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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
Tnn OMAT1A PATLT BEE: grXIUY. OCTOBER 4. im. 17 VTlllllVC W f I U I I". H t" rIlinV l tb tht fnr fcnstsrt ' thourn an aTl-mar-nta headpiece Is te-jwl-la e lk twwhoe ends hansd w-it. ti t IiUjIAA 5 VlUliLUvJf lAjlliU3 iticiv'ty. on tnu.t r forever. Ilk casionaUy com crow. th nsual pur- a I'm a.tnj.r alter the rv l tied. ) tie pvl'.r.s bro;.k. fhrnnlf Tir.f the vncKXies chaser ia Tlw npufb t knew that only j kfa tmr liell til (Hkrn. i if the I'nm fcerse.f and the iads if all her twauitr mar wear IV UlttSl'l Ekrw ef luirTT fcicc.l tie t dsurh-ers. I It ail th rr.ill!nT world f. T-tti cf Att-3.n Irfttaa. TOSS TOR YDLS.3 EUU EPJIfKLw .Kays All As aeiHItir , I mt W ! la larlens I Th neck bow has rnTiif at th bori ff Kl Will' , i.,, . tn IHnt rrmf Vt-, T the co-l-r- anfl l-or.rdir.e s-hool maU nwU are eno-nioue'y need, and If tn con- i fc atcj;a of j,,'". yj,. tK,w t fre- Ssbert-a. tb tr)J Ir ird'.ited to lb 'T.iax" t'f sc-icno J wtkrned ly theta in T to 1 mj.ry tr'Tic kpon ! mmd. trifle which . f al to admit them very pretty. A number wot-.d be Inat in tbe Tr.eelstTcin) of s?l. of ready-to-wear hats lor sci.Tfl riris ar bul ahlch their yoi.:r.ful f r'.hus.iLfm sii on th Jaur.ty Tim order, with valve! and ! upcti and xj k't with the.r usual ador. i tjuiil tninminp. Numbers cf shape In felt In tb' ? bt the bprsie brajfKt -."h t arfl fanry braifla mra rn m-iih tba aid ! r.aml-J ;fT;!.-Tt ) fcfTli In vipie. tb imrn iwd irrtmi tb rrrtrti. and tb rrfat l.lB'k tiiff'ta liai'-bow hL rmr to 1 a fiat rallor tort iannfr the iuimut ara i T.rr!ly, and rtbbrm art trk!n to tba j lirtinp tbir trin-.miTiFB kumtIiiL With a ! frnnl. I rerr wi3f bih cf rome d-icr:j'tJon bund.ed I RoTTit? cbarmlt r"ir-f-PtJt fri-rka for arcund tbf rrrwii arid 0d la a dumay knot XITW TC I.K, Crt. I-rortimEtplx Tot tb 1 1 world, brj a' cJoUiiil la not toax?7 ao eoir.plicaifed ta girlr . A hritt teit to a fcri:i-:;u 'UllittT tuT JuwUlt. car -Ui ixtu tin- rtr-rt f-aulien'iit cf tba most flin.a.nJui 6axid.v, aid Uit bir torea new look to la ii-t-da. H.a tj.letia Xor morulue. aHarncK'n md rvti.ii wk.t ragiiltr no jiuckerliic of lnrbta3a or nirlita of almilemtiefta. Every vnit ia fieciat for tba ro"'' J:runirDl ft Iahion, aiid If tc Mrena to tbe bemrj-vd voice lit UU tuiie afcjnrtuin lie U1 uet er fo &mlaa. Fr-1 lor bfcljf l'or are atill carr'..T Clatlnrulahable from ttioiw of tbe.r BiKifTt Thn natirui or milliner brain ret-optteea t tba Canity of tbe atcrner ( x Id tbe niff raaottea of a puflad allk bbt; atid It the token of a killed aklrt on a icrtr toddler ere a lurrnn may b meda awnra that rba.iia acRa tutura j.ree.iarnt ht Jart fctrcbd y. But aoon tbe kilted akirta grtrm nan aevre and puffed Bilk btta maka way for plain felt or atraw Bbkja alii ribbon a. Tbn ail at once tbe preaioent roai In lonc-troueer Bailor ruiva -with latber vatck chain and maxy j.otk'ta, and tbouck ba tiaa nxt yet rt hie wa lepa. an to Bjwak. you know better xhun to call Urn a grirL JLU tbe artepa from Thli Ftt-fre tij partaka mt tha eeTet maacullnl'Jea. Tl Nor teik Buita for acAotil wear lor Vx'ja of ten auw exact rcplicu cf tbe tM outlnf toa worn by men. The frown-up bualneaa ult. with tta Buck rout and natty air, la tmltated tn many n.'iitb woola for luda mt fo-irteen and over, while tbe Tuiedo 4Unnr coat la a much a neoetmlty fcir 16- s-fiar-old Bob as It 1 few his "Fore.mor Tna Eton null, tboutb It la mi but In drcH which affect tnplitb at it. U not tnncb admired In this country. Tounr America finds tbe "iob-ttiiiecl" coat of Black liroadclotb BlUy, and prefers f;r a-fttr Boon Areas a coat of aucgue rut Tbia la com tn only of fin AlacronaJ serpa. with lbs .i - i t m -rir Lara 4 n CTrlTiflS PTU V aald a. i pUvVUlaaJLj aaafa " ' ' - - " -1 w- s lilack, as are tna itoiiwti worn ild uw J31CT! jacket. The Tuiedo dinner suits are I tit fin t!ack la-oaaciotb with black aatin collar and cuffs outlines with flat t til or braJd. The coats of the are lfkewi often made m.lcneia with wnite ealln llnlnirs; but, as a rule, lilack diagonal Aosbllnr ar uBnd and the coats tbemaelves AT for any evening oc-casion when the rra29w tail" la not an absolute requlra Cient. Frlrklig Frllli. But olier .id ruff as may ba his milts, tiata, clores arid slioea, tba youns exoul Silte is often very ay In the matter of uilmportant details. Tour-ln-band ties ar run Is brilliant reds, blues and rreen Bilka. -vhU many heavy duck wiasuruata for afternoon ervice BurFeirt In weave th Sortd stjlos of former days. A yellow pn taaa a surface cf ralmd whit roe buds, and n of white a dclicat pattemlric of tilack fleur d 11a Other plcjua and dark weatlnra display diamonds, hair rtrlpe and pots In contra titir col ore. but tbe waist oat of th recognised street suit is aJwars ocf th iuu material. Xjnrurious. Indeed, ar th mfiuor fineries of aU smart boys wbo hav reached the youth Btt-a Velvet and eanbroi3red el'k Jounclnc ooata ar provided for them, bath robe of caily tinted towellcc, and pajama alaepinc suits la soft and beautlfulir col ored auka For th lees extrav&cant and tnar tnodertly dowvred world, tbeee com forts ar reproduced In Inexpensive mater ials, aeersucker suitings abd pfinreea beixij vised Xor tn sleeiilnc suita Tbe bath wrapper ar also shown In a toweling leas plendld than that employed for th expensive robes The ar likewise prettily colored and girdled with s cord and tassel, and everywhere matchhnc sltp;ers In th sam towel or matariais can be mtici of sixteen and eighteen dir;-lay E:cm I at front or Bide., tbeee hats have a pleaa comii. under lch will be worn rhlrt- attly h:n.e-matie air. On or twa Wide waiFts made entirely cf alternate Ftrips of i ttuilis ar faelcned f.atly across th erewn. alalre etifl ritibon. "ith j.iiatn deliunea. fipured ribbons are used, snd w;(th fipured rtjTs jilntn. tbe rflbon Tnm.ii.p stock and b.!!. which will be fastened ly Brjuare rlt'bon-eovered burkien. The wiie belts of red and white kid that tbe Iwiiles tf tbe bnur ar tuianr to are also th privilege cf s; bcril-grirlR. who, ia tbe matter cf width. In every case po their elciera tu; Iwtlcr. Prime of these belts ar quite twelve Inches dwep at tl back, from where thry rlTpe at both side te the front. From two to three tm.rues. slipped through many harness bucktea. fasten them, anfl as tlie beits ar vary soft they eruah and tbe whole Ftructure has such a sim;l look that the worried maid on milllne-y Intent says at once, Bbold my had pie: ." MAKT I'lla-S. rARIO( WIDE RAKGIL. tiatplc Merkl mmt Cxtrsvacaat Flrkas ! Collars. KTTW TORK, Oct- 1 "This," Bald th quer-tly drawn through a bnrk of silver Fl't or j-un metaX It r've a smart effect. A dresey stock 1 cf white rb:ffiT! 14.13 tn filds ever a Flock founcauon of while slik. Tli Splury'Tif btiw of tbe ch'.ff.m which ornaniects th front 1 drawn tLroufh an cva rhlnert in bu. kle. C'irt ef tbe newest clock 1 of white linen rtltcbed In black A black mo re bw Is kept in place In front by twj ptj"l buUoned strape, but It can t easiily re moved to facilitate launflrrSr.e Eitn prettier effects ar obtained by us.?ir bows tf various co.orv wjth co.iar tutit-iiig to match. An odd collar, which Is imported from Er.fianfl, consists of a nun.l-r of metal alid-'S joined ty chaina These fiimih support for ribbinn, s:Ik or cluffjn, hl;.h are drawn through them to form a sunk. Th collar is fastened either In th frcnt or th back, and the Join hidden by a bow of the fabric used. There is no lack of prettinen In th realm pi.rt, and tT! F'.:r-p 1 belnr ranrked to please th Atrer-lcan woman. She pays ibe, tut the results seem to Justify 1m t jtrs vaxTHnof Errr an ln.Pe"et!t'y cut rewn can be re'leemea l y t iqui t cavalier collar of old F-runiK 1 lace.. th lovely ie roufe cf Italian lac ar ventibi semdera of th mora elatrorate neckwear. This fan vp-to-dat rlrL as she pointed t on of sees tb recurreno of style of several tw Iwxes which almost filled her dresser ; years back. Aroonit these are the wiu drawer, "la th box for tailored shirt waist , Bilk ties, with the ends trimmed with lace -11 I I" .- - la tb way of handkerchiefs, th ymmc Canfiy baa certainly ben affected by sport -ti? InCaenoea . With bis "triad rMra." as b mm flippantly dub his best bib and rocker, the handkerchief Is still pur white, nar rowly bemmed and showing th small est Colonial letter for Initial. But for everyday wear, plebalfl effects ta color com In, whil th blr moucboirs thexnBelres seem tn many cases like any cjuar of coars calico. 'VTien roti com to ftiandl them you know th for Che BQuares ar of th finest Pnea and veavtiruuy xnaoa in some rnvtanoe ta X jdnk. blue or red bord)- ar bemstltchtid ?m. bat wars tb bandkerrchlefs ar alee e n ill aVaB fniAAU t V W. T a,r" TnryaA , ar part of tb dylnc. of oocrs. ilTealU Caaa. T oomplet tb eul ject. canes ar carried YiT th Juvenlie exquisite, anfi. t depart a tlttl tram Its peaoefulneas it la quit nat ural ta suppose that b will occajii anally be ouaded by his toupber schoolmate Bat. en the whole, boys' lufhions have an bonast masculinity, and It doe th heart gmii to an that tb rntrliah coats are al- ae".i""i" TRIO STREET EX.TTS FOU COLJ-EGK GTT!TA oomincly into the fipure. They ar hand somely lined with satin In a matching tint, and a girdle in such a style costs from H.&0 to K. Street Salts. Street suits are frequently cut te display thes gay details, w hick gleam between th fronts and under th bottoms of abort ooata that reveal th looseness and fancy aloeves of th moment. Cap collars, with stoi end, rich wlih braid, embroidery or gimp of sum sort, embellish tb necks of th cciatn. and under many a loos aieev wash undersleeves ar seen. Her and there, too, la th riot ef blue which have tnvaded th world, bid-fnab-ioned mbgente, dubbed oens or entirely untitled, to run across. But agala It to a caa of th roe by another sun, tar oerlse does not disguise the former intimate In th sam narrow velvet ribbons, th aam aid gimps, th different shades cf th magenta of the sixties Is back again, and when a touch of it to soon on a French gown In black and whit th beholder wanders why tb really splendid tint was neglected so lung. Clone to th fao magenta to tmheooxa tng. It mutt be admitted. Only tb moat faultless blond or th palest brunette may stocks. Th other to full of fancy nck snost entirety without tlie f ooiinh curve wear tt thus, amd knowing this, th French tnto tb watot employed her for men. Tba us all sorts of artifices to get In tb mag e rider arm seams of th newest sack mud- ente touch, employing oa the bodice only el ar almost entirely straicchi. such bits as will be nowber near tl face. Would that fashions requirements for I On bats th velvet crown may be magsnta. Mi os-old b dismissed with as tew words. 1 but th brixn and trimming ar black, and I I I Quality and Clss count for more in a j 1 ,, Etove or range than ia any other I j article of domestic use. 1 I II 1 rte Garland Trade-IIark ia an ahw2id f I I I I ruaranteo of both. k-'-HW Ji Y But One Quality and that the Best. J i I I T Soil by rstl&ss dealrn evcrjrwbexe. j l l I s!-V Macnfacrcrcd OiJy tf fTzj , Jkio)) Ttz Michigan Stove Company, UtA 7 Las-gts VLakcn cf Ftowr an4 Kaaget Vvv yOk totheVforld. -w kNH "B,BHVBSJ.BBHHaHMBBBaV V' I J aireeas tWa, Oaaabe. JeV, eel by Uitee Krrrt tMl e, ttb s4 W Eh made a distinction which bold good In th ahop windows and on neckwear counters this fall. Tb shirt waists of English vesting are too mannish In effect to look well with fluffy furbelowa "For a shirt waist or a dress waist V th clerk aaks tb would-b purchaser. If th reply indicates th farmer, b tarns ta on secrioa of the counter, whore tbsr ar lines collars, stiffly laundered. But they ar not the linen collars of other years. Bom hav scalloped edges, other ar embroidered in white or colors, whil still others ar Inserted with embroidery or laoe medallions Most ef them hav cuffs ta match. A dainty collar and cuff set to cf whit linen with th scalloped edges bound with a band of vtvld blue linen. "Within tha runs a lin ef dots of varying ala. band embroidered ta heavy linen tin sad tn th sam shad of blue Tb collar te further embellished with a blab op tab similarly bound and embroidered. Many of the new stocks hav stock and tab all In one plec and cot s as t fit th throat. A pretty collar at this descrip tion is made in three tucked aectlorie Th front to ornamented with four appliquad circles of pale green linen, each worked with a star in white embroidery silk, elcarte Eaabralaery. Th eras fur Bulgarian embroidery baa brought soma pretty collar and cuff seta Tb vivid ouiors ar contrasted with strik ing rT.aci Ncj art the iuu-unod models difficult t Imitate The prudent girl baa spent oom of tha summer days ambroid- ring bereif a number ef seta Tb sUtchea ar easy, and th work progressed rapidly on account of the course thread used la the embroidery. Blue and red or green and blue ar good pom hi nations tar any add eketchy paxtera on hit or ecru linen. Ecru color is th best foundation tor three Bulgarian emhrolderkia. as it tur niahes a better imitation of th imported Beta rongee Bilk Is ths foundation tor toot of tb most stylish onea Bom Japan ese elects caa be obtained by using odd ahades of blue on th pongee Th number cf tabs bar multiplied ea the stocka. This probably marks the last snag-as of this popular style. It Is th r""-" which comas before th decline A stock of tut whits linea baa rods of f aether bone tntroduoed ax the sides and back te make tt retain its shape Tb collar is amementsd with stitched bands embroid red with coin dots in a scarlet silk thread. Th five long pointed tabs which fun a deooraQoa in tb tract are similarly em broidered with scarlet dote Many of th stocks with tabs hav each tab finished off with a cord and teasel ornament. On stock with aa unusually wid bishop tab ef pleated white beea baa th tab fi n netted by a tring ef Unas Usssls Th see plan to followed on many of tbe eiur elaborate stUk Mcaplece. but the triage Is always ut ailk or of ribbon knots and ciide A distinctively new feet we of th saor dressy stocks are tb bow. Xtainty lao and embroidery rernevars are ready mounted on ailk stocks and the front of tbe stuck is ornamented by a saury bow of the same silk. Tee turnover Is oftea deep ota.Migh ta see eaibls a Wilt! ag eoBbT and oaa be worn without a fewndataBa It to fssisnsd ia (he Croat by a applique Th French are th creators of th exquisite trifles, as they are of most of tbe dress accessories. Bom of tb ties hav embroidered ends, but lao enda are more Huffy, and lao Insertion gives an air of lightness to the heaviest silk. Variety te Ilea. The chiffon ties ar rvan more attractive, but less serviceable. Hand painted chiffon eoarfs and ties have been seea for ths last season or two, but this fall their tkillf ul imitation will be in use among th leas wealthy. Tbey ar woven or printed in flower designs In delicate panel color In ga Wide ties or scarfs of chiffon, xnaline or tun tn solid color are being worn to match evening bats of th same materials Noth ing can be prettier with the block etaxnlne dress ooats now so much in vogue than a blue tulle picture hat untrimmed exsrpt for its own puffings, and a wide t of the earn tied at the front of the throat in a great crush bow which resembles a choux. From scarfs to fichus Is an easy transi tion, especially since many of the wider scarfs are being worn fichu wis acroos the shouldera Tbey assist in the attain ment of tbe fashionable long shoulder ef fects and caa redeem a guwa from plain- A striking French importation, which may be termed a fichu, Is of white plisse otiif fon It to ruffled into a shallow sort of shoul der cape, edrd with Twa rove of inch wid blark velvet ribbon, which g something of stability to tbe pe Tbr of the eai oom Just to the side of the bunt in front and are Cniabed off by choux of black chiffon. From beiietth thee the wid sash ends of tbe white chiffon fold across the breast and ar tied in the back at ths waist Una The sash ends extend te th beta of th skirt and ar trimmed by twp rows ef th black velvet. A rctrklaeT fte-he, A pretty flehu to of ooffe colored net It to wld ever the shouldera. but th ends narrow off to a point These hang down to the knee The net Is laid la narrow folds, held in plac by occasional ap pliques of lane medaliiona It to drd with a wld lao CoDTioe. This fichu is intended t b worn untied and well off the shoul dera It may b kept la plant by a lev eled pin or twa Fichu pins ar becoming a necessity. Leo stoles and cellars arc being made in on piece, as in the spring, but It Is noticeable that th collars arc deeper and tb stoles narrower than was tbe case with ths earlier varieties. In measuring them the collar to quoted as being a certain length and the stoles another. London is an extremely cheap place te buy lacea Tbe Bummer tourists bav been taking advantage of th fact, and this winter will astonish their friend with lao collars and scarf a As on traveler said. "It atemad extravagant ta send bo much far on thing, but tbea lac ia as good aa Investment as diamonds." Eh was right, and especially so this winter, when lao to a necessity. A Mal tese laoe collar and deep cuffs will trans tons a simple velvet shirtwaist lots a thing ef elegance Velvet should be popu lar this winter, sinoe tt furnishes so ade quate e background fur lace Many mt the rare lao Importations ar each as a year or two age war rarely seea ootidds the mueeuaua But tlie fi-fa-pn hi lasts tor laos (rows mor extra a- Vr G-ti -e 0-"erwr left tbe bulk rf br r. iMi fortune io her tueces and n;b i,rd their cni.firen V- mirnbf.h Ch r Halre tVc'ti. the author-, bu Just died st be home, niwr 1-oulFvilie. Fhr wroe ttii.t y sior i T.fl I""n:s of the M of ui letter l-eing "The Angel t f the F.-s urrection " A n l-ish woman. Mik I'ouslKe. ha ben BT't'olried to tbe poet of borti'-.i'tu'-H 1 lec turer t'T the cout.i council of lnih the fir-t woman appointed to tvb a post in Ireland, end cer I7in pomjietitor. Jdrs Frank 1 Jli.bbo't of B-i:k'yn. a flaiif'er of the late Chiirie Trim. 1ir founded s ffli'W Rhio in Amherst colier (for the trtut.iTie cf ipwtic In physical j education, at an expense of f.:X a year. wjax'ii acKITi'rr I.aer niece of tbe late TTetiicjent HcKir.ley. haf offered llr..K toward ematliF-hiT.r a free conservatory tf music in New Tnrk City and will rive her own servioe ertireiy fie of charge as one of tbe instruct ore Xlis Martha Johnson of Mscon. Gi, will be a b-lfiesmaid et the weudine cf Km tf.iy Ooelet and the duke of Kcixburjbe. Her enpkremer.t to Ie Lencey Kountxe a New To'k batiker and society man, re cently was announced. It was a Connecticut trlrl. F1wnp Mnv Fitch, v ho took a dor-tor s depree wiih honow at Fverlin nnlverBltv. 1-rii.g the tei'h woman 10 win such en honor to the history of th nntverflty. Three cut of tlie nine other were Americans. Tbe queen cf Jtely bn p-ented to on of tli Italian natural htsi'wy museum a f ne collection of rnimsl ana blra. mary of which she rtcferl with ber own liaocl. whl"h she ypithered during a yachting cruise in northern waters. Tbe olfler-t woman cclleye rrsftiate In WasBachuferts. tf not all New Ecriand Tr Soph-oria Fietcfier. recently obe"rved her Beth lilnhday at Cambr.dre For thirty y"r l,e WH the at!"ticl:T,s jhypiHan cf TVrr.dc-11 Fbimp"' irvulta wife, and has hsd many flirLlnFUi:hed patienta Cniid,'a hie atort!hmeTit is munlfertea In New Tork ever lb announcement thst Mis Mfv G'i-iet. the furure floche of Koiburpbe, will boy all ber wefld'tir fliwrr on thi side of tbe Atlantic Instead of Flrg enrol, a Tor ber trmiwa u Not so ve-r int. apo ueh a wu-w would lave been regarded a evidence cf at lenet mild Insanity. Ff'l mot ber in New Tork have taken to d"er'.p th"!" littie bov ip fancy cns tumc Prince CharlieK V Alp Ions and what not. The l.Vt'e Lord rruntk-rcy idea has j rone out. Not a few 1 nl" swash micklr-n w"V ientber !rrtif sod 1-e't mtr wn 1 todilltir alrmp with tb-lr nurses, lioubtless toe numerous romantic play of tbe me dieval period have pvn hints for th cos tumes. Mrs. La FoUerte. wife of tb rovemer cf Wisconsin. 1 aald to be an enthusiastic ' flren reformer, tod builds rruch also on the pliyslonny rerene"-atinp effen of phynl- , cal exercl-K-s of all sorts, though ber fevorite form is, not walkmr. but running. Fbe 1 sttd 1o pet up esrly nnd 1i k a two-mfle run before breekfart. while In her summer home. Fhe add to her morning run lorg walks durtnr the day. iTeRident Loulet ef Frar sav- that in the presence of Qweti Alexunflra one fnrpet 10 look st other women "who mty be twice as beautiful and not half ber ue. A for h-r c-cic-e. it t astoTUFbirer. Ftie mKkes me tlilr k of a queen of old France.. Where Aid she let rn thrt superb gra ciousnes of benritir which clciihe her e.s with a parmenf Purely not tn that rle'TT little Tinnih eouri she rarpe f-om We nave women In France who fere T'obs- 1'lv tiette-. (ij.c.fl v-e bllV- Tirvue trhn jicissep ler supreme elegance. Ehe to royal from top to toe. mile ef Faablee, Wrfestln Is the fur novelty both for hats and wro pa. F-rr pinrt pumle i a variation of this modinh tint which to favored for rtreut gowns. Renaissance V-ald is oomMned with wool Jac in some of th prettiest of the new paa-semcntcriea In addition to blnck and white wool lsc 1 to le had in brown, gun metal, gray. reo, purple ans niua ttnta An extrem" iancv in hosiery is Indicated by red stocklnps with black panels, tot panels on the instep tieing of black laoe C oft u roes of run meta' velvet are re lieved bv touches of brirfct color, red. tur- ouotse. entile green and some shades ul ' pink contrasting admirably. Browns, preens, a mixture cf brown and mauve, and a liberal mngv of blue, from deep r.avy and cornflower to sky, ar in great voru for street costumes. Ory is to 1 seem in everything. Bom of the most attractive style in women hosiery ere in dark graya Many dots ar to te seen, and desipns in vines and in the gray are lnooiiFplcuous and pretty. Beaded bap are to be found for th woman who ooe not care for the genuine article. These nave the beads sewed on tbe outside in s neat pattern, snd are much less extietiaiv than a bag made entirely of beads. Tbe latest thing out Is tb Ft- Cecelia neck. It means that the neck as boneieM as canned herring may appear with a very low collar. Neck showing bones, tan or mole or that look ns if tbey needed sand papering, must still appear with high colli-, rs. The dotted effects Which are to be seen In everything this year are to be found in the heavy cotton waistinps. Tbe dots are frequently in colors, several colors In a dot. or with a broken effect in one color . and. while giving elm racier to the material, are not unduly prominent. Tb pelertn idea is tbe dominant one In wrapa it tapers tewsrd the waist, and. as often as not. 1 divided, the hack from the front, fcrnt of them are formed into many plaits suched half their lt Tigtb at tlie back and some of th ruffs and refers are cov ered with calf s skin, suppestjve of whit blotting paptrr. with spare spots upon it here and there Th fad for spangled and Jeweled effects in fancy work laa extended te sola pillows made of Japanese prints on silk or crepe. Tbe bead of an almond-eyed beauty deco rates one of these pillows. Whenever Jeaels are indicated spangles or beads are ap pnejued on the tbbrir; thus a bracelet is worked out in glittering tirade; a finger ring sbows a ruby bead, the long pair pins aC-K-ted by Jajianeee women are shown in rimenng apanpte. and a chain around tbe neck plisiens with these appliqued jeweie. Tb effect ia Tea odd and pretty. A pretty frock for a child is made of white pious embroidered It is te be worn with a flump., and i finished around th top with a deep shoulder ruffl embroidered around the edp with a little duster of bowers at iniem-aia. Tbr are several row of drawn wcrk around tbe top of th ruff. outlining the neck. Tb sleeves ar a little different from tboe usually seen, being long and full, then doubled in at th loaer edp and tmit hed underneatn w ith a bund at tbe elbow, the sleeve falling around the arm In a big detp puff. Around tb upper part of the sleeve ia an emuroiuered ruffle like that around th neck this tm lntied at tbe top. several Inches below the aliouider. with a band of drawn work. Tb inner iiart of the lrock is gathered full- there is a In It of th mMeriai and below the skirt is ironed into plaits. wWTlia CCtTTtt ft prtty f frcT-p, and hem drr lore tbe lot of 'heir r-irlieh form after mrrip. Tc bearirp of children ii oftea destructive to tbe inotber'i hapeiine. A13 cf thi can le avoided. however, by tbe cue of Mother Friend before baVr comes, at tint fTeat liniment always prepares the body for tbe ftram vpoa it, and preserve tie symmetry of Ler form. Mother Friend overcomes all tbe. iar.ger of child-birth, and carries tbe expectant mother safely throur this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest biessinr. nvd trom tho jUmm rbousands pratefully tell of the benefit and relief Ose of this wonderful A U remedy. Sold by all dreppsts at fi. coper bottle. Our little book, tellirg all about this liniment, will be FJJmffD sent free. tFlTBfSBdSS Is tnascfactured with tbe idea of Surpassing a2 other fiakexi wheat ioods. We Un&k w have snccereed. It wJl cost yon but 10 cents to pet a w r-1- n v -pr1 w- v "1 r-r- -1 a- - I'l itit-Mti thenma s d a o f dollars far you t knyw thta. Si If your grocer floe not keep It. send as his nam and 3D cent end w will end you a package, postpaid. Ad dress all communications to Epg-o-Bee, Qulncy. la. It ml . kfe CUT GLASS The World's Best Every Piece a Work of Art The clearness, hriUisKcet perfection vf cvttirg and the beauty of its exclusive design has made LIB BEY the standard by erhich.cut glass is judged. trgrerti c every piect. Eiramu agekt fob omiri SAMUEL BURNS, 1318 FARNAM ST. Back Home" rsion The lart of the four ''"back home" eicnrsions which the Hock Island System has arranged will occur on Tuesday, October 6. On that date a rate of a fare and a third for the round trip will be in effect to all points in Indiana, as well as to points in western Ohio, Ketura limit, SO days from date cf issue. Are jou going? City Ti.kst Offl:s 1323 Farcam Strsst, Ozulu, Ke!j, F. P. Efithtrfart 6. P. 1 A sit of beauty i joy formntr. ,t. rrux Aoi'iduirs ohentil CIU1L. Ot AA&1CAL frUL'TlFICl Taa. S u Skis Uia- ?y m-z - F V . W j ; Mai a W wrj. Ia-. M ft " -- l. k J lkW Wl SB IMS ii -fSf l,lll"rl1" mm yySr.T U ' a v- sal ta will ool aarp s caaatr1 ta i aarwiai H aU UN aaia ii'iTmiiia fm aU Srasfiau ai4 taauv S"MS u KumB. rcBik. t. bopbuss. rtwrv. n Qrmml imam St- St. T. Issarts Py,Ssft. Utf Skis , sad S Beaatiisl CaVEskxan nn T nsas i ssSTmsw. AW 9 nwM atackbM.UA. lrfja- SMB. ytWSM. flaU1ll""W. MIS i - - X . . . 2 leru'kvivai Soa J ' . - t - - Vm sad -- " seat aa rent . One Dottlo FREE to Agents. m lull ir-Til - t 3 It is a Pleasure to hare an office In a building where everything runs smoothly and where jour wifches regard ing the little things that are often annoying are taken care of without the necessity of complaint. The superintendent of The U Building devotes all of Lis time to supervision ef serrice, repairs and the comfort of the tenants. It soay surprias yoa tnat yi a aaa rer.t a wary oaiafartabl ninae, iiiOudii all t-t th benant tit vuod sarvic, few AU mt mur ainaea ar Toant. etxA and at-traoOv, R. C. PETERS S CO., QStOUND PUOOS. BEE B'JILQIXQ THE rJrisirtrarriTx