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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
Li 29 THE OMATTA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. OOTOTER 4. 100.1. i ;t! blsies checks. Business Chances THE ABBOTTCOWAN COM - PANY 912-314-315 Brown Block. Phone A3336 BULLETIN OF BUSINESS CHANCES AND REAL ESTATE. 12,500 for on of the best cigar stores In Omaha; corner loratlon; cheap rent and ales from $30 to 140 per day. Stock of hardware In city of 23,000 for saJa at 76o on the dollar. $1,600 for fumttura In 7-room modern house, together with machinery and an estab lished business clearing- 1300 per month. Restaurant In good location for $900; feed ing over 400 per day. One. of Omaha's best known wholesale and retail stores at 90c on the dollar; Invoice nearly $30, mo; established for 40 years and doing large business. $660 buys a grocery In good location stock about )0 and fixtures, including Day ton computing scales, horse, wagon and buggy, at 250; dally sales over JJ0. This la a snap. ( REAL ESTATE. 1,000-aere ranch In Holt county, all deeded land; fenced and cross-fenced; 110, W0 In Improvements. Including modern house; running water on nearly every quarter; probably best ranch In state. Price. fSH.OOO. Will trade for eastern farm or city Income property. MO acres of as fine fnrtn land ss there Is In the state, 3 miles from Bancroft; own ers have made low price of $57.50 per acre; will take about 14,000 business In part pay ment. This low price made to close up an estate. 40 acres, Woodbury county, Iowa; every foot tillable and first-class; price $1,600; will trade for good business. 120-scre farm, highly improved, within S miles of Orleans, Neb., to trade for good hardware stock, well located; cash price on land, $2,500. 153 acres of high bottom land 8 miles from center of Council Bluffs; this can be bought for $'10 per acre; land adjoining cannot be purchased for less than ISO; will give time on part. l.Bon-arre ranch near Dunning, Neb., also 2n0 head horses and cattle; 2 miles of river front; will trade for eastern Neb. farm or business where there are good schools. 7-room modern house near ?0th and Ohio, one block from car line-$2,400. and $1,000 on long time If desired. WHY PaYrENT? B-room cottnge, modern and new, full lot; $500 cash, balance like rent. Also a 6-room house, modern In every de tail, full lot, on snme terms. Both houses face the east, ground high and sightly location. If these do not suit, owner will build one that will. Call and see ua. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Y 227 4 ;. good gro tures. Including fee box. Inquire 2763 Far- nam. x & FOR SALE, fifty shares of a $26,000 Na tional bank In Central Nebraska town. Block pays 4 per cert semi-annually and Is a safe, conservative investment. Ad dress P 88, Bee. Y M99t B FOR BALK, an old established liquor busi ness (barrel house); good trade, old loca tion. Owner has other Interests. Address I 28. Bee. Y-MS21 2tf FOR SALE;, furniture and four (4) year lease, Hotel Charters, Alliance, Neb. The ' Charters is a forty (40) room brick hotel, city water and electrlo lights, is In good repair and well furnished. Owners want to get out of the hotel business. For fur ther Information address Hotel Charters, Alliance, Neb. Y 879 .WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange jny property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y-9 FOR BALE, good millinery business In good town In Neb. Address P 7. Bee office, M1U4 4x READ THIS If you have $50 or more to invest. Invest It In "Cereal Mutuals," Where it will earn Irora 8 to 16 per cent per month, Where it will be handled by men of ex perience and Where It can be withdrawn through any bank In the IT. 8. Write for "Cereal Mu tual" booklet, explaining our method of operating in the Grain Markets; It costs you nothing and may be tha means of making you a fortune. Address Isbell & Co., No. 4 Sherman St., Chicago. Y M153 4x A SPLENDID opportunity for a good hustler; a half Interest In a good lively business, consisting of dry goods, gro ceries and nice stock of notions; takes $2,400; will take half cash and half trade; doing a nice paying business, but other business requires my attention; 6,000 pop ulation. Address A. Anderson, Atlantic. Iowa. Y-M178 6x XX) YOU want to earn 4 to per cent week ly on any sum from $20 upward and re ceive dividends every week, where no losses have ever occurred and where you can withdraw your balance on demand T Particulars free. Fleishman A Co., 1210 Broadway, New York. Y 244 ix 60 CENTS to $7 at bedrock; Join company immediately; don't write unless wishing to Invest. The Mono-Metal Production tjo., uenance, umo. y 24,. THIS BEATS NEW JERSEY"-Charters procured under South Dakota laws for a few dollars. Write for corporation laws, blanks, bylaws and forms to Philip Law rence, late assistant secretary of state, Huron, Beadle cpunty, South Dakota. Y-223 4x A REGULAR INCOME GUARANTEED. Hundreds of clients endorse our method bv which we pay regular weekly dividends of ana 1 per cent on Investments of $25 and upward. Positively no speculation, but a safe and sound business proposition. Your money returned on demand. Utah. est financial references. Write for free Dooxiei. jonn . rearson & Co., 66th St, and Washington Ave., Chicago. III. Y-222 4x SMALL. INVESTMENTS HAVE YIELDED LARGE AVERAGE RETURNS. $30.00 INVESTED ten months has produoed average earnings exceeding those of the Standard Oil Co. Opportunity still open. Straightforward, honoralle business proposition, coming from a corporation with $1,000,000 capital. National bank ref erences. Write us. STAR A CRESCENT CO.. 226 La Salle St., Chicago. Y-221 4x $600,000 corporation with national bank In dorsements, solicits Investments in abso lutely safe, success-assured, enormously prorttable business, which Inside of two years will pay 3tJ per cent protlt; holders l.OuO shares stock and upwards guaran teed 12 per cent dividends Inside nine months, or redemption of Mock year after Issue with 20 per cent interest on purchase price. Extra Inducements, high salaried position of trust to liberal Investors Prosctus free. W. 8. Cleveland Co Wabash Ave., Hubbard Court, Chicago Y 211 4x IS HENS mske $500 yearly. Setting 6 days Instead of 21. the year round. Particulars for stamp. Metropolitan Supplv Nov Co., Kansas City, Kan. Y 210 4x X CAN FELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where it is or what it is wnrtn; send de scription, slate price and learn how Offices and special representatives In ii cities. W. M. OSTRANDEK, Home Office 148 N. A. Bldg., Philadelphia. Y I HAVE for rent two splendid and well Im proved farms, well located and aimlr ablv adapted to mixed or stock farming which can be had on long and favorable Itas'i by the right parties. One his 9)0 acres and is one mile from station in Monona Co.. Ii. The other has iM acres and is ihroe miles from station in Au Ir an Co.,-lii. Write for terms and descrip tions. D. 8. Bullock, Norfolk, Neb. FREE! FREE! We will mall you free In structions how $10 can earn $10 weekly. Handle your own money. Louis Stern & Co., Tacoma Bids;., Chicago. I-Sul-ix , IH SI1E CH4SCES. J. H. Johnson Real Estate and Busi ness Chances. GEN'L MDSE. 8TOCKS Clean up-to-dite, good bulnes. live Nebraska and Iowa towns, invoice $4,500 to $10 (. liberal discount for cash. Will consider good Improved farm for some of these at ripht ptlce. GROCERIES STAPLE STOCKS $1,000 to $4,500. city and country towns, paying business. Can be had right. HARDWARE SELECT STOCK $2,500 to I4.6O0, city and live country towns, 26 per cent off on one fine stock for cash, owner forced to sell; be quick If you want It. DRUGS CLEAN up-to-date stocks, $2,500 to $6,000, profitable business, city and A-l towns. A good piece of land considered for some of these must be right value. STEAM LAUNDRIES IN thriving eastern Nebraska towns, $1,200 to $5,000. Good land considered for latter. Groceries and Meats CHOICE clean $2600 stock In city, dally business $75 It's a dandy. SHOES FINE stock, live country town. $5,000. Can be had cheap. Implements & Buggies COMPLETE stock $10,000, buildings am'H lots 16,000; fine western Iowa town; J40.0UO annual business. Wl'l consider good farm land at its value. Here is a rare chance for someone to step Into a paying busi ness. Newspaper Plants In fine Neb. towns, paying propositions; one of the best German-Am. papers in the county. Price will be an Inducement. Bakery & Confectionery SOME good ones. In city and country towns, $400 to $1,600; one In Benson cheap. Millinery Business STAPLE stocks In live towns, la. and Neb. Liberal discount for cash or will deal for property $1,000 to $2,500. Flouring Mills 60 to 75 bbls. capacity, modern equipments. control good business, 15,000 to $8,000; in fine wheat country. Good land will be considered. Jewelry STAPLE stocks, $1,500 to $4,000; good prop ositions, live country towns, big discount. Rooming and Boarding Houses 7 to 43 rooms, fine locations; some big snaps. Well furnished. It will pay to Investigate. Electric Light Plant In live Nebraska town, following proposi tion; $9,500; good land at its value will do. Coal and Feed In Omaha, $2,000, good land will do. Hotels Furniture, of 25 to 60 rooms of modern houses. In Nebraska and Iowa; live towns; for sale at right price; doing good business; ask about them. Luncheon Business In city; a snap: paying deal. If you In vestigate It you'll buy It. Racket Business In Omaha, fine location; $400 will cover it; a nice business; take it up. - Notice If you have anything legitimate to sell or exchange or want to buy, tell me about It. Ill find you a deal. You'll find me ready to do business quick, J. H. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y 377 4 PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. Send model or sketch for FREE opinion as to patentability. Bend for Il lustrated GUIDE BOOK and list of in ventions wanted, finest publications issued for free distribution. Contains valuable Information regarding patents, trade marks and copyrights; how to obtain and sell them; 100 mecnanical movements, eto. Patents accrued by us advertised free In the PATENT RECKOD. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address, EVANS, WILK1NS & CO., Registered Attorneys, 603 F St., Washing ton, D. C. Y BUY wheat and corn $100 in grain or stocks by our margin plan should make enormous profits within next 60 days. For free book ''Systematic Sensible Speculation" write write C. K. Boardman & Co., Brokers, Lasalle & Van Buren Bts., Chicago. Y-253 4x CORPORATION controlling business estab lished 1S05 desires energetic business man who can furnish unquestionable reference as to ability and integrity to take man agement of branch office; compensation $2,500 per annum. Address "Auditors," Box 630, Madison, Wis. Y 256 4x INVEST some money In Ginseng farms; coming great Industry, where your money will double; absolutely safe; bonk aoil special Inducements on application. Ad dress Ginseng Farms, Box A, Rose Hill, N. Y. Y- DRESS MAKING. FREE TO LADIES. A free demonstration of the McDawell System will be given daily at our both on the Carnival grounds. Our school Is the oldest and best established In ths west. Owing to, our in creased patronage we have moved Into new quarters and will be f.ble to e ve our patrons better service than ever before. We want you to V.n'1 us tnd be convinced. Mcdowell dressmaking SCHOOL. 1906 FARNAM ST. Te'ephone 3417 Mrs. M. L MORRISON, Mgr. HlIE! CHANCES. 9 Per Cent " EXTRA 9 Per Cent On October I. we paid to all our In vestors a quarterly dividend of 9 per cent on, all mon-vs Invested with us, in addition to the regular i per cent weekly dividend which is forwarded to nil investors on Wednesday of each week. This extra quar terly dividend has v.irle l In amount ncronl Ing to the results attained by us in our en terprise, hut It has nlways been ana we never passed a quarter-day without the pavmen! of an cxtr dividend. For verification Pf these statements we can refer you to many prominent and satis fled Investors all over the country, who have given us permission to use their names ss reference, which is enclosed with our prospectus. Quarterly Dividend Paid FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JULY 1. 1902 7'4 PER CENT FOP, THE QUARTER ENDING OCTOBER 1. 1:W2 11 PER CENT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JANUARY 1. Ui3 Mt PER CENT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING APRIL 1. 19"3 'i'j PER CENT FOR THE QUARTER ENDING JULY I. 190.1 M4 PER CENT FOR THE QUARTER ( NOW ENDED) OCTOBER 1. 193..9 TER CENT The company expects ot the etui of the next quarter, which will be January 1. 1MI, to show our investors better results than ever before, and they may confidently ex pect on that date a handsome extra quar terly dividend. We have never contented ourselves with paying tho regular 3 per cent weekly dividends, bet have always striven for better results. Our nlm Is to pay our Investors the full earning on the moneys In vested by them, as the above etatment will show, and our enterprise Is such a wonder ful and growing success that we are confi dent the next quarterly dividend will reach much higher than the present dividend Just paid. Full particulars and beautifully Illustrated book mailed free upon application. THEC. E. RAND COMPANY 32 Broadway. New York City. NOTE Our next quarter's dividend (In dependent of the 3 per cent weekly divi dends, which are sent regularly each Wednesday of the week to our investors is due January 1, 1904. Y 233 4x PROVEN BY U. S. MINT RECEIPTS that this company produced over fOO.OOJ gol I bullion from one year's development work on one claim. It paid over $21! 0f In dividends last year. The Nevada Key stone Mining Co. owns seven additional claims and it Is for the purpose of push ing development work on these thai a limited amount of stock is offered for sx'.o. Such development work as has been done on the seven claims has demonstrated that they are richer than the developed claim, the "Keystone," which give the name to the whole group. Ten per cent per annum In dividends on your Invest ment Is certain because of the earning power of the developed mine, with a magnificent opportunity of Increasing the value of your holdings by tho develop ment of the seven additional claims. Tho company courts the closest investigation of both large md small capital. Dun and Bradstreet mercantile agencies have In telligent reports on the company. High est bank references. We recommend this as a rare opportunity for a safe and re munerative Investment Write at once for booklet containing facsimiles of U. S. mint receipts and "what others have to ay." Laclede Investment Company. St. Louis, Mo. Y OUR NEXT QUARTERLY DIVIDEND PAYABLE NOV. 1ST. WILL far exceed, any of the quarterly payments made by us during the past three years, and which have averaged 20 per cent on the capital invested. In addition to these extra quarterly divi dends, our investors have received every week our regular dividend of 4 per cent. Let us explain to you the plan of invest ment which has enabled us to make such handsome returns. The Metropolitan Assurance Association, (Incorporated), 200 Broadway. New York. Y-232 4x $25 STARTS you In business. Week ending Aug. 22, $25 made $28. Week ending Aug. 29, 25 made $43. Week ending Sept. i. $25 made $119. Week ending Sept. 12, $25 made $76. Week ending Sept. 19. $26 made $161. It gives you a wekly Income; customers make from $12 to $199 every week. Our tontine system of betting on races Is per fect, without risk. 8 years' experience makes us the oldest racing firm doing business. Write at once for particu'-ars, re.f., etc. Theo. Adams & Co., St. Ann's Bldg., suite 2, San Francisco, Cal. Y-277 4x BUSINESS BARGAINS. Restaurant bus., stock and flxt.. Gas, Kans. Canadian pat. lights on Eaves trough hanger. Oil property, 181 A., Cattaraugus Co., N. T. Oen'l mdse. stock. Ogden. Utah; abt. $4,000. Heating, plumbing and tinning bus., stock and too's. Red .Wing, Minn.. $1,000. Gen'l mdse. bus. and bldg., Espyville. Pa. Int. In eqpd. plantation, 1,027 A., Chicot Co., Ark.. $10,000. Excellent investment. Gen'l mdse. and meat bus., bldg. and lot, Redfield. Kan., $4,700. Plumbing, steam and gasflttlng bus., shop and dwelling, Concord, N. H., $9,000. Controlling int. In 150-hbl. steam flouting mill, inc., Lakota, N. D., $8,000. Furnished hotel and 3 lots. Tombstone, Ariz. Gen'l mdse. stock. New Caatle, Pa.. $3,500. Newsstand, stock magazines, stationery, etc.. Chelsea, -Boston. Canadian rights on newly patented hygienic cigar; retains strength, flavor and aroma. W. M. OBTRANDER, N. A. BDG.. PHI LA. Y 202 4x CASH for your real estate or business no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale, send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. y Splendid Opportunity FOR SHOE HININO TAND. RENT NINE CENTS PER DAY. IN National Bank Bldg. Address P 66, care Bee. Y-346 4 15 Per Cent Weekly. You can handle your own money and rea lize an average Income at the above rate; send for our free booklet, which explains our method In full. GEORGE K. REYNOLDS CO., 60 Broadway, New York City. Y-212 4x JUDICIOUS, systematic speculation In wheat is profitable; $20 margins 1,000 bu. 2 cents. Send for free book, "Facts and Figures," explaining option trading. The Otiborn Grain Co., 17 Chamber of Com merce, Minneapolis, Minn. Members Chamber of Commerce. Y 307 4x DRESS MAKING. BlIE CHANCES. CONFECTIONERY and stationery store, with soda fountain, In Pluck Hills gold mining town of 8.000 population: clears $.100 per nu.nth; Invoices 12.600; will sll at a big reduction If taken at once. C. W. Bar ker. Lead, 8. D. Y-260 4x riAxos. Schmoller & Mueller THe Largest Music House in the West The Last End of the Great Bankrupt Piano and Organ Sale. All of the Pianos, Organs, Piano Players and Music Boxes which we bought at auc tion from the Langs & Minton failure and laid down In Omaia, all polished, tuned mid ready to deliver at less than 40c on the dollar, will bo closed out this week without regard for their Just value. Not counting the material the labor alone would cost more than you can buy them for. Some are used, but the majority -are brand new Instruments purchased for the fall trade. Our personal guarantee goes with every one. No risk. Just a Few of the Many Small Organs, eaoh....$ 6.00 Burdette organ 8.00 Woods Organ 12 00 University B 14.00 Perry H 18.00 Kimball B 22.00 Story & Clark 24.00 Estey 27.00 Shonlnger 29.00 Small Square Pianos, each.. $10. 00 Albrecht 13.00 Gilbert 17 00 Hallet & Davis 19.00 Vose & Sons 28. ( Pease 37.00 Hallet & Davis 89.00 St. Louis Co 42.00 Emerson 48. 00 Terms: 1 to $3 $1 to $2 per Month. Cash and Upright Pianos Just a Few of the Many Gilbert. Walnut Upright $ 48.00 Kimball, Ebony Upright 62.00 J. P. Hale. Ebony Upright S5.00 Arion, Walnut Upright 92.00 leasing & Sons, new Upright MO.OO Smith & Barnes. Walnut Upright.... 128.00 Arion. Oak Upright 132.00 Marshall & Wendell, Walnut 13J.O0 Kimball. Mahogany Upright 144.00 Chlckering, large Upright 148.00 Arion, Walnut Upright 165.00 Singer. Oak Upright 159.00 Erbe, Mahogany Upright 102.00 Sample Fancy Upright 178.00 Mathushek, Rosewood Upright 194.00 Ivers & Pond, Walnut Upright 198.00 Bradbury, Rosewood Upright 220.00 Steger, golden oak. Upright 238.00 Schmoller & Mueller. (Incorporated.) MANUFACTURE, WHOLESALE, RETAIL PIANOS Main House and Office 1313 Farnam. Factory 1316 Farnam. Telephone 162S. OMAHA LINCOLN, Neb., 130 S. 11th st. Tel. 763. COUNCIL BLUFF'S, la., 602 Broadway. Tel. 368. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 973 HAT RENOVATING. OLD hats made new. Bamser & Kerr, practical hatters, 207 N. 17th St, 1 M 844 I FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE Farms, lands, stocks of merchandise, hotels, business and resi dence properties . for exchange. Send us full description of what you have to ex change. We have over 4,2.0 properties for exchange. Robert Mather, Cedar Rapids, la. Z 133 4 A GOOD residence In South Omaha for $36.00 per month to exchange for West Farnam or Hanscom Park residence. Will pay oash difference. Address P 03, Bee. Z 348 4 A GOOD ISO-acre farm and cash to ex change for good $6,000 to $8,000 residence. Address P C6, Bee. Z 347 4 DRES1 CUTTINO SCHOOLS. WHILE In the city DON't FORGET to VISIT the Standard Garment Cutting College, C27 Paxton Blk. 602 OS WANTED Sewing In families. Address, P 37, Bee. MSWO-lx EXPERT ACCOINTANT. G. R. RATHBUN, room 15. Com! Natl Bank. Private lessons in bookkeeping, eta. il LAWN MOWER!, SHARPENED, p. Melcholr, 13th & Howard. 9-) FLORISTS. HESS & 8WOBODA. Uli Farnam. - L. HENDERSON, florist, 151$ Farnam St. 287 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee B.dg. Tel 2i35. -8.1 CMAHA FLATING CO.. Lee bldg. Tel. GARBAGE. A NT! - MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans ct-H.-poi and vbvt. removes garbage dead ar.Unals at redaced prices, t-1 X Hth To! ITT ?S9 LAW AXD COLLECTIONS. 6TILLMAN & PRICE. 4x0 istlsat. Bk. bldg. NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Lite bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. S'4 J. M. MACFARLAND, 319 N. Y. L. Bldg. Oct LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. Ulfi Howard. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS, and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064, LOCICSMITH. C. R. HEFLIN, 30 N. 16th St. Tel. S!74. M-U9. LOST. LOST Ladles' " gold watch marked with monogram M. R. M. on one side and 1899 on other side; black guard with gold seal attached, monogram on seal M. R. M. Please return to mayor's office city hall, and receive $100 reward. Lost M ?J9 LOST Evening of Sept. 30, on corner 12th and Harney, a pair of gold-rlmmed spec tacles, in 1- ather case. Return to 611 So. 11th St. and receive reward. Lost M15ii LOST, missing from 3220 Burt, 2-year-old red and white heifer, white heart in fore head. Suitable reward for return. 'Phone 4!1. Lost 158 4x MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured in three days. Pay when cured. No hypodermics. W rite for circulars. Gatlln Institute, 2.'0 S. 14th. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no ottKr. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children ; 30 years' practice. Office, 2205 Cuming. Residence telephune, F-Ji9u; office, B-2M6. DR. PRIES. German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience In confine ments: curs sterility, long standing dis eases of uterus and ovaries, cures painful, pi of use, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladies who have suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal interview Is impossible state your case fully, :nclosu stimp and answer and advice will promptly be given. Address R. F. Pries, M. D., 113 Douc umaiiA. Neb. LADIES, our narmiess remedy relieves without fall delayed or suppressed men struation. For tree trial address Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davidge BJock. E. D. KECK, Voice Teacher, Davidge bldg. 16S Novlx LETOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2tW4. 602 LETOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. L-2CS4. 602 OSTEOPATHY. Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life Bldg. T. 1661 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2 52. Atien & Farwell, Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 13G3. S7S DRS. FINCH & MILLER, 124 S. 25th St. 9T9 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. T. Life. Tel. 2686. 980 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 318 S. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 931 PATENTS Sues & Co., Omaha. Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1G23. M-570 N15x PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Offlco. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. lAMTOnilM. OMAHA Florence Sanltorlum. 'Fhone Red 2824; 1 blk. w. of car line. City 'phone, 119J. M-20 26 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UH Farn. Tela. 159-8t 2. -9S3 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 984 NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd's a neater. uso STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everybody. P. H. Phllbln, 1506 Farnam. 'Phone 7.4 Kit TINNERS. Q. E. KOCH. 24th and Maple. Tel. L-1M9. M8J9 8 WANTED TO BORROW. H We have Ave applications for farm H loans; land all within 15 miles of Omaha postotllce. If you have money to loan come and see ua. Borrow er's reputation is the best. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 610-511 N. Y. LIFE BUILDING, 299 4 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED, laborers for Bteam shovefwork at Glenwoud, la. Free transportation. Call today at 417 8. loth St. Hail Con struction Co. B US 4x FOR RENT, five pleasant rooms, .nodcrn, with heat, $20. 217 North 22d st. G-2DI ix GOOD lot well located, to exchange for driving horsa. Address H 1, Bee. Z-375 4 SITUATION wanted by a dressmaker to go out sewing by the day or week; prices reasonable. Call or write 1030 N. 21st st. A-3S3 4 RESPECTABLE lady aged 37, wlt!i some means, wishes liio acquaintance of re spectaoi gentleman of means. Object, matrimony. Address S t. Bee office U-374 ix ANY person who will distribute samples for $3 dal'.y should address "Standard." 4 Weils, Chicago. No canvassing. B-373 4x All. ROAD TIME CARD. IMON TATION IOTH A.VD JIARCV. Illinois Central. Chicago Lxpreas a 7.35 am a 6:10 ptn Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 1.14 am Minneapolis & til. Paul Express b 7:3a am bl0.36 pm Chicago Local 10:35 am Chicago Express slO.35 am Cblcsao Jk Northwestern. "The Northwestern Llns." L-ave. Arrive. Fast Chicago a 3 40 am a 7:00 ant Mall a 8 Cw pm a 8.30 arn Lotal Sioux City a 5:10 am a 3:3u pm Duyllgbt St. Paul a 7:50 sin a 9.55 pm Daylight Chicago a 3:00 am all :10 pm Limited Chicago a ;14 pm a 9:15 am Local Carroll a 4:00 pin I l:Sv tm Fast Chicago a iM pm a 1:45 pm Fast St- Paul a 1:10 put a $:la am I 4II.WA Y TMIK CARD. Fast Mall Local Sioux Cl'y Norfolk & Boneiteel a 1:40 pm b 4:Of) pm b 9:5" hi am io:a; am Lincoln & Long Plne....r 7.25 am bio .S3 am llilcaao, Rock Island .1 EAST. Lenv 1'Mt'iuv. e. Arrive, a J .V) am u 9:35 pm a bu pm bL :m um a 1: pm Chicago Daylight L I d.a 3:55 Chicago Lnlig!U Local s 7.w Mill am am pm pm l li long li Lxir'ss I'll.ij lies .MuineH Express.... u 4 Jo Chicago Fust Lxptes.. WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'..a :30 Lincoln. Colo Sprins-. Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 Colo., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flier a 5:40 Chicago (ireJt Western 104 Ft. Dodgs Express. ,.b 0:20 IU2 Ft. Dodce Express. ..a 2:45 7 Ft. Dodge Exp-ess... 103 Ft. Dodge Expiess... Colon Paclflc. am a 7:25 am pm a 6:00 pm pm al2:40 pm Co. am pm all -56 am b 9:10 pm am a 9:50 pm $:-6 pin Overland Limited The Fast Mail California kx press Pacific Express Eastern Koress ..a 9:40 ..a 4:20 ..all. 30 pin a 8:90 pm a 7:.o am a 3.40 am a I AO am Ths Atlantic Express.... The Colorado Social.. ..a 7:10 Chicago Speclnl Lincoln. Beatrice ard Stromsburg Express. ,.b 4:00 North PUtte. Local n s:no Grand Island Local b 5:30 im pm b1J:"0 pm am a 5:15 pm pm b 9:35 am t hicnBo, Milwaukee A B t. Paul. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 Chicago Fast Kxpress..a 6:45 Chicago Limited a 8:05 Des Moines Express a 7:45 WrIiiirIi. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:55 St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs.... a 9:13 Missouri Pnclftc. St. Louis Express al0:00 K. C. & St. L. Ex a 10:50 am all:l5 pm pm a 3 40 pm pm a 7:40 am am a 8:40 pm pm a 8.20 am am alO SO pm am a 6:2j pm pm a 6:15 am WEBSTER DEPOT 1STII WEBSTER Chlrnaro, St. i'anl. Minneapolis Si Omnlin. Twin City Passenger. ...a fi:30 nm Sioux City Passenger. .a 2."" pm Oakland Local b 6:43 ) m .1 nm a 11:20 am b 8:4j am Vrbrilaku (,'hlcaao & Northwestern. anil Wyoming Division. Leave. Elnck Hills. Deadwood, Lead, Hot Springs. ...a 3:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm llaatlMfcrit York flnvl.1 Arrive, a 6:00 pm e 6:00 pm City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and be ward b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Mlasourl Paclflc. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:36 am BURLINGTON STATION 10TII & MASON Chicago, Burlington A Qnlncy, Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:0u am a S:55 pm Chicago Vestlhuled ex. .a 4:u0 pm a 7:45 am Chicago I ocul a 9 IS am all:00 pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mail a 1:40 pm Kansas City, St. Joieplc- Council Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex... a 9:15 nm a 6:05 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:2" pm all:05 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:45 pm a 6:30 am Barlinslon & MIsourl River. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:50 am bl2:05 pm Nebraska KxpresS a 8:50 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:45 am Black Hills and Pugcl Sound Express all.lOpm a 3:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuleci Flyer a S:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:62 pm a lr:0S am Fort Croon pnd Plntts- mouth b 8:15 pm bl0:35 am Rellevue At Pacific Jet.. a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue & Pacific Jet.. a 8:60 am a Daily, b Dnlly except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e Daily except Monday. MAKERS 0FWAX FIGURES Where and How Fetching Models Are Prepared for the Larue De partment Stores. Where do all these wonderful wax fig ures, women In brilliant nrray and men who look as though they never cou!d stop staring, come from? With all their finery nnd pink checks they look as thoflgh they Intended stepping from the windows and Joining the passing throng. In Paris you see none finer, and yet those did not come from Paris. They are homo-made. There are only two of these wax figure makers In New York and one In Chicago. The experts who produce such startling results for the Eden musee should not be Included, for they work only for the mu seum. One of the New York men keeps a factory In West Broadway. He says, with due modesty, that there Is only one man In the country that can get the rich, deli cate tint of the rose on the artificial lady's cheek, and that is himself. The Chicago man Isn't counted, he says, else why should the New York makers do more business In the west than they do In New York? Boxes ot dislocated arms, legs and heads, carefully wrapped, have been shipped to western cities since April, In readiness for ths fall trade. But now New York Is to be attended to. It will tako from now until Christmas to get things In shape. The only thing to worry about, except in natural arm figures, is the head. These aro made by the designer from plates In fashionable women's magazines. Blondes, brunettes and red-hnirfd women are all alike to him, for they are nil likely to be changed at the discretion of the pur chaser. A department store manager sends his head window dreser. head mil liner and, perhaps, his costumer to the wax figure manufacturer. They look over the heads hundreds of them and select what they want for different forms of dis play. Perhaps a woman Is wanted for a golf rls or a yachting costume, or, per haps, a fashionable dume on a shopping tour. Tho party from the big store selects fifty or moro heads and orders the hair changed and made to suit requirements. If a woman's head wants a high wig It gets one. If the hair is to be plaited and tied up In a bunch at the back, that goes. The manufacturer has a woman who wants no points In the hairdressing business. Piti ful thli.-rs they look sitting there or not sitting, because they have no legs but propped on Iron stilts, with little wooden urms that move on hinges. But when these little wooden arms are covered with a waist tint may cost $100 and bedecked with Jewels that might adorn a countess they present quite another appearance. Waist and arm figures are seldom neces sary, except for evening gowns. Then great care must be taken with the backs and the shoulders. Results are what ths big store man is after. New York Times. RANGE GRASSCURING WELL Prospects for Winter in tho Blaek Hills Conntry Aro Reported as Very Favorable. - DEADWOOD. S. D., Oct. $.-(Speclal.)-Accordlng to the statements of E. W. Speed, formerly a well known business man and canker of the Flack Hills, now of South Omaha, who has corns in after a short trip on the cattle range, the range condition la favarable for tho winter, although cattle are thin' Prime beef has been scarce this season, as the cattle are unusually soft on account of the absence of cured beef. The grass seems to be t tiring well now, how ever, and with a continuance of the present weather there will yet be good beef for the market. Twenty Sovrrelne to Attend. BERLIN. Oct. 8 The wedding of the English Princess Alice of Battenberg to Prince Andrew, fourth, son of the king of Greece, at Darmstadt, Wednesday next, will bring together In tho little grand ducal city the sovereigns of twenty European states, great and amalL (FAILS TO SCALE MOUNTAIN BrcoV.yn Explorer Meets with Diiarpoiot ment in Tr p to A'a';a. M'KINUY PEAK IS INACCESSIBLE Party Is ton polled to Tarn Bark Through an lakstws Country After Approach ol Winter Is Far Advanced. NEW YORK, Oct. 3 An attempt mads by Frederick A. Cook of Brooklyn, the well known explorer, to scale Mount MoKlnley In Alaska, has failed. Dr. Cook, accom panied by two or three other men, among them a Columbian university student, left the city several months ago and no word has been received until today w hen the fol lowing cablegram, tlgned by the leader of the party was received by the Associated Frets: VALDEZ, Oct. 2. The assault of Mount McKlnicy resulted In our making an alti tude, of ll.inA) feet on tho southwestern side. At this point we were stopped by an impassable granite slope which extended 5,nn) leet nbove us. We searched the en tire western side of the mouMiln for a route to the summit, which might o(Tor a prospect of success, but no opportunity was found for the assent from the west ern slope seems practically Impossible. On September 4 signs of Winter hid n r.'iidy far advanced. We reached the ilivl le September 9 at an elevation of lilill nnd crimped in the valley of Chulltnu. Our aim wa.i to reach the eastern Hope cf Mount McKlnley, and, on our way out, if the season permitted, to make another at-' tack from that side. Long- 'trip on Rafts. A forced march was made down the C'liulltna, it being necessary to t..rd aim swim the river many times; but wo wra compelled to abunuon our hor.-n.i and bund raits twenty miles north of a M'eui gluclev. The lauer aftuided the first easterly lou.e to the great mountain peak. We ixploiej it and made a rapid expedition of tho e.isi crn B.upr, but tile rapidly appro, telling winter wi,ulu not permit of another at tempt to ci.mb the mountain and witu mucii legiet we were forced to take to our raits ,-vti inher 21. and to seek the wan i:, ui Cook Inlet, which lay luO mllej to the touth. Beinre us was a Journey of s xty miles down the Chulltna river, of which notmuif was known as to the possibility of naviga tion on a raft. Considerable apprehension was felt on this score, but the river proved navigable and the expedition rencheJ Tyonel in six days. The net result of the expedition was a mnrch of 600 miles with horses, nearly 4 0 miles voyage in boats and rafts, the ex ploration of a good deal of new territory, the discovery of several mountain glaciers and rivers. Dr. Cook was accompanied on his trip by Ralph Shinwald of Columbus univer sity ana Robert Dunn. CONDITION OF COTTON CROP Government Report Shows It to Be Below Ten-Year Average l May Go Yet Lower. WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-The monthly re port of the chief of the bureau of statistics of the Department of Agriculture will show the average condition of cotton on Septem ber 25 to have been 65.L as compared with 81.2 one month ago, 68.3 on September 25, 1902, 61.4 at the corresponding date In 1901 and a 10-year average of 67.4. Tl'.eio figures Indicate the condition on September 25 and no attempt Is made to anticipate th3 results from future weather conditions. Reports of damiga during September from rust, shedding, drouth, caterpil a.s and worms are general throughout the cotton states, the damage In Texas being caused more particularly by boll wevll an I boll worms. The crop Is reported as from two to four weeks late and many corre spondents report that there will be no top crop. Tho following table shows the condition of cotton by states on September 26 In each of the last three years and that on August 25, 1903, with the 10-year averages: Ten Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept. year State. 1903. 193. l'02. 1901. Av'g. Texas 64 76 47 61 04 Georgia 68 81 62 73 70 Alabama 08 84 62 65 119 Mississippi 69 87 63 66 (IS South Carolina.. 70 80 68 67 S Arkansas 69 81 68 61 60 Louisiana . 71 84 64 72 tilt North Carolina,. 74 S3 08 63 70 Tennessee 71 91 76 CO 70 Indian Territory 71 81 65 61 fiS Oklahoma 72 75 61 61 69 Florida 70 83 68 6 72 Missouri 74 81 73 61 77 Virginia 77 86 73 73 76 United States.... 65.1 81.2 68.3 61.4 67.4 NEW YORK, Oct. 3. The government weather report on the condition of cotton, placing It at 65.1, was a figure lower than generally expected, and Its announcement was followed by great excitement, and an advance of 20 to 22 points, with Octobsr Jumping from 9.28 to 9.40 cents, December from 9.27 to (.46 cents and January from 9 28 to 9 50 cents. The market opened weak to 6 cents lower on lower cables and better weather, aided by selling by leading bear Interests. GROWTH OF LIVESTOCK TRAFFIC From Sled Load of Hogs Alone North. - western Ronto to Million Today. The first shipment of live stock Into Chi cago was made In 1843 by Mllllken Hunt, now 80 years old. who started across the prairies to market with a sled load of hogs. When he got across the Des Plalnes river he found there was no snow on which to draw his pigs the rest of the Journey. It v.-as at this time that the Galena road, now the Northwestern, had Just finished building its first ten miles of railroad, and young Hunt made a dicker with the crew of a construction train and rode Into Chi cago, triumphant, behind the little old "Pioneer." This locomotive also made the run which took the first grain shipment Into Chicago by rail and It Is now on ex hibition at ;'iic Field Columbian museum at ChlcaKO. Last year there was taken into Chicago almost 8.000.000 head of sheep, over 4.000.C0O boas, 100,000 horses, 250,000 calves and 3.000.000 cattle. The report shows 278.100 carloads of live stock received In 1902. fifty-five years after the first shipment. Last year, that load of hogs had grown to over 65,000 carloads of live stock brought Into Chicago over the Northwestern line, and Instead of one wagon load of wheat the Northwestern took over 30,000,000 bushels of grain to that city. FEVER PATIENT DISAPPEARS LesTt House While Nurse Sleeps and May Have Killed Himself or Died from Exposure. HOT SPRINGS, 8. D.. Oct. 8 -tSpeclal ) Wednesday morning about 4 o'clock P. L. Mapes, who was sick with typhoid fever at the Bltoam bath house, while his mind was deranged from fever and taking advantagu of the sleeping of the nurse, arose and dressed himself and left the house. It Is feared he has ended his life or died from exposure. His father and brother have ar rived and are making diligent search to gether with others, but this far without avail. They offer 1150 reward to any one who may be able to find the lost man, whether dead or alive. Mr. Mapes came here sick from Adelina, Neb. He was bridge foreman for the Burlington railroad. Harris Stays with Burlington. CHICAGO. Oct. I-Darlus Miller, first vice president of the Burlington, today de clared there was no truth In the report that President George H. Harris was to succeed C. 8. Mellen as president of the Northern Pacific "There will be no changes here whatsoever," be said. "I do not know who la to succeed Mr. Mellen." n M n 3 1 3 S a s 1 4l.