TFIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMfiEU 27. 1003. 14 ABOUT PLAYS fLAYERS Even f Monri gssed from Plsgah's heights at the Promised Land below, an the Omaha people who patronise the thea ters may look forward to an end of their wandering amid the wastes of "cheap Bluff" to the better things that go to make up an enjoyable Mason. Each of the local housea haa had the customsry preparatory run of Indifferent ahows, bnt from now on good attraction will be more numerous; even the grade of popular priced smusemcnts showing a decided advance In the books of the managers. The last wetk was relieved from absolute dullness only by the visit of "Princess Chic" at the Krug and "The Storks" at the Boyd. 'Trlncess Chic" Is of the sort that en dures; or.e Is not likely to hear It too often. "The Storka" Is only on Its third time round, and consequently has not en tirely worn out Its welcome, although It has lost much of Its original sparkle through familiarity. Yet this Is not al ways a disadvantage, as The B e pointed out jome weeks ago; people like to meet old friends, even In the Joke and aong line, and enjoy them all the more because they can see them coming. The Orpheum began its season Just where it left off last spring, to all appearances, and gave a pood bill to good houses during the en tire Week. Society has token up this ort of thing for fair, and of a Monday night the local swell set can easily be found after dinner, aiding dlgoetlon by laughing at the fun furnished by the raudeville bill. Again do the managers mildly protest ' against the very bad habit of Omaha peo ple coming Ute to the theater. A little more attention to the clock on the evening for which the checks call for the seats would assist everybody, and particularly 'hose, conscientious . persons who go early 10 they can be seated before the curtain oe up. ' It Isn't much of a hardship to Save dinner over by 6 or a little later, and as the curtain doesn't rise until 8:15, except fur' some extra long performance, It doesn't seem unreasonable to ask peo ple to be In their seats by that time. But they won't do It In Omaha, and as a consequence this town has a very bad flame among eliow people In this regard. For not only do the late comera disturb those who have been prompt, but they dis concert the people on the stage, as any fllsturbance, however slight, among the tudlence, haa a Jarring, If not more pro nounced, effect on the actors. The local managers confess themselves helpless In the matter, but If the people would only make a little effort, they could add much not only to their own but to their neigh bor's enjoyment of the play which both have paid money to see. One thing they should remember: The person who goes to the theater in good season usually does so because of Interest In the play, and he expects that It will begin at the time advertised. He further expects that he will be permitted to fee and listen without being annoyed by some on who has dallied along the way climb ing over him to get to a seat for which the late-comer haa paid no more than the I early. It I Juat barely possible that the person who comes late haa only a languid Interest In the show and doesn't really care to see It open; that fact carries with It no right to disturb others who are not of that mood. And, while It may be fashionable to be late, It Is good, manner to have some consideration for others, particularly In a place like the theater, where no much depends on the frame of mind of the Individual. And It Is post Ively discourteous to disturb people during the progress of an act. ' -. Tho performance of "Ulysses" at the Garden theater In New York was not an unmixed artistic, success, apparently, for Mr. Corbln of the New York Times thU3 review It In his Sunday column: The play selected to Introduce Mr. Phil lip to American audience waa the weak est of the three, both a drama and a poetry, being in fact little more than a highly successful clothe horse plav, but no objection 1 urged against that. Scenerv and costume are a legitimate a part of theatrical entertainment as great passions and beautiful lines. The trouble waa that even pictorlally and mechanically the per formance was ludicrously lnadeauate. what one saw waa not the clothes, but the horse a very obvious horse on the management. In the tirnlnffiii. n n nivmmn vi v t n. 1 1 has done what an author can to buffoon the gods, but If the setting of the scene had been In any way adeouata it wnuM at III i nave been possible to Impress upon the imHginnuon something or the splendor a-d f lory of the powers that control the fate of he wandering hero. All that was needed was a deep scene with the gathering of the god far back and high up toward the neb ulous summit of Olvmpu. Instead of thl. we were given a shallow front scene with a, muddy sky and a flat mountain peK bsdly painted on cloth that wa punctured showing the. light behind. When the cur. tain was up a gauss drop wss ll'tert, the . edge of which was ragged and tatte-ed, anl the Olympian were in plain sigh'. th erd rompanlonsbly around the footlights for all the world like a minstrel show. Ob- Jectlon has been tsken to the statement that 7etis was the middle man and Herm'i '.and Aphrodite, erncklng Jeats at him the ynd men. Aphrodite a man? Of cott-se! In a subseoiient act the lady goddess Athene actually don the bodv and grb of sn Tthacsn shenherd. ard 'it la me'n tslned that If the goddess of the eternally feminine could have foreseen the ro'e she had plav ee would have metamornhosed herself into Mr. Bones. There would have mi KEN GORED WITHOUT STOLMGH OnUGQKlQ; FREE S!stp! Eamt-Uttkod ta Possessleo f Ottrolt Specialist Doit Wan der. For Mirr-Something Entirely Ktw. SENT FftEE TO ALL. There has been discovered by a well known Detroit specialist a simple, direct and quick home method for the cure of such conditions as sexual weakness or lost man hood, night loaaea, varicocele, shrunken or gans, bladder trouble, disease ot the kid' neya and urinary organs, prematurity, etc., and so effective la It In its result on men. even as old as 86, that It should at one recommend Itself . to every thinking man who suite! In this way. Ihs cure, strange to aay, la accomplished without the use of drugs, salves, ointments or anything of that kind. And yet It Is no mechsnacal de vice, but one of the truly great discoveries In materia medic that cures without taking anything into the stomach, and arouses a glow of warmth, energy and good feeling almost Initanlly in the oldest person. The discovery can be relied upon to cure the worst anil most long-standing cases. snd It Is especially urged that men who have been untble to find a our before, as well as those who have not known a happy moment In yeirs. writs at ones to Doctor n o Rivnor. t23 Smith Building. Detroit Michigan, aud you will Immediately re ceive a package of the discovery entirely i 1 ii . ix .h,.hiilv essay on the ?..Mm3. deciltliu all the inptoms In de- tulL sent plain and securely egleu. con eider that nothing is Impossible In thl cel. Ju?y that gave us anti-toxin and X-rays, and that however doubtful you may be b nus of Pt failures to find a permanent V,.rmJ vat this may prove the very thing D.'tro.l' Michf.ir011- AND 4 PLAYHOUSES bees fitness In that, and the result won d not have been more lully to destroy the appeal to the Imagination the muaentj y belief In the might of the Homeric deities, which Is necessary to give dramtl value to the scene, and In consequence the entire action One somehow falls to be impressed with the struggles of an epic hero whose fale la ordaimd by Mr. Zeus Johrslng. Tho other great spectacle, the adventure of I lysses in hell, waa quit as bungtlnglt rendered. The aerial ballet ot 0ia. ted spirits In nightgowns pendulated on obvious wires or shot across by the footlights witii a bang as If from a cannon. Whether or not hell has wheels, the machinery used to represent the passage of Ulysses down the Stvx in the barge of Charon .moat cer tainly has, and they squeaked and rattled as torture after torture (to use the pres cient epithet of the book) was inflicted upon the audience. All remaining possi bility of Illusion wa destroyed by the fact that t mm vlnri representing massive rocks stood between the moving barge and Ins audience. The conclusion wns Inevitable that hell wns a moving sidewalk. During the scene t'lysses alights from the targe on the hither shore of Styx, and then when he returns to the depths of the state he crosses thst dreed rt-rer In front of the barge and without varying hie stride. No shadow of doubt waa left that the Zem who ordered this Hade waa Mr. Zeu Johnalng. . . The pronunciation and the reading of the llnea were In strict accord. Mr. Johnslng's name was variously pronounced as Boot, Pzoos and Zooce. With regard to the name of the particular goddess out of the ma chine there wa a unanimity, in Itself to be commended, though the result was npt less painful. Everybody pronounced it In two svllnbles. thus: Aath-ny. One won ders who told them nil to do so, and what was his authority. The effect on the mu sical value of the verse can be Imnglnel. Had the line been by Milton himself they would have sounded as If uttered by a typewriter. One of the recent events in the western half of the amusement world Is the action of Frank James, who has brought suit for 135,000 against Manager E. H. Brtgham of the Gill! theater, Kanras City, and Man ager Frank Oosxolo and all the member of "The James Boya In Missouri ' company. He acts forth In his pell Ion that he I a lawabldlng citizen of Montana, and that In the play he la held up as a gambler, a train robber and a fugitive from Justice. The Bee haa ne-er prior to this found In Frank James' career anything to commend; but If he will pursue this action to an ulti mate conclusion and succeed In preventing the further production of that absolutely bad melodrama, he will have In a measure atoned for many past misdeeds by doing one good one. In passing It la worth while to mention that the wild west venture In which Cole Younger and Frank James were feature during the summer proved a failure, and suit and counter suits are now In progress In the courts of Missouri. Thl in Itself Is novel; the Idea of Cole Tounger and Frank James appealing to the law for redress Is almost good enough to be copyrighted and dramatized. James say he wanta no more show business; he Is now SO year old and the life Is too fast for him. He will spend the rest of hl day on the farm. Coming Greats. The fame of the Wallace book "Ben Hur". could have been safely relied Upon to fill theater and bring showers of gold to the hox offices, without the extravagant expenditure made manifest through the .a.aul dressing of the olay. and It costly equipment of many Ingenious me chanical device. The great army of "extra" people might have been held In closer bonds. If not entirely dispensed with, and thua much money hava been saved In costumings, acenlc embellish ment and other aid and adjunct that give It present prominence a the richest and most comprehensive offering ot the modern theater. The many' recent gigantic undertakings of this progressive firm make it apparent that an ambition to be oon sldered the first among the great producer of the day wa the underlying motive In thl "Ben Hur" undertaking, and though there was, undoubtedly, the anticipation of large pecuniary profits, there was, as well, a sincere desire to enlist critical approval for their endeavors In the direction of the theatrical art. Ia there not something more than mere lore of money-getting n that marvelous scene upon Olivet, the scene where the lepers the mother and suiter of Judah are touched by the Nazarene and made clean? It Is exhibited as a vision, a dream of Judah'. thl being the only feasible way of giving It with due solemnity and proper effect upon the stage. The hundreds ot neonlo crowded upon the scene make it .... . u . . wi i wa.a coming irom eeing unra upon every side by a vast multitude, while the tall palm branches wave above their heads, marking the measures of tneir song of praise. Then comes that burst -of di sling U?ht, the great shaft of purest white that signal the Instant approach of th Master. The effect though the Savior himself la never seen Is prodigious. The very atmosphere seems laden with the holy esssnc and thers I the hush of death upon ths audlenoe. It la not until tho curtain desoenda, noiselessly, slowly In the now subdued and uncertain light that thers Is even as much aa a whisper of applause. The single desire of money getting never creates such scenes aa this, nor does com mercialism In ths theater encourage any thing quite so hasardoua In Ha attempt, or so exacting In It embellishment, "Ben Hur" certainly points to some dignity ot purpoa and regard for art on tho part ot Messrs. Klaw Erlanger. So-tremendous production must be backed by a large amount of ambition, aa well a a plethoric bank account, but It also involves the love of doing thing a they should be done, anl that In ths theater means that the under taking must be made art's debtor In some very liberal degree. "Under Southern . Skies." the attraction which will appear at the Krug theater th first half of ths week, beginning with the matinee today, wa first presented In New York City In November, 190, and was Immediately accepted by the critics and public ot New York. Every pleoe of scenery used In the play Is carried with the company. The cast Is a large one, numbering twenty-three people, each of whom haa been especially selected for ability and fitness for the role. Miss Minnie Vlctorson. who has played the part of the heroine over 300 times, will be seen here. and other well known people who will ap pear are Miss Ida Mulle, Suasann M. Willis. Cecelia Clay, Laura Oakman, Edns Larkln. Arllne Marrlner. Bertha North Burr Caruth, Murry Woods, Wlllard Perry. Cyril Raymond, Charles Avellng, L. B. Hammond. . "Under Southern Skies" dealr with the social side of aristocratic southern people snd the story woven about them If one that could oocur In no other part of our country. A Hallowe'en celebration Is one of the hits of the play. Stage settings, representative of rugger nature, will be In the new play. "Queer of ths highway," which la billed for th last half of the week at the Krug. Or. cene show Kcho Canyon with Caoad Fall by moonlight. Another, the hear of a redwood grove. In the distance I hown the old stage coach winding dow the mountain side. The approach of t" enach I shown, and shortly th real cose drawn by four horses and loaded wit naaaengers I driven over a bridge an nto thl grove, where It I held up b bandit In plain view of the audlene- Another striking scene Is the camp of tk qiftux Indiana, where a duel Is fougv between an Indian airl and the heroin Act on ahows a settlement In a stocked- with It shotel, pot station, stablea, etc. Act two hows the Interior of this stable, with the horse feeding In the , stalls. Another scene Is the Interior of an old Indian hut on Iookout mountain, where Jeea la tortured by Manatoba, who Is after wards burned to death by the cowboy. There Is plenty of realism snd sensation In "Queen of the Highway." For the week commencing matinee today the Orpheum will present eight numbers that are Just as varied and as widely known and reputed a those embraced In the exrllent opening bill of last week. Hs!f the program will he presented by performers who have rever been here, Haynes and Vldocq, comedians of the old minstrel school. Their colloquial ex porltlon I of the rapid fire order. Water bury brothers snd Tenny have been seen here several times. Eiich of these performers is accomplished on several Instruments, besides which they w(U con tribute an effort at fun-making, Mr. Tenny doing his "stunt" In black face. European Importations have beceme fixtures of many of the vaudeville bills. Thl week the card from over the briny deep will be the Fleury trio, terpslchorean artists. "Scenes In a Dressing Room." the sketch to be presented by the McWaters and Tyson company. Is constructed especially to ex ploit their music and comedy. Hodge and Launchmere, comedians, wilt offer a collection of absurdities to play tipon the rlslbles, besides singing and dancing. An aerial novelty will be presented by the Josselln trio, two women and one man. They have a combination trapeze and Japanese web upon which they perform all kinds of daring and graceful feats. Anneth Moore, the beautiful young soprano who was heard here two years ago, will be the vocal feature, while the concluding number will be a new series of moving view projected by the Klnodrome. When Richard Carle appear at the Boyd In "The Tenderfoot" on Sunday and Mon day, October 4 and 6. theater-goers wl'l have an opportunity of sertng a young man who wrote the book and lyrics, xtaged the piece and Is starring In It. H. L. Heartis. who wrote the music for "Jack and the Beanstalk," "Miss Simplicity," "HOT' and several other musical com edies, wrote the music for "The Tender foot," Carle did all tho rest. When Carle last appeared here In "The Storks," the merry musical fantasy of which he is the author, he made the biggest l;Ind of a hlf, but according to the prevall'ng opinion of the press and public nothing that he has ever attempted equals his work In "The Tenderfoot." The produc tion and company of seventy-five players I the original that wns seen In Chicago during Its memorable record run and In clude their famous "Dolly Girls," cele brated for their youth and beauty. Gossip front gtaseland. Jerome Sykes has found greater success than "Foxy Qulller' ln "The Bl'.llonalre." Maud Adams wi:i. It Is announced, soon make her reappearance ln a new play, name not given. Sarah Bernhardt will aDoear next season in a play by the Marques de Castellane called "The Feast of Death." That fine actor. Frank Worthing. Is again leading man of Julia Marlowe's company. ho naa a spienaid rote in tne new play. It is Dosltlvely announced that Mlaa Crosman will appear at the Helaaco theater during the season in "The Wife of Bath." O. D. Woodward'a nroductlnn of "Under Two Flags," with Jane Kennark In the roie ot cigarette, la doing a nice business in the east. Arthur Forest Is to star In Harriett Ford and Mrs. De MUle's new Dlav. "Rem brandt," based on incidents ln the life of that great Dutch painter. Viola Allen will open for her season In "iweiun iMtgnv at Trenton, N. J., r0' vtmber 11. She will be supported by Per clval Stevens and Zeftle Tilbury. will cressy and Blanche Davne have a new sketch this season, "Tho New Depot," which waa presented at Keith's in New York for the first time last Monday. Raymond Hltohcock believes In tho adage, "Uneasy '.le the head that wears a crown. H expects to be ever so much happier as ' the consul tnan ne was as "King Dodo. Maxlne - Elliott is suffering from nerves, and has had to suspend rehearsals of "He.' Own Way." It Is announced that the open ing performance will be given Monday evening as planned. Katherlna Schratt will play for forty nights ln Vienna, during which she will Impersonate Empress Maria Theresa, the emperor's great-great-grandmother. She will play at the Volks theater. Richard Mansfield has signed a contract with George H. Broadhurat and Justus Miles Format) for the dramatization of Forman's novel, "The Garden of Lies." It will not be produced before next season. H. V. Esmond, the author of Julia Mar lowe new play, "Fools of Nature," ar rived In this country last Saturday and Is supervising the final rehearsals of the play In New York. He will attend the opening performance ln thl city. A wedding that occurred in Omaha dur ing the stay here ot "The Prince of i'llsen" has Just come out. Mr. Fred W. Hansen was quietly wedded to Miss Florence E. Bain on Thursday, September 17. Both are ot the chorus, and both hall from Chicago. The estate of the late Stuart Kobson, whose real name was Henry W. Stuart, has been appraised at 131,992, tne schedule being filed by counsel for Mrs. Htuart. widow and administrator. The value ot contracts for certain plays Is not Included. as being undetermined. Counsel for Frau Coslma Wacner has sued Helnrlch Conreld for llOO.utw for nl- ened libel, based on a newapaoer para graph. This is snother way of attempt ing to collect a royally on rarsirai, tne bayreuth monopoly of which Conreld hus had the temerity to break by producing it In New York. Frank H. Young, who was In Omaha during the week In the interests of "lien Hur," la a son of William loung, wno dramatized the Wallace novel. He says his father ta at work on the production of a play from Onoto Wutana'a book, "A Jap anese Nightingale, wnich will he given even a more auibliioua setting thsu that ot Ben-Hur." The agreement among the local man- agnra to cut out the window lithographs as a mean of advertising may have af fected the attendance some, but It hasn't been noticed adversely in the box office. by th way. It is snout time for some popular actor to spring that honry od proposition about ubandonlug the Mil boards and going in for the newspapers altogether. Francis Potter, teacher of mandolin and guitar, Ramge building. COQUELIN TURNS INVENTOR Has v Fireproof Theater sad Iropoe to Give a Practical Dem- (Copyrlght, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Sept. M.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Coque'.ln Is about to embark upon a career a an In ventor, At a dinner party this week he ex plained that he had discovered a method of constructing a fireproof theater, and Is building a small theater, with acenery and II other accessories. In which he will be locked up with the architect, who Is the co- nventor, and will have the building fired, rhls test, he claims, should satisfy any si.eptle. Dislike Amerlcaa Laws. OTTAWA. Sept. JM-Wh.en the Home of Commons was adjourned at midnight Mr. 'Ui'ke ot Toronto complained that two of he Brlllah delegates of the recent con entlon of British chamber of commerce ,ad been held up by United States Im migration officials at Newport, Vt. Min ster Fielding replied that he did not eej vhat th Canadian government could do If American parsed law that C.inidhuu nought unreasonable. C rew of Foarteea Satra. LONDON, Sept. M. The steamer Warsaw iaa landed at Ltih fourteen members ot he crew of the Dutch steamer Sophie .nnet, who. It wa feared, had been rowned by the foundering of the steamer. arsaw tried to tow Bopnte Annet to ellh, but th Utter rank. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS I want to pret-ice this article, "apropos to nothing," with a thought which oc curred to me last night. It Is a good thought and It Is not mine. I firmly be lieve that It waa sent to me for distribu tion. Now, don't say "What has that got to do with music?" It has not perhaps, and then again, indirectly, pet-hap It has. I was walking from Leavenworth to St. Mary's avenue on Twenty-seventh street last night and I noticed that the engine house of the fire company on that street had been undergoing some chnge. "Truck No. 4" is, I believe, the usual designation of tho company. "Hook and ladder" com pany, tu reality. Now I had passed that place many times In the past few months and I had notice that the lot adjoining the hook and ladder house had been beautified and ndorned by the care and artistic taste and constant labors of some of those men who fight fire and like beauty. The title "Truck No. 4" was neatly and artistically displayed In letters wh'ch were living growths of richly-colored little plants and the green background of the green helped to make the spot a delight to look upon. In the background there was a rude but highly effective fountain with a cir cular stone wall, making a sort of shallow well, like unto the fountain which was the meeting place ot the camels In the Streets of Cairo, when Akoun held sway. What a royal bathery this made for the birds, hundreds of them, who could not get away during the summer, but had to stay horn and work. The whole scene wa brightened by a wealth of canna lillles,' and other plants, and often os I passed that truck house I have tried to see If I could ascertain by looking at the face of the good fallows of that house, which ones were tend ng this little garden of gaiety, this little bower of beauty. In the lot adjo nlug the building. Many times have I thought of stopping and asking questions and many times have I felt sure that the very next time I passed I would get Into a conversation with the fellows and tell them how good they were to me, without knowing It I wanted to tell them that T l,vwf and miinio .nH ki- .!,.. k.-j. more than catechisms, and I dll want someone to know that that little Improvise! I .. ..... s1 Ku. .o me, tOO., 1 Ana that was why last nlsht I went home thoughtful, because when I saw that thin worn hair. . tnings were being changed, and the garden gone, I could not help stopping In front of the house, snd surnrised at th. ,,.i,ir, 1 change. I stammered to some of the hook and ladder boys as they stood ln front of the place, "We'll mis your flower now!" And ah! the rebuke that came at once to my heart! We'lf mla your flowers now! And the answer waa h monosyllable "Yea." It sounded like the clod on a coffin lid. It Implied things which condemned me. and I vowed there under the stars, that I would never again postpone the opportunity to express an appreciation which I felt. When the flowers are gone, It does not cheer the gardener much to tell him that you miss them. Had you told him that you loved them when he was working dally nurturing them, you might have cheered his heart. Let us all think our good thought out loud, always, and keep the other to our selves. Let us meditate on the story of the little gnrden of "Truck No, 4," which has noth nig whatever to do with a . music col umn. i- i If the business men who were organising a fund recently for a symphony orchestra. were sincere in tneir oujeet to provide a good musical organization In Omaha, why wns the fund and the Interest and the whole scheme dropped, because Mr. Bell stedt found that he could not carry his point? Does It not look as though the efforts were not so much to further the mu'leal Interests of the city as thev were to pro vide a comfortable thing for Mr. Bollstidt this season? ir the fund Is there, as la purported, la It not the duty of thst com-nlttee of bu-l-ness men. of which Mr. Jay D. Foi'er it one, to look around for another conductor. who will not throw up the sponge because one or two lnstrumentall-ts opposed hln. There are others. If the local forces are in dictate the poPcy. and refuse to play. let them alone. Others can be se-urd. The musical union Is a big thing, but Omaha le stlil blire-er. i mention Mr. F-ter's mm because I have every confidence In the man, and I know him to be strlctlv strtghtforwird In everything he dos. Mr. Fos'e- 1- th one man I look to, to develop this scheme. Mr. Bellatedt Is. I am told, out of the field. If an effort I put forth to se-tire snother man. It will succeed. It would b the height of follv to droo the heme now, Just because Mr. Bellstedt Is out of It. t am sure that If Mr. Bellstedt had shown the loyslty to the business men nf would have refused t allow hl-nrelf to b billed at b irrur Dam as a ra-iru'tM 7, " w" ,n nigh'iy oitui uui in m. cannon. M J V .BID. . w ....... . . . . - -r. Fellstedt, for some reason. hs h i. .,a tn .11 ih. rneHpenea nimseir. and as a leader nf th. musical thought of Omsh. uch u.Tr"riTin ut symphony eonduor ought to be) he I an niu,e impossibility. T1 U m - m . I u iau, or our, put or his. nm sinnn on ragtime cmeerts. as wall .... commuai ana nrrena've rresentst'on of th publication of one locl house, to - seiner with this last flsgrant abue of all honor, to the musics! profession and to his .uviiunru. me Tnings. and thMe a'nna re-ponsinie- Tor the relecMu nf Mr ueiiHieoi as the head of the musical pro- i""in in umana. Ullll.nB . ....... a a, umn 11 var'anr-e nvar musical matters, but not so In this rase. Ana musician are asking two question, u,a tn "n who eubscrlhed the money lleged to have been ralaed Intend to aup- port Mr. Bellstedt. and Mr. Bellntwlf aionei" -t, inn tne men who suhscrlbr-d the noney alleged to have been eubscrlhed In tend to aupport a muelcal enterprise for ins musical growth of Omaha H' That Is th point. Those questions are waiting an answer. Before I leave thl matter. let me sav mat Mr. Bellstedt Is a splendid musician. a most excellent player of the cornet. In ract professionals upon that Instrument have told me that Mr. Bclletedt's technique waa simply perfection. Agsln. Mr. Bellrtedt Is a splendid band master and one of the most agreeable men 10 wor. who that It ha ever been my lot to meet. A an arranger of musical scores for band, from orchestra scores of great dlf fieulty. or from ordinary piano scores, I consider Mr. Bellstedt a wonder. I am sorry thst he has dons ss he has don In regard to his loyslty and devotion to the higher path of duty. He caUred to th popular ragtime crowd and now he see what It ha don for him. But the musical scheme should go on. . I had the pleasure of hearing Mlse Marls Rwansoa. the harpist, play last week at a I private recital. I was Immensely struck with thl young woman' artistic personal ity, her positive musicianship and her read ing faculty, a well as the beautiful tones she evoke from her beautiful harp, which I believe Is one of the very finest In ex istence. Miss Swanson should be heard a great deal more, and she would be a welcome addition to society musicaies, concerts, etc She ha booked some nice engagements for the coming season. Including a recital at Red Oak and several song recitals In Omaha, at which she will play obllgatos and also accompaniments. Beginning today the lust enjirf eeivtee of each month at St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational church will be In the nature ot a musical review of the month' work, ar ranged with a special view to accommo date regular church supporters who desire to hear the repetition of favorite numbers. Instrumental and vocal solos, anthems or hymn. The choirmaster, Mr. Kelly, sn nounces that this will be ono of the reg ular services of the church elaborated mu sically and not a special concert or any thing along that line, to attract the spas modic church-goer. Mr. E. D. Keck announces that he will give ome selection from "The Messiah as a Christmas attraction. Mr. Keck has a large choir rehearsing therefor at the present time. I wish him success, and am glad that he has assumed this arduous work. THOMAS J. KEI.LY. OCT OF TUB ORDINARY. At a shooting match at Vaudos, Switzer land, September 11, llishtnlug struck the stand and ran along tho s-lgn il wires. Fif teen comneiiiors. ne marmrs and live scorers were severely mjurou. On the backs or brcasis of all oi them were impnnua the so-called lighining phoiOKruphs of pine trees. All the injured are t-ecovcrl'ig. Dr. K. D. liaw.ey ot Columbus, lnd., that bv tne u?e of X-iais ne lias betn able to restore to Its natural c ilor luir that has uicomt tcr.iy. ini- rfimricd uis- covcry waa acilue:,ial and was in. tub while treating cancel. Ln; tt.wio, who is n phytic aii, Cii.ima to have res.ored tho color of his own huic by thlj process. Dennis K. Crei'uon. a resident oi Eajst Orange, N. J., w ho owns Iiuusk, land end I other proneriy valued at nearly Jau,uJ, I work ev-ry uay as a motorman on iho front plattorm of an Orange trolley tar, turning a ralary ot tl.tH a day. in hat tuken this method tor the restoration of his health. "wouiu you like to oe aivorcca? was me cal.. was asked bv her husband rocuntiy. "he answered in the affirmative and he got court Bnd aang ,hat the aecree be null.i.ed. oljitnlnir fViat ,ti ril.l nnt knriur ill, rriMiinitlff ot tim woru "ulvorce, The most valuable knife In the world I to be Seen In the collection of a fuuiuiM urm of cutl.ra m KhetneUi. it Is Urge enough to tit in the Docket of none but a K.ant. and It contains seventy-nve b.aues, wliich close up like those of an old, nary knife. Each of the larger blades is e.abjr.itfly tiigiaved, and among the subjects of these strange pictures are views of Sheffield college, the city of York, Windsor castU-, Arundel cas tle and a score ot ouicr iamous mccius. The hafts are of muther-of-pearl, carved with great skill. On one tide the artiat has depicted a slug hunt end on the other a boar hunt. Miss Boulter, piano, McCague building. S0t SWrt WsUt, 12 to 40 b 43 tU Oorsd Skirl, Bt A Fashionable Shirt Waist Gown Shirt Waist 01. Five Gored Skirt 4-UI3. Shirt waist dresses appear to gain In favor with each opening season. This one Is designed Indoor wear throughout the autumn Dlua ,titched wUh black and held by carved I . . , , . .... collar with a tie of while taffeta. I ... ... I. Ilnw1 r.r nnllniut .. -.i.i. h. nAA i.t u. the fronts sre laid In tucks at ths center . . the ,nouider. that are ar- ranged to give a double box plaited effect. tk- .1.,-.. Inrn nnA full helnw the elbow and tucked above In harmony with I tho waist nd to give th nug effect demanded by present atyles. The skirt I cut In five gores and la laid In Inverted plaits at the back. The quantity of material required for tne medium alse Is for waist Vk yards 21, yards 27, t yards 3S or 24 yards 44 Inches lde; for skirt 64 yards 27, 3Y4 yard 44 or S'i yard u incnea wine, wnen material haa figure or nap. yard 44 or TZ. yarda U Inche wide, when material baa neither figure nor nap. The waist pattern 4M1 is cut In sizes for 32, 34, 38, 38 and 40-Inch bust measure. The skirt pattern 4-W3 la cut In sixes for 22, 24, 26. 28, SO snd 83-Inch waist measure. For the accommodation of The Be readers tneae pattern, which usually retail at from 25 to CO cents, will Le furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which cover all I exiienae. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, glvs number and name of pattern. Miss Julia Officer, piano. Ramge Bblg JANE ADDAAIS Of Hull House, will lecture on Newer Meals of Peace, ut the Ural Coiigi't-r-MX.niil Church. Monday, Oct. 6th, p. m. Tickets, 26 cents. MISS ELAN CHI 8ORIN8ON, VOICE CULTURE. 5TUDIO; 550 RAHQG BLOCK. Frank Oscar Newton, Baritone Teacher of Tone Production and Art of Sinjlni Studio, 5QJ-5 10 karbach Block SEASONABLE FASHIONS Niiii AMI KMK1TV BOYD'S SEPT. 28 TO OCT. 3 nATINEES WEDNESDAY AND 5ATURDAY. Lnst Senson's GMSXT SUCCISSS ...KLAW & ERLANCER'S... Stupendous Production of den. Wallace' g ir,F?'!w Dramatized by Wm. Young. Mtnlc by EJfc-ar Stlllman Kelley. PRICES, 50c, 75c, $1.00. $1.50 and $2.00. . Excursion rates on all railroads for "Ben-Hur" patrons. ,..T;ll!-.0.rll,'!, accompanied bv remittance filled In order received. SEATS NOW ON SALE FOR EVERY l'I RKOKMANCK. n Sunday and Monday Nights, OCT. 4 and 5 The Brightest Star of Them All ..RICHARD CARLE.. And Original Company of 75, Including QRACE CAHERON 102 PERFORMANCES IN the TEDERFT Cne Glorious Vivid Splash of Sparkling American Wit and Song. PRICES 25c 50c 75c $1.00 $1.50 Seat Sale Thursday, Oct NIGHTS 15c, 25c, 50c and 75c KRUG THEATER TELEPHONE 500 Starting Sunday Matinee, September 27 4 NIOHTS AND SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY MATINEES FIRST TIME HERE OF THE GREAT SUCCESS UNDER O.UTHERN ( Thc Most Original, Unhackneyed and Diverting Play of Southern Life Ever Written. . Three, Jlontbs of Unqualified Success Belssco Theater), New York. 'mmmmmmm "A REMARKABLE Aflss Bertha North Miss Arllne Marrlner Miss Laurii Oakman Miss Ida Mulle Miss Minrtle Vlctorson Miss Cecellia Clay Miss Susanno M. Willis Xliss Kate Hardren M1h Edna Larkln Mr. Iludd Cnruth . Mr. Kdwln li. J-orlng Mr. Charles Averting Production Massive and Starting ifft1 jfl J THURSDAY NIGHT, UW i . B. MATINB13 SA. T ZJKDA. Y J AS. H. WALLICK AMUSE- MENT COMPANY'S Big Scenic Production St..J.LiJ. M II LMM!USlt..'lJilSS'ISJIliWJL ueon of A Picturesque Drama of Western 32 ACTINd PEOPLE 2 DENS OF FEROCIOUS WOLVES Telephone 1531. Week Commencing SUNDAY, SEPT. 27 Today, 2:15 Tonight, 8:15 Modern Vaudeville. IlnlnoH Vldocq Fib, Squibs, Bong and Story. Watcrhtiry liros, and Tenny Music ti nd Comedy. Floury Trio Kuiopean Pancers. Jo&solln Trio Novelty Aerlellst. Hodden & Launch ntoro The Nightingales. Annette Moore Soprano. Klaodroma. Pilces-lflc, 'JCc, Ac. t&ZZS t GHHISHTOK O AMUEME.1TI. j -AN SfcT TO MUSIC 'ARIZONA' I MATINEES Best Seats 25 Cents. WRITTEN BY LOTTIE BLAIR PARKER Author of "WAV DOWN EAST" "A PLAY THAT WILL LIVE FOREVER." at the Theater Republic (now the CAST, INCLUDING" " " Mr. Wlllard Perry Mr. Murray Woods Mr. Cecil Raymond Mr. Lynn H. Hammond Mr. J. A. Macurdy Mr. J. B. Ollck Complete in Every Detail. ighuay. Life In Four Acts an J Seven5cene8. 5 EDUCATED HORSES "DUKE, THE BANDIT DOG" . O000O0O000'O0 Thomas J. Kelly. VOICE TEACHER 1802 FARNAM STREET. oo-oooooooooooc WESTERN BOWLING ALLEYS Everything new and up-to-date. Special attention to private parties. TEL. L2C1 .1510 HOWARD STREET. The Regent Baths 20S Ramge Bid. Op. Orpheum Theater Telephone 2079. Turkish Paths for ludioa. Exnert at tendants. Ilulr Dressing, Manlcurlujr and M ansa go. Annex for geulJemvu. AUGUST MQTHE - BORGLUU, Piano Teacher. LESCHETIZKY METHOD Studio. Davld;e Bl'k, 1802 Far nam. NEW Ml'SIC. Writ for free lutt new, pretty popular ong music not sold In stores free guess to H0.CMJ cash prizes. Greal't offer ever mad. Anawer quirk, time Itmlted. Ad drer Ive Music Co., St. Loiils. Me " the E3 n