Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Library Bafl Propose! to Put Only Fifty
Thousand Into Building.
Nothing Will Re Dons oa (onitnr.
tlon Work ThU Fall, as Bolld
fngs oa Property Havo
Deea Incased.
Of the $70,0110 -which Andrew Carnegie has
promised to donate to Council Hluffs for a
library building, the Hoard of Trustees of
the publlo library has decided to only una for tho building proper, the re
maining $20,000 to be expended on Improv
ing the ground furnishing the building
and paying the fees of the two firms of
There Is no expectation that work wilt
begin on the new building thin year, a
the board at Ita last meeting uuthorixed
the president (o enter Into a contract with
the present tenants of the I'u.ey home,
now Occupying the lot, fur three month,
the property having passed Into the pos
session of tim clty. on September 16.
leant C. Miller, of the Arm of Patton
A. Miller, the firm of architects designated
In the contract to draw the plans and
specification, la expected here this week,
and If on behalf of his firm he accepts the
contract as amended at the meeting of the
board Friday evening, he will stay here
and prepare preliminary plans for the
building until the board finally approves
them. Woodward Brothers, of this city,
the firm selected to act In conjunction
with Patton & Miller, will have superin
tendence of the architectural construction.
Woodward Brothers have signified their
willingness to accept the contract as
amended, and It Is believed Patton & Mil
ler will.
The two firms of architects will receive
8 per cent, of the cost of the building in
payment of their services, of which Patton
Miller will get 3 per cent, and Woodward
Brothers S per cent . It Is not unlikely that
the board will also secure the services of
some competent local man to supervise the
work of construction In the interest of the
board. The two Arms of architects under
the terms of the contract will be required
to furnish a bond In the sum of $5,000 for
the faithful performance of their duties.
The board is scheduled to meet Monday
night. October 6.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel., 200. Night. F667.
School for Deaf Opening.
The Iowa School for. the Deaf will open
for the new school year Thursday of this
week, but the. pupils are expected to be at
the school the day previous. Everything
Is In readiness to receive the pupils and
Indications are for an increased enroll
ment this year. Superintendent Kothert
announces the following list of ofllcers and
teachers of the Institution for this year:
Office John F. Rchults, bookkeeper and
steward; Dttr.le Hutton, stenogiapher.
Household Department Mrs. M. E.
Poole, matron: Lena Beybert, assistant
matron: Dr. A. P. Hanchett, phy.slc.lan;
Mary Jfarmouth, girls' surer-vlsor; N. A.
' Jones)- boys' supervisor; Maudu Dawson,
! iiiirse: Frank-' Kalph, night watchman.
. Heads of Departments J. M. Tsnnehlll,
englnuering department; C. R. Seller, cul
inary department; Kdward Hewitt, farm
department; Sophie Nelson, laundry de
partment. r .
IndiiHtrlal Schools Anna Merrill, iewing
and dressmaking; C. H. Gilbert, carpen-
terlng and sloyd; I W. Pound, shuemak
lug; .. II. Thompson, printing; Fred Au
werter, baking.
Manual Department Academic and first
Intermediate; J, brhuyler Long, head
, teachor. Council Bluffs; W. O. Connor,
Cava Spring, Oa.; F. O. Huffman,. Mor
Kanton, N. C: Hiram Phillips, Delaven,
Wis.: I .a lira McDill, Burlington, la.; F.
;. llolloway. Council Bluffs. Hecdnd In
termediate and primary, Margaret Wat
kins, head teachor, Iowa City, la.; Ma
mie Cool, Nellgh, Neb.; John W. Barrett,
Council Duffs; Llxxle B. Kellogg, lndtan
. spoils, Jnd.
Oral Department James T, Oeddes,
..head teacher, Wlikesbarre, Pa.: Florence
Wllonxson, Tarklo, Mo.; Gertrude Brown,
Fulton, Mo.; Myrtle hu Long, Marshall
town, la.; Klls.ibeth T. Avery, Morgan
ton,' N. C; Pearl Cole, Omaha; Fannie F.
Ferguson, Romney, W. Vs.; Irene S. Ba
ker, Fulton, Neb.
tinards Practice Dally.
The Dodge Light guards football team
will praotice every evening tills week In
preparation for the game Saturday after
noon with Ames Agricultural college. The
Ames ream Is said to be a strong one this
year, and the soldier players realise that
ttiey- will have their work cut out for them
If they Intend to retain their record of
never having been defeated, and only
twice soured against In the last three
The game Saturday with the Omaha
Commercial college in which the Guards
were victors, was looked upon by the
soldiers only as. a practice game, and It
developed the fact that they must do bet
ter next Saturday, If they expect to down
the Ames collegians.
The Guards will play Doane college Octo-
her 10. and Tarklo college October 31, both
Thanksgiving day game will be with
freight on college, and will be played In
' Two Uames of Ball.
Two games of base ball were pulled oft
at Lake Manawa yesterday afternoon, the ;
Joe Smith, playing a double-header against
tho Eagle and the Suburbans, and losing
both games. In the game against the
Eagles the Joe Smiths were defeated by
'a score of to 1, and in the game against
the Suburbans by the score of 11 to 4.
Baker was the umpire selected for the
game against the Suburbans, but his de
cision were considered so rank . by the
Joe Smiths that at the end of the second
inning they walked off the field and de
clined to continue the game unless a new
umpire was chosen. After considerable
wrangling Buker was retired and. Mitts
acted as umpire for the remainder of the
game. Catcher Smith received a badly split
thumb ln the game against the Suburbans
and had to leave the game, his pluce being
taken by Adams. The batteries: Eagles,
' Mosher and Shugart; Joe Smiths, Brown
and Smith; Suburbans, Rice and Carr; Jo
Smiths, Ferry, Smith and Adams.
New Pastors ia C'harae.
Tlv. W. J. Siratton cr.d Rev. W. N.
!raves, appointed by the recent conference
to the Broadway and Ftfth Avenue Metho
dist, churches, respectively, occupied the
pulpits of their new churches yesterday.
Both were greeted by Urge congregations.
Rev. W. J. titration, the new pastor of
the Broadway .church, lias been pastor for
the last two years at Carroll. He graduated
from Simpson college in 193 and his flrsf
pastorate was at Dallas. After filling the
H Pearl St.. Council BUfTs. 'Phono M.
pastorate of Highland Park church In Des
Moines be entered the Garrett Biblical In
stitute 'at Evanston, 111., from which he
graduated In 1897. His family, consisting
of his wife and two rhlldren, will Join him
this week, when they will take up their
home at the parsonage on Fletcher avenue.
Itev. W. N. Graves. Who succeeds Rev.
J. W. Abel at the Fifth avenue church,
comes to Council Bluffs fro'm Randolph.
He and his family are already Installed in
the parsonage at Eighteenth street awl
Fifth avenue.
School Census Complete.
Secretary Ross of the Board of Education
has completed the school census, but the
figures, owing to the difficulty In securing
a correct enumeration In the flooded dis
tricts, sre not as accurate as ,ln former
years. The number of persons between the
ages of 5 snd 21 years In the district is
.870, or only 125 more than In 1302. Of this
number 3.317 are boys and 3,6f3 are girls.
The census was being taken at the time
the flood came and many families moved
from the flooded districts Into districts
which had already been canvassed by the
enumerators, thus making the census this
year somewhat litaccurate.
Plumbing and Heating. Blxby 4c Son.
mixor MKinoi.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sella carpets.
Crayon enlarging, 308 Broadway.
Export watch repairing. LefTert, 409 B'y.
Celebrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer.
Diamond betrothal rings at LefTert's, 409
14K and IRK wedding rings at Leffert'a,
409 Broadway.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Van Derveer
of First avenue, a son.
Miss Marie McDonirid of Hardy, Neb., Is
the guest of Miss Josephine Blxby.
Mra. Rc.blnaan of Blair, Neb., is the guest
of Mrs. G. W. Robinson of First avenue.
School paints, brushes, drawing and prac
tice papers. Alexander's, 333. Broadway.
Mrs. Merrltt of Wakefield, Neb., Is the
guest of Mrs. J. E. Hunter of East Pierce
Miss Sarah Durgan left Saturday evening
on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. D. Curtin,
In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Rich of Coldwater.
Kan., are guests of Mrs. A. T. Rice of
Fourth street.
Dr. J. E. Howe of Greenfield, la., was In
the city yesterday to attend the funeral of
Dr. John Green.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hesse and daughter
will leave this week for New York City to
make their home.
For Rent Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. Mrs. M. PortertlelU, 707 1st
ave.. Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lincoln Fleming of 740
West Broadway left yesterday on a visit
to relatives in Chicago.
Miss Pansey Morehouse will leave this
week for Chicago to resume her studies In
the University of Chicago.
Mrs. C. W. McDonald arrived home yes
terday afternoon from a three months'
visit in Seattle and other points.
Mrs. Warren and daughter. Miss Cora, of
Wayland, la., are guests of Mrs. Warren's
sister, Mrs. E. E. Say lea of lot - Third
For rent, office room, ground floor; one
of the most central locations In the busi
ness portion of tho city. Apply to The Bee
office, el'y.
Nelson Eldred, uncle of Ernest K. Hart,
president of the First National bank of
this city, died last week at his home . in
Santa Barbara, Cat.
Mr. and Mra. Henry LefTert are home
from a six weeks' pleasure trip to Cali
fornia, during which they visited their son.
Otto LefTert, at Sacramento
Bhaduklam " temple, , Dramatic Order
Knights of Khorassan, will meet Thursday
evening, when a caravan of tyroa will be
conducted across the burning sands.
We contract to keep public and private
houses free from roaches by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manufacturing company.
Council Bluffs, la. Telephone F-S34.
Newton LI 'tie has been called to Johns
town, Pa., by the death of his sister. Mrs.
Estelle Raymer, who was well known In
this city, having resided here for several
yeRrs previous to her marriage.
mho Hanchett. son of Dr. A. P. Hanchett
of this city, who graduated from Harvard
Inst June, has accepted the position of
teacher of mathematics nt the Peekskill
Military academy on the Hudson.
The richest, daintiest, photographic effects
are from the remodeled up-to-date Stlle
man Studios, 43 and 45 S. Main st. FREE,
to Introduce, choice of life like, life size
portrait of beautiful water color miniature
with a dosen cabinets.
Mrs. F. E. Laws of Perry, la., who was
accidentally shot In tho shoulder by her
husband while the latter was cleaning u
revolver, has so far recovered as to be able
to be removed In a few days from the
Womun's Christian association hospital In
this city to her home In Perry.
The funeral services over Dr. John Green
at the First Presbyterian church yesterday
afternoon were attended by a large gather
ing of friends of the deceased and his
bereaved family. With but few exceptions
all of the members of the medical fra
ternity were in attendance and escorted
the body to Its last resting place in Walnut
Hill cenietery.
The motor company plans to continue tho
car service to Lake Manewa until Novem
ber 1. The service will be half hourly from
the Rock Island depot on Sixteenth avenue.
The last car will leave the lake at 7:15
p. m. On days when there will be foot ball
games at the lake the service will be a ten
minute one, with through cars, the same
ih during the summer,
Mrs. George Keellue of Park avenue, ac
companied by her daughter. Miss Edna, left
yesterday for Chicago, where they will 1st
joined by Miss Bryant of that city, a former
classmate of Miss Keellne at St. Mary's
seminary, Knoxvllle, 111. Miss Keellne and
Miss Bryant will go to New York City,
where they will enter Mrs. Schofleld's school
for a two years' course.
List of New Instructors Seleeted at
Meeting" of the Board of "
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Sept. 27.-8peclal.)-The
board of regents of the State university
at their last session made a number of
i c,lne ln the 'ae"lly: Jh'yT fu',ed
of the pharmacy department, postponing
action until the next session after appoint
ing Prof. Wilbur J. Teeters acting dean.
Among the new elections or promotions In
the faculty are the following:
C. W. Harned. D. p. 8., Iowa, was named
as assistant demonstrator. In the college of
dentistry, to succeed Dr. It. F. Lange, re
signed. Prof. Titus Wells. B. 8.. M. b Tufts col
lege; Ph. D., Clark university, act'ng pro
fessor in charge of electrical and mthan
Ical engineering.
Dr. Frank Alonxo Wilder, A. B., Oberlln;
Ph. D., Chicago Professor of econoralo
geology, petrology and mining.
Barry Gilbert, A. B., Nurth western: I L.
V., Northwestern Professor of law.
Laurence Marshall Byers. A. B., Penn col
lege; A. M . Haverford college; L. 1 B ,
Yale Professor of pleading and practice.
John G. Chalmers professor and director
of physical training and athletics.
Dr. Walter I-awrenc Bierring. M. D,
Iowa: post-graduate at HeidellM-rg. Yieiin.i
and I'sris Promoted to professor of theory
and practice and clinical medicine, college
of medli-lne.
Prof, Charles Scott Magowan, C. E. and
M. A.. Iowa Promoted to professor of mu
nicipal and sanitary engineering.
Dr. W. U Bywater, M. D.. Iowa; O. et A..
Chlr.. New, York t phthalmlc Promoted to
profeesor of ophthalmology and etology.
college or nome.ipawuc meuiciue.
Dr. Beufamin R. Johnston, M. D.. Herring"
College, Chicago Promoted to professor of
tlieoiy and practice, college of homeo
pst'ilc medicine.
Dr. Frank J. Becker. M. D.. Iowa; M. P.,
Hxhnemann Medlcnl College. Phllsdelphta
Promoted to professor of obstetrics and
gynecology college of homeopathic medi-
Dr. J. T. MeClintock. M. P.. Iowa: B. A..
Parsons College promoted to professor of
pbvKlulnirv. college of medicine
Frederick Bonnet, jr . U. 8 . Washington
Cnlv.rsliy: M. S. and Ph. P., Harvard
Instructor In medical chemistry.
I Howard Herman Quai'e. D. D. H.. Iowa
I XnMinsirtitn in proa'hetic dentistry.
i Walter U. Keehl. D. P. 8 . lovt Demon-
1 straWr iu proaikeU dcutlstry.
Alive and Beady to Oo in and Vaka a Tig
orout Campaign of It.
Only Hope Is That by Patting t' a
Stiff Fight They May Bo Afcle
to Cat Doss too Repnb
. llran Majority.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES. Sept 27. (Special.) The
chairman of the republican state commit
tee went to Davenport this evening and
tomorrow he will meet with the republican
leaders of the Second congressional dis
trict for a conference on the political situ
ation. In the evening a similar conference
will be held In Burlington for the repub
lican leaders of tho First congressional
district. This will close the series of con
ferences held by the republican state com
mittee preliminary to the state campaign.
Chairman Spenco and Manager Dawson of
the speakers' bureau, who have attended
all the meetings held In the state, declare
that tho meetings this year have been
much better than for many years, and. In
fact, no such excellent meetings have ever
been held; that. the Interest Is good and
the feeling among republicans Is that they
desire to enter at once upon an active
campaign, and that they are better pre
pared than usual for an aggressive cam
paign. Chairman Spence attributes this
largely to tho fact that the republicans
are already looking forward to the presi
dential year and are zealous for harmony
and good work because of the approaching
presidential campaign. An Innovation this
year has been that the candidates for the
legislature and members of congress have
been Invited to tho conference, and they
have added Interest to the meetings. The
demand for speakers Is said to be as great
this year as two years ago, and It Is ex
pected that Governor Cummins will speak
In every part of the state during the next
thirty dnys. He Is now ready to enter
upon Ms campaign, having had an auspi
cious opening last night. He will speak
next Tuesday evening ln Boone and
Wednesday afternoon in Fort Dodge, and
other dates will be mado for him.
The members of congress will also speak
generally this year, and also the senators. I
In this district Congressman Hull Is plan
ning for an active campaign In every
county, though there Is only one county
In which the democrats have a fighting
Democratic Kspeptatlona.
The expectation of the democrats thfs
year Is that they will greatly reduce the
republican majority on the state ticket,
and thus get themselves In fighting shape
for a vigorous campaign next year. They
do not expect to elect any of their state
ticket, but dov believe they will be able
to make some Inroads In the legislature
and have a better standing there. The
fact that Governpr , Cummins two years
ago received over 83.000 majority was
largely due to the fnct that many demo
crats voted for him and the vote was un
usually light for an election for governor.
With the democrats thoroughly united and
making a much more aggressive fight this
year than two year ago, It Is regarded
as certain that the republican majority
will be reduced materially., so that If It Is
held up to even-half what It-wa then It
will be due largely to the personal qualities
of Governor Cummins. Mr. Sullivan Is al
ready out on tho stump and having good
meetings. . ' , '
Change la Jnry System.
The judges of the district court In this
county, In view of the recent disclosures
In the matter of attempts to influence
the juries In this county, are preparing
to urge a radical change ln the method of
selecting juries, favoring the commissioner
system. They will urge that the present
method be discarded and that a commis
sion be selected by each court, composed
of reputable citizens, to make selection of
the jurymen of all classes without regard
to location or politics. They believe that
this would result ln getting much better
Jurymen thnn under the present system,
which Is a lottery.' The grand Jury of the
county has not as yet Indicted any of the
persons accused by a bar committee with
tampering with the Juries, but the investi
gation Is going on.
Preparing; for Convention.
Preparations are being made for the
annual state convention of the Anti
Saloon league to be held here commencing
October 12. The national superintendent
of the work, H. H. Russell of New York,
will be present and among the speakers
will bo ex-Govcrsor St. John, Kansas: C.
H. Crawford, Minnesota; P. S. Baker,
Ohio; W. G. Hubbard, Michigan; E. C.
Dinwiddle, Washington; S. N. Fellows,
Iowa City; I. N. McCash, Des Moines;
Frank Loveland, Vinton, and Dr. A. B.
Storms, Ames. The state convention of
the Woman's Christian Temperance union
of Iowa will be held here the same week
and It will bring an array of talent Inter
ested In temperance work. Among other
things to be considered at both meetings
will be the legislation that It Is proposed
shull be enacted by the legislature next
Nominations Mado.
Practically all the nominations have now
been made for members of the legislature,
and the papers will be on (lie next week.
Yesterday several conventions were held.
In Clayton county J. C. Flennlken was
renominated by the republicans and B. W.
Newberry of Strawberry Point was nomi
nated fur the house. The republicans of
Johnson county nominated for representa
tive 8. K. Brown of Iowa City, a univer
sity man. In Plymouth county E. D. Chea
pen of Lemars was nominated .for the
house. Ho was a member several years
ago. The Pes Moines county convention,
held at Burlington, nominated N. C. Han
sen. The democrats of Jackson county
nominated Joseph Dunn for representative.
At Emmetsburg the democrats nominated
C. E. Johnson of Dickens for-representative
and Lewis Steuhmer of Emmetsburg
for senator. The Washington county demo
crats nominated H. H. Wilson and In
Shelby county O. P. Wayland was nomi
nated. Changes at Memorial VnlTeralty. .
Colonel Morris, who has been a regent of
the Memorial university at Mason City,
and who bus done much In securing funds
for It, has resigned on account of his re
moval to Redfleld, 8. D., where, he will
practice law. Prior to his leaving, a big
banquet was given him by those connected
with the Institution. At the recent meet
ing of the grand comnutndery of the Sons
of Veterans at Atlantio pity the board of
regents was Increased to twenty-five and
additional regents added at Mason City
to allow the work to be done without
calling a full meeting of tho board. The
new local regents added were: J. E. Blythe,
H. A. Merrill. C. II. Macnlder. Qeorge W
Brett and W. F. Muse. The fall term
opens with 100 students, and the prospects
aro bright for the future.
Iowa Farmer lajared.
ATLANTIC, Ia. Sept. J7.-t8peclal.)-William
Trailer, a well-to-do farmer living
southwest of Atlantic, was a victim of a
serious runaway accident a few days ago.
His entire left side Is paralysed and Pr.
Bridges 'of Omaha, Who wss called to his
bedside, pronounced his chances for re
covery as very slight. It Is believed that
a blood clot has settled on the brain as a
result of the force of hU fall from the
Those of the Arid and geml-Arld Port
of tho Coantry to Form an
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. 27. (Specl.O.)
The state engineers of the several western
arid and seml-arld states will form an as
sociation, the decision having been reached
at the recent meeting of the irrigation con
gress at Ogden after much discussion.
State Engineer Clarence T. Johnston of
Wyoming was chosen the temporary sec
retary and he was also delegated to draw
up plans for a permanent organization.
Copies of the plans will be submitted to
the engineers and needed changes sug
gested. A meeting will be called during the win
ter, probably at Denver, when the organi
sation will be perfected. The objects of ths
association will be to promote the Interests
of the state engineers, an Interchange of
Information relative to irrigation laws, etc.
Large Amonnt of Hay Destroyed Be.
fore It Can Bo
stopped. (
BONESTEEL, 8. D., Sept. 27. (Special.)
A fierce prairlo lire raged on the reserva
tion west of here all day yesterday and Inst
night. A stretch of country from ten to
fifteen miles square was burned and hun
dreds of tons of hay wero consumed. The
wind blew a gale from the southwest all
day and at night it shifted to the north
and blew almost a hurricane.
The ranches on the reservation had hard
work to save their homes. About 100 men
from Boresteel went out In the evening to
assist, but labor wns almost useless ngatnBt
the strong wind and tho flames were only
extinguished when the Ponca creek was
reached. But for the shifting of the wind
the Are would have run into the settlement.
Bla- anndny Crowd at Corn Palace.
MITCHELL. 8. P., Sept. 27.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Three excursions over the Mil
waukee road from Chamberlain, Aberdeen
and Sioux Falls brought in twenty-six car
loads of people to the corn puluco today,
the Omaha regular ialn bringing In seven
cars filled.. Four concerts were given dur
ing the day by the Banda Rossa to accom
modate the great number and the building
was crowfled each time. All the street at
tractions were given in the evening and
afternoon. Thousands of visitors are In the
city. Tuesday will be one of the greatest
days, when Sioux City wholesale and retail
merchants and others along the lino and
people of Huron and Intermediate points
will come here on special trains over, the
Milwaukee and Northwestern roads.
Record Breaking Rainfall.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., Sept. 27.-(Speclal.)
The records of Dr. E. S. Carter, the local
weather observer, show that from January
1 to September I this year an aggregate of
25.51 Inches of ruin, fell In this part of the
state. This Indicates that with the full
rains which are yet to come this year will
be a record breaker so far as the aggregate
amount of rainfall Is concerned.
A Cnt ,Nerr Bleeds
After Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil Is ap
plied. Relieves pfn .Instantly and heals At
the same time. Fec nisn or beast Price, 25c
Two Policemen Shot.
ATTALa! Ala.. Sept. 27. While attempt
ing to quell u disturbance in the rear of a
saloon jast night Chief of Police Jenkins
was shot and killed and Patrolman W. H.
Blankeushlp and John White, an alleged
participant in the fight, were seriously In
jured. It was Bald that John White, his
younger brother, and a man named Gibbs
weri Involved In some dispute and several
shots were tired. In attempting to arrest
the men Chief Jenkins was shot and killed.
White is In custody.
Mrs. Davis Better.
BUFFALO. Sept. 27. It was state"d at
Castle Inn this evening that Mrs. Jefferson
Davis had rallied during the day and that
her condition tonight showed a decided Im
Promise of Fair for Monday, Except
Southwestern Nebraska, with
Rain Tuesday.
WASHINGTON'. Sept. 27. Forecast:
For Nebraska Fair Monday, except show
ers ln southeast portion; warmer In east
ern portion; rain at night or Tuesday;
cooler Tuesday.
For Iowa Fair: wanner Monday; Tues
day, rain; cooler ln western portion.
For Illinois Partly cloudy and warmer
Monday; Tuesday, rain; variablo winds be
coming southeast and fresh.
For Missouri Partly cloudy and warmer
Monday; Tuesday, rain.
For Wyoming Showers Monday; Tuesday
probably fair and cooler.
For Montana Partly cloudy Monday;
Showers and cooler at night or Tuebday.
For South Dakota Fair; warmer Tues
day; showers and cooler.
For Colorado Showers Monday; cooler In
north and west portions; Tuesday probably
fair and cooler.
For Kantas Cloudy and warmer Monday;
probably rain; Tuesday cooler with fair ln
western and rain in east portion.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Sept. 27. onicial record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the luvt three
19i'.1. 190-.'. 1901. 1900.
Maximum temperature.... 71 5 H4 M
Minimum temperature.... 42 4S f.9 4:!
Mean temperature fW M 72 4S
Precipitation .23 1.40 T
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature SO
lenVUiicv for the il.iy 4
Total deficiency since March 1 D3
Normal precipitation Oft Inch
Pendency for the day p Inch
Precipitation since' March 1 29 79 inches
Excess since March 1 8.39 inches
Deficiency for cor. period In , :ii inches
Deficiency for cor. period ln 1901.. S.2S inches
Reports from Motion at T 1. M.
pI- !!
! 5 : !
: n a
: .
5 71!00
6.1 7 .00
7 Hoi .oo
& .00
66 721 .10
4 1 72 .00
SOI 70 .00
M ti-'i .on
i4l (v .00
Ml W .Ul
82j f4i .00
Ml 821 .(O
41 70' .uo
7'il TV .00
72l "ii .on
21 4i .no
! 0 Mil .00
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, part cloudy
Salt jik City, cloudy
Rapid City, dear .,
Huron, part cloudy
WUlistoii, clear
Chicago, clear ,
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, clear
Davenport, clear
Kalians City, clr
Havre, part cloudy ,
Helena, clear
Bismarck, clear
Galveston, part cloudy
T Indicates trce of precipitation.
I.. A. WELSlf, Local Forecaster.
If it's a "Uarliinu- tnac all you need to
kuow about Stove or Rang.
Is truly an expression of wisdom, (or without the former the latter is an impossibility. Would not many
of our multi-millionaires give all their wealth for perfect health? If you wish to enjoy the blessings of
health live a regular life, get plenty of sunshine, outdoor air, healthy diet, vigorous exercise, and avoid
depression, ill-nature and excitement keep the bowels regular. Many of the advertised breakfast foods
is a natural laxative because it is made from the whole grain of the wheat.
Palatable nutritious Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat
Dr. Price, the creator of Dr. Price! Cream Baking Powder and Delicious Flavoring Extract,
A eeek keek containing 78 eaoelleat reoetpts for Being the Fee Mailed free te aey asrfroee.
Prepared by PRICE CEREAL FOOD C Of.. PAN Y, Chicago, Illinois.
Large Increase in Sheep BeoeipU Compared
with Last Tear.
Last W later m Disastrous One to the
Ranso Florkmaaters, but Thrj
Aro rrofitlns; by This
The South Omaha sheep market 'Is still
attracting: attention all over the west. So
far this year there is an Increase in re
ceipts of BO.OOO head of sheep as compared
with the same date lust year. Up to Satur
day night 1,040,6.13 head of sheep had been
yarded here. More big shipments are com
ing In today and preparations have been
made for tho handling of all that arrive.
J. A. Egbert, a ranchman living near Suit
Lake City, arrived laat evening and said
he would have a big shipment on the
market today. He is bringing In sheep from
the Snake river valley In Idaho, where
feed Is considerably cheaper than ln Utah,
and for that reason a great many ranch
men run their flocks In the,valley8 of Idaho
instead of Utah and Nevada.
Sheep dealers In the west say that last
winter was disastrous ln many ways, but
that this winter preparations will be mado
to care for the bands of sheep not ready
for market and every effort will be made
to cut down the loss to the lowest possible
South Omaha Is now considered the larg
est sheep market west of the river and
second only to Chicago. A great deal of the
shipments : formerly made to Chicago are
coming to this market now, since the new
barns and the covered runways have been
built. Packers here say they can hardly
secure enough sheep for the demand. The
demand for feeders holds good and thou
sands of sheep have been sold to farmers
in this neighborhood to be fed for a few
months, when they will be marketed.
Appoint Registrars Tonight.
This evening the city council will appoint
tlilrty-slx members of the Board of Regis
tration. Bids for permanent sidewalks will
be opened. The council wants all of the
walka in the new districts laid before cold
weather sets ln. Adklns and 'Welsh of the
finance committee stated yesterday that
they would have the city .clerk Instructed
tonight to turn the $3,000 check of W. J.
Hayes & Sons over to one of the banks
here for collection. This check was given
to the city of South Omaha whan the
Hayes firm bought the overlap bonds. As
the time for the acceptance of the bonds
has elapxed the council proposes seeing If
the check deponlted as an evidence of good
faith Is worth the amount it calls for. The
ordinance voting the bonds calls for an
acceptance within twenty days.' The bonds
were voted on June 23, but the Hayes bank
has not yet fprwarded the money. Adklns
says the hiatory of the bonds has been ap
proved and that If the Hayes people do
not want the securities other eastern buyers
will take them.
Want More Room.
The members of the First Presbyterian
church are llguring on constructing addi
tional Sunday school room In the basement
of the preHent church building at Twenty
tlfth and J streets. The Sunday school of
this church has grown so that now the
meetings have to be held ln the auditorium
of tho church. It is planned to raise sufll
clent money to elevate the church slightly
and make a large, airy Sunday school loom
ln the basement. Money for this improve
ment fund is now being collected.
SI 111 luslat ou Police Protection.
The Kast Side Improvement club, of
which J. J. Breen is president, Is still urg
ing its claims for a policeman on Twentieth
street through Syndicate park. Mr. llreen
asserted yesterday that he found enough
councllmen to favor his proposition to carry
it. Ho insists that this porllon of Twen
tieth street must be opened. The police
committee of the council now has the mat
ter under consideration, but nothing could
be learned yesterday about when a report
would be made.
Removing Carnival Booths.
' Early yesterday morning 'workmen com
menced the removal of the fences about
the carnival grounds. The canvas fences
were taken down in a hurry and then work
on the tentage commenced. The streets,
which had been obstructed for a week,
were open to traffic by 9 o'clock. Linemen
removed the leads to the electric lights in
stalled for the occasion, and by night there
was scarcely anything left of the carnival
grounds except a few wooden booths. These
will be demolished today. While no settle
ment has been made and will not be until
tonight it Is expected that the carnival will
clear close to. 13,000 for the building com
mittee of the Workman temple.
Republican Changes Hands.
The South Omaha Republican has
changed hands again. This time F. I.
Morgan has sold his stock to Henry C.
Murphy, Mr. Morgan came to South
Omaha about Uj-ee months ago from I'upil
llou and bought a controlling Interest la
the paper. He has decided that tho cli
mate did not suit him and ho baa' removed
to Wyoming. Mr. Murphy proposes to be
editor f the paper uritll some one buys
hint out.
Improving Twcat r-foarth Street.
Within the last two months about a doscn
uew bouses have beeu started ou North
have a tendency to constipation.
I f T f m L C-P sninwust, HU tkm.'
PM) ST ira iwtm.m arm a
hJBu&j&il afAiru; EZAILWAY
Splmber let. 8lb. IStb tmi Delator tth. Ecrora Haft. 31 cUrya.
tho old buno aof oo row frionaa of
'f eeTMuLe, imouirs
Twenty-fourth street. Some of these res
idences will cost from 13,000 to 10,000. There
Is scarcely a building lot left on Twenty
fourth street. The property yet for sale
between N street and A street has been
picked tip by real estate deulers who hold
options. Rulldlngs for store and residence
purposes ure also being erected In the Sec
ond, Third and Fifth wards. When the
calendar year clones tlie building Inspector
figures that his returns will show a marked
Increase over last year.
Magic City f.osslp.
Oeorge Pcliuler is rapidly recovering from
a severe Illness.
Phil Kearney post of the Grand Army will
meet tlita evening.
Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Everett have returned
from a western trip.
There will be no meeting of the board of
education this evening.
It. t Howe, Reiieral manager of the
Armour lilmit here, Ih in Chicago.
A. C. Thorp of Sergeant, Js'eli.. Is In the
city looking nfter business matters.
Unless h sM-tial meeting Is called the
Firv and Folice board will nut meet until
October ti.
Councilman Queenan and wife have re
turned from Albion, Neb., where tliey vis
ited friends for 11 week.
ltv. Osborne of Omaha delivered an In
teresting sermon at the First 1'resbyterlun
church yesterday forenoon.
There will be a special meeting of the
He f Butchers' union at the hall. Twenty
bixth and N streets this evening
Mrs. II. K. Wilcox writes fmm San Fran
cltM'o that she is rapidly improving in
health. Hhe experts to remain on tho coast
for another month. '
The stock yards machine chop Is com
pleted, hut it ia not in operation on ac
count of the nonurrival of some of the
machinery ordered several month ago.
business of Islands for May shows
Better Record Than Previous
WA8HINTO.V, St-pt. S7. The returns of
Philippine commerce for May, 1303, about
to be published by the Bureau of Insular
affairs of the war department, show the
foreign trade of the Islands, aggregated
for thf month exclusive of govern-
ment'suppllea and gold and silver, being
even greater than that reported for April
of the prxsent year, the value of which tx-ciedc-d
that for any single month since
American occupation.
j Importations amounted to $3.3Ul.fc5, being
considerably in exceai of tho monthly aver
age as a result of heavy purchases of food
stuffs, rice Import aJona approximating
004 TO
And Return, October 2-3-4-
Return Limit Oct. Ilth.
Account Triennial Convocation
Grand Chapter, Royal Arch.
Leave Burlington Station, Omaha,
5:25 p. m. via St Louis; 9:15 a. m. and
10:45 p. in. via Kansas City.
1502 Farnam St., Omaha.
or tesMart shut. m M
11,720,000. The outgoing trade for the month
of May included shipments of Philippine
products to ' tho value of $3,481,327. For
eleven months, ended May 31, 1903, tho to
tal trade amounted to I00.676.24S. while for
the corresponding period of 1902, the value
was 100,824,090.
The gain Indicated by the foregoing fig
ures Is due to the extraordinary Increase
in exports, especially of hemp, which shows
a trade of S19.8ud.211 In the eleven months
ended May 31, 1003, against 114.613,875 In the
same period of 1H0S. Copra shipments also
are on the Increase and tho exportation of
this product now ranks second In Import
ance, followed by sugar and tobacco. A ma
terial decrease la shown in the cigar trade,
as compared" with record figures for the
previous year.
Customs to the value of M. 600.000 wero col
lected during eleven months of 1903, an In
crease umountlng to over tl.000.000 as com
pared with the previous year.
What Makes Haby 1.1 p..
Tho pure, rich blood mado by Dr. King's
New LJfe Pills. They promote beauty, give
clear skin, rosy cheeks. 2m. I'or sale by
Kuhn Si Co.
Making Ip Defalcation.
HOSTON, Sept. 27. A. rcmarkabls le
siionse was made by 2M of the Methodlrt
churches in the New Kngland conference
today to the cull of Treasurer Dennis of
tle Preachers' Aid pnclety for contribu
tions to replace the J76,(rt stolen from tha
society by Defaulting Treasurer Wlllard
Allen, who disappeared August G. Alrvaily
$-0,000 bus been subscribed and it is be
lieved that todHv's additions will bring- the
total up to $50,000.
I'. 8. F.n.tls Bllahtly Iletter.
CINCACJO. Sept. 27.-P. U. Kustls. pas
senger traffic manager of tho Hurllnxton
road, who Is 111 of pneumonia at his homo
in I.a Orange, 111., reported slightly
better toni'ht.
Are your bowels
loose today?
Don't suffer with
diarrhea, dysentery or
Hummer bowel complaint.
is a sure cureu