10 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, REPTEMIIEK 27, 190.1. U. J IU1 JV UuU n7 EV Y mW u Lkmk rr zr n n rr n nn - - ui c m fr Jim ....... ..a. t; rr,V :f..l wv, ! . v v-.. 1 iiii'iwra TOMORROW, MONDAY, SEPT. 28, WE WILL INTRODUCE THE SPERRY & HUTCH inson Green Trading Stamps, in every department of our vast store, with every cash purchase amounting to 10 cents or more This will be the greatest event in merchandising that ever happened in the west, Every department and we have fifty of them under the Bennett roof will offer grand inducements 'We have left no stone unturned in our preparations for this event to make Monday the most memorable occasion in the histbry of Omaha's merchandising. ' . Visit Our Store Investigate Our PlanSee the Premiums and Start a Stamp Book. " It Pays Interest on the Money You Spend. The Sperry & Hutchinson Green Trading Stamp plan offers every customer who buys merchandise to the valus of one dollar or more five dollars worth of Green Trading Stamps absolutely free of charge, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 28, 29 and 30. We offer this tt h:Ip you start a stamp book. We will save you money every day thereafter, and help vou to earn Interest on the money you spend. It is no experiment. It is in every day use all over the country. The well-to do, and the woman with a limited purse realizes that this is an opportunity that enables her to save money. Its advantages are such that every Individual In our vast congregation of customers must realizs that it is a good thing. ' If you come to our second fioDr you will find a very attractive section laid out for display of premiums and bonuses to which our Trading Stamp plan entitles you. All kinds of desirable articles for the home are therein displayed. Not one of them costs you anything. They are yours solely because you are customers, and your purchases are your title t6 them The Green Trading Stamp plan possesses many advantages. It will not cost you any more in dollars and cents but probably less, and its object is that you may be able to accumulate a great many things useful and ornamental, that will cost you nothing. ' ' FREE $5.00 VISIT ths stors of tha Trading Stamp Co. at 110 N. 16th St. There you will receive $1.00 worth of Green Stamps Free. Take with you the certificate which you receive by mall, and hare the attendant stamp It O. K. Bring this certificate to our tore (The Bennett Store), where, upon making a purchase of 11.00 or more, you will receive -in exchange for the oertlfl ' cats, $3 00 worth of stamps free, In addition to those which go with the purchase. We will give an additional 11.00 worth of Green Trading Stamps Free to every person who visit our Trading Stamp Premium Parlor on the second floor. -By following these directions you will be able to start your collection with - $5.00 Worth of Green Trading Stamps Absolutely Free. The Premiums on the Second Floor. WS HAVB GIVEN over a large end newly completed section of the second floor tor the display of the "Sperry Hutchin son" Green Trading Stamp Premiums. Here are shown in all their beauty and freshness hundreds of useful and ornamental articles that collectors of B. St II. Trading Stamps may select from FREE OF COST. To all Inquirers the 8. at H. Stamp Trading System will be fully explained, and the merits Of the attractions exploited. The list of premiums Includes: . ' Clocks ' Desks Chairs Lamps. Chiffoniers China fluslcal Instruments nirrors Dressers Bedsteads Portieres Vases Silverware Blankets Pictures And scores of other things for the homo beautiful and to make easier homo exactions. Sperry & Hutchinson Stamps With Everything Purchased. GREEN TRADING STAMPS are (riven In every Department In the Bennett Store. It does not matter whether your pur ohanoe ooosltt of Meats, Groceries, Drutre, Notions, Clothing, Dress Goods, Carpets, Furniture, Jewelry, Millinery, or anything else we sell. Green Trading Stamps will be Rlveta FKEE! Better goods for the same money, or the-same goods for less money. When Buying Be Sure To Ask for Green. Trading Stamps, w L - Lnd bod oaa ooon ,;,(l f. h ilf. &tf r , i t , ' , r . f .Jf JELL D . - - . JV i, MP0KTANT! DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THE GREEN TRADING STAMP STORE... 210 North 16th St. The Finest Display Room in the City. $1.00 Worth of FREE STAMPS To Each Visitor. v Dry Goods Department Ladles' New Fall Suits THE BAIR OF OUR BIT1T3 HAS BEEN 86 ENORMOUS THAT WB HAVE AT,RFADY ACCUMULATED A IXJT OF ODD ONES THAT RANGED IN PKICK FROM fciO.OO TO 130.00; THKRFI ARE ABOUT FORTY OF THEM. ETON 8, JACKET SUITS, BI.OU8B SUITS AND M f f BMJl'SE WITH PEPI.IN SKIRTS ALU TO I .'-Jll BE PUT ON BALK MONDAY MORNING AT.... OUR BANNER SUIT st a low pries has been replenlBhed ws aot In a new lot black, nnvy and mixed gray and mixed brown can t look at It sleewhers at 10.U0 J Qf) our pries .vr BLACK BILK SUITS the very latest styles poau de'sole silk ervlc and fit tuaranteed- 1750"14Q0 .18.75-22.50 22.50 TAFFKTA BrLK-quallty and fit ' guaranteed at FANCY VELOUR SUIT very tony the new Jap buttons at LADIES' SILK WAISTS satin finished taffeta colors, white, black, red, royal, liM blue, tray, pink and fancy O QQ a IS waist Ak-Sar-Ben sals Monday LADIES WHITB WAISTS made from fine fleece f (( lined fancy weave vesting a walat for home at yJVJ SHAWLS Here is a snap heavy Beaver Shawl In 4 AQ all colors worth 1160 at Muslin Underwear A Bargain Table Sale 2d Floor Great Value CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS at ..10c .25c 48c CHfcMISE, CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS at NICHTOOWN3, SKIRTS, DRAWERS. CORSET t'OVKKS and CHEMISE, at BARGAIN SALE OF COR8ETS medium 'and short AU.r model full steel filled whits and drab worth 7jc at.. LADIES' SILK COATS fins black taffeta finest satin lining ocep shouUWr capea tully padded wurta tt .4 firtten dollars at IVl.OVI PEAU DE SOIB BILK COATS-full box cut double capei-dron ui iiiiuriiiiro.iiiii .uiiu llllllix 17 r Ik a m 990 U.U). iH.IW and. PEAU DE SOIE SILK Loula XIV style fancy col lars prices. 2.60,,I18.50. 17.50 and OIRI-fl' AND MI88E8' VESTS AND PANTS fine ribbed, light weight, fleeced gray colored Mien to 1 years worth OS.it !6c a garment Monday per garment Ab 60 DOZEN LADIES' UNION Bl'ITS-ellvery gray and ecru col or open down the front and acroas the ciiret Upel yoke and crochet hnished worth tic garment Monday BOYS' HEAVY RIBBED COTTON HOSE-"Faat Black." "Steel Frame olxra to 10-lneh "epliced knee ' a leader r for Uoc pair Mondny our price per pair IVC At Dennett's Big Silk Dept. Monday Monday at 8 o'clock there will be placed on sale five pieces of 36-Inch extra heavy Black Taffeta regular price 11.76 per yard On sals Monday at per yard New Fall Silk Shirt Waist Suitings Positively all new arrivals. This line consists of very cholos designs In dots, checks, stripes and seeded effects. In all the latest colors, including the new gun metals. -This Una is valued from $1.38 to 1.76 yard, and will be QQC placed on sale Monday at per yard -' " 0 pieces of new Metallic Velvets, in all the latest slxed dots, new strips and ring effects, in colors contesting of black, blue, green, brown and Kunmetal effects this line is poxltlvely A')r worth 11.25 yard while they last Monday at yurd If pieces of new1 Vel vet tas latest material for waists and house aacquee In all new flowered, scroll and Persian de signs, all desirable colors regular 76c quality Mon- 1Qc day only per yard JlW We have purchased from a large Importer 100 pieces of new silks, consisting of black and white checks, plaids, hair line checks, lace stripes, changeable effects, cords and many other beautiful designs U.i numerous to mention these silks If bought In regular wnf would retail from 1 to tli yard our pries Monday per yard SO pieces of odd sllki. all good colors .lust the thing for waists, i linings and drop skirts these silks would be cheap at ISf. 76c yard on sale Monday at S o'clock at yard UOW 48c At the Dress Goods Department C-lnch black all wool Cheviots th? good 75c quality only per yrd 46-Inch black Eta ml ice canvas, plain and fancy weaves worth U Li yard special per xard 60-Inch black English Suitings. Cheviots very nobby material worth $1.15 yard special at per yard 4-Inch black Sail C'th very stylish material cheap at $1.36 yard special at per yard 10-Inch black Panama Cloth very dressy worth $ yard special at per yard Colored Dress Goods ..50c .75c ..85c .1.00 .130 LOT 1 t.OftO yards of Covert, Venetian. fancy checks and plaids. Cheviots, Tweed. Granite, Canvas, Etamlne, Brllllan tine. Zlbellne and Bnowflaks weaves 30 to 44 Inches wide an infinite variety of mixtures and colorings goods that are sold regularly lor ouo 10 io per yara saie price Ciflr. s WW Covert. Melton. Bnntch 66 inches wldo values HANDKERCHIEFS FOR A PKVTNY-100 Vlosen plain hem ms i vv-i'vu x .tw. iv iaiioivmtltWOriH Up lO KJ kiiu iw vii-.iuiii iv tu n a. m. JuoQatty at .sac a lc LADIES' COTTON HOSE-0 doaen fall welght-"fast blark" a!l ! extra high spliced heol and double toes E woMh 3o pair at per pair IOC 60 DOZEN LADIES' NEW FALL NECK WEAR-whlte." black and all colors In stolls, postillions, stocks and Windsors these srs worth up to 6oc each and we put tbem on OSs . sals Monday at each OC 28 doaen new shaped Featherbona Foundation Stocks -v on sals Monday at each v 1UC 60 DOZEN LADIES' BLACK CASHMERE GLOVES S-stu d cut and made the same as a kid glove all slxos and 1C worth up to 6c on Monday at pr pair auC We put on sals Monday a complete line of new Fall Ruffs. In liberty silk and chiffon. These are the neweet styles of (hs season in black and black and white prices, from l.M to $.0. 75c per yard LOT 840 pieces of Saxony, Venetian, Tweeds and Striped Suitings to $i.oo to $1.24 per yard sale price per yard LOT t W pieces of Cheviot, Zlbellne, Covert. Melton, Bally meny Tweeds, Heather Mixtures, fancy Jialr line stripes. Tufted Mixture. Broadcloth and Venetian just the right Klrta tor laiior-maaa sunn regular vaiuea up lo 11. .D a flit per yard sale jrlce per yard desirable .1.35 LOT 4 JO lecs of French Broadcloths shades a regular $1.76 cloth sale price per yara ill tha LOT 640 Dress Patterns no two alike the cream of this sea son's productions uoining like Uwra in this city. Prices Just as cheap as goods by ths yard. At the Waisting Department -lm h klmona and wrapper cloths all French Flannel designs a regular 16o cloth at per yard iUC tbO places choice Walatlngs In lh- very nobbiest styles light and dark grounds ala a number of very handsome deslxns in aew Wrapper Cloths, 36 inches wide, worth to i6c 1 4 yard all go in the big sale Monday at per yard InW Fall Opening Sale of Furniture BRASS BEDS Enameled Iron Beds Fancy sqroll design, all sizes and . 1 QQ colors, Vegular $.1.00 at I.-CJ Continuous post, handsome scroll design, extended foot end, regular $10, t Qfi v. w Continuous post,' heavy filling and brass swindles, regular $16.00, Q Continuous lV4-lnch post, extra heavy nll- , ing ana Drass rolls, regular $26.00, at Sideboards Continuous Mnch post one-Inch filling, "T" ball joint connections regu- Efl lar $0.o-at u.-.jv Continuous 1H-Inch poet, heavy filling with husks regular $46.00 36.00 Bow foot end, two-Inch post, full mounts and vases, hsavy fillingr-regular 0 Cf , 40.00-at Bow foot end, H-inch post, full mounts and vases, i-lhch filling regu- 2li 7R lar $33.00-at StJM.J at .19.00 Golden oak, beveled French mirror, hand somely carved, regular $10.00, 2 Golden oak, 4 feet wide, shaped front, large mirror, cast brass trimmings, lined drawer for silver, regular 0" $30.00, at 455.00 Select quarter-sawed oak, swell front, claw foot, hand carved and pol- oC Ttt lshsd. regular 16 00. at OU.4T O Dressers Solid oak, I drawers, beveled French mir ror, regular $14.00, 9.25 Golden oak, shaped top, large oval mirror, neatly carved, regular $17.00, 13.00 Golden"oak',"4"draw'ers, full swell front, hand polished, regular $26.00, 7.95 Bird's eye maple, serpentine front, 2 largo and 2 small drawers, large 7fl pattern mirror, regular $40, at..."1! -f Genuine mahogany, 2 large and 2 small drawers, claw feet, hand carv- C7 2fi Inga, regular $M. at KJ1 China Closets Oolden oak with bent ends and neatly carved top, regular $26.00, 17.85 Select quarter-sawed oak, mirror ton, hand polished, regular $36.00, 27.50 Select quarter-sawed oak. bent ends, swell fronts, mirror back, regular Q2 50 Chiffoniers Five drawers, neatly carved gal- A lery, regular $7.00, at ,JU Golden oak with 6 drawers and hat O CIA box, regular $12.00. at . J Golden oak or mahogany finish, large mir ror, cast brass trimmings, hand Q OB polished, regular $26.00, at f i ac ' Genuine mahogany, serpentina front. 4 large and 2 small drawers, ff A( hand carving, regular $40. at.. aW.ov Combination Bookcases Golden oak, adjustable shelves, French mirror, regular $16.00, 10.90 Golden oak, quarter-sawed, swell front, beautifully carved, regular tfl 7CL $21.00, at IU.4TO Golden oak, quarter-sawed, swell front, pattern French mirror, regu- OS far $32W. at 4SO.D0 Golden oak, canopy top, adjustable shelveii, cast brass trimmings, regu- 71 lar $40.00, at 045,41 O Rockers Golden oak finish, thoroughly braced, regular $2.26. at Golden oak, fancy turned spindles, regular $3.60, at ,. Golden oak or mahogany finish, 'shaped arms and seat, regular $6.00. at Golden oak, quarter-sawed, shaped arms, saddle seat, polished, regular $8.00, at 1.45 2.48 3.35 5.20 Carpets and llug Dept. Third Floor We will place on sals Monday $.000 yards Floor Oilcloth, in the best quality In one and one-half and two-yard widths. These ara divided In two lots Lot 1 Lot 2 while they last best all wool filled C. l.OuO yards or them the price to close 18-Inch striped Hemp Stair Csrpet per yard Venetian Stair Carpet warranted fast color per .yard Granite Stair Carpet warranted fast color per yard ..l&o per yard ..23c per yard C. Ingrain Carpets. 46c ,,...140 ...17ic ....24c Parlor and Library Tables Golden oak, 24x24-lnch top, turned legs, regular 1 OB $2.00. at Golden oak. with shelf, shaped top, polished, regu- fJK lar $6.00. at J.O-J Library Table, quarter-sawed oak, heavy turned legs, fZ Cf regular $10.00, at JUJ Library Table, with shelf, select quarter-sawed oak, QC heavy fluted leg, regular $16.00, at Drapery Specials for Monday Bobblnett, white and ecru. 64-inch, white only, extra fine, 22Ho per yard. 64-Inch, white and Arabian, double cord, bard twisted net, special, 35a per yard. Sash Muslin, 36 inches wide, 12ttc ' Sash Scrim, 30 inches wide. Sc. 6,100 yards Figured SUIcollne, in lengths from on to five yards, worth Uc Hpecial, 7Vc. Table Covers Extra heavy Tapeatry Cover, 1 yards square special. $1.60. Rope Portieres-All styles-special. $2.96, $3.50 and $6.60. Couch Covers stripe $ yards long, 60 Inches wide, fringe all around special $1.60. MILLINERY A Pana Velvet bat. In black, blue, gray, green and brown, trimmed with satin ribbon and long ostrich plum, worth $t, for urn. A whit shaggy Felt Hat, trimmed in black velvet, marked to sell at $2.60. at $19. A white shaggy Felt Hat, marked to sell at $2.60. at $188. 900 Birds, both black and whits, that sold for $2.00, at 8c. W hava ths new Automobile Cap with cap to tie down over ears, tust ths thing for th cold days coming, at $1.60. WALL PAPER IF YOU ARE IN SEARCH of wall papers that will Instantly Impress you with their great value IF YOU A HE IN NE.ED of wall papers that are attractive, artistic and have an Individual stylr IF VOI' WANT papers that contain all tha elements of graceful drawing and good coloring IK AT ANY TIME yoii want the nnel lilgtl relief, poMxhed around. 22-1 n. silks, printed Insralns. crown haniringft, gouls or lirnnxra, alno a large show ing of white blanks IK YOU HAVE NuT BKKN papers as above described, VISIT OUH WALL, PAPEB LPT. It U the moot complete in the west. Wall Paper, per roll, up from lc. rtoom Moiiim.'ig. i er rot, up from 154c. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. l-:i7:) p"-sm f3 ps!i u n LAiia xiz&lzlxi fV sMSsrVssWW VvvVrVVVWMV' XrsssjrVVssvsgasg wwf'VVVVrw vvWWMMWy V4JSi i4Mt jsa r-;, THIRD FliDOa K.1 1 In 'aasWsJJ ,1" m mm mm mr-r mm pf III B.uSWii i J J Si vi,1- -. j . ra4Mlati.lJ "yWrV-sl Mm