Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1903, Page 10, Image 40

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I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. 1j. I.omax.
Iwere proclaimed king and queen. Mr. H. J.
IVnfold was Ak-Snr-Hen VII and Miss
Kilith Hmlth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
. Allen li. Smith, tils queen, and last ye ir
Mr. Thomas Kry and Miss Ella. Cotton,
daughter of Mrs. Merman Kountse, sat
From the Royal Dictionary
A I make Inquisitive people ask
d Kv I n uoh! iiiitK Tha nnlv mimv 1 1
make sense out of it Is to
spell It backward, although it Is
the great forward factor In Omaha's com
tnercla.1 advancement. It is the mascot
v for a charmed organisation that has no such
, word as fall In Its lexicon. Known the
, whole world over as the synonym for push,
progress and royal good fellowship.
nual carnival. The anxiously awaited 0
poilunlty for stately dames and sprightly
. misses to dt'snort themselves in new
, gowns that expose all their charms
In the most attractive manner. The
llooUtlde work for the dressmakers and
modistes and the busy time for the livery
men and the florists. The ball starts rolling
at 9 p. in., and ngain reaches stubis
equilibrium before dawn.
HA US A word fraught with double mean
In the royal precincts. All royal knluhts
must first get behind the bars before they
run i.t In frnni nf I h Iiam ik.flui.Un
however, lutrs no ene from enrolling him
elf under his standard providing only he
Is devoted to the promotion of Omaha's
weltWe and has the ante to see th
1 treasurer.
CARNIVAlj-Trrm "applied to the Ak-Sar-.
TUn's royal jubilee, Derived from the word
car txcau the car tracks supply the
royaj road way and tba propelling power
comes from the ear barns. At the height of
l-sundry work Is hard wrrrk under ordinury conditions. With
good soup and plenty of water the conditions are more favorable.
Good snap not only lightens the burdens, but It makes the clothes
charier und whiter. Why not use the best?
Diamond TT
Diamond "C" Is toe best pure tallow laundry soap on the market.
It In the soap that does the work.
Juther. Diarinnd "C" Soap wrappers are valuable. Save them
for a premium. Your grocer Bella the soap. Ask him for our pre
mium lit t. or write to tin. We will Rend 1U
takers. Sooth Omaha, Nebraska.
upon the throne.
Friday night the brilliant ceremony will
be re-enacted and King Ak-Sar-Ben IX and
Ms queen will be crowned, but their Identity
must remain unknown until that night
when the masks are lifted and they shall
have come Into their own.
the carnival the cars stop running and the
people who have to walk start cussing.
Yet they would rather walk all the ttms
than miss the carnival.
COURT CRIER A leather-lunged Indi
vidual who calls out the royal commands
In an unintelligible language. When not
crying for his master he cries to himself.
It's a crying shame that he should be
allowed to Inflict the public, but he Is just
as necessary an adjunct to the royal house
hold as the royal robe and other Insigna
of royal office.
CROWN The headdress that ditw
guishes royalty from the common herd of
subject. Every one acknowledging Ak-Sur-Uen
is crowned with glory, but the
kingly skull alone is ornamented with this
diadem of brass and glass. The crown be
longs to the property man's paraphernalia
and can ba taken out of suak only once a
DEN The rendeivous of all loyal knights,
not dissimilar from other dons of iniquity.
A place hard to get In and easy to get out.
The scene of orgies too horrible to describe.
The place where married men say they
ware when they don't want to tell their
nlves just where they spent the evening
or own up to just how much they lost.
KIjOAT A velOcle no called bcwue ft
ever rests oa a watery surface. An in-
Btruuieut of torture for gaily clad victims
who a&sume various disguises to conceal
the disgrace that has overtaken them. An
electric automobile drawn by horses and
Illuminated by trolley. A fantastic auto
maton that tells fairy tales In picturesque
object lessons. Not usually a soap ad
vertisement. OOAT Ak-Sar-Ben's pet saddle horse. A
rapklly changing species that seems to take
the form of widely different animals at each
reappearance. Among the favorite forms
are those of a giraffe, an elephant, a moun
tain ram end a bucking broncho. The goat
delights In surprises and Is so resourceful
. in Its works of internal improvement that
it has no difficulty in getting into action at
both tnds at the same time.
GOVERNOR One of twelve In number
Invested with the royal patent of nobility.
ICaaily recognised by the daxaling uniform
provided for himself and the superior at
Biosphere which lie breathes and on which
he waxes fat with the help of Omaha club
dinners. Distinguishable also by the gorge
ous gold badge guaranteed to admit to all
side shows without the presentation of a
ticket at Uie gate.
GRAND ML'KTI-The head officer of the
royal household, lie is known by his muf
fled voice and the mufT be carries in his
hands, as also by his dexterity in muffing
high balls. He Is also an adept in putting
away muffins for breakfast. The Grand
Mufti never gets muffed and always occu
pies a place high, dry and safe when the
flromorks are set off.
GUKST The out-of-town recipient of Ak-Sar-Ben's
hospitality. Always a particular
object of special attention, so that lusting
souvenirs of the visit may be carried baric
home. The guest Is kept constantly guess
ing at what is in store for him next and la
allowed to guess as often as he pleases.
HUSTLER The man who asks you tor
your ten and will not take "no'' for an an
swer, lie make himself the worst null-
Octeba 4, 1903.
ance within the limits of the realm and im
agine the wheels would not go round with
out him. He has a know-it-e.ll unite as if
he were the only one in on the game und
had a special license to watch other people
buy gold bricks.
INITIATION The playful ceremonie
indulged to welcome the stranger within the
gates. The Initiation changes from year t
year, and is more striking some years than
other years. One year the initiation was
abolished altogether, but this was so hard
on the recruits that It was again restored.
Having once gone through with the Initia
tion, each loyal subject exhibits a lively
sympathy by attending and participating Isj
the succeeding Initiations, just to make tX
Interesting for those who come in later.
KING The real thtng-not the kind that
Is so scarce In the deck. TWs king never
appears in public In pairs er threes. He at
tains the height of his royal career at the
ball, while the next day none is so lowly
as to stoop to do him honor. He Is selected
from among those who give promise of
fitting the royal robes that are kept la
KNIGHT The brain, brawn and sinew
of the organisation. Dubbed knight be
cause of the nights he spends at the de
and other places best not mentioned. Tit
knight is under solemn oath not to reveal
the sncrets of his royal master and to keep
his troth has to take opiates to avoid
talking in hit sleep. No loyal knight ever
delas responding to the summons to duty
be it to pass the royal goblet or to pass a
bobtail flush.
LADY IN WAITING Supposed to be
waiting oa the queen but really wailing for
the right man. Some wait longer than
others. Some of those who were waiting;
n the first queen are still waiting, but they
are warmed by hopes. It is expected that
before long; Ak-Sar-Ben will decroe a