THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 190.1. HARMONY THE WATCHWORD AMONG DOUGLAS COUNTY REPUBLICANS I 16 Full Text of the Speeches Delivered at ' the Mass Meeting Held at Wash ington Hall Friday Evening. Following Is the full stenographic report of the upwchti delivered at the republican mill meeting at Washington hall on Fri day evening. In the order of the apeakera: H. A. Foster. Fellow Republicans and Gentlemen: Tou all know what we are called together for. Thla la a harmony meeting, a aort of a love feest In the republican party. Thla movement wa started by the McKlnley club aome montha ago, and we have worked along that line, and thla la the flrat general meeting we have had. I now call thla meet ing to order and aak Senator Millard to take charge of It and act aa chairman. Senator Millard.- N Oentlemen and Fellow Republicans: I sajme that you have all read the call that ha been published two or three days, and aa we are all anxious to come together, I take It that the gentlemen who are pres ent are Inclined to stand with us and try and see If we cannot bring ourselves to gether so that at the coming election there will bo no difference among republicans. (Applauae.) I have been a republican for many years and voted a great many tlmea for men who "were on the ticket that were really not ac ceptable to me, but I have made up my Wind after many years that the only thing for a republican to do Is to vote the ticket from beginning to end, and I hop the gen tlemen In this meeting will all feel the necessity of coming together and seeing If we cannot make a success at the coming lection. "We all know how easy It Is to pull apart and sometimes how hard It la to get together, but this Is one time when we should combine and try and carry the elec tion at the coming November. We should try and get together so that at the coming election we can get together, not only In county and city, but In the state and na tion, and that next year we will not only elect the president and vice president, but , also the congressman, our governor and all the state officers, a'.so the legislative ticket, as we expect to elect a United States sen ator at that time. I feel the necessity and Importance, and hope you feel that we can get together and make success sure, not only at this coming election, but all future lections. (Applause.) Itobert Cowell. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Republicans: It altorda me great pleasure to stand be fore this audience tonight, because I feel It augur well for the success of our party, both for this year and next. I am in no aense a speaker and least of all a public speaker. I take It that I have been called upon to say a few words tonight because I have attended every meeting, I believe, that has been held In this city In the In terest of harmony. These meetings were first held In the Millard hotel In this dry. There wer a few gentlemen from both fac tions In th party. I hate to use that word and hop after tonight w will never again hear of two faction' la the. republican party. (Applause.) At tb Instance of the McKlnley club a number of gentlemen were asked to meet In the Millard hotel with a view, If pos sible, to wiping out differences, real or Imaginary, which seemed to exist In the party. We labored week after week and seemed to accomplish little. I began to feel It was love' labor lost, but, I say It to the credit of th McKlnley club, which Is composed of young men, that they did not feel as I felt, and they still kept up the good work. Sine that time we have had a number of meetings, on an average of two a week. These meetings have been at tended actively by those who were sup posedto be affiliated with what waa known during th laat election a the machine wing of the party. At first blush, th average man who Is not In sympathy with the "machine" wlould be liable to conclude that these gentlemen wer getting together t these meetings for th purpose of putting up a job on th party. Fortunately for us, at a number of our meeting certain gentlemen attended who wer associated with the other wing of th party. I waa also glad to see them there, because they, better than we, could Impress their friends with th purpose and objects of these meetings. These people wer called together with a view to first harmonising themselves. For, I want to say to you, gentlemen, that soma differ rices had apparently arisen in our own wing. W first wanted to And out whether ther was an earnest deslr on the part of our people for harmony, whether they were desirous to hold out th olive branch to the other side or to go It alone. I have never attended meetings where ther eemed to bo fuller and freer expression. X never attended meetings where there eemed to be fairer or more kindly disposed sentiments apparently felt and expressed and I want to say to you, gentlemen, that If any of these prominent men associated with th "machine" faction have something hid up their sleeve I have bee a unable to dlsoover It We have arrived, among ourselves, at what I think Is a fair conclusion. There Is a disposition on our side to meet the other side -more than half way. To give them liberal and fair representation on the ticket. In the hope that they will join with us and that we will present a united party when we go to th polls and get for the republicans such offices as w think they are rightfully entitled to have. Th meet ings that I have attended remind ma a great deal of th experience meetings that X was In the habit nf ttAndlnv wh.n - boy. When I first went Into trade I waa ........ . l"u,"l"u "" " """,uu"1 persuasion and w wer In th habit of holding ex- patience meetings, so as to prepare for revivals. To night I hope ws will have a genuine old-fashioned Methodist revival. (A voice: "Amen." Cheers and laughter). I do hop that If ther have been any differences In the past, and there must have been some differences, that they will be forgotten and that w will go from this hall aa republicans and not as republicans of the . "machine" or "anti-machine." X thank you. (Applauae.) Byron K. Bsrkssk, Fellow Republicans and Fellow Citizens: Had I chosen th Urn and th occasion when this meeting could have assembled for thla purpose, I would have .selected the time Immediately following th coming convention. However, being one of Ihs numerous republicans In this community, I could not well refrain from signing ths catl that waa presented to m for the pur pose of assembling here this evening In order that we might bring about. If pos sible, a better condition of harmony In th rank and file of th republican party of this cfty and county. Ws are all sattefled with each and every nomination and en dorsement that ha been made for the fill ing of oiBc ta be ailed In this county. In this legislative district, .In th state and In th nation. W do not believe It can be safely aald by any republican In either wing of the republican party In this county that the Judicial ticket will not receive the unanimous support of all republicans In this judicial district (Applause.) I believe that I speak with full assurance and with fidelity to the republican party when I say that each and every republican In thla city does honor to the man and honor to hia vote when he caats his vote for Judge Barnes for Judge of the su preme court of this state, lie Is a dis tinguished gentleman, a learned lawyer, and honest, and these three things put him In the best possible condition for the work ing out of the destinies of the people through our tribunals. It cannot be said by anyone who Is acquainted with the Ju dicial ticket nominated for this Fourth Ju dicial district that these men are not emi nently qualified fer the positions to which they have been nominated, or that they do not possess In remarkable degree integrity In themselves and the confidence of the people. And this, further, that they have a state pride, and that state pride has been expressed in our choice of a candidate for vice president of the United States Hon. John L. Webster (great applause) our man. As we have associated with him from day to day, from year to year, and he has gone In among us, we have aomewhat forgotten the colossal standing of thla, our friend and citizen and neighbor. Those who have been viewing him from a distance are better able to aee and to measure his status as an American cltlsen, aa a lawyer and as a jurist, than any of u who have been closely connected with him. And we shall take this opportunity of rallying to him and doing everything that we can that he may attain thla last distinguished honor which the state has so kindly given him. So much for the work of the conventions that have already assembled. We are now on the eve of the primary election. A set of rules has been put in force by the so- called anti-machine wing of th republican party In this county which are eminently fair and which give to every republican In this county a free and untrammeled choice. (Applause.) I for one stand for those rules. I stand for the fair and legitimate Interpre tation of them, and the carrying Into full force and effect according to their spirit and effect. I do not stand here to defend for on moment any system by which that choice will be eliminated and the purposes of the rules defeated. What Is the natural result, then, of the present situation? All the candidates who can be voted for In the coming primary election are now before the people. While I have my own political and personal friends among those people, no matter whether my men are nominated by th coming convention, or those who have affiliated with the opposite wing to the one with which I have been connected, I shall support that ticket from top to botton. (Applauae.) I believe that political parties are, best controlled by majority rule. I believe that the foundation upon which th' pact Is built Is mad from the very best of our republican form of government the right of th majority to rule Is best worked out by the action of the majority of our people In republican conventions assembled, Bo that when the convention has adjourned I am willing to take those nominees, make them my personal and political friends, and do everything In my power to elect them at the coming election. (Applause.) This call, I take It, was made In good faith. We so understood It when we came here and joined In this meeting; yet this evening, after having taken thla In the best possible good faith, I opened th columns of The Omaha Bee and read from the editorial page an editorial, wrliten, I presume, by the 'manager, editor and proprietor of th Omaha Dally News (Laughter) one who signed this call with me and with others who signed this call on which ther must be placed a peculiar construction, whatever may be the occasion of this. When I waa a boy we , used to hunt rabbits. Frequently some of us used to tart to , congregate together and build fences, and they used to start In a V shape, and at the end we had a trap, and w used to get rabbits aa well as we could run them Into that V shaped trap, and get sometimes a good many, sometimes not many; and as I read this article In The Evening Bee I wondered If this was a rab bit trap. (Applause) And I want to read It now to you for your consideration, and whatever I have to say her thla evening Is said In perfect good faith and with per fect fairness, and with the desire that our republican ticket shall be elected. (Ap plause. From th audience: "This Is to catch votes, and not rabbits" Loud ap plause.) This editorial you will bear' with me, as It Is short: THB LINE OF DEMARKATION. The rank and file of the republicans of Douglas county earnestly desire the ob literation of faotlonal difficulties that have for many years divided the party In this country and enabled the democratic minority to occupy nearly all the Im portant political positions within th virt and harmony the party must, however, I n't aacrlilce the public Interest or Jeopardise the success of Its nominees In the impending campaign by Ignoring the two essential prerequisite competency and honesty as passports to public and favor and public office. I en dose trouble: that sentence. Here la the Harmony does not necessarily mean that every member of the party stands plodaed to the support of men disqualified for the positions honor and trust by Indefensible ' r"rds or disqualified for the duties that ecoroa or aisq tould devolve l wouiu aevoive upon them liy lack of ca. , pacify. Here la the line of demarkatlon o solidify and unify the irtv in iikm.ri of an uiiacratched ticket the candidates on the ticket must be clean, honest and capa ble. Hackneyed pledges of supporting yel low dors that are tagged with a conven tion label will not Insure their election. Nominations of unfit candidate tend to drag down the whole ticket and cause the defeat of candidates who otherwise would be sure of election. Now, I would like to ask at this time of th distinguished editor of The Omaha Bee, who carries the conscience of his paper with him, whether or ot that editorial, written upon the eve of thla meeting, participated In, I believe, by the men who are here present In the beat of good faith, waa In tended, or does not. or purports to mean, or can be construed to mean, that after our republican county convention has adjourned If he aee fit to scratch any man on that ticket he feels at perfect liberty to do so. And I shall expect when he comes on he will say something In regard to th mean ing of those words In the editorial which I have just read. (Applause. Vole from audience: "Good.") Irrespective, however, of any position which he may take In the columns of his paper, or personally irrespective of the position which, any republican may tike, either for or against any set of candidates. I myself stand for the candldatea that are omlaatcd and shall stand for and support the ticket that Is nominated In the coming election. It la not right to say that with a full 1,000 majority we should leave the best offices In the gift of the people In the charge and control of the democratic p:rty. There Is nothing in the whole history of the democratic party which warrants them In assuming charire of the discharge of a single trust which the people have to give and Which can be given to the re publican party. We do not quarrel with the personnel or the Individuals, but th republican party Is fairly In th majority. With Its vote solidly and honestly cast every office) In the gift of th people In this community will find a safe officer In th ranks of the republican party. (Applauae.) The republican party has had too long and too honorable a career to be side tracked In a metropolitan city like Omaha for the feeling of any one or any dosen or any hundred republicans that stay In our eommunlty. This so-called factional feel ing In this city, that, when the convention has adjourned, leaves th nominees of the convention open to be stricken down is despicable In every respect and can not be justified from any standpoint. (Applause.) So that here In this meeting of republicans, having for Its fundamental purpose the harmonizing of the different elements In the party, If every man will carry Into full force and effect that which I presume he will pledge himself to do this evening, and use his Influence to that end, the republican ticket will be elected in this city. In this county and in thla state by a very large majority. So, I thank fou, gentlemen, for your con sideration. (Applauae.) Mayor Moorea. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Republicans: Tou must not expect me to make any ex tended remarks tonight, because I am not physically able to do so, but I want to con fine myself to that great and glorious word harmony, with a big II. Brother Burbank said that If he had a choice of when har mony would take effect It would be after the next convention. If I had any choice when harmony should' take effect It would have been about last April, right In this hall. (Applause and laughter.) I have al ways been for the republican ticket after the nominations. In '95 I was foolish enough to run for a third term as clerk of the district court and I got It In the neck! I didn't sulk, but I went out and did what I could tq help my opponent, Albyn Frank, and I went out of politics. I supposed that I was out of politics. A year went by and the boys remembered my republicanism and that I was always for the ticket after the nomination, and they gave me th nomi nation for mayor. I was elected. Three years rolled around, and I waa nominated again, and I was elected. Three years roll along, and without harmony I was nomi nated and elected. (Applause.) Now I am ready to bury the hatchet. I am ready to accept any republican nominated at the coming convention, no matter how much sugar I have got to put In the pill to get It down, I will swallow It (applause), I pre lum. What Is the use of our throwing away all of the best offices In the county Just because we do not want the other fellow to play In our back yard? It is all foolishness. Let us get together, and, as It Is said, "beat the common enemy." I hav got to b very careful In what I say about the common enemy, because It has been a mighty good enemy to me. (Applause.) But, as Grant said, "Let us have peace. If w have got to fight for It." (Applause.) Gentlemen, I can't talk any more., I feel feeble, but I will tell you one thing: Tou will always know where Frank Is he ls'always with th ticket, after It Is nominated, and don't forget It. I will be with you this time. Thank you. (Much applause.) The Chairman: There Is no question where the mayor Is. He certainly Is going to be with us. (Applause.) A. W. Jeweri.- Fellow Citizens: I for one love and revere the history of the republlean party. I for one owe allegiance and believe In th great principles of our party. I lov to think that back In the years of ' '60 the backwoodsmen cam forth In Illinois and took up the cause of republicanism. Abraham Lincoln loved bis fellow men. Ue believed In a government of the people, by the people and for the people. He voiced th sentiments of the men of that period and they rallied around him and he became the1 first great leader of the repub lican party. From his day to this th republican party has been a great agency In the freedom of government that has affected not, drily this nation, but ' all nations of the world. Abraham Lincoln and the republican party believed In human lights and In human liberty, and under their leadership the shackles of 4,000,000 of slaves were broken and the ballot was handed to them. The republican party has at all tlmea kept In touch with the thought and the sentiment of the people and for that reason It has been the great party of progress. Th republican party has been a great factor In . the dissemination of In telligence. It baa fostered schools, en dowed universities and laid th broad primary work for. th young American training and education that they may cope with the questions of th world, and one of the great teachings of th great universities Is Independence of action. Still, at the present time the younger gen eration of the United States is not at lib erty. Is not willing, to follow everything. no matter where it may lead them. W want something to say. Every republican ticket must necessarily go before th bar of public opinion, and If It Is going before the bar of public opinion and expects the public to support the republican party, to rally to the support of Its standard bear era, each one of those republicans must be consulted In the making up of th ticket. (Applause.) Individuality la going to establish Itself more in the next fifty years than It has In the past. We see It In Wisconsin, we see it In Illinois and Indiana and other states in Minnesota, and likewise In Iowa. Feeling that that Is th spirit that Is actu ating the spirit of the American people, be lieving that that la the cause which has caused the defeat of the republican party In Douglas county In the past the two fac tions in the party, the rank and file, hav come to the conclusion that they have nothing to say, and therefor are not bound by what they do. Th rules have been adopted by the central commute and placed before th free citizen of this county. I hav confidence In th member of the republican party. I feel that they know In their own minds who they want, and that they will register that decree when they hav a chance at this coming primary election. All I hope and trust Is snd what I believe will produce absolute harmony and auccessful election this fall of the en-1 tire republican ticket, is that those affiliat ing with the anti-machine wing and those Identified with the machine republicans will keep their hands off th slat In this con vention and let the people make their cholce. (Applauae, loud and prolonged ) I would like to see It tried, and I would like every one tonight to take that thought close to bis home, 4nd remember that the republican party of Douglas county does not sit upon the platform here. (Turning to gentlemen seated on platform. Ap plauae.) Let us remember that around th firesides throughout this cltj, Buatth Omaha and the country. In the heart and mind and soul, all hav soma objective place for good, courageous men of the republican party. Let us listen -to them and follow them. (Applause.) W. J. Coanell. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Republicans of Omaha: Aa drover Cleveland one aald, "W ar confronted with a condition, arM not a theory." While It la true w hav this grand old republican party, which my friend who Just took his seat so splendidly eulogised; while It la true w have these great, grand, glorious leaders of the past and present; while It Is true that Omaha can roll up, where the party stands united, a majority of at least 1.G00 for the repub lican ticket, and while It Is true that th county of Douglas can do equally aa well, we look across to th left, to that fine building on th eminence, and find It filled with democrats. (Voice, "Who done ItT") Who put them there? Cross-purposes among republicans Is what did It. If we stood united. It would never have occurred. That applies to the county court house. It applies aa well In a measure to the city hall. The city hall Is In part filled with democrats, and what caused that? Th disloyalty of the republicans. Now, then, what we ought to do la to quit fighting among ourselves and present a solid and united front to the enemy, and then we will elect our entire ticket. (Applause.) ' If we are going to hav harmony, we must not disagree too much. I cannot help disagreeing a little with my friend Burbank along the same line as regards the matter of the time of holding harmony meetings. I agree with Mayor Moores on that point. It Is an easy thing to be In favor of harmony and elect a ticket. If you or your friends happen to be on that ticket, but if the other fellow wins out, It Is quite another question. What wa ought to do Is to do as we are doing to night. To get together and talk these matters over. Settle these past differences, If w can, and go and elect the ticket that will be nominated at the next convention, as will certainly be the result If we only present a solid front to the enemy. (A voice: "The gophers will do It If th machine will." Laughter.) It Is suggested that we hav a judicial ticket As I understand It, It Is not In order to- canvaa candidates that are to com before the conventions. I think It Is proper, however, for me to refer to our distinguished cltlsen, Hon. John L. Web ster, the next vice president of the United States. (Applause.) I think It Is all right to refer to the splen did judicial ticket that we hav nominated and bespeak for It the united aupport of the republican party. I am glad to hear every one who has preceded me express their de sires to do that. What have we on th other side? We have a sort of mixed-up combination, that Is, neither one thing or the other. Neither fish, flesh or fowl. I have a great deal of admiration for a good, clean democrat. I have a good deal of ad miration for a true-blue republican, but not for the man, who claims to be a repub lican, who will accept a democratic nomina tion and run on that ticket for the pur pose of beating a republican. . (Loud ap plause.) With regard to that, I feel a good deal aa th Irishman did that went Into the restaurant and asked the waiter for some thing to eat The waiter brought a plate of hash and set it down In front of him. Th son of the Emerald Isle, daintily turned It over with his fork, and said: "What is that?" "That Is hash," said the waiter. "Take It away," said the Irishman, ''and let them that chewed It ate It." Bo I say, let them that put up that mongrel ticket elect It. Let that little coterie of lawyers who undertook to dictate to th people of Douglas county, let them. If they can, elect that ticket Let us present a sllod front and work up this feeling of harmony. It Is a very nice thing, and an easy thing for my friend Moores to get up here and talk for harmony. It Is a little easier for him than for some of the rest of us. (Laughter.) At th first harmony meeting there was present Mr. Hunter,' Mr. Brunlng and my self. I want to say these two gentlemen, and perhapa It will not be charged up as being egotistical to sny I joined them In th expression, regardless of what has hap pened In the past, we were each and all In favor of working up a sentiment for peace among the republicans of Douglas county without regard to whether its can didates were machine or antl-machlna men. We should work up, cultivate and bring about results that we are all looking for. I recognize the right of republicans to differ among themselves, up to a certain point Up to the point of th meeting and action of the convention. Then we should all be republicans and stand by the nom inees of our party. The nominees aa deter mined by that convention. I may favor a certain party for sheriff; you may favor some one else. That Is all right to work up a sentiment for that man and make a combination, or slate. If you can, In order to bring about th nomination of your man, th man whom you regard as the most worthy and capable, and thosa you most deslr to aee fill the office, but when the convention has spoken and the candi dates before that convention hav become th nominees of the republican party, then they should receive our united support, and If w will only work along those lines w will see good results. I am glad to see such a large represent ative republican gathering her tonight. Not republicans of one faction or republi cans of another faction. We must be on and recognize no faction. We hav the anti-machine, which la really another nam for a machine. We all know that you can not reach party success or success In any 11ns, a church or anything else, without machine. Tou have to hav some organization, and when you have organization, that organisation Is nothing more than a machine, but the machine shall not be arbltary, but should work to th end .of electing the reubll can ticket, after the convention has acted, and I com to this meeting, for the pur pose of working up that sentiment In that direction. (Applauae.) H. C. Brosae. Mr. Chairman, Fellow Republicans and Gentlemen: This is the first harmony meet ing I have attended. I hav not had th pleasure of attending any of th preliminary meetings, and I do not know just what has occurred at those meetings. I came here tonight and I am here now, on the supposition, and with the understanding, that thla meeting was called for the pur pose of promoting the interest of the republican party In Douglas county, and If possible secure the election of the county candidates this fall. I suppose I have been Invited to say something, because I have been somewhat actively Identified with what Is known as the antl-marhlne wing of the republican party. (Applauae.) I hop In what I may aay that I will say nothing that 1 at all out of keeping with what I understand to be the primary object and purpose of this meeting, and th advancement of the republican party and the election of its candldatea. I have this to say, however. If there ar any republicans In the city of Omaha, and Douglas county, who ought to be In favor of harmony. It la the wing of the party that is denominated th anti-machine. W ar about to determine who1 the candidates of the party shall be, by a method that we front the beginning hav Insisted was right and proper. We ar about to de termine who our candidates shall be by going to th Individual voter and letting them express their opinion. (Applause.) We hav complained heretofore, and we have suggested that factions existed In the party. Criminations and recriminations have occurred because It wa possible for a purchasable delegation. In a certain re gion, to be traded in a convention for certain candidates. (Applause, a voice "Good.") W hav complained of such things. We hav aald that they wer wrong. W have said that they did not tend to build up th republican party and make young men respect It and want to be numbered among Its membership. We have got rid of that system and adopted one that calls th in dividual member of the party Into the place where he may exercise his Judgment and say who he want. And, certainly, If there Is anybody that ought to pledge support to th nominees of the convention, made up In that way, th antl-machlna wing of th republican party in Douglas county ought to do It I think I speak for that wing. I think I speak for the united voters of that wing of the party, when I say to you, here tonight, that when the primaries are over, and the candidates aro selected, It will not make the slightest difference whether they are men who hav been heretofore known as machlns men or not If they are the choice of the repub lican votera at the primaries, they will have the united support of the anti-machine voters. (Loud applause.) A word more with respect to this matter. The antl-machlne members of the republi can party do not arrogate to themselves the right to say whether a candidate Is honest or reputable. They leave that to the voter, where It belongs, because It Is not possible to suppose that the majority of the republicans of Douglas county, un trammeled in any way, except by the ex ercise of their will and Judgment will go to the polls and vote for dishonest and unfit men, and they cannot do it this year, we will all agree;' because yon can take the list of candidates whose names are filed, and there Is not a dishonest or disreputable one of the whole primary ticket to b Voted for. (Applause.) There Is not the slightest excuse for any member of the republican party to com plain of th action of the people, the mem bers of the party, th privates In th ranks, at the primary election. I desire to aay for the anti-machine republicans, that whatever has happened In th past and nothing has happened In the past that we are here to apologize for (applause,) whatever may have happened In the past and whatever may happen In the future, we are In good faith at this meeting. In favor of harmony and pledge ourselves to support the ticket that shall be nominated at the primaries regardless of who It may be. (Loud applause.) E. J. Cornish. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Republicans: When the call Is for harmony I always attune my voice to alng. (Applause.) I object a little bit to being classified, be cause I do not know of a single faction In the republican party that I hav not fought with when some other faction was fighting against the republican ticket (Applause.) But, as I recollect, the last time I had the honor and pleasure of appearing In this hall I seemed to be almost the only stump speaker, outside of the candidates, that they . could find for th republican tloket. I feel that the old play expressed It when It said: , "When they had agreed upon the stage, their unanimity Is wonderful" ., ., u As a matter of fact gentlemen, we have had considerable trouble In this county and I am not certain that It Is all over. (Pleasantry.) But I notice that we have reached a point where the rank and file of republicans are tired of knifing and It must be stopped. (Applause.) I hav enough confidence In the ability and shrewdness of politicians and know that they all see the writing on the walL (Laughter.) President Roosevelt is prac tically assured of th nomination for presi dent. For him to state who he desires be a candidate for vice president Would be Impolitic and unfair, but he has said that the candidate for vice president should come from the west, and that Is the one thing that gives us great hope that our distinguished citizen will be the next vice president of the United States. (Applause.) That remark of President Roosevelt Is considered fit and proper, because aa on of th leaders, or the great leader of the republican party, he la giving advice and recognising localities somewhat In selecting the man who Is to run with him for that Important position. In the memorable Chi cago convention when Rosco Conkllng marshaled th forces, and Grant, after the contest In that convention, and Garfield was nominated for president th friend of General Garfield nominated Chester A. Ar thur for vice president, because they deemed It good policy to say to the minority In that convention that their services war desired, that their efforts In behalf of th party would be appreciated. We hav adopted in this city a new form of primary. Thus, aU of ua who believe In a popular government must believe that the effect of this system of selecting candi dates will be that good men will be se lected, but w must remember that wa ar not all politicians. A politician Is trained, from th cradla, to get up In a convention, after his competitor has succeeded, thank ing his friends for the support and pledg ing himself to the ticket. W usually have, as my friend Burbank said, such a friendly, harmonious meeting at the end of th con vention. It was only at th last convention that when that Urn came, one-half of the convention wa not there. (Applause.) The politician knows what Is the proper thing to do, and they do it, but It behooves us all who are here present to remember that the great body of voters of the republican party ar not trained In that manner. How many people here know all of th candidates before the coming primary? I venture the statement that there Is not a single candidate that we will vote for who has 2,000 acquaintances in the city whom he can call by, name. The people hav to vote for these candidates on their reputa tion and on the statements that are made for or against them by others. I expect for 'myself to prepare a slate of my own and I expect to go forth and try and eleot my friends as the men whom I desire to see nominated. That Is a part of the duty of the politician. It Is a pleasure to me. I hav done It for years and shall continue to do so, but I feel that every politician, every man active In the affairs of th party, owe a duty to himself and party at -this time to control and allay phejudice rather than to create It; to build up a sentiment that we owe a duty which w should per form. I hav had for myself a simple rule that has always guided me satis factorily when tempted to estray. That rule is that when I participate In the primary of a party I agree to give my sue cectful opponent the same cordial support ths I I would hav expected from him an! his friends had my favorite candidal suc ceeded. (Applause.) It Is a matter of agi cement. It la a 'matter of goo J faith, and if we could only begin here, at this harmony meeting, to spread sentiment through th city that Is what every honorable man should do who participates In our primaries; that It is a duty, an Im plied contract that he should fulfill, then we would do much to bring about harmony. W should take Into consideration sums other things. When w hav had th con vention system, w have considered what the country precincts wanted. We con sidered what South Omaha wanted. - Ws considered the different needs of th city and w hsv made our candidates so as to strengthen th party in all quarters. We hav given nationalities represen tation upon the ticket, not because a foreign born cltlsen as such la entitled to nomination, but because th foreigner take a certain pride In any of their countrymen who Is honored by th publlo at large, and that when we honor a member of their nationality by nominating him to some Im portant o tnc we Increase his Influence, so that he can be more useful to the party, W hav always considered these things In convention, but ther ta danger that th great body of republican will not con sider these matters, unless all stump speakers from now on until election try to teach th public, if you will pardon my assumption thst a stump speaker can teach anybody anything. They should endeavor to teach -the publlo, that th locality of th candldatea, th Interest that la back of them, the men that they will be Induced to aupport by placing certain candldatea on th ticket, th occupation, whether laborer or business man. so that th ticket will not be composed of any one class of men. All these should be considered at th time th republican casta his ballot. That should be a matter of argument In the various club meetings that may be held. In that same connection comes the fac tions. I was In the last convention. After there was left but one-half of the conven tion, the majority remained to nominate, two of the principal offices and four of the candidates for council, were named from the opposition faction that had left the hall. This was done because it was a matter of policy, to show, no matter how much the dissatisfaction might be, that the republicans, the responsible wing that was left was willing to recognize factions In the Interest of harmony. (Applause.) That may have resulted disastrously to Mr. Con nell and a few other at that time, but the principle was right and will win, and the fact that we hav such a large representa tive gathering a we have tonight of Influ ential republican managers shows that we are getting together. There should be no secret organization with a view of knifing the ticket and defeating the candldatea and Injuring the party. This sentiment is grow Ing, as it should hav grown years ago, and In this next election we will hav a united party, and th victory to which w are entitled. I thank you. A. Snnnder. Mr. Chairman, Fellow Republicans and Citizens: Thl Is one of the most harmoni ous meetings that I hav attended. If thla was a debate some would speak In favor of harmony and some against harmony, but It Is so harmonious tonight that ther Is no dissenting opinion. It Is like the sub ject which was brought up in a debating society that broke up that society. The question was: "Resolved, That we are In favor of good government." It broke up the society for th reason that there was no negative. 8o with us, we ar all In favor of harmony. That I a popular subject upon which we can all speak. If we had had harmony for the lt three or four years the democrats would not fill the city hall and the court house and other county positions. The republican party Is always magnanimous. It Is always willing to concede to the democrats certain privi leges. I think we will agree that they may fill th county jail. . (Applause.) Down In on of the southern states be fore th war, a . close fisted, tight old planter, had In his possession and claimed to own certain staves, but he did not half feed them. They were uneasy, restless and fighting among themselves and disconcerted. He called Uncle Mose up and said, "Uncle Mose, I am getting tired of this fighting and this dissension, this quarreling among you, I want this to stop. What I want Is mora harmony." Th old colored gentleman said that "what we r.-ar.t is mora uuinluy, mor hominy." This Is what the anti-machine people want They have not been recognized In a politi cal sens. They want more hominy, in th way of recognition. I think according to the recognition among the speakers that It Is the Intention and desire that harmony shall prevail throughout the entire county. Th republican party la the party of? har mony, and mad up of Intelligent people, people who know how to vote and know their respective candldatea and who are competent to Judge without th assistance of any one. I do not know of any one of the candidates who are dishonest and who would not make a good officer If nomi nated. W all may hav our choice. I hav mine and you your. But what we want now la simply that we hav no' dis tinction after th convention, after th nominations ar made. Ther has been no remedy suggested aa to how harmony should be obtained. I do not know that I am able to tell you, but perhapa I might make on or two suggestions. I would suggest, as stated by on of th previous speakers, that ther be no slate put up. Let each Individual republican vote aa h chooses for the several offices. (Applause.) I suggest further, whether It b on fac tion or the other, that there be no coercion of any kind for the purpose of preventing them from being voted for at the coming primaries. Let every man have a chanoe. These rules were adopted by th repub lican party for the purpose of giving ach Individual republican an opportunity to sx press his choice aa he sees At for the sev eral offices. Let us not at this time attempt to nullify these rules by attempting to get together and put up a slate. Let us b repub licans and stand ahoulder to shoulder and present a solid phalanx to the enemy. We hav a majority In this county of over 1.00C, and let the democrat have nearly all the best offices. Let the antis treat the ma chine fair and the machine people treat th antls fair. There should be honesty In politics, In business and in social circles. Some people say this man is an honest man In business, but you cannot trust him In politics. The kind of men w want ar men who ar honest In business and politics, and men whom we can rely upon. Tou gentlemen here who are posted and know the several candldatea and know th duties that devolv upon them hav sufficient In telligence to vote your sentiments for th proper party to fill th respective offices. John L. Kennedy. Mr. Chairman, and Everyone Seeking Harmony: I was thinking as I sat here how blessed It Is for brethren to dwell to gether In unity, especially as they hav not done It for a long time. When I cam to th ball tonight, I looked at th list of speakers and asked what I waa expected to represent, the machine or anti-machine forces. I was assured that I wa expected to speak my sentiments that they simply used m to fill In. I think, however, that most of you who know me know that I will speak my sentiments re gar dies of th pur pose for which I waa placed on th list (Applause.) I believe In the necessity for a machine, I hav never known a great party, I hav never known a great movement to rua without a machine. Looking to th local machlns, I hav never had th pleasure of riding on It, but I hav been run over by It (Laughter.) It la not th machine I object to, but I want to see th machine In Doug la county big enough and broad enough to carry th entire republican party. ' (Ap. plause.) So long as th make-up of th body politic I a It la w will hav th different elements to satisfy. As Mr. Cor nlsh suggested, you hav to do it with th different nationalities In making up th ticket I remember one In a county con vention It was I waa present a a delegate. It wa In th day of Mlk Lee you all re member Mlk- (From th audience, "Mlk ain't dead yet") Every place upon th ticket had been filled but one. W had a German, w had an Irishman, we had a Bohemian, w had a Pol. W had every nationality on earth but on. Finally Mlk grot up and aald, "Mr. Chairman, w ar making a mistake. W ar waknnln' th ticket Ther la on element of th repub lican party that la not represented, and that la th American." (Applaus and laughter.) "Now," h gays, "ther I Jut on place left on th ticket and I nominal Mr. Smith to that office. He was born In th United State. I believe that he stands well with th American people, and I think that he will add strength to the ticket If w put him on." (Applause.) Now, w hop that In th futur of th republican party In this county and state It will not b necessary to harmonise elements or factions from thla time on. But In that connection I want to say this much now: That If you expect to have harmony In lh republican party you hav got to exercise th utmost good faith. Every republican, every element In the republican party, must exerclr good faith toward fellow republi cans, and if you do not do this. If you inject Into the political situation In this county one element of bad faith, you will destroy th effort of all your attempt at harmony. If you do not at this time attempt to do something In the way of being fair to th candidates and representatives of the dif ferent elements of the party, th element which Ignores these rights will be charged with bad faith. If we are going Into this1 campaign with a united front w hav got to be fair to begin with. We hav got to make th machine broad enough and big enough to take In all the candidate. (Ap plause.) i I take Issue with' the remark mad by Mr. Connell tonight that we hav met to settle our differences. We ar her to bury our differences! (Applause.) Tou remem ber that In the heat of the first free silver campaign th question was how badly Mr. Bryan should be beaten, and w used to tell the story about the man who had an obnoxious mother-in-law, and she had gon away on a visit and he suddenly received a telegram which read, "Tour mother-in-law is dead. Shall we embalm, burn or bury?" He wired back, "Embalm, burn and bury. Take no chance." (Applaus and laughter.) Now, that I th action which as republicans we ought to take tonight. Don't let ua spend any mor Urn talking about what ha been that Is past Let us talk about what w should be that Is before us. (Applause.) Thy say that th only benefit which w de rive from the past Is th experience for the future. Let us look back upon tb past and profit by It In that light, and, for God's sake, Jet us stop talking about It I (Applause.) I remember ono when I was crossing th Atlantic I saw a very distinguished look ing man leaning over th stern of th ship. He seemed to be enjoying the waves, but he suddenly turned and said to th men at his side: "Let us go to th bow of th boat I don't car so much about wher I hav been I want to know where I am going." (Applause.) That Is what w want to know about th republican party In this county. - Prejudice must hav no place In ' our political campaign In th future If w Hviiis, iU imrv ins uei result, i ua not cut whether that prejudice la for th machine (so-called) or agatnst It Person alities from this tlm on should be tabooed. umj may rviaie to in ncnes of th candidates before th convention. (Applause.) We all hav our own view. W may not all be satisfied with the result, but Isn't It likely to be true that the ma jority of my party know mor than 1 know, be I ever so great? (Applause.) Principle th principle of th party should control and regulate th manage, ment of the party. W ar not a party without principle. W ar fighting today an enemy so disorganised that It cannot find It own principles, and If It did It would not recognize them. When It cam to the question of Identification th witnesses would be Innumerable on both side of th controversy. Th republican party stands for principle that will bear discussion. Let us turn our attention to them. Let u Isav personalities out of th campaign, and w will hav result that never hav been achieved In thla county and tate. It mean, If yon ' carry thl Into' effect, that yon will hav a higher degree of efficiency In publlo office, because, while I do not claim that all th brains ar In th republican party, I do claim mat wiv rviuuuua Ntrvy lurmsnw th brain power that move th destinies of th nation and th state. (Applaus.) If -th republican party cannot find men In It officials who will administer th affair of thl county and thl city In th highest de gree of efficiency then they ar not to b found In th state or In th county. Think of Itl Talk about harmony I Do you know that ther Is on man In this city who can do mor for harmony In th re publican party than any other hundred man, and that I Mr, Edward Rosewatart (Applause.) Ther Is not a man within th sound of my vole Jonfght who doe not -recognise his capacity, his untiring energy and his power (applauae) who doe" not believe that If from this time on his great ability, hi influence and his great paper will leave personalities out and stand for the principles and the nominees of th party, we will hav a republican party In thl city that will aweep everything befor It. (Aonlauae.) Talk about hhiuimmi Let The Omaha Bee expand It energies along strictly partisan lines and we will hav no mor free silver heresies and not very much democracy In this state. (Ap plause.) We hav In thla coming campaign a president who nam I a power In thl western country. Let us hold him up, and In holding him up w will hold up th highest Interest of th American people. (Applause) W hav among ua a candi date for vie president, Hon. John L. Webster. (Applause.) On of th greatest men th United Stat ha known; on f th greatest men th nation la destined to know, and If w ar successful In placing -him upon th ticket for vlo president th United State. (Applaus. Bo mqoa applaus that stenographer could not near th speaker.) If w do that I do not propoa t ap pear In any meeting apologising lor th nominee of my party. I woulda't need to. Oentlemen, my tlm la up. I west simply to lea with you on other thought: Th great republican party, which from Its birth has given this nation all of th prosperity It has aver known, 1 today confronted with aa many Important ques tion aa aver tested tb wisdom of any government. Th nation ha entered on a new era. Innumerable problems relating to our new territories ar to be sol red. Let us not wast our tlm quarreling among ourselves, but let us get together and stand shoulder to shoulder, helping to solve thes problems; helping to hold up th hands of on of th greatest presi dents thl. nation baa evsr known. (Ap plaus.) Let us contribute th energy, th wisdom that w have to th national eu, r. .1