An Adirondack Stag Party C. If. Eckcrman's Story of An Outing Last Summer 3" X ?t Vf. M. 2 " 'vL')t. 'V... ,0. Ttie Oovfrnor went to hla Inland Kamp, Whoop her lip, Rebecca! The fire was warm ami the lake was damp, Whoop her up, Rebecca! lie paddled after a bg cow-moose, Her nose hooked up r.nd her Hp hung loo.e. And heading her off with many a ruse, Cried, Whoop her up, Rebecca ! i 1 Knurr A was a big, wild, stilt- I 1J I leRged, bump-faced, female, I I ' who broke upon us darkly In tha IJJHl early dawn, Just as we were turn- i ' Hit ing over for a final beauty sleep on the fragrant balsam boughs of an open island camp on I-ake Kora, a part of Gov ernor Woodruff's famous Kamp Kill Kare. Every night the governor Invited a small party of us to this island, far distant from the main camp, so that we might rea'Ize how deep we were In the heart of the wilderness. Lying here, with only the shel ter of an open "lean-to" above us and a log Are blazing at our feet, we knew that all the strange denizens of the forest were prowling about us in the most approveJ "deer-slayer" fashion. If any of us thought we were drawing a bit on our Imaginations, that Idea was startled out of us when Re becca loomed up out of the lake in the utarry dawn, looking as big as a block of houses to our astonished gaze. Wow, moose is big game and bull moose Is sometimes dangerous game, but the closed season and Rebecca's sex prevented any shooting. Rebecca disappeared for the time, but at daylight the governor sent guides to beat up the bush and drive her Into the lake, where ensued a lively canoe chase, in which the governor skillfully drove the creature on to the shore, where one of the party managed to get a camera hot at her curious elongated physiognomy which here comes bunting eo lntruslvtly Into the foreground. The present utory turns upon Kamp Kill Kare and the governor or, to be pre cise, Hon. Timothy L. Woodruff, three times lieutenant governor of New York, re publican leader, successful nit re liant and manufacturer and enthusiastic lover of outdoor life. If you read the papers you know that the governor is always doing something, but it Is never hla fellow man. If you imagine him as only or chiefly a politician, you nilss the larger side of one of the most in teresting and forceful personalities In American public life. Politics is only one Item in his account. He is one of the few who can hold politics in one hand and business in the other without ever crossing his hands. He has won his way manfully step by step to prosperity, not through politics, but by unflagging energy In com mercial life and sound business Judgment. He started after graduation from Yale col lege as a clerk in a wholesale establishment downtown in New York City. He is now a director in many bunks and trust com panies and president and treasurer of a number of large manufacturing corpora tions. Every affair he has touched has felt the force of his enthusiasm and industry. When the Birlth Premier Typewriter com pany was reorganized last winter hi w male its president and has accomplished the feat of putting up a factory bu:ldiug containing 'jw.WO feet of floor spare in three months, when It was generally be lieved it would take eight to ten months. The company's branch office managrrs all over the United Staid became imbued this spirit and were hustling for orders all summer as they had never hustled before. "Now," said President Woodruff, one au tumn day, "stop hustling for a week. Come fjp to Kamp Kill Kare and enjoy yourselves, Tery man of you. Get out of the heat nd dust and grlud; get away rum bikka -1, . GKNKRAl, PROSPECT and mortar, Ftone pavements and larsalns and sales. Come to the mountains for a week and live." When the governor comes Into that rort of game, the limit is off. They came from all over; spent a dy at Syracuse inspecting the new tig plant and then "plunged" per Ad rondack si eclal Into the wilderness. For a week those forty men lived. Kamp Kill Karo, on the borders of beau tiful Lake Kora, is by long odd the most picturesque of the famous Adirondack camps. It 1 about ten mi'.03 from Ra quette Lake station, and more than fifteen miles in every direction from any human habitation except the camps of Alfred G. Vanderbilt and J. Pierpont Morgan, each about three miles d stant. The country is so wild that it cost from $4,00) to per mile to build the twenty or so miles of wagon roads leading to these different camps. Governor Woodruff's domain here consist of 1.500 acres and the main camp is situ ated In a clearing of perfectly kept grounds In the midst of fragrant mounUtn balsams, spruce, cedar and birch, and consist cf nearly a dozen picturis:iue cottages and other buildings, largo und small, built of well matched, rough-sawn cedar logsi with out, but finished and equipped Inside lo the limit of civilized comfort and con venient and consummate taste. Some of the most prominent figure i in public life have been among the fortunate guests of Kamp Kill Kare. When Frank T. Black was governor of New York In '97- 98 he was here a great deal. Governor Odell has been here several times, and twlje for quite a visit with Senator Piatt. C. P. Huntington, who had a camp In Raquette Lake, in which he died two years ago, often came here. In front of the main camp a green slope reaches down through a balsam to Lake Kora, a mile long mirror, wherein the hill gods make their daily toilet, where the wild deer and moose swim unmolested till the hunting t-eason opens, and spe k.ed trout Joyously wag their little tails and sometimes swallow a gorgeous ily with a governor or a United States senator at the other end of the line. Two big bl ick bears Dick and Marie are chaineJ neir the lake and a beautiful little spot e 1 fawn trots confidently about the piths and grassy banks and even occasionally ventures Indoors. To this woodland parndise came the forty weary and dusty typewriter pluggerj to "loaf and invito their souls," and, as one of the forty, the writer can attest that while our s iuls may have lit e:i along they never gave us a moment's uneasiness from the instant of entering the char i el domain. Our stomachs were, the ptineipil features In evidence. The air, clear, cold and tonic as rare wine, gives one a raven ous uppetite und when we were not eating or drinking we were generally getting ready to. We fished, swam, paddled or rowed, and roamed at will over the beautiful grounds, or, accompanied by proficient guides, ven tured deeper into the forest. At nlht we were duly installed under much-needed blankets in the various cottages of the main camp, except those of us who pre ferred an open camp, or "lean-to," on balsam boughs before one of the roaring log fires, blazing everywhere about the camp, indoors and out, after dark until morning. And h re we slept the sleep of the JuHt-ari Ivtd. One day we climried the mountain west of the lake to a smaller camp with a bal cony built over the sheer face of the mountain and from which w behold a AT KAMP KIIX KAUIi ) x v - ... i inin 11,11 Willi t ' JtxJjjji ' S&f." . ' f V-TVS; . VV Ortr'vP-- 'V - ' ' . t : . c - ; ON BEAUTIFUL magnificent prospect of shining laxrs and bills beyond hills, stretching away, in all shades of green and misty blue. This wonderful observation point Is well called "Krow's Knest." (It is the fashion of the Kamp to spell everything possible) with a "K.") It Is .perched on tlu back bone of hills which form the watershed between the Hudson and St. l.awrenco rivers, and overlooks two or three lakes which mark the points of un equal-sid-d triangle, exactly two miles between each. One lake is a rart of Mr. Morgan's camp, the second of Mr. Vanderbilt's and tho third Is Lake Kora, one of the head waters of the Hudson and part of our ownv Kamp Kill Kare. Our own we called it, because our host and hostess made It ours with n complete and tactful hospitality which captured all our hearts. In lis general aspect the camp is similar to other large Adirondack camps, but u, captivating note of individuality prevail throughout the entire scheme of Kami Kill Kare and Is manifest In every func tion of the exquisitely perfect entertain ment offered to its guests. The Kamp I everywhere pi rvaded by the rare spirit of its unique host and charming hostess. You see and feel at every turn the hearty, spontaneous, democratic good-fellowshi, which has made Governor Woodruff at once a comrade and a leader of men. To one who has not visited the Kamp It Is Impossible to convey on paper mo e than the faintest idea of its Inlinlte variety of charm, both of nature and art. The site was evidently an old Indian bunting ground long before the days of Fenlmor.i Cooper's faniou t heroes. Many of the In teresting relics and oddities usel In lha decoration or construction of the Kamp buildings, such as arrow heads, uxes, hatchets, knives and moose horns, were found In excavating for cellars, In plow ing the gardens or in dynamiting stumpi to make pasture. With few exceptions, u.'l the rustic furniture und the ur'ously wrought iron work, everywhere In evidence, were made here by Governor Woodruff's force of bandy men, all natives of tho woods, who have learned to handle a saw or use a forge as well as an axe. On the island In Iike Kora, reached by a long rustic bridge, lighted at night wlUi hundreds of colored lanterns, is Kill Kare Kabln, a huge cusUc playhouse equlppcl 4 I LAKE KORA. WATCHING REBECCA with every means of enjoyment and en tertainment which u lively stag party could Imagine or desire. Here the "boys" gath ered daily on the wide piazza overlooking the lake and nightly around the great stone fireplace to swap yarns, or about tho piano to acclaim melodiously that classic locality "Down Where the Wurxburger Flows" with appropriate Illustrations drawn from a keg skillfully conveyed Into the scene on a wheelbarrow. One of the most Interesting things about this whole hilarious expedition is the fact that it was a sterling example of the mod ern spirit in business affairs which brings the heads of great enterprises and their employes together upon- a high plane of mutual respect and recognition, not only to the benefit of humanity and go. d fcllowshlp, but to flic Immense advantage of the business In which they are mutually Interested. C. W. ECKERMAN. - t ' - " , y- i ; :-' J