Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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Emapej Twit from tAmria, aDu 21 Likely
te Eri Anntlef Ctito.
ftlarta Ufa Vy lewis Rower la War
w-tih Twrkey. he rrtaaiwel Arts
tpa-edltr bril Him late
iCct'I light, by Pre Publishing Co
HAMiThQ, Bept. SR. New Tork MfTvrM
Cablegram time;! 7)fxram ) Nicholas
Savine, who stjl-e himself the count or
Trnlmis lamtrnr. has been arrrted here
on the imncr Bahla, from L.shon, by
special request of the Busman police. H
1 heid to .wait requisition proceeding by
Serine' has had a most remarkable
career. In hi you lb lie was mi of the
rnmrtwit" officers in the Russian Imperial
Guard He vac twine wounded In the
Bueso-Tir-kiFh war and vu promoted for
bravery and decorated. He was the friend
of Btambuloff, the celebrated Bulgarian
premier, who ectually proposed him a a
candidate for die Bulgarian throne. Bavin
vows bo did not mount the throne only
twaiiM Starr. bulofT dWd inopportunely.
Bavlne quickly spent hie fortune In fast
LTlng and tlien forced time to par for hla
deM. He w-a twine exiled to B!l-ria and
twioe escaped. Speaking several lan
guages, accomplished and peTiuaslve, he
has made dupes all over the world, par
ticularly among women. He was arrerted
In Llalion for Fwlndllng and when the
Kuanlaa police discovered his Identity they
followed liim to Hamburg and had hlrn
Has a Varied Career.
KIT TORJi. Sept Wv The soi-dieitit
tacking on elderly tnan wha nt In
prns-cutor anteroom. Ravine lnd:gn
explained that tb Tnan wan 1,1 wife
euopted father who had been urging her
te jet a d'vorce
From Parte Favine eer.t to Libon. where
he ralied himself "dl-ertor of ttie Culms
and AmcrtT.n la:id mmpaty." lie wa
arretted there for trylt.g to obtain large
sum f mm y on cleveriy forged lette-
of rredlt from London and Pari har.ka.
The Llnton police were informed by Eng
lish and Spanli-h b&t.k that Savine lad
swindled them out of tJ Mu.
Agile a Marine ha a ben in slipping
through the finger of the police d aii
nation It would Km strange that hi
career in elwut ended If Ui Rumiiana hiy
hand on him acaln. A man bo "r-aliH-f
hl life no mora than an old silrrer" may
ensape from Siberia twine, but scarcely
ttires times.
Eclben Sua "Waabinptaa Elc Fijittrter
Up Wiih tip'.oa:a.
ount of Toulouse-Lautrec 1 a cosmopolitan
adventurer who has been welcomed la royal
salons and whose photocraph la No. 135
In the rorue a fralltiry In Mulnerrj- street.
The head of the house of Toulouse-Lautrec
1u farts repudiates Ravine, whose wl .
formerly Claire Mence V ervnort. is ruins'
"him for divorce in FVasre. Flie swoi shs
liad treaced him to his birth and found
be has no rifht to any title. Fhe i one
f the women whom Bavlne ha der.e!ved,
liut only for a time. He 1 falluit. He
has boasted: "Women have loved me.
They hiw ftillowed roe to the anda of ths
Mirth, sly Jove aftalr would fill volumes."
One Nrw Tork woman was so f ond" of
fiavlne that she had him Imprisoned that
ke mirht not eacate ber and the law. 6he
acimaud him of robbliif; ber.
Savtne claims to be a oount by descant
fraoi his mothers family, but In April.
IBS. in this ctty, be renonn-ed nla hofu
title and applied for naturalisation papers.
Naturally he yearned to be a free tnan. Ha
declares that be was born In IRiS. that his
mother was counters of Toulouee-lautrec,
that his father was Erasmus Bersrlus de
Savtne, a yeneral in the Russian army,
and that his unule would have been the
last count of the Russian branch of the
T"reneh family, but ra his death bed
bequeathed the title to him.
lsaBaes a-a StaaikaXaC
T9a. ItSC did Impose oa the astute
Stambukill and was aerlously considered
tar the throne of Bulgaria. In his memoirs
Btambuloff. undaonlved. writes of Savins
and his than companion, sladelalns:
" Savtne and his partner, a woman, had
nothlns of that sort of fear (Jealousy!.
Thrloa baited In the water of the Styx,
love had ne more foroe to wound them
than has a child's tooth to wound a
avooodllr'a skin,"
' They cared for their lives no more than
Tor an old slipper. At their house In
"Vienna their friends found dishes mado by
a learned oook whom Bsvtne concealed, for
Rothschilds chef had formed a plot to
also him and vet his recipes. Why did
dot Bsrlne an if the woman, who was his
ooconplloa, became masters of the universe,
, Tet In New Tork, "M Jut Comts Do Toulous
Xavutrer had to pawn his ooat to pay the
fine imposed In a police oourt. Artsr his
vperlnnnas in I:usnla Savins went to
TYanoe and the-e in IKS be was oondemned
to tliree months Imprisonment for fradulent
derloes. In 3 SUB he was acrwls arrested, but
made a darln escape from the I"alala de
Justice by Winding- a warden with red
He fled te Belgium, and. betnf pursued
jumped from a train and broke his leg.
Soms Jesuits, who ware paaalnc, picked
him up. nursed him, and rave him money
e fo this country.
rortaaei tn 1 av.
His fortunes want from bad to worse
In this city In November. IStC, In was
arrested for drawtnc a pistol on a cahmaa
i turned MoOvv-an. but he was diacharved.
Asraln he escaped punishment In February,
111?;, when aocrused of swlndllnc Iflss Alios
Idasvn. of No. U West Twenty-alxth street.
out of Hat on a wo-thless bond. He was la
Tamua Fla., d urine the war with Spain
and afomrry utreti General VI 11m to make
hits one of hir aidns de ramp.
Savins was arrested In Chloaro In AprH.
HdQ. and ertra fitted to Montreal, charsd
with forrlnc btuls to the amount of Cno,
OTB oa the Bank of Nova Scotia. Ho was
entenred In November. 1900, to five years
lmprlaunmcait In the Ft- Tlnoent de Paul
penitentiary. In Canada, but after a ywar
ho was released on parole. Hs passed his
leifture In priaiin by writing a romance
which be nailed hi memoirs and whioh bs
K.ttOe&. "Tlie True Story of a True Man;
Cor.fnsslons of a Nihilist Chief."
IThils on iarole be was about to sail
from New Tork on a FVench steamer.
He was arrested, but the Canadian authori
ties did not concern themselves.
To follow all Baflne's ohllquit-'tlao to too
tabs and too tortuous. Last June 'ho was
arrested In Paris on a demand fur his ex
tradition that came from Bremen. Ho
pleaded innocence to the public prosecutor
and raised a tremendous uproar by at-
mrt Will t Take Cewatry by
foaqweot r Err Emklltk
Tvtmt ante.
I'AKiS. Sept St. The French Foreicn
office declares that any nr-rotle tions with I
Great Brl'-aln on the subject of Morocco
do not fro beyond the question of a frenerul
(rood understanding
The officials flatly deny that France 1
entertaining scheme for a protectorate
over or a conquest of Morocco and express
surprise at the persistence of the press
reports attributing such plans to France
and asserting that Great Britain' consent
ha been purchased by concession in
The ctroost that could happen in the case
of certain eventualities would be that
France would ei ere lee its right of assistine
tlie sultan in policing the frontir districts.
LONDON. Sept- 26-The British Foreign
office. In denying the statement of the Pari
oorrewpondert of the rally Mall that Great
Britain and Spain had agreed to the estab
lishment of a French protectorate over
Morocco. characterises the story a
'groundless nonsense."
Lllrsei Agwwt f Maredawtaas Ost
f raaeai Wltsesses la
Drvyfws Cms.
katrkel reataata Ssff ts Kisled
of Its C vteeta ad Itattfewrs
aad Mordere-rs tn la
"ivi Their E.san.
P'ASHl.NGTOX. PaM Spt. K A muruer
and rcil.lrj- occurred this afternoon oa
te Middleton road, about fteen mile
irom here Sumuet L. Ferguson of the
Ferguson Construction company of, Pitts
burg, was instantly killed and his sec-rrttj-y,
Charles L. Martin of Cincinnati,
wa fatally injured.
The two men were driving along the
rood in a buggy, iarrying CSiW in cash
with whic h to pay off some of their men
employed on construction work along the
line of the "Wabash railroad, when tud
denly an explosion of dsuamlte in the
roadway literally tore the rig to pieces,
killed Fergjson outright and threw Mar
tin 1( feet, tearing hi left eye almost
from the socket.
It has been learned that two men, sup
posed to be Poles, placed the dynamite
in the road for the purpose of killing
Paymaster Ferguson and had arranged
to explode It by means of an electric bat
tery. The satchel containing the money
Is missing. Two suspects arc tinder arrest.
r Denleyi
(Crrpyrlrht. ISa;. by Press Publishing Cm.)
PARIS. Sept. JB. (New Tork "vTorld Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Tom mror-
mstlon lodged In the 'World s Paris bureau farm, near th scene of the tragedy, which
"WASHINGTON. Pa., Sept. 26 TTp to 11
o'clock ttWay there were no further de
velopment in the crime resulting in the
muruer and robliery of Contractor Fergu
son on the "West Middletown road yester
day afternoon.
The two men who were apprehended as
susjiect were identified as Frank Francis
and Joseph Huston, former employes at
the Furgeson ramp. They disclaim any
knowledge of the crime and say that on
Thursday night they slept at MeC;ay's
school house, about four mile nurttwefrt
of this place and on the main road to
West Middletown. They say they can
prove that they had nothing to do with
the robbery of the tool bouse, which was
entered by the men who fixed the fuse thet
biew Ferguson to death.
The abandoned mine on the Patterson
today ft appears that Laxarovich, who 1s
trying in London to raise a HO.OOO.Oif) sub
scription aa a loan to the projected au
tonomous state of Macedonia and who an
nounced himself as tbe bead of the Joint
Macedonian committees, is real'y Cer
nvtseky. who figured in the Ireyfus trial.
His testimony that mryfu was well known
to Austrian officers as a spy cf the triple
alliance did much to convict the aooueed
Thls testimony, since contradicted by "W ea
sel, was mad the basis for the recent ap
plication for a new trial, which wa turned
down on the plea that 1t came through the
minister of war instead of the minister of
Erery Blare asinctf al Allweiew
in rw to Be TWkra late
(Copyright. 1M8. by Press Publishing Ce
BERLIN, Sept t6. (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) A confi
dential circular from the Prussian minister
of Justice asks tbe general attorneys to
prosecute the socialist newspapers for high
treason and to arrest The editors very
time they are responsible for disrespectful
allusions, even lhdlrert. to the emperor's
arts. It is supposed that this circular is
tbe result of recent lenient proceedings in
the courts against socialist editor.
Oawrstlra Oeadacrte r Kew
rhywirlu te Eatlrely
(Copyright. 1B0S, by Press Publishing Co )
MUNICH. Bavaria. Sept X. (New Tork
World Cablegram Special Telegram)
Princess Rupert, who was recently operated
on by a New Tork physician. Dr. Kiuanl,
far appendicitis, has so far recovered aa to
be able to drive out and called on tbe
duchess cf Modena. Tr Klllanl has already
started for Bremen on his way back to New
wa supposed to have been used as a refuge
by re nrlminals, was closed and guarded
all i: st and this morning was thoroughly
expl. ed without any evidence being dis
covered that tbe men had been hiding
there and the searchers left satisfied that
the mine was empty.
i'rrriwa'a etrlel Is "Towed.
Early today John Welsh, a resident of
West Middleton. found the satchel In which
Contractor Ferguson hd carried tbe
money. It was rifled of bills amounting to
about CUW. Some f3U in silver was left
in it.
A coat, "cost and collar were found, but
It i not yet known to whom they belonged.
It had evidently been rifled shortly after
the tragedy by the man who was oeen by
Louis Liggett, the farmer working near
the scene, who guarded his treasure with
a drawn revolver tnd was allowed te go
unmolested for that reason.
Mr. Murtin, the bookkeeper of the Fer
guson Construction company, who was in
the buggv with Mr. Ferguson and was e
vcrcly injured, did not rest well last night
and today was complaining of pain in his
side. The excitement in Washington is
high and many citiicns formed Independent
armed starching parties.
tieneral Manager Norton cf the Ferguson
company due not think that the suspect
under arrest committed tbe deed, but be
lieves they know something about iU Hs
Is of tbe Impression that it was committed
by some one employed in the camp and
that they are remaining In the camp in
order to not excite suspicion.
The dead man wa one of the best known
railroad contractors in the country. Ho
wa associated with his brother, F. M.
Ferguson, in the Ferguson Contracting
cnmjMLuy, the letter being preelownt of the
company. The Ferguson family came ortg
lnal'y from KtmKas and a gr'at deal of
railway work ha been done in the west
by the Terguson company.
High Bevte ef .
BERLIN. Sept. 16. A high speed trial
over the Zossen experiment electric rail
road today resulted in attaining a speed
at the rate of over 117 miles per hour.
Every part of the l(-ton car was Intact
and the roadbed was not affected. The
fact that tbe machinery and roadbed were
not impaired gives every hope of attaining
speed at tbe rate of IS miles per hour.
Slate Oenr la Drrlim.
BERLIN, Sept. SC. Several riots occurred
here, owing to the striking omnibus men
surrounding tbs vehicles driven by non-
strikers, beating tbe driver and cutting 1
the harness of the horses. Poltoe, mounted
and on foot, charged the mob which were
breaking window on the Morltx Plats.
Dasiage te Eslag Baak Ftxtwre aad
afe Mere Them leeary
EWTNG. Neb . Sent. (Special Tele
gram.) The robbeT of the Ewing State
bank Thursday night did not prove profit
able to the robbers, but resulted in the
total demolition of the safe and oons.der
able damage to the banking room and fur
niture. Tbe safe stood outside the vault.
The amount secured by the burglars was
t7.5. being the change kept in the safe
ouLBiue the money chest. Tbe explosion
loosened the chest door, but not sufficiently
to reach the caiih. The effect, however,
of the aeveral explosions was to reduce
about of tbe currency to shreds. The
loss wa fully covered by burglar insur
ant in the Veiled Staves Fidelity Guar-
1 '-r
ErtTT piece of Funiitnre in our
store boucLt Ixfure January lt, 31X13,
will be sold at a Special Discount of
2T jer fnt.
Our complete line of lace curtains
in Brussels, Clunj, Arab and Irish
Toint will-le sold at Special Discount
of 23 per cent.
FA :'H.,r-.A
$225 Salt for $165
C30 nine-piece mahogany dining room
suit. Sideboard has large French plate
mirror, silver drswer lined. M-lnch ped
estal center extension table with claws
feet. China cabinet has pilaster front
and one large mirror back of top shelf.
Five solid mahogany small chairs, ons
arm chair with genuine leather seats
$91.50 Salt for
FPl.SO niaboFBur parlor
ult, back, round cor
nara, beautifaHr Rim pod
anus, spring fceata, cpuo)-
etamd 1n snrln dTnni:k rit-
tdroM after tlie ooloalKl de-
Solid out fivf-drsww rbifTonler, bran trimming.
worth fi.r0.
only, at
rill be sold Mondny,
7xT4 Eip'low Anuinntnr Enps, all now pttlenis
worth will ! Hold Mondny
only, at
tlii.nn solid white maple dresser, French
here! mirror. 4r-inrh buse, j
cant bran trimmings ItmxJ
, Sit, on solid ouarter-sbwed oak tal'le
verv highly polished with f T Ef
i'.uted legs. evln. top, for...
Slt.XB solid quarter-snwed, polinhed
top, pedestal center ex ten- i 4 SLf
aion table, for I.JVJ
K2 SO genuine mahogany dreeeer,
French lievel rlate mirror, 2x!i.
full swell front, hand 4U
rubbed and polished, for ..OI.OO
$25 Rasa for $16. SO
xl room size Brussels rugs A
good line of patterns: worth
CI Of' Flemish f ak davenport, upholstered with
uark red velnur, tufied seat, plain back
(T7.n weathered oak davenport upholstered In best tfj fL'X
quality of leather With spring seat, at 7JfKf
T,.5fl w eathered on k rocker, saddle seat, spindle A f P
gack, for J
It 7B quarter-sawed golden oak rocker,
f oil solid o aarter-sawed golden oak, polish finish,
saddle seat. lor
Solid oak rocker with rodded arms, high back,
cobbler seat, fine finish, for
$35 Rhrs for $25.00
xir and S-BHM; Blge.low Axmln
isier rupR. all new puTterns.
7ob.t:m: 25.00
$40 Kara for $3X75
txiS and h-8ri(i- Royal Bundhar
and Iiigelow Wilton rugs, our full
line of patterns, worth 7E
ve m
PUiM, for
MP nuartered oak. -;ilece parlor suit,
divan, urm chair mio'uniull cl"ir.
spring seats. utholetered 52
in uj?stry. for fcfc.vJV
$3h three-piece mahogany parlor suit,
upholstered in liest uualltv Verona
veiour. leautlfuily carved fi Kfi
comer for 0.V
UK i mahogany parlor suite, divan,
arm chair, small chair, upholstered
In silk tapestry, full Afl
sjrrlng seats, for JJ-1J
tXi.w mahogany finished davenport
gofieeneck arms, upholstered lu cut
veiour, tufted seat, plum 91 flfl
back, for
MS Rutra for $37.50
fcxJ" BigeJow Imperial rugs, our
2 ne Tttems to select from.
to..Vr" .37.50
take the employment offered them in other
camps, leaving their time check with re
sponsible parries to collect Ue money when
navment wa madt and forward It to those
Kaa of KaBT Oooupatioal Etricgeil Down to whom It Is due. He also told the men
by as AiBaBsin.
tenaal eirl Wltaeeoed tbe Ae
samlt IdeatlSee Warn f4"ae
fttrark. the Fatal Blew
NEW TORK. Sept. SB. Frederick Adrian
Verdu, who died early today from wound
Inflicted by an unknown jrsn wl.l.e be
was watching a bouse in Fifty-eighth
street, is said to have l-een at the time a i
paymaster in the navy and wan until re- 1
....... ' 1 . b. n Biimi, T" tii lina.t I
WC11UT' 1U kUV UUllliJ pwu. . j
company as -consulting engineer.
Verdu has len known to many persons,
but little knowledge was possessed by them
as to his career. It is said he re-entered
the navy during th war with Spain and
was In the battle of Manila bay with Ad
miral Dewey.
The police took charge of a man known
that the company would provide shelter
for those who needed ft, and a a result a
large number of them slept In the car
burn last night.
They were fed at the various restaurants,
and, although feeling angry over the en
tire transaction, they seemed Inclined to
be peaceable. If the miners and other
woodsmen who come in tonight are as
peaceable as these are at the present time,
trouble of a serious nature may be averted.
Mlssewrt eeaelor Says that Re Wu
Deceived with BiyiaaT Xewe
pa per Mork
CI DD AVC IC IV U IV AD ' th Portuguese appointee, whose Illness has
IlInllUA 1 I IN F Al llll rr:1D"o oerving. Prof. Demartens
UiUUUkJ lU 111 U1V j was one of the art.itrators In tl.e Plus fund
i claim. In 1'eoemJve" last the professor wa
(Continued from First Fags.) ' awarded the Nobel 'eaoe prire. The other
! arbitrators In the case of the Venezuela a
the acUon of Mgr. Blsletl, and it Is rumored daims are M. Mauravieff. the Russian
this his place will become vacant In the minister of Justice, and Frof. Lemmaech
K.ANSAS CITT. Sept. If, -"William J.
j Stone, Vnited States senator from Mis
souri, today brought suit lm the circuit
court here for HO.euu against George L.
. Chrlsman, presiding Judge of tlie county election of the new pope has leen removed
! court, who was president of the Kansa ; by Flu X ordering another distribution of
near future.
The prelate who finds his position most
uncomfortable at present la Mgr. Mary Del
Val, the acting secretary of state. Al
though enjoying the full confidence of the
new pontiff, be finds hi foreign birth the
cause of muah unpopularity with which
hs Is regarded both In Kome at large and
in the Vatican itseif. everyone Is ready to
blame the poor monaignor for whatever
contretemps happens in the pontifical pal
ace, even when, as is generally Uie ca.1.
he ha nothing whatever to do with the
matter. Moreover, the continual attack
made upon him by the liberal pres of the
Eternal City render hi position In the
Vatican one of the mosl difficult.
The dissatisfaction among the pontifical
troops arising from the smallness of the
gratuities distributed among them after the
City Times company before tbe Time was
bought by tbe Star.
In 1K9S, according to Senator Stone's al
as Joseph Hanson, who was found near tlie WtUon. ln hlt ,ull, vnen Jud chrlsman
soe.ue ox vur muroeruus lick. j ui
wa missing and be showed sign of having
been engaged in an encounter. Fapers in
hi iHtckets indicated, according to the
police, that Verdu had been doing detective
work and that he and Hanson had been
working together, shadowing a woman
near the scene for several days.
A. servant girl Is the only person found
so far who witnessed the assault. She
say Verdu and Hanson were walking to
gether when two men approached and
Verdu was struck down, while Hanson
escaped. Later, at the station, she picked
anty company of Baltimore and the loss j ' among nine me. a. the per.
Wiis edUBicu iim;. ou "who struck the man with m chih
and others bought the Time, Mr. Stone,
then a cahdidute for senatorial honor, was
Induced to take S10.UOO worth of stock in
the newspajier, which, he alleges, he wa
led to telleve was controlled by Judge
Chrisman end tbe latter' friends
Senator Stone asHerts that be la er learned
that the paimr's policy wa really controlled
by a certain railway and other corpora
tion. He alleges that be was maliciously
of Austria.
wad red Old
Syw dictate Bey frevrw H
rieiree rsn Sedtam mt
(Copyright, aos, by Frees Publishing Cn.1
GENOA, Italy. Sept. X. (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telogram.) A Geuoa
syndicate, of which Mr. BottazEl is presi
dent, has Just bought from the Turkish
government 700 old cannon formerly used
for the del en se of TrlpoJ and the Cyrenean
coast. The cannon date from the time wheu
the Chevaliers of Malta occupied Tripoli.
in the morning and at explosions were
beard by the dtixens. By the time people
" I arr.ved at the bank the gang had departed.
Coleravd Kllitta Take Maw late Ca- TLt. f an adjoining county hap-
dy, allealag (hat He la
tlsatdatrd Ut-tver.
. Jt . , a V. . . , . n'nlnntr I
me anaca a n- lter ah. K ... to h-v. a.ert. hr.t
Hanson struck the blow which felled
J pened to be ln town with a bloodhound on i
the trail ol some eiore uurgiibra .ho iiau
Tlie lUetsure of this lif dextnd en
tiretj npoo tiie conflitldn of tout heaUh.
Sickly Jiexole. titid rwleriuIlT thcine w ho
are dv.ej.raa cautiot n)wy life. Tber
are iirrvout. Irritotile and always "out
ot aorta." u-h Mru2is ahould know
I HI "ill j.oaitivftir re-
&1 iiAH " to ro-
r" V5- at-kt IK orlh
j " liTinj;. It wili j.ut
jia7 ul" IB
C "rmaJ taditioa,
f , i J.'; at tn0a.t. A atitat,! V n
O .Viid CUP
Loss of Appetite.
CUwral Debility,
Sick Headache,
Dy;wp&ia and
Liver Troubles.
a --
Try si
a aaine has uur n.
V a tU lue Wi4io
CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo.. Sept. 2C -Tii-Uaro
Ioddworth, president of union No.
IZ, was arrested this morning at hi home
in Goldfleld by the military and thrown
in th "bull pen." He aaked tbe soldiers
with what crlm he wa charged, but they
refused to assign any reaaan for taking
him Into euetody. Doddswortn was but
recently elected president of the Victor
union. He ts a large property owner in i
tbe town of Goldneid.
It is said that tbe military heard that
Dodswurth was expressing strong opin
ions against thtflr presence ln tne district
and Iia this reason It was deemed fit to
place him in the bull pen.
Plans for the Importation of l.ittf strike
breakers are said to have been made by
the Mine Ownurs' association.
Adjutant Geuerul Ball said this after
noon that Dodaswonh would he preee
cuted on the charge cf having threatened
and Intimidated James Boyle, a Oirvtrr In
orated at Brunswick the previous night.
They tried to pick up a trail at the bank,
but without suocesa The aherin" of Holt
county has the case in hand and Is work
ing on such clues as he has been able to
Brawlers Arrive at Case 1 far
Desartsml ( let es Araar
UC The lirst military excitement ln thia
ptrt of Hardin county since last, when
General Hutil iilaced a detachment of in' on Furt Hill, a short distance from
West point, was upon the peuplo today as
they gaaed ln asinnishment upon the ar
rival of tralnload after trainluad of en
listed men and their equipment. Alto-
Jedge milliaa CUleesle Wylie.
NEW TORK, Sept. it William Gillefipie
Wylie of Nfw Orleuna. 1., Justice of the
Verdu 1 supreme court ui iuuisiiiuia. hcfj
It is said thet Mrs' Verdu i the daughter ! of I'""""'" the steamor St.
of a wealthy family. With ber husband lx,um 'M,ul liohl Urt n!"ht- 3uAf:e
cv,. irt i t JHf u "i w nec ne nuarueu me Ficaroer,
whleL ebe was sumomned to the h on pi Lai.
money in amount equal to the flrBt. so that
at least in thi mutter the acting secretary
of slate will find some peace.
While F.ome is practically deserted and
tlie congregation rlosed, news comes of a
gret victory obtained by the congregation
of the propaganda regarding the Catholic
mission ln China. The Chinese govern
ment agreed to give pecuniary compensa
tion for the church property destroyed by
tbe Boxers, to grant freedom for the exer
cise of religious practices within the em
pire and to recognize all the churches,
schools and mission houses of lbs Catho
lics as foreign territory to le protected. If
occasion ariae. by lir.jerla! troops. Singu
larly enough, such concessions have been
obtained through the Influence of the rep
resentatives of the same government which
is banishing from their homes and schools
and churches so many thousands of re-,
ligioua orders in France.
Third Arbitrator Is Xaaaed.
THE HAG VE, Sept. 2C -Tbe czar has ap-
wl.ich arrived here today from Southamji- i pointed M. Demartens. professor of lnteroa
ton. St. Louis stopped one of It etignet ! Uonal law at the University of St. Prtero-
C-prvpp prnpi C QUI IT flMT early Tuesday and after several hours j burg, to 1 th third arbitrator ln tbe
Oft I tn rturut anu I UU I I ftttrte(J Uie en,n. oin- fct ivt UBUaJ claim of the allied powers agalnat Venez
uela fur prtierentlal treatment in place of
BerreersuuiTe ef Sew Veirk Baakere
Will et Be Allowed Eaasalae
Cealidated Be.
sjeed (lie of the passengers attempted
to send a story ashore by wireless te.leg
rtpt J". saying that the enrrlnes broke down
and that a panic occurred among the pa-
I sengers. The message was held up by the
DETROIT, eit. 1:6 A sjieclal from Sault I ahip's censor. Tbe ofBers deniel that
Ste. Marie says: thers was a panie. Tliey said tbe JourniUa
A deadlock between the officials of the : were overlieated, which cauaed the delay.
For the ( are ef DrtaVraiMi.
FEF-LIN, Sept, 3C The city of Dresden
will open on October 1 the first Institution
for tbe cure of drunkenness on tbe conti
nent. Patients m-ust tie examined as to
their sanity and 1 diagnosed as curative,
and must voluntarily submit to a regime of
healthful living such as farm work. Thy
will here good, moral surroundings and
must pay 45 cents a day. Patients Buy
sleep threw years ln the Institution.
Unrrerta Leaser Sarrcadera.
MANILA, Sept. 36. General Ola, leader
of tbe band of lnsnrrectos which has been
creating considerable trouble ln the prov
ince of Albay, Luson, has surrendered te
the American troops with twenty-eigftt of.
tioers and men of command.
To Preweaxt tXsalaratlsa.
LISBON, Swpt. St. Tbe Portugoae gov
ernment has decided to establish a special
police force at tbe Asore islands to pre
vent th secret emigration which has been
proceeding lor considerable time, cspeclallg
to tbe United States.
Eartkcsak (a Cwba.
SANTTAOO, Cub, Sejt. S6. A sharp
rarthquak shock was felt here today, the
fourth within a month. No damage wa
getlier the railroad had eighteen troop
the employ of the Colorado Trading and trains oa the st heduie and many of tbem
Transfer company, r o charges nave yet
been mad against tbe five other prisoner
held by th military.
Pari!, Basctar, kar tlaat tarrt 1
till rkaaw Swr Ber t
B1TTAL0. Sept. Jt-Mra. Jefferaon Ivt'
Is worse maming. ber condition being
oonsioered critical. Tbe dorurs say, how
over, thai the rrtsis has not been rch-3
and ahould shs get relief she r:ny rw-ovtsr
Serosal relative and fnend have arrive! i S
and are at her bedside.
Aa Increasing weakness 1 noted. At
: o'clock Mrs. lvi' eond Uon ac sail
t he tutcbangwd,
had arrived and the commands had been
assigned lu their Quarters before noon.
Tim oust is six i nc he thick over every -thiLig
and the soil as hard as Cist, soaking
Uie Ihrowiiig up of groundworks a laborious
task. The arrivals today were: Nine troops
of th Srventn cavalry from ChicAamauga,
five troop of tbe Eighth cavalry from
Jefferson Barrack, four companies of th
Twentieth ii.antry, 700 men of the Third
infantry and 3j0 of tlie First infantry, ail
of Fort Sheridan.
Pi I ate Baaker Dteassean.
V:?-; t l.a. Sept 3a Tb alleged disap-
ptifc.M.:. 4,f S. k.alnian. prtiprietor of a pri-
-. e i ai Bcr.wiiviiie. r-a.. parroniseo fcy
. a .t.a I'roatinas oaued great escrte-
ii, i.::,,-i. ins iireigner. t our Infwrsna-
uo:.. utii emlatjiiement. have tiet'iUl
euierea againt Kilmau. nut the rmrtahe
bfce not kuuw3d la locating him. It is
al.eeed that Lb Wtei diueaua ware anuui
Conaolidi-ted Lake Suiierior company and
the representative of the Sjiejer company
has developed, but for what reason cannot
be learned here at this time. Mr. Bicknell.
a Tortonto attorney, arrived
under orders from S;eyer
possession of tbe plant.
Before hi arrival Mr. Coyne, assistant
te the president, had sent a circular
through the offices of the company order
ing heads of departments to keep every
thing under lock and key and deny the au
thority of the Speyer representatives.
Tbe beans of department are ordered
tkat if the Speyer people enter the cfflce
Wilhelae Maam.
M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb.. Sept. 36.
(Social Wiihehn Mann, a resident of'
I Turk rrfinr.tT fnrr nvmtT V,t T-t V . r mm
ved yesterday, ., ..... - . ,
. fl'ed at U home yesterday of peralv'ai. He
A Co., to take;, ,, . :. ,. . ,
leai e a wl.'a and seven children. Mr. Mann
wa bom in Franklin county. Pennsylvania,
October 16, 1K ln 18EI be was married to
Ml Minnie L DuiAer at Dayton. O. They
moved to Illinois, wliere they resided for
short time and then came to Tork county.
T. aw saaaltr.
NEBPASKA CTTT. Neb.. Sept. X (Sjw-
cial Telegram. T. K. Wooster. on of tbe
and attempt to show their atuhority to shut 0lQMt .. tlf the Hurhnpton at thi
up everything and cluee the office.- poluU drfippt,d oead here this afternoon.
What the meaning of thi is. the officials Mr. Woo,ver wa C year, old and had been
of th. Consolidated compaty refuse to u,. tmpioy ut the B. A M. for a number
stale. Mr. Bicknell and Mr. Coyne apent ot yetL Ior the p, ttlet M WUlIlg
all of yesterday afternoon in conierenoe. I rWk . ,y. frlirv,i ofhc here
uui iicimer aouia lv wnat naa been ao
coc.pliabed. There was no trouble last night among
the woodsmen who arrived from the north.
They were inclined to be ugly on their ar
rival because of what they termed tb
Bailscaa faarar at Master Be y .
OTPTEB BAT, N. T Sept 26 -Busmes
practically iui been KuHpendnd at tne ri-e-utue
ofheea. Nearly all of tlie ofhee
future have tneii tia'ked aid mmtt ft
li.-rvi I. i-rurf X- 1m. blll.l-rf ft.
double dealing cf the company in not nav- ; Waaliingiun in aiilh:ijUon ,f the presi
Uig anybody at lb train te dm them, a I dent d.-nanure for t tie eapftal on klon
they said had ben promihed before leaving I Qy T'T president re ied 110 nsiturs
. today. He oevoied hi last wek'la :
wooo. I 1 in- country to outdoor eaer,jjae Th r
A tnae xueetiiig (if the wuodiunen wa ' l-orr thai lb prtwideut wiii take a trip
held and Mavor PlumBM- addressed them. I l" ,u" Adimndai x niuuntaaua in UctoU-.r it.
He urged the xwen to be calm and face the lUiOUl tuul"Ul Uu
situation in tbe best manner possible, aim ! ATFMAN S BAN1 lusptniig music
it w as unevBldabi. Ho urged the aen to t Special xu-uawajo Mondajr at Bennett A
i 11 t r- r M"
Thron rlniic L WS.
a as - aa 1
only at
Her Grand Hotel
Omaha, Neb.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
September 28, 29, 30.
The Exjenaive Exhibit of
Original Albrecht Furs
Tou will lie given an opportunity of ex
amining these luxuriouf 1 ur wtiich re
retieni the pick of the World Fur Mar.
ket ln eiterie and the latest style from
the laahion capiiai of Euit'i and Amer
ica. It 1 nut safe to buy "fur." a conimoditv
fif whii h uLr personal anowieoge w lin.
iieci. tl um other thui a reputable Fur
Houe. Nearly bait a century .f lair
dealing lias made the nanie Alurecht "
siioi. n'uua wuh "Correct Furs" thr ough
out tlie land
ui repieeiiiam e, Mr. Clurke. will be
, leaned to show uu uur mi i,n,(ral.u lln
f Fur inrint and V'-twrar miH tek
vourmroer for future oellvery. Don't fll
to exi.niiiie lii'-ae turn, lut ajD 1 uit i
buy. ciur kkj anu vlue are wunh yout
L ALBRECHT & SON, 20 E. 7th St. St. Paul, .Minn