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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1903)
T7IE OMAITA PAILT BEE: FFXPAY, OCTOBEB 4. IS SEEKS CRAVE IN MISSOURI Grerre T. Ftl Trite, to Fol'ct cf Ea In ternes to DrowB Eimelt SAT5 ILt HEW.TH DROVt Ml TO IT Tstey erek. Petal's rraf Partaer Be ftalaea, Otrri frl ef Fifty Dallara fe tse Beer. Oauir y. Fsul, a former South Omih SbJooti kejer. it supposed to hsvs Jumped j tnta the Missouri river and tbe poll" vf this city, South Omaha and Council scuffs are prosecutir.f a search for hi boCy. His Itrrmrr partner. Tory Burth. at South Omaha. )u offered a rea-ard tt tod for the recovery of his remains. Ipcnder t, ba asserts taciuw of con tinued Illness, as be styled tt. "hopeless 1U heeJth," Paul left a com munication ed&reesed to the police and the public. settiris" forth the reasons er.y he wished te snuflls off fry throa-lMt r.lmself Into tha mudfy a-aters of the Missouri. It has been learned that Paul aoflreesed letters e-hlch tell of hi intentions 10 drown himself ta several besides the poll' Ha is aid ta bar mailed a letter to I. 1. Pur.n. which, thouch fully expleinlns: r-is Intent, la much ahnrter than the one Indited to the police and the public In s-eneral . I Intend commlttlnc suicide this even tris Paul e-rttes under date of October 2. and a-oee on to ear. ""by droa-ntns; myself la tha Missouri river. Sola and only reason.' hopaieas Ill-health. Have lain In a hop.tal for tt a-eeka. since January tha 4. IS, and I think I know when 1 have had enough." Paul bare refers tha deax public" to Ir. C C. Allison for confirmation of his version of bin Ulneee. but hla reputation for truth avnd saravetty Is riven a stiork. for the doctor floes not rem em her havinf treated him re cently. Only onoe was be treated by the doctor and that eras some three yean ag-o. At that time Paul -as In a hospital. The doctor mat the man only a few daya spo on tbo street, but has had no profeeslnnai relations with him alnca treating him three years a-a. SaXa ta O-aeral e-WM. "Tha reneral public will aay a man Is Insane to commit suicide," Paul wrl-aa, and then admits that the "reneral public" la correct when a man is driven to suicide from financial or domestic troubles. His rase la different, he asserts, and mourn fully Inscribes: "But with hopeless ID-health and con stantly becomlnr more and more painful, never enjoying a meal, ostracised from society, banished forever from the world of pleasure known only to tha strong and healthy. It la Indeed a different matter. "I hare attended to ail marters of busi Tnaea." Paul aaya, and add that ha has deeded ail his property to his brother. John JL. Paul, Banguoit, Oneida county, K. T. Ea speaks of his brother In terms mset ndearlng; Bays he has borne the burden of supporting the family and an invalid Bister for years, and now, with his own end fast approaching, he is glad to leava what ba can to his brother to help llrhten that burden which ba has so long and sj nobly endured. fie aaYs that his body be left at the bottom of tha river. He says he has an abhorrence for funerals and intlmaej strongly that be has no desire te figure prominently in one. The police have detailed detectives on the esse and If Mr. Paul haa carried out Tola Intention to drown himself his b:dy win be recovered If possible, notwithstand ing bis request. The police believe Paul baa actually committed suicide Evidence to substantiate the story of Paul that ba) Intended committing suicide was found a the Inugiaa street bridge, en the east end. or over the deepest place In the river Immediately under the bridge. A. black derby hat. the upper false teeth of a man, a pocket comb and a email purse containing a sura slightly In excess of tl were found at this point on the bridge by a young man named Reed, who resides at Thirty-fifth strert and Avenue X. Council lUufla. He reported his discovery to the Council Bluffs polios and they secured the articles. Seat Osaaaa Salaaatat. Paul was well known In South Omaha. For about seven yeara he was a partner In the aaioon business with Tony Burth, at Twenty-sixth and N streets. Paul had been In 111 health for years and frequently took trtpa to eanliarluma. About two months ago ha sold out his Interest In the suloon to Mr. Burth and aald that he waa going south In another effort o recover his health. Burth called on Paul at his rooms to the Karbach hotel Friday night and they apent a couple of hours chatting. Paul was In ths best of humor and Burth said that he was Inclined te believe that the trip to the south would do him good. When Buffering severe pain Paul often poke of taking his Hfe ln aa of lheM converse Lions be referred to the river as tha easiest way out of his pain. Tor alx months patrons of the place noticed that Paul waa not right la his head and it Is considered that it was -during a temporary aberration of mind that he Jumped Into the river. Mr. Burth spent the entire after oon la attempting to recover the remains of his friend. flannel shirts cf the Irlhmsn. Ton don't see them today, snd you d m't ee the lrh- ' men. save ln the rjar!'t of foreman of a rr.g cf laborers or mansSrer of a piece of construction. "W here has be to? Nobody ln the ! west can tell you. The Irishman wi'h the constru'llon gang of today is Ci;rig his work with Ms mouth ih his retorts rep- , arte, oaths and sometimes with Ms boot. . He is distinctly a director ri labor in these tiroes" and as such be natural y has dimin ished in numbers and Increased In impor- ta nee He will get more work cut of the j average camp than a man cf any other na- j tionajtty. ln this respect tt may be said that the Irish t err. lament Is almost tif 1 universal r!rg For lot-k at his men they are Italians. Pwenes. tanes. Portugjes. Chinese and Japanese, and ma 3 be half a dozen other nationalities J "The Italians lead as workers, perhaps, j There are more of thm and they take 10 labor more naturally than most others. The Pwede is a good worker everywhere, though j he Is more disposed o work on his own farm or ranch. The Japanese, according to his weight, is one of the beet of workers Portuguese laborers are Increasing ln num bers ln the west and are ranked high. "Of the construction gangs ln the west It may be said they are less generally trou blous than they were ln the days of the red-shlrted Irishman, but If the bo Intern as- j bess of the Irish camp Is done away with j in great measure the quiet of the modern j camp may bring about a greater crime now j and then. The Italian carries his knife too j frequently, and with his fiery temper is lrke'y to use it under provocation of drink or trouble The lae is much more a deter- rent to crime in these nays wnra u Una was first built by the Irish laborer, and ln general It may be said of the Irish man of the old days that his serio-comic Draw lings were not of the worst. Tbe Irish talent of the present Is at the top notch In railroad building. Tbe Irish man Is an expert at track lai-lng and Its supervision, and m everything else he has a B-rasn of the work that does not seem to come to other nationalities Just as he ' may seem to be born te the police force of J the cities, so be has come to be regarded as the boas of railroad balldlng ln tbe wesv None of his politics has been lost because of western altitudes and western environ ment. He is here to stay in about tbe pro portion of one to fifty. Tbe great question, however. Is: What haa become of tbe other fsrty tilne of his countrymen r- Chicago Tribune THE GREAT FEAST 0T AK-SAR-BEN IS THE EEAST OE BENNETT BARGAIN 4g pecial bargain sales for carnival week. Every 3e partmriit vie with its neiebbor in cuttinir prices. It doubly pays to trade at Ben. nett's. Green Trading Stimp? with all parcha-sys. ani all prices cut to tbe bona. See the beautiful premiums on display on second floor. Anyone of them can be yours without a cent of outlay. Fill your book and hare yonr choice. It is money-saving in trading and interest on the money you spend Kaufman's peperb orchestra play? erery afternoon 2:33 to 5:00 p rn. This band is made tip of picked men from the great orchestra thit will play at the Coronation Cremjnies at the den. Cjrns and hear it at Bennett's See the wonderful electric fjrn In Premium window. Sixteenth Street Side. Kan i kerchiefs for Prosy, Kenday 1 Hour es--0io II and 3 lo 4 tj'clock we wl'.l hae ca said husireds of d caiEbri? ban ike reliefs, wortii 5c U r ice at, fKb irentiy Cblldrea'g Underwear Odis and enfii in sLlrte, patU nd arae-era, U frays worth from "5c to II, all at 48c 01 c nrmn lis U Ladies' Wwfrl Stockist Ribbed top, seamless feet, Ourli&rVj& fast black worth thirty-firs eenta each Ak-Sar-Ben price, three pair lor OliC Ladles' Itoiea) Salt Splendid quality, la OaJU atyle or button down front should bs "& cents iD Ak-Savr-Ben price OC IN WESTERN GRADING CAMPS Merr f Teserfwt WrH la te Caa eI le t'svlesi Fsvciae la "S reaaa- Samson's power and genius have been busy for a week making prices in our dry goods department that be entirely satisfactory to his Ak-Sar-Ben guests. We cannot put them all here, but we can show them when you call. Whether buyer or shopper the same courteous treatment will be extended. By order of Samson. Colored Dress Goods WOVEN"? TAILOR PITTS - Sample WOMEN'S RAIN COATS-HaJf fcjia s.i.f.e suits, every coior. ir. aii trie bas. t-;t. nhoui3er kersev. tlfht special sal HIK W'lt Ehll'l af rc rmm tin t' iead'n stytes, B:,ouJc be stid f-ir 2u to tUi Ak-Bar-Ben 9 Cfl skl p-lce i"V 1X: I5 XIV EIL.K COATS Peau Ce sole f.r.est satir. ..T.rr.g;. fu !rmt and ln".r I-en. in worth t.S ii Ak-Sar-Ber. Q QQ BOX COAT " TAFFETA ""lilk-Flnest satin llnii.f; i'o cnouider capes. s::k m-dr:i(iT:i. s j.h c&at lit Stf. Ak-Rar-Ben vrtr ,w,uu a lib coet-Ak-Sar. AN ELrOAVT FTI,K FKIPT Wefle frnm Children bfnTie- hnr,i(L n,. .-r. s:r;r"s. Persian tJrure. pJLin anfl extra Beau de Seine fl.k-tnmmlr.ri wear anfl hose, e largest and cheapest rhai.reable tarretas In this iut r k lr meda:uins ttr.a rer-lrai r"s of fn- tock in the west. worth U.J0 per rerd. ah s"o .n tQ' r"t!r.i: ur.der drcp, deml truln R- a.i. lnl big saie. at, yard jzt shnu.d .4.6(-Ak-Sar-Ben 0 0(1 AaSaj"DCBi aalc OZ fiBa lJOT jE1,r, I(B.U e sole dress ai:ks, sa,e p-lre J Silks ntld frii (Innrlai every yard ruranteed to wear- MIL.TCN trALKIVS PKIRT Seven UUUU9 Zi-Mi. wide. nnh II Mi. at ; im -ard. sti-es. new f.tre Pne suRltty, culn-. 1.0m yards of fine d-emi and waist silks lU.-ln- wibe. worth 11 &. atC15ya-d t.evy, rrsy ana Mark, wortn W ry us st a c-eat ioes to the lm- 4-ln. wioe. orin w. ai i;.. ;ni Monday morn- R'k miri iiPn ii'.k: "!". fine tw':.e inc. d'vtdefi In four iota ,v, TV- u- var CT-kvenette cioth-worrh f Cfi ZS- oti-iwh. new drees el.ks ta aTi j-, w1ri. Crth 1:0. at c vard. Ak-S.r-Ben h in-e lJmJJ tj deslrabis tor street and (jJT rrnth tl"L. at TSc vard. WOMEN'S HOUSE tt" RAPPERS Heavy eer.:r. mr in pre ty ;are stripes, wide! worth lio. at sc yaj-fl, percale od dark colors, ail e'.rea. Omental and Persian stones, pretty bre- . worih : is-Ak-&ar-Ben Eu, CBde anci a tig ssortroer.t of pia::i co.- lilBCK LTeSS UOOQS sae n . .. 0jC r-d tPetas Not a vard in this lot LAMES WINTER COATS Half bos worth less than 0c. many c a 11 C pieces fates. che'iMotii crs rnv. rt,e. an ilhJ .T. t.T k.?? yard, all ro In this bia Bale, yard . hair. Panama, eerpe and wesvea. colors. Mack, castor, red. navy, fi OSt si'.ks In piaids. checks, stripes, small and d--Ben price larpe oelfms. cljans;ep.tjie nair iir.e o 50c 3 pieces sft-ln. brlillasttne ln stapls colors and black., win gro on sale Monday at tbe Bams price that ynn would pay Tor R inch rood. Our ree-ular price has been she per yarfl Ak-Sar-Ben CQ. JO pieoes Es-lnoh tailor sutUosra. mixed and plain roods, value at tl SB yard. fTf Ak-Sur-Ben sae poner and manufacturer, will be put on 24-ln. wide, worth K.10. al I: 3 yard. sals price, yard .. The varc Ak-ear-en price, ja...- nieces r-anites. Venetians, thlhet. met- Sicilian. ' voliea! stamina and Ak-Sar-Ben pnoe, yard mistral envea. ""J'rTJr7tT- 75c SO pieces B notch tweeds, heather mixtures, tl to H.2 yard Ak-Sar-Ben price . . . 50 pieces dbeUre. -reneUan. broadcloth. rhwrlota, slbeUne. melto Bajmy. nun s serre, fliaronal. whipcord. E-ns- Venetian striped. London twine, ToUes l:sh cheviots. Bic'.'.iiwn. curva., ui ana er amines, o ss-in. wioe mui prunellas fcnd e-eoed etamine, "IP t:p to I. .3 per yard Ak -Sir-Ben M inches wide Cb.r at tl 1.00 I'rtoe, yard yard Ak-Str-Ben price, yard 75c STATIONERY FOR CARNIVAL. CHANGES IN SECTION HANDS ef Irsaa beMest Kew IistttIm tallrea C eiBstreetlea ta Ut West. Kansas and Nebraska ha nee is may have een (aiJered ln no mean tiart svies of 11 eastern colleges and ftit ball nan of the astern colirgta. t,ut at-enrding te GeneriU Superintendent Scgur f lut Burlington Unas they have fought ahy of road grading and repairing- ln tbe wet. and Lave left tluit system aa usual to all the uncertainties of ths hobo grader and traxk men. la the west the hobo la distinct Irom lite tran.p The tran p is a tramp tbe worid over and ln all languagea. latitudes, iutudrs and weathers The how ever, s-enarally may 1 found with a ffw oalloua siHta ln the palms of his lianas, be nay carry a bartered gripsack of some kind; be may want work badly at tinea, but notoriously he a-yj not wor, to ,n ens spot. -Among ths hobos we get one laborer out e ten," said the general manager "As a rule taey apply at auch renters aa Kansas Oty, St. Joseph, Cmaha, Lincoln and ot' er cities aicng the Missouri river In pp'y ln for work the hobo t'auyi br.nirs some sort of valise or teiea,-,,;. -,.n .lr fcIi(J anay be said as a rule these ive n e clothes of some kind ln tm tliat are of onia use to him ln pinches Natural.? he gets rans;ortation to the iKJii.t where he has enraged to work, and as a usual thi: g te iu ,i!Ung to have his bactage i-hefk'ed ts the place. But have to su-renaeT It to him when be gets there, of course, after whirn he may work one day or tv days, aut scarcely more; ht Isn't built t, stand the monotory of one spot, and bra he kas fed up a litue on sung axuk he taKes t, the truck, te the t.uid h or u toe trucks "r-erhaps tbe woet lttereetrng ouestioa te be asked of modern n.iiru. Cae west Is; "What has aecome of tae lriato a ins bit Time waa a bea U ciotbeeanee t every oamii ware fanXuaBt wits the xad Bayard Velller begins to ths current trtrm ber of Frank Leslie s Monthly a series of three articles under the general title of The Laborer s Hire." The papers wUl j contain tsa record of personal expenenoes In a labor camp of ths Union Pacific railway in "Wyoming. Mr. Velller ventured from Kansas City, a hers bs had "gone broke." The first ad vics he got while looking for work was as to his wearing appareL "Look at your clothes," said a boas to whom he applied. "Tou'd make a bell of a j fine teamster ln those duda." Later, after be bad engared to go west j for the Vnion Pacific at t3 per day ano board, be was thus admoniahed rn all kind ness: Toung feller, let me give you a tip. rrop that fine talk of yourn. It wont wash. Tou couldn't hold your Job a minute If you talked like that to your boss. I'm next to you. all right; but a little work won't hurt j ou, and If you're broke you're doing tbe riirht thing." Equipped wtth coarse clothes and a Bowery dialect. Mr. Veliler then fared on his wsy. He was obliged to assure tbe agent that be would not leave the train at Denver. Thus be learned that pretending to see work Is s popular means of deadhead ing across tbe continent. Some of his ex periences and observations follow aa be re cords them : Ths place a-here we sat was crowded with men. As fast aa the runners brourht ln a man they were sent out for more. The demand seemed Inexhaustible and the sup ply meagre. There were men of all sorts l and conditions. There a-ere farmers sons I who ln three months on the road could ; earn more than ln a year's labor on the ! farm, and see life as well. For. ahlle far- I mere paid high wages, they did not pay their sons at alt There were tramps who I preferred tl a day and comparative freedom to the rock pile and )aU. which waa their : only alternative. The labor agent explained to me that tf I took this work I must promise to keep at tt j for a month at least. Ke said that the rail- j road had great difficulty Sn getting enough , men. as the crops that year were heavier than usual, and ths farmers were paying fabulous prices for banda. They lay ln wait j at ths stations along the fine and dickered j with men through the open car windows ; while ths train was stationary, often fol- i lowing tha cars on a run to ths end of the platform in the hope of Inducing the men 1 to Jump from the moving train. I saw with i .- m, nwn lunn f hub trains rains' ' ten or fifteen miles an hour to take the offers made by the farmers of Nebraska and Colorado. ln the labor camps the tramps have s fair chance with more honest men. The student of social Questions will wish to know whether this chance at honest labor, this opportunity Tp esrn and save money enough to start the ordinary man well on the road to prosperity, turns the tramp rnto an honest man. AH tramps are not dis honest, so we will Ignore that point. I do not believe and my opinion comes from ekierience and not from theory that a tramp becomes anything but a tramp. While at Cheyenne 1 had three offe'-s to go to ranches nearby. I a-as offered $40 a month and board, and tbe work did not seem arduous. "We reached the camps aa the men were sitting dost to breakfast, and without formality as Joined them. No Questions a'ere asked, no ore in authority spoke to ua, and the men regarded our advent as a matter a-orthy of no consideration. " Bre fast aaa t.o Ut-t affur. First there was oatTtiea.1 serveo is i.'n brnrle, cm ehl'h the men ate s-:ar and canned n-J'.k. This is aulte :!ereT.i fr-jm conber.sed In that ft :a not sa et-tet.ei and trial it tastes very much Kse tr.e f-etr; p-ccl.ct. After that we had liver and fried onions- tek anw haah. There was also a U'.ieraJ sup,:y of hot bread and the usu; tea biscuit Tea and coffee or bo'., aaa to be had for the askir.g Ther was no to what one ra.ght eat T!.e food. ir. larpe juatters vli plated os li.t tab., and one tons ahar one eurr.ed Tca'ard t:e end of tte rr.aa. t!.e f ut.t'es." a the trier, a ho eat: on t: j tables aie called, brought U Uugt j, .atet of hot gnuci cakes. The tso other meaia of the day con firmed the impression of the cotr.pacy -:.!::t net to feed its men aeU But a One pound extra heavy satin finished note paper for 15c Tencil and pen compass and di viders, with six extra leads, complete each. T. 19c 23 extra heavy cream and white square envelopes a reg ular 10c quality for, package 5c FURNITURE DEPARTMENT A Few Money-Saving Hints in this Department Rockers Oolden Oak, shaped arms and saddls seat. worth ts TS, at ......... Golden OeJt. saddle seat, excellent design, worth UM, at Golden Oak, fancy turned spindle, saddle seat. worth fc.tiO. at Golden 0k. slat back, Bhaped arms and seat, worth tr'.aO. at ................ Mahogany finish, spring seat, upholstered with genuine leather, worth til. 00, at........... Mahogany finish, genuine Marquertery back, i-ulifch unisn, worth ta JC at 2.45 3.45 3.60 a98 8.75 6.95 Parlor Tables 3.45 298 5.48 8.95 Mahoganv finish, with shelf, beautifully carved. It O worth ti5 00. at -J Ths big sals of parlor furniture opened yesterday, you ought not to miss this opportunity to get the very best arid newest tall designs at prloes that are way be low value. Mahogary finish, shaped top and shelf, polished, worth H.oo, at Mahogany finish, round top with shelf, spiral leg. worth ta.75, st Mahoararv finish, shaped top, French leg, worth IT. BO. at Mahogany finish, with shelf, French leg. band pollened, worth TJ.M0, at Carpet and Rug Department fur A featu-e of our Carpet TJepartment Is to gtve you better values for less moi;ey than our competitors. A closer In spection of rur stock w!li corvince you of the fact. tVe w::: place or. sle Monday a.! yards of Velvets. Ax mlnsters and exira Axn.mster that formerly sold at Ca. tl ra. uni t. Al ;.er yard, f-orne patte'-ns with V-horder te mach. They are in floral patterca. Oriental and Turklan. Oe sipns arid cci"-s. These gDods were bought at a very lew price -nd win gree vou tr.e b-nef t of our close buying hy stlllng them, Qftf beginning Monday, at. jwr yard isewedi se Epval W'lltor. Velvets. S- border to match. They are speci mens of the designers' art nnd are noted for their duraW )i;v and pretty colors, that rtruiarly sell for 'JR tl 75 per vard our price Granite Ing-aln f arpet. warranted fast colors, 25C nee parierr. per yard - VI Vnion lrirrarn. one-half wool. 34C per yard - s-in lr.gralr.. ptr-e all a-ool Clod, warranted to 45C hold their co ip-s. per yard 3il Ftrlctiv aii a-ocl Ingrain carpet, ROc lr yard Jzr Sanitary Moth-Proof Rug, fast colors 7-x-0 r C7S s-fxf-0 f 3 3 a-OxlI-0 ft Kil A fuli and complete line of all wool art squares In all kaahmer Rugs, warrarted fast colors, mads ln Brussels pattern wear like Brussels. 7-6x10-8. each B.TS a-OxJi-u, each -3 Art Goods For Carnival Week Oar Art Xsrpartinexit looks tta Terr bst. It la Eke tbe art rallery of a great nattonal lnrSttrtJon of tbe fine arts, onij It rm brace a (Teater ranfre of trn-to-figta Mema. SUP URINATIVE VlXtTE la the XDe&cur of eTerjtM&r; It contsUiia. We tsrtte yon to lsclnde It among- tbe alcbta of tbe carnival oc casion. tee tbe tii'rtlj AjnrterfljLin pictures bornt on leather and band colored. Ton will be cbarmed witb tbe price. Monday we will aell a beautiful D0c picture for 87c Beantlfnl rastela up from 95c, Hand colored picttirea, etchlnc, photo gTarnrea, artotypea , platlnnma, plain and band colored cur bona, and a whole range of framed pictures, prices tip from 19c GROCERIES Money surely saved in buying your grocer ies of us. Our immense stocks, large varieties, and low prices interest' the thousand. Green trading stamps with every purchase. Free postal cards. Telephone 137. Corn Btaroh, 1 pound packaga... Potted Heats, can Rice. per pound ...... California Prcnes, per pound... Breakfast Cocoa, Hs pound can.. Gelatine. package. Rolled Oets. t pound package. Baking Powder, H pound can Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per piuna. ...... Table fiyrup, car. Preserves. 1 poiiiid Jar..... Fium Pudding, 1 pounc CaU...... Olives. bottie ... Parlor Matches. ' in i-'ii French alustard. Jar Xaundry Soap, t lrs Imported Sardines. cat.... 4c ...3c 5c 5s 20c ..10c . 10c 13c story of corporals al'UM of opportunity Zui Imi thus Each man was supposed te furnish h! oan suap and tuaeia I had none but that' day lugLt two ttae: and a cake of Copcc ' soap from the company stores ? had ro' money. t.f course, but 1 had crl:i or on j day s aork I paid c each for in towels; 1 t ouid have Lsuiit them tn try village start for I rei.ts Tbe aoap. a huh retails at i t cnta. was euld to ms at aU " "J punish you, my sou." aia the strenu ous mother, bs sb ale. dad the supper. i& bi'W my kve for you" "W ell. mamma.- rejoined the lncomg'.bi youth, "you needs t lorce your love te svvrfc everUnie aa mr eccouJu." ,12ic 10c ..9c 10c 9c ...4c 5c 25c 10c Bis; clocks of finest coan try butter receivel daily. C"-.inTrv Putter ijc, liei.neu s Capitol Creamery.. .... aOi hour 1':; e. c put rC fimall Sour Pickets. (iiisrn ....... Oi Headquarters for teaa a.nd coffees. 25c 38c 12c 2&c Get stamps it ineaaa double bargains, Ak-Sar-Ben Candies Pure, freib and delicious An immense assortment of r,oveJt:es at money favin prices 12c 8c I5c 12c I2c 15c Perfume and Toilet Goods Department Largest la tbe City Collates Dactylla. Afln per os - . x vfC Elckaeck-efa Pin Pan& 30c Baldwins Plum EIobboth, r per ot OlC La utters May Bella, SJflr p-r oi O VIC Yee-olay'a Cyteaa, wj per ox Vee-olay'a Cuypre, say per ot A. OC Pinaud'a Carnation Pink, "ySS per oz JL OC lette, per oz Ipaa Dentifrtcea. Toilet We ten. l ac rowdera. Latest toLlet noreMlea ln per fU3iea. Orees T ratline Stamps mean interest on tLe money you tpend. Watch Your Eyes Onr optical room is tbe right place for expert atten tion. Our prices are on de partment store lines half exclusive optician's rates Our talent is the best in Omaha. Jewelry Annex Mala Floor. Bif Sale of NETSUKIS Some dozens of these pret ty aristocratic successors to the popnlar wrist bag. Everything has its day here's the pretty N'etsukis. $3 and $4 bags for $1.48 Monday's Cut Prices on Drugs Oct rrloes on tmg are tbe keenest cct cf axy flruf price In ths city. run this department absolutely on the closest ma-Tin. Wherever we oaa cut prices we do so. Even on prescrrp tlons, which we fill with Xalihfu: accu racy, we ehtvT the prices: Ths beet physicians ln the city will tell you that BENNETT S IS THE ON"E BEST FlACE FOR FILLJNa prescriptions. Kodot 60c size 40c Chrystal Tonic, Zl.sO sixs.-.. .. . 10c Scott's Emulsion. 11.60 luc G2oniulaion .. ... ................... sue Bromo Quinine . Uc Castarta 8c Jayce's Vermlfuga Wc Pink ham's Compound ....... Ibc Vine of CiLTdul ssc Fellow's Syrup tlli F.ed Bone Marrow Gude's Pepte Mang-aa Be MILLINERY MILLINERY Imperial Jtpan Tea, 1 pound B F Jkpac and Gut.powder Tea, 1 pound . t Frer. Huarted Santos, 1 p"cnfi . Ber.tie-' a Cap!".ol Coffee, 1 po-r.d Pu-e I.od Canajr, a tits or amber puune Gun. iTOps. pvur.c ... C iiiKi . Crei.rr,. pf'-r.c -- C':i n.niji Isipenal. IHILTlC . .......... Tr-.i.'e-yreen ternea, pout.d ........... E'Mir Baked Beans. puunc .Wat in Floor Vie have the name cf having the pret tiest and most becoming as well as tbe best assortment of hats to be found anyrhere. 'We offer for Carnival wet-k some of our best numbers at astonishing ly low figures. Their equal cannot be found in quality and price. These are a few cf our specials fur Monday: black vaivet list, the '.atest shape, with a heavy Jet sequence ede. three ostrich plumes tm slda, satin or silk ribbon t-ln.raed. worth :2C. at ST. SC. The ww loat rhape ln black Trivet, two iot.p ostrich A.mascti p'.arnes and Jet buckles, worth CI OO at IT (C b'rk ve'r-r QalrstK-rourh. fancy biack braid on edr. trimnied with three grlosiy black ostrich tips, black ribbon and Jet buvkle. worth Jji-.'X, it Kl While scrst'.h felt hats, trltnaied ln blak velvet, worth C Of aid S3 SO. at 11-4V A dress bat in brown, black and navy, with rows of scratch tett to xcaks tbe crown, and f aided webbing underneath V r. pott na-jdur e?e.'.. tL.'aea sriin twu b.ata quills, and Cijse C;unf; in the back. W'a fir ibc beat pnea ootbia bat, which U SI 75 Black ostrich plumes, a inches lor.;. worth 1100. at .... ..... ..... 0 cents Cm: birds :b black and whits 98 cents 0 cent cape visor, marked 30 cema. at u cents A sample line ut street hats that soid from C-00 to C50. ah He they last, at- &t cents Hardware and Housefurnishings Tomorrow, Monday, we offer rousing bargains in hardware and housefuraishing depart ment. The number of onr bar gains are only limited by the number of the items on sale, and no department of our house contains a greater multiplicity of cute labor-saving, modern devices than does this vast sec tion of our basement. Trading Stamps thrown in, making "every pur chase a double Money Saving Event. Here are some of our rousers for tomorrow Brooms Brooms Special Wall Paper Bargains We will effer the visiting trade during this week a large variety of styles and colors at pricea tLat will pay you to decorate ycur home this falL Wall Paper :er roll iii, from Room Mouldings !er foot up f rem 3c lie Carnival Bargains IN HIGH GRADE CROCKERY Weare able to t-how you the best equipped crockery department in the whole western country we are first in showing the newest ideas in pottery our prices are bargain cut J Punyat's White "hina Plains for each Kc VV. H.. ur ndiey Vr.:ie f-orcsuain Haad.ed 3aa Cuj aiiC ai jeers, set six. lor Ate Det'jrateC ro"ls, each c Fancy 'r.n.peii lm:talloc Cut s-lnoh Giaas BowU, full t-re ttct 3ft Fki..v':or. ,t-t Water Bottles, each iic iot err...- Glass iarre Kwt f r is. arth pltJt satin f.r.ieli. bitr vs:ue. emci. 5e Tkzry cc.oreC a".ct Ctr.dles aU ooiors. each ie leiii P!cr. Fancy Optic Outlets, ooaen ttx r"jr"e.,.r.e c'o-il t i.a.-.itra. each '. -!nrr. JarCJneres. eaot. 2ic J-btJi'ot.e Cr.:n. breitfat Pifclea, each c Co-n.oj TTia.Llera each :o Kee our new line of Candelabra, candle stif as, colored candle, ehades. holders, etc. New lines of fine china arriving dailv. Green TraiJinj" Stamps with All Purchases Earn Interest on the Money Vou Spend. a good 14c Full straw, three-tie, sweeper special for Monday Extra finely Japanned Dust Pan in assorted colors, Monday J Stoves Large sire Base Burner, large flues, finely C0 nickeled kJ7.kJKJ Steel Banges, square, with high closet, six S-in. boles, lS-in. oven, finely nickeled, perfect baker. Same stove with reservoir ...26.50 29.50 Curtain Stretchers Sham Udders .... 0Je Hall Rack ... Elk TA'aehlng Machine, cnly . 95c 28c .15c 5.75 Trading Stamps with all purchases. Interest on the money you spend. TBilip.saneass w l $ m i. i in i.ui.i . iiii.i in i , ii ii.i i , .. -, , , M lt (IL H , m 1 1 ijw.iijh.ui n 11 i afiisii.ssnssiisj.iMSS 1 JU l mil ti !liiiiiisaswwiiiliii!l!jiSSllftiiijiii!psipMssiewss imii , n.ii. .iiihi.i il n i m . wm