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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
8 THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. October 4, 1903. ton RELIABLE!' ESTABLISHED FOR YEARS. DENTISTRY NO DELAY. en I J7 U x NWf I I I AFloaterona Float Uj Is smootn sailing now. In my knightly nights we hud mighty rocky times afloat," said a formrr member of Ak-8ar-llcri's parad ing hosts. In a reminiscent mood. "Four tlmt'H I strutted on the heaving decks touching elbows with veneered royalty, flirting with the angel, pirouetting with painted clowns und doing divers stunts for the edification of the gaping multitude. On smooth pavements such as D tuglan fctnet a, character pose could be maintained with dignity, but when we struck tint rocky Farnam road dignity went overboard and every poser had to grip the stayrods. Mounted on small wheels the floats wob bled among the rocks, producing a Hernia tion perilously close to mal-de-mer and pre venting us giving to our respective stunts the deft, artiHtlo touclieii for wtilch the knight of other days were Justly esteemed. Now the float 8 float over smooth rails anil the Jars and Jolts are a memory. "Tho first time I consented to address the legions of Qulvera In disguise fancy sug gested that the garb of a comic opera fairy Was Just my size. Clruceful curve of limb, a round front then strictly In fashion and tho vibrant HthenesH of youth prompted the belief that In the shimmering costume of a fairy I would attract attention and Win a magnum of applause. Hut I was running for a full, tlently my wunts were made known to Grand Mogul Mctz. 'Huh,' he remarked, as he sired me up, 'you'd tart a riot with that rig. What you want Is a saddled barrel und the wund of Uani brinus.' "loiter on, with the aid of a nerve tonic, I landed close to the front. 1 was told off as herald of the king, armed with a hunter's horn, with which to announce the .royal presence.. I became aware early In the game that the hunter's horn was empty and would not match my complexion or Impale the atmosphere with melody suited to the occasion. It was supplemented with a tin horn, vintage of '84. Dy diligent practice I was able to toot a few thrill ing bars of 'Hall to the King,' 'There'll Ho a Hot Time,' and a few weird shrieks of the Hemls Blren variety. So fetching were, these melodies that the tin horn inae.-itro lives to tell the tale. "It was a glorious night and the knights were equal to It. The king mounted his throne with all the trupplngs of his sta tion."' Dundreary whiskers of a corn tassel tint artistically smothered his Jawbones. A Jeweled crown whs pinned to a wig of goldcnrod tone, and- a husky voice com pleted the head wear of us true a monarch as ever hit the corn belt. On each side of the throne were two blooming fairies Juliet and Clenevleve. In front the herald stood securely braced, gowned In tights, a cute little sawed-off coat buttoned In the bark and braided In front. A Tyrnuean hat and plume .completed a spectacle tit for gods and kids. "For a time the king maintained a frigid dignity, which promised to develop Into a frost. Juliet and "Genevieve " shivered till their itceth rattled. 'Girls,' I whispered sweetly, 'Get together und I'll lend you my arms.' 'Go t,o, you ancient freak,' mur mured the gentle Juliet, 'go chase yourself!' Meanwhile the king preserved a straight face. 'Who's his. nibs?', yelled, a disrespect ful urchin.' 'Is It alive?', cried another. Truly It Is,' replied Genevieve, having Inserted her hat plni In the royal calf. " 'Your majesty, the enemy hus laid wires about the throne!' cried the heruld as a low wire- cuught . the royal canopy and halted the procession. 'So 1 observe," re plied his majesty. 'Now I am up against .It. Get an hi, Jule, and shin up the pole!' 'Your wish Is a' command,' responded tho nimble Juliet at she shinned. "Turning into Farnam street at Tenth, an inspiring scene opened to view. A roof of many-colored light In an asce-iding llnef festoons cf light on eltlier side, the added- brilliance of fireworks, and the Jam if admiring spectators formed a beautiful and thrilling spectacle. For several blocks the royal entourage viewed the scene In mute admiration. Pres ently the increasing rude ness of the highway caused the churiot to sway menac ingly and the king grasped a bunch of his "beard to teady the throne. Wouldn't that Jar your he , whispered to Juliet; tow fares the fairr 1 sobb d : A mi On the Rocky. Road. Pleasant rrvipecL. feel a trifle rocky myself,' responded Jule with the smile of an officeholder on pay day. I'p the granite height we move I with be coming majesty, accepting unmoved the plaudits of enthusiastic subjects. The castle of Clbol.i was reached and a halt was called to permit the customary wel come and presentation of the keys. Govern ing knights, mounted, ranged abut th; royal person, the president of the board on his left. Now on the right arose the vail of Cibola, armed with a ream of ponderous speech, which he proteedej to unwind. The king looked on amaxed, and, turning t the sympathetic Ju let, he roast on on our light, a Fry on our Km oy beard of the king, 1 see my finish.' A dip 1 o m a t I c hint Induced the vull to cut it short, they kejs of the city were p r e s ented, the gates swung open, and to the inspiring strains, We Won't Go Home 'Till Morn ing," from the herald's horn, the chariot entered the fabled city. "One experience with the king was enough. Too much dignity chills youthful ardor, and checked the desire to cut the capers that make the shallows holler with Joy. A chunge for the better was not long In coming. Next time I was detailed to as sist at a hanging beo. There were three in the bunch, chosen for their experience in hanging around the corners. The float represented a Texas epic, scenlcally per fect, in tho foreground a majestic tree limbed for business. The story illustrated was a type of Lone Star product. The vil lain In the case had attacked a frontier settler, tickled his nose with a sawed-off gun, kissed his crying daughter and robbed tho premises. Hud the vilain been satis fled with these Incidental proceedings all might have been forgiven. Hut he wasn't. Roping the liveliest horse in the pasture he mounted and rode away. 1'ursuit was prompt and persistent, and at the end of three days thd desperado was captured. All this whs set down in detail in thd book, and onlookers were presumed to know them In order to appreciate the significance of the finishing touches we were ordered to put on. From start to finish we never wearied of the good work. We hud the villain all right und gave it to him good and plenty. To Insure an effective Job, we put u ttout brace around and under his arms, a snuffle on the end Just outside his collar. The rpe fitted this to at, so that every time he kicked the atmosphere, his mind was not impaited. We yanked him up a score of times. The crowd enjoyed it us though it were the real thing,' and seemed to feel they were getting the worth of their money. '"The most artistic awing of all was pulled off for the edification of the court house and city hall throngs. 'Scene in Texas' on sign board thirteen, gave the crowd a' hint that there would be some thing doing. There was. We threw a little ginger into the game by rushing the vil lain around the tree,-discharged short arm artillery, cornered and disarmed him. The trusty rope swung over the limb with a swish that betokened business, and the vil lain was swinging In the air before sheriff or policeman could Interfere. The crowd preserved a solemn silence, awed by the spectacle and the swift work of the execu tioners. We were congratulating ourselves on the success of our finishing touches, when the rope slipped and tbe villain dropped on the deck. There was a sus picious crash followed by a moan. Kx amlnation showed that the villain's hip-pocket flask was smashed by the fall, and the broken glass cut a large red gash where no gash ought to be. It was the cruelest cut of all, a drop too much that sent our spirit down several fxirs. "For plcturesqueness and naturalness of pose the role undertaken McKlnley year deserved the bun. We were a pair to draw KKI.tAHl.K HKNTISTHY HAVKS I'AIN AND MON ICY. IIJETTI WUHOUfpUuTj BY OLD, RELIBLE, ACCURATE, PAINLESS, EXPERT DENTISTS. NO STUDENTS. SKILLED SPECIALISTS IN EACH DEPART MENT. Reware of jealous, Idle, sorehead dentists and dental Rec's. who have lost their business and have tried to run ours. They tried to bluff us out, passed around and took up a collection, nnd with all their working, blowing, lying and blufTing we beat them. We have stood tho test. Our record Is ac knowledged to lie the cleanest and greatest In the west 10.000 PATIENTS IN THE IAST TWENTY MONTHS. We Have Got the Business and are Here to Stay Its a Complete Victory for the Union. UNTIL OCT. 20 GOLD CROWNS from. .. .$2.85 SET OF TEETH, pair. . . . $2.00 ALUMINUM, from $8.00 FILLINGS, from 25c Teeth Extracted Free. WORK OUARANTEED TEN YEARS. Incorporated under state law. Con sult the professors free. Graduate dentists will le admitted to our fall course. Our methods make the crowning, filling and extruding of terth u pleasure. We make loose ticth tight, Btop bleeding gums and treat all dis eases of the mouth. If you have heavy plates or plates that don't fU, get one of our non-breakable, double suction, patented non-Irritant plates. Call early and avoid the rush. We are always crowded. The people are for the I'nlon and against combine of trust dentists. lie sure you are In the right place. The Celebrated OR. WORSTER, TERROR TO THE DENTISTS Is Here. UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Open Dally Till 8. Sundays-9 to 4. 1522 DOUGLAS f Learn the Barber Trade Why Waste Time and Money? Young men who contemplate learning the barber's trade should stop and seriously consider the above question. Why enter an Inferior barber college when you have acceas to the best? Western Barbers Institute Is absolutely the oldest, best equipped and only reliable barber college In the coun try. If we fall to establish the above statement us a fact to parents of prospective students or to students themselves we will pay your tuition to any other barber col lege you may desire to enter, or wl I positively pay your fare to and from your homes. This Institution is the only one of its kind which commands the reiect of the citizens and the better class of barbers. An Important Advantage As wo are the oldest and best established, and having been especially courteous to customers, we have a patronage which affords the students constant practice which other establishments have clamored for, but as yet have failed to procure Therefore thty are unable to furnUh the principal requisite for development of the students. Prof. 8. Randolph, whose cut accompanies this advertisement proprietor of the Western Harbcrs' Institute Is strictly expert as a barber and has no eijual In the country as a teacher of th art. lie Ls thoroughly competent and has the gift to Impart his knowledge to students. Hon fide tcsiimordals furnished uoon au pilcallon, For terms and catalogues address r The Western Barbers' Institute, H02-4 Dodge St., (Odd Follows Bldg.) Omaha, Neb. t