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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
t THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: SUNDAY. OCTOREU 4, 100.1. WORDS OF PRA13E Tfce Following In4ririanti froaa the Frrti, Financial last Motions and C'natomrrs Pror Dot Only Ik Orrit Merit of the Kelleratraaa Tl aluky. bat the f oninaey to Be tha ( rrnlml DUtHlina; tompuy la tha World. .4 1 Trie Krllentlrava IXstlimis; Company of Kanima City. Mo., the proprietors of Keller- trn Tlys Whisky, have one of the most ootnrl'tely equlppoil .!nnt of the kind In the tmH. Thy make the whisky, bottle It, park It for shipment and aend It direct to the consumer, without ever allowing It to pass through the hitnds of tha dealer. By thle method of dealing the purity of tha wtilnky la Insured, and the company can rnarantoe Ita uniform quality and flavor to the oonsumpf. St. lunula Republic, Nov. S, Ji02. Kellerntraaa Rye la the Doat known whisky In the worn'.. Kvery town and hamlet from one end of the courttry to the other has its regular patrons of the Kellerstrass 3lUIII:i(f Company of Kansas City. Mo. Tli phenomenal enoceea of thla company la due to the merits of Ita whiaky. Thay are extensive ailvertisera, but wa know from yearn of xeilence In tha newapaper business that unleeo an article baa real merit advertlHlnK cannot make Ita rait .is e w i profitable.. Vork World, Nov. a, loot The dfilcioua flavor and curltv of Kllr- srtrss Rye la proverbial. This well known whisky is mails by the Kelleratraaa Dis tilling; Company of Kansas City, Mo. Mll llnna of bottloa of It have ben Bold, and rot a single customer has aver expressed Ms dissatisfaction. This Is a remarkable record and certainly apnaka well for tha high Era do of this famous whlfikjrChi cao American, Nov, S, 1302. A atrlklnsr example of the wonderful ra stilt proriuoed by modern bualneas methods la tha Kellerstrfuss Instilling Co. of Kansas City, Mo. This company aella whisky by mall and has thousands of customers re rldina; In all parta of tha country. New Xjrk Journal, Nov. 4, 1901 it pajrs to satisfy people at this day snd mt. The merchant who sells on the "sat isfaction or money beck" plan and adheres to It strictly is seldom hear to complain of dlemnn or retail dealers. The Kelleratraaa I'lstlllfna; Co. of Kansas City, Mo., has fully HO0.000 customers, every one of whom It claims Is satisfied. Their great success tinder these conditions Is not so remark able after all. Minneapolis Farmers' Tri bune, Nov. 7, 1903. , The development of the mall order huat nesa In tha last few years has been little short of marvelous. It Is now possible to buy and sell almost snvthlna; on the mall order plan. The Kelleratraaa Dtwtlllinr Co. of Kannna City, Mo., which has long been famous for the purity of Its whisky, has adopted the plan of solllnit direct to tha consumer. The hu?lnpss of this company has developed until the entire output of Its distillery Is now sold In this way, and It Is said the express companies are almost swamped by the enormous shipments that tn out from the Kelleratraas Company very diy. Commercial Appeal. Memphis, Not. 4, im Kellerstrnes Rve. the fnmous whisky of the Kejlrstriss Distilling Company of Kan sas City, Mo., Is known and used by mora people than anv other brand of whisky. Its wonderful popularity Is due to Its abso lute purity and delightful flavor. In order to avoid any tHwlMlity of adulteration, tha KellerHtmen Comr.snv ship the whisky di rect from their distillery to tha consumer, never selling1 to dealers under any clrcum ataneos. They guarantee the quality of tha whisky and will refund money In ease It does not prove perfectly satisfactory. That It la all they claim la proven by tha fact that the company has over 825.000 reg ular customers residing In all parts f tha TJnlted fttates and Canada. Burlington (ii.) Hawkeye, Nov. 18, 1902. Kansas Olty honsts of the fact that It lias the largest mall order whlakv house In the world. This Is the Kell-rstrnss Distilling Company, which has established a national reputation for the purity of Its whisky. This company has fullv 300,000 customers Bind ships whisky to everv state and terri tory In the union. Houston Post, Nov. 4. M01 To eliminate the middlemen's profits and The expense of handling goods twice la to lower the price to the consumer without lowering the quality. This la an abstract proposition thst has ben concretely applied Try the Kelterstrana Distilling Company of Kansas City. Thla combination of low price and high quality has resulted In bulldtn? up a business that threatens to mike Kentucky look to her laurels. The company manufactures and bottles Its own goods and ships direct to the consumer. It turns out 64,000 quarts of whisky every 84 hours. Its payments to express com panies a mount to $75.w a year, and It spent $1(1,000 last year for postage. A year go the company went Into quarters of Its own, and twloe since then It has had to secure snare In adjoining buildings. So completely haa Mr. Kellerstrass organised Ills Immense business that it Is character ised by cleanliness and promptness, no less than by rljrht prices and quality. Chicago Inter Ocean, Nov. 8. 1902. The adulteration of whisky haa become ao Jtnlverstil a practice It Is almost Impossi ble for the consumer to secure at anv price Whisky that Is absolutelv pure. This Is rot the fault of the distiller but the mid dlemen or retail dealers. The K1erstrass Distilling Company of Kansas City, Mo., in order to insure its whiaky reaching the consumer In the same pure atata that It leaves the distillery, haa adopted the plan of selling and shipping direct to Its cus tomers. That this plan Is proving popular is evidenced by the fact that the Keller strass Company haa grown to be the largest whisky house In the world. Atlanta Con stitution, Nov. 4, 1904. flome dealers adulterate their whisky be cause they can thus make a larger profit. That they make a serious mistake Is dem onstrated by the wonderful success of tha Kellerstrass Dlxtllllng Company of Kansas City, Mo., which has built up Its enormous) trsd erttrely by a wMlrv rHeli M Sbsolutely pur. This company sells rati ons of bottles of Its famous whisky every ear and Is generally conceded to ha the largest whk" beuaa la the world. Omaha fees. Nov. T, 1901 The wonderful growth of the Kellerstrass TMsMI'lnir Company from a small concern to tha largest mall order whisky house In tha world demonstrates beyond all doubt that up-to-date business methods, when coupled with an article of merit, produces wonderful results. This compenv, which is located at Kansas City, Mo., has achieved ita great success by selling tha highest e-i-ade whlskv t a price hereto fore charged for Inferior grades. fit. Jo erh OaztHta, Nov. 1, 1901. KellerHtr.iH Kye w ued regularly bv more people than any other brand of whisky . In the world. . This whisky Is noted for Its pnritv. Its delicate flavor and Its uniformity of taste and color. The Kellerstrass Dis tilling Company of Kansas City, Mo., tha makers of ths famous whisky, deal with their rustoiner direct. They emplov no salesmen and do not sell to deslera. They claim that this Is the only wav they can be sure of telr ousto-rers receiving tfce whisky in the snr"a srte it leaves h distil lery.". Joseph News, Nov. 15. 1902. Oberlln, Kan.. Oct. S li2. Kellerstrass THstH'ing Comnmv. k'nift C'v, Mi.. Gentlemen: I can tell you that tha whisky I received from you Is the boot whisky I have ever drunk In mv life. Mv friends declare also that It la the best whisky they have aver drunk. You can rely upon get ting my trade as long as you ship us tha goods you have been shlnplng us for tha pst few years. Yours truly. MICUAKI, srrvrcR. V Tha American National Hank of Kansas Olty, Mo., Pept. 27, 1901. To Whom it May Concern: We take pleasure In recommend ing to the business community the Kalier atrass Distilling Company of this cilv. of Which Mr. Krnest KelWutrass Is president. Bver nines they were established In this dty they have transacted their banking hurlnesa with us, and we hive watched with Interest the wonderful growth of their bust Bess. Tlielr phenomenal riccesa Is an unfailing Indication of Integrity. . knowledge and In defatlguhle energy. We have given them Verniiseion to tine our bank as reference. laWng answered many Inquiries about them, and there Is not a single case re ported to us that did not come up to our recommendation. Wa wlah this progressive firm abundant uccess In the future, to which they are certainly entitled, and. no doubt, will ob tain. Very truly youra, il. H. CRAY Cashier. Traders' Bank of Kansas City, Kansas i City. Mx. Hept 27. 19u3. To Whom It May Concern: I take pleasure In stating that I have for several years done business with the Kellerstrsas Distilling Company of thla lty, of which Mr. Krnest Kellerstrass Is president, and that our relitlona have been rnost satisfactory. Their credit standing first-class, snd the wonderful growth of tneir oueiness nunng me past nve yenra Is abundant evidence of their square dealings WIIU Vlimr tu-innirri t intr. verT TrulV, 1. K. IOMTNICK. Vreal dent- Hamburg. Arlc, Sept. 17, 1.I. Keller- strs manning cuf iny. Ksnsas City, io. ini lemeii : l neeire to shv a worn in favor of your whisky. I have been using si iur nearly wiree years ano i can Truly sutv no i ii is me most aeitrntrui and In Tir-rMiri pewrnge mat i have ever drunk; for purity and excellence It la un guipaeaed. Before I began us'rir It I Buf fered greatly with r.TerH dh.)Hv, hut since using it my health Is greatly trn troved and my farm worV haa become a m a 'ssiaaHaaF' " . " r . -II . . ir " u sTbA I ar -s-aw. s m3 m. J ': , L ii is Y MOST FAUOUS aw ? l iic 'J' :'::A p. 6 I A k:: m: m m:A-:.A ,,iV "tsi - " ' ..' svi'i ' -4f -;v,- TTp"JT,m"n" - ' w . ( : J. MM-.- P4Mmmti Ii Mm !i h ; i lii'l ! , . !!!:; ; W Ill II mm I1' I'M v'v V i WTT Ml ,,. i III VH Lm Absolutely Pure! NO MARKS ON PACKAGE TO INDICATE CONTENTS. "II Kellerstrass' Rye Whisky Is Not tha Best, Why Do Others Try to Imltata It?" (sSovim Away l Millions and Millions of Bottles Sold 1 Not One Dissatisfied Customer! rstr' Bp Whlsbv MOST FAMOUS WHISKY IN AMERICA Read Our Special Offer: DIRECT FROM A UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER TO CONSUMER SEND US YOUR ORDER FOR . dk FULL QUARTS OF 10-YEAR-OLD RYE (S EXPRESS PREPAID. FOR i i CjJ QzlJ Q U And we will eend you, FREE OF CHARGE, two sample bottles one twelre, one fifteen year old Rye, a corkscrew and a gold-tipped whisky glass. We make this offer simply to get you to try the goods. We also have this same brand eight years old, which we will dispose of at $2.50 per gallon, in lots of two or more gallons at one shipment. We also give sample bot tles, glass and corkscrew with these goods. All our goods are put np in full quart bottles and sent express prepaid. If poods are not satisfactory, return them at our expense and we will REFUND YOUR MONEY, It is almost impossible to get pure whisky from dealers. These goods are shipped direct from the Distilling Company, which guarantees their purity and saves middleman's profits. This is our regular proposition. Read (SPECIAL offer below? $.,000.00 OFFER. TiSili!!i!'iiii8' riMwrha .iiiwir :li i ' ''ill! 'Willi V!l iil'Vfe-l.'t.-VivS. 'l!;i Ii mm 111 DISTILLED! mm MM ox- -. ... . wn-'tt' ru i I,. : 1 1 ,fj.-.i illlli iilill f-' "'"""lib -.ill 4u5-r-,vl!lli! !! A Jir . ,&t--J' 1 it V--."' .. 1 tai - -: '.'L, V. i'I'n ! i:l! . i r r u j & mm mm it. twim mm 'mm II..I . l,!'l" HI iH I ' t. ' r in. m:. nm dm Mi ! iiiii i 'i :'r. i I. ' ''I ".' T:,'V" I ':' I'. :::n,'.:: r :: . 'ii;; i ,: .:, i,: ;. ? ' M,." ' ' ii' -r ' i i : : fii:n"cifs iff. awaavsT-sr w V IT f I'Mil; C. JOBII, rraaldsns. i. MAKTIM JOITKS, Tloa-FrM. UNITED STATE DEPOSITORY NO. a544. O. B. OmAT, Cashlas, DAT THOaUTTOH, CAPITAL 200,000.00 vRPUra IOOvOOsXOO THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF KANSAS CITY MO. "T. 4, 1901. To whom It may oonoernt This is to certify that tha KELLERSTRASS DISTILLING COMPANY have this day deposited one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in Gold vith us, and authorized us to pay it to any one who will prove that there ever was, or aver is a drop of whiskey taken out of their Bonded Warehouse located right at their United States Registered .Distillery, No. 22, 6th District of Missouri, that is not absolutely pure, aooordlng to United States Government Inspection. 7 Ws also aaUMrisa tha absva fcaak ts fstara raw asaaay ta y.a aa4 charasi tfcs aasa4 ir aeeeaajt, II rssj twt tVat da B do nlt as ws advertta.. Wa hava ow 4(0,000 customers la tht Doited Stat... which Suffct t. speak for Itself, Ta saa bay our whisker only tarouth s. Th tibov offer haa stood for nearly two year, but tho money U still tn tho bank, thoro novor having boon claimant. Q DlC I A T We ant 20,000 people to try our Whisky In the next 20 tDAmslSAL (jaySt and we are going to spend $20,000.00 to get this number of people to try it. Here Is our proposition to readers ot this paper: One gallon of our Ten-Year-Old Rye and one gallon of our Eight-Year-Old Rye would cost you $5.65. Send us $4.65 and this advertisement, showing that you read it in this paper, and we will send you the above two gallons ot Whisky and four sample bottles, two glasses and two corkscrews all ex press charges paid. We do this in order to get you to try tho goods, REMEMBER, THIS ID LEOO THAN 2.38 PER GALLON, AND WE WILL NOT SHIP MORE THAN ONE ORDERTO EACH PERSON. REMEMBER, you must mail us the whole page advertisement and your letter not later than October 24, 1903. Remember, this is thr biggest Whisky ad that ever appeared in a newspaper in America; also rem. ber it Is from the biggest Whisky House In America. You know us. We have advertised In this paper for years, but this offer will never appear again. READ TES TIMONIALS IN THE COLUMN TO THE LEFT. &b&l7&K KELLERSTRASS BLOCK, KANSAS CITY, MO. REFERENCES Any Bank or Express Oompany In Kansas Cty. NOTB Order from Arizona, Colorado, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Hexlco. Oreton, Utah. Waablncten, Wyomlef, Florida, must call for twenty quarts, prepaid. The above firm are sole owners of Registered Distillery No, 22 of the Sixth District of Missouri. When writing them please mention The Sunday Omaha Bee. o wu pioaaure. jours imiv W IT tT I VT Qrs Arm Wa hara testimonials lka the aov from over &g B.eBiaiex audi over fc),QM us II i;