Tlin OMAHA DAILY ttEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. 1903. 3 f K THREATEN GOVERNOR'S CHILD Bold Attempt Had to K enapOns of Eii Little Girli. PLOT HATCHED BY CONVICTS FOR REVENGE Virarl kf a Trusty, but It Was Rot Believed Any Allrmpl Woill Bo Made la Pertln Publle Place. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Bept. M. (Special.) An un successful attempt was made yesterday afternoon to kidnap Elizabeth Mickey, the 1-year-old daughter of Governor Mickey, while she waa at play with a number of I girls of her own age In the front yard of tha executive mansion. The acreama of the little girl and the heroic cries and fight on the part of her playmates pre vented the man from carrying out his purpose. He did succeed In carrying her half a block from the yard, with the other little girls hanging to his coat and clothing, each screaming at the top of her Voice, when, probably through fear of de tection, he dropped her. It la Relieved, and there Is evidence to substantiate the belief, that this was the result of the scheme on the part of a Dumber of convicts at the state peniten tiary who dealre to wreak vengeance upon Governor Mickey because he refused to Interfere In the case of Murderer Rhea. The man who made the attempt Is thought to be an ex-convlct recently released. The little girls could give no description of him other than that he was a large man with closely-cropped hair and a stubby beard. He waa dressed In the garb of a working man. That such a deed was contemplated by the convicts was reported to Warden Beemer three weeks ago, and again the morning before the attempt. The warden reported each time to the governor. The Informant waa a truaty and he told War den Beemer that Immediately after the hanging of Rhea the convicts began to dlacuss some means of getting even with the governor. It waa finally decided that one of his children should be kidnaped by one or more of the convlcta whose terms would expire soon. When the mat ter was first reported to the warden he placed little credence In It, thinking that possibly the convict was trying to curry favor. He reported to Oovernor Mickey, however, and the two discussed whether to call In the police, and finally decided not to do so, the governor agreeing to keep a sharp lookout. The matter waa then reported to Mrs. Mickey and the chil dren were forbidden to leave the yard after dark, the governor not thinking that an attempt would be made In the daytime, The day preceding the attempt the trusty again reported to Warden Beemer that the attempt was sure to be made and asked him to warn the governor. This so excited Governor Mickey that he decided to take the children Into his confidence. K arrived home after the man had al ready tried to ateal the child. The gov emor tried to keep the matter quiet, but It leaked out this morning. At present he la using all precautions to prevent a second and possibly a successful attempt. ' Mother Nearly Frantic. Governor Mickey has five children at 'home, three boys and two girls, ranging in age from t to 14 yeara. None of these la allowed to leave the yard gfter dark and the little girls are never out of sight of their mother, who is nearly frantlo with fear, lest one of them be. stolen. The children have all been told, and, while the -little girls, are too young, to understand what It means, the other children are remaining at home constantly. The trusty reporting to Governor Mickey aid that the children of a minister who worked to prevent Rhea from getting a pardon were also to be kidnaped. While Governor Mickey la worried and fears that the convict's story Is true, there Is yet a chance that It may not be. It has been suggested that pessibiy the convict who told the stories to Warden Beemer may dealre to secure favors at his hands, or at the hands of the governor, and it was for that reaaon he talked and friends of his on the outside- made the attempt to give credence to the story. On the other hand there la no question but that the convicts were considerably worked up over Rhea hanging and felt revengeful toward Governor Mickey. Among the most desperate of them Rhea appeared as a hero, for his abuse of the guards and for his utter diaregard of rules and regu lations of the prison. Porter Glvaa Tea Days to Answer. William F. Porter,, formerly secretary of state and member of the Marks and Brands commission, has ten daya In which to tell the district court why he hasn't "put It back." It refers to the 11,618.85, which Por ter received as a member of that commit tee, and which the supreme court said he should put into the treasury. Attorney General Prout secured a reinstatement of tha cabo before Judge Frost. The court entered an order for an answer to be filed la tea days. Whan the suit was originally brought 1b this court Porter's bondsmen aa sec retary of state were also made defendants. Counsel for the defenae filed a demurrer claiming that the fees were not collected by Porter by virtue of his office as secre tary of state, but as a member of tho marks and brands committee. It appeared that the collections exceeded the amount sued t for, and that a considerable sum had bean paid out for clerk hire to keep the records of marks and brands. The de murrer to the petition was sustained In the district curt and the attorney general carried the case to the supreme court. The latter recently sustained the de cision of the lower court so far aa It re lated to the bondamen, but reversed It as to Porter, remanding the case against him for further proceedings in the lower court. It held that the aum expended for clerk hire had been properly expended, but that Porter must account to the state for all fees received In exoeaa of that expense. It released the bondsmen on the ground that the collections of fees Involved was not a constitutional duty contemplated In the giving of his bond. Attorneys say that they do not see that Porter has any other answer to make under the ruling of the supreme court ex cept to put the money back Into the state treasury. See for M'olf Bounty Claim. In the case brought against Auditor Weston by the Lincoln Sufe Deposit com pany to require him to pay the company ILM under the wolf bounty appropriation, the attorney general has filed a demurer. In his petition the plaintiff seta up that some years prior to the filing of Its ap peal from the action of the state auditor parties In various parts of the state had killed wolves and thereafter made proofs to the clerks of the respective counties In which the animals were killed, and that more than two yeara after such certifica tion had filed their certificates In the of fice of the state auditor, but there was at that time no appropriation from which they could be paid. Afterward the claims were assigned to plaintiff for consideration, nd at the last session of the legislature an appropriation of 140,000 was made to meet the wolf bounty claims. The plaintiff allegea that the committee on claims In the last leglrlature was fur nished a list of wolf bounty claims on file In the office of the state auditor, which list Included the claims Involved In this ppeal, that the appropriation was suf- flcent to pay all such clalma and was so pproprlated In contemplation of the pay ment of all such Items then pending. But when they were presented to the state auditor 1160 of the VM were rejected be cause the certificates of the county clerk had not been presented to the state auditor within two years of their certification. A achedule attached to the appeal ahows that of the 233 wolves and coyotes, fifty- nine are alleged to have been killed In Kimball county, forty-two In Cherry, sixty-eight In Deuel, forty-three In Thomas, thirty-seven In Gage, thirty-one In Boone, three each In Buffalo and Lancaster and one In Knox. Judge Cornish has the demurer under ad visement. Library Commission Active. The school and home libraries of Ne braska are the objects of especial concern on the part of the Library commiaslon. In order to atimulate the growth and In fluence of these libraries, the commission has Just printed and distributed 11,00) coplea each of two circulars entitled "List of Books Suitable for Presents for Chil dren," and "Suggestions for the Observ ance of Library Day In the Piibllo School i of Nebraska, October 23, 1903." It Is In tended that these circulars shall reach every teacher In the state. Governor Mickey left this evening for Osceola, where he will spend Sunday and Incidentally deliver an address at the dedi cation of the Swedish Baptist church of that place. J. A. C. Kennedy, a fusion member of the house of representatives from Douglas county, of the late session, has tendered his resignation to Governor Mickey, and It has been accepted. Mr. Kenneiy re signed to take the place of deputy under County Attorney English. 1L IAB DENTI TRY BY OLD, RELIABLE, PAINLESS, EXPERT ACCURATE, DENTISTS. Skilled Specialists in Each De partment. No Students to Experiment on You. The Professor Do Your Work. ' "r'1'"'-'J3 Peculiar Accident Happens to Man. HASTINGS. Neb., Sept. 26 (Speclal.) A peculiar accident happened ' to George Rltcheson this morning which will lay him up for some time. A horse fell down In the stable and got Ita front feet tangled In the manger so that It could not get up. Mr. Rltcheson came to the animal's as sistance and succeeded in releasing it. Freed, the animal arose violently so that the man was thrown under the manger and In. turn waa unable to arise. The horse trampled upon Mr. Rltcheson's egs and when he was released he was unable to walk. Upon examination the physician found that the lateral ligaments of the left limb had been torn loose. Grain Destroyed by Fire, PAPILLION, Neb., Sept. 26. (Special.) About 10 o'clock last night fire consumed four stacks of oats and one of wheat on the' farm of Peter Elhers, five, miles southwest of Papllllon. A threshing outfit that had been working there during the day was also badly damaged, the separator being ruined, Ths loss will be heavy and It Is not known whether there was any Insur ance. The cause of the fire cannot be as certained, but it is thought to be the work of an Incendiary, The grain burned ao rapidly that nothing could - be done to aave It Beatrice Council Electa Officers. BEATRICE. Neb.,. Sept. 21 (Special.) Beatrice council No. 124, Knights and La- dlea of Security, met last night In regular session and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Mary B. Stew art, president; Mrs. Mabel B. Cox, first vice president; Mrs. Hattle Johnson, second vice president; Mrs. Anna Horner, prelate; Mrs, Delia Burllngham, financial and corre sponding secretary; Mrs. N. A. Scott, treas urer; Mrs. Jennie Walker, conductor; Mra, Lucy Ayers, Inner guard; T. V. Rhodes, outer sentinel. Officers will be Installed at the first meeting In October. TESTIMONIALS After having seven gets of teeth made by supposed to be the best dentists, I nearly lost all faith In dentists, but being advised by so many to try the ITnlon Dental col lege, I went and had a set bf teeth made, and I am thankful to those professors who made me uuch a fine fitttlng set of teeth. I recom mend all who are looking for high class dentistry, gentlemanly treat ment and low prices to go to the Union Dental -College, 1522 Doug las street MRS. D. II. JOnNSOX, 9 Clara Crandall, being sworn, says: "Work wns done and com pleted by the Union Dental College strictly In accordance with the contract Ploased with the work and received gentlemanly treat ment" CLAHA C RANDALL. UNTIL OCTOBER 15 By request, to enable all to have their teeth examined and fixed we have decided to extend our extra cut prices until, October 15. Call, earlv and avoid the rush. We are always crowded. Our success has startled the dentists. The jealous, idle, sorehead dentists and dental sees who have not enough to do to mind their own business, tried to bluff is out; but with all their working, blowing, lying and bluffing we beat them. We have stood the test. Our record is acknowledged to be the cleanest and greatest In the west. Over 10,000 patients in the last twenty months. The people are for the Union, because we have pleased them all and got the business. Dentists raising purses to get fake reports out shows the people we have got the dentists', business and going to keep it. Our prices will be continued THAT'S WHAT HURTS Til EM. We Make Loose Teeth Tight. Stop bleedings cams and treat all diseases of the month. If yon have heavy plates or plates that don't tit, tret one of out non-breakable, roof less, donble snctlon, pa t en ted, non-Irritant plates. CHALLENGE We will forfeit l,ooo If any dentist tn Omaha can compete In tine workmanship, line ma terial, painless methods and low prices. r - p ooi.n rnnw, from BUT OF TEETH, plr. B2.0O ALI MIMM PLATES, f rom ........ S&.00 FILLING, from SOo TFF.TH CI. FUSED, for Sfte TEETH EXTH ACTED FREB WORK GUARANTEED TUN YEARS. Incorporated under state law. Othcra are not. We are here to star. Established for years. Con sult the professors free.' No students, but grad uate dentists will be ndmltted to onr course. Dentists come from all parts of the world to learn our sp-to-date methods. Our methods make the ex tract In, filling; and crowning; of teeth a pleasure. Reliable Dentistry Sam Pain and Money. Why bare common dentist experiment 'on roar teeth when yon can hare specialists at tend your casef He member this is one of the best Institutions Omaha has, as it enables people to vet high grade dentistry at prices with in their reach. They don't have to be robbed, aa of the past, by any combine or trust dentists. fin RKVAnSl From now on for enough evidence to make a slander HIIU suit against the dentists that will win out. Apply to Dr. Worster, Terror to the dentists: Another victory for the Union. We have got the burinesa and here to stay. We are on the right side with the people, not with any trust dentist. Don't let any dentists lie to you. Bring them to us and we will show you who ia right. TESTIMONIALS rrof. Ilenry makes sworn state ment that work done for him by tbe Union feels natural and en tirely satisfactory, and after going to fire dentists In Omaha found our prices about one-half what thoy demanded, I had twenty teeth extracted without pain at the Union Dental College, 1522 Douglas street, and am highly pleased with their treatment MRS. A. F. SMITH. 1 O. ' Alexander makes sworn statement and says work done at the Union was highly satisfactory and has sent all his friends here since, and after Investigating found prices charged were from one-third to one-half what other dentljts demanded. I JJJ Union 1522 Douglas St., Omaha, Dental OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Collet? OPEN DAILY TILL 8, SUNDAYS, 9 TO 4 3C MRS. MONETTE KOI "CHOSEN 0. A. Goss' Candidature Prevents Her 'Ejection as Delegate."" METHODISTS CAST NINE BALLOTS Stubborn Contest for Third Place, Which Is Finally Secured by F. J. Baylor of Nellgh Plans for the SenU-Centennlal. Has Experience with Rattler. HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. 2.-SpecIal.)- Ada Oarver, a school teacher, who teaches six miles northeast of town, had an ex perience with a rattler Thursday. When school was dismissed at 4 o'clock and the pupils opened tha door preparatory to leav ing the building they found the reptile colled upon the steps. Teacher and pupils were for a tints besieged, after which Miss Oarver seized a spade which had been left In the building by a man who had been removing stumps from the school ground and, opening the door a little, brought the Implement down on ths reptile's neck. Phs bravely bore down on the writhing snake until It was despatched by the pupils. Prominent Horseman Visits State. BEATRICE. Neb., Sept t.-8peclal.)-George Btettenfeld of Cleveland, O., ac-" companled by his wife, passed through the city yesterday enroute to Hebron, this state, to visit relatives. Mr. Btettenfeld Is a prominent horseman of Cleveland and raised Fanny DUlard, the mare which re cently trotted a mile In 2:03V Three years ago he sold the mare for $5,000. He still owns her dam. including a string of fifteen fine horses. Mr. Btettenfeld is a member of the Cleveland Roadster Driving association. Notice the next 10 healthy men you meet. They take Ayer's Pills. Fight for Judge Is Warm. BEATRICE. Neb., Sept. S3. (Special.! The district Judgeship fight is warming up In earnest, but there Is little doubt but that the republican candidates, Hon. A. II Babcock of this city and Hon. C. F. Reav s of Falls City, will win hands dawn. The opposition is trying in every way, shape and form to defeat the republican nomi nees, but aa far as Qage county is con cerned it will roll up a good round tr.ajority tor Babcock and ReavU. J.O. ayrrc.., LewaU, Mm. Decline. County Attorneyship. SCHUYLER. Neb., Sept. 21 -(8 pet Ul.) C. J. Phelps waa appolntel county at torney by Mayor Arnold, vice V. J. Ever ltt, who resigned rectntly on account of his removal to Kearney. Mr. Phelps de clined the office, stating that there seemed to "be a disposition to crilicUe everything thst would be undertaken, and that he had enough of his own business to keep hint busy. Blasts Heavy nocks. NEHAWKA. Neb.. Bept. W.-Speclal.)-Ous Rood, foreman In the Van Court quar ries here, yesterday tired the heaviest blast ever fired in these quarries. Stones weigh ing five or six tons were thrown fifty feot In the air. and about sixty-five cars of rock were thrown out. FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 26. (Special.) The Methodist Episcopal lay conference yesterday turned down Mrs. M. J. Monette of Omaha, who was a candidate for the. general conference. Omaha delegates were divided, C. A. Ocss of that city also hav ing considerable support. On the first bal lot Bernard Paine of Grand Island received 63 votes, F. J. Baylor of Nellgh 31. Q. C. Barns of Albion 14, C. A. Goss of Omaha 34, M. C. Haxen of Norfolk 41, M. E. Smith of Osmond 10, and Mrs. Monette 84. Messrs. Paine and Haxen were declared elected. Eight more ballots were taken before the third delegate was chosen. Mrs. Monette's friends made an ineffectual at tempt to induce Mr. Goss to withdraw, but he declined to do so, and his rupportcrs stuck by him. At the close of the eighth ballot Mrs. Monette withdrew her name and her' friends who had stood by her for eight ballots caat their votes for Mr. F. J. Baylor of Nellgh. Had the Omaha delegates been united for Mrs. Monette she would have been elected. In the opinion of many delegates the real object of Mr, Goss' candidacy waa to defeat her. Roetlne of the Conference. The actual business of the conference, with the exception of the announcement of appointments, which will be given out Monday morning, was completed this after noon. Tomorrow occurs the ordination of deacons and elders and the annual me mortal service. The devotional exercises this morning were conducted by Rev. J B. Leedom of Battle Creek. After the opening exercises and the reading of the minutes the lifts of supernumerary and superannuated clergymen were considered. Rev. U. I Robinson, Rev. D. Marquette and Rev. Oscar Eggleston were transferred to the active list from the supernumary list and the question of the support of the superannuated clergymen who were in need of assistance was considered at con siderable length. Mr. K. E. Bala wns recommended for deacon's orders and Rev. II. O. Kemp for ordination as elder. Rev. H. L. Powers waa chosen conference evan gelist. Tho committee on the celebration of the semi-centennial of Methodism In Nebraska submitted Its report and Rev. D. Marquette was made permanent secretary of the com mittee. The plans contemplate a general recognition among all churches of the date of the beginning of Methodism In Ne braska. Wayne Gets Xest Conference. Wayne and Lyons each wanted the next conference and had strong and active ad vocates on the floor. Wayne won by a majority of 4. Rev. A. P. George, D. D.,' spoke on Sun day school work, urging upon the clergy men the necessity of more liberal gifts from their parishes for this important work. The conference then adjourned to 4 p. m., at which time several reports from committees were submitted. This evening the anniversary meeting of the Women's Home Missionary society was held. Mrs. J. B. Leedom snd Mrs. Anna Hoobe Woodcock were the principal six's kers. The venerable Bishop Andrews has pre sided at each session but one of the con ference and his conservative influence In shaping clerical legislation has several times showed Itself. The attendance of Fremont people at the conference, even at the morning business se talons, has been much larger than waa anticipated, SAYS STATE WILL AID OMAHA Lincoln Man Writes to The Bee that ' Farmers Want Pair Grain Rates, Too. LINCOLN, Bept. 2C. To the Editor of The Bee: Picking up a copy of The Bee I was pleased to note the activity being mani fested In stirring up the question of grain rates to Omaha. Shippers have long known the things that other people appear to be discovering. The farmers of the state might be of considerable assistance to Omaha at this time If the proper effort Is made to get together: The Farmers' Co operative company of Omaha represents several thousand farmers, members of a strong corporation, operating over twenty grain elevators and getting ready to oper ate more. This association should be en listed In behalf of fair rates. The showing of discrimination made In a recent Issue of The Bee should rouse a spirit of resent ment against the companies that have been nourished by Nebraska, and now repay Its kindness with such shameful treatment of its chief city. Congratulations are due The Bee for Its support of the Omaha grain market J. M. BALL. damages from Patrick Cunningham for al leged failure to complete an agreement of marriage. BANK R0BBERJS SENTENCED James Kennedy Is Sent I'p for Seven Yean and Still Maintains Ills Innocence. SCHUTLER, Neb., Sept. 2 James Ken nedy, whose trial for the Rogers' bank robbery last winter was recently com pleted here, resulting In his conviction, was sentenced to seven years at hard labor In the penitentiary, no part of which is to be In solitary confinement. When asked If he had anything to say why sentence should not be passed he replied: "Nothing, only I am Innocent." His wife was with him throughout the trial and at the time of passing sentence upon him, and at all times each took matters very coolly. Kennedy was hurried off to the peniten tiary and the closest surveillance was maintained over him while enroute. as he has the reputation of blng so smooth and daring that It was deemed the better part of wisdom not to give him the slight est opportunity to escape. While the cir cumstances were very strong against him, there are many who feel that he should not have teen convicted. COUNTY TICKETS ARE NAMED Republican Conventions Are Hold at Various Points In Nebraska and Hartnoay- Prevails. HASTINGS, Neb., Sept. 26.-(8peclal Tel egram.) The republicans of Adams county met In convention today and nominated a complete county ticket without a single hitch In the proceedings. The attendance was large and much Interest was mani fested for the good of the republican party. The ticket as nominated follows: For clerk of the district court, Peter W. Warner; Judge, L. J. Capps; sheriff, John W. Hill; treasurer, E. N. Hamen; county clerk, W. H. Davis; superintendent of public Instruction, W. A. Julian; assessor, Dave Barlass; surveyor, C. A. Heart well; coroner, Dr. Perkins. Mark Levy was elected chairman of the county central committee and James Crowley secretary. AINS WORTH, Neb.. Sept. 26. (Special Telegram.) The Brown county republican convention today nominated E. B. Smith for clerk; J. M. Mead, treasurer; John Lambert, sheriff; O. L. Ramsey, Judge; C. B. Goodspeed, superintendent; John Sullivan, assessor; and E. L. Bucklen of Long Pine was chosen chairman of the central committee. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the national and state administrations and pledging support to the state and Judicial nomlness of the Fifteenth district. and dedication of the new building will be bold October 10 and 11. Addressea will be given by Re. Dr. Carl Bwwnson, president ot Bethany collenge; Rev. Dr. M. Noyd of Chicago, Dr. Guatav Andreen, president of Augustana college and) theological seminary, and Governor Mickey. On. the , Sunday morning Rev. Dr, M. Wahlstrora will preach at the college chapel. they will establish a branch store. Mr. Peterson will have charge of the store at Oakland and Mr. Hoist will conduct the business here. The former removed his family and household goods to' Oakland Tuesday. 1 KILLS AN ARMY OF RATTLERS Farmer Disturbs Two Heats of Tblrty Elglit and Kills All but One f tho Snakes. YORK. Nei., Bept. 26. (Special.) C. E. Beeger, a farmer living south of McCool, near the Fillmore county line, while plow ing uncovered two nests of rattlesnakes, tn which there were thirty-eight snakes. Mr. Beeger succeeded in killing all except the largest, which was a full grown rattler. In the nest were some very small snake eggs, from which when broken came little snakes as full of fight and activity as If they were a year old. D0ANE COLLEGE RECEPTION New Students Are Given Chance to Become Aeqnnlnted at Annunl Entertainment. CRETE. Neb., Bept. 26. (Special.)-The annual fall reception tendered to the new students at Doane was held In the college chapel last night. As this Is one of the most Important social events of the college year It is largely attended by the people of Crete as well as by the students. Last night was no exception, aa the chapel was filled with students, members of the faculty and townspeople. : Those present spent an en joyable time in forming new acquaintances and in listening to a musical program, con sisting of a violin solo by Prof. R. L. Dick, an instrumental solo by Miss Nellie Kralnek and vocal solos by Prof. W. G. Reynolds, George Ire'.and and Miss Mattle Knapp. Each number was heartily encored and the program ended with the singing of "Here's to Good Old Doane," by all present. MAKE FIGHT FOR NEW BRIDGE ' Schuyler. Cltlsens Employ Attorney to Conduct the Struggle on Bnsls of No Bridge No Pny. SCHUTLER, Neb.. Sept. 26.-(SpeclaI Tel egram.) Cltlsens of Schuyler have arranged with Mr. James Gadsen that he shall take up tho fight with the county commissioners for the rebuilding 'of the wagon bridge across the Platte river, which was carried out by tho ice last spring. The agreement with Mr. Gadsen, it Is reported, is that If he Is successful he is to receive (500; otherwise, nothing. After the washout of the old bridge, no tice was served upon the county commis sioners ot the d.slre of a number of tax payers to have maintained the road of which the bridge was a part, and petition ing that the part of the road mentioned comprising the brldgo, be made safe for travel for the general public The com missioners unanimously voted against the proposition. If Mr. Oadsen's efforts succeed, the com mlsslonors will be compelled to provide for tho raising of funds by taxation to build the bridge. General negligence during past years will be charged In the attempt to prove that the commissioners are now cureless tn the ' matter of rebuilding. The cpmmisrioners decided poms time since to submit the question of rebuilding the bridge to the voters of Colfax county, but that Is well understood to be a sure and positive method of killing the proposition entirely. Cumin County District Conrt. WEST POINT, Neb., Bept. 26. (Special.) The Regular term of the Cuming county district court is now fairly under way and has, during the last five days, cleared the docket of most of the Important cases pend ing. George P. Hoy, a farmer, was acquitted of a .charge of assault and battery, pre ferred by William Murray. This case grew out of the Blair road controversy, which has engendered much bad blood and strife in tho neighborhood. George Trexler, a Pennsylvanlan, pleaded guilty to stealing a team and buggy from a local liveryman, and was given one year a' hard labor. This Is th case which at tracted much sttention at the time of tha theft, tho property being recovered and the thief arrested In the southwest part of the state. Mission Festival at West Point., WEST POINT, Neb.. Sept. 26. (Special.) The annual mission festival of Bt. Paul's German Lutheran church will take place tomorrow. This Is one of the principal fes tivals of this body and Is very largely at tended. Rev. John Hllgendorf of Arlington will preach the mission sermon. In the afternoon Rev. Paul Mueller of Norfolk will conduct the exerctses. Opens Branch Store. WEST POINT, Neb.. Sept. 26. (Special.) Last week the firm of Hoist ft Peterson, hardware merchants of this city, bought an 18,000 stock of hardware at Oakland, where CAR OF HORSES IS BURNED Flro Breaks Ont on Journey from Montana to Missouri and Only Pour Escape FIRTH, Neb., Bept. 26.-(Speclal Tele gram.) A car of western horses from Bill ings, Mont., enroute to Bt. Louis, caught fire here last evening and out of the en tire car only four are alive, which have botn turned out to pasture. The B. & M. claim agent la here and a settlement will be effected as soon as possible. Sues for Heavy Oamaa-es. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Bept. 26. (Spe cial.) Bridget K. Cunningham, formerly of this city, has Instituted suit In the district court of Mills county, Iowa, to collect 115,000 Bla- Corn Crop In York County. YORK. Neb., Sept. 26 (Special.) York county farmers are wearing a smile of sat isfaction through these days of hot weather. Every day of warm weather means hundreds more bushels of corn in York county. Thousands of acres In this county would not have yielded any corn to speak of If frost had come early. If the warm weather continues a little longer there will be one of the largest crops of corn tn tho history of this county. Escaped Lunatle Is Sent Buck. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Bept. W.-k8pe-clal.) Charles Spenecr, a patient who escaped from the Asylum for the Insane at Lincoln, was found wandering around near the Burlington bridge and taken back to the asylum. He was sent there from this county about two years ago. Switch Engine Strikes Old Woman. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Bept. 21 (Bps clal Telegram.) Mrs. Mary Comerford was struck by a Burlington switch engine this afternoon on South Fifteenth street and seriously Injured. Owing to ber advanced age her recovery Is doubtful. Luther Academy Celebration. WAHOO, Neb.. Bept . (Special.) The twentieth anniversary of Luther academy GREEN trading stamps show how to earn Interest on the money you spend Bennett's. P. S. EUSTIS CRITICALLY ILL Passenger ' Traflle Manager of Bor llngrtoa System Suffers with Pneumonia 'at La Grange. CHICAGO, Bept. 26,-P. B. Eustls. pas senger traffic manager of the Burlington road. Is critically 111 with pneumonia at his home In LaGrange. Recovery Is con sidered doubtful. $ Quality and Class count for rnore in a 6tove or range than in any other article of domestic use. The Garland Trade-Mark is an absolute guarantee of both. But One Quality and that the Best. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere. Manufactured Only by The Michigan Stove Company, Largest Makers of Stoves gad Ranges tn tha World, Detroit Chicago rc sale by MUtoa Rogers A Sons Co., 14th ava4 Paraam Sta., Omaha, Rob.