T 12 Till? OMAHA DAILY I1EE: SUNDAY, BEPTEMTIER 27, 190.1. JOc quali'y 36-in COMFORTER CALICO. j$I Silk Embroidered CHIFFON VEILS $100 and $1.50 LADIES' Ladles' Lace and Em broidery TURN OVER COLLARS LADIES' I5C ALL LINEN HAND KERCHIEFS all widths, fTb 1 FLEECE BACK WRAPPER FLANNEL ana HAT DRAPE 5 KID GLOVES- New Fall At 2nd hemstitch ing 1B2G Shades- sans iC Ata fi yard j 1 J2 !-2c fine OUTING FLANNEL, FZ3 an r rfonnianrofa Ann w HEN you come to Omaha we invite you to visit the Bdstoti Store Wa havi mals the greatest preparations for remarkable bargain events 40 IN. FINE 1 INDIA LINON, a yard - that we have ever attempted. In every department for ths next two wssks thsra will bs scores of extraordinary money-savina events for our visitors. You can save enough money by buying all your fall aai wlntsr ncsssitles during this great sale to pay the expenses of your trip dEgiHt'gwjEarsegaa 1 many times over. We invite you to avail yourself of all privileges this great store offers. We win be glad to emend yoa ail courtesies in our power jj. yi, pranbtl & $2ons DOTTED DRAPERY SWISS, Shaker and Can ton Flannel, Mill Remnants, worth up to tfpS t 171. LP yard, a yd, J 28 TAKE ADVANTAGE OP THE REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS You can buy your fall goods at the biggest bargains ever known. Free Advantages of This Store Free Waiting Rooms, Sitting Rooms, Free Wash Rooms, Free Telephone Service, Free Parcel Delivery, Baggage & Parcels Checked Free, Free Banking Accommodations Checks and Drafts Cashed Free, Free Souvenirs to Out-of-Town Customers. THE GREATEST STORE IN THE WEST THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED. You can save money by the Low Rates to Omaha and Return 35c quality men's extra fine Hand kerchiefs, sheer, all fl lin en at ESS J5c plain and fancy PEARL BUTTONS, all colors, FZ3 dozen Ladies' Pearl SHIRTWAIST SETS, the I 50c kind at IDC 500 sampfes La diis BROOCH PINS, set Infancy rhinestones I A S'lf'fmP The Shopping Center of Omaha The Boston Store 16th and Oousflas Street. W Invite you to maka this ftort your day lljlit borne while yoa are her THE GREATEST ARRAY OF BARGAIN SALES EVER OFFERED BY ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. - MORE THAN A MILLION DOLLAR'S WORTH OF FRESH NEW FALL GOODS AT BIG BARGAIN PRICES. $1.25 Large Size Nottinghan Lace h Curtains each !STW Remarkable Offerings in Autumn and Winter Dress Goods French voiles, fine black dresa gooda, directly Imported by us from Franca, nH per cent below New. York K: 85c 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.25 Silk eolienties, silk crepes, flue voiles in black and all oulors, direct from Paris, the new heliotropes, champagne XtSSZSXT. 85c 100 1.25 1.75 Creme cloth for party coats, Frehch f KH O ftA CIH doeskins, broadcloths, tslbellnttii.etyd 1 . nJ J JmlJJ O.OvF New mirror zlbellnes, stlror blue laurel. Ilavanna Bar- tf 4 f( deaux, regular price 91.00 a yard, at yard.. tPl.vJU New Scotch mixtures, 64 Inch suitings, fashionable for street cos- :9l-t 1.25 and 1.39 New autumn walatinga, mercerized Testings and French ?A Marseilles pique, yard OUw French embroidered linen waist patterns, exclusive, 00 $1.50 dress goods at 69c yd This great comprises every weave of t oday's fashion, tailor lag cloth, Scotch mixtures and zibelines, a yard ofler 69c &3 PC LADIESV n At Extra large size bleached Turkish towels, worth up INDJAN BEADS, all col ors,' 35c bunches, for flic 133 $1 Suitings at 49c Every styla of skirt Inge, cheviot, kersey, mohair, etc, regularly prloed at 11 a A g yard, ata aCLvJO yard M. Vs 75c Waistitigs at 39c One counter piled high with the best all wool waistings, every style, regular 75c fib grades a yard ? C GREAT MILLINERY VALUES ' We have established an Innovation which will bo a (treat OHHlatance to all millinery purchasers. A new department Is presided over by our consulting- mil liner. Her sole duty I. to help you select the best and most becomlna; hat for the money. Bhe to a woman of exceptional taste and her 'services are yours for the asking. HIGH CLASS Street Hats Only one bat of a style All the elegance of a ability of street wear, have been retailed up to $12.00 tomorrow Real French Patterns at $12.50 Materials aud workmanship strictly Parisian. Tho style are nn. excelled. These creations lire in perfect condition genuine Imported bat at .1 made by an exclusive designer, trimmed hat with the practlo 500A750 1250 A Brandcis $5 Trimmed Hat at $3.50 A Monday special creation of silk velvet, cut Jet and ostrich tips, w. f" V desired by nn expert all the styles of an 1 $8.50 or $10.00 creutlon Mohair Felt Dress Shape at 89c The hat has a flare front, close back, satin band edge, conies In all colors and all popular styles-' at In Basement $2 value street hat, newest shape 85c Fall caps etc, at reds, navys, tans, 89c 19c Extraordinary Values in New Autumn Silks 4 Wc show for the coming week an elaborate dlspluy of now silks mid have coupled 'with this un Important mile, making our silk sec tion doubly interesting. Velours Chiffon for entire costumes, 25 different shades, the very latest thing from Paris, our own importation, shown only by us, $2 yd. Crepe-de-Relne, Broche satin Liberty and Brocades, 45 Inches wide $10 to $48 a pattern. New Pompadour printed silks for evening gowns $1 to $3.50 yd. Black and white silks, Swiss Louisines, figured striped taffoiaj, from 75c to $2.80 a yard. dunmetal silks over 35 different patterns from 69c to $2 yard. Special Offer of Fine Pcau dc Soic 75 pieces full yard wide guaranteed taffetas, also yard wide peau do solos positively worth 1."0 at, a yard - 97c Crepe de Chines at 69c a Yd. 100 pieces of tho same crepo de chine that baa created such comment during the past few weeks all shades worth J1.00 at, a yard 69c M 25c Plain and Fancy Val Laces and Inserting a I yd- TWO SPECIALS IN BOININ'ET BLACK SILKS 75c 67c Sl.SOSilksat 37to49c-693 30 pieces 27-inoh, wear guaranteed, unbreakable taffeta, at, a yard 20 pieces 22-inch, our special $1 number nt, a yard VELVET SPECIALS New metallic velvets, 69o a yd. New frunmetal velvets, 63c a yd. New Roman and Persian velvets 9So and S1.25. New extracted velveteens (Eng lish; 75c. 4,2M yarrls of i)"w. fashionable si k, of all kinds, oonslsunR f ium v tf ftas, ..oui nes, colored tnfTetoe, fancy fou.axds, em., worth up to i..O r&"1..37Jc-49cp6c Ladies Tailor Made Suits and Coats. 9.98 of Kersey box coat wade trlals, all the late Ideas in fall ooats at An ultra stylish fall coat for ltf J3, the new oape and new sleeves, remarkably mooun at Our great fall leader, the greatest value In ladles tailor ma Jo suits i new colors High grade ladies' suits, made of tbe pretty new cloths with " g all the late elTecU, liiOv Ulegantta lorcd suits at $ 14.85. Beautifully made iu the highest grado dress fab- A r fJ l ies, a fit and style that no lT CJ Aa extra special value in ladles' suits, up-to-date and handsome tailor tnades at Cravenette coats, swell dress and rain ooats at Ladles' stylish golf skirts, special at , Ladles' handsomely finished golf skirts, late styles and materials at, Dresa and walking skirts, newest . and swellast materials at , . . . . Dress and walking skirts, hand omely trimmed at, .'' good ma- A special bargain offer in ladies lum weight coats, thoroughly tailored and lined at , mado in the reigning styles . $4.98 $7.50 $9.98 $1.50 $2.98 $3,98 $4.98 med- COTTON BLANKETS, full size, a pair Fancy border Bereau Scrim, the 35c kind. 6.98 $9.98 Children' box coats, Children's auto raglans QQ CARPET AND RUG SPECIALS Carpst Department on Third Floor. Our new and enlarged Carpet Department la now complete In every detail. The new fall goods are all In, and we cnu say without fear of contradiction that for immense variety aud up-to-date Rtyle there Is no more comprehensive line In the west. We quote just a few of the many special bargains we will place on sale Monday. 75c Ingrain Carpets at 49c Yard Best strictly all wool Ingrain Carpets a big va- a f rlety of patterns to select from worth tip to 75c dMC a yard at a ryard - w 85c Brussels Carpets at 59c Yard Elegant eight-wire Brussels Carpets new de- j v signs with or without border actually worth iVlC' 85c a yard at a yard w Smyrna Rugs at $9.08 Smyrna Rugs 9x12 in all the new Oriental designs worth fifteen dollars at Brussels Rugs at $12.98 Brussels rugs 9x12, in all the new Persian and Oriental de signs, a special bargain, would be ftt " f 2 cheap at 116.50, for Monday , J KJ Q $30.00 Rugs at $22.50 Best quality, Smith and Hartford Axminster rugs 9x12, in enaiess variety oi new lall patterns, $9.98 worth (27.60 and $i0 each, at eaob. J. $22.50 Special Bargains in Linens Extra heavy, weight Scotch cream table damask, the 35o kind, f jr, yard All pure linen loom dice Ojrman tabls damask, 64 inches wide, the 6 Jo kind, for, yard Hsavy cream table damask, 2 yards wide, the 69o kind, lor, yard Fast color Turkey red table damask, the 2oo kind, f jr, yard ... , 19c 29c 39c 12k 70-Inch heavy weight mercerized sa tin damask you all Know gj" TV how nice this good laun- 3w ders, at, yd 2 yards wide German and Irish table damask, in full bleached and German silver bleached, worth gj up to $1.25, for, 1 ixC yard w Our very best full bleached double satin damask, exquisite designs, the l.08 kind, I . H for,yard....v a. 22-inch napkins to mutch, doz. $2.98 24-lnch napkins to match, doz. $3.50 An extraordinary bargain very heavy 72-inch German ilvr bleached damask, the tl.39 kind, for, yard 22-inch napkins to match, doz. $2.75 ON BAROAIN SQUARE Table linen remnants In lengths It to 3i yard, all grades Turkey red, indigo blue and cream half bleached and full bleached, nt one-half usual value. Assorted napkins in bleachod and half bleached, medium aud heavy weight, BIzo to 24-luch, worth 1 up U 1.00, for, doz Extra fine, 3-4, full bleached satin da mank napkina, worth -e g up to W.00, for, I L 74 , dozen -, 100 all linen hemstitched table sets J - napkins and cloth to match would be good value at 13 only 500 fringed table cloths, orod borders and plain white, wprih tl.2i, for this sale, each 200 fine hemstitched damaak lunch cloths, Jitix.'iO, regular price $1.60, while they last, each 4.98 size 8-4. col- 75c aak lunch 98c Men's Fancy CUFF BUTTONS Gold, stone, agate and gold plated, made to retail at 50c, at r: s ON BARGAIN SQUARE Regular price, $1 to2 Your choice at OX SECOND FLOOR Of nearly a thousand pairs of Infants' child's and ralaaes' hoaa, strap aamWla, imity alippera and daru'lng slippers, mada ty Mrs. Ktnf of Lynn. Maaa. tncludlna blacks, pink., whltra, tluea, and putent leathers, made to retail from ooa to two dollara a pair theae are allg-htly Imperfect, but If wa did not tell you, you would not notice the tmporfertlons. , Take your choir tomorrrow at 60c a pair. I I'l rim. ' time Special--Picture Dept 3d Floor Anna field's ffcriuinu UIULS, fitted with oroameuted black frame, worth $tat 49c m ? hi i 11 m Grand Clothing Sale Men's Suits for fall and winter Bought from N. Y. manu facturer, on eale at less than half I f QQ worth $10 aud f 12, at Rogers-Peet & Co. "Branders SpeclalM Suits and Overcoats Absolutely the finest garments made, at $I(M35 In the Lace Curtain Dept. Monday morning we will place on sale about 1,200 pairs of lace curtains, in all grades. We had a great many small lots left over from our big custom house purchase which with other bar gains culhnl from our immense stock we will place on sale Mon day. If you can use one, two or three pairs, you can buy them Monday at one-fourth regular price. All the small lots of tine Nottingham, Fish Net and Cable Net Cur- j q tains, that are made to sell up to M.98 a pair I UX on siilo Monday at, a pair. . ..... S All the small lots of the elegant Point de Calais, Point ae Venice, t aa Real Brussels, Arabian, etc., etc. worth up to 17.6a j. pair, Ruffled SWISS pr. if j r vi pi I 15c quality French Percaline fast black, fan cy I cr ors A? -a nil vd- L3 6V $1 Fancy Persian DressTrimmings 100 styles yd Ic 36-in. wide fine COMFORTER SATEEN - H a t ml yard I COMFORTER CALICO-the 7c kind yard ft H n3) BLACK VEL- i VET RIBBONS 10-yd. bolts at, I f h J 'PI per jolt 1 HH 1 Woven' Border n White HAND-KERCHIEFS- at, ! each C 1 i-yd long Brus- Bsc's Carp:t t-t ir o to ba closed out at, a pair About 200 fine Tapestry Couch Covers, some frlajred on ends, oth ers fringed all round, all 3 yards lonjj aad the majority of them 60-ln. wide, made to sell up to 17.50, on tale Monday, each 73 pairs of Fine Tapestry Portieres, only one and two pairs of a kind la fine Derby rib beautiful mercerlred and element Orleutal designs, worth up to 10 a pair, your choloe Monday, pair 300 pairs of Fine Ruffled Bobblnet Curtains, 40 incite wide and three yards long with beautiful Batienberjr edge, would be cheap at 12.09. Mouday, pair 2.98 4.98 .1.69 joimnm 7 ri n( AH mmmE Special Picture Dept. 3d Floor 19c Gibson Sketclies 5 1 re 13x20, mounted on white mats, worth fl.at ... BLACK SEW ING SILK 5c spools for, each C VERY FINE f Embroideries EA 1 KA WlLti lor Corset Covers at, a yard 29C-30C P"' fie