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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
i t n. t 9 il Au t o b i o r cp ty of AK -Sar-Ben JPMgr W HAT ho. Samon! Prithee, most loyal chamberlain, what do our vassal subjects of Quivera. the folk of the seven cities of Cibola, to make showing mrrt and that we may he well met at the of our tw.'lve-month ceremonious hath of time been custom proper, ruining visit, that Ak-Sar-Ilen since the tirst or all ancesu : Ioth bring a bowing ilown in breathless reverence?" "Marry." hath he replied, "my liege, It Is will. Aforetime ne'er was such ardor for service in your majesty's knightly body. Ne'er tale of such pageantry." "Our loyal subjects in the fair kingdom have begat our bosom naught but kind ness in years none thence. Ware be I, liow that kingly fathers of our line hath eojourned pleasantly withal amongst the good people in the harvest festival, so wilt our presence anon grace the capltol. Eamson has heralded it ufar Aye, but kills it not that aforetime there hath been seemly acclaim, an it fail me now dole and sorrow. And our royal lady that non shall sit with us, mark ye. she be parlous hard of content. "I wit not wherefore our royal brow hath set aforetime in displeasure but daliance marked the first responding to our proclaim, and by the second and twentieth day of June only wert brought the first of the knightly squirt's and pikers to our standards. Hut sooth and true, wit ye, the tardiness seemcth but a strength, far in this day. saith Samson, the kingdi m Is bestrewn with our men at arms. Marry, 'tis well. "And behold for yet other cause is the great city held in our complaisance. Ware hath been our court, this long time, for how the highways were of a turth most unseemly. How e'en like unto the un counted stars that bright the heaven, even so, hath been the telling, were the bogs and waters that bestrewed the high streets of the citadel. Kven so far hath our envious brother, the Veiled Prophet, gone that he hath made a Jest of our good self, praying a concession that certain of lils folk, might e'en enfence some blocks of the high street and make a summer place therein, with bath chateau and pleas, ure boats to float upon the lakes. Marry, but gay are we that anon withal it hath been brought to our royal ear that the serfs and freedmen make repair against our coming. "Gadxooks, gramercy! But it is to our mind that most splendid will be the trap pings and the pageantry, and forsooth the faery town builded to our coming. Afore tfma It hath been a seemly spectacle; prithee how well so much more now in. this our year of the Lord, when our retinue is so the most great that ne'ei before hath nn seen the like? Our royal garment makers pursue us to a we'try couch, and. waking, are again awaiting by our tapestries. Uur royal lady hies her daily to the tiring room, that she Im practiced, and fitting to the eye. lest she doth fail of pleasuring the courtleis when tirst seen of the realm. "Anon In our loyal city, ilrst among all the c unt, shall our royal lingers b- grant unto those sir knights of the Hustlers, they that hath the persuasive power, e'en as hath the sticky lly paper, or the hatted hook. They are the boys. Sir Foxy Grandpa Weaver of the chair, his be tho royal grant of clearance for the house and lot. Natheless, also Sir Harry Ituhvrson, the scribe, each to other and the rest; they are the conscrlptionares. "In ancient time, tirst Ak-Sar-l!en crowned unto the lordship of Quivera, hath been K. M. Hartlett. Ami ' royal sihiuso hath been the Queen Mchora Woolworth. And herewlthal be the roster of our goodly line: Casper 13. Yost ami May Dundy, his queen; Kdward Porter I'eck and (Jertrude Kountze; Kolcrt 8. Wilcox anil his ludy, Grace Allen; William D. Alcliugli, crowned with Queen Kthel Morse; Fred A. Nash and Mildred I.oinax; Henry J. Tenfold- and Kdith Smith, his queen; Thomas A. Fry and Klla Cotton. "First of all are we beholden and they of our house to Sir Henry,, he of Mm Penfolds. For wist ye with faith and honesty hath he served us and our fathor.-i Mint are before. And we his king be pleased. It so shall of herald be mado known, that this worthy knight and they of his house, may be tilled anil glad for In that he hath spend his days well in our service. It Is known of all the world, that since the very day wherein Ak-Sar-Hen hath assumed the rule of Qulvera and set his authority In iili .the seven cities of C'llKiIa, even from that day hath Sir Henry been the custodian of moneys and verily hath made accountment for every piece of the revenue and tithing, save ll.Ifi that hath been meseemeth lost In the expense account. He hath ever stood as quarter back for Samson. Wend you, our heart Is not kind to Sir Henry of the Penfolds? "And other two sir knights, spoke wide for equal long service even with Sir Henry, be Jardlne, baptised as Walter, and Sir Thomas Fry. Not any twelvemonth hath one or other of the two been aught but diligent In our cause. Sir Fry huth his sitting eveu at our right, for he be the authority at the council board, holding under Samson and our royal self. The Jardlne be a loyal house and Sir Walter Is long mark for our good grace, In that he hath a brave imagination and hath brought much merriment unto the knight ing of our 'Bjulres. Moreuver, dotli IhU faithful vassal serve for cjuery to our household and leader of they of the cham bers. "Metz-Frederick of that name hath after these three knights stood In service of our council. Full six ye irs hath he been ever faithful, and moreover a cheer ful man for wit; so that for a trust he hath even the rule in sittings whereat Sir Fry doth not come by stress of other em ploy, and again, he we have put ils leider of the merry men that govern In the mak ing of the carnival, whereat our lovul subjects disport then) at our command. Ami to his hand in the charge of thes. pleasures are Sirs Howe and Robinson and Kountze. "Sir Mel of the I'hls Is well held in our liking for of a verity Is he well kown as evA- forward In uur commands. Four seasons hath he sat with our council tit government, wisely and with good grace, master scribe to all the folios and archives. Him have we rewarded with the hard diplomacy of heralding our commands by the public prints and by all other menus, that our subjects In Qulvera anil the vasal states may know. Sir chairman he, and In his council are well placed Knights Dletz, and James Hendrie and Matthew Hall. "Sir Gould of the Diets, hath record of three good seasons served. Him have wo named for leader of the pursers, who with name of rich sounding he hath Sheridan coal, arid thereby be well monied. With him be Sir Henry lVnfold, Sir James Hendrie and Sir Mel Fill. "Of councillors have we others five that have been of Ak-Har-Ben' suite these two years. Sir James de Hendrie, a smooth merchant of oiles, who methlnks, is well named for leader of the pursers, who with coin of the realm meet Just Importunities. Penfold, Hall and the knightly Fhl are other sirs that pay. Yet other is the good Sir Charles Wilhelm, a sir of great knowledge In rarpotry. a very carpet knight In truth, hath he not been well named as senior of they who plan the pageantry? Volla tout! Sirs Walter Jardine, Luther Kountze and Fred Metz are well matched for this honor. Sir Matthew Hall, all be It holding high commission of another lord, good Kdward, our friend and brother, yet hath he done well and hath not forfeited our esteem. He hath standing In the laws, a learned doctor to the courts; meseemeth well phi red is he and good at scrutinizing bills,, lest our royal exchequer be somewhat 'had.' Kountze, our young esquire, latest of the liiithers, he Is a courtly wight, veraed In manner and In coquetry, knowing; player on the lute, and singer of 'fair 'songs; on Mm Is put by Samson's favor, the pleasant charge of music and the dance. "Tls almost play for such aa he, I wist, to plan the plans for such chaste revelries. Noble lords) in wailing. Sir MeU. Sir Dielxand Sir Howe, w ith Sir Luther, all, care j e. well hour you prepare; thy liege, my lady's dance for her -she Is not easy pleased. Sir Charles Robinson, Sir Walter Jardlne anil Sir Charles Wilhelm be atso charged with minstrels for the fete. Sir Hubert Howe, a young man, yet nobly high In that ilty of Cibola which Is Teas easy forget. Mm place for which the heart Is made mere? foiul by distance, he Indeed huth commis sion from our noble house. He hull) Mm chairmanship In that useful crowd that deals with the land' highways, wherewllh out the good populace would lose keen toy In decent acclaiming of our royal presence. Other sir knights of the committee be Diet, and Wilhelm and the Hall. Thcsn are my councillors, save only one young; sir, Charles, son of the house of Robinson, whom we have not seen. He hath been enohled of lale day by Samson, who hath assured us of the faith and f i iendllhooil he huth begat." The herulds are hasted In the making' known, and in public display by our lust decree are placed, tablets for tho hill of fame, whereon are writ In lasting script, the titles of the lords and noble slis who) aforetime from the lirst have servtd In high place the bouse of Ak-Siir-Hen. Tln sn be they: IHWV-ll. S. Wilcox. W. S. Jardlne. II. .T. IVnfold. Dudlev Smith. Clement Chase, W. 7 .vie Dickey. T. A. Fry. F.. V.. Mrvson. K. M. Hartlett. II. Vance lne. W. R. fleu nett, J. K. Ftt. 1H!-K. M. Hartlett. T. A. Fry. W. H. Jardlne. O. D. Klplinger. 11. Vance I.Hiie, :. F.. Hryson. 11. J. I'enfold. H. 8. Wil cox. Clement Chase. W. It. Dennett, Dud ley Smith. W. H. McCord. 1W7-K. M. Hartlett. T. A. Fry, W. 8. Jar dlne. O. I). Kipllnger. H. Vance I.une, K. K. Hrvson. II. J. IVnfold. R. 8. Wilcox. Clem ent Chase. W. K. Bennett. Dudley Smith, W. II. McCord. 1S9H-F.. K. Hryson. W. 8. Jardine, H. Tenfold. It. S. Wilcox. T. A. Fry. A. Noyes. H. Vance I .a tie. W. R. Bennett, I. I'eck, o. D. Klplinger, Fred Meta, W. Glass. 1K9S II. Vance Ijne. W. M. Glass. K. Peck. O. D. Kipllnger. Fred Mets. J. Martin. II. J. Penfold. W. S. Jardlne. K. Hryson, R. 8. Wilcox, T. A. Fry, A. Noyes. IWWW. 8. Jardine. If. J. IVnfold. T. A. Frv. R. S. Wilcox. J. G. Martin. II. Vhdid l.ane, Fred Mets. M. C. Peters, Kili?ir Allen. Mel I'hl, George P. Cronk, A. li. Noyes. 1IXI1-T. A. Frv, Mel I'hl. W. 8. Jardine. J. O. Martin. It. 8. Wilcox, Fred Meta. Georg P. Cronk. II. Vance ljine. Gould Diets, M. C. Peters, Kdgar Allen, H. J. Penfuld. 1110211. J. Penfold. Fred Meta. CJouhl Dletz. Kdgar Allen. C. M. Wilhelm. M. A. Hall. Mel I hi. T. A. Fry, W. 8. Jardine, J. M. Hendrie, K. C. Howe, L. D. Kountze. 1903-R. C. Howe. T. A. Fry, W. 8. Jar. dine. C. N. Robinson, J. M. Ilendrio, M. A. Hall, Fred Metz. Gould Dletz, II. J. Pin fold, C. M. Wilhelm, Mel I'hl, J. U. Kountze. J. N. K. M. 1. t J. II.