20 TFTE OMATTA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY. PEPTEMnEK 27. llHtt. SPECIAL NOTICES liriniwaiiti thee ealasaej will takesi aatll 13 ss. tmw eltto mm aatll M SO . a. fr seralsj aa4 Saadar ltle. a tea, 1 13 a wart Sret lasertlea, la a mri thereafter. Netkleg takea far lea taaa SfVe far tka flrat laaer floa. The aaWrtlat aaast mm raa eeaeeeatlvely. Advertiser. r rejtla a a am fcere4 cheek, eaa have aaawara -trrtut a aiakrrti letter Is. ear. f Taa fire, aaawara aa ase4 will he live red aa araaaatatlaa ( th kk !. SITUATIONS WASTED. WANTED Bjr young maa Of good address nd experience, position aa bookkeeper; bank preferred; good reference. Addiess L 69, Bee. A-M333 0x WANTED, altuatlon In some good bakery aa baker; ran do any kind of baking; have had ten year' experience. Address J'. O. Box 18, C. C. C, Fage. Neb. A-Mf.16 27x TOt "NO lady, graduate of good btistneaa col'ege, wants position aa bookkeeper. Add i ess 1 IK, Bee. A 635 lx WANTED By an able-bodied and energetic old soldier (gets no pension), permanent employment aa watchman or other re- uporialhle position not Involving extreme manual labor; ran ahow honorable, record thirty-five yeara In Nebraska ; I use neither strong dtink, atrong language or tobacco; reference for convenience to Psvne, Boetwlck Co., 601 N. Y. Ufo, or address O. K. Stearns, 1119 S. 1S h at., Omaha. A-M782 tf EXPERIENCED lady stenographer and bookkeeper want position. Reference. Addreas, P 22. Bee. A 775- 27X HOTEL MAN. competent and trustworthy, want altuatlon a manager or 01 day clerk. Addreas. P 20. Bee. A 992 27x POSITION wanted a manager of a No. 1 pharmaay In Iowa or Nebraska, ten veura experience; gilt-edge references. Address P 17, Bee. A-7i0 27x WANTED Moving In families. Address P 27. Bee. A SI 171 2ji WAITED-MALE II KM. FALL TERM NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED AT ANY TIME. Boyles College NEW YORK LIKE BLDG. ULSINEbH, SHOitTHAND, TYPEWRIT ING, ENGLISH. Apply for Catalogue. B-222 OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ' 17th and Douglas Sta. DAY AND NIGH'l HUSSIONS. Fall term now open. Students enter every day. Shorthand taught by mall. Adver tising matter free. Address: ROHRBOUGH BROS , Omuha, Nebraska. BS33 27 .WANTED, for United States army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of ii und 3o, citizens of United (States, of good chaiacter .-ind temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to recruiting officer, ltilh nd Dodge Bui., Omaha, and Lincoln, Neb. B M4?s WANTED, a man to work from our wagon. C. F. Adams St Co., 161 Howard. D-M491 GOOD messengers wanted: first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th. B 139 WANTED Boys to distribute circulars Apply to People's t W. Mandelberg, second floor d not B 239 Store. WANTED First cls.es wood turner at once. Good wagaa. Lincoln Sash. Door & Mfg. Co.. Lincoln. Neb. B-328 WANTED, six tinners, experienced on fur nace work. Milton Rogers St Hons Co., 14th and Farnam st. B M573 YOUNG MAN wants a place to work for hoard while going to school. Bovles Col lege, Tel. 1984. B-M586 WANTED Traveling men to carry a line of tweed pants and skeleton suits In Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas territory. Addrei, stating age, experience, giving references, alary expected, ere., F 14, Bee. BUGQT salesman wanted: soc salary and steady Job for firat-clnaa experienced man. II. E. Fredrlckson, 1&02 Capitol ave. B-3 28x MAN with references, for commercial trav eler, to call on merchants and agents; experience not required; salary 124 per weok, with expenaes advnnced. NA TIONAL, 328 Dearborn St. Chicago. B MbiS 27x WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE OOOD PAY; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B 27x WANTED, a hustler; one who has had ex perience In selling goods either at retail or wholesale. We can show you a prop osition where you can make more money than Is ever paid In the above lines. Ad dress P 19, Bee offlce, Omaha, Neb. B M659 28 WANTED, fifty chicken picker at once; 10 nours worn per nay; experienced pickers her averaging from lla.00 to 120.00 per week. Clarlnda Poultry, Butter and Kgg o.. i larinaa, la. a Mw7 JS WANTED Good, atrong boy 18 or 19 vcar om ior steaay work. Apply J. L. Bran dela tt Sons. B 641 28 WANTED Coatmaker and clgarmaker, Job year around; cornet or clarinet plaver or tuber In hand and orchestra. A. V. Smith Box 221, Madison, Neb. B 127 27x TWO first-class salesmen with experience Apply to The Smith Premier Typewriter to. u MXM 2S "URNITURB of 12-room flat for snle nt a bargain; flat for rent. 1625 Howard st. R-7S1 27x A NEWSPAPER correspondent mukei big wages, we Instruct beginners. Detilla by American Press Bureau, 420 Walnut Bt-. pniladeipma. Pa. B 674 27x SPLENDID opportunity for anibltiou young man to travel: SIS per w. ek and straight salary; expense advanced Small cash security required. Addreas. Colum bia Publishing House, Mmnv ipIN. B-S71-27X WANTED Men for Interorbtn railway who will Invest in stock, i hares. 110. Ad dress. The T. C. St C. Ry Co.. 4M Onra llOUite, unit, Ullln. M 87227 X WANTED Man of elocution, good appeir ance and addresa. with a knol tlg of electricity, to solicit ctdlfges. hlg') schools and other educational institutions: nr-v feasor of physics tpecia'ly adapted. M ist have unexecerttonal reference. To suit able parties a most desirable nnd lucritlv position may be had. Address with full Ssrucuiars ana reterencea, K. M. Co lenomlnle. Wis. B tiTl J7 MANAGER wanted In every large countv "Game o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks, cigars or money; takes pUce of forbidden slot machines; strictly lawful everywhere: rented or sold on euav tav ments: eD.oflO now In ue. CvnninirhV'n urnltur Co.. Department M. Chicago. 1:1 B .a 27 x WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the onlv way to save years of apprenticeship Is by our method of free practice and condensed Instructions; we guarantee mi all Luna, grant diplomas and pay Saturday wages. bii or write Moier Hsmer col lege, 1303 Douglas st. B M 712 Oct2x WANTED A first class wire and grille worker; good wagea and atendy Job for a good man: no labor trouble. Address Portland Wire and Iron Works, Port Und, Ore. B HORTHAND in 30 dsvs: Bovd's 8vl'ablc nn ruled line: no shading: nothing to con fuse; only 9 characters; easily read: stodv by mail; circulars, testimonials and first leaaon, covering one-fourth the court, for J-eent tamp. Chicago Correspond ence Schools, Incorporated. 57 National Life Building. Chicago. . 111. B COLORED men wanted aa supers at Boyd Opera House Monday Sept ?s at t o , clock a. m. B-T3 rx A REPRESENTATIVE wsnted In each t1ac to handle my Health Mbrator an 1 Vaalo Hand for th romplexlon; they sell sight and PPll' t'v";-J a!CU,,!rVr John Humphrey, lo W . .-d St jN WASTF.n HAl.r HKI.P, NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Our night school affords an opportunity for securing thorough a buainesa or steno graphic training aa the day school. The same studies are taught, the same teach era are emploted and every facility for thorough and pra.'tlcnl work Is afforded. There la hardly a morn plesssnt and cer tainly no more profitable way of spending the evening than attending our night school. The atudles Instead of beUig tire some and Irksome are very fascinating. Students are engaged in leirnlag husln -as as business Is actually done In the best business houses. Catalogue free. Addresa H. B. Roylea, President. New York Life bullolng, Omaha, Neb. B-S41 27 THE NEW LAW SCHOOL IN THE CREIGHTON MEDICAL COLLEGE TALI, TERM BEGINS SEPT. 30. Students will meet In the west lecture room of C'relghton Medical college, corner Mth and Dav.-npoit eta., on Wednosaay, Sep. temher .1", ! to 9 p. m. Prospective stu dents arc Invited to attend at the same time. For further information addreas K. F. MCARTNEY. , Sec.'v the New Iaw School, 4H2 Omaha National Bank Bldg. B-8t0 27 PERMANENT position for a man of good habita and energy to represent large manufacturing establishment known to every bank In the I'nlted States. Salary $W per year and expenses. Opportunity for advancement. Apply, stating age and qualifications, to Manager, Dept. 1 i, Box s.'4, Philadelphia. Pa. B 13 PER DAY and expenses to a hustler to distribute samples and collect for manu facture In part of Nebraska. Inclose self-addressed envelope. Manufacturer, Star Bldg.. Chicago. B 752 17x WE WILL pay any man 886 per month and nil traveling expenses, such as horse h re, railroad fare, hotel bills, etc., to take orders for the greatest portrait house In the world. Your salary will be guaran teed and paid to you weekly If preferred. Addreas B.. D. Curry, Dept. 3f2. Chicago, III. B 750 27x DETECTIVES Every locality, good salary, experience unnecessary. International Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B-44 27x MEN wanted to distribute samples, cir culars, tack s'gna, etc. We have dlttribn tlon for every locality; go.id pay: per manent occupation. Atox, South Whitley, Ind. B 43M 27x HOW" about your salary? I It large enough? If not, we can Increase It. We have a system of obtaining employment for capable people, cannot be excelled. Write for plan and booklet; It's free for asking. American Exchange, 4S1-433 Water St.. Pittsburg. B 702 27x WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO TACK signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvaslng; good pay. Advertising Bureau, Chicago. li 800 27x WANTED Energetic salesman with estab lished territory to handle our line; must furnlfih, best of references; none other need apply. .The M. & C. Skirt Co.. 62 Sumner St., Boaton, Mass. B 743 27x A PORTOFFICE -examination will be held In Omaha November 18th to secure Clerks anu t amers. An advanced education is not necessary, but careful t Inlng Is. We prepare by mall a large s'tare of those nppolnted. Information about all Civil Service Examinations and questions used by the government free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington, D. C. B 720 27x EDUCATED man. real estate experience, best references, represent us periodically aa occasion demands. V. S. Realty Trust, 187 B'way, N. Y. - B 3) fix CIRCULAR and sample distributors wsnted everywhere; no canvassing; good psy. Co-Operatlve Adv.. Co., N. T. B 423 2T7x PLASTERER Several Jobs on hand and more eacn month at good pay for good workman who win rent a 4-room . house ana oarn; rent ,.oo. Address p S Bee. B-S44 27 WANTER. a tailor for pressing. Gate Cltv nieam Jveing and Cleaning Works, 618 nuutn mm sr. B MJ CI MAN for shipping clerk; must be able to ao pacKing, boxing furniture etc.: should be fair carpenter; ateady Job the year rounu; reierence required, f g Hef. B -872 Hx INTELLIGENT young man for office; must nave good education; be adaptod for correspondence; answer ' In handwriting, state experience and salary expected. P SB. Bee. H 873 27x SALRSMIL; WANTED. EXPERIENCED neckwear salesman with trade acquaintance for the state of Ne braska. Baden Mfg. Co., St. Joseph. Mo. M2S 27 WANTED SALESMEN ON COM18SION for printing Inks, city and vicinity. Ad dress with references The Glldden & White Co., Cleveland. Ohio. M&0 27x TRAVELING salesman to plaice in the argv department nouses in Kinafia and surrounding territory 2 or 8 "specials" In petticoats for a Boston house on commis sion. Only those having trade already established need address Caro Mfg. Co., 133 Summer St., Boston, Mass. 191 27 x WANTED At once, experienced traveling saiesmsn lor isenrastca. vt e want a sales man: none other need apply. Addresa, Drawer S, Chicago. 773 27 SALESMEN make POO per cent commission selling - rnoveiiy tsign cards.-- Merchants buy lo to 100 on sight; 80 i varieties. Cata logue free. Sullivan Co., 1139 Mardewood Ave., Chicago, III. 772 27x BALKSMEN JOHN SEXTON CO., Im porters or teas and coffees and wholesale grocers, want experienced, honest, ener getic, high grade men to sell farmers and other large buyers. We are the largest grocery house In America engaged in tills business and the originators of honest and modern methods ot conducting It. , We handle the finest goods and guarantee quality of every article. No canltal re quired; exclusive territory given. In which an established trade Insures fine income. We are Farmer's Headquarter In Chi cago. H4 27x W' ANT ED Ex perlenced specialty salesmen ry targe manutactunng company: splen did proposition. Apply with references. Box 1025. St. Louis. Mo. 7t4 27 X CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska wttn staple line; nigh commissions with advance of $100 monthly; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess II. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 707 27x SALESMEN Side line. small sample, standard article, liberal commission. Tro jan Mfg. Co., Sta. V, South Bend. Ind. 71 27 X WE WANT more salesmen at once. A. Baker Co., South Bend, Ind. Geo. WANTED Salesmen; 860 monthlv and ex penses; permanent. Herrlck Seed Co., rvoc rtocheater, N. Y. WANTrJJ, salesmen by manufacturer of grocery specialties; good salary to ener getic, nign-graae men; state your expert euce. Box 617, Chicago, 111. WANTED, reliable specialty man for Ne braska; holiday line now ready; hustler can net per mo tun or Detter. Box 4170, Kansas City, Mo. SALESMAN, traveling or local: side line: 23 per rent commission; gooda new; sell to every business, city or village; sample case tree. Aioreas I.. . Co., 24 xu, 125 St.. New Tork. SALESMEN Cigar salesmen In your lo cality for city and country trade; experi ence unnecea-ary; i per montn ana ex penses to start; Inclose stamp for partlcu lurs. Pioneer Cigar Co., Dept A-4. To ledo, o. 766 7x SALESMEN, bv responsible concern: staple som everywnere: birgest profit ror sale man and dealer: Ion est consumer's cot reorder as per cent: full commission oa all every Saturday; easy side line to start sr. m pies unnecessary : lists cloe In ten dnya. Secretary Lander, 316 Pine "'rt. Bt. UOU1S. .41 77 X THE attention of all Warner Libraiy rale men and these having had experience Willi high clss Da Luxe mib'lit'tin ll rolled to the fact that the W arner I-Urary now being put on the market, on an en tire! v new plan and under an exception allv liberal arrsnsemeot. For particulars address, F. D. Mayer, Ml. Loula. M WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE MONEY THAN SOME OF YOUR UNUSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. . A WANT AD IN THE BEE WILL SELL ANY OLD THING. SALESMEN IVAMF.II. SALESMEN- Ind. paint und drug sales men w rite T. Foster. Hecy , Roe mog., Ht. Ioiils, for new proposition. This week only. 749 27x WANTED Salesmen to rell White Iead. One man made over $.140 In one month. Commissions paid every week. Excep tional Inducements. Merchants WhKe Lead Co., St. lxiuls. Mo. 733 27x EXPERIENCED book salesmen of ability. A proposition of exceptional merit. Teirl tory la helpg rapidly assign d. F. D. Mayer, Broadway and Locust Pis., St. Louis, Mo. M734 2Sx TRAVELING salesman. An active, ener getic man for Nebraska territory; sample line; established high-mted house, p, R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., Detroit, Mi b. Ktt 27x WANTED Salesman to handle first class line of ladles- skirts on rommlas I in. Ad dress Faultless Skirt Mfg. Co.. St. lxiuis, Mo. 697 27x SALESMEN wanted, for vacancies Oct 1, two exierlenced traveling salesmen worth g )od laiartes; rust selling, attract ve iin: trade well established; favorable long time contract to good men. Write, giving age. experience and referencea. Personal Interview If satisfactory. Address P 32, Bee. 704 27x WE have an exceptionally good proposi tion for salesmen desiring a side line, to call upon newspapers only. No samples to carry. Addresa 610 K. C. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 764 27 SALESMAN WITH LIVE CONNECTION AMONG steam power users. Must be financially responsible. Liberal commis sion and exclusive territory. Apply. The Beltlne Mfg. Co.. Chicago. lit 27x WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15tli St Dodge. C Li WANTED Girl for general housework, U50 Georgia Ave. c WANTED Olrl to help with housework; may go to school lr she wishes, p V, nee. R-M5S7 27x WANTED, girl for general housework; small xamuy. csas juason. v. mo.i WANTED, Immediately, b0 sewing machine operators in Horse Blanket Department of Bemla Omaha Bag Co. C M622 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages, light work. 1.07 Pars: ave. C-634 27 WANTED Cook and second girl; third house south of Country club. C tVJS NURSES' training school. Pueblo, Colo., six weeks course; begins Oct. 1st; di ploma. C MG54 27x WANTED At or.ee, good girl st 113 8. 20th St.; good wages. c Kimii a WANTED A young woman to travel with a hypnotist. ,a cass. u-mdk itx WANTED Competent girl for general housowork, 8 in family; gooa wages. r4 So. 2th ave. C-4363 28 WANTED Olrl for general housework In small family: no washing; references re quired. Apply-415 North 20th. C 809 27x GIRL for general housework, also wash woman. 820 8. 35th ave. C 78o 27 LADIES do plain sewing at home; 88 to 115 raid weekly; experience unneceaaary; ma erlal sent free everywhere; send stamped envelope for particulars. Weber Mfg. Co., 1185 Broadway, New York . C 679 27x LADIES, Having fancy work to sell; dollies, centerpieces, tsauenDerg aim uriwnwui, all kinds of fancy work sold on commis sion; send stamped envelope to Ladles' Exchange, 84 Monroe St., Chicago. C 678 TvX LADIES, To do piecework at their homes; we furnish all materials and pay from 87 to 812 weeklv; send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 84 Monroe St., Chlcagtv C 677 Vx LADY, to travel In own vicinity: salary 815 per week; expenses advanced; small capi tal neceasary. Addreas Columbia Publish ing House, Minneapolis. C 676 27x WANTED Ladies to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or facial massage; our method Is free clinic, expert Instructions; years saved; some wages. Call or write Moler college, 1308 Douglas st, O M71!Oct2x COOK at Sanltorlum, Florence, Neb.; good wages psld. Apply 2121 Lake street. - C 801 27x A GOOD position awaits every woman who will sell our beautiful petticoats and olld comfort walking skirts; exclusive, terri tory; big profits; no experience necessary; send for catalogues and particulars. Paris Skirt Co., 117 Viaduct, Cleveland, Ohio. C 826 A HUNDRED writing letters home; ma terial furnished; no deposit: particulars stamped envelope. Woman's Remedy Co., Dept. B-5, Chicago. C-751 27x 820 A HT'NDRFD writing letters home. Addressed envelope for particulars. Elec tric Remedy Co.. Dept. 10, 235 South Michi gan. South Bend. Ind. C 746 27x GIRLS Send name and addresses' of five girl friends under le. ana get nice sroiu ring free. Specialty Comnany, IRS IMdge wood Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. C 636 27x WANTED A woman wllh executive ability to take charge or tne college aining nan end kitchen; good wagea paid to the right Individual; muat be neat and economical. Apply at once. W. H. Clemmona. Fre mont, Neb. C 762 27 $26 PER 100 Writing short letter from cony; pav weeaiv; aaorerwwro iioi- i.-m-velone. Racine Wholesale Co., Room 22, Chicago. C 724 27x WOMEN agents to sell novelties which everv woman will Buy on signt. nteaav Income of 813 to $20 per week. You r'sk nothing. Write us today. Norcross & Co., 440 Marquette Bldg.. Chicago. C-727 27x WANTED, twenty exneii.mced women to make paper nowers ror automoune rower parade. Call for Miss Hansen. 3d floor, Bennetts store. C-3S 27 WANTED, experienced work ladies in al teration department. Apply t loaic ient., J. L. Brandels A Sons. C M856 30 SALESLADIES waited tht have had some exnerience in selling waists, nnrn, ona end cloaks; good position for right parties. Can tiao one without experience. O. K. Scofleld Cloak ar.d Suit Co. CS0 27 HELP WANTED. ANY ONE distribute twelve circulars, earn beautiful gold watcn: aena toaay it cir cular. Keystone Supply Co., O B., Columbia. Pa. 77 1-27 x WANTED Person to. call on retail trade and agents ror manutactunng nouae. local territory; salary $j0 paid weekly: expense money advanced: previous experi ence unnecessary: business successful; po sition permanent. Superintendent. MO Monon Bldg.. Chicago. 718 77x FOR RENT Ft RN I SHED ROOMS. AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th at Iodre. E 13a NICELY furnlahed room. Inquir Omaha team laundry. 1750 Levnworih. 'Phon -1783. .L-234 O. M. E. haul trunk. Telephone 61L E 387 MODERN rooms, front, avenue. 2019 St Miry B 161 27 DEWET European hotel, 13th and Fsrnara ROYAL HOTEL, European. 16th Sc Chicago. a. 22 NICELY furnlhd rooms, 1809 Capitol Ave. E Mjoj LAR LIHT AIRY BOOMS. 311.30 and up per month. 75c and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, 14th Bt. aad Capitol Ave. Steam healed electric lightedprivate and general baths ail couviiincc hrsl-ola ervlc. Fat whre jrcu please. ROOM AT THE DiiLONE. fc. vl3 30X NICELY furnlahed cottage. 3o08 Paelfto St., near Hansconi Park: rlegaut location; piano. Call between 10 a. ui. and 5 P in. Reference. B 4W1 37x FOR RENT FIRMHED ROOM. LARGE front room, Mary's avenue. modern. 20l St E 101 27x Nice rooms, day, week or mo. 1PS Howard. K M326 Octl&x FRONT ROOM, modern." 24 A Dodge St. E Mi7 SOx NICE, modern. newly furnished, well heated. 221 leaven worth. E M628 FRONT ROOM, first floor, and other de sirable furnished, steam heated rooms. 2215 Farnam St. K M621 2Sx NICELY urnlshed, all modern, stiarit heated ftoni and back parlor, and one small room; single or ensulte. Tel. R-24i. 22T.4 Farnnm. 2d floor. E M16 27 FURNISHED room, 39 N. 20th st.; hot water heat K M613 lx TWO large rooms, ensulte, suitable for two or three gentlemen, with hoard; steam heat; use of 'phone. 240" St. Mary's Ave. E 777-27 COZY cottage, 8 rooms, furnished complete, partly, or would sell yon the furniture on fiaymenta. S14 S. 40th; Leavenworth enr Ine one block. E 807 27x BEAUTIFUL furnished and unfurnished rooms, strictly modern In every way, well ventilated. In new brick building, close to business and . postofnee. 16l Webster st. K NICELY furnished modern room; near cars; private family. 2717 Jackson. K M837 itx FOR RENT, to gentleman, well furnished front room; steam heated, gas. bath, telephone, central location. Itil.l Douglas St. E 842 27 LARGE front room and two others: will rent separately or together. 3915 Chlcsgj street. K 874 27x rin.llsHED ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD and room, furnace. 626 S. lth St. F 158 J7x THE ROSE. 2020 Harney; rooms and board, also meal tickets. F M723 OS PRIVATE family in modern house would like two desirable people to live with them; references exchanged.. Addresa p 84, Bee. ft riH.MT(RK PACKING. PETERSON Tel. L-2358. St LUNDBKRG. US S. 17th. H-2M FOR HUNT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at 9lt Farnam, 2x90, four stories and Mrst-class cemented basement, elevator, tire and burglar proof vault, of fice counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewaler, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Be building. I Mu67 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Be at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement, which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Be building. THE spacious store room on Farnam street In the Bee building, formerly occupied by Macf'arthy Tailoring Co.. to lease on rea sonable terms. Rent Include Janitor serv ice, electric light and heat. Inquire R. C. Peter & Co., ground Moor Be building. 1 M534 DESK room. C14 Be building. I M151 AN ESTABLISHED cereal food company desires the services of reliable man to fill responslbe position: compensation $3,000 per annum. Highest references required and given. Address Auditor's Department, Box 4842, Battle Creek, Mich. I THE 8-STORY AND BRICK BASEMENT PRICK BUILD1NO. NO. U16 HOWARD ST. W. H. THOMAS, v First Nat l Bank Bldg. I MRU 29r AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agent In every county to solicit subscription to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agunts In the country with hors and buggy especially desired. Canvaaae a make easily 300 to 8100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 2i8 GREATEST household novelty ever In vented; 100,000 sold In Milwaukee; big profits; exclusive territory; free sample; straight salary. Edgren Mfg. Co., Mil waukee, Wis. J AGENTS The National Trio sell for 20 cents to 9 out of every 10 persons. W. P. Smith & Co., Box 1538, Providence, R. I. J OUR men are making 33 to 310 a day fitting glasses. Write today for our 24-p. FREE EYE BOOK and learn how; we establish you In business. Jacksonian Optical Col lege (.Chartered), Dept. 104, Jackson, Mich. J-8UI 27x LADY agents wanted to handle our line of profitable fast selling specialties that sell on sight to every lady who does sew ing: four different article; all winner; write for our proposition. Success Mfg. Co.. 6635 West Lake St.. Austin Station, Chlcao. III. J M 27x WANTED. Three Al salesmen willing to hustle six days In the week and ten months In the year for an income ranging from $2,0u0 to $5,000 net per year; others are earning It, why not you? For full par ticulars write The Harrington-Monnett Co.. Decatur, 111. J-4S&1 87x AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS! Can you siiow an article that win sell Itself T Write for circulars on the Lincoln Indeetruct able Door Bell, the beat money maker on the market; no springs, no cogs, no bat teries. Lincoln Bell Co., Lincoln, Neb. J-710 27x BEGIN business for yourself; stop working for others. We start you In profitable mall order business at your home, t leas ant work; Immense profits; unlimited roa sibllltlei. Full Information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co.. Denver, Colo J AGENTS WANTED Sell our 31 bottle sar aupaiilla for 35 cents; best seller; 2u0 per cent profit; write today for terms and territory. Addreas F. K. Greene, 1-8 Dear bom St., Chicago. J AGENTS Write now for fre sample of work and terms. Star harness mender. best 26o seller out; we make other quick J selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg- ' Co., St. Louts, Mo. J WE HAVE an absolutely new article. SelU in every privste house, public building, store, warehouse and factory. Four hours' work dally makes you 810 a day, guaran teed. Experience unnecessary. Iy this paper down and write now. Address, Strowger Co., Rochester, N. Y. J WE INSURE TTP TO 84. Good side line for Insurance agents. American Life Ins. Co., Box 24, Elkhart, Ind. J- $33 A WEEK salary and all expense for men witli rigs to Introduce Poultry Com pound. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Par sons, Kan. J ENERGETIC and hustling agents wanted; persons of standing and ability, who have a good acquaintance and are capable of handling a proposition that will bring them an income of $75 to $100 per week. This opportunity la an exceptional one; The business Is safe, sound snd legiti mate .and Is backed by some of the most aucceaaful snd reputable bualneaa men of Bt. Loula. Such an opportunity for speedy and large profits to the right men I sel dom offered. Address, Coaleo Fuel Mfg. Co., Suite lite, Laclede Bldg., St. Louis. J AGENTS coin money with our new up-to-date Skirt Ufter and other specialties for men and women; write for free sample offer. Family Supply Co., Tribune Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. J 43 37x AGENTS in Iowa: $75 weekly and expense easily mad writing life, health and acci dent Insurance: experience unnecessary. Roval Fraternal Vnlon. St. Loula. Mo. J-747 27X STOP RUNAWAYS Hitch horse solid In stantly: carry In pocket; sight seller; agents wanted. Pocket HlttUnxfOst Co., RiOuaond, Indiana. J 72 ilx AGENTS W ANTED. AGENTS ISO to 8.V) weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous nameplH.es, numbers, signs readable darkest n ghis; samples flee. Right Supply Co.. Ki ale wood. III. J 745 2,x MAIL Order Dealers, Advertisers, Agents, keep posted: read The Western Monthly. Teliu hnt to Ho vhnt not to lift RiiaIm1 six months. lo. The Western Monthly, j Kansas city, Missouri. J ,.u 27x AGENTS Women In all towns and cities for premanent positions as representa ties of old established business which Is very profitable and Interesting. De partment R, M. Proctor Institute. 46 Cliff St.. New York. J 735 27x WANTED Five men of ability and push for fine staple line yielding salesmen frm 82"0 to ITiOO per month net. Here Is otir opportunity to double or treble your In come, as others have done. Fartloulirs to hustlers for the asking. The llarring-ton-Monnett Co., Decatur, 111. J-740-27X WE START you selling diamonds. Don't sccept employment until getting our liberal off er-$.1 dally sure ( 'arbon Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y. J 717 27x MANAGER In every town over 1.000 population. Pay 81.000 to JS.000. Refer ences required World's Fair Guarantee Ass'n, Rial to Bldg., St. Lotus. J-7T 27x WASTED TO RENT. WANTED Board and room for family of 3, all adults. In private family; not too far out. Address stating price, O 33, Be office. K r PARLOR floor or six or seven-room house, modern except furnace. Addresa O 42, Be K-M 800 WANTED To rent, ll-room modern nous, west part city. Address P 18, Bee. K 404 8 OR 4 unfurnished rooms, with heat, on or near Farnam street. Addresa, P 27. Bee. K-MS18 2Sx WANTED Thre furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address P 29, Bee office. K 792 27x WANTED To rent, a modern, furnished house, close In, for 3 adults. Addresa M 68, Bee. K MS.T9 2'lx WANTEDTO BUY. DON'T give your furnlrura and carpets away. J. Levins pays the highest cash price. 808 North 16th St. N M281 Ocl6 WANT gentle pony from October to May; will buy or take care of him; state age, height and terms. Address O 68. Bee. N 406 29x WANTED A drug stock Invoicing $2,000 to tf.OOO: N. K. Neb. preferred. Address P 23, Bee N 768 27x FOR BALE FVRNITIHE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge St. 0-243 FOR SALE. Furniture, consisting of parlor, dining, bedroom, leather library furniture, leather couch, easy chairs, mahogany and rook wood library and pe-rlor tables, odd chairs, rockers, davenport, mahogany bookcase, writing desk, mantle mirrors, clocks, pictures, imported bric-a-brac, oil paintings, rugs, lace curtains, brass beds, oak and mahogany dressers, chiffoniers; also fine upright piano. These goods must b seen to be appreciated. Sell sep arately; call at 138 N. 88th avenue. O M759 03x FOR SALEHORSES, WAGONS, ETC. TIRES set while you wait: flrst-clase re pair work. H. Frost, 14th and leaven worth. P 243 MONROE sells pleasure vehicle at 811 N. ltth St. P 244 GOOD MILK WAGON, coal wagon and buggy at a big bargain. A. W. Johnson, with John Deer Plow Co. P 348 02x FOR SALE, finest team of Shetland ponies In the city, with elegant two-seated trap, harness, etc 2216 Farnam st. P-M620 28x MY ROCKAWAY for sale cheap: can be seen at Collins' stable. Address P 25, Bee. P M779 OcUx FOR SALE, one combined saddle and driv ing horse; sorrel chestnut. 6 years old. One saddle hors 4 yeara old, dark bay. Both thee horses well broken, sound, gentle and beauties. A. G. Graham, V. Stock Yards barn, 8. O. P 846 27x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, South wick hay press and power, cheap. A. H. Read, Council Bluff a, la. Q M 816 FOR SALE, secondhand locomobile. In first-claas shaie. at one-half price. Call or aaareaa, ioji v arnam Dl. Q 246 IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trelllsea Western Anchor Fence Co., 2u6 N. 17th St. y-to CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man St McConnell Drug Co. Omaha. (4-243 FOR RENT 254 Harney t., desirabl modern house of 8 rooms In first -clnas re pair, 335. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam st v D M119 NEW and 2dhand typewriter. 1119 Farnam. Q-253 SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables; billiard tables repaired: a large stock or rhesp bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Bru.-.awlck-Balke Coltender Co.. 407-8 S. 10th St. U M22S 14 FOR SALE Several scholarship In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee Office. Q 808 TELEPHONE POLES: long fir timber; . chicken fence; oak piling. 901 Douglas. Q-247 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Apply w m. rwecgei, press room. Bee omce. Q-231 Second-Hand Sewing Machines. We have the following second-hand box-top machines that have been thoroughly over hauled and are in condition to do good work, at the following prices, and com plete witn attachments: White $ 4 00 Household 5 no Household 11 00 Singer 6 ml Singer 10 oi Singer 12 00 New Home 9 00 Standard (dressmaker; good as new) 10 00 Wilcox St Glbb (good as new) !5 00 Singer (tailoring; In good condition) 10 00 Standard (tailoring; almost new) 15 00 DROP-HEAD MACHINES That have been slightly used, but are in perfect condition. The latest thing the different factories produce, from $17 50 to $J.uu. These are exceptional bargains. We rent machines for 75o per week, and ell and repair part of any machine manufactured. Nebraska Cycle Co. Corner 15th and Harney 'Phone I6fi3 334 Broadway. Council Bluff.. 'Phone B 618 612 N. 24th St., South Omaha 'Phone 434 Q ICE for sal In carload lota. Lincoln Ic Co., Lincoln, Nib. Addres, Q-M715 INDIAN gooda nd relic. 1119 Farnam. U-2v0 2DHAND safe cheap. Darlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 2J1 FOR SALE A new 800-ampere. doublu-Hla switch; never been used. Apply to or address "Superintendent Bee Buldius, Omaba." U M767 FOR SALE Full dress suit: tailor-made: only worn once; less than half price; vise 36; pant 32x32. Addra P 2. Be. Q 773 r FOR "ALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE crane hydraulic, elevator: can be used either passenger or freight; com plete, Iron guide posts, cage and wire n cloaure. J. L. Brandela A Hons. U f1 GENTLEMAN Interested In education will furnish five worthy young people with scholarships In a leading business college in Omaha, with payment of small amount down, balance when position Is secured, reference required. Address P SI. rare I Bee.. Q-MW4 2!'x FOR SALE-Coal business. Capital requ rad. I2.C000. J 21. Bee. Q-2M AUTOMOBILES. We hnve the largest and moat complete lln to select from, both new and second hand machines at guaranteed lowest prices. Don't fall to wrlie for our bargain offer li.ga. We positively hav the only western facilities lor doing the finest and most difficult automobllrt repairing and manu facturing. The Wlttmann Co., Lincoln, Neb. Q MISCKLL.ANF.Ol S, WANTED The agency of old lln fire In surance company. Grassmeyer Smith, Ileal Eatate Brokers, Kearney, Nebraska. R-637 1 FAMILY washing and called for and delivered. Ironing solicited, 3317 Dewey Ave, It 701 27x CLAIR OYANTS. MME. LUCRETIA, medium. 1709 Callfor 8 M 830 O8X nla. MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADY yUEEN or clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8254 GTLMER, PALMIST Removed to 718 N. 23d. Take No. lil Bt. car. get ore at ua and Cuming, walk 1H block south. 8 M261 FREE! FREE! Your fortune told; my ad vice is good 11s gold; send birtnoate ana t 2c stamps. Dr. Best, 112 D, 665, Chicago. 8-685 27X Mme. Gylmer, Omaha's Favorite Palmist, REMOVED TO 715 N. 2Jd ST. Mme. Gylmer Is now very plessantly situ ated in a oeautirui cottage anu nas ner parlors of palmestry so urranged a to make It most convenient for her patrons. She extends a cordial Invitation to all her friends to call at her new home, 15 North 23d st. 8 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. 11$ N. 16. 2d floor, r. 1 IVI PERSONAL. VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment, ior aisoruvra oi women. Fre bookiU Viavl Co., 348 Be Blug. U 266 MAGNETIC PILE KILLEH. IT CURES. At drugglat, L PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. in uooo. Damaniaii Sanitarium, 728 1st Ave., Council Bluff, la. U-1W SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 613 B Bldg U bl DR. ROY, chlropodUt; corn and upernu- ous nair removea oy icuuitj. 8 1506 Farnam St. U 269 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement: best medical car ana nursing. Mrs. L. Fisher, 1501 Vinton. Tel. ls280 WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per week, f- per montn; we repair on parts for every machine manufactured; secondhand machines, 35 to 310; second hand machines from 31 to $10. Neb. Cycl Co., 15th and Harney. U MltJ PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement, lit. ana jurs. uei intu, 8025 California st. Te.m reaaonable DR. PRIES treat successfully all disease and Irregularltle of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. 1518 Dodge et., Arlington block, Omahju 8. SHONFELD, the antiquarian (estao- llshea 18.-8), removed to 823 N. t . ire diu. U Mol5 Ol PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies aoopiea. airs, oaiucis, Tel. Red-1K84. U-2o8 BOSTON Umbrella Mfg., 608 S. 16. Tel. 1617. Umbrella Parasol re-covered, .'P"'jJa or made. U M852 ANY disease cured by medicine bought of me. Prof. Johnson, 10th and Jones. U 665 Octllx MARRIAGE PAPER, 10c. sent in plain en velope; manv worth 3100,oii0; best bank reference Blven. R. L. Love inyer. Colo. U i09 2ix SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and mole permanently removea ny , eieyn -"-ultatlon free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. IT L. IF MARRIED or about to be. read Na ture," for either sex; 112 pagra, l.lu. trated, 10c. Lea & Co.. Kans. CyW I SEEK husband for lady 23. worth $10,000 and beautiful farm: young widow, $15,000 and stock farm; lady. 24. $20 W); widow, 42 $35,iiOO. Address, Jessie. 19 B. Broad way. St. Louis, Mo. L 141 Six GENTLEMAN, wealthy, good character, but lonely, desires appreciative wife. Confidential. Address. Mrs. Che, 260 Euclid, Room 2. Cleveland, Ohhv TAILOR MADE and trimmed hat fall 1903 $1 50 up to $5.00, at the new millinery Tore The .Economy. 106 8. 15th St.. op- nnalta old Dustofilce. L ll -1 X - - . f TUNING, piano or mrgan repairing. Par- MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE, WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith & Co., la Farnamstreet. FARM and city loans: low rat. W. H. Thomas" First Nat'l Bank Bldg. JJ- PRIVATE money, Sherwood, 337 N. WANTED Real estate loans nd warrant. R. C Peter v. io., on FIVE PERCENT loan. Garvin Bf-.19 ITarnam. V t PRIVATE money. P. D. Weed. 1630 Do"la. 4 TO 6 P. C. money, Bemls. Paxtondock. MONEY to loan for building purpose. W. II. Thomas. First Nat'l Banfcbldj I HAVE 31.000 I want to loan; Interest pay able every uiree numms. must be the best. Address P 83., JTs-JS si" MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. " MONisiY I1ANED ON FL'RNIT LR PIA NOSLIV E STOCK. Zjow rates and easy term. BuKineaa Confidential. Trv us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 123 Psxtou Block. 16th and i arnam Sta. MONEY To salaried employes and wage aarner. Get our system of loans that get you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, ma chinist, engineer, etc., having relUul employment tan get, just on Uls note; Half Monthly. Monthly. Weekly. 3100-Return to u...8Jl.6 or $13.35 or 36- 8 60 Return to us... 13 3 or .tb or 3 3 26 Return lo us... ( m or 3 U or 1.6 8 16-Keturn to u.... 4-W or $ 00 or 1 uo Eaaleal terms, lowest rates, confidential. No lnqubi. wultk ervlc. Courteous THESTAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. JL ml LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters. ' boarding house, etc.. without se curity; easiest U'rm; 40 office in prin cipal cltits. Tolman. 44 Board of Trad Bldg. X 273 MONEY loaned on pbiln not to salaried people: business confidential; lowest rate. 14 fuwo block. The J. A. Uutton Co. X 371 MONEY TO I.OAN- MATTF.LS. NOT IN THE TRUST. Money Any Amount Loaned to salaried employes holding; per manent positions on their PLAIN NOTE, without MORTGAGE, ENDORSER or 8K CUR1TY of any kind, without EMPLOY ER'H knowledge. W also loan nmnev on Furniture, rianoa, etc., without removal of goods. You hav us of both monuy and goods. It Costs You Nothing To call and be convinced that our rates are the cheapest In Omaha. We want jur business and believe an In- ' veatlgatlon of our methods wil get It -even if at pteient yeu ar dearing eisc' where. KIND, COURTEOUS TREAT MENT to all. Our oftlcea are the be, equipped to handle your business with privacy of any In the city. Come In and see us, whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 307-3U Puxton Blk. Rooms 3oT-3,v X-25 EASY Best explain our methods. W loan on ,urniluri', pi.tnos, waiohousif receipts, etc. Or It you nave a permanent position we can make you a salary Loan without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service la quick and confidential and we always try to plaaae. All that we aak la that yuu glv us a o.tU before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 119 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2290. (Established llftJ). j6 8. 16th St. X-270 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue. to D. Green, R. 8. Barker bk. X-273 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Heed. 319 8. IX X V ART SCHOOLS. OMAHA INDUSTRIAL ART SCHOOL. 1621 Dodge Street. (Entrance through Rose's Art Store.) Instruction In drawing, painting, designing, illustrating, cartooning, decorating, pyro graphl, etc. For particulars call at school or from 2 to 6 at Mr. Enkeboll's office, S. E. cor. 15th and Leavenworth Hts. Tel. 14."5. , 77 27 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North 16th. -283 BHAIS roCNDHt, BRASS and aluminum casting, nlcksl plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St., Council Bluffs. i 1 s ATTORNEY'S. J. M. MACFARLAND, 319 N. Y. L. Bldg. 693-Oct.22 ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. 282 C'EMISTRY. AN evening course In general and qualita tive chemistry will be given, beginning October 12. Inquire room 12. Arlington block. M 758 03x DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' adult beginner now forming Tuesday and Satuiuays, 8 p. m., com mencing October 22. Private lessons any time. 17th and Douglas. Ofilc 'phone, 1871. Residence, A1745. After October 15, 354 Farnam St. Chamber' children' classes Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, 3 p. m., commencing . October 3. M0 MR. AND MRS. VORAND'S dancing and physical culture, lAth and Harney, re opens for children Saturday, October 3; . beginners, 10 a. ra.; advance, 3 p. ni. Terms reasonable; a liberal reduction to former patron and to faulllea who sand more than one pupil at the same time. Private classes or gar trod: ptlvate lessons any time. Lesson for adult now Tues- ' dsy and Friday, 8 p. m. : assemblies every, Wednesday. School teachers' ticket st half regular rate. For further partlcu lar writs or telephone 1041. M570 Oct4 , DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR. Fair will be held with Ak-Sar-Ben carnival. Oct. 1 to 10. Exhibit In live Block, poul try, farm produce, green fruit, preserved fruits, textiles, ceramics, fine arts, me chanical art. etc., are solicited. Call nt Secretary's office, 15th and Howard streets and get entry blanks, premium lists and uch Information a desired. G. W. Hervey, Secreatry. M 629 28 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. RATHBUN, room 15, Com'l Nat Bank Private lessons in bookkeeping, etc. 752 FLORIST. HESS St 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 256 D. HENDERSON, florist, 1419 FarnamSt. COLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee bldg. Tel. 2535. 76u UAHHAUE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clean cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices, til N. 10th. Tel. 1779. 389 m JS HAT RENOVATING. OLD hats mad new Ramaer 4k Krr, practical hatter, 207 N. 17th L AIM4 OV LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr. 13th St Howard. DETECTIVES. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-2322. . DRESS CITTING SCHOOLS. THE Dreu Cutting Colleg 1 to young ladles what the business college la to 7oung men. 627 Paxtou Blk., Omaha. 9RESSMAKINQ. KEISTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College. 1706 Cuming Bt. Write for booklet. -241 LADIES' learn to cut your own garments by taking a course at Standard Garment Cutting College, 627 Paxton block, -nh i. 802 OS IAST. LOUT Tuesday morning. Inlaid Mosaic breastpin, gold rim and back; finder re turn to 24o3 N. 32d St. for reward. Lost 664 27 L08T, pearl sunburst, with diamond cen ter. Liberal reward If returned to 3,U Farnam. lxst 667 28 LOST Lsdles' gold watch marked with monogram M. R. M. on one aide and HaK on other side; black guard wllh gold seal attached, monogram on aeal M. R. M. please return to mayor s office tity hall, and receive 310o reward. Lot M ?. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN PRICE. 410 1st Nat. Bk.bhlg 21 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorney and collectors every where. J. M. MACFARLAND. 319 N. Y. L. Bldg 699 Oct. 22 PATENTS. II J COWOILL No fee unless successful. 318 S. 15th St . Omaha. Tel. 1798. PATENTS Sues & Co.. Omaha. Neb. II- lusuatea patent uooa tree. ji. i- M6T0 Mcl I ) 'V.' ill I 11 m i r ( ' r ' V V V ' ;