Beasore entertained a number of friends Informally at cards at home on South Sixth atreet Monday evening. About twenty gueata were In attendance. The French classes of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet at the clubroom Tuesday ftfternouii at 3:30. The Spanish classes will meet Thursday afternoon at i o'clock. Mrs. Arthur Lane entertained the women and frlenda of the Grace Episcopal church at a kenalngton given at her home Thurs day afternoon. About sixty gueata were in attendance. Mrs, L. J. Kenney, who has been visiting her son, E. L. Kenney, will return to her home In Lansing. Mlch.i this evening.- She will be accompanied by Mrs. E. L. Ker.- ney, who will visit there for a few weeks. The current topic department of the Coun cil Bluffs Woman's club will meet at tha clubroom Wednesday afternoon, followed by thn physics! culture deDarlment. The l.inmisge department will meet Thursday afternoon. Mrs. H. O. Running was pleasantly sur prlned lnat evening ny a number of her neighboring frlenda. High five, followed by delightful refreshments, served to make the evening a most enjoyable one for those in attendance. All clubwomen who expect to attend the lecture to be given In the Omaha Woman's clubroom Monday evening are asked to he at the junction of Broadway and Pearl alreet Monday evening In time to take the (:45 Omaha car. Mr Painter Knox entertained the mem bers of the Tuesday Euchre club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prlsea at carda were won by Mra. Robert Peregoy and Miss Msble Hicks. The club will be entertained this week at the home of Mrs. Robert Pere goy. The marriage of Mr. Howard Culver and Miss Mable Dealer occurred Wednesday evening at t o'clock at the Christian church In Omaha. Only Immediate relatives w4t neased the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Culver went to Sioux City after the ceremony and wlll'spend several days there visiting friends and relatives. The marrlsge of Mr. Lucaa Neumayer and Miss Clara AlcQann occurred Wednesday morning at ( o'clock at St. Peter's Catholic church, the pastor. Rev. Father Herman, officiating In the preaence of a large number of friemis of the bridal couple. A wedding breakfast was sered at the home of the bride's patents on Fourth street at the con clusion of the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Neumayer left the same afternoon for a six weeks' wedding trip to California. Bltf DITCH TO DRAIN BOTTOMS Goveritaseat Expert Oatllaes a Plaa to Farmers of Houoaa ad Krlftkjborlaa; Coaatles. ONAWA. Ia., Oct. I (Special Tnlegram.) C. Q. Elliott, the government drains a ex:rt. who Is Investigating the drainage problem In this vicinity, spoke at the opera bouse this afternoon. Prominent land owners were present from Woodbury, Monona and Harrison counties. Mr. El liot, outlined his plans, which call for a ditch twenty-two miles long, forty-five feet wide on the bottom, sixty to seventy feet on top. average depth ten feet. Also a sys tem of cutting of bends of Little Sioux river, whereby a cut three and two-thirds miles will save seventeen miles and about 58.000 acres of land reclaimed at a cost of 3241.000. Areldeataliy Shoots Himself. LOGAN, Ia.. Oct. 3-(8peclal. Harry Tremble, a man of '.0, working on )he farm of V'Hllcm O'Prlen. near B,eebcetown, acci dentally ahot rtmsrlf thl morning about 4 o'rloik ard Inflicted what la almost cer tain to prove a mortal Injury. He had Jjst returned from a dance at Missouri Valley, whtre It Is customary for he young men to carry arma. He took his revolver frjm i ts pocket rrd In pl-tc'ng It in his trunk It went off, fhootlng hint through the lung. Dr. J. D. -Jones, si I-oran. waa unable to extricate the h-il'et. coneo,ucntly th". youpg man was I V n to Missouri Val'ey to undergo an v"-r y treatment at the handa of 1-. ' "'. ' Plunt "-1 nt Low Plgara. SIOCX CITY. la.. Oct. l-(8peclsl Tele gram.) The plant of the Sioux Beet Svrup and Preserving company at South Bioux City waa sold st auction today to Abel Anderson, president of the Northwestern Nations! bank. Sioux City, for 320 000. The plant has had a rather troubled career, having reoeully passed through a receiver's hand. Mr. Anderson says be expects to sell the plank Its original coat waa' ever j tiOC.OOa, STATE COLLEGE AFTER MONEY Half Million Dtlls-a Seeded for Building tod Othtir Inpmcments. BANK DEPOSITS ARE ON THE INCREASE JaWaBSA State Ballot Board Defers tntll Mo- day Drrlslon of tae Broaer Batler Legislative District toatest. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DEB MOINES, Oct. 3.-(8pecial.)-The trustees of the Iowa State college at Ames, after a series of meetings, have declJea that they will ask the next legislature tor appropriations aggregating mora than xhOu.Ooo for fhe support of the college and for permanent Improvements. The tru te.'S met last night with Governor Cummins In this city and went over the wholo ground. The special levy of a tax for the bullying fund for the college will yield about llii, OUO a year for Ave years, but In the con struction . of buildings already more than a year's collections have been uaed and It has been decided that more will be asked so that the work snail not be delayej tK long. It is desired that there shall also be erected a central heating plant for the college and there shall be additions to the buildings for a hall of domestic scienco. The enrollment at the college has Increased so rapidly that there must be additlcna to the support fund or the college will not be able to care for the students who come. The items to be aiked for, aa far as made out, are: Main building and completion of agricultural hall, 3i0,0Chi; heating plant for the college, "3123,000; instruction lund, 7tl, 000; furnishing halls and equipment, 335, 000; experimental station, Joo.OuU. It Is re garded as probable that there will also be some effort made to secure more land for the experimental farm work. Depoalta on the Decrease. The deposits in the banks of Des Moines are on the decrease to a tmali extent as shown by the last reports of the state and sav.ngs banks under the call of the audi. or of state. The last call was September 9, and under this call the deposits of the eleven state and savings banks were re ported on that dale as follows: Capital City State Central btate , Grand Avenue 'Savings German Savings Security Trust and Savings. State Savings Home Savings Marquardt Savings People's Savings Des Moines Savings Valley Savings .3UR1.789.68 b84,SM.V4 ui.m.u m.u69.46 1.202,4U9.40 860,717.50 7:2.624. 4 6l,s73.) 1.0ju,2;o.22 3.711,027. .8 7I9.74S iO Total .311.OS8.972.6S To thla should bo added about 3112,000 .de posits In the new Century Savings bank, which did not report. On the call of the auditor for the May reports the total ot deposits was $11,322,714.67. which Is 3121,791.89 greater than the total under the last call. Including -the new bank. Large l.avr Class Agala. There are thirty-six candidates for ad mission to the bar of Iowa to be examined by the State Law commission when the su preme court meets next week. This Is an unusually large law class for thla season ot the year. The law commission conducts the examination under rules adopted by the supreme court for this purpose. The court will meet for the October term on Tuesday next and be In session over a month. All of the judges are In the city and engaged In the preparation of their decisions for the term. The articles of incorporation for the Davenport Flour, Feed and Commission company were filed ylth the secretary of state today; capital, 335.000; by II. J. Nea land and othera. Legal Qoeatloaa Iavolved. The State Ballet board or commission has deferred dectalon of the contest case from the Bremer-Butler district until next Mon day In order that Attorney General Mullan might Investigate the law questions in volved In the case. There was not any great conflict In the testimony as to what ac tually occurred at the convention, but there Is wide diversity of opinion aa to the law Questions. v The difficulties In the republican ranks In northwestern Icwa, owing to two nomina tions for representative In the Emmet Dickinson district, were disposed of by the notice of withdrawal of Q. C. Fuller of Mil ford, which leaves a clear Held for B., F. Robinson of Esthervllle. The nominations closed late tonight. It Is not known that any failed to arrive In time, and therefore no other contests are anticipated. Aotonsoblle la a Hole. 3. A. Garver and E. F. Rasmussen had an exciting experience about midnight last night when they ran an automobile Into a manhole left open In the street. Th-sy were going at good speed along the street. The telephone company, which had made the excavation and was doing wor In the street, had left red lights displayed. SHERIDAN COAL He wise and buy your supply of coal now Don't wait until prices advance and tben t blame us. We handle the bet of all kiuda of hard and soft coal and guarantee satis faction. . ; Fenlon-Wickham Coal Co. Telephone 395. 07 Mailt Street. I- I JKWKI.EH .n OPTICH;. 44n IIROAPWA Y. but Carver mistook the position of the Hght. and ran plump Into the men were thrown violently out to the pavement and Mr. Rasmussen was much injured by the fall. Fair Made Money. Tha profits of the last state fair of Iowa were greater than had been anticipated at the time of the close of the fair. The weather was so bad that the fair manage ment was much disappointed in the at tendance and yet the net profits were 314, 146.31. This excludes expenditures for the permanent improvements. During the fair week over four Inches of rain fell, which Indicates the odverse conditions under which the fair was held. t'hnrlra Emory Smith to Speak. Charles Emory Smith of Philadelphia, former poatmaster general. Is to do some speaking In the Iowa campaign. He will be at Mason City to attend the meeting Of the teachers of northwestern Iowa on the lth and Immediately following that he will hold two meetings In the state. Fire Years for Swindling;. MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia.. Oct. l.-(Speclal.) Fred A. Marson. convicted at the recent term of the district court of obtaining money under false pretenses, waa sen tenced this morning by Judge Caswell to Ave years In Fort Madison at hard labor. The Judge scored the prisoner unmercifully. Marson has operated at different times In several sections of this state. His usual scheme was to secure young men as travel ing salesmen for company which did not exist and secure money from them for sample cases. The amount secured, on which he was convicted, w.ts S2. Girl Killed by l.lghtnli a. LEMAR8, Ia.. Oct. 8. (Special Tele gram.) Evalvn Simpson, a 13 yar-old girl, waa Instantly killed at Merrill, r'x miles south cf here, by a bo't of llgh'.nlng. She had Juat stepped to a window which was open to carry her little stater to the break fast table. Chnreh Entertains Old Folks. TORK, Neb., Oct. 3. vSpeclal.) Members of the Methodist Episcopal church yester day gave their annual reception to the old people of the town and vicinity, which the people arc plaaaed to call the Sunset social Yesterday there were, nlnety-flve present who were over 70 years old. Many of the guests were unable to walk to the church and carriages were provided for them. Choice refreshments were served and 'the rooms and tables were tastefully decorated wtth autumn leaves, vines' and flowers. Forty persons were seated at one time for lunch. In order of thelp sges, the oldest first. Upon the napkins used was printed tha program and many were carried away as souvenirs of the occsrlon. E. F. Blbblns was the oldest person present, being S9. E. Cook was 87 yesterday, and the social was a birthday party for him. There were five persons present who were over 86, twenty-two over 80 and forty-nine over 75. The quartet's singing waa excellent, and when they sung "The Old Time Religion" the audience Joined heartily In the chorus. Beatrice Womaa'a Clab Meets. BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct. l.-Speclal.)-The Woman's club held its first meeting of the year .yesterday afternoon. Thirteen new members were admitted to the club and a very Interesting program rendered. Mrs. A. Hardy was selected aa a delegate to attend the State Federation of Women's clubs, which convenes at Fremont Monday, October i. Irwla Heirs File Seventeen Salts. NEBRASKA CITY, Oct. 8. (Special.) Seventeen suits have been filed In the dis trict court here by the Irwin heirs to re cover property formerly belonging to John Iiwln, deceased. The moat of the property In question' is farm land, and the suits are Instituted against some of the most promi nent !and owners in this county. npHAT name in a hat is a guarantee of positive superiority It is accepted that way the world over, because no hat ever left the Stetson factories that did not deserve the mark. W have alosyt na hsas a full Use af the latest hisuea stytss. METCALF & P-1ETOALF, Mal i St. Through to Pearl St. LEFFERT'S IS HEADQUARTERS FOR DIAMONDS. Magnificent Diamond Display (tome Idea of the Imwtema stork of olamoiids we carry caw he stad r laore at oar show windows. Wo haTe searrhed the asarketa of the world and hare nleked oat the hest aad forest eoala hay. They are here aow 1st all their sparkling; neanty aad tagalSjceaee the larareat assort meat ever sera la thla vicinity. Rlags, slsa, Brooches, of many dealana and patterns, set with dlaaaoaale aad other preetoas atones, la all slses aad at vary. Ir prices. Look at our display window, thea rme lasld aad row will ho sarrrlsed at the very low prices they sell for. Oar aew goods are romina In dally. "Quick Meal" Steel Range. We will give an exhibition nt our store of the great "QUICK MEAL" fcSteel Kange during the week commencing I Si n SWAINE 830 BROADWAY rianos o: liiilliifl louricius' Piano House , Where the O reran Stands , Upon the Building 335 Broadway,, Council Bluffs, Iowa WAIT I That's what they nil say, but what Is to be gained by delaying your coal orders? NOTHING But much to be lost coul prices may go skyrocketing some of thetse days. BE WISE Send us your order today while we have plenty of coal. Our prices nrn right. Incldeiitly, there Is no better coal thau we sell yon. It's clean, properly graded, free from flack, slate, gravel, stone. It's Just coal. WM. WELCH, Office. 10 X. Main St. Tel. V2K Branch Office, U13 8. Main St Tel. 03. Yard, Nth St. and 11th Avenue. Tel. ."hi" i . hmi III Vsi-v ii l - j p.i : t ft'SItj' war i fk ft r iV If tint', Mnnrlnu Hot R IQDQ IIIUI.UUJ; UUli UjlUUU A Kprcln! roprrsrntutlve from tho fac tory will lx jirpsont to explain Its Humorous merits. Only (lni-ln this exhibit fl BE.M'Tl 1 -'VI. PREMIUM will be presented to every purohnser of a "Quick Meal" steel Knnge. He sure to come, its this special inducement can only 1h offered tlurlug this exhibition. HOT-BISCUITS AND COFFEE SEKVED. & MAUER - COUNCIL BLUFFS. 'ualitv. The more ex.if.liig you Rre nlxnit the nihility of Hie il:ttio you would purclinsn hc prpntc-r your prntlflcaton would bo with a piano puivluiHod from Uoiu'lclus. They irprpNont the limit of attainment in quality of toife and durability. In tone nnd action our pianos gratify every exaction of iiuilcliin nnd tliey repro evnt the standard pluno factories of the country. We will be K'd to show you these instruments iiud guarantee them -in every way. Trices marked In plain , figures. 9 The Work that Attracts Attention by its whiteiiCKM and fine finish. You get it at the p.iptflnr "Eagle." Family washing at dozen rates. Thorn 157 for. , white wagon. Eagle Laundry Co. New Building. 718 Broadway A Model Bath Room. la a rnt eHseiitlnl feature of ' - . 1-'. lull hi it IS 11 litCe4H If" l-ltltlt'l lo any home. Better put .umi'-v In cr lecting the Kanltiiry system, tliereby In siii'luu the health and ouu')i't : in ,r f.xr liy than spending it fr tin r-.r-:lslii'.i.H. The plumbing iji'.ci.n ndnpi l.y tis are alMolutel r -t. Meet ittiT) teiiulreinent nt mo 1 ia' vn-t if we do 't. Its don.- rlghi. J. C. Bixby 6c Son Ittrj Mala St. aad ZOB Pearl Bt. T.lesaoae Ifta. laoaell BlaaTs. The Contrast Id ite .Inen we launder ail that dont I'V iMi.-ni I all In our fa .-or. We hate en i',i-to-.Uj te eipilpment ind do up-to da to work. We take siicii.l jhiIiih with II tbe work we do. Thi is all for i.icl'.t. ss you wl'i uppie i i it yi-ii aeiul your linen here. W) i.i ! for and deliver. Special rates to ag!ui. S'.r.tD to bs. Si'ec-al rates on family vmhii;, Bluff City Laundry, Council Bluffs. 'Phone. Sit Na Main Strea