THE OMAHA I) A II A BEE: K I'M) AY. KKITKMItEK 27. 1003. IT I :( ( Y Republican and let us not wuU !t In Internal strife. (Applause.) It was my privilege In th last presiden tial campaign, a one of the electors In ' this state, to vote for both William Mc Klnley and Theodore Roosevelt, trie on for president and tha other for vice president, and in that way Indirectly I voted for two proalrients of tha Vnited Stat. I ssy to yon that were It my privilege to l one of tha elactora In the next presidential rim pilgu and I should be permitted to caat my vote foB John L. Webster for vica presi dent. I would consider I wai ranting It for an great a man aa I cant It for for vica president In the preceding campaign. (Ap plause ) Now. gentlemen, let us go from this hall tonight, not In name, but In fact, united. lo not open up these old miners at all. It us plan this campaign and when the campaign is planned let every man work, and 1 will promise you one of the greatest vlctorlos that the republican party lias aver known. (Applause.) r. W. II. Christie. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Republicans: I do not know why I have been picked out to apeak on thla occasion. I have always voted tha republican ticket ever since I have been a voter, which was the first time that Urant was candidate for president. I bava voted tha republican ticket straight from that time to tha present, with tha exception of what might be considered by tha machine men last spring. If I remem br right, I was voting for a very good republican then. (Applause.) Tha last speaker upon the platform (Mr. Jefferts) has rather taken my text away from me. The gentleman who edits the paper up on the hill Is the man to solve thla proposition, and the first thing that he ought to do Is t' eliminate the "yel low dog" proposition. There are no dogs In the republican party, and the trouble with the machine has been In the past that they have been dictatorial, and they have presumed that the republicans In this great western state were Ilka the hoodlums In New York City that they could be dic tated and led around by the nose like a hog with a ring In It, and when they dldn t d. It, then they are dugs. This may not be harmony, but If thla matter Is elimi nated there will be harmony. We all recog nise that ha has the ablest of papers printed In tha west, that ha Is tha great est of editors that lias ever swung a quill, but why should be assume In this man ner to brand republicans That Is no way for harmony, and If the editor of that paper will exercise rightly the ability and power that Is given him ha will no longer have the candidates for tha state tickets nominated by tha state tickets as he has In tha past. Judges to tha supreme court will no longer be populists and democrats. The gentleman who Is upon the ticket this fall will- be Just as sure of your support as Mr. Holoomb was a few years ago, and It may be whether he endorses the ticket or not. But I do not say this dlspar lngly; J do not say this with vlclousness, but with all honest sincerity and In the spirit of tru harmony. I have voted the republican ticket time and time again when I know that parties crying for har mony have knifed It Good government la one of the funda mental principles that wa are all deeply and profoundly Interested In every cltlseu, everyone, who lovea his country. I never expect to hold an office for pay or emolu ment. I have never engaged In politics for the pelf that was In It I have engaged In politics In tha past for what I believe to b tha good of tha community In which I live. JSot that I have any 111 will against any person on earth, and I do not believe that any genuine republican should, and whan we coma to beliovo and think and feel like other people, have consciences and bra las. and tha Integrity and good will of the communis at heart, then thla spirit which destroys harmony will be wiped out and effaced, and unity and harmony and . good will will prevail. Wa have one of the most lovely cities and one of the most beautiful counties tributary ts it, &ad It should be one of the moat powerful oountles, and we should be one of tha moat powerful states In this union. And In the recognition of the nomi nation of candidates for vica president It has already been recognised, and unless we can have this good will, this spirit of genuine harmony prevaUng; no threats of "yellow dogs," no curs. Wa are all men and we are going to labor together for the good of tha party, and wa are going to vot for tha ticket that Is nominated, be . esuaa the republican party only have good men that, they will Indorse. (Applause.) I They never have had any others that V hava been put up by tha republican party, ly . tha will power and conscience of the republican party. When man are nominated to office by cliques and faotlons for personal aggrandisement of Individuals then there may be such question, but when thla Is free and untrammelled common sense will hava com. Then dealra for good govern ment, than wa will have honesty. Integrity, ability and character. Then the repub lican party ever will nominate tha proper , men. They always have, they always will.' Ji u, .grmbv muni id iu, i uiti .1 w.ji kept their ear, figuratively speaking, to the and dear to them, and the voices of tha people hava In tha past raised aa a mighty thunder, and they hava oarrled the leaders te victory, to. honor, and our nation has keen thrust forward In honor and In glory, not only to our own country, but to the civilised world. And when wa hava such leaders, such sentiments and such spirits predominating the activity and Intelligence and will of the p.rty there can be no ques tion of what tha vote will be. I have noth ing further to say upon this matter, except this, that when the republican party makes the nomination this fall I shall expect to endorse end vote for every ons of the nominations that are made, because the republican party ts going to make them, and It will be right (Applause.) E. Keenrsttr, 1 air. Chairman and Fellow Republicans: There is an ancient adage, that "to err is human, but to forgive divine." (Applause.) .We hava reached that stage on both sides of (actional lines that we ran well afford to bury the errors and forgive the Injuries, and march shoulder to shoulder to vanquish the oommon enemy. (Applause.) Some months ago I was talking with Mr. Herman Kountxe about the future, and he said that the thing that alarmed him most vu the .fact that Individuality waa pass ing away. That tha captains of Industry were Mocking- the avenues of the new gen eration, so that very few men Indeed could work out their destinies, as they did when ha was a young man, and when both of us were young and ready to grasp any op portunities, or overcome any obstacles that j confronted ua. There are young men on thla platform who probably were not born before I entered Omaha, which was Just forty yoara ago-yesterday, who think that Individuality ' la going to assert Itself more In the future and concentration la going to pass away. I do not agree with them. Pack In- the biblical times, you read In the old testament that when tha Jews wanted to go to war. they ordered their men te form Into battalions and appointed commander for tens and commanders for hundreds and thousands and placed them tinder martial rule. That Is precisely what every political party must do to win battles Ve are tuld It la all bad. W must not com bine. We asuat scatter and let every man Harmony go his own way. In the early days of the republic, when this country only had three million and a hnlf population. In the days of George Washington, when they framed the constitution for this country, they pro vided an electorsl system, allowing the elector to chose from smong the most eml tnent men they knew president and vice president, but within a fw years a change was made which allowed the states to select the electors and took frcm those electors much of the (individuality that they pos sessed when the constitution was framed. Today the Idea that all the people should di rectly rule themselves Is impracticable. It cannot prevail In a republic of eighty mil lions. Tou can make direct nominations In country towns where every man knows his neighbor, but In a community like ours, this primary system needs Intelligent and courageous leadership and that must be recognized, or the party goes to pieces. (Applause ) I Illustrated that the other day by call ing attention to the great enterprise that was so sucrespfully carrl'd through by Omaha six years ago. I refer to the Trans mlsslssl,ipi exposition. We had incorpo rated under the laws of Nebraska and when we were about to elect a board of di rectors we found that more than 6.000 stock holders were on the list. We opened the stock books snd set a day apart for the elec tion, but before the stockholders' meeting a few men who had organized the company met together and scanned the list of stock holders and selected with the greatest rare fifty men, who represented every Interest In the community. They carefully selected men engaged in wholesale and retail trude, man ufacturers and bankers. They placed upon that list George W. Itoldrcge to represent tha Rurlington, Mr. Bldwell to represent the Northwestern and Mr. Dickinson, rep resenting the Union raclflc. They placed upon the list professional men, editors, law yers, representatives of the packing houses at South Omaha, and 1h st, but not least, representatives of organized labor. When they had that list prepared they handed It to the stockholders. There was no coercion or dictation. The stockholders could vote as they pleased; anyone could write in another name on his ballot: he could select from that list as many names as lie saw fit or take the whole list. What was the result? That list was accepted ami voted by nearly four-fifths of the stockholders. Suppose you had let them go without any direction or suggestion. You might have had a lop-sided directory. Ignoring im portant business Interests whose enterprise you needed, whose help you wanted. You might have made a conglomerated direc tory and you could not ' ive made a suc cess of the great Transmlsslssippi exposi tion. (Applause.) That llluutrates precisely the probable effect of your new direct primary system. There are 15.000 republican voters In this county, and not more than 1.600 know all the candidates. A majority may know some of them, but more than four-fifths do not know them all. You leave these people without any direction, deprive them of any slate, and you leave the outcome to chance. You will have a ticket without representation of the various elements and localities In the city of Omaha without representation for the country and South Omaha, You are liable to make a failure of this new system and will wreck tho ticket which we are all here In harmony pledging ourselves to support because It deserves support and not because we have made party pledges. (Applause.) Let us be good American citizens as well as republicans.- The republican party rules the nation because It constitutes the best ele ment and gives 'the 'American' people" the beat government, a better government than democracy can give. I have been Identified with the republican party since Its Incep tion. I marched under the banner of John C, Fremont before It had any patronage to give. I was but a boy and have been through It in all Its phases, but I have always recognised one thing, upon the ban ner that the party first hoisted to the breeze was Inscribed this motto: Free speech, free soil, free men and Fremont. With free speech and free men and free soil the republican party fought and won the great battles of the nation. Freedom and Fremont are inscribed upon the badge I still have preserved. It was the freedom that I have exercised as editor that mads the paper great and not my ability to write editorials. It Is because I sincerely be lieved, right or wrong, what I advocated, that the paper has exerted Influence. I could not do you any good In this campaign or any other If the people did not believe that I sincerely believe the measures I ad vocate to be In tho Interests of good gov ernment You say there are no bad men In the republican party? You might as well aay there were no bad men In the church. (Laughter.) Let us be honest with ourselves and we will have the country with ua. What we want is honest and competent men In office. I wrote tho article this afternoon because I wanted to Impress upon yoj that for which we talk harmony, for which we may consult and unite, namely, that we roust bear in mind that we must nominate the kind of men that will have the confidence of the community or we cannot succeed. (Applause.) That Is what I tried to Im press upon you. That Is what I want vou to think of when you go to the ballot box on October 1 Tou must know that tha men you vote for are deserving of snd are competent to fill tha place to which they aspire. It It ridiculous to say thst when a man has paid VA, t or $100 that he Is a man that everybody must take on trust (Applause.) It Is not the money that makes the man snd never has made men. (Applause.) Wa will accept his money, but don't (ap plause), don't say because he paid the money that he is entitled to everybody's support Kxamlna tha character of the men and their records and that Is the privilege you must exercise before, and not after, tho nomination. When w started out with the harmony organization there was one p'edge that they wanted to exact of me, that no discussion should be had until after the nominating convention, and It was upon that rock that we split, because I believe the discussion should be before the convention, so that we might make no mistakes. I am grateful to you all for coming here tonight to demonstrate the natural trend of the party for harmony. We have fought for years, and we shall be like the Ken tucky feudists if we keep this up. The old Issues must be set aside and we must march forward with new Issues with new men. I thank you for being here in such large numbers and trust yoj will give the next speaker aa close attention as you have given to me. (Applause.) W. F. Garley. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Republicans: If I recollect right the last time Mr. Roaewater and I were on the platform. I also had the close. That was, however, in a debate. Tonight we are more for tunate. We have no debate. We are all I presumed to be here, actuated by a com mon spirit and with a common purpose In view. I remember the last time 1 was down east, I happened to see a copy of tha New York Sun. I was there reveral days and took the paper each day, and I noticed that at the head of tli paper trsre was, to designate It. a picture of the sun with Its rays, and underneath it the raotta, "The Bun Bhlnes for All." That waa the motto of tha newspaper. I am In hopes tonight, after healing my friend Hose- j water speak, that hereafter tha editions of The Omaha Tte win appear with the pic tures of a bee, and the motto of the paper "To Err Is Human; to Forgive, t'lvlne." 'Applause.) When I came here tonight, I did not know but perhaps It would be necessary to be prepared for a strenuous time. I did nut know what kind of a speech I would have to make. 1 did not know what some of the speakers In a moment of for getfulnecs might sa but I find that every thing has been very pleasant. Everything has gone nicely. I have been very much pleased to hear a number of gentlemen, all of them friends of mine, some of them called machine republicans and some antl machlne republicans, saying that they had always voted the republican ticket. (Laughter.) I was reminded of a story which I once heard of a young fellow who lived back esst, and he got Into a little trouble and found it convenient to leave home sud denly. He packed bis grip and went away out west on the plains. He struck a camp of cowboys, some six or seven other boys, known as Smith, Jones, etc. He stayed around with them about a week. One night when they were all sitting around the campflre, talking, suddenly there was a lull In the conversation. Presently one of the fellows spoke up and says: "Boys, let us all tell our real names." (Applause.) Now, es has been said, this Is a harmony meeting, and as my friend Mr. Cowell said. It reminded him of the old Methodist re vival and experience meeting when be was a boy. I do not think that we ought to turn this Into an experience meeting. There are a great many things that we all of us might say. Mr. Connell Impresses upon us quit vigorously the necessity of turning all the democrats In the city hall out. He asked you how It was that they got there. He said It was because of disloyalty of re publicans. I think there Is som truth In that and It Is also true that we lost the best congressman that we ever had through the disloyalty of republicans. (Applause; a voice, "Clood.") It was through the dis loyalty of republicans. And, gentlemen, there is no doubt in the world that It la tho contemplation of the suicidal mistakes which were mude then that has caused men of all factions, perhaps, to call a halt and say "For God's sake are w going to keep tliis up in the future." (Applause.) It Is up to us whether we are going to do It or not. Harmony! How are they going to have harmony, they say. Gentlemen, It Is the plainest thing in the world how to obtain harmony. It has been suggested here tonight that you cannot have harmony by holding meetings of machine and anti machine factions and asking each other can we trust each other and then not being quite certain when we give the answer. You cannot have harmony In that way. Why, gentlemen, if they are to go on and hold a series of meetings from now until the primary', of machine and antl-machlne republicans asking each other whether we can have harmony. It Is as if an army on the eve of battle should hold meetings of Its various regiments to determine whether they would be loyal to their country In the hour of battle. (Applause.) We simply will insult ourselves and our own intelli gence by holding any further meetings on this proposition. There is only one way to do it. Tho last speaker does not favor the present Crawford primary system. He stated, as It seems to me, a rather remark able thing, "that the people cannot rule themselves." That is not a new doctrine, but It is a new republican doctrine. The people can be trusted to rule themselves. If they cannot who can? A fw self con stituted leaders on this platform? I think not. Why, he said, we could exemplify that by showing that at the time of the transmlsslsMppt exposition 6,000 stockhold ers practically selected the Board of Di rectors who had been chosen by a few men. That is all right. Those of us who have any money to put In the bank deposit It In the bank to let the bank take care of our money or over-drafts. Just as we happen to have. We have to trust the bank officers to look after our money, because we know very little about handling finance, leas than they do; but, gentlemen, no man who I fit to be an American citizen will say that any other man can tell htm how he ought to vote. The present system, which Is new, takes the choice of our nominees out of th hands of the packed conventions, out of the hands of delegates selected to trade and barter their votes and puts them In the hands of the sovereign electors of the re publican party, where, under God and the flag they belong. Talk about slating up any of these candidates who are to be nominated. My friend Rosewater says, of course, we have taken their money, but (Laughter.) That Is It, but (Laughter.) Now, gentlemen, I want to tell my posi tion on this question. Under this system any republican elector who desires to be a candidate at the coming primaries was allowed to place his name upon the ticket by handing in his check for the amount designated by the committee. That made him a candidate. And as a candidate, aa a citizen and as a republican he has the right to have his name fairly considered by all the republican voters of this county, and without Interference by any leaders, whether myself or any body else. (Applause.) If you want harmony with a vengeance. Just try to slate up a few preferred can didates and leave the others out. (Ap plause.) - Now, gentlemen, that Is absolutely Im practicable, and aa I say, we ran have harmony, not by talking about It, but by letting every republican go out and sup port the candidates for th dlffe-ent offices whom he believes to be the best men. Some suggestion was made that the leaders ought to got together and balance the ticket, to see that th different lo calities and different nationalities were represented. Now, gentlemen, I say no. And I say further that no man Is en titled to nomination at the hands nf the republican party, either because he was born In Germany or Bohemia or Ireland, aye, of America, but rather because, be ing competent and honest, he beat rep resents the principles and policies of that party which administers for the citizens of this republic the best government on earth, no matter from what clime he comes or from beneath what sky. (Applause.) The voters will take care of that Now, gentlemen, I do not believe we will have any other meeting on the question of har mony. I do not think we need It Every republican ber, I think, believes that the way to have harmony Is to get out and support th best men and then when they are nominated at the primary, to have a full republican vote and we will elect th ticket and do awoy with factionalism. (Applause.) J. B. Barnes. Republicans if Douglas County: I be lieve l see some signs of promise In the sky. It looks to me aa though Omaha and Douglas county republicans were coming to their own agjln. (Applause.) I come from outside of your city, and I know how the republicans in the state feel about you and how they talk about you anl what they think of you. (Laughter.) Now, let me say In the first place that 1 have never been one of those who have beeu opposed to Omaha because she Is the tlggest, but I have loved her and her citizens because she Is the best (applause) metropolitan city of the state of Nebraska, and every man within the borders of the state ought to be proud of her. ( Applause.) I believe the time is coming, and is her now, when Omaha and Douglas county will roll up brr normal republican ma jority of at least LS0V la th coming elec tion. (Applause That Is what we want to do. and that is what I believe you will do. There are reasons why you should do It As I said, you are the largest city In ih state. Tou furnish the market for the state ef Nebraska. Tou have the largest republican vote of any part of the civilised portion of the state of Nehraski, and you ought to be one you ought to be a power In the councils of the party the republican party of the state. That you have hud factional fights In the past we have heard. (Ijiuehter.) That you will have any more In the future we do not believe, because we think you know what has come of It and what has been the result so far as you are concerned. With th delegation that you have In the state convention. If you come down to the con vention united on some thing that you want, and are willing to concede to other parts of the state some things that they ought to have, why, you will be the power behind the throne, and absolutely irresist ible. (Applause.) But I have seen you come down when the delegates said. "Why. what do we care about Douglas county? They don't know what they want themselves." Speaking of your primary elections. I don't know anything about It, and I don't ear anything about If, but I want to say to you here now, whether It be a good thing or a bad thing, you are going to try It this time, and when you have tried it and have elected your candidates, If you Ilk It you can stick to It, and If you don't like It, In the future, change It. That is th war to do business. Now, gen tlemen, I am not going to take any more of your time. I want to see you get to going and roll up your normal majority. We have been telling the president and all of th people down In the east that Ne braska la for Theodora Roosevelt. We have told them that on paper and with our mouths, but let us show them that we mean It. Be ready to show It to the presi dent next fall when he comes up for your suffrage. (Applause.) When ail the speakers on the program had been called upon the chairman started to announce an adjournment, but from all parts of the hall were heard cries of "Web ster:" Webster! John L. Webster!" After being repeatedly and enthusiastically In vited by the audience to speak Mr. Web ster stood upon the floor, but the audience immediately began to call, "Flatform! Platform!" Mr. Webster then stepped upon the platform, when the applause of the audience seemed to know no bounds. Mr. Webster then made a short address, as fol lows: John I., Webster. Mr. Chairman, My Fellow Citizens, and I Think I Can Say Just as Well, and Gladly, My Good Friends: (Applause.) I am persuaded from what I have heard here tonight that all these people who sit upon' this platform and who have so elo quently talked to you upon the subject of harmony have come to believe what I have been preaching for twenty-five or thirty years to tho republican party of this city that the foremost and most Important duty of every republican is to support the re publican ticket. (Applause.) I know that sometimes we differ in our opinions about who ought to be nominated, and sometimes we find, or believe, that certain persons are objectionable after they have been placed upon the ticket, but nevertheless there is a gt eater and mora important duty which comes to us, and which is that we are a political party, having political prin ciples and, believing In those principles, we hold conventions and nominate our candi dates and always rally to defend the elec tion of republicans. But when I heard my friend upon the platform described by some as all-powerful and all-Influential, and from which I do not mean to detract a single word or weaken what was said. still I am reminded of something in Amer ican political history that Illustrates th situation. When after two months of labor In the convention that framed th federal constitution and the work was about com plete many members thought that th form of the constitution was faulty In many things and objected to signing It The ven erable Dr. Franklin was selected by the members of the convention to make a per suasive appeal to them to sign it. and said, among other things, that he often found himself doubtful of his own Judgment, that he had lived a great many years and as he grew older he frequently changed his opinion and had frequently changed his opinions regarding the constitution while listening to the debates during the sitting of the convention; that he disapproved of many things whtch were then In the con stitution, but that he did not know that he should hereafter disapprove of them after mature consideration and reflection. By way of illustration he said that Mr. Steele, protestant, had once written a ded ication to the pope. In which he said that the only difference between the Catholic religion and the Protestant religion was that the Catholic church believed Itself Infallible, and the Church of England thought It was never In the wrong. (Ap plause and laughter.) He added, by way of further Illustration, but In a more homely form, the statement once made by a French lady. "I cannot understand how It is, my dear sister, that I never meet anybody who is always In the right but myself." (Applause and laughter.) After the conclusion of Dr. Franklin's address, the constitution was signed by nearly every member of the convention present. But one exception was rather re markablethat of the person who had pre sented to the convention the first original draft of the constitution, Edmund Ran dolph of Virginia; but Edmund Randolph afterward discovered the mistake, and worked for the ratification of the constitu tion In the Virginia convention. So should we all find It our duty to support the re sult of our political conventions after their work shall have been ended. (Applause.) The speakers who have preceded me dur ing the course of the evening have been se lected to represent particular political ele ments, or factional differences, but I appear before you only by Invita tion of the audience, and therefore I am speaking for myself alone; but for myself I would like to see the republican party of Douglas county work together in such harmony and unanimity of senti ment as to command the respect and ad miration of the party of the entire state, so that wheu we go with a 'united front to. th state conventions we shall be re ceived and greeted as a tolKLiorganlzatlon of men entitled to the most favorable con sideration, and equipped to accomplish re sults. (Applause.) Anything is better for us as a political party than factional contentions, disrup tions and defeat As radical aa I am in my republican views, I would meet any political competitor with liberal conces sions In th interest of harmony, to the end that the republican ticket, when nom inated, shall receive the votes of all the members of the republican party. (Ap plause.) Before this meeting adjourns I want to say a few words in behalf of Judge Barnes, who sits upon this platform, and who is the candidate of the republican party for a member of the supreme court. I have personally known Judge Barnes from about th time he first began the practice of law, som thirty years ago I have known him rather Intimately from that time to the present, and I have the highest respect for th personality of his character, his honesty of purpose, the integrity of his heart, and his ability to understand and administer Justice as It should be admin istered by th supreme court of this, a growing and progressive state. (Ap plause.) I bespeak for him the enthusiastic and unanimous support of all republicans, not In this city only, but throughout the borders of th slat. (Great applause) AN0S! I OCTOBER 1ST TO 10 DAYS CUT Nil M OF HIGH Bargains on I The Greatest Bargains Given on the FIRST Pianos returned from rentals will be sold at from one-half to one-third origi nal cost. SECOND Pianos partly paid for and returned on account of nonpayment of balance due will be sold for the amount of balance. THIRD A great bargain. Pianos taken in exchange for the Baldwin or Hamilton Fiaxios will go at less than o-ne-Uurd what others ask. FOTZRTII New pianos taken from discontinued agencies, all fully guaranteed for ten years from date of sale. This line will include the celebrated Baldwins and Ham ilton s and all the Baldwin Co.'s bet grades of pianos. FIFTH Xerv pianos, styles that have been discontinued and will not appear In the 1904 catalogue, will go at amazingly low figures. - If yom wtan el ra plan, for less money . otnera would ask for peet on a, st fall tw attend this Great Barsraln Glvtn Bale, October 1st to lOtb. OtTl TERMS v.111 be satisfactory to you aad year pockrtbook. watch you had bettor brlajr wrth yos. BIG ORG. BARGAINS Sew and second-hand Kimball, Western Cottac. Eater, Moaarehs aad Hamil ton Orgas. at s8, sJ12, 1S, $22, dZT, 88 aad ap to 7o. D. H. J. J. Huston, Manager. 1408 RELIGIOl'S. Rev. Charles Fleischer, a well known Jewish rabbi of Poston. has Just returned from a trip throughout North America, cov ering a distance of 10,279 miles. For forty years Benjamin H. Conant has played the same organ in the same church at Wenham, Mnss. purin- that time he has scarcely missed a service. Bishop Murphy of Hobert. Tasmania, has the distinction of helng the oldest Roman Catholic prelate in the world now in active service, lie was born on the day the battle of Waterloo was fought. Rev. Dr. William J. Williamson, pastor of the Third Hnptist church of St. Louis, has declined a call to the pastorale of Tremont fmple, Boston. The salary offered him aa t!M annuully. Tho compensation he at present receives is hut JS.uyu. The largest dioccsn In the world Is that of Plshnp Warren of the Methodist Kplscopal church. It extends from the Afghanistan border and the Himalayas, through and In cluding India, Burirmh. the Malay penin sula. Borneo and the Philippines. , Fifty yeurs ago Rev. t. C. Hart, a Pres byterian clergyman, was married at bt. Louts. On Wednesday ho and his wife cele brated their golden wedding in the same city. The exercises were nil of a religious and somewhat somber character. William Henry Parker, a colored Phlla delnhlu. 'InnKshoreman. better known as 'niamond Dick," spends all his leisure time l:i evangelistic work among men of his own class, and Is accomplishing much good. H is s'lid to be singularly clo.quent and force ful as an exhorter. Another copv of the famous "Breeches Bible." printed In lft and anlch Is eagerly sought by book collectors, was brought to light several dnvs ago In Saratoga by the lillng of the will of John Pollard Knowles of Ballston. Spain. The bible, has heu handtd down through the family for the last 300 years. Rev. H. W. Jameson, pastor of the co' ored Baptist church at Madison, Wis., is starting an Industrial school for children of his race. The boys will be taught ar pentry and the rudiments of other tndes and the Klrls will le.irn cooking, house keeping and sewing. Twenty pupils alreudy nave Deen enrolled. The successor of tho late Cardinal LVaughnn as Roman Catholic archbishop of Westminster is the MsIiod or KoutnnarK Rt. Hev. Francis Bourne. He is 42 years old a very early age for so important a place. Bo far he has not been remarkable ior anyining except nis inuunry anu piou ding attention to tne duties of his diocese. I One of the most costly chalices in the Roman Catholic churches of New York will tie presented to Rev. Dr. Burke, rector of the colored church of St. Benedict the Moor, upyn his return from Rome next month. The gold and previous metals in this communion service have been con tributed chiefly by colored people from all parts of tho state. KlgUt stiocial trains over as many rail roads have been engaged to carry "Dr." Dowie and his "restoration host" from Chi cago to New York Cliv next month, .'t is expected that 3.0u0 followers of Zlon will make the trip, for which a rate of one f ire and a third, on the certificate plan, ha been secured. The trains will leave Chicago on October 14 and will arrive in New York on October li. The STaO.Out) building or the First Chris tion Science church at Central Park Wist and Ninety-sixth street. New York City, la nearly completed and elaborate plana for lis dedication are being made. It is ex pected that Christian Bcientlsts in large numbers will come from all parts of tho country to attend tha dedicatory services, which will continue for one week. A hope that Mrs. Kildy would hi able to lie pr s ent will hardly be realized on account of the advanced age of tha founder of the church. The new building Is large and lmposirg and Is already one of New York's notable church building, surpassed onlv by Ht. Pa'rl ks cathedral and the Cathedral of tit. John tho Divine. The large reading room, wh'ch ad joins the auditorium, has amill adjoining r wirr.s to be occupied by the Ch ist an Science healers, the effect being much that of tiie cabin of a steamship with the state rooms opening out of it. A part of the bul'dlng is being used a'readv lor services N. de Ijodygt-nsky. the itusslan consul general, has given out the folli wing-ofhVlnl statement published bv the Russian holy synod: "A certain self-styled bishop, who. nt the end of l'.)o2. urrived in the t'nlte.l State and Canada, and calling himself Seraphln. metropolitan of America ?. cel ebrated divine services, ordained priests snd deacons and collected funds for the erection t t -f--.-ry tp ,w York Cltv. f n rA. allty a Russian orthodox ex-prlest. Htenhen I Htuvolxky, who in 13 was permitted. In compliance with his own request, to aban don his sacred order and return to the st;it of a layman without the rieht of calling bmslf a priest or of performing religious functions. Neither the Russian church gov ernment nor the eastern orthodox patri archs recognise In eVraobln' I?) the ec clesiastical state which he ascribes to him self as 'orthodox lixhoo and metropolitan of America." In view of this, siid 'Sera rbin' CN as well as Ml persons ordelned bv him are to be considered ss impostors and pseudu clergymen, and all the religious acts performed by thuni 'consecrations, wed dinM etc.) ar void and without legal Mutr." ID) October 1st we will cele brate the first anniversary of Our store in Omaha by offer ing to piano buyers the greatest piano bargains ever known in piano selling. This Bale will last just ten days, and to show our ap preciation of the liberal pa tronage we have received in the past we will give Every Piano Baldwin have succeeded. It will coat you but to cents to get a package and nnd out. If your gTOoer does not keep tt. us his name and 10 cents and we will aend you a package, postpaid. Ad dress all communications to Ess-o-See, Qulnoy, 111. r CALIFORNIA AND BACK Ir,.. .. J IAN0 10TH. GRADE PIANOS i in the House Following Classes & Co. Douglas Street' Lest You Forget That wo hare the LARGEST HETAIIi establishment In the country In con junction with our wholesale store on the corner of 15th and Dodpa streets, -hore j-on may fret ANYTHING In PAINT. GLASS and HOUSE FINISH INGS, we would remind yon to keep remembering the locality. Enamels, Fence Paints, Floor Paints, Stains and Everything Else. iiiiuuiu uiaaa a I aim t-U., 15th and Dodge Streets, Is manufactured with the Idea of Burp&saing all other flaked wheat foods. We think we It is worth thousand a of dollars for you to know this. October 8 to 17, Inclusive, round-trip tickets to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles, $50.00. Liberal return limits. Stopovers allowed at many points enroute. The Burlington is the SCENIC ROUTE to California. It car ries you past the grandest scen ery in the world the Rocky Mountains. Thro standard and tourist sleepers to California daily. Lt m aend you folders telling all about ur personally conducted xouraton and what to se In California when you get there. Frea J. B. REYNOLDS - City Pass. Agt., 1502 Fortiam St., Omaha 5Pt