Tnn OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY. PEPTEMHEH 27, 1903. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL M1SOR MESTIO. Iav1s tells drug. Btockert sells carp-ts. Crayon enlarging, 3f'S. Mmadway. Kipert watch repairing. Lenert, 4-i9 B y. Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's, l I) roadway. 14K and 1HK wedding ring nt Leffert. ) Hruadway. Bchnol paints, brushes, drawing and prac tice papers. Alexander's. Sil Mroadway. Build in Uahbltt Place., lots dry and graded for bouses; Clms. Officer. iVJ li'y. Commencing today tho public library will be open Sunday afternoon from 2 to li o dock. For Rent Furnished rumn for light liounekeHPliic. Mrs. M. Poiterlichl. 707 let ave.. Council Ulu fl m. For rent, olllce room, ground Moor; one of th most central bullions In the bii(tl ncss portion of the city. Apply to Tho Wee ofHc, city. W contract to keep public and private houses free from roscnes by the year. In sect Esterrnlnator Manufacturing company, Council HlufTs. ia. Telephone F-tM4. Fir Chief Templeton has gone to Chi cago, whers he will attend the national meeting of fire chiefs and take In tne fes tivities of Chicago's centennial celebration. The richest, daintiest, photographic effects re from tne remodeled up-to-date Htigle inan Studios, 43 and 45 S. Main si. h Hf.H, to Introduce, choice of life like, life size portrait o( beautiful water color miniature with a dozeo cabinets. Weldon Creamer, was arrested yesterday, charged wlih the Inert of two swing stage books, valued Ht lb. the property oi J. U. Long. James Wlrkham borrowed the hooka train Long and it was while In hist pos session that they were stolen. .Sight school, Western Iowa Business and Normal school opens Monday. Hookkeep Ing. shorthand, penmanship, arithmetic, frammar, history, algebra. In fact all Kng sh subjects as well as civil service wont. 'J hew sessions are for any and all who wish to come. Terms, $3 ami $4 per month. Milton Worcester -and F.arl Doxle. 11-year-old boys who ran away from their homes In Waterloo, la., were picked up by the police yesterday morning at the Illinois t entrsl depot. They said they In- I tended making their way west. They are held at ponce headuuartors until their parents are heard from. Dumbing and Heating. Blxby & Son. LENA DOERNER ASKS DIVORCE Romance Which Started at College Tarns Oat to Re Vm- , fortunate. The romance of August Doerner, the young Seventh-Day Adventlst student and Miss Lena Korgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julia Korgan, wealthy residents of I,ew1a township, which begun at the Seventh-Day Adventlst college near Lincoln and resulted In their marriage last January, after numerous obstacles had been sur mounted, has culminated In the young bride bringing suit for divorce. Friday young Doerner was bound over to keep the peace towards his wife, after a hearing In Justice Omen's court on a charge of threatening to kill lu-r. This, however, did not satisfy Mrs. Doerner, whose dream of married bliss had been, rudely shattered In less than a year, and yesterday aha began suit for divorce and caused an attachment for $S00 to be Issued against a crop of corn and a team owned by her husband, to prevent disposition pending the determination of the suit. Mrs. Doerner alleged In her, petition that her husband was preparing to leave the slate . without making provision for her or their Infant son, of whom she asks the court to give her the custody. . . As grounds for the divorce Mrs. Doerner alleges cruel a'nd Inhuman treatment. The petition recites a number of Instances when Dogrnor is alleged to have cruelly beaten and choked Into Insensibility his young wife. Doerner Is a highly educated young man and the son of one of the most prom inent leaders of the Adventlst church In Germany. Mrs. TUUe Bloedcl was granted a di vorce yesterday In district court from Let,nard Bloedel on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. The hearing of the application of Kimball Brothers for a writ of mandamus, to com pel the Burlington, Milwaukee and Rock Island railroad companies to construct l culverts under the tracks In order to permit j of the draining of the water now surround ing tha Kimball elevator works and foun dry on South Ninth street, waa continued until Monday. Vila Indemnifying; Bond. R. A. Brown ft Company, the Washington, Ind., Arm awarded the contract for the conatructlon of the Harrison-Pottawattam e , county drainage ditches, have filed their Indemnifying bond with County Auditor In nee. The bond Is' In the sum of 81,300 and tha sureties are James and 8. A. Wlckham of this city. It Is understood that the game sureties are on tha bond filed by Brown A Company In Harrison cbunty. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel., 7&0. Night, F687. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In tha ahatrart. title and loan office of Baulta dt Annla, lul Pearl street: ' Fred Brl and wife to Italy Moore. I lot 7. block 8. Wilson Terrace, w. d .J00 W. 8. Cooper and wife to Martin P. aVhmldt. lot 2. block 2, Purkdale add, w. d Mary Lynch and husband to Anna Kyan. lota 24 and lb, block 6. Sgulre'a add. w. d John W. Miller and wife to Tine Feb Inwits, lots 16 and 16, block J, Van llrunt & like add. w. d P. odd 'olsen to Peter Olsen, part ne4. o-77-4. w. d Frede'-lck J. Jochrendt and wife to Ephrlara Strong, lots 1 and 2, block a. and loU 1 and 16. block 4, Btuts man's 2d add, w. l Iowa Townslte company to John J. Anderson, lots 1, 2 and 3. block 15. and lot 14 In block 3, Town of Kentley, w. d Assignees of Peter 8. Relst and wife to C. L. Mi Knight, lots tt to 13, 15, 18. 17, block Ht. Railroad add, w. d.... 300 ! 200 8D0 1 i.aj 40 I I 150 i Total, eight transfers. ...641 89c '89c Graustark Graustark Almost universally conceded to be tha beat of all modern novels, and wo aeil It for Mc Harvoy A, DcLong Printer and Stationer. 309 Broadway, Co. Bluffs 8111 ni Graustark for We. nnnMWsnaJHmS SEaSlnEEnnmnnC a 23Q9aXar LEWIS CUTLER SfORTICIAtf. If Pearl M.. Cuucil fcljtrs. Phooe W. BLUFFS. FOOT BALL SEASON OPENING Two Games Flayed cn Manawa GTCmudi for a Starter. HARLAN BEATS BLUFFS HICH SCHOOL ' Dodge Light Cntrdi Keep Tp Their Record by Defeating; Omaha Com merrlal College, Which Falls to Score. The local foot ball season opened yester day afternoon with two games on the Manawa gridiron which were witnessed by a crowd of about 400. The first game was between the Council Bluffs end Harlan High schools and resulted In the defeat of the home team by the score of 15 to (. The other game wag between the Dodge Light guards and the Omaha Commerclif college, the soldiers winning by a score of 11 to 0, and thus retaining their record of never having been defeated. The Council Bluffs and Harlan High schools played two thlrty-mlnute halves. The lirst touchdown was made by Stanley of Harlan after seven minutes of play, but Harlan failed to kick a goal. A fea ture of the first half was a splendid sixty yurd run by Hammer of Harlan, placing the ball well up In Council Bluffs' ter ritory. The Bluffs boys, towards the end of the half, took a brace and held Harlan for downs. In the second half, after seven teen minutes of play, Cobb of Harlan se cured a touchdown but Harlnn failed again to kick goal. Both sides Indulged In con siderable punting. Madsen of Council Bluffs made a touchdown and Dudley klckod a nice goal. Just before time was railed Cobb of Harlan went through the line and secured another touchdown, thus making the score 15 to 6 In favor of the visitors. The lineup: roTNOti, Plidlry Ftlckenaar f'wpenter .. N'lrnlla rtli-key MariHen Noricaard . . , Walker fuller Arlnworth . Read BUFF. HARLAN. C. r Howard ..n. n. . I o. ..R. T. . .L. T. ..R. K. . U K. . R. II. ..I,. H. . .K. B. n. o o n. t L. T , R. K 1, E R. H L. H .... Croft .. Nelion ... Nobla . Culllson laer .... Swift Kimmir Roblnaon Cobb K. B .... Q. B.I4I. B Stanley In the first half of the game between the Guards and Commercial college both sides failed to score. Dietrich, however, crossed tho lino after fourteen minutes of play. The Collegians maintained that the Guards hnd had one too many downs. After a dis pute the Guards conceded the ball, to the ! Commercials at the four-yard line. The Commercials punted and the half ended i with the ball In the Guards' possession on j thfO-Commerclal's fifteen-yard line. 111 the second half the Guards steadily ' advanced the ball and Dietrich made the ! first touchdown after seven minutes of play. Rtitherrord failed to kick goal. The Commercials then kicked off and after sev eral fumbles by both sides Stuart made the second touchdown for the Guardi and Richmond kicked a good goal.' During tha remainder of the half neither side scored and the game ended with the ball In the center of the field. DO DOE L. o. fjjjf" OMAHA . C' COMMERCIALS. Saniuala ...i.... Thomaa Oragory Bills Starrlrkar Mills ' Plka ...,C. R. U. .U 1 .R. T. .U T .r. r. .1a b R. H .V. N .r. b .Q. B R. O l. a. a... R. T l. T R. K U E...A R. H L. N r. B 4- B Hooinann I,. Strlngar.. rataraon . . Lawranca t'haener ... Dietrich ... Stuart Richmond . Rutharford Taup ?ornwall jansdnn . JobDsoa With the Churches. Tha Second Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services tin Modern' Woodmen of America hall. In Merrlam block, at 10:46 a. m.; aubject, "Unreality." Sunday school Immediately after the services. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 7:45. At Ht. Paul's Episcopal church today there will be holy communion at 8 a. m. and morning prayer and sermon by the rector. Rev. G. E. Walk, at 10:80 o'clock. Th "'"" service will be omitted morning prayer will be conducted at Grace Episcopal church this morning at 11 o'clock by Edwin J. Abbott, lay reader. Sunday school will be heldt 1:45 a. m. Rev. Harvey Hostctler, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, will preach this morning on "Christian Advocate" and In the evening on "Isaac and Rebecca." At IK. , l. U I l w . . . Rev. w B ciemmer. will deliver hl. ,., B1,.r . ' i " . u . - a. in. , 1, 1 1 1 a ; evening at 8 o'clock he will preach on "The Child and the Kingdom." Regular preaching services will be held today at 10:S0 and 8 p. m. at the Fifth Avenue Methodist. The new pastor. Rev. W. N. Graves, will preach at both services. The First Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold sence at 11 o'clock this morn ing In the Sapp building, when the subject of the lesson will be "Unreality." Sunday school will be held at the close of the services and the regular mid-week taatl. monlal meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. goes Barings Bank. Trustees for the bankrupt Imulement firm of Aultman, Miller & Co. have brought suit In the t'nlted States court here against the Council Bluffs Savings bank for $10, H64 54 of farmers' notes alleged to be held by the bank as security for a loan of 110.. 000 to the implement firm. The loan waa negotiated by tha local manager of the Implement firm, who In re turn agreed to deposit with the bank such notes as from time to time would be given by the firm's customers. This arrange ment, the trustees claim, made the bank a preferred creditor at the expense of the other creditors and that the farmers' notes held by It should be made part of the as sets of the firm and so distributed pro rata among the creditors. DE LOSQ'g VOTISQ CONTEST. The Gold Watches Are Awarded t Geo. S. Davis, Jr., and Edward Earl Morris. Tha boy voting contest which has been In progress during the past month In De- Loug s book and stationery department. and which closed last evening at 8:30 re sulted as follows: oeorge o. iavi, Jr, first prise 10 607 Edward Earl Mprrls, second prise.... 8,U The next nearest were Ambrose Mitchell, .ow; uuy uourlclus, 4,156. Raid J. J. Crowe's Saloon. i re saioon conducted by J. J. Crowe on Broadway at the corner of Thirty-seventh street was raided yesterday afternoon by a deputy sheriff under a search warrant issiieu rrom the court of Justlos Carson and the stock of liquor salted. The war rant was Issued at the Insance of County Attorney Klllpack. who reoently brought kult In the district court to enjoin Crow from selling liquor. The liquor seixed vas terday by Deputy Sheriff Groneweg Is In possession m tne authorities and will be held until in question of Its disposition I determined by the court. Th. aalooa occupied by Crowe u a w bulldliig recently erected by the Krug Brewing company. Crowe la alleged to have violated the mulct law and failed to obey the county attorney's Sunday closing mandate. Faneral of Dr. John Green. The wuneral of Dr. John C.reen will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the First Presbyterian church, ' the pastor, Rev. W. 8. Barnes, conducting the serv ices. Burial will be In Walnut Hill ceme tery. Friends desiring to view the re mains can do so between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. at the residence, 610 First avenue. Tho Council Bluffs Medical society met last night and made arrangements to at tend the funeral In a body. Resolutions relative to Dr. Green's death were adopted and the following members of the society selected to act as pallbearers; Drs. V. I. Treynor, J. II. Cleaver. M. A. Tlnley, J. H. Cole, D. Macrae. Jr., H. B. Jen nings., The members of the society will meet at the residence and escort the body to the church. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY Woman's Clnb Holds Its First Gen eral Reception for the Season. Mrs. J. P. Conner of Denison Is visiting friends In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Foscoe Lemen are visiting relatives in Chicago. Thomas J. Benedict of Chicago Is the guest of L. C. Dunn. i Mr. and Mrs. Wllllum Cnppock entertained nt dinner Tuesday evening. Miss Marie McDonald of Hardy, Neb., Is visiting relatives in this city. Mrs. J. C. Fleming of Fifth avenue Is home from a visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Tfihrer entertained Informally at cards Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Brulngton entertained Informally at cards Thursday evening. Mrs. Arthur L 8tevena has returned from a month's visit with friends In Chi cago. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Nichols of Hioux Cltv are guests of Mrs. S. O. Goodman of First avenue. The members of the Every Thursday club met Thursday morning with Mrs. Horace Everett. The members of the Atlas club will meet Tuesday afternoon with the president, Mrs. W. N. Clifford. Xfrs. J. Palmer of Spokane, Wash., Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. 8. Farnsworth of Eighth street. Mrs. B. H. Watson of Washington avenue entertained a few neighboring friends In formally at cards Monday evening. Mrs. Nate Bhepard entertained a number of young people at her home Tuesday even ing In compliment to Miss Adah Hosse. Mhe Marian Crane of Park avenue was hostess at an enjoyable character party given at her home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Forreat Smith entertained the women of Grace Kplscopal church at her home on Madlaon avenue Thursday afternoon. Mrs. James Keith of Fairmont avenue entertained a number of neighboring friends iniormaiiy ai ner nome inursaay utternoon. TM, , 1 1.' I 1 I L wl" 've R Kensington Thursday afternoon Street! The members of St. Agnes' guild of St. Paul's Kplscopal church will meet tomorrow v'na' with Mrs. H. A. wulnn of Oakland Wheeler, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. T. Phelps of First avenue, lett yesterday for her home In Chicago. y Mrs. J. I. Stewart entertained a number of Council Bluffs peoplo at a luncheon given at the Country club In Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. M. F. Rohrer entertained Jhe Turtles' auxiliary of . St. Paul's Episcopal church at an all-oay semlon Wednesday. Over fifty were in attendance. The Oakland Avenue Reading club will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Flnley Burke at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jeffries of Fletcher avenue. The members of the Woman's Whist club met- Tuesday afternoon with Mm. D. W. Himhnell. The club will meet this week with Mrs. Albright of Glen avenue. Dr. J. C. Waterman and wife left last evening for a month's visit In Chicago, during which Dr. Watennun expects to take a special post-graduate course. Miss Georgene Bebbington entertained ft number of young peoplo at her home on Park avenue Monday evening fn honor of Mim Kuiiia Keelin nd Mm Doty cf Cincin nati. ' Miss Nellie L, Dunn has returned to Coun cil Blurts from Chicago, where she ha been for aeveral years completing her musical studies. She has taken rooms at the Renard. Miss Florence Shea entertained at a prettily appointed dinner Monday evening complimentary to Mies Adah Hesse, who will leave this week for New York City to make her home. Mrs. M. J. Jackson Is home from Salt Lake City and other western points, where she pnt the summer. She was accom panied by Mrs. Harry Culbertaon of Salt Lake City, who will visit here. Mrs. W. A. Maurer entertained the mem bers of the Daughters of the American Revolution at her home ou Second avenue Thursday afternoon. A tmnlcal and literary program was given and reveghmcnta were served. The marriage of Mr. Lucas Neumayer. sin of Mr. and Mrs. J. Neumayer. and Miss Clara May McGann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mctiann, will occur Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock at St. Peter's church. The first general reception of the Council Bluffs Woman's club lor thU season wus held Friday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. F. ,AV. Miller of Oakland avenue, the member of the executive board acting as hostesses. About 1(H) women were In attendance. A musical and literary pro gram waa given. Those usulmlng on tha program were Miss I-men. Miss Clevelnnd, Mlsa Beach. Miss Bertha Wheeler, Mrs. 'John Gretser. Miss Price and Mls Maude i Bell. , Shelby County Democrats. HARLAN, la., Sept. 20. (Special Tele gram!) The democrats of Shelby county held their convention today. Editor Albert Hansen was chalrmnn and Henry Prlcster secretary. Most of the townships were represented, although the day was rainy. Hon. T. M. Hertert declined to be a can didate for representative a second time. O. P. Wyland, a real estate man of Har lan, waa nominated by acclamation. The other nominations were: Treasurer, George Harness; sheriff. D. W. Stewart, the pres ent Incumbent; county superintendent. John Ludwjckson; county supervisor, Henry Priester; coroner, Dr. Baumelster; Bur veyor, Peter I. Peterson. No speechea were made and no resolutions adopted. 1 he con vention was quiet. Ward to Be Triad. SIOUX CITY, la.. Sept. 26. (Special.) After two year of unaccountable aeiay T. F. Ward, defaulting vloe president and manager of th Lemar National bank, will be tried In the federal court here this fall. Ward lost the money, about 330,000, speculating on the Chicago Board of Trad and was indicted on several counts, in mi., have neen iiaiiaina u,i-c. u- fens will make a determined tight for him, He la personally popular, having been ac tive In politics and a member of the demo cratic state committee for his district. rirsaoath Coanty CoBveatlon. LEMAR9, la.. Sept. 20. tSpeclal Tele gram) At th republican convention held todav E. D. Chaasell wa nominated for representative; W. F. Remer. treasurer; R. T. Scott, superintendent of schools; II. I Celley, coroner; J. W. Myers, surveyor. The democrat nominated J. F. Krleg. rpreaentatlve; R. II. Kalne, treasurer; I C Hlae. superintendent of schools; John Bee ley. coroner. lrt I Fatal. CRE8TON. la., Bpt. 36. Spec la I.) B. V Martin, a brakeman, was run, over at Thsyer last night and died in th Creston hoailUl this rooming. He went to sleep th. iruk anil hut train backed over him. Ha wa slngU and lived In Northampton, I CUMMINS OPENS CAMPAIGN Large Crowd at Auditorium to Hear Him Discmi Fational Jni. REAFFIRMS HIS OLD POSITION ON TARIFF Bank Cashier Who Left Hnrrledly IVot Short, bat Was In Troahle with Woman Bookkeeper of the Bank. i From a Staff Correspondent.) DKS MOINF.S. Sept, 2.-(Speclal.)-Th republican campaign In central Iowa was opened this evening here by a. meeting ad dressed by Governor A. B. Cummins In the Auditorium. This was preceded by a con ference of the party workers of the district In the republican state headquarters, at tended by the committeemen and candi dates for office In th district. This was one of a series of conference held In th state, all of which have been well attended. Only two mora conference are to be held and they are In Davenport and Muscatine. The meeting this evening was well at tended, despite the rain which had been falling all afternoon. Muslo was furnished by a Welsh singing society from Baylor, and Colonel A. B. Shaw, president of the Polk County Republican club, presided. Th occasion waa one for a great outpouring of the republican of the city and district In honor of the candidate for governor and as a testimonial to their regard for him. Governor Cummins spoke at length and discussed national iFsues. He presented the republican view and dissected the state ment of Sullivan, the democratic candi date for governor. He made an earnest plea, for tho support of the protective prin ciple In national affairs. He read from the republican stato platform and pointed out " """" V, .h. .. i .T,i MTh(S Prompt attention of Dr. Conkling mny that th. party platform Is Identic In Jrtt ' v the woman but u ,a fpared th- mm year wnn msi miu i r ymi uriui a with and that it is In line with the record of tho party through many years. In every way the governor Indicated that he Is a firm In his position on the necessity for ultimate tariff revision nd In favor of sup port of tho policy of reciprocity as ever and that he will, continue to make his campaign upon this line, no matter what th criticism or from what source. The governor did not take up state Issues, but confined himself to the national Issues. Order of the O. A. R. In general orders No. 4 Issued today by Commander Raymond and Assistant Ad jutant General Newman tho appointment of Colonel George W. Croseley of Webster City as successor to the "late Philip M. Crapo of Burlington on tho visiting torn mlttee for the Soldiers' home at Marshall town and touching referenc to the eminent services of Mr. Crapo- are made. He was especially beloved by the comrades of the department, as he had more to do with es tablishing the eoldlers' home than, any other person. Announcement was made also of the following additional aides on tho staff of the commander: J. C. Milll man, Iogan; F, C. Grace, Davenport: J. H. Noyes, Ogden; 8. D. Tobey, Rolfe; Henry Russell. Avoca; O. M. Parker, Sac City, and E. PearBon, Dysart. Rural Telephone Score. A band of thirty determined farmers sur rounded a chicken house on the farm of John McClellan. about twelve mile from Des Molnea, where a thief was bnsy with a bag Inside. On hi appearance at the door he wa ordered to surrender at the muzzle of a shotgun. He-ran and thre shots were fired over his head, when h stumbled over a wire fence and fell neaa- long, with half a doien of the posse on top at him. They captured the fellow and brought him and his rig, which wa ar ranged with covered coops especially for the business, to De Moines and turned him over to the police. Charge were Bled In Judge Duncan's court against the man, who was Identified aa William Tabot of thi Th farmer' mutual telephone ho scored a point, as the posse was organiied over the 'phone. Wa a Woman In the Case. Private information wa received her today shedding some light on the remark able case In Buchanan county of placing bloodhounds on the track of a bank cashier who had started across the country one day this week, coupled with the statement bat his accounts were all right. Th raci that an effort was made to capture the man aroused suspicion as to the standing of tho bank. Elmer Brl'ntnall wa cashier of the ' Farmers and Merchants bank of Aurora, Buchanan county. On Wedne.-a.iy It was announced that he had leu me nana and was being tracked across the country by bloodhounds. Now comes an esplanu- tlon and It Is found there Is a woman in the case. It Is to the effect that while his account with the bank was all right. It had been discovered that h had been unduly Intimate with the former book keeper of the bank, a young woman, and that she had been pressing a demand for $2,000 against him. He had refused to pay and in order to block the game, is said to have deeded all his property to hli wife. This aroused suspicion and the dis closure which followed led to his hasty departure. More domination Filed. The nomination papers for Mark Furry of Hardin county were filed with the sec retary of state this morning for re-election as member of the house. The nomination papers for the fusion candidate have not as yet been filed, nnd It Is regarded as un certain whether they will ba filed. Quite a number of the nomination papers are yet to be filed with the state officials. Articles of Incorporation of tha Mecca Remedy company of aterloo were amended, on notice today, to Increase the capital to $100,000. The Waverly Badger Mining company of Waverly was incor porated with $a.0OO capital, by C T. Brian, A. E. Dawson, B. K. Sweet and others. Another Divided Convention. Judge J. Iv. Elliott of the superior court Of Oclweln, was In the city today for a conference with political friends. He Is the present Incumbent at Oelwcln, but owing to a bitter factional fight, two can didates have been nominated. According to hi view a snap caucus was called which selected delegates to the convention, and while he was not present, he secured a majority of the delegates. When the con vention was held a factional fight arose and the convention split, and while a por tion nominated Elliott, the other faction SHERIDAN COAL He wise and buy your supply of oal now Don't wait uutil prices advance and theu blame us. We handle the best of all kinds of hard and soft coal and guarantee satisfaction. Fenlon-Wickham Coal Co. Telephone 395 .?'f.Virf;:!rP'.4 rr i . ...,. .. . :. i nominated H. M. Gillian. The contest will go before the county authorities for set tlement. Will Be Declared Insane. Rescued from a watery grave by a hupe St. Bernard yesterday, Mrs. Mahan, resid ing in the vicinity of Fourth and Ascension streets, continued her efforts at self-de-structlnn and this morning secured a rjior with which she cut a wound In her neck. wound may prove fatal. It in understood she will be taken before the commissioners of Insanity this afternoon. Free from I.lve Xtock Disease, State Veterinary Surgeon P. O. Koto of Forest City declares his belief that there ho not been a time for many years that the live stock of the state of Iowa li? ho free from all diseases and generally in such excellent, condition as nt this time. The crops of the year have been such that all live stock has prospered and he declares the state Is absolutely free from all epidemics of general disorders. He has received very few calls to go to differ ent parts of the state recently. At the same time he predicts that as soon ns the soft food goes to the llvo stock there will be more or less trouble. Tho epidemic of rabies which swept over tho stato two years ago and last year, hns now entirely disappeared. RICHARDS'- DEFENSE AN ALIBI Witness Kays He Wa In Albla at Time Robbery Was Coin, m It ted. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Sept. 2G.-(Speclal.)-The evidence has been concluded In the Richards trial at Indlanola and tho argume'nts were commenced this afternoon. Tho testimony of the defense was brief but is declared to have been very strong. Richards, the ac cused ex-deputy marshal, did not go on the stand In his own defense. Mrs. Richards testified, and also others, to atiibllsh an alibi for the defendant, ai..l while the testimony for the state seemed almost Im pregnable It was admitted by attorney today that Richards had made out an ex cellent alibi. The best testimony In his defense was from a man who declared he sa v Richards on a train going to Albla at tho very time the' robbery was com mitted, nnd jho was absolutely sure of the facts. Much testimony wos Introduced to show that Richards stood high among the officials who had dealt with him. -Thomas J. Miller of Ottumwa this morning testified kthat he saw,Rlclmrds on the truln at Albla on the night of January I. Miller's testi mony Is corroborative of that of Mrs. Rich ards, who testified last night that the de fendant left the house at 7 o'clock to tiiko th 7:60 train east. Her testimony wus slightly discredited, however, because of an admission on cross-examination that It wa yet light when the defendant left. If the witness (Miller) sow Richards' ullght from the eastbound train at Albla the latter must have left Creston at the hour men tioned by Mrs. Richards and could not have been plotting with Baird In the gambling house and In the convict's kitchen at the hour stated by htm on the stand at the opening of the trial. Killed by Pomp Machinery. HARLAN. I a., Sept. M. (Special Tele gram.) J. I.. Hart rug, an employe of the Chicago Great Western, wa caught In the machinery of the pumping station this morning and so badly hurt that he was unconscious when taken out and died shortly after noon. He was unmarried and 30 years old. Snath Dakota W. C. T. I. Convention. REDFIKLD, 8. D., Sept. i.-(Speclal Telegram.) This has been a busy day In the state Women's Christian Temperance union convention. The treasurer' report which showed that during the year the en tire debt of $934 had been wiped out, aroused much enthusiasm. In addition to this the um of $2,430 had passed through the treas urer's hands, and had gone to pay regular expenses. Mrs. Lillian E. Phelps of St. Catherine, Ont., world' Women' Christian Tcmper ancs union worker, Is here, assisting and addressing the convention. A symposium on "The Next Step In th Annihilation of the Liquor and Tobacco Habit" wa held today. Another interesting feature waa a model Loyal Temperance lesion exhibit. Barled Inder Mass of Steel. CHICAGO. Sept. 26. A man named T. Petro wus killed and several persons In jured st a builf!1n.g under construction for the Western Kljctrlc company at Haw thorne, a suburb. Tho men were ennraged In placing stevl beams in the roof of tho structure, when the trunses suddenly UHve way and the south hslf of th building fell. The men were burled bene-nth the mass of steel and were released with great difficulty. There were at h-Hst "Do men employed on tha building wi.n the crash came. Manv of the workmen leaped from the roof and saved their lives. 37 Main Street THE REAL THING In Winter Overcoats Stylish; Swagger Coats that arc sure to give you that "Get the Habit" feeling if you will only try them on. Made in all the popular mixtures and colors and cut to perfection. $IU, $12,50, $15, $17.50, to $30. No trouble to show goods and no harm done if you don't buy. Joe Smith & Co. 415 Broadway We have just received from the Kramer failure of Chicago 0 cases containing J,2G0 pairs of men's, women's and children's Shoes, and we place same on sale for Monday and Tuesday at the following prices. Come early and get the best selections. LOT 1 Men's Kmbroldoml Lpathor Hack Slippers Kro iniT'g price $1.0v ours Patent 49c LOT 2 Men's liipli top double solo lres. nnd Work Shoes Kramer's price $3.fi0 otirs 1.75 LOT Men's Dress Shoes nind" of box calf, Kussln eolt nnd vic-l kid - Krnnier's price .$'.riO to ours 1.75 xtrn j4ot 4 Men's medium weight xtrn wide Work Slim-s Krn mur's price $2.00 our price 1.33 Full line of Dry Gootis, Skirts, Millinery," Waists, Wrappers, Trunks, Children's Clothing, at 25 per cent lower than any where else. . . The HouqIJv 0 BV 17 and 19 Main St., Council Bluffs. Entertain Your Friends Our uuj viiv vy g v t Grapliopliones. -r?V . rf;i via combining sweetness and smoothness two of these for the price formerly Call and Investigate. All kinds BOURICIUS PIANO HOUSE 9 Wirtter is Coming And it is about time you were thinking of getting your supply of WINTER COAL We have a large stock of Trenton, 111., Kock Springs, Washed Er, w Kentucky. Cherokee Nut, Oenterville Lump and Mis souri Nut. . ALL H1ZES OF IIAltl) COAL. Don't put it off too long, like vou did last fall, but drop in and see us now. WM. WELCH, . . -as. .. ,11 a r w a- t . x. ft' . I . (VI OfllcP 10 Main St. Tt'l. US. Hruncil Yard, 8th Street and TVflL LOT 5 Misses Press Shoes in many styles made of donpola, patent or stock tips- Krnmcr's price flOf up to ours UllC LOT (J Boys' mid Youths' Shoes -mnde of vicl kid and box cnlf 2 to 5Vi Kramer's prlco up to $2.: -our price for your I 1 C choice ItbV LOT 7 Ladies' Oxfords patent tips -Kramer's price $1.25 bur fifla price UlC LOT 8 Ladies' Shoes made of box cnlf and doncola patent tips .-ill sizes Kramer's price tip to $2.50 our price 1.39 ataem Store They ore tho loudest and best , talking machines made, and sell for less than other makes. It is a pleasing entertainer and no home Is complete without on. We sell them on easy weekly and monthly payments. Pay us a visit and heur nil the Into pop ular records. To All Talking Machine Users 50c Records. 25c We have Just received a Isrge shipment of High Speed Moulded Records. Thexe Records fit all Talking Machines using cylin drical records and are greatly superior to any other on the mar k?t. It Is a black, super-hardened record, durable and brilliant. with remarkiiblo Volume. Tou ran have paid for one 2.K- each. of musical Instruments and sheet music. 335 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Umcc, Olo f. .Minn m. iciciinuue, no. 11th Avenue. Tel. 537. The Work that Attracts Attention by its whiteness and fine finiHh.You get it at the popular "Eagle." Fam ily washing at dozen rates. Thoue 157 for the white wagon. Eagle Laundry Co. New Building. 718 Broadway Up-to-Date Gas Fixtures are no longer a luxury for the wealthy, but a necessity well within th mean of moat. Samples seen here will convince you of tha utility as well a beauty, and our prices (estimate of which we will cheerfully glv you on application) will satisfy you of our moderation. Our work for many house bolders will attest our ability, knowledge, skill, experience and effective workman ship. J. C. Blxby & Son aoa Mala st TelekoB KM. a SOS Pearl hi. . Coasell Mla.