TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: StJKDAT. BEFTEMBEIt 27, 1003. Tel. Q8-6PL WE CLOSE 8ATURDATS Sweeping "Listen Well, As mi Cautiously, Decide Prj m plly. Reductions to inifcs this great special sle. These have all been selected from oar regular stock. They are the same class of gnosis you have been paying us the larger price for. KEGULAlt C3c QUALITY, MONDAY MORNING 19c A YARD. And not a poor color In the lot. Colors are navy blue ground wijh Persian figures, black with white figures, cream ground with Tereian figures, navy with white polka spots, black with helio polka dots, etc., and many other fine 6tylrs too numerous to men tion. You must be here at 8 a, m., sharp Monday morning, if you wish to secure the choicest styles. AK-SAR-BEN FESTIVITIES, OCT. 1st to 10th. REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. TlnIlnlPIr3.ELIfi)EKI Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner BUCHANAN AGAIN IN CHAIR iim Call for Iron Workers to Meet and Preside. CALLS MEETING YESTERDAY ILLEGAL Uthongh Thl la Sixth Dar o Conventloa, OwUf to Strife It Has Hot Vat Been Form llr Oranlee. KANSAS CITT, Sept. M. President Frank Buchanan of the International Bridg and Structural Iron Worker again assumed tha chair thla mornlr.g and called the an nual convention to order. He had laaued a call last night for a meeting today In continuation of tha turbulent session .which ha adjourned without hour yeater day noon. Before entering tha convention, which la atlll being held behind cloaed door. Mr. Buchanan refused to discuss an phase ot the situation. Yesterday at hla hotel ha had declared that tho session presided over by tha Parka crowd, which had un seated Delegate Brophy, holding a proxy from Bcranton, was unconstitutional, and It naturally was assumed that he would so hold when he called the convention to - order In regular aeaslon today. There were early Indications that any such course would be stubbornly fought by the Parka element, and Samuel Parka said, before he led hla defegatlon Into the convention this morning, "Our acta were proper and they will atand. ' If President Buchanan refuses to abide by tr.n the convention will jo on without May Be Expelled. It ha been stated that J'. W. Keller, a member of local union No. of New York City, would be expelled from the anion for refusing to vfe, Yesterday to unseat Brophy, and whe?$r,hla action waa taken he would no longer' be entitled to sit In the convention. Mr. Parks Is credited with having aent the New York local offl- ,.1.1. . .hi. I ! , v 1. 1 1 viiKV,i a ouuniiug that Keller be expelled at tonight' meeting of the union in New York. Today, however, ' he denied that he had sent auch a telegram and aald: "Ms. Keller will continue to alt In the conven tion. If he Is ousted from the union it will be in the regular way, after we return to New York." The regular order of business this morn ing from the standpoint of the Buchanan element wa the consideration of the writ ' ten protest filed on Wednesday evening agalnat Delegate Daniel Brophy, which de manded that the first vote of unseating Brophy be reconsidered. Peace la Patched I' p. Peace waa patched up between the Buchanan and Parka factlona in the In ternational Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers at their annual convention here thla afternoon. President Buchanan had scarcely called the convention to order In regular session when the Parks crowd expressed a desire to ignore the proceedings of their own rump meeting yesterday and proceed in a regular way. Then the convention took a formal vote to reconsider the vote by which Daniel Brophy, a member of local No. I and who held a proxy from Bcranton, Pa., bad been aeated. Brophy waa unseated by a good majority. Aa he aroae to leave the hall Bamuel Parka advanced toward him with extended hand. Brophy refused to shake Ttanda with the walking delegate until tha latter apologised for the stinging words directed against Brophy on Thursday. This Parka did in full and when the door closed upon Brophy the convention settled down for the first peaceful session since It convened last Monday. The convention then was forrnally organ lied and stopped long enough In their quarrels to listen to tha annual address of President Buchanan, which waa to have been delivered on Tuesday. fl'aekaaaa Kakea Address. President Buchana aald he waa glad to report that notwithstanding numerous labor disturbances during the last year the asso ciation la now-stronger and larger than ever before. President Buchanan congratulated the KIDNEY AND BLADDER . : TROUBLES PftOJlHTLY CURB D eBBJBSBSB A Sampla BottI Soat FREE by rUii Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tha great kid key remedy, fulnlle every wish In promptly eurt&g kidney, bladder and 'urlo add troublea. rheumatism aad pain In the back. It corrects Inability to hold water and caldlng pain In passing It, or had effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and veroomea that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go Often during tha day ad to get up many Umea during tha night. The mild ' and extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root la toon realised. It atanda the highest for Its wonderful eurea of the tuost distressing case. - Bwamp-Root la not recommended for ' everything, but If yoa have kidney, liver. ladder or uric acid trouU you will find It just th reoredy yon nd. If you need a medicine you should hav th' beet. Bold by druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollar else. You may hav a aampl bottle of this great kidney remedy, Bwamp-Root, and a book that tells all about It and It great cures, both sent ab solutely free by mail. Addreaa Dr. Kilmer t Co., Blnghamton. N. Y. When writing, be sure to mention that you read thla gea reus offer In Th Omaha Dally Be. Don't make any mistake, but remember th name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kllmsra Swamp Root, and.th addreaa, Blnghamton, N. Y, vry iiU AT P. M. Bm, Bopt- M. 1M1 The last of a large lot of French challis to go At next to nothing in price. You cannot afford Sixteenth and DougUS assoclation upon the peaceable settlement, at the Buffalo conference laat March, of the difficulty with the American Bridge com. pany. The agreement then made with tha Structural Iron Manufacturer and Erec tors" association, one of the moat powerful associations of employers In the country, was most Important, he said, "for the fight threatened the very exlatence of our or ganization." Mmat fkel4 Contract. v He urged the necessity of every local union upholding this agreement and said; There la now a ayatematlo and organised effort of the pres throughout the country to discredit labor unions because of trelr Indifference to contract obligations, and such Is the force with which thes agencies of capital una this point that few organize' tlona can aucceed if they are once made tha target. President Buchanan made several recom mendations, urging, among other things, early affiliation with the American Federa tion of Labor. "Capital," aald he, "contlnuea to combine and consolidate and it la necessary for trade unions, if they would maintain strength, to combine with others in a like way." President Buchanan aaserted that within the last year government by injunction had assumed wider and more alarming propor tions, and recommended that the conven tion appoint a committee to advise with all the other organisations of the country for the purpoae of effecting si conference, to be held In the near future, to consider defi nite action to be taken with respect to "this great and growing evil." Iaflaeac of Moneyed latereata. In closing. President Buohanan aald: Tha ramlfyfnr influences of tha sxeat moneyed Interests of the country have en tered every Held of our national life. These Interests dictate our elections, they In terpret our laws and they prescribe the condltiona of our existence. Intelligent co-operation is the secret of their power. Would we protect ourselves against their encroachments? Would we . preserve,, the liberties guaranteed ua by our constitution T Would we secure the full measure of the product of our toll? . Would we create condltiona of benefit to ourselves emd prom ise for our children? Then we must Set ourselves to the task with the same Intelligent co-operation that distinguishes the action- of employing claeses. Nor mut we be -satisfied with fighting for merely higher - wages and shorter hours. Trade s unionism stands . rs ftttfav Ts mtmvAm 6 .11 exercise of cltlsenshln. Tradea unionism must exert itself to the utmost to uproot the evil of special privileges that Is the re sponsible cause of the Injustice that our fellow workmen suffer today. Let ua work together toward that end. Later Brophy was . Invited to attend the aeaalona of the convention, in which, how ever, he was to have no vote. He declined mis oner ana ouisiae ins convention aaia; i I will go back to New York and fight Same Parka and element. The majority of tho Structural Iron and Bridge workers of New York are opposed to them. Tha ma jorlty want Parka and hla followers out of the union, and I will in the future devote my effort to accomplishing thla- thing. HYMENEAL Eraestl-Stratmann. WEST POINT, Neb.. Sept. 20. (Special.) The Roman Catholic church at Aloys was the scene of a hsppy event on Wednes day, when Ferdinand Erneatl, son of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Ernestl, and Miss Theresa 8tratmann, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Henry Stratmann, were united In marriage by Rev. Father End of Olean. A sumpt uoua wedding feaat n served at th home of the bride's parents. The young people are well and favorably known in this vicinity, having been tea red In this county. I'lrleh-Krellteaaeler. WEST POINT. Nsb., Sept. 16.' (Special.) On Wednesday occurred the wedding of Miss Mary Krslkemeler and Theodore Ul rich, which was solemnised at th Monterey Catholic church by Rev. J. Behoof, pastor. Th partis ar prominent' and well-known young people of a neighboring precinct and are the children of plonesr Battler. They will reside on their own farm. Roanbersr-Loflar. WEST POINT. Neb., Sept. 26. (Special.) Mis Mary Lefler of th) city and Albert 1 Romberg of Cuming township were mar ried on Thursday by Rev. A.' R. E. Oel schlaeger, pastor of th German Lutheran church. Thay Immediately departed on a wedding tour and will be at horn on their fine farm north of the city after October 10. ' Jett Takea te LeuJsvllle. CtNTHIANA. Ky.. Sspt. 26-Curtl Jett, sentenced to be hanged December 18 for th assassination of James Cockrill, was today taken to th jail at Loulsvlll for safe keep ing, pending appeal to th court of appeals. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Premise is Olvea of Fair aad Warmer ; , iwnday, with Meaday Fair. WASHINGTON, Sept. K.-Forecat For Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota: Fair; warmer Sunday; Monday, fair. For Iowa: Fair Sunday; warmer in west portion; Monday, fair, warmer. For Missouri: Fair, continued cool Sun ' day; Monday, fair, warmer. For Kansas: Fair Sunday; warmer In west and north portions; Monday, fair, ' warmer. j Local Heeord. , OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. ) uwaiia. m pi. ra. omciai recora -or tem reratur and precipitation contoured with the corresponding day of th last three yeara: 1C3. . 101. 1KO Maximum temperature... 6 74 81 M Minimum temperature.... It 61 6 4ft Mean temperature M e M Pteclriltatlon 01 .00 .00 .k) Record of temperature and precipitation a umana lor tins aay aince March 1, lKf J Normal temperature , 61 tHT.rlency (or the day 6 Total deficiency since March 1 4 Nuim.-.l precipitation 06 Inch DrnYleney for the day ,, 01 Inch Hrealpliation since March 1 9 7 Inches Excsss sin.' March 1..,....- 4 41 Inches rflclencv for cor. period. .. 1 40 Inches Deficiency fur cor. period. 1X1.... t.tt Inch SHOT BY PERSISTENT SUITOR Jame Eeed Firei Four Eulleti Into Body of Glennie Iljnes. CHANCES AE THAT THE WOMAN WILL DIE Was Reloading Weapon Preparatory to Rhootlnsj Himself When O Hi rers Cater and Plaee H!sa t'nder Arrest. James R. Reed, a boarder at the Goo hotel, fired four shots into the body of Glennle Hynes at her room, 1403 Webster street, about 8 o'clock last night. Reed waa only prevented from taking hla own life by the prompt arrival of Emergency Offcer Baldwin, who wrested the weayvon from his grasp when he was in the act of attempting to reload It. The injured woman was re moved to the Clarkson hospital 'and at tended by Police Surgeon MacDlarmld. Dr. Bummers, who waa called later, said ahe waa too weak to undergo an operation last night. It la the opinion of tha attending physicians that the woman cannot recover. Reed has been calling upon tha, Hynes woman since last January. On two or three different occasions he has threatened to take her life it she did not marry him. According to his own statement Reed first met the woman during January at her home, 1403 Webster street. He wa in fatuated with her from the first and asserts that she had made promises to marry him which were never fulfilled. Some time ago an agreement was entered into between thera that they were to be married In Oc--tober. The man said he was acting In good faith, but laat Thursday he called upon the woman and found a man In her room. He took her to task about it and she laughed at him. He then went to a plaoe on Sixteenth street and purchased a revolver with the Intention of killing her and himself. He put the revolver In his trunk and left It there until yesterday morning, when he decided he would commit the deed. r He called at the Hynes woman's room about t o'clock In the forenoon and found her in a very pleasant frame of mind and could not make up his mind to take her life. Again about 11 o'clock he called, and they drank four botyes of beer together. He had promised to buy her a silk dress and went from her room to the Boston store, where he ordered the dress and pnld for it. A telegram was then sent by him from the Paxton hotel stating that he had ordered the dress sent to her. This telegram waa found in tho girl's room when it waa searched by the officers. Bight Angered Reed. The thought of killing the woman had partially deserted Reed until he called at her room again at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and found two men visiting her. She met him at the door and requested him to retire to another Apartment and wait for her as she would be ready to see him In a few minutes. During the time he was waiting he grew very angry to think that she would entertain- other men In preference to himself. After the men had left the woman entered the room where Reed was sitting. She came over to him and asked for money, at the same tirne feeling in hla pocket to see If he had any. She found no money, and aat down In a cnplr near him. He believed the proper: time had arrived to kill her and pulled the. revolver from his pocket "and fired three-shots. Aa the last shot ring out the woman Jumped to her feet and grappled with him. He placed the mus tle -of the' gun against her breast and fired twice. There were no more cartridges In the gun, so he was foroed to quit shoot ing;. He then turned and ran out of the room and entered another room on the other side of the parlor with the intention of reloading the weapon and killing him self. In attempting to get the shells Into the revolver the cylinder came out into his hand and he was trying to replace it when Officer Baldwin kicked in the door fid took the srun away from him. He had placed one ahell In the cylinder and had ' . . 'r " nis nana wnen me omcer seisea him. Two shells also lay on the dreeser by hi 1de. Five empty cartridges were picked up by the officer on the the floor of the room where Reed waa found. Th revolver whs a 18-cal!ber weapon. Peterson Locke the Door. The building in which the ahooting 00 ourred adjoined the saloon of Nels l'eter son on the west There is a door leading from th front parlor of the apartment into the saloon. When the proprietor of the saloon heard the shots fired he also heard the girl call out: "Oh, Maude, I am shot." He Immediately ploaed the floor leading into the parlor and call th po lice atatlon on th telephone, telling the desk sergeant that he thought a murder had bean committed. Maude Snyder Is a companion of the Hynes woman living In th house. The Hynes woman was tha landlady of the place. The Snyder woman had gone Into the saloon to telephone a friend and had the receiver to her ear when aha heard the shots fired. She at tempted to get Into the parlor to go to her friend's assistance, but eould not do so aa Peterson had locked the door. Just a moment before the shots were fired, William Peterson, who, la in the em ploy of the American Express company, aa a driver, stepped into the parlor of the plaoe. He heard four shots fired and saw the woman rush out of her room, wh'ch was on the south side of the house. She cried out, "He has shot me," and turning, ran back into the room. He wna the only person In the house with the exception of Reed and the Hynes woman when th crime waa committed. Hellevea Reed Crasy. Peter Goos, proprietor of the Goos hotel. said that Reed came to board with him about three months ego, and that he had been considered craxy by everyone about the hous ever since he had beep there Mr. Goo says he has heard the other boardera In the hotel alklng of the queer actions of Reed on more than one oc casion, and that he has noticed them him self almost dally. According to Mr. Goes, Reed would take crying spells. Ha would begin to weep from apparently no cause and at times would keep it up for hours. Friday evening the daughter of Mr. Goos, wno is a suiierer irora consumption, was brought home from the west. She was very ill and Read was invited into her room to see her. At sight of her he was seised with a weeping fit, and aat down and cried until he was asked to leave the room for fear It would make the girl nervous. Reed said in his confession that he came from Buffalo, N. Y. H confided to Mra. Oooa at one time that he had been married and had three children ull of whom died, together with hla wife, in the space of bout one week. It is believed by Mr. Goos that this mis fortune probably was the cause of unset tling hs man's reason. The Hynes woman, it is said, came from Minneapolis, Minn., te this city. ' Wills Body te College. When searched at th atatlon Reed had In his possession a letter from th woman ha' shot asking I.Ira to visit her Friday night. 8b enclosed a lock of her hair with th latter and it was stlU In th envelope. He also had a letter addressed to Fred Altera, clerk of th Goos hotel, in whloh be stated that h could tak all of hi effect In payment of th -bill of 610 which wa due th hotel for board. Anothar latter was addressed te Coroner Bralley, written by Reed, In which he asked the coroner to deliver bis body to the Crelghton Medical college for scientific purposes. He gave In this letter as his reason for shoot ing the woman that She had been robbing him alnce last January. He asked that no Inquest be held and closed by saying that he had no relatives or friends living. A letter written to Chief of Police Donahue stated that the writer would be dead when the paper was plnced In the chief's hands and asked that the resort where the woman lived be closed. He said that the palms which were In the woman's room and the rings which sho wore were all his and closed by stating that the woman came from Minneapolis, that her real name was unknown here and that when she left tho Minnesota city she went as a fugitive from Justice. All of these letters were signed James J. Reed, mechanical engineer. In a letter found In the girl's room and which was in Reed's handwriting he stated that he was ambitious and would never quit until he became a mechanical engineer with a salary equal to that of Mr. McKeen, 13,000 per annum. Reed has been an employe at the Union Pad flo shops, but quit there three days ago. since which time he has not been doing anything. He told the clerk at the hotel where he was stopping that the company Was going to send him to the Grand Island shops to work Monduy, Reed was placed in a cell at the police station, but no charge has as yet been entered against him. A charge will not be preferred until the outcome of the shooting can be ascertained. Two of the bullets entered the Hynes woman's breast on the right side, another entered the right shoulder and the fourth almost severed the little finger of the left hand at the. first joint. She told Dr. Mac Dlarmld when he arrived that Reed wanted her to marry him and go to Denver to live, but that she refused to do so and he shot her. She also said she was sitting still when he shot her and that sho was shot before she knew what he intended to do. Maud Snyder, who occupied a room in the building where the shooting occurred, was locked up last night as a state witness. The correct name of the injured woman is Cora Crlsslwell. Her husband waa killed while employed on a railroad before she came to Omaha. She has a daughter and two uncles residing in Minneapolis. SHOPMEN EXPECT TROUBLE Believe I'nloa Pactde . Faith on . Piece Agreement. Will Break Work CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept 26. (Special Telegram.) One of the local strike leader and an officer of the machinists' union, states tonight that the conference of Pres ident Burt with Mr. Harrlman in New York Is for the purpose of framing a proposition for submission to the machinists, black smiths and bollermakers, having for Its object a continuance of the piecework sys tem on the Union Pacific. The machinists say they have an agreement signed by Judge Cornish and Mr. Harrlman to dis continue piecework on October 8, but they have been led to believe that the Union Pacific will ask that the date of this agree ment be set forward to April i of next ear. If such a request Is made,' says the local union leader, the men will walk out over the entire Harrlman lines. The strikers also charge that the forming of a citizens' alliance In shop towns along the Union Pacific Is a scheme of the rail road company to strengthen their position and get ready for the impending strike. Railroad officials deny thla allegation. A number of the old strikers who have families are getting ready to enter other lines of busNjeW Thef say they are weary of the struggle and will leive the shops permanently. Thar Is a feeling here that another strike Is inevitable and people are preparing for it. . Union men aay the oonference between President D. O. Clark of the Union Paclfia Coal company, and Mr. Harrlman, which Is now in progress in New York, is relative to the reports of an impending strike among the company's coal miners In this state. WHEAT FILLS THE ELEVATORS I'nloa Paclfle Makes Effort to Relieve Congestion Along; Line In Kansas. SALINA, Kan., Sept. 26-The Union Pa cific aent two apeolal freight train west from here today along the Lincoln branch to relieve the congested condition in lha wheat,countle of the western part of the state. All the elevators along the branch are filled and thousands of bushels of wheat are piled along the railroad tracks. At many points the grain dealers have topped buying until they can get car to move the grain they have on hand. CHANGE PRUSSIAN UNIFORM Greenish-Gray with Button Basne Shad Derided I'poa. of the (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Sept. 26. (New Tork World- Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The German military administration has decided to change again the uniform of the Prussian army. A hew campaign uniform Is to be made of a greenish-gray color, with buttons of tha aam shade. Instead of the tunic now worn, there will be a blouae cut In th Russian fashion. . QUEEN HAS THREE NEW WORKS Carmea Bylva" Conpletee Two of Them aad la Worklag mm th Third. (Copyright, 103. by Preaa Publishing Co.) BUCHAREST. Roumanla, Sept. 26 (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The queen of Roumanla, better known in other countries aa "Carmen Bylva." is about to publish two new works. One Is entitled "Under the Flower" and the other "Whispered Words." - These books are aaid to embody her philosophy of life, In addition, ahe Is working on a romance called "Sans la Luaca." Dishonesty Charged la Berlla. BERLIN, Sept. . Corruption in the publlo service waa ahown up at the trial today of Herman Bagans, secretary of the prosecuting attorney of one of Berlin' two criminal courts, who was accused of sell Ing information to indicted persons. Ther were five specifications. Including one In volving the emperor's former banker, Ed ward Sandman, director of the Prussian mortgage bank, who was sentenced In July, 1901, to six years Imprisonment and to pay a fine of 13,750 for falsifying balance sheets PUT MATNEY IN BANKRUPTCY Attorneys Premise Seaeatloaal Die. eluseree la Case Against Joseph Cattle Breeder, ST. JOSEPH. Sept. . H-Involuntary bankruptcy proceedings were I is' It u ted In the federal court today agsinst Jamea B. Matney, one of the best known breeders of blooded cattle In Missouri. Bensatlonsl disclosures are promised by the attorneys for a bank at Dearborn, Mo., which la a party to th suit. MATTHEWSON ROW hESIGNS Superintendent of Omaha and Winnebago Agencies Finally Eteps Down. GIVES ILL HEALTH AS THE CAUSE Cemmlssloaer Jones Expresses Bis Regrets aad Promlaea Early As polatmeat Elsewhere Otker Washlaarto Sew. (From a Staff Correspondent. WASHINGTON, Sept 26. (Special Tele gram.) Superintendent C. r. Matthewson of the Omaha and Winnebago agency has resigned. In his letter of resignation to Commissioner Jones, Mr. Matthewson states that his separation from the Indian service was due solely to ill-health. For some time past Mr. Matthewson lias been very anxious to secure an appointment either In Arlsona or New Mexico, but by reaaon of places being filled the commis sioner has been unable to secure the transfer for Mr. Matthewson. . Speaking of the. resignation. Commis sioner Jones said: "I regret that Mr. Matthewson has decided to resign. Per sonally I think a great deal of the super intendent of the Omaha and Winnebago agency. Ills health, however, has been precarious for some time past, and, while I recognise that Mr. Matthewson has been desirous of quitting the service, I shall certainly do all I possibly can to secure his transfer to a more congenial climate." By -reason of the resignation of Superin tendent Matthewson the Indian office will now carry out a plan which It has had In contemplation for some time, looking to the division of the Omaha and Winnebago reservations Into two bonded school su perintendences Instead of the present ar rangement. Commissioner Jones said to day that H. Q. Wilson, superintendent of schools at the Sisseton (S. D.) agency, would be appointed to succeed Mr. Mat thewson at the Winnebago agency. As to the Omaha agency, the commissioner would not state who would be appointed, several well-known men being under con sideration. Mr. Wilson, who will assume charge at the Winnebago agency shortly after the first of next month, is regarded by the Indian office as a very careful and safe man. He goes to Nebraska with splendid recommendations and It Is ex pected that he will bring the agency to a high standard. Raral Carrlera Appointed. These rural carriers were appointed to day: Nebraska Clatonla, regular, Christ II. Pfelfferj substitute, William Seng. Dixon, regular, Charloe Mitchell: substi tute, George W. Mitchell. Iowa Cleo, reg ular, A Ion so C. Housley; substitute, Aaron H. Schoonover. Moulton, regular, Jacob II. Lowry; - substitute, James Doherty. Shell Rock, regular, Leo G. Dwy: substi tute. Homer Scwell. Sutherland, regulars, Arnold Hyde, Ira A. Squlers; substitutes, Etta F. Hyde, Ines Squlers. These rural routes will be established November 2: Nebraska Firth, Lancaster county, two additional routes; area cov ered, 68 square miles; population, 1,000. North Bend, Dodge county, one additional route; area, 28 square miles; population, 468. Iowa Casey, Guthrie county, one route; area, 83 square miles; population, 660. Castana, Monona county, one addi tional route; area, 28 square miles; popu lation, 630. Humboldt, Humboldt county, one additional route; area, 88 square miles; population, 600. Mlnburn, Dallas county. one additional route; area, 19 square miles; population, 401 CHICAGO CENTENNIAL OPENS Rata .aad Wlad Make Thing Inter est Ins for Those Emalatlasj Mrs. O'Leary'a Cow. CHICAGO, Sept. 26. The centennial celebration of the founding of the city was formally opened tonight when a ton or two of red Are powder waa burned in the attempt to give a reallstlo production of the great Chicago fire. The rain fcU in torrents; the wind blew half a gale and nearly everybody save the man whose business was to feed the red fire sought shelter indoors. Between the high wind which blew half his powder away and the rain that soaked the balance of it In thirty seconds, the red fire man had diffi culties of his own. Notwithstanding all this, however, a vast amount of crimson blaze was produced and the result was fairly satisfactory. A large number of Indians, descendant of the tribe that formerly lived on the site of the city are encamped in Lincoln park and wll! remain through the cele bration, which is to last until next Thurs day night. There ard to be sports In IJncoln park, a parade and banquet For tomorrow, when, according to the pro gram, a feature will be "divine service in the churches," fair weather la prom ised. Many thousand guests have already arrived, among them thirty members of the Cleveland, O., city council. Nine his toric tableta were put In place during th day. GENERAL HAMILTON ARRIVES Defender of Lady smith Will Spend Three Weeks In America In spection Baltlegelds, NEW YORK, Sept 2t.-Lleutenant Gen eral Sir Ian Hamilton, who participated in the defense of Ladysmlth, arrived from Liverpool on Lucanla today. General Hamilton will remain - In thla country only three weeks and a portion f that Urn will be spent In Canada, visiting various military ;3oats. General Hamilton aid: "I hav only live weeks leave of absence, so that I ehall not be able to atay aa long aa I wish. I want to look over the great battlefields of your civil war Gettysburg, Antletam, Chancellorsville, Fredorlcks burg and the rest." General Hamilton came here on the in vitation of General Corbin and other Amr lean army officers, whom he met at the German army maneuvers, and he will be accompanied by aome of them in his trip to the southern battlefields. GOES TO LYNN BY EXPRESS Prisoner Arrested at Colambaa Beat tm MassachaseUa la fharae of Messengers. BOSTON, Sept. 26' The distinction of being the first prisoner ever sent by ex press and he If away across the continent at that, undoubtedly belongs to Floyd T. Ferris, who arrived here today by Ameri can express from Columbus, Neb., snroute to Lynn, where he is wanted for the lar ceny of t60 from the company, which transported him. Ferris waa willing to return, so word was sent east that It would not be neces sary to aend an officer after him. He was accordingly entered upon the way bill as "on man consigned to police, Lynn, at owner's risk." He waa placed in the ex press car with the messenger aa guard. v Back la Old aarlera. Claude Allen, who gives his address aa Chicago. Is held at the police station aa a susptcloua character. Allen waa here about two years ago and served a sentence or six montne in toe county xi. Ms waa uspectsd Of robblne- tws rai. STOVES! I T Oak Stoves, ,up from.. $5.97 Radiant Home Base Burn ers, up from $29.75 Hot B asts, up from $12.40 Air Tights, up from .... $2.45 Steel Ranges, $20,75 Buys ojr guaranteed Puritan STEEL RANGE, asbestos lin- Uig uujwi . ill uiittuaiivu gain. Stoves and Ranges Hon Rogers 14th and Farnam Streets. could not be -connected with the crime. He was, however, found to have had two sots of skeleton keys made at a locksmiths on Sixteenth street, nnd the locksmith who made the keys caused his arrest. Allen ad mits that since he left Omnha he has heen sentenced to Jail on two different occasions for terms of six months. He has only been out of Jail about three months In the time he ha been absent from the city. DR. FRANK ISKE ToTeCTURE Founder of Old Roman Catholte Church Bra-las Toor la Omaha. Dr. Frank Iske, originally of Bohemia and recently of .Chicago, arrived In Omaha yesterday, and will today lecture at Bo hemia hall on South Thirteenth street, this being the first of a series of lectures which he will deliver in this state nnd South .Dakota this fall and winter. He returns to Omaha to lecture again October 7. He lectures at Wilbur October 3, Crete 4, Prague 10, Morse Bluffs 11, Schuyler 13, Bruno 18. f Dr.' Iske is regarded as one of the most learned Bohemians of the United States. He Is the founder of the Old Roman Catho lic chuqeh, which had Us origin at Prague, Bohemia, his former home. Dr. Iske was formerly a Roman Catholic priest, but he abandoned the priesthood when he left the mother church and organised the new one. His lectures are along liberal lines, Corresponding with those on which the Old Roman Catholic church was founded. Boya Steal Revolvers. A. Woolf. who runs a second-hand Store at 1311 Douglas street, heard the glass In one of his show cases, which stands In the street in front of his place of business, crash about 10 o'clock last night. He ruh"d out and saw several small boys making their way down the street about as fast as their leg would carry them. One of the boys. Arnold Solomon, 1&J7 Vinton street, was overtaken by Woolf, and turned over to a policeman. The rest of them. Hob Ross. 2118 South Nineteenth street, Walter Heron, Klghteenth and Hickory, Vera Duncan. Fifteenth and Martha, were picked up Inter by Ofhcer Manslleld. Two revolvers were missing from the case. All of the boya. with the exception of Solomon, were Identified by the occupants of th buildings adjoining Woolf s as the young sters who broke the glass. Gornsoa Wants Man aad Money. Oeorge Gornson. who has been working cn the railroad at Waterloo, Neb., called at the police station last night to find out now ne couiu secure me reiurn ui iiiu-uin Knsley from Albion, Neb., to this city. Gornson says that he and Knsley were working together and that he lost a pay check for lit; 60 and SHO In cash. He thought Knsley got the money and he had descrip tions of him ent out. Knsley was arrested a few days ago in Albion and now Uornson doe not know how he Is going to secure his return to this city. Neither the city or county authorities thought the case came under their Jurisdiction. Early Morslsg Blase. The firemen answered a call at an early hdur this morning and succeeded In ex tinguishing the Humes that started in the room of a one-story cottane belonging to Mayor Moons, situated between Farnam and Harney streets on Thirty-sixth. The family, which occupied the house, moved Into It Thursday afternoon and are at tha present time out of -the i-lty. and the name could not be obtained by the firemen or any of the persons 'who chanced to be present.. The loss i $200. LOCAL BREVITIES. Fayette Cole, Osteopath, 509 Paxton block. No Jury will be iiuuaueled at the federal term of court to be held at Lincoln neat month. ' Court has been called for October 6. but will be adjourned for one week, be- ? Inning October li. The actions are set or hearing cn thai dale. Owing to a typographical error, the Peo ple'a Store ad., "Mr. lienaele is now at tha People's Store," read "Mr. Hengeie Is not at the People's Store." To rmov all doubt we want to slate that Mr. liungL-l IS at the People's Store and has been since August 1. C. E. Van Horn, Sixteenth and California streets, assaulted Sadie Alcoe with a beer Klaus last night. The woman had two very severe cuts on the top of her head when she arrived at the police station. Both fiartles are colored and the Alcoa woman Ives at C16 North Sixteenth street. The executive committee of the Omaha Federation of Improvement CI u lis met at noon on ThursJuy, September 24. in room Gul New York Life building and decided to postpone the next meeting of the federa tion for one week October t to li on ac count of the Ak-Sar-Hen festivities and the attendant attraetlona. Detectives Davis and Mitchell arrested Frankle Williams, Belle Benson and Bes sie McClelland, all of whom reside on Ninth street, as suspicious characters. They are suspected of being the women who hsd a hand in the robbing of a man named Hurst Friday night. Hurst lost 11U0 In cash from his vest pocket. He accompanied a aoman Into an alley. C. H. Richardson, eolored, living at Twelfth and Jackson streets, waa reported last night by residents in the vicinity of the Klevonth street viaduct, to the polio. They said klcharOson had been chasing their children. When brought to the station be aald he had been employed by the con tractor, who hae the repair work on th viaduct, and that the children had been tormenting him at night while he was per forming his duties as watchman. Richard son was charged with disorderly conduit. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. John C. Wharton has gone to Cambridge to enter the law department of Harvard. John Rudd, Jeweler and watch inspector for th Chicago at Northwestern railway, left last nl lit on a bustnea trip I Itaug Wu au4 UudhimI. K.U stoves! Now Is the time to buy. Our big SPECIAL SALE gives you many rare bargains in base burn ers and soft coal heaters. Don't fail to see them. We are sole agents for the celebrated - GARLAND and RADIANT HOME Base Burners and Oak Stoves. QUICK MEAL Lai Sold on Payments. & Sons Go. J NEW BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Hyg-ela Creamery Company and H. B. Graham Building Factor-. Tha Hygela Creamery company, owned by Charles Harding, and the Ice cream buslnesa of 11. B. Graham have been con solidated and wIU occupy a new building adjoining the Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hard ware company's place of business. Ground Is now being broken preparatory to erecting the building and all the teams which can work are engaged In moving earth for the foundation. The building will be 66x133 feet and three stories high above the base ment. It will be the most sanitary and modern structure of Its nature in the west. The factory will be equipped with an eighty-horse power boiler and engine, a large dynamo and a twenty-flvo-ton ice machine. The cream, butter and ice cream equipment will be new throughout and a large cold storage department will be built. If is believed the building and machinery will be ready for business by January L The new oompany will be known aa th Harding Cream company and H. B. Graham will be the manager of the Ice cream -department. Mr, Harding will be general manager of th business, but will spend most of his time out of the city, when th business will b under the direction of Mr. Graham, who will devote hi ntlr time to it after the first of the year. The entire output of the factory will be from 400 to BOO cars per year and the Ice cfeara capacity wilt be 1.400 gallons per day. About fifty people will be employed and from six to twelve wagons will be operated, accord Ing to the season of the year. IDENTIFY SMITHAS THE MAN Two Women gay it Was flattering Jim Who Entered the Home on Caldwell Street. In the capture of "Stuttering" Jim Smith Chief Donahue asserts thit one of th worst housebreakers in the middle west la now behind the bars. Th chief believes it was Smith who broke Into three Bou'.h, Omaha homes last week and hopes to b able to fasten the commission of these crimes upon him. Smith was pos'ttva'y Identified by Mr. Abrahamson, 217 Cald well street, and Mrs. Swartxland, wha lives next door, as the man who entered and intended burglarising th horn of. Utr: Schindler, 39 Caldwell street, but was frightened away, Mrs. Schindler re. turning home and entering by the front door. Smith also was Identified by a Mrs. Roberts of South Omaha Saturday after, noon as the man she had seen hanging around her premises last Thursday shortly before her house was entered and robbed. COLLEGE nEN (telle talversally I'se Grape-Nate. A lady of Tabor, La., who has sis strap ping big boys, says: "They range from 7 to 18 years and we ar living at a colleg town for the purpose of educating them, "I have a gnsat work before me, as you can aee, and I regard your Grape-Nut very valuable assistance, for without healthy bodies I know it Is Impossible to build up strong, healthy brains. "My boys all think they owe muoh to the food Grape-Nuts, and on 'field day' or In th foot ball season the athletic one declaro Grape-Nuta is a great atrenthener and muscle maker. I have no doubt they are right, but it interests me mora to know positively that Orap-Nuts roakea general good health and restore th wasted brain and nerve matter and keep my boya normal and atrong. "As for myself, I have been troubled since childhood with sever sick headaches, which all came from a disordered stomach. There wa always troubls about digesting my food, and thla x.esulted In violent at taoks of headache about once every two weeks. These wer so sever that I would be unable to raise my head for 24 hours, then natur would readjust herself by rest and an- entire lack of food. Then I began to us Grape-Nuta for breakfast and the stomach trouble began to fade away. All of the symptoms have gradually changed for th better and th very few headache I hav hid sine using Grape-Nuts have been very light and have not Interfered with my regular work, while I am fleshier and stronger than ever before. I tak great pleasure In telling my friend what this splendid food has dons for us, not only In th cas of my own worn-out system, but In keeping up th health of my strap ping young giant. "I must speak of a tribute paid 0 rape Nut at ou district convention of th Woman's Rellf Corps. Two hundred In telligent women were at thla meeting and the Department President. In her address, spoke of the wonderful merits of Grape Nuts to produce brain power." Name given by Poetum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look In each package for a copy of th famou littl book, "Tb Road 1 W-u. vlll."