TI1E 0MAI1A DAILY HEE: PUNDAV. SEPTEMBER 27, 1003. CODSIRI CLUB THE VICTORS Tike Field Olnb Down Lint to Tans of E ght to TiTs. ' CAME PLAYED ON THE LATTEfTS LINK3 B. n. Kimball Makes th Beat Soar, llttUi Fire tp Against III rtlL Th Country club golfers had an easy match with th Field club yesterday after noon on the latter' llnki thejr taking the Field club Into camp to the tun of 8 to on the number of matched pair won. Soorer Bherwood matched the player as they cam on th tee for the cam and taxted tbem oft at S o'clock. Th Field elub men atarted away In a canter and for a while It looked a If they would finish aoh pair with from four to fir up. Th Country club men car a a reaaon for their opponent walking away from them at th start that th greens were In poor hap and wer too rough. However, th play had not prooedd far until th Coun try club braced up In th gam and It began to show where th Field club was beginning to fall off. In all eighteen hole war played and It was getting dark when th last matched pair cam up on th home green for final play. R. R. Kimball of the Country club walked off of th links with the best soore, being fiv up against his opponent, Harry Morrill, who Is considered the best player In th Field club. Bherwood and Bartack came tn even up, a did Rohm and Lowrle and MoCorratck and Bherldan. These three pair started to play an extra nine-hole gam to play oil th tie, but as the contest gam only called for an elghteen-hole game this did not count. The hazard formed by a string of freight cars on the Belt Line caused quit a bit of trouble and on the return round a number of balls wer lost. Bprague made two beautiful cuts through clump of trees while playing from the seventeenth hole to th home green. Borne of tfie finishes caused much goslp among th players who had already finished, and who stood waiting to see Just what the final score would be. Kimball had a lead -of three over his oppoAent by winning the Ighth, ninth and eleventh holes, and wound up even better, by taking the six teenth and seventeenth holes. Lemlst made two bad siloes Into th woods on the other side of the links, about the seventh hole, and lost on the horn green to his op ponent, Campbell. The finishes were ex citing, in that the score swayed back and forth as each pair cam In, and until th sixteenth pair landed. It was nip and tuck. Caddies were there In abundance and In fapt, they wer too numerous, and had to be ordered oft the links sever I times, on j account 01 nmoenng tn pny. ins piayers who made up the opposing sides were: Country Club I Field Club-6 Bprague 1 Francis 0 fteddlck 0 Sharp 1 Re J int. flair 0 McCormlck t Bherldan 0 J. K. Lemlst If. K. Bone 0 Fairfield OMurihy 1 lleth 0 Sunderland 1 Hancker 1 Mover 0 K. K. Kimball 1 Morrill 0 Itohm Ol.owrle 0 T. Kimball 1 Pratt 0 Moraman 1 Palmatler 0 Martin ORhoados 1 LemlHt O.Campbrll 1 lewla 1 Buckingham 0 Bartach O.Sherwood 0 Total Total S EVENTS ON TROTTING TRACKS Bernle Win the Unfinished Trot tin Event at Empire City Trak, - NEW TORK, Sept. .-At the Emplr City track today In the 2:18 trot, left over from yesterday. Hemic won by three lengths. In the 2:10 pace Theron Powers defeated th favorite, Nonamle, with a lit tle to spare. The 2:25 trot was declared off. Result: Class 2:1a. trotting, purse ICCO (unfinished from Friday): Hemic, b. g. (Davis) 12 1 Alfonso Maid, b. m. (Kinney) 2 12 Joe N, blk. g. (Maloney) 6 4 2 Cordova, r. h. (Hrowley) 2 8 4 Hallerton, b. g. (Fisher) 4 6 6 llle Boy, b. g. (Stanwood) t t ro Time: t:S. 2:12, 2:16. Claas J: 0, pacing, purse $500 (unfinished from Friday): Theron Power, b. g. (Murphy)., 2 6 1 t Nonamle, b. m. m. (Lo Loom Is) ... 1 4 4 1 2 Hlrdln. b. m a. (Davis) 2 3 4. ' Itt (J 1 1 in, u. g. tv .irvai i ..... Gyp Walnut, br. g. (Kinney) Gold Brick, blk. g (Gerry) Frlelmont, b. h. (Hauman) Time: l.0b, 2:tV. 2:0tVk, 2:UVi. Class 2:13, pacing, purse S&00: Don Cosine, blk. h. (Andrews) . Garnet, ch. m. (Miller) Indiana John, b. g. (Wilson) J. W. Patterson, ch. g. (Davis) .. Hale B, b. g. (Richardson) , Little Fred, ch. g. (Wortendy) ., Piccolo, b. m. (Curry) Lucre, br. h. (Dunn) Hero Alcyoner, b. g. (Halstead) .. Time: 2:10. 2:10, 2:124. Class 2:13. trotting, purs $600: Alia Brlen. b. in. (Davis) I lrect VI w, b. h. (Walker) Crescent, gr. g. (Corry) Pug, gr. g. (Merrlneld) Annie Little, br. m. (Fleming) .... Time: MOtt. 2:llVi. 2:HV,. 2:12. Class 2:06, pacing, purse SfcuO: Tartel, b. m. (McDonald) Shadow Chimes, b. g. (Spear) ... Mir Alcantra, ch. h. (Addams) .... 'rank Youngs, b. g. (Doble) .... .1 k II... V. 11'.. 11 V 3 2 7 I 6 4 ro ro ro ro , T 1 1 2 4 II 2 6 1 4 ro 1 ro 10 7 ro . ds 13 2 1 2 2 12 6 13 3 3 4 4ro 4 6 ro 1 1 4 2 2 4 3 t Tim; x.Qfcfr. ;ut. Mot front the Links. At th Country club last week the sweep stake wer played oft by the women, for th club championship on the golf field, tnd Mr. E. 11 Bnrague won out, as will e en by th following, which 1 th gcor made by each contestant: Mr. Uulou, 123-6-117; Mrs. W. T. Bums. 111-3-lfB; Mrs. C. T. Kountie 125-12 US; Mrs. W. A. Reddy, li2-14-loS; Miss Creaion, ia0-14-114: Mrs. I. A. Coles, lli-tt-lCfl; Mrs. D. O. Ives, 125-5-120. and Mrs. K. II. Bpragu. 101-scratch. Th play has also been on at th Country club for th men's championship on the links and it has been played up to the semi-finals, leaving R. R. Kimball and J. T. Stewart to fight It out. Much Interest ha been manifested In this contest, as It ha been In progress for over a wk. Mr. Kimball and Mr. Ntewart will meet today, to decide the championship, and a la-ge delegation of club members is anticipating elug . th contest. Break Antomoblle Reeer4, PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Sept. 2.-Oeorge C. Cannon broke two world's records for team automobiles this afternoon at Nara ganaet park this afternoon. He cut th toll record of 1:0.'H to 1:01 flat and after beautiful and pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must patt, however, is ao fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.' " There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great aim wonuenui remedy is always appliedexternally,and "hat carried thousands of women through the trying crisis without suffering. toed fur fre book containing tnfonuuu rtealsu value to all eipeoLsut suoiaera, Sal BraiflsK ItsiNtatsr C. Atlaata. fia. half an hour's rest he went after the five mil record of :P5 established by hlmilf ln-t year and made a new mark of B:fs. Tim by miles; 1:U. IMS, 1:12ft. IMS, 1 : WEATHER PREVENTS SHOOT Rata Interferes wltk Plan t Shoot OS the (Mat Champion ship Saturday. Ther we nothing much "doing"' In gun club circle) last week, as the Dickie Bird rlnh bun not mnde sny effort to arrange a firogram, but Is seriously contemplating fining the Omaha Gun club, and thus more merest will be manifested and the con solidation of the two cluhs will mean a better attendance at the Saturday afternoon meets. It had been arranged to shoot olt the state championship yesterday, but the In clemency of th weather Interfered and cnnne(uently no meet was held. W 1J. Townsend of the Omaha Oun club now holds the trophy, a silver cup, and It Is being contested for by H. B. McDonald of the Dickie Bird club. In this contest each member entering shoots 100 targets. If the weather is favorable this event will take plaoe next Saturday In addition to the usual program. Delegates will soon be selected by the Omaha club to enter the shoot of the Mis souri Bute Shooting association, which meets at Bt. Joseph on October 8, 9 and 10. This Is th thirteenth annual shoot of tills association. BREAKS TWO-MILE RECORD Alex. Grant Smash m. Record Which Ha Stood tor Thirteen Tear. TRAVER8 ISLAND. N. T.. Sept. tt Onlv on record, that for the two-mile run. was bettered today at the games of the New York Athletic club on their track here. Alex Grant of the New York Ath letlo club accomplished the feat. His run was a remarkable exhibition or steady spend for the distance and terminated with a dash for the tape that cut five and one fifth seconds from the previous lime for the two miles. Grant's time was 9 27. and the record which had stood for thirteen years was made by Willie Diy on the Berkeley oval. Mav 17, 1X90. Day's time was :32V4. Grant ran the first m'le in 4:43H and all the way he had the race well In hand, finishing strong and fresh. Gorg V. Bonhag. Pastime Athletic club, ran so ond to Orunt. Bay Hlckey Will Resign. ST. PAUL, Sept. 21. President George FJ. Lennon of the St. Paul American asso ciation club announced that President Hlckey of the association would, at the coming meeting of the directors, resign. Mr. Hlckey has accepted a position as secretary end peneral manager qf Mr. Lennon's business and will enter upon his new duties at once. Mr. Lennon said that Hlckey will absolutely separate himself from base ball. W. R. McDonald, the well-known sporting writer, and at pres ent sporting editor of the St. Paul Globe, Is mentlonedx for the presidency of the "rlcan association to succeed Mr. Mickey. Eaarle Are Outplayed. WEBSTER CITY. Ia,. Sejt. 24. (Sprlil Telerrtxm.) The Webster City High school opened its foot ball season h"re today with the Kagie orove team. A nunnrcn students from the latter place accompin'cd their team and saw them defeated by the clone score of 6 to 0. The Eagle Grove team wus outplayed at all stages and un able to make (f -lns at critical times when they had the ball. AgKrearatton of Horse Talent. CINCINNATI. Sept. M The Grand Cir cuit meeting, which begin at Oakly Park rfrl Mondny. will offer ns Its features the $5,000 Horse Review stakes, the l00rt Ohio stakes, for tM trotters, the 2:0 trotting neclal, and record-breaking attempts by Prince Alert, the new world's pacing chsmplon. Pan Patch, the dethroned cham pion, and Major Delmar, the two-minute trotter. 1 Reason's First Fatality. WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Sept. 28 Jame Roswell was probably fatally injured in a game of foot ball here this afternoon. His neck was dislocated In a scrimmage. WILL BE GIVEN A NEW NAME Trl-Clty Press Club Will Become Merely an Omaha Organisa tion. An Important general meeting of the members of the Trl-Qlty Press club hai been called for Monday night at the Ramga building rooms by President Medlar. A number of changes In the constitution and policy of the organlxatlon are scheduled, be sides th outlining of a program of ac tivity for th coming winter. Among the changes that will be sug gested will be altering the name to th Omaha Press club, th payment of duos by the year instead of monthly and a centralization of the management In th hands of th directory by the redaction of numerous committees. A banquet to be given sometime during 1 th winter on the birth anniversary of some great newspaper man ha been sug gested, the Idea being to hav th affair on of a charaoter to command general Interest because of the standing of th speaker and Invited guests. Th press club rooms In the Ramg build ing probably will be refitted soon and the reading room facilities Increased. After a year and one-half's existence th club ha more, than $400 tn the treasury and a membership of eighty active newspaper workers. Owing to pressure of personal business L. O. Simons ha resigned a secretary of th club and E. L. Plata appointed sec retary temporarily. HEARING 'SET FOR MONDAY Case el Awarding Contract for County Printing; Come I'n Neat Week. Before Judg Estelle yesterday th hearing on the alternative writ of man damus granted by Judge Read to the Ne braska Tribune and Pokrok Zapadu, di rected to the county commissioners, was called. The writ commanded that the pub lication of th delinquent tax list, which had been awarded to th Weatllche Presse and the Osveta Amerlka, be given to the petitioners. County Attorney vEngllah raised the point that a Judge during vacation, and In cham bers, cannot Issue a writ of mandamus. This was disputed, but later admitted by counsel for th plaintiffs. A bearing on th restraining order ob tained by the miiii parties la set for Mon day morning, but it was not Issued until after th county commissioners, county clerk and county treasurer had already awarded th contract for the printing. turned over the tax Hat, etc., to the West llch Press and Osvsta Amerlka. No woman' happi. net can be complete without children ; it ia her nature to love ATTACKING BRIDGE COMBINE Attorneys for War Depirtment, tfi.scuri and I linoia Oon'er at El Loaiv RESULT OF CONFERENCE NOT STATED Believed that Illinois W ill Join with Missouri la Plghtlng ronanllda tloa of tt. Loal Tcrmlaal Facilities. BT. LOUIS, Sept. 28. Judg Advocat General Davis of the War department, held a long conference today with Attoiney General Crow relative to the proceedings now under way by the United States gov eminent to confiscate the Merchants' trldgi over the Mississippi river, now a part of th Terminal Railroad association, and operated jointly with the Eads bridge. Recently Attorney General Crow filed suit to disrupt the so-called terminal co-n-blne, his petition for a writ of quo warranto setting forth that the fourteen railroad companies comprising the terminal associa tion had conspired to control the terminal facilities of Bt Louis. This act! in was brought under the section of the Missouri constitution which forbids the consolida tion of competing railroad lines. The con tention la made by the attorney general that the Merchants' Terminal railroad and the Terminal Railroad association came within this provision. The outcome of today's conference was not revealed and immediately after it Judge Davis departed for Washington. Attorney General Hamlin of Illinois ar rived In St. Louis early todiy and secured from Attorney General Crow a copy of the petition which was filed In the Ml sourl supreme court August 29. It Is be lieved that Mr. Hamlin, In behalf of the state of Illinois, ia considering similar pro ceeding against the terminal company In the supreme court of that state. Mr. Hamlin returned to Chicago this evening. LEAVES KAWVILLE FOR OMAHA Manufacturing Plant rlntf Better Ad vantage Here and Abandon Kansas City. The Two-Edge Manufacturing company, which has had Its factory in Kansas City since its organization a year ago, lias ar ranged to move Its plant to Omaha at once, and expects to be running by No vember 1. The company manufactures grinding machines and controls a number of valuable patents. A. M. McLeran, Its vice president and general manager, has been in the city for ten days, during which time he ho completed the negotiation for meving to Omaha and has interested con siderable local capital. A- stockholders' meeting has been called for the election of new officers, among whom will ba several Omaha men. Mr. McLerah himself will oontlnue the active management of th business, with which he I thoroughly fa miliar. It has been necessary to let outside con tracts to fill the order already on band, but the company will have a factory with a capacity for filling all orders after the first of the year. Mr. McLeran will return to Omaha In about two week to select a factory location and th machinery will be Installed at once. THE REPUBLICAN FORUM. OMAHA, Sept 26. To th Editor of The Bee: In th Impending campaign for county offices the writer la quit certain that the better candidate will be found on the republican ticket. Among th best can didate who hav been spoken of for th Important office of assessor Mr. Harry D. Reed occupies a prominent position. Th undersigned has known Mr. Reed in an of-, flclal capacity connected with real estat matter for more than twenty years. No man In this county can be more thoroughly conversant with real estat description nor with the values of land In Omaha and Douglas county than Mr. Reed. Indeed It may be said that he has been raised from childhood In the business Involving real estate values. If he be the choice of the republican party for assessor ther 1 hardly any question about his election, and In that event the county will hav an of ficer whose valuable knowledge, persevering Industry and unswerving Integrity will guarantee th very bast work for the pub lic, JOHN RUSH. OMAHA. Sept 2-To th Editor of The Bee: Kindly permit the publication of a tew words regarding the all-absorbing question of seleotlng a republican ticket that can win this fall. With few excep tion everyone agrees that political wisdom demands that different elements of the voters In the county should be recognized as much as possible and undoubtedly this sentiment will result In th selection of a republican ticket having many elements of strength. The laboring people make up a considerable percentage of trie voting popu lation of Dougla county, and while th local organization make no demands for representation on any ticket, yet th nomi nation of a prominent laboring man on tn republican ticket cannot fsil to be ap preciated. A. J. Donatio, better Known a - iony, one of the candidate for th nomination for sheriff of Douglas county at the hands of the republican party, whllo asking for the nomination solely on hi record a a republican. Is at the same time a prominent member of organized labor, being a mem ber of th Order of Railway Conductors and th Switchmen, and also being at th head of the Nebraska State Society of Labor and Industry, on -of th most con servatlve labor organizations in th coun try and yet at the same time one of th most powerful and effective. Mr. Dona hoe has served th republican party long and faithfully and many active repub licans believe he Is th strongest man for the nomination for sheriff by th repub licans. Reasons too numerous to mention herewith prompt me to ay that A. J. Dor.ahoe is th logical republican for th nomination for sheriff, and while I shall of course do all in my poWir to elect whoever is nominated, it is my candid opinion that neither of the other candi dates can successfully cope with either of the men the democrats are at present considering for the nomination for sheriff. A. J. Donahoe possesses many elements of strength, and with them all combined he can be elected sheriff If given th nomination. A a starter permit me to say that he is not now holding an office, is not a chronic office seeker, lias never sought an office before, and did not con sent to run for th office of sheriff until he had been solicited by score of his friends, and then only after months of serious consideration of the matter on his part. CHARLES W. FEAR. OMAHA, Sept 25. -To th Editor of Th Bee: We understand that you desire sn expression of opinion from the business men in regard to the candidate for clerk of th duirlct court. W hav known Harry B. Morrell for a number of year and consider him eminently qualified for the position. Your truly. IL 8. WELLER. OMAHA. Sept. 26. To th Editor of Th Bee: I take ploasur In endorsing the can didacy of Mr. Harry B. Morrell for clerk of the district court. Having known him personally for many years, I belk-v hire to be emlaeuUy fitted for th offloa. Tours , truly, iXJ D. rOtrTSK. ECHOES OF THE ANTEROOM The month of October will be a very In teresting one for the higher onlera of Ma sonry, the entire month being given over to some of the conventions and councils of the order. The first meeting will be that of the gen eral grand council of the Royal and Select Master of the United States, which con venes at Little Rock, Ark.. Octuber 6. This iody Is composed of three representa tives from each state in the union, the rep resentatives being the three highest offi cer of the grand council of the various states the grand master, th deputy grand master and the grand principal conductor of the work. They legislate for the order throughout the United State and, while the order Is one which does not appear prominently before the public on ordinary j occasions. Its meetings are of much In terest to the craft at largo, especially as there Is a growing sentiment throughout the grand Jurisdictions to make member ship In the council prerequisite to member ship in the chapter of Royal Arch Masons. The second meeting of national Im portance will be the grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons, which will convene at Little Rock, October 16, It being understood that the grand council will complete Its work in one day. This body Is composed of the grand high priests, grand king and grand scribes of the various grand chapters of ths several slatei of the union, and Its sessions are generally longer than the meetings of the grand council for the reason that the chapter Is one of. the required degrees In tfie York rite previous to taking the high est degrees of the Templars. It la seldom that there is a full repre sentation at the meetings of the general grand council and the general grand chap ter, one of the grand officers of the state usually representing his fellows and vot ing the entire strength of his Jurisdiction. This course has been pursued In the case nf Nebraska this year. Judge Guslav An derson being deputized to represent this state at both meetings. He will leave for Little Rock Friday. Before the Judge returns to Omaha he will have attended a far more Important meeting than either of these, the biennial session of the supremo council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, which will convene October 19, at Washington, D. C, the Judge being one of the twenty- four men who are entitled to a voice and vote in this body. As he Is a member of the committee on foreign relations, he must be in Washington some days before the opening of the council and will be at head quarters October 12, remaining there dur ing the sessions, which will probably con tinue for two or thrse weeks. Something of more than utual Interest center around the coming meeting of the grand council, because of the probability of an Increase In the membership of that body, tinder It constitution there can be but thirty-five active members of the body, who are known as Inspector general. At the last council there were twenty-six mem bers, -which Is as many as there has ever been, the constitutional limitation having never been reached since the organlxatlon of th grand council of the southern Juris diction, which Includes all of th United States outside of that portion bounded on the south by the Ohio river and on the west by the Mississippi river. This sec tion Is under the Jurisdiction of the grand council of th northern Jurisdiction, which held Its meeting in BoHton last week. Two of the inspectors general having died within the last two years. It is prob able that 'successors will be elected, while, on account of renewed activity in some part of the country, it I possible that the number will be Increased above twenty-six. In this matter It Is Impossible to make a forecast, a the Inspectors are so widely scattered that they seldom confer except nt tho biennial meetings. It is understood, however, that th vacancy in North Da kota will be filled, as well as the vacancy In the state of Washington, as those grand Jurisdiction are very active and require the presence of a thirty-third degree mason. The foreign relations committee will have some Interesting things to consider and the evex present "French situation" may not be the least of them. At the last biennial council the Mexican grand lodge matter was settled satisfactorily and the Mexicans have put themselves In good shape before tho Masonic world. The French situation" Is not of such easy solution, as it is a matter of public knowl edge that there ia considerable divergence of opinion as to the merits of the case and even locally there are those who raise a word of defense for France. Nebraska lodge No. 1, Knights of Py thias, will recommend to the new grand chancellor to be elected next month, th name of Dr. Roy A. Dodge for appoint ment as deputy grand chancellor. At the coming grand lodge the representatives from No. 1 will urge united action on the part of the knights of the state looking to ward the enactment of a law similar to that of other states making it a misdemeanor to wear the emblom of an order unless a member. The next grand lodge Is to be held at Lincoln, October 13 and 14. The delegates from No. 1 are. Melnrad Wulpl, George A. Magney, W. T. Denny and Will C Matthews. A temporary organization looking toward the formation of a company of the Uni form Rank Knights of Pythias was effected at the hall of Nebraska lodge No. 1 last Monday night. The officers elected were: Captain, John W. Malone; first lieutenant, Dr. Roy A. Dodge; second lleutentnt, John N. Dennis; recorder, Will C. Matthews treasurer, A. 8. Kelley. Committees Were appointed to report on uniforms and by laws Monday night at 7:30. The grand lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Nebraska will be held at Lincoln, October 19-24. Railroads have granted a rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip. Beech camp No. 1454, Modern Woodmen of America, gave a social and high five party to its members and friends the even lug of September 2S. Omaha camp No. 120, Modern Woodmen of America, inaugurated Its series of social meeting the evening of the 16th. which was largely attended and very enjoyable, These social meetings will be given the third Wednesday of each month. Members of this lodge visited camp No. 71D1 last Wednesday evening and all report a splen did time. The Modern Woodmen of America pro motion committee met Monday night last at Judge Baldwin' office In th Patterson block and outlined a plan of campaign to assist In bringing the order up to the million mark for Milwaukee. Ivy camp No. 2, Royal Neighbors of America, expects to give a card party on October J. Additional features will be added to th evening' program to make the affair a pleasant one. Magnolia camp No. 1833. Modern Woodmen of America, having had Its hall remodeled has appointed a committee to prepare a entertainment for the members. Tuesday Is the date and the committee In charge promises a large tlm to those attending. Laat Thursday evening Omaha tent No. 71 of th Knights of th Maccabee held It second meeting In it new quarter. larg number of air knight waa present aa4 a very tnUreatlnf meeting- waa th t 1313 Farnam Tho balance of the bankrupt Lang & Minton piano nml organ slock will positively be closetl out within the next ten days. It is nn absolute necessity for ns to ake room for several carloads of pianos ordered Home time ago for October. 1st delivery. You Should Buy Now This is a polrfen chnnco for buy ers In all the sundry and manifold canning of this life tho saving at fordod by tbls sale may never be duplicated. Your SO-cent pieces are as good ns dollars were the prices arc cut and cut until well, Just see for yourself that's tile proof. We Make a Small New and Used PIANOS From the Lange & Minton stock or taken lu exi-hanso during this last week all thoroughly repulred, tuned, pollHhed, guaranteed lu first class order. These are only a few of the many bargains: Albrecht $1S.00 Gilbert 23.00 Vone & Sons US.OO Hnllet & Davis o2.U0 Tease 40.00 Kt. I.ouls I'iano 48.00 McCummon Ml. 00 James & llolstroru 62.00 Gilbert 07.00 Knnbe , 74.00 J. P. Hale 8M 00 Bin si us & Sons 100.00 ISteluway 105.00 Arlon ....124.00 Marshall & Wendell 138.00 Chlckerlng 140.00 Pease lttf.00 Erbe 172.00 New York Make 180.00 Mathueshek 197.00 Another lot of first-class makes several of which are, on sale at other stores choice 220.00 Just about one-half what you would have to pay the other fel low. On Payments of 50c to $1.00 a Week. THE LARGEST result. Nine applicant were Inducted Into membership and will be Initiated at th next regular meeting. Hereafter one meet ing night of the month will ba character ized by an entertainment and. social fea ture and no Initiations will be held on tl't Ight. A standing commlttes was appointed nd Instructed to take the necessary step to prepare for the entertainment of the evenings. The routine business was hur riedly disposed of, and under the good of the order Blr Knight State Commander J. Ermerlns of Iowa was called for. II responded In an able manner by remarks eulogistic of the order and Its officers, then describing the meeting of the Fra ternal congress held recently at Milwaukee, nd then taking up the weak places of fraternal orders generally and giving reme- ial suggestions. HI remarks wer teem- ng with words of advice to the order and hey were well received and highly appre ciated by every sir knight present. The Ladles' Catholic Order of Foresters Installed a new lodge during the last week t the Holy Family church, with appro priate ceremonies. The new lodge will be nown e the Holy Family lodge No. 699. After th Installation exercises a literary nd musical program wa rendered. Mrs. Elizabeth Itodgers, high chief ranger of the women catholic order of Foresters, was In the city from Chicago to Install the officers of Holy Family court fio. 699. Miss Mary Qulnn organized th court. Mrs. Itodgers was th guest of Misses Mary Qulnn and Katie Qulnn, SI North Seventeenth street GOES TO THE FEDERAL COURT Vmm of 8111 M. masons Against I'nlon PaclSo Transferred to National Jurisdiction, Th case of Balll M. Nswiom t al gainst th Unfcm Pacific Railway com pany and Union Pacific Railroad company ha been removed from th district court of Dougla county to th United State circuit court. Th petition Is quits a vol uminous on and cites In affeot that plain tiff had for th consideration of U5.C3.60 bought of the defendant company 121. 33 acres of land in the state of Nebraska and that a contract had been abrogated by the defendants. Plaintiffs therefore pray that ty court will compel tho Union Pacific Hallway company and th Union Paclfle liHllroud company to appear and make full and complete disclosure to the court the amount due to the defendants on ac count of taxes paid on lands covered thereby and from the sale of Its lands, and pray for Judgment against the defendants tor th amount of damages that the court may ascertain to be due plaintiffs on ac count of the refusal of th defendant com panies to carry out their oontracts a may be Just and equitable. FIGHT DYBALL ORDINANCE Certain Elements Oppose Mnr to Prohibit Push Cart and Street Stand. Considerable opposition 1 being brought to bear to defeat Councilman Dyba'.l's or dinance prohibiting pushcarts and street stands from doing business down town. It Is calculated that enforcement of th pro posed measure would drlv at least 125 men out of employment and compel them to either leave the city or enter new voca tlor.s. Most of the dealer are men who hav dependent families, and It ha been pointed out that great hardship will be worked upon them If forced to give up their following. Th street merchant ar mostly Italians, with a sprinkling of Greeks, 8yrlans and Jews. Th ordinance Includes the saDdwlcb wagon a well as frul' stand and push carta, a'-l of which now pay license money to th city for th privilege of doing busi ness. The lunch wagons pay $50. and 3U, according to sis and th kind of busi ness don, whll th pushcarts and side walk s lauds bring la Ml a yar ao1- chraoller & Mueller AC mm. Profit. You Make Our Stock was never so largo and completo as now Extraordinary clone prices will be made to bona fide buyers during the next ten days on any of our regular stock, such aa the Stelnway & Sons, Stegor & Sons, Kmersou, Vobo & Sons, I lard man, A. B. Chase, George Steck, Mason & Hnmlln, KrelL Schaff, Gra mer, Ucnslet, Arlon and nearly a score of others, all well and favorably known for the past half century or more. AVe mako a specialty of fine pianos and show an assortment exceeded by no esstern house. Here you can take your choice of the choicest (icoioMir) MA.NUTACTURE-WH0LE5A.LE- RETAIL F I K M O S jam Htinim cmcc ma r a wham FACTOJm. 11 FARNAM TtUEFwaMg taa OMAHA UNCOUl, NEB ta a. htm srr. TIL TV CO. BXUTTS, IA saa sftAMV tu PIANO STOCK IN ' if r rfc 5.VFJM, I ahUELLER "' i'niiiiiia3iijiin3ii)iiajniia)iieiiSjiiOiig)iiiOiiOiej RECORD OF CARELESSNESS Over One Million. Dollars in Commercial Paper at Dead -Latter Offioe, TEN MILLION PIECES WERE HANDLED t Telegraphic Communications with Colombia May lie Suspended, Cable Company and tiovern nfst Disagree. WASHINGTON, Bept. 26. The annual re port of the operations of th dead letter office for ths fiscal year ended June 30, 1903, has been prepared and will be em bodied In the forthcoming report of First Assistant Fostmaster Oeneral Wynne. The report states that it Is made to appear that there ha been a large and steady Increase In Its annual receipt, which Is due, it is stated, to the great and con stant Increase In the volume of matter passing through th mall. Th total re ceipt for the year wer something over 10,000,000 pieces, the largest in th history of the office, exceeding those of th pre ceding year by some 860,000 pieces. The aggregate number of 1,826,300 place wer opened. The money found In opened letter amounted to tS, 634, but this sum Included money, generally coin, found Ioom In' th mall or In postofllces and consigned to th dead letter oflloe. Com mercial paper found, such a draft, check, mony order, etc., represented a face valu of l,4ij,563. ' Cnbl Service May B Suspended. Unless th difference between th Colom bian government and th South American Telegraph company are adjusted by Octo ber 1, it la probabl that on that dat th company will clo It office at Buena Ven- tura, which operate (th Colombia end of the cable. Dr. Her ran, th Colombian charge d' affair, said tonight that he had refused to sign a new contract for twenty years, renewing the concession of th tele graph company, owing to a provision which, If accepted, would grant to the company certain privileges amounting to a monopoly. The company, however. Insisting on th signing of the contract without change, has submitted the matter to officials at Bogota, where It is now under consideration. Captain Coviles to Get Ship, 1 Becretary Moody Is expected to announce shortly the appointment of William F. Dar- nette to the general board, to succeed Cap tain W. 8. Cowlea as chief of the bureau of navigation. Captain Cowlea Is lo command the battleship Missouri, now nearlng com pletion at Newport News. Missouri will not be commissioned until January. Soldier May Be Postmaster. Judgo Advocate, General Davis, of th war department, has rendered an opinion that there Is no legal objection to the ao ceptance, by enlimed men of the army of an office under the federal government, the duties of which are not Incompatible with hi military duties. The question aros over appointment of a sergeant Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year THK FAMILY'S BEST FOR Mir - i ; f V llil1'- '''I 1 ' i 1313 farnam i Music in the Home t i Is Almost life Itself drives away & dull enre, educates the faintly 4 keeps the young folks at home--who knows the vast Influence of music "Musk! can noble lilntu Im part, engender fury, kindle love; with unsuspected eloquence can move and manage all mankind with secret art" a Large Saving. New ntid Used ORGAN Si Almost any make you want at from one-half to one-third their regular cost Later on, if you wish to get a piano, we will take thera back and allow you every dollar paid: Three small organs choice. .$ 5.00 nurdette 0.00 Woods H 00 University 16.00 Cornish 19.00 Terry 19 00 Kimball 22.00 Story & Clark 26.00 Kimball 20.00 Hunt 2U.0O Bhonlger 31.00 Estey 32.00 Estey ' 34.00 Western Cottage 30.00 Kimball 38.00 Mason & Hamlin 41.00 Crown 42.00 Packard 42.00 Mason It Hamlin 48.00 On Payments of 25c to f 75c a Week. THESE PARTS" stationed at Fort Fremont, 8., C, as th United State postmaster at that place. Terns M ajr Scn.l Troop. WASHINGTON, Bept. 38.-Acting Secre tary of War Oliver has approved the ap plication of the governor of Texas for per mission to have a rrovlslonal regiment of the National Guard of that state take part In the military maneuvers at Fort Rllef, Kan. Warship Goes to Slneflelds. Additional Information obtain at th State department about the trouole near Bluedelds, Nicaragua, la to the effect that number of American citizens have suf fered 111 treatment on the lahind of St. Andrews, forty miles from Iilurftcldn, and that the local authorities fulled to afford them protection or redress. The matter was reported to the State department by Edwin W. Trimmer, the American agent nt Blueflelda, and at his sutrReitton Nashvlllo has been ordered from Pensacola to St. Andrews. The State department official say they do not antlclpato serious trouble, but the evident Inability of the local au thorities, or their unwillingness to main tain order, make th presence of an Amer ican war-ship desirable. POLL MAY CAUSE CIVIL SUIT Parrot Over Which Neighbor Wran gle Hay Start Soma New Complication. "Much ado about nothing" waa th way Sergeant Whelan sized It up when Mrs. Flnnlgan and Mr. William Glffln had their tilt In pollc court over a green-headed parrot which say "mamma" becaus h ha been living with Mr. Flnnlgan foi five year and over, and would no doubt ay "papa" If Mr. Glffln, who claimed him a hi property, bad secured possession ol him. But he didn't. Mr. Flnnlgan told th Judg all about buying the parrot flvt year ago from Glffln' daughter for IK and aald eh had had It ever since. Just a she was getting ready to leave th city Glffln suddenly discovered he wanted hi parrot back and alleged that hi daughter had only given it to Mr. Flnnlgan a se curity for a 110 loan. There being no evi dence to contradict Mrs. Flnnlgan' version of the transaction when th bird changed hands, she was discharged and allowed U keep her pet. It ia asserted a civil suit will be brought by GlUln to recover hit property In a Justice courj. Grand start of Green trading stamp plan Monday at Bennett's. A Simple Explanation. "Yes, sir, before we accept your dona tion we want to ask you a serious ques tion."' "Go ahead. What Is It?" "W want to know how you acquired It." , "Acquired what?" "Your dough." ; "But what difference does that make? "It makes Just this difference. If you acquired it by what Is known as ques tionable means. It Isn't nearly large enough. If It waa mad In a legitimate pursuit It Is munificent. That's Just th differ ence." Cleveland Plain Dealer. PaVOMTE EOI0INI An Dracclrts THE BOWELS