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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY HUE: SUNDAY. OCTOBER 4. 190.'!. L MUMmSI Isa MlIsMsaSel sur-:Eii Visitor's JP sfcagaJ' mrm "prwa lies' Whereto Buy Cheapest and Best. Bear in mind you cannot mea'surq quality with a yard stick, neither Our Reputation is Your Safeguard. can ypu judge the merits of an, article enterely by its appearance, ideas, and we have Here quality ranks supreme, and when you buy you get lasting satisfaction. The stocks are brimful of the best and latest fully entered into the spirit of the Fall Festivities by quoting values that will make every day this week a festal day. COMPANY lanbets Special Sale ' f We anticipated a heavy advance on blan kets ard bought our stock a few months earlier than I. our custom. Wo are now enabled to undersell present day prices by SO per cent. Do you realize what this saving means to you? Fleer. Blankets worth from 73c to J1.86, at $1.25, 11.10, $1.00, 90c; tec, 75c, 65c, 5to and (pair) , .55c Fleece Blankets In the very largest size and heaviest weight, worth up to 1 $2.25, at pair-11.85, Jl 75, 1 -jr - $1 4J and LOD All Wool Blanket-ln dark steel array, worth $4 35, at pair 2,85 AH Wool B)anketn In solid tarn and fancy black checks, worth $4.75, at pair 3.25 i colors, Wool Blankets dark chocolate colors, very large slues, unshrink able., worth $5.75, at pair... 425 All Wool Blankets In light gray and light tans, made from second wool, worth $6.00, at A CSC Pair 1,73 All Wool Blankets In fancy colored checks, light gray or pule white, worth $7.40, at pair p r- $5.75 and 0,DU All Wool Blankets In pure white, pink and blue borders, well woWh $8.50. at pair 6.00 COMFORTS AT LESS PRICE THAN THE COST OF MATERIAL ABK TO SEE Tl I KM Prices, each, $3.00. $2.50, ' 12.25, $1.85. $1.75. $1.50, $1.55 and 100 Flannels and Flannelettes We are showing a very extensive as sortment of beautiful Flannelettes, suitable for waists, komonas, dressing sacqucs and wrappers at 4 f yard, 16c and IwC - . French Flannels In all the latest styles, beautiful dress J Ing, sacque and komona designs, fig i wed and plain, at yard Zf ' 6io and ...OVC White Skirting Flannels In silk and wool, linen and wool and all wool, at yard-$1.00, 86c, 75c, 66c. 65c, ., 50c, 45c, 40c, 35o, 30u and OC Scotch Tennis Flannel These goods are celebrated for their wearing and . unshrinkable qualities, suitable for men's pajamas, night gowns, etc., at yard fY 40c and Full Line of Eiderdown Flannels In double and single faced, at yard 0c, 76c and 65c Fall and Winter Vestings For Ladles' Waists We pride ourselves on having the best assortment and most handsome styles ever shown In Omaha, at f ard $1.00, 85c, 75c 5c, 50c, 890, ; 85c. J0o and - CtELLEY, STI6ER S COFPAY, F1CUT OS BORE CHURCHES Linoon Ministerial Atcoiation DiiODur . agtn An Mon Organiutionv MICKEY ISSUES ELECTION PROCLAMATION Lack of . Cells la Which te t onBae rrlsoners et Pealealary Breeds Spirit et Insabordlaa. tla. ' - ' "' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. t.-tapeclal. While the jilnlstera ot Lincoln have signed no Iron clad agreement to prevent the buliding of any more churches of denominations not now organised here, such an agreement exists, nd a movement toward the organi sation of any more churches would imet with the opposition of the Ministerial as- soctation. Rev. Luther P. Ludden, Held secretary of the western District Board of Hume Mis sions of the Kvangsllcal Lutheran church, aaldrv "When Rev. Rowlumis was a cillien "of Lincoln he was a strung advocate of the union cf churchee snd he wanted the smaller denominations to orrnli into oiu largo thunh. There was none amrng us thst objected to this union and we tach were opposed to the organisation of other churches in the city. . "The board of which I am secretary is working along the same lines, and when I go Into-a community where there are only a few of those of my particular belief I will got attempt to organize, but I advUe those fw to affiliate with, some of th other churcht-s. Towns and cities can have too many churches Just the sums as any kind of business and I am itronily In ftvor of fewer churches, with good preu-h-eis and large membership. Instead of hav ing the life dragged out of the people try ing to kit-p up a large number of small churches. l!r. Rowlsntl s Idea was to lave all the, rhurvhes thrf believed In Imirer 'slon, such s the tiaptlit and the t'hils'ittn. unite and not ha two churches standing side by sld nnv would do Jut as well, and la faut would I e tnuth Letts-. Then, of court , those if the linit lal h on other lines he wsnted united "I sllli thluk we should have our denom Ladies' Walking Dress Skirts Kmart tailored walking skirts in the now Kcotfh mixtures, and blue siiil black cheviot, trim mod yoke and stitched plates, a very special value nt $8.00. r.lark "Psnne thevl?t .Mne-Oored Skirts ' Neatly rtrapped aid finished with but tons, good value at. ...... j 10,00 I nlined Black Cheviot Dress ttklrts 7-gore shape, all seams trimmed with vertical folds of Hiik jj rr taffeta, at lLVJv) Will Venting- Waists All "Vhlte and white and black, mat ting and basket weaves, with gradua ted pleats down front, "- large sleeves, sReclat BrllllaiKine Waists Shoulder tabss plaited and tucked yokes, fanc stocks, "In figured blue and white, black and white ' Tf at $4-00 and ,ZijU l.arae AnortmFst of Ladles' Wool Waists All the niw shades and cuts, from $5 down to . awVS Ladies' and Childrens furs Do not, make your selection in furs until you visit our depart ment, as we have one of the largest and choicest selections to be found In the citv. Black Martea . Genuine Black Marten CIjV ' tcr Scarfs, up from Genuine Black Marten Boas, from $22.60 down to.., .450 ...$12 Isabella aad Sable Fox Sable and Isabella, Fox, single skin, large brush, up from ...59, .$12 $20 Sable and Isabella Fox Double Boas, up from Sable and Isabella Fox Stoles, up from..., Sable and Isabella Fox nee $45 Squirrel Lined Pelerim qairrel Squirrel Military Bands, with tabs, op from...::,.... Squirrel Shaped Small Stoles, up from Squirrel Pelerines, shaped neck, up from.... ....$10 ....$12 ..$23 Muffs In all shapes to match any of the above. ' ' ' inations,' because a friendly rivalry la good for the churches the same as business, and I am not In favor of doing away with sec tarianism altogether, but 1 am In favor of doing away with so many Isms." From statistics gathered by Rev. Ludden It is found that the number of ministers Is not' equal to tjis demand of the churches and makes consolidation almost Imperative. Mr. Ludden attributes this to some extent to the time required now fcr a man to fit himself for the ministry. In other days he said a man could attend school a year and then go to preaching, but now It re quires a college education and a four-year special course to be able to (111 a pulpit to the satisfaction of the congregations. A preacher has to be us well educated as a doctor or a lawyer. It was suggested th-tt probably the preacher, like the male school teacher, was quitting hla calling for some thing more remuneiuilve, but this Is said not to be the reason of a shortage, for there are very few ministers leaving the pulpits and a few new ones coming In. The ministers of Lincoln have not given up their Idea of a consolidation of rhurches by any means, and the fact that all agree to oppose the building o fnew churches for organisations yet to te oigantxed Is cited as a step in the direction of consolidation. ! Eleetloa Provlamatloa. ' Governor Mlcjtey today Issued his proc ' jimatlou for tho election to be held on I Tuesday, November J. The procUunallun ! U purely formal to comply with the law in the caae. The call shows that four rep. lesentatlves are to be elected, three va . canciea being occasioned by resignation I aid one by.deith. The following officers ' are to be ekcted; Ono Judge of the supreme court, two re- fenls of the l"ni versiiy or Nebraska, two udgea of the dirlrlct court for the First Jiioitial district, one Juuge ot the district court for the ond dialrlct, three Jotiges of the district cudrt or the T.nru JkUKial dMtnct. seven judges of the dlsun.1 court (l.- Iha Founh Judicial t'lstrUt, two tuiltfes of tne tiiMil. t i-jurt for the Fifth Judicial district, two J .nigt-p of the dlmrii t court fur the Sixth Juulcl .1 uUlrlrt. one juib.'e of the district court tor the Seventn Judicial dl-lrlct. one Junge of the district court for the lghth juJictai district, one Judse of the district court for the Ninth judicial district, ore Juose of the district court for the Tenth J .it iclal dtklrlcl. two Jud jes of the dlstilct court tor the Elev enth JtKilt'lal district, one ludae of th dls. 1 tnct court for the Twelfth Judicial dut. trict, "i JjIk of lL district court f..r the Thlntemii Jurlicikl dlntrtct, one jude I of the dtxtrlcl court for the Fourteenth Ju I dicial dttrl-t, loo Judges of the dtntrtct ' court tor the FifleuiE JuJIcUU dumel. Ladies' Ready to Wear Garments We extend an invitation to every lady in Omaha to visit our suit departmentnd inspect our goods. As we are display ing many novelties in both ma terial and cuts, and our prices will prove of special interest to all who wish to buy. Ladies' Dress Suits Made from fine black, blue and brown slbeltne, fancy blouse coat, with dip front, deep military shoulder cape, latest sleeve, full sweep Qt side pleated skirt, at vJia Louis XIV Suits Coats SO Inches long, large sleeves; these suits are made of blue, brown and black cheviot and lined through out with self-colored taf feta silk-Price .....wvJ Walking Suits Made of fancy mixed clothea, long pleated jackets,- wltH belts, T-gorei box plaited skirts Prices, $30.00 down to $18 Automobile Coats Tan covert, 46 Inches long, loose backs, double breasted, large bell sleeves, coats correctly tailored 'and tlnlshed with deep welt seam?, lined with good quality self-colored satin, Cf price only.... 4 ai Jw Military Coats Of best aualtty.., heavy, cheviot, half flttlg back, .with deep military cape and finished in large . buttons,, price only, 4)1 J Misses' Kersey Jackets Elegant tssortment of box and tight fitting backs, with and without capes, nicely tailored and flnlehed in stitch ing, from $15.00 rt down to , 'J)0 Misses' and Chi Idren's Long Coats We have a complete line of Ml3ses' and Children's Coats, In all the new col ors of red. blue and brown, deep capes and full sleeves ,Q C Prices up from i u)J Ladies' Hain Coats We now have a full line of Cravenette Coats, deep capes, full sleeves, In gray, tan and green , tPrtces, $25 down to , $15 one representative from the Twenty-fourth representative -district to till vacancy, one representative from the Eighth representa tive clatrlct to till vacancy, one repreenta tlve from the Forty-third representative district to fill vacancy, one repreentatlve from the Tenth representative district to fill vacancy. Spirit of Motley at Pea. The reports published recently that a spirit of mutiny existed among the inmates of the stats penitentiary and that an out break was liable to occur at any time be cause of the lack of cells Is verified in tie report of Warden Beemer filed with the secretary of state today. It shows that one convict was sent to the dungeon for a day for slashing another with a rasor, that one was sent up for assaulting Superintendent Draper and thut three were placed In the dungeon for threatening the guards and being Insolent. About a dozen more were punished for violating the rules, in that they talked too much without permission, made uncanny noises in the cells and other minor offenses.- Because of the absence of cells the con victs are merely corralled, and this makes a good breeding place for thoughts of escape and insubordination. The warden U using all the precaution at bis command, but the report of so many convicts being sent to the dungeon for offenses that very seldom are chronicled in the report is good evidence that those cells are badly needed. Iu the meantime the erection of the cells has not yet begun. Popalatlea of Pealteatlary. The report shows this census of the In mates; On hand August 11, 779: received during tl.e month, discharged. 15; paroled, 1; d ed in prison, 1; escaped, 1; booked to contractor. 161. Those roeived at the In atltution this month were: Alfred Lieb scher, from Doufflas coontv, for criminal arstult, n'e' yens: Fred" ).re, Pawes county, for manslaughter, three ye-irs; Henry Krum, Stanton county, at tempted criminal assault, nine years; John Wqulst, Key a Paha county, for hone stealing, two and a half years; John Doe, Hamilton county, for attempted burglary, four years; Elmer Russell, Boone county, for Incest, ten years; James L. Kennedy. CTTlfax county, for buigUry and larceny, seven years; t'hiat-r Orren, Meir tk rm . for grsnd larceny, three years; l'.icharj Gould. Merrick couxily, for child stealing, six era. Novelties in flfP.C Elegant designs in v Toint Venise, Uuipure, Bolivian, Point Gauze, Teneriffe and Macrame effects edges, inser tions, bands, galoons, medal lions and allovers, in white, ecru and buerre all tempting ly priced. 1 wide Point Venise Lace Collars I New effective designs, excellent values, at $0.00. $5.00, down to $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and 1.00 Sew Stole Front Point Venlse Collars. Elegant effects, at $.0O, down ff to $4 00, $3.50 and QJJ 4n-lnrh Kerr Tone a. Fillet Mesh, D'Esprlt aad Mecklln Costnme Net In white cream and black, special values, at per yard $1.65, $1.26, $1.16 and 85c Kcw Chiffon Drape Veils Very latest styles and color combina tions, In dots, tucks, ribbon effects, etc.. with hemstitched borders, 1V4 yards long, at each $1.15, . $1.00, 75c and .50c Ess Trimmings More varied and beautiful than ever, in applique, jets, snanirles. silk and vegetable fibers, Bulgarian and Persian effects, in ornaments,- drops, pendants, bands, insertions and garnitures all priced just as low as they can be consistently. Fine Freneh Crepe and 9ca-fa ass Opera ftaaares Liberty In plain, fancy stripes, dainty printed designs, etc, at $6.00, $5.00, $3.50 to $160, $1.0 J and.... 606 Latest Novelties la Fancy Stocks In a very large variety of materials, dalntljy embroidered, fancy stitched, neatly trimmed with buttons, beads, spangles, Persian effects, etc. at $3.50, down to $1.60. $1.00. 75c, f 50c, 35o and. SmOC Flae Imported Goose and Bilk Fans With dainty lace, spangled and hand painted decorations at $5.00, $4.00, $3.00, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and. .y. 75c The New Wide Crashed Leather Belts. The "most popular belt of the season; very stylish, made of fine pliable soft lamb skin, with artistic buckles, at $100. $2.75, $1.50. $1.00 rnd 75c Novelties la Wrist, Automobile and Keatskl Bags In the newest leathers and mountings. at each $10.00, $8.00, $8.00, $500, down to $1.50, $1.26 . LOO and Comer Farnam and Fifteenth Streets, CASE AGAINST FMM1RE ENDS Testimony of State's Witnenset ii All Pre sented to the Oour- GIRL'S DYING STATEMENT IS HELD laaportaat Dorament Will Be latro. dacea at a Later Stage Defease te Be Ulvea aa laalac Tills Week. STOCK VI LLE, Neb.. Oct. 1. (Special.) The state's moHt Important witnesses lu the Frymire murder case were put uu the stand yeaterday afternoon and today. Richard Puis, the , husband of the dead woman, who was the only witness of the shooting, testified yesterday to the shoot ing and bruising and kicking; of. his wife by Frymire. LouUa Oldenburg, mother of tho dead ' woman, testified to the wounds and bruises on the body of her daughter. Dr. Fochtman of Cosad gave testimony similar to that of Dr. Andrews. Both wit nesses were of the opinion that the bullet wound and bruises were fatal, and that the operation was the only hope. Minnie Oelhers testified to threats made by Frymire against Mrs. Puis and gave other Important ev'dence aa to the rela tions of the defendant and the gtrl before the shooting and before her nuurlnge with Puis. Other wltr.sses gave evidence as to the dying statement made by Mrs. Puis. The statement will not be introduced for some time yet. The following purports to be the text of the alltged dying statement: On November 13, :!, one Chines Frymire drtw a i...taa0 ci.iravt an- uiae me ks it at the point of a revolver. He taid ha would kill me it I did not tlgti It. He then told me last 1 was married to him and demanded that I live with him. and satd that he would shoot ms If I did not submit to marriage relations. I did through fear. I am now live mom lis prrgimrit by C. A. Frymire under the threat ot death. Charles A. Fryra re came to my house on the afternoon of February tl. 113. and shot me In my own tioune and tried to kill Dick Puis slso. 1 ran out ot the huue and he ran out and knocked me down a id tramped on me. After lie had shot nil the c nrlut". out of bis revolver be bent m- wlih bit gun. 1 TRACT PL'Lo. The revolver and bullets were Introduced this afternoon and were Identified as the New Colored Dress Goods Camel's Hair and Long and Short Haired Zibeilnes in solid colors, also in' mix tures Nvith a dash of colors. Are most sought after for tailor gowns 48 to 54 Prices a yard 1.75, A OR $1.33 and., x.uv Mannish Cloth for ladies' Smart Tailor Gowns iu broken check elTects to gether with their dull color ings give them a rich tone for street wear. We show one of the best values to be found in this fabric, T0 inch wide, a A OR . 'yard IM Melton Cloths and CheViots excellent materials . for un lined skirt in a full range of colors, 50-inch A ff wide.. : AiUU Voiles and Silk and Wool Crepe prove strong favorites for stylish evening gowns, shades, French Grey, Heseda, Champagne, Tabacco' brown and new shades of blue, 44) ttirh tv-uln ti viinl A (f ! $1.45, 51.25 and 1UU Wool Waistings are much used, we have a large assortment of French Mouiie cloth in fancy stripes and' small, figured. Mohairs especially made for - waists' and Children's dresses. Prices a yard from IRn f 1.00 'to 'ww Linen Department For this week the following specials will te sold while they last: 124c Towels at each 8 l-3o 16 t-3c Towels at each 12Vfco 40c Towels at each 23a 75c"lgix54 In. Hemstitched Linen Bureau or Sideboard Scarfs 39c each. 40c Tray Cloths to match, at each 25c All the large accumulation of remnants of Table Linen and odd dos. napkins greatly reduced in price, reduced In price. Special values In Crashes, Fine Towels, Medium and Fine Table Linen Sets, Bed Spreads, fringed and hemmed; Hand Made Japanese Drawn Work Doilies, Center Pieces, Tray Cloths, Lunch Cloths, Side board and Bureau Scarfs. weapons taken from Frymire, after which the state rested Its cuse. HUNT HOUR FOR MISSING GIRL Plattsaioata Child Walks Away with Maa aad Gives Father aad Frleads a' Bad Scare. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Oct. J (Spcial.) What looked very much like a case at kldnuplng was the cause of much excite ment on lower Main street last evening, when Beasle, the &-year-o!d daughter of John Corey, was reported missing. The child had been playing In front of her father's restaurant, and when someone re marked thst he had seen the girl walking down the street with a strange man, many believed that she had been kidnaped. Mr. Corey, In company with a number of cltl sens. at once instituted a search for the missing girl. About an hour lat?r their efforts were rewarded and the little one was found on Second street between Main and Pearl walking toward home, unin jured. The man wua later recognized as i John Goodln, who Is aid to be an ex-convict of the Iowa state penitentiary, and who was a total stranger to the Corey family. He offered no explanation for tak ing such liberties with the child. No ef fort was made to prosecute the man and he was permitted to leave the city soon after. Charged with Wife Desertion. DAVID C1TT. Neb., Oct. S.-(8pecU!.V The preliminary hearing of W. Ilium E. Monk, charged with dererting his wife and three small children, was concluded be fore County Judge Skilea yesterday even ing. After the state hd introu ed evi dence and rested lis.ti.e, n un el for the defendant bled a motion asking the court to dismiss the case for the reason the law as passed by the last legislature and under which Monk Is prneecuiel, Is am biguous and unconstitutional. The entire day was consumed in the argument of the motion and the citation of authorities by the attorneys. Judge Sklles overruled the motion and held the defendant to the next term of the district court which convene November 10, fixing the bond at K0, which Mr. Monk was unable to give, and he was remanded to thi county Jill. County At torney Evans Is assisted In the prosecu tion of the caHe by Matt Miller and C. H. Aldilch. A. G. Wolfcnbargsr of Lincoln New fall Black Goodslllnderwear r Black Zibelines prove to be one of the strong favorite .for street and tailor suits in plain and stripe ef fects, in a full range ofj prices we show an extra good; value for 51 inch A OR wide yard UV Black French Voiles for dressey skirts (he most sought after and popular fabric ever shown. We have a large assortment in tiine and coarse weaves. Hanging in prices from if 1.85 v::A 1.00. Black :anvas Weaves in nappy effects are leading! novelties for unlinued skirts and suits, 50 inch wide, a yard 11.50, A Aft .$1.33 and 1VVJ Black Cheviot . . . all wool, the best value ever , offered at this price, 50 inch wide a ORn yara.. .. w v Black Broadcloth and Venetians make the rich and dressey tailor gowns. We show a large line of these popular weaves, 50 inch wide, a yard 3.25, A RA 12.00, fl.75 and ..... A'U Black Poplin Fine Basket Melrose and Moniie cloth, are very desirable for medium weight skirts. We have a large as sortment of these weaves from $1.50 a 70 yard to IU0 and Senator Hastings of this city are the attorneys for the defendant. Abaadeaa Omaha Cut-OS. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Oct. t (SpeclaL) -Since the Burlington ral'road completed the reconstruction of Its bridge across the Missouri river the company hua commenced toVeplace the old bridge, which spans the Platte between Ores polls and Iail'Utle, with a new heavy steel one. which will be as strong In every way as the one at Ash land. The company has doubtless aban doned the idea of trying to shorten the line between this city and Omaha by build ing through Swallow hill and crossing the river east of Oreapolls. Reerptlou for hvftriaa Pastor. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. $.-(8peclal.)-A largely attended reception was held at the La Belle Street Methodist church last night in honor of the outgoing pastor. Rev. E. L. Barch, and the Incoming pas tor, Rev. Mr. Bean. A program of ad dresses, music and recitations was ren dered, following which refreshments were served. The retiring pastor, Mr. Barch, came here three years ago, during which time he and h a family have made many friends who will regret to see them leave the city. HayeiH'ssstr Fair Opens. PALISADE. Neb., Oct. X (Special Tele gram. ) The Hayes county fair Is Iu full swing. The exhibits of all classes are com plete and are of a flue quality. Dr. Peters was present and delivered an address to an enthusiastic audience on the subject of a ill ma Is. Prof. Campbell la here today and will deliver an address on soli culture for this afternoon and evening. The exhibits are as latgs us the management expected and the gate receipts entirely satisfactory. Sew Elevator hear Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 1. (Special.) The work of constructing the new 10,9.0 bushel capacity elevator on the Kllpatrlck ranch west of t lie city is now In progress, and It is the Intention of the builders to hsve the structure finished before cold weather. HastlaaV Sew Federal BallJias. HASTINGS, Neb.. Oct. t. -(Spec lal. V Plans and specification have now been re ceived for the government building to be erected at this place, and bids for the Special Agent of the Celebrated Munsing People who have once worn itlie celebrated .Munsing Under ! wear will wear no other kind ;the best made, the best fitting aud the most comfortable and durable underwear on the mar ket. Ladle?' Munsing Flerct'd Vest 50c and Pants, natural am! crram. LatlleM' Munsing Fk-ccJ Vnlnn Baits, natural, ecru and cream, all oicn fronts, V4 N'en fronts and ...1,00 .1.00 open LudicK Punt! acroxs bust Munsing Vest md half wool . Lad Iff M.tnslng Vest and Pants, two wool, natural 4 Cf third and dream , Ladles Sultr Ladle Munsing Co. ton Union light weight Munsing Cotton Union mudium weight .1.00 .150 Suit - ladles' wool, Munsing' Union Suits, one-half jnc-half open a r"" fronts' Munsing . Union Suits, two wool, all open Irouts, halt Ladies third: open routs and open O C ncroKd bust Munsing Union SJts, light wool, half open 0-T7 I, adieu' Weigh fronts and open across bust.. Misses' l':ilon mat . . Mines' and Buys' Flcoced Munsing ttuils, open and drop "7E? ind Hoys' Munlnij Union Suits, ' Iwo-thlirdH wot.l, open ana drop aL-at 1,50 Latest Novelties la Ladies'" . Immenise assortment just re ceived will be ou special sale all this i-eek 260 dosen Fine Hand Embroidered Sheer Handkerchiefs, every thread Linen pure li nen, narrow hemstitched bor- der, tin ,s worked scrip Initials, usually sold at special lie euCh 10c Fine Enf broldered Sheer Linen Hand kerchitJrs, narrow hemstitched, scol loped Jind val lace borders, usually sold at special 20c and 35o each, 15c at 25c and. Fine Irislli, Swiss and French Embroid ered St ear Linen Handkerchiefs, nar row h mstitched, scolloped, niocklln, val and Irish point lace borders, very choice leflgns, extra values, at each $2.50, $21 10, $1.50. $L25. $1.00, 7tl' Mid 50c maha construction! of the until Novemfuer 2. same will be received HAS BIG YIELD OF PEACHES Farmer Bella a Part of Case Con ad His Cr p for, Aboat a Thou- saad Dollars. PLATTSMt I'TH, Neb.. Oct. 3. (Special.) -Dan Kixer near Murray h wealthy farmer. . residing this county, says he has sold over bui els of peaches this year, and could have Borne he soli best brought Admit ilHposed of as many more. for 11.60 per bushel, but the per bushel. ouaty Fusloa Ticket. Neb.. Oct. . (Specla! TeV emocrats and populists held conventions here toduy and HASTINGS gram.) The their county fused on the following ticket: For county treasurer, P K F. C. Uabcock; aanessor, Dave lit go low ; county Judge. Harry Dun- gan; sheriff, Clinton McCleery; clerk of C F. Buckman; xuperin ools, David B. Marti; county district conn tendent of sc clerk, Charle L Phillips; coroner, Dr. Bax- ter. As neith t-r party could furnish a man to run for sui Myor that place waa left va :ounty central committee waa cunt, and the Instructed to fill It. per la Coaasel Employed. Neb., Oct. 8. (Special.) i session of the county board k of this city were employed BEATRICE At yesterday Haslett tc Ja as extra cou sel to asjist the county at damage KUlts of Harry Ver . Mary Folden, now pending unty by reason of the coi- torney In the ) tress and Mr4 against the lapse of a bifi idge went of town tin which the latter s hu lng the strut chine and tin nband was killed while cross lure with a threshing ma ! former Injured. The cuij it the next term of district wilt be tried court. .BEATRICE, P Neb., Oct. 3. (Special.) The potato ct p Is short In Gage county this tall and ou merchants are now en gaged in shipy ti.g liA potatoes from C1 -rado for home' consumption. Baa Is Sltlll Htpealiig Cora. PLATTRMOltfTH. Neb., Oct J.-(Hpeclal) The past few! weeks of dry. hot weather has beeri all tfiiat could have lieen desired to rlpenf the c rn in Cass county, which It is now Jsllmat'l l will be an average crop.