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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
80 TITO OMATTA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. OCTOHER 4. 1003. NEW GRAIN BROKERS Osm tti lArfMt firlm Cmnln1 Firsas fa the Coiatrf Comes to Onutli Edward. Wood A Co., one of the largest grnln commission firms In tha United States, will open a branch house In Omaha tMs rnmlng week In suite Bee bnildine;. This . Arm Is thoroughly reliable In all Its deal ings, and has years of successful business transactions to j-:rtlfy that claim. In fact it Is one of the oldest concerns In tha busi ness. While they are principally In the grain commission business It also deals In storks, bono1 and provisions. It has offices In the principal cities of the west. Including Chi cago, Duluth, Winnipeg and Minneapolis, wllh the mnln ofTlces In St. Paul. The references given by Kdwards, Wood A Co. are such as to entitle them to the lion's share of the commission business, and .as they have a hahlt of gathering about them a host of friends wherever they hare gone thry will doubtless make no exception of the Omaha field. The offices In the Pee building will be ready for business Tuesday and possibly Monday. Those desiring to do business wltk them will And that every mercantile agency In the country will amply Justify them In so doing. Chicago Iaundry Heat work. Tel. 105. Chicago Great Wester Railway. Short line to Mlnden, Harlan, Manning, Carroll and Fort Dodge. Two trains each way. Ixave Omaha at 6:20 a. m. and t:4S p. m. Leave Council Bluffs at 6:46 a. m. and 8:10 p. m. For information apply to (Jeo. F. Thomas, Gen'l Agt., room 813, Omaha National Bank building, Omaha, Neb., and 36 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. Kansas City, Missouri, and Return. Account of the fall festivities at Kansas City the Missouri Pacific railway will aell round trip tickets at one fare from October 4th to 10th Inclusive. Limited to October 12th. For further Information call or ad dress Union Station or City Ticket Offices, S. K. Cor. 14th and Douglas streets. Thoa. F. Godfrey, passenger and ticket agent. "Strongest In tha World," the Equitable Life ASHiirance Society. Its policies are elKht drafts at muturlty. See H. l. Neely, manager. Merchants National Bank Bldg.t Omaha, Neb. 1-4-7-11 Waiting all want you. Horse covers made to fit your horse. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., 11th and Harney streets. Who is Your Clothier? It does not make any difference who was your clothier, but we ought to be for tho future. Why? Because ours Is a pleasant store te trade, plenty of light to see what you are getting, polite salemen to show you goods, whether you buy or not, an en ormous assortment, four floors being devoted to ready to wear goods for Men and Boys'. Every article Is marked in plain figures, one price to all from which there Is no deviation, nothing but depend able goods, made by the most representlve manufactures Is kept for Bale here. Every thing Is guaranteed to be as good as it looks, but the main thing that we wish to Impress upon you Is that you will find our prices much cheaper than you will have to pay for the same quality to some of our high priced neighbors. As we are centerally located Its eiay for you to con vince yourself of the truthfullness of our statements. To give you a little Idea of what we have, we mention a few Items here. Our line of Men's suits positively cannot be equaled In Omaha; never before haa an Omaha establishment shown such a large and tasty line. For I7.E0 we offer suits that are sold by others near by for $12.50, our line a $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 can be compared with suits made by high priced tailors only. Overcoat In endless varieties at $7.50, $10.00, $12.60 and $15.00. Always at a saving to you from $2.50 to $7.60. We are selling agents In Omaha for the finest clothes maker of them all, Alfred Benjamin. We eell the exclusive Benjamin styles at our well known popular prices. Anybody can aell you fine goods at ex orbitant prices, but we know of no other store that sells these goods as we do, at popular prices. Odd pants Is another line on which we defy competition. Our Gent's furnishing stock Is complete to the last detail. Heavy fleece lined underwear from 26o up. Fancy one-half hose 10a Good kid gloves 60c. Extra large line of sweaters from 60o to $5.00, If you want to see a fine sweater ask to aee our $5.00 ona. while $5.00 seems a high price for a sweater, you will acknowledge when you see it that Its worth $7.50. Our 75o flannel Bhlrts sell all over for $1.00, also extra good offerings In Men's dress shirts at 48o and 96c. Regent 2.50 shoes are only $1.60, here and so you will And It with almost everything In our store, always good goods at low prices, small margins and plenty of sales being our object. The GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO, 1519- 1521 Douglas Street Omaha's Most Prog ressive Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. For the Benefit Of Ak-Sar-Ben visitors Sehmoller & Muel ler, the big piano house, will be open even ings. 1313 Farnam street. Wbiaky na a Medicine, Medical men are universally agreed aa to the benefits to be derived by man from the proper use of whisky. It stimulates the various orgnns and assists them in the proper performance of their functions, thereby conducing to the health of the In dividual. The medical men will always premlae. however, that the whiaky must be pure. If adulterated It becomes an agency of evil. The Kellerstrass Distilling com pany of Kansas City, proprietors of the famous Kellerstrass rye whisky, exactly meets the demands of the medical men In Its product. This company Is one of the largest distillers In the country, and In order to keep Its whisky free from adul teration by dealers, refuses to sell to them. It not only makes the whisky, but It bottles It. packs It for shipment and, sends It direct to the consumer. The latter, are found In very state of the union. The entire busi ness of this great business concern Is done by mail orders. By its system of doing business the company has now for some years been continually enlarging Its output, and at the same time been enabled to keep the quality of Its goods up to the same uni form high standard. TjOoIc for Sommer Bros', half-page gro- eery ad. In today's Illustrated. Tou will find aoroethlng Interesting In that. ITomeaeekera' Excursions. ' On Tuesdays, October 6th and th, the Missouri Paclflo Ry. will sell both one way and round trip tickets at very low rates to certain points In Arkansas, Kansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. Btopovers allowed on the going Journey. Limit of tickets II days. For further In formation call on or address any agent of the company or Thos. F. Godfrey, Pass, and Ticket Agent, 8. E. corner I4th and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. Announcement I The Northwestern Line. Special train after the parade, Thursday, t Oct 6, for Carroll. Ia., and Intermediate points, . from Union Depot, 11 p. m. For Emerson, Neb.', and Intermedlatepolnt from Webator St. Station, U p. to, . Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many kind friends for their sympathy and words of comfort during our bereavement, and also for the beautiful floral tributes, especially Omaha lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F. ; Omaha tent No. 7, K. O. T. M.: Court Ak-Sar-Ren K'n Mrs I. O. F.; Laurel Hive No. 39 and Lady iousier iiive no. si, l. o. T. M. MR3. 8. LARSER. MRS. J. E. PHELPS, II. C. HARTRY. Crowned with Success. Omaha la rapidly advancing as a great business center. It Ih fairly on the way to soon become the greatest commercial city of the west. Being the gateway Of all western railroads, a wlda Held Is open to our Industries and as Omaha people are noted for their push and energy, their products are finding markets everywhere In the west, consequently our factorlea and plants are constantly growing. Take, for example, our brewing Industry Omaha haa now several large breweries, the largest in fact, west of the Mis Isslppl river, the Stors Brewing company, which some twelve years ago was only a very humble affair, has developed In such a short space of time to. the1 enormous piaot, which now takes in a space of sev era! blocks and constantly adding new buildings. Only lately the new bottling department (the home of the far famed Stors Blue Ribbon Beer) was finished, handsome large building. The great success of this large establish ment is due to the untiring energy and will power of ita president, Mr. Uotlleb Btors. From childhood devoted to the study of the art of brewluy. Mr. Stors became a master in aame. Ilia aim was always to produce a bevt-rage which should be the standard of .purity and excellence. How well he succeeded in this is beat shown In the wonderful popularity his beer has achieved. Taka for example, the Stors lilu Ribbon Beer; It has become a house hold word everywhere. Although the business haa grown to such enormous proportions and Mr. Stors had well deserved a rest after many years of hard work, he still remains the active leading spirit of the great brewery. What enormous business the Stors Brewing com pany i doing la shown by their extensive atllWing; besides using railroad companies they huve twenty-four of their own re frtgeratur cirs, which are constantly dU tributlng the product of the brewery through the entire west. With a few more if b growing establishment as the Btors Vnwius Cvnipuiiy, Omaha has the beat ohanco to sous become the leading west era cvmmeraial city. IF YOU'R3 GOING to the Ak-Sar-Ben ball you will surely need a pair of patent lenther Dan suppers, Women that Ret their befit shoes here do not need to lone timo se lecting we have any style you want. In every size and width. Our advice Is to come Monday If possible, for there Is sure to be a rush the latter part of the week. We have a complete line cf men's dancing shoes also. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Uo-to-Data Shoe House. SPECIAL EXHIBIT ' THE NEW Belt Feed Boft Coal Base Burner, the WONDER GARLAND In actual, glowing operation In our tore EVERT DAT AND EVEN'INO this week. Don't fall to see It Most wonderful Invention of the century. Burns a beautiful bright flame. Il luminating the whole front all the time. ITS ENTIRELT NEW. COMB AND SEE IT. We show the largest variety of stoves and ranges in tha city, all on Special Sale RADIANT HOnB Base OQ 7K Burners, up from.... VAOilvl .. 29.75 5.75 STEEL RANOES, up from OAK 5T0VE3, up from , Write) for catalogue and prices. fililfon Rogers & Sons Co., I4ih and Farnam Strests. - Ann ii urn iiriiwmmiiiiii.nin.niiiw . n.mi.e.i. i. mum 'or Ak-Sar-Ben Week We are offering a number of special bar gains. Wise people well do well to take ad vantage of these prloas. Gorham sterling sil ver combines the qualities of beauty and durability. We carry a large stock and our prices are right as you can see by the prices quoted In this ad.' 1 3 r55h JB&bi 0$h v$22 (SllJ Tiffany Ko'od Wedding Ring P nd D1- Stone, Jade or Price 5.00 f ".. Price. etcher stone fl0.O. 111.00. fS.09 and up. Boys v'atehs Belle gold. miedwatehe. Bell Bolid Gold 110.00. Lad lea' Buttons, tl.W Brooches I',? flJi1 n P- from $8.00 up. watches, $12. ' Come in and visit our elegant mirrored out glass room. Look us over whether you wish to buy or not. Lbwhinnoy & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art Stationers. 15th and Douglas Sts. -jyw 3SE9 Racine College Grammar School "THE SCHOOL THAT MAKES KAKLY COYS" Pupil Study Under an Instructor. Ita Graduates enter any College or University.. Social and Ath letic Advantage. Military Drill. Fo Beys of S to IT Years old. Uleetntea Catalogue arat on utallcatlm t Hoary Donglae Robinson, Warden Harlot, Wis. YOUR DENTAL WORK FREE Our success Is due to the high grade work done by the professors of this CollKe. No students. Teeth Katraeted Without Pain by Our New Patent Method, I NTH, OCTOBER 1st, KILL. SET OF TEETH, S3. 86. Wo save broken down teeth. Save Tour Teeth. Save your money. We save aching teeth. We save ulcerated teeth. We save old roots. We can save 96 per cent of teeth others extract. We restore discolored teeth. We perform all br'"-lie "f dentistry. Work Guaranteed 10 Years, 1KJJrW In order to give all a chance to osnsult the professors, wo will continue to do work FKEE. SMALL CHARGES FUR MATERIAL. Call early and avoid the ruHh. Be sure you are In the right place. We do aa we advertise. We have etood the test. Nearly 10,000 patients in last 19 months. We beat the Jealous, Idle, sorehead dentists and dental sac's. Complete victory for the Union. Xeeth Extracted ......... .FREO Alomlnnm Platea from gS.OO Filling from 585" Gold Crowns from S2.83 Bet of Teeth, pair S2.00 Sliver Plant Crowns Sl.&O UirJOH DENTAL COLLEGE 1522 noroLAS. Open Daily till 8. Sundays. O to A, OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. site Cenneft ompany The Leading Piano House of the West. mm A Gigantic Ak-Sar-Ben Sale of High Grade (00 Beautiful Pianos fo Select From. All on Easy Payment Plan S2d ramwiniurt itaainaa ws t miwr s f ,. Fuii Dress SHOES n lg For thctSall Our patent leather full divas eh'K'S tor men are the moat elegant gouds of their clave. The KtyKs are tjticily correct, the workmanship is fine and clean, ami they fit snug and coinfortablu. Ak-Sar-Ben Shoes will bo needed this week, and we have Just received a ship ment of the hundaoineat dress ahott Kld in thla c ly. We in vite every man to Inspect them. They're the correct Ureas shoe. FRY SHOE CO. f .r Anr rial AVjfelt J 111 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Stages UmI laelet Preseat When Drugs Art Needed bo sure the drugs are pure and carefully compounded. If you come to us you can always feel perfectly safe. None but the purest drugs reach our shelves. Our prices on patent medicine are lowest. Read them then compare: Mennen's Talcum Powder 12c 4711 Sonp 10c Swanadown Powder 15c I'eruna I'lnkham Compound .."Ic Picree'a Golden Medical Discovery ....69c Ayer'a Hair Vigor 79c Hall's Hair Restorer 79c Packer's Tar Soap 14c Menthol Pencils 10c Mecca Compound 20c Don't jsanflMnir? . iii-' . v u n n vi r mm Go WHEN YOU, CAN GET A GOOD Breakfast, Dinner or Supper For 25 cents In our restaurant. mn !M trans mm Where Does the Shoe Pinch? If In the foot, we relieve that by fitting your feet properly. If In your purse a common com plaint at this time cf year w re lieve that pinch alao. Onimod Qn-a-Man I gives satisfaction. Always $3.50 3$2.50 Regent Shoo Go. Dental Needs If your teeth are gone you need new ones, and if your teeth are decayed you need to hao them flxid. If you have your teeth fixed In uur office you'll be sure in having good work done. PFT TEET J3.00 Filling 7o up Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglaa St. 20S So. 13th St. Very Much Depends Upon the right kind of clothing. Buc ceas and Ill-fitting clothing rarely go together. To fit properly your cloth llig must be made for ou made by Much akllllul and artlstlo tailor as ours are. The coat? Not by any meana what It'a worm. Come in and see fur your self. UELGREN & CRADMANN, TAILORS 309 South 1 Sixteenth St. Tha Trading; stamp system cov vers every dollar spent on a Piano or any Item, Sheet Music or anything: sold In our fluslc Department. IT WILL APPLY ON OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN ALSO. It won't make a bit of difference what you pay down or what your monthly payments are. or the complete low cost of the piano itself. The stamps are riven ten to a dollar absolutely free. It's an In creased saving to YOU. Our prices are 'way down. New Pianos t tralget from the factory. $168 SI78 S200 S2I0 $228 S248 $268 GALL OR WRITE. YOU CAM T It ADR AS SAFELY WITH IS BY MAIL, AS YOU CAN l PERSON. GET STAMPS EARS INTEREST ON THE MONEY YOU SPEND. SpaceTooSmall for Ak-Sar-Ben Number See Our Ad on Page 16. SCHAEFER'S SSoTS&b E. T. YATE8, I'rop. T 'Phones T47 mmd TT. 10th mm CItleac Strts. Omaha. REPABRS la stock for all makes of Furnace, Steam and Hot Water Heaters, STOVE AND RANGE. REPABRS Water Fronts OMAHA STOYE REPAIR WORKS ft' i) EllJS uilMuJJ mi AK-SAR-BEN SALES. AK.-S AK-BEN 8At.K. THE GREAT SALE OF Men's, Boys' : Children's Clothing- Men s Fine Suits In all the latest styles and fabrics all hand tailored, hand padded shoulders and hatr cloth fronts. Theee coma In cniwimeres, cheviots, worsteds, serges, Scotch cheviots, fancy casalraeres, fancy worsteds, Thlbcts and unfinished worsteds. In brown mixtures, ox ford grays, blues, blacks, neat checks and stripes and plain colors. If you are In . need of a suit come to Ilaydcn Bros they have the largest assort ment of Men's Suits to select from at $7.50, $10.00, $12 50 $13.00, $18.00 and up to $25.00. MEN'S FINE OVERCOATS-In all the latest styles and colors. In Iris, frieze, vicunas, kerseys, beavers, mel tons. Scotch cheviots, In oxford grays, brown mixtures, blues, blacks, fancy mixtures, stripes, checks and plain colors, all hand tailored, with close fitting collars and self- retaining fronts, in medium and long lengths. The greatest assortment of Men's Overcoats ever shown at $7.50, $10.00, $12.50. $15, $18, $20 and $25. BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS Made It double-breasted, norfolk, sailor norfolk, sailor blouse and three-piece styles, in fancy chev iots, serges, fancy worsteds and fancy casnl meres; many of these suits made with double seat and knees, all made with extension waist bands and taped seams. In any shade and color to suit your fancy, at $1.05, $2.50,. $2.95. $3.50, and up to $5.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS-In all the latest styles and fabrics, In the latest shades and colors, medium and long length, at $2.50, $3.50, $3.75, $4.50 and up to $7.50. rvn BS(S)S fA V ,, ; i sfeL,.,. II I '1 . M 5? V.vjJL,j-lr i .'7 t?? f.e, f- . It :- The Modern Acorn The Clfference In price between the mod ern Acorn and .the many cheap steel ranges on the market Is very little, but the differ ence In value Is great. A cheap steel ranee looks well when you buy It, but a few years of use finds It In the scrap heap, while the Acorn is just retting acquainted. Acorn ovens are known the world over as the best bakers, with the smallest amount of fuel. Acorn ranges $30.00 up. The Royal Acorn No base burner on the market ever made the record made by the Royal Aeorn. Bold by us In Omaha for more than twenty years and never a dlnsatlsfled customer never a stove flre-oracked and never failed to break all records aa a heat giver. We aee no reason why you should Imy poorly made hard coal stoves when you can buy Acorns from l&bO up. Good Oak Stove. IG0O up. John Hussie Hardware Co. 240-0S CUniNd STRECT. "If you buy It of Hussie It's right." TeL 900. 1207 Douilaa St Saves 80 Per Cent in Gas Bills The KERN BURNER 'Z. Nearest to daylight. Sizes to suit spaces to be H-lighted Shapes to please your fancy. No black ened mantles or wire suooorts. "Outlights All Other Lights." KERN INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT CO., CHICAGO. FOR SALE BY D. W. DUDGEON. Ajrent. Plumber and Gasfitter. 29IO Farnam St. Phono IV6f FALL WEDDINGS We give the best value In price, workmanship and materials that you can pos sibly obtain. Correct forms, highest grade material, beet workmanship. All work executed on our premises. Wedding Invitations, Announcements and other Bo clety Engraving properly executed. Tally Cards, Plata Cards, Reoeption Carda Correspondence invited. 220 and 222 Sialh I6tb Strti THE COYER STATIONERY CO., GOLD CROWNS FROM $2.00 Flllln gsOC,, From CJv BRIDOB CO Work ffOmWt Our easy payment plan may in terest you. Work guaranteed It ye&rs. Graduate dentists. New management New York Dental Co. lilablifhed nearly 10 years here. Ojipowite Hayden a and Boston Stores, 115 Houth 16th street DUH WIL0 WIST Saddles and Bine Harness LAROEST STOCK IN THE CITY Iiobcs, Fnnoy Horao Goods, Suit Cases and Valines AT A REDUCTION Alfred Cornish, Tel 2314. 1210 Farnam Street A