19 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1003 Tiie Omaha Sunday Ber E. ROSE WATER, EDITOR- PUBLISHED EVERT MORNINO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I'atly pee (without Sunday). On Year. .14 00 I'ally Has and Hundav On ne Year.. 6.00 Illustrated Hee, Ori Year t 00 Hundny Bee. One Yenr. 2.00 l.M 1.00 HatuM-iy Hee. One Vmr,. Twentieth Century Farmer, One Tear DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Daily Bee (without Bunday), per copy.... !o Jially Hoe (without Sunday), per week.. .120 Ily Boe (Including Bunda)). per week..l7o Sunday Be. per ropy o Evening Be (without Sunday), per week 60 Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per veek 1Vj Complaints of Irrrirularltlee In delivery hould tm addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building, Twen-ty-tlfth and M Streets. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street Chicago 140 rnlty Building. New York 232 Pnrk Row Building. Washington Ml Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating; to news and edi torial matter should he addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing- Company. Only 2-cent stamp accepted In payment of nail accounts, Personal checks, except on aha or enstern exchange, not scci THE) BJEB PUBLISHING COMPA STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebrs.lra, Douglas County, ss.! Georg-e B. Tischuck. secretary of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that the actual numliei of full and com plete copies of The Dally Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of August, 19(X. was as follows: 1 S0.81 t aram 17...... SO.OBO 18 feu.OlO 19 2M.220 20 .3UO Si , aw.aro m... ,ao,aio 23 ., J4.. 2,20 B .....sto.s.'to M 2,2H0 27 20,310 28 ait,3ao 2 2U.NOO 30 SN,o30 21 2t,47u I .28,730 4 B0.930 t W,7UO . W,T64 I sujao SO.IKO ai,io 10 2t,N4H ii itw.e&o II ZJHtO u wuu 14 ttvt0 u si.oita 16 84MI3W Total 04,NBa Less unsold ajid returned copies. ... 8,8ti2 Net total sales .8U0.070 Net average sales 8(4,003 OEOKQfi B. TZ3CHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this tUl day of August, A. D. ISA M. B. il UNO ATE, (Seal.) Notary Public. PARTIES LEAVING TUB CITY. Parties leaving the city at ay timer may have The Be eat to them reajalayly by aatlfylas The Be Baslncas office, fa person or by mall. The address will be chanced a. eftea as desired. For a contcnarlun Chicago appears to be very robust What Is Omaha going to do about cele bratlng Its semi-centennial jubilee next year? In spite of railroad mergers the coun try is threatened with another freight congestion. No ex-con v let ever tried to play even with ex-Governor Savage for refusing to Issue a pardon. Kidnaping the governor's kid involves no greater penalty than kidnaping noy kid of pleblan Uncage. Ia tackling the cabinet problem at weight of T2S pounds, King Edward in timates that he r.ordd tho exercise. Between Chicago water and Kansas City water, St. Louis has a busy time keeplug tho microbes out of its system. At the rate the slaughter Is going on In the Balkans there will be few people left to kill when war is formally de clared. Possibly King Edward may have to luvlte soma American statesman out of a Job to cross the Atlantic and take place in his cabinet. It does begin to look dismal for the Douglas County Democracy. Repub licans of all factious and shades of opin ion are pledged to harmony. At the rate the Steel company'! securi ties are sliding toward the bottom it is possible, that Andrew Carnegie may yet realize the folly of dying rich. Stock Jobbers who are holding back with their investments should possess their souls in patience. The bargain counter In Wall street hag not yet been closed. By importing lmllaus to give an abor iginal tone to Its centennial celebration Chicago furnished abundant cause for the war talk and ghost dancing on the local reservation. Pisciculturists of Massachusetts and neighboring states are making heroic ef forts to save the lobster from extermina tion. New Knglunders are determined to preserve their salad days at any cost Chicago was the marvel of the nine teenth century and will continue to be the most stupendous monument lu iron, stone, brick and mortar to the pluck, daring, energy and public spirit of the euipl re-building west. Should the Hungarian uprising under the leadership of the son of Louis Kos suth, to upset the rickety old throne of the Hapsburgs, as foreshadowed by cable dispatches, succeed, few people in America will wear crepe. Cardinal Gibbons brings from Ho lie asuurauce that another American car dinal will be cliosen soon. Although the report comes from a reliable source, Archbishop Ireland Is wise enough to defer painting his library a canlluu tint . Tbo failure of the Panama t canal treaty may not be such a streak of 111 luck after all. It will enable Secretary Shaw to distribute the twenty millions that were to have been paid over to the pig headed Colombians among the dw iHwltorieg of this couutrj aud avert An.luii.1 at nun tub rtvpLt hiii. Great stress was laid by several o the champions of the complex primary elec tion system upon the ndvantnges that are to le derived from giving the people the opportunity to rule themselves. The memorable declaration of Abraham Lin coln In favor of a government by the people, of the people and for the people always meets with hearty applause from nn audience, but In what way does that apply to the uniform primary elcctlm scheme concocted to confuse and harrass Douglas county republicans? Conceding that the convention system hn lecn responsible for many flagrant abvses, and granting that a system that would enable every voter to participate directly fn the nomination of every can didate is desirable, it still remains nn open question whether the mode pre scribed by the new rules affords the best opportunity for arriving at a popular choice. The populnr sovereignty of the American people is exercised at every stage from president down to member of the legislature by indirect selection and not by direct vote of tho people. The chief executive of the nation is not voted for by the people, but by presi dential electors, and they in turn tiro not selected by tho people, but by po litical conventions. Suppose that the re publicans of Nebraska were given the right to vote directly for presidential electors instead of voting for delegates to nittke the selection for them Jo. state convention, and suppose that so-called "slute-inaklng" through a conference of representative republicans to recommend to the rank and file candidates for presi dential electors were forblddeu, what chance M-ouId there be for securing un expression of the majority of tho party In favor of each of the sixteen electors to which Nebraska Is entltfed? Would not the promiscuous voting for candi dates make It utterly Impossible to make a choice short of two or three dosen pri mary elections at which the lowest can didates should be dropped in turn until at last a majority was secured for each candidate who was ambitious to deposit the vote of the state in the presidential urn. It has frequently been argued that direct elections for president would be more desirable and come nearer to the spirit of the constitution than the in direct vote for presidential electors. It should be borne in mind, however, that in a presidential election by direct vote every candidate would be known to the great majority of voters by reputation if not in person. Ills public record and his private life would for many months prior to the election be subject to the searchlight of publicity and his views on all vital Issues would be known to every man and woman able to read. In the case in hand, most of the men who have entered the lists as candidates for county, offices by depositing their money with the committee are unknown personally or by reputation to nineteen- twentieths of the 13,000 republican vot ers in the county. At best the outcome of the direct primary under the peculiar and unprecedented rules will be like a game of "blind man's buff." Inasmuch as the people who profess the republican creed have no alternative but to make their choice from the men who have put up the money as a guar antee of good faith the pretenses of pop ular selection is but a deluslou if not a snare. OUR RtLATHJMS WITH TVRKtT. The relations between the United States and Turkey ere not of a nature that warrants any feeling of unfriendli ness. This country has claims against the Ottoman government which amount to a comparatively small sum and which there Is reason to think will iu time be satisfactorily settled. Of course, Tur key is very slow in meeting her obliga tions, of whatever character. The pros ent sultan is particularly indisposed to pay tho debts of the empire, however Just they may be, and there is very good reason for regarding him as being thor oughly unscrupulous. As is well known he has been promising for several years to pay the claims of the United States, long ago acknowledged by the sublime porte to be Just and he is still mani festlng a disposition to put off payment Never did a debtor find more excuses aud subterfuges than the Turkish sultan for postponing the settlement of con fessed obligations. It is sometimes necessary in dealing with such a debtor to employ methods more or less coercive and compulsory. Numerous examples of this could be cited. Whether it would be altogether wise to pursue such a course in the case of Turkey is a question for the careful consideration of the authorities at Washington. The sending of American warships to Beyroot seemed to be fully Justified by the circumstances at the time the order directing them to go there was given. The reports Indicated that American citizens and Interests were in peril, and although it was sub sequently found that these reports were exaggerated, still the prompt action of our government was generally ap proved. That it had a salutary effect we think cannot reasonably be doubted. It was action that gave the Turkish government to understand. In the most convincing way, that this government proposed to protect American interests. regardless of the attitude of the Euro pean powers. It involved no threat, but simply a warning to Turkey that any wrong to our citizens within her do main, or any Injury to American Inter ests, she would hare to make reparation for. Having accomplished what was sought in the sending of warships to Turkish waters, the question is whether our government should keep them there longer, in view of the fact that the Turkish government desires their with drawal. It is very easy to understand why that government should wish to be relieved of the presence in oue of hr ports of warships whose mission Is one of surveillance. That government quite naturally feels that there is something la " natnea at a ananana la tkm Inlll States having a naval force, under the circumstance. In Turkish waters, when there Is no longer any real reason or Justification, growing out of danger to .!'ierl'Hii interests, for keeping war ships there. It Is needless to say thst we would not tolerate the presence of worships of any other nation In a port of the United States under similar con ditions and may we not properly apply In respect to Turkey the same principle that we should most certainly assert in our own ense in like circumstances? We are of the opinion that a very large ma jority of the American people would ap prove the withdrawal of our squadron from Turkish waters. frictiox is jvair armt mstcm. It is unfortunate that any friction should have occurred thus soon under the operation of the new army general staff system, but such appears to bo the fact, though possibly It will not lc of a serious character, or affect to any ex tent the working of the policy of reor ganization that has been established. It apiears that there has arisen a clnsh of authority over orders of tho chief of staff. Involving the simple question of the expenditure of money. It is not a very important matter in itself and can of course be very readily adjusted, but It naturally suggests the possibility cf other issues arising that may prove r.'ore tmuhlcfiome end perplexing. It shows, for instance, that while the change to the general staff system is undoubtedly wise and in the end will result in gen eral benefit to the army, it Is quite pos sible that some things, more or less es sential in their nature, were overlooked in the framing of tho new policy and that consequently it may have to un dergo some minor, though not unim portant, amendments. This is not at all surprising, for while great care and deliberation were taken in drawing up the bill creating a general staff and In this respect effecting u rad ical reorganization of our military es tablishment, it is quite conceivable that there should be some flaws and defects that experience with the operation of the new system would be necessary to disclose. In a word, it was hardly pos sible to make a departure of this kind that would be faultless and it Is to be expected that it will be found necessary to make a number of changes in tho law, as experience with Its operation shall suggest, before it will be entirely satisfactory. A FACI TO Bt tttUUMBKRKD. In his speech before the association of Maryland bankers Secretary Shaw said that "the prosperity of the Ameri can people is not measured by the price of stocks and bonds, but by the output of our farms and factories and the profitable employment of labor."- This Is a fact which our people should keep In mind and the truth of which has bad very recent illustration. We have seen the stock market for months almost in 1 a state of panic, the prices of securities; going down from day to day and the losses of holders of stock measured in millions of dollars. There has been a decline, within two years, in the market value of the stocK of a single great in dustrial combination exceeding $225,- 000,000. Securities of scores of corpora tions which have gone Into the hands of receivers have bad their value entirely wiped out. To the holders of such stock the loss has been great, but it hns not affected to any appreciable extent th legitimate business of the country or the general welfare. Our factories have gone on producing, labor has been employed, the farmer hns found a. ready market for his products, our foreign commerce has been maintained and so far as appears there has been no decline in the general prosperity. It has been very conclu sively shown that the material welfare of the American people is not dependent Upon Wall street or at least that portion of it which deals in stocks that our prosperity "is not measured by the price of stocks and bonds." It is well to un derstand this and to keep in mind the fact that while the manipulations of speculators may send the price of stocks up or down, the true measure of the national p'.osperity is not to bo found in the results of these gambling operations, but in the production of the farms and factories and the profitable employment of labor. When these aro in normal operation, as they have been for several years past, we need not con cern ourselves a Dour, me speculative price of securities and can look to the future with confidence. A few months ago lromoter Clerq of the Consolidated Lake Superior company was lauded and pictured as the most successful type of modern financiers. In the estimation of his boomers Clerq out ranked J. P. Morgan, inasmuch as he began his gigantic operations as a poor man. The scene of his activities was the Sault Ste. Marie, the water power of which was harnessed to a large number of varied industries built on the Ameri can and Canadian sides of the river. Capitalized at $HM).000,000, the entire group is now on the auction block for oue-tweutleth of that sum. Several thousand workmen are clamoring for their wages, and probably 10,000 share holders are practically stripped of their Investments. The Soo bubble Is the largest trust scheme to suffer collapse this year. Its passing emphasizes the fact that Industries reared on fictitious capital have quicksands for a founda tion. At a recent session of the interna tional congress of life insurance actua ries the delegate of the German govern ment to the congress delivered a most Interesting address on the compulsory health Insurance system iu Uermauy. From the statistical exhibit made by him it appears that there are ten uill- llou men Insured in the various states of the German empire and the reasons given for the introduction of this class oMuriirance was to improve the stand ard of life aud the physical sUuUrd for the army service. While there is no possibility of emulating the example of Germany by compulsory Insurance in this country the beneficial effects of the system In Gem. any will eventually stlmulute voluntary health lnsur.in?e in the United States. At the present time this class of insurance is confined to policies that guarantee fixed payments to the policy-holder through accidental disability. It seems almost Incredible, but It is nevertheless true, that the railroads do ing business in Wisconsin have made a formal request on the tax commissioner of that state to raise the assessed valu ation of their property. The reason for the request which at first would seem a pnraljaer, is thnt the railroad mana gers have reached the conclusion that the agitation for equitable railroad tax ation is doing them more harm than paying their share of the taxes. It Is furthermore suspected that the railroads want to sidetrack the agltutiou for freigt-t reduction, which, like n cloud no bigger than a man's hand, Is liable to overshadow all other Issues iu Wiscon sin before the next year's campaign is over. Incidentally the railroads have shon that the tax commissioner's val uation is too low and that if all other property In Wisconsin is assessed for its actual cash value the rate of taxation to be assessed against railroad property under the new ad valorem act will bo lowered proportionately. With this strik ing example before them, what will the magnates that control the Nebraska rail roads say when the next assessment of railroad property comes to be made un der our new revenue law? Lost winter the legislature of Wiscon sin appropriated $100,000 for an exhibit of the material resources of the Badger state at the St. Louis exposition. Now th.? board of commissioners appointed to expend the appropriation are making frantic appeals to the people of Wiscon sin to Increase the appropriation by an other $100,000 by private subscription. What the Wisconsin commission expects to do with such an enormous sum is not yet divulged, but there is a very penentl Impression that expositions have become a most attractive source of graft for professionals who have made the ab sorption of exposition funds a line art School reformers as well as the ablest teachers advocate a reduction in the number of studies for all grammar school and primary pupils. The consen sus of opinion among experienced school masters is that because of the numerous studies at home and at school the pupils are overworked and the graduates are found to have only a smattering of gen eral subjects but lack efficiency in ordi nary studies that relate to fundamentals. The same disposition to overwork the pupils whleh has made grammar school education defective is' apparent in the long hours of the very little ones. The Chicago centennial celebration opened with a reproduction of the abo riginal antics that were performed a hundred years ago on the swampy site adjacent to Lake Michigan that now bears the name of Chicago. More than 150 Indian braves and squaws, repre senting the defunct chiefs of the Wng orebash, or Chicago, Pottawattamie, Winnebago, Chippewa, Ottawa and other tribes feasted on fat dogs and whooped if up in the war dance to re call to the denizens of the Chicago of today incidents of the year 1803, or thereabouts. Mysterious Influences are hammering down the Wall street stock market and especially preferred shares of United States Steel corporation stock drawing 7 per cent interest which sold 37 per cent below their face value. There Is a bare possibility that J. Pierpont Morgan's brokers are the mysterious influence that is bearing down steel stock to en able the sharks to swallow the school of frightened minnows, but a more ra tlonal - explanation Is that the enor mously inflated Steel trust securities arc settling down to their proper level. The retired mllllon-a-year steel mag nate. Charles M. Schwab, is reported to be Interested In a scheme to found in dustrial training schools in cities on the line of Andrew Carnegie's public library endowment plan. If Mr. Schwab la in position to carry out his scheme on the Carnegie scale he will do more for the elevation of American workingmen than by planting library buildings broadcast. What this country needs above all things It an opportunity for the poor man's son to become an educated and skilled mechanic. Although Judge Grosscup has not even yet indicated his intention to re tire from the United States circuit bench, and hence no vacancy is yet in aight, three ambitious Jurists have al ready signified their Intention to com pete for the Grosscup cup. It goes without saying that the railroad and trust magnates who are so anxious to transplant Judge Grosscup from the bench to the corporation bar are not en tirely disinterested spectators. The landing at San Francisco of a great Chinese revolutionist who styles himself a "reformer," was signalized not only by the pounding of tom-toms aud the screeching of Chinese musical In struments, but a grand procession of Chinese nabobs riding in omnibuses. What has become of the Chinese ex clusion law; An explosion of the American Tin Can trust Is foreshadowed by Associated Press dispatches. The trust Is capital ized at $82,5(10,000, of which over $uY. 000,000 is pure water. Kveu the best made tin cans cannot stand such In flation. Governor Mickey will rejoice to lejrn that his ideas about the Impropriety of the dancing habit are gaining headway even as fr east as the wicked city of Chicago, whero a 10-year-old girl was ar raigned last Thursday before the Juve nile court for staying out late at a da nee. The Ancient Artillery company of Loudon Is alout to lay siege to the sub urbs of Bunker Hill and speculate on what might have been. If the visitors resemble their hosts, the Boston An cients, they will bp content to view the ancient landmark through the glass darkly. The ruling powers of Kansas City, having secured millions for public Im provements, gently but firmly inform the Commercial club that the disburse ment of the money Is none of Its busi ness. The Vanderbllts of politics would make old Cornelius shake his cerements with Joy. Force of Habit. Saturday Evening Post. Borne men get so far away from the ro mance of youth that when they revisit the old swimming hole they want to turn on the warm wat?r faucet. Profitable Things to Leara. Brooklyn Engle. Whlttaker Wright, who was arrested here for swindling In London, Is to be tried in a hurry. And If he is convicted It's a mil lion to one that no English Judge lets him out of Jnll on a certificate of reasonable doubt. In some things this enlightened re public can learn a good deal from an effete monarchy of the old world. Crack Shot Behind the Con. Boston Globe. Gun pointer Tralnor of the Indiana, the man who in two minutes and eighteen sec onds with an eight-Inert gun put four shots in succession through a bullseye four feet square 1,6'JO yards away, with the ves sel moving eight knots an hour, says: "I shall try to do still bettor." That's the kind of men the American navy hns be hind the guns. I One More Guess. Washington Times. A professor in a far western university advances the theory that the peculiar vir tues of girls are due to clothes, and that if the boys and girls were dressed alike nil would be equally gentle and refined. Evidently that professor has never been to sewing society cat fight or taken Into consideration the deeds of the pettlcoatcd Turkish soldiers. Ominous Calm. San Francisco Call. Something Is strangely wrong In Hono lulu. For more than a week there has not been even the suggestion of a scandal In official circles, no man prominent in public or political life has been accused, no flery protest has been nied against the' territorial government, and treasury funds seem to be in safe hands. The Island capital appears to be settling Into the dry rot of respectability. Files In the Toddy. Louisville Courier-Journal. Man never Is, but always to bo. blest. Just as we were relieved from the op pressive heat of summer and beginning to enjoy the advent of autumn with Its crisp atmosphere and dreamy haze, comes the noisy foot ball with Its shockheada and their rough and tumble sport. But, as be yond the Alps lies Italy, so In the far distance the mind looks forward for relief to Thanksgiving day, a merry Christmas and happy New Tear. One of the Follies of Fashion. Milwaukee Journal. Ndtlce the men and women who drive automobiles. Fashion says they make guys of themselves. It rigs them out In distinctive toggery. They must have out landish spectacles like bulls' eys. They must wear lonr visors on their caps which put you In mind of the hound of the Baskervllles. Simon says thumbs up. Up they go. After awhile somebody will sea something more than foolish in the present auto uniform and the whole haberdashery will give way to another. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Strange rumblings and subterranean echoes are heard In Indiana. Another his torical novel Is brewing. The reported shortage In Connecticut's to bacco crop will give the alfalfa cigar a chance to show Its pull. King Edward seems to think that a king has other duties besidea wearing good clothes and looking wise. Miss Ooelot, fiancee of the duke of Rox burghe. Is undoubtedly a handsome woman. She has 120,000,000 In her own right. A Kentucky society item says that "Misses Kate Coffey and Amanda Waters gave an afternoon tea In honor of Miss Lucy Beers." Miss Moonshine was un avoidably absent. General Miles told his friends In Chicago that he was not going to rust out. "I will wear out," he said as he took his departure for the oil regions of Texas, where he In tends to do some vigorous pumping. Philadelphia, reputed to be the greatest American city, Is wrestling with the name of Mr. von Moschzlsker, candidate for Judge. A prize Is ready for every voter who can master It without stuttering. The Honorable Artillery company of Lon don has shown an unmistakable desire to have Bunker Hill cut out of the sight-seeing Itinerary In Boston. Their forbears saw enough of it to last through the centuries. Tba homestead of the late Allen Q. Thur- man la to be sold to pay his debts. How did a smart man Ilka Thurman manage to serve his country so long and ably without making several millions? How old fash ioned! Holt county Justice Is not the slowest on record. Alameda, C'al., has In Its county Jail a man who haa been waiting twenty years to be tried on the charge of murder. Some communities are notoriously good to crook a San Francisco furnishes a beautiful ex ample of professional good will. A thief robbed a lawyer of a pair of diamond cuff buttons and was Jailed. The buttons were returned and the lawyer showed his grati tude by defending the thief. The bablt of chewing gum In court so Ir ritated the dignity of a New England Judge that he outlawed the abominable practice. The offender was a spectator and the court could not tolerate Interference with the monoDoly of Jaw action enjoyed by the lawyers. John Wanamaker Is one of the most ex tensive users of printer's ink In the United States. He knows a good thing, pays lib erally for It and enjoys In Ilka proportion the prosperity flowing from It. While In Chicago recently he gave an Interviewer this clever aDOthegm: "Many an honest man falls because he is a poor advertiser. A codfish famine threatens Boston Just as the British artillery company la ap proaching the town. Without an abundance ef codfish balls to throw Into the visitors It Is feared the highballs will not have a secure foundation and the hospitality of the town suffer In consequence. Codnsh balls are the whlchnesa of the- wherefore at the Hub, the true sourco of high living and deep thinking. WHY WALL STHEET IS Bl.VE. aralaa of M ater and 1 lad Can.es Internal Aaoay. Chicago Chronicle. Hamilton Fish, assistant United Slates treasurer, who hns been making a three weeks' trip through the country as fur as the Pacific roast, tells the "very blue" peo ple In Wall street that they ought to go west. There they would learn, he says, that there Is no occasion for despondency from a commercial point of view. They would find plenty doing, plenty of money and plenty of products. Mr. Fish seems to overlook the fact that the Wall street point of view and the com mercial point of view are not Identical. Wall street has Us eyes fixed on stocks, and stocks have suffered a collapse quite sufficient to account for the Indigo In the complexion of the bull side of Wall street. What' good will It do that side of ths street to go out west and behold the evi dences of abundance In the subject-matter of commerce so long na there are no signs that the prosperous people are In clined to pay the top prices for stocks which are from one-half to four-tlfths water! There Is the source of the ultra-cerulean hue of that side of the street A great many combines, stocked up from two to five times the value of their reasonable expectations, are no longer regarded as bonanzas, and there Is no prospect that they will be so regarded very soon by westerners who wear ths wool. If Mr. Fish will take some observations in New Jersey he will discover that within a year forty-five corporations which it shelters, having a capitalisation of 180,000, 000, have gone into the hands of receivers, aud that most of them have hardly assets enough to pay the receivers for their trouble The Universal Tobacco company, for In stance, with a capital of HO.OOu.OjO, pans out assets to the amount of only $135,000. Such facts as these, going to show the hollowness of the vast structure of the trusts, go further than any amount of western prosperity to determine the hue of the bull side of Wall street DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. ou say you found her heartbroken after Jack Jilted her?" yes; I did all 1 could for her." "What did you lo?" "Gave first aid to the injured." In dlamipolis Journal. Benedick I don't see why you don't get munled. Two can live ns cheuply us one. Wiseman Perhaps, but two can't live as richly us one. Philadelphia Press. ''Don't you know It's always well to cast your oreud upon the waters?" said the moralist. "Not much It ain't," snorted Newllwed. "It wouldn't be well for my wife to do that with her bread. Hhe bakes It her self." Detroit Free Press. She looked up from her household drudgery. "When you used to cnll me the light of your life," she said, bitterly, "I thought you Intended to measure it hy candle power Instead of by horse power." Chi cago Post. "Say, old man, let's go out and have a big time tonight." , "What sie you celebrating?" "I've JuBt thought out a new excuse to mention to my wife." Harper's Bazar. Ada Do you get much exercise? May Why. yes; 1 have no maid and I have a waist that buttons In the back. Judge. Jackson Trays My wife found a half dozen poker chips In my pocket this morn ing. Severn Supp Whew! what did she say? Jackson Trays Lectured me on my care lessness In not having cashed them In. Philadelphia Catholic Standard. ''Let me see, Harry how many have you proposed to me?" times This Never before. Minnie, so helo me! is rne nri Time; - O, to be sure! I've got you mixed ud with George." Chlcn go Tribune. 'So you are going to marry Trivvet. Helen?" "That s right. Blanche." "But he's such a poor excuse of a man." "Well, you know that a Door excuse is better than none." Detroit Free Press. WHAT IS GOOD f John Boyle O'Reilly. "What Is the real good?" I asked In muHing mood. Order, said the law court; Knowledge, said the school; Truth, said the wise man; Pleasure, said the fool; Love, said the maiden; Beauty, said the psge; Freedom, said the dreamer; Home, said the sage; Fame, said the soldiur; Equity, the seer. Spoke my heart full sndlv, "The answer is not here." Then within my bosom Softly this I heard: "Each heart holds the secret: Kindness la the word." evey & Stone Furniture Go 1U5-1M7 Fartiam Strest. Annual Cut Price Furniture Sale. One thousand odd pieces of high grade furniture of all lands to close out in Three Days, Snaps for shrewd buyers. 1 5E" r "far-. V V- Trje above are a few of the best bar gains offered. Investigate. This is a gen uine cut price sale. D),v ey & Stone Furnituro Go,, 1II5.1II7 Parnam Street. SECl LAR SHOTS AT TUG rt l.riT. Detroit Free Press: ArchMshnp Ireland must have looked Interested, to av tll lenst, when he read Cnrdlnnl (HMln stntemcnt that the United PtMes i, xa have another cardinal. Inrtlnnapoll Journal: Evangelist I'nii, , proposed Invasion of New York with a lurga band of followers Is an uttori. Idiotic proceeding. It will end In all kimli of failure and If he attempts to carry out his program In New Tork he and his fol lowers will get Into trouble. Chicago Chronicle: Whenever tho Tur' begins killing people some emotional per sons In this country take to writing to tha newspapers about the beauty of the faith of Islam. Just why the murder of women and children should arouse lachrymose ad miration for the creed of the murderers Is one of those things that must excite tha despair of the psychologist. Boston Globe: Isn't there something In consistent In the Methodist advertisement for a minister "willing to begin for nom inal salary, $400 or ttOO. and probably a parsonage, with a good, clear head, a warm, loving heart, and big feet, well planted on the solid ground of common sense?" Common sense and a ministerial salary of $10 a week don't go well together. Boston Globe: In Colonel Albert A. Pope's church. In Cohasset, where "lovs to God and love to man" Is the only creed recognized, and whero every one, be he Jew or Oentlle, or Brahmin, a hardshell Baptist, a Roman Catholic, Unitarian or Universal is!, Presbyterian or Episcopalian, Is taken Into fellowship, how would they answer the religious census gatherer? A church without a creed seems from some points of view to be the ideal church, but the diffi culty Is to find something that everybody will agree upon. A church where every body will agree to disagree must be made up of pretty good people. It may well ha believed that the Pope memorial edifice at Coh.isset Is such a church. SCHOOLS. BROWNELL HALL, OMAHA. A Boarding and Day School for young women and girls. Special voursa requir ing two vexm for high school graduate, also prepares for any college open to women. Vassar, Welleeley, Mt. Ilolyoke, Western Reserve University, the University of Nebraska and the University of Chicago admit pupils without examina tion on the certificates of the principal and faculty. Exceptional advantages In Music, Art and Elocution. Well equipped gym nasium 65 feet by 40 eet. Ample provision for outdoor sports. Including private skat ing grounds. Reopens September 14. Send for Illustrated catalogue. Address the Principal, Omaha. Neb. Racine College Grammar School "THE SCHOOL THAT MAKES MANLY BOYS" Pupils Study Under an Instructor. Its Graduates enter -any College or University.- Social and Ath letic Advantages. Military Drill. For Roys of 8 to IT Years Old. IllsstnUd CaUlocu tint on BDllcstten te Heary Doaalaa Robinson, Wardan Racine, Wis. The Froobel School 2567 Farnsn Street, All grades. A limited number of pupils received into the family. Tel. F-2424. HARRIET H. HELLER. Prin. Best for outdoor ser vice golfing, tennis playing, riding. Nothing )a.rs them out of pla.ee. Spectacles comfort. EyegleLSs elegance. llt'Ii:sl OPTICAL COMPANY, 213 South 16th St. x Factory on the Premises. Eyes Examined. $43 mahogany library table 31.00 ti3 oak library table 24.00 t'O Vernla M.irtln parlor tabln ....14 00 I $18 Vernls Martin parlor table ....12 00 "l!.00 wea. link iK-n table 25 t 'O French marquetry table 16 00 Ui French marquetry table 24.00 I HI French marti"try txble 30.00 1-0 maliog-any parlor cabinet 14.00 $-'4 mahoiiunv purlor c-tlilnet 17.60 S44 brass and onyx table 22 00 f.S brass and onyx table 20 M i26o mahogany muslo cabinet .... 176 J. 5 mahogany divan MOO jl nmhofctiny sofa MOO J.K mahogany parlor rocker 25 M) 15 uph. parlor chair MM t Iron bed. 4- 1 M U bra, bed, 4-ft (2 00 brass bed. 4- 36.00 tit Iron bed. any slxe IK 24 50 Iron bed, any slse I to t.4 00 onIc Khuvlng stand 10 215 oak hall seat 10 00 '! oak hall seat it 00 J.1150 very flne hall seat U 00 t:-3 oak hall glass 1100 243.60 beautiful oak dresser 22 20 240 mahogany dresser 30.00 t'll msple dresser 14 60 HI mahogany draaaer 28 00 2.7 mHhoirany dreaatng table .....2100 oak book ease, 1 sae 12 00 tiff" mahogany book case, 2 seel? 00 tf-tt (3 sec) mahogany book case. ...8 00 t'lS (3 sec) mahogany book um ..24 00 txo combination book case. mab....K$0A ' oak china rase 21 00 240 wea. oak china case 30 00 2.1S golden oak buffet M 04 2x0 golden oak buffet 00 46 fine oak folding bed 25 00 tiriiri V.M-, .s ,&m&mm3