I 10 TI1E OMAHA DAILY HEE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1003. E E E M , wpjj'ivC I fSc GOLPEN GATE ,S P 210 N. 16th St. aturday, Sept W 1 BL J J I 1 4 rrjrc . Kite?: .. '.V.'1" Jli jJiiJ . to BOSTON-LIGHT i r m m MM) life its . brvvl- : BAND CONCERT AFTERNOON AND EVENING BY KAUFMAN'S BAND. Every Woman in Omaha and Vicinity Who Attends the Opening of The Omaha Tradin tamp Co.'s Store Will Receive One Dollar's Worth of the Famous "Sperry & Hutchinson" Green Trading Stamps Free. 'TTIE LEADING MERCHANTS OF OMAHA have contracted with us to "give you "Sperry & Hutcliinson" Green Trading Stamps with all cash purchases when you ask for them, one stamp for each and every ten cents in the amount of your purchase, ten stamps for one dollar, etc. These stamps COST YOU ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, hut you may exchange them at our stores for your choice from thousands of useful and ornamental premiums made of the finest materials, by the foremost firms of the world. The introduction of "Sperry & Hutchinson" Green Trading Stamps into the Stores of this city gives to the people of Omaha a marvelous opportunity to add materially to the comfort and beauty of their homes. "Sperry & Hutchinson" Premiums have a Reputation for Unsur passed Excellence. They are appreciated by all who demand honest materials and artistic merit, and consist of everything in Furniture, Sil verware, Cut Glass, China, Bric-a-Brac, Rugs, Vases, Portieres, Musical Instruments, Etc. TTO GAIN AN ACCURATE IDEA of the com pleteness of our line of premiums, it will be necessary for you to visit one of our stores. You will find premiums suitable for the most modest, as well as the most luxurious of homes. "LJONEST VALUES, combined with fair and courteous treatment of customers, form the sound foundation upon which The "S. & II." Co. has built a large and successful business. At our stores it is an easy matter for you to find just what you want. Wo are continually adding to the list of premiums obtainable for our stamps. X-vl S N - "v . n -v -n y YEARS AGO "S. & II." Originated Trading , Stamps. Since that time innumerable homes have been furnished in an artistic and comfortable manner through the medium of the famous "S. & H." stamps. The superior worth of our premiums is a substantial inducement for you to pay spot cash for your purchases. ; , . . . . A BOOK CONTAINING a list of merchants who give "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps, with certificate , entitling bearer to TWENTY FREE STAMPS, has been mailed to every family in Omaha. If you do not receive one of these books call at our store and have one presented to you. Beginning to day THE BENNETT CO. will give GREEN STAMPS in all their departments. A premium parlor has been arranged on their second floor, and each visitor to this display will oist Leo. din receive ONE DOLLAR'S (?1.00) worth of GREEN TRADING STAMPS ABSOLUTELY FREE. Merchants of fT( 66 Q PERRY & HUTCHINSON" Omaha who JI V w O Green Trading Stamps Bakers .id Coafaotloaara. Omaha T& A CofTe Co.. 1407 Doajlaa. Tel. lit "MltchaiTa," 420 8. 16th St. Imlay'a Home Bakery, 2m4 Sherman Aye. The Bennett Co., 16th A Harney Bla. Tel. 137 C. rhilNtlanxen, t46 Cuming dt. O. H. Albreoht. U2si Vinton St. J. C. Campbell, 13H N. 24ih Bt. J. C. Campbell. 716 N. Wih Bt. Ilooka and Stationers. Plla c K!eser, ICi Parnam Bt. The Bennett Co.. 16th k Huruey St a. Tsl. 137 Boots and Shoea. T. B. Norrls, 1617 nouglas Bt. Tel. F-22S1. A. W. Bowman. 117 N. 16th Bt. The Bennett Co., 16th k Jiuney Bts. Tel. 1ST C. Ltig. 718 6. 16th Et. Tha Bee Hive. M21 N. 24th 8L The I'alr, irtjt Sherman Ave. F. J. Blunecka, Ul B. 13th Bt. R. Wilg (N. T. Dept. Storet, 1808-12 Vinton. John bchoener, til B. Uth Bt. Coal and Woti J. X. Kemp. 1406 Leavenworth Bt Tel. (88. M. Rosenblatt, Uth 4 Davenport. Tel. iilu. Crocker? and Glaaaware. Bnmuel Burna. 1318 Karnani Bt. Tel B-20IS. The Bennett Co.. 16th & Hairney Sts. Tel. 137 It. Wlig (N. Y. Dept. Store). 1&0S-U Vinton. The r'alr. IW Sherman Ave. The Bee Hive, 2421 N. 24th Bt. John iUmpelnian, 241D Cuinlnf. TeL L-2300. Departmeat Stores. The Bennett Co., lth & Harney 8t. Tel. 137 R. Will (N. Y. I)ept. Store), 1S0.-13 Vinton. The Fair, 26 Sherman Ave. The Bee Hive. 2421 N. 24th Bt Draaarlats. 'ShRcfer,l., 16th and Chicago St. Tel. 747. Kuhn Sk. Co., 15th and Douglaa Ba. Tel. 143. The Bennett Co., 16th liainey Su. Tel. 131 City Hall Pharmacy, ISth and Farnam Sts. t E. Beyton. 24th & Leavenworth. Tel. 1435. Bishop s Prescription Pharmacy, 2S16 Bher-- man Ave. Tel. 1476. CriBsey Pharmacy, Lnke and 24. Tel. 609. J. J. Bolomon. 1837 Vinton Bt. Her O rand Pharmacy. lflUi and Jackson. TeL 1471. Dry Goods and JTotlons. The Bennett Co.. 16th Harney Bts. Tel. .137 The Bee Hive, 2421 N. Mth Bt. Arant Bros., 2923 Leavenworth Bt. Mrs. A. H. Bruers, 1123 8. 6lh Bt. The Fair, 24 Sherman Ave. J. A. It. A. David. 1410 William St. R. WUg (N. Y. Dept Btore), littS-13 Vinton. Faraltore. The Bennett Co.. 16th at Harney Bts. Tel. 137 Farrier. The Bennett Co., 16th A Harney Bts. Tel. 137 A. Kolouratcka, 17C4 Leavenworth Bt. Geatlemea'a Faral.hlnsa. "Stag" Btore. Stephens A Bmllh, Props., yfi B. 16th St. TeL 2416. Btephens A Smith, 109 N. lt 8t. Tel. 2423. The Bennett Co., Uth A Harney Bts. Tel. 137 The Bee Hive. 2421 N. 24th St. Arant Bros.. 2922 Leavenworth Bt The Fair, t4 Sherman Ave. K. WUg N. Y. Dept Store), 1S08-12 Vinton. Oroeerte and Provl.lona. Omaha Tea A Codee Co.. 14u7 Douglas. Tel. 164. The Crown Qrocerv Co., 1723 Leavenworth. The Bennett Co., 16th At Harney fits. Tel. m Boston Meat and Grocery Co., 113 N. 16iu St. Tel. lot. H. Rarhman. !H Pherman Ave. Tel. ITS. Fred Rooa M'kt. 24 Lenvn worth. Tel 716. I. Abraham.on, N. 24th. Tel. B-l:"0t. J. C. Campbell. 716 N. Kth Bt. Capitol Ca.h Grocery Store. Capitol Ave. and Uth 8t Johnson A Schroeder. 1911 Cuming. Tel. 2114. Peterson A Co.. HM1 N. 4th St. Tel. 1J8S. II. Smookier, 2406 Leavenworth 8t. J. WUIer. 4Sth and Leavenworth. Tel. 2313. Bunnell & Bonn, 1704 Clark Bt. B. Altman. 2018 Farnam St. Tel. F-3299. Jacob Gordon. IMS Shprmn n Ave. Tel. B-2?S7 A. G. Katleman, 10m N. 16th St. Tel. A-24WS. A. Aglnskee. 1C47 N. 24th Ht. Tel. 2!6. Myeis Bros., 2211 Cuming St. Tel. 654. A. Suhouboe & Co., 1M!3 S. 10th. Tel. F-S1W. Palace Grocerv anil Meat Market, 27O4-2708 Cuming St. Tel. F-15D3. Rosenbloom Cash 8tnr 818 N. 16th Bt. K. Koblnon, 41 8. 10th St. A. Newman, 811S N. 24th St. Tel. R-20. P. Chrlster-sen. 1S19 Ieav. Tel. Red 11(74. John Herrpleman, 2410 Cuming. Tel. L-2302. Chas. Plchlenion. T1 Cuming. Tel. A-2&02. Geo. Warner. fs S. 19th St. M. Bchlnkera. 2:24 8. 16th St. Charier. Leaf, HK4 Capitol Ave. Rleman X- Sunshine, 2204 Military Ave. Tel. I-2155. F. Rwobod i, 1259-1263 8. 1th. Tel. A-73!. Nebraska Cash Grocery Co., 314 N. 16th 8t Pwobnda Bros.. 22'6 S. 13th St. M. Newman. 602 N. 14th St. I. Altmnn. li:2 8. 13th St. Neb'-as-ka GrAoerv Co.. m 8. 13th 8t J. C. Campbell, 1313 N. 24th St. Hardware. E. D. Patton, 2 N. 16th Pt. Tel. 2011. Tho F.ennett Co.. 16th i Harnev 8t. Tel. 137 North Side Riioket Store, 1522 N. 24th 8t. The Avenue llarlware ami Hjirness Store, i!12 Sbermaii Ave. John HenipletDHn, 2110 Cuming. Tel. L-2302. Hay, Feed and Grain. rolacc Feed Store. 27'6 Cum'.n St. A. G. Katleman. 1019 N. lth. Tel. A-2S0? M. Rosenblatt, 16th and Duvonport Tel. 2109. Hportiuo" Gooils. The Bennett Co., 16th A JUrney Sts. Tel. 137 Laundry. The Midland Steam Laundry. Tel. 964, 1916 Cuming St. Meats and Provl.lona. Omaha Tea A Coffee Co., 1407 Douglas. 'Phone 104. The Crown Grocery Co.. 1723 Leavenworth. The Bennett Co., 16th Ar Hirney 8t. Tel. j:i7 Peterson & Co.. 2422 No. 24th Sta. Tel. 17M. J. Wlsler. 48th & Leavenworth Sts. Tel. K!43. Boston Meat and Grocery Co. Tel. U'i-J. 113 No. 10th St. Bunnell A Sons. 1704 Clrvrk St A. Agtnskee. 1X47 No. 24th St. Tel. 24SC. Myera Bros.. 2211 Cuming St. Tel. liii. Kred Roos- Mkt. Tel. 710. 2S04 Leavenworth. Pa Ice Grocery and Meat Market. Tel. F 15&3. 704-270ti Cuming St. Nicholas St. Market. 1713 Nicholas St. Frank Jun. 2k06 S. 16th St. ReudU A Binder, 1733 8. Uth Bt. sMIUInery. The B'nrett Co., 10th & Harney fits. Tel. 137 Mrs. H. M. Eck, 1754 Iavenworth Bt. The Bee Hive, 2421 No. 24th Bt. The Fair. 25'06 Shermnn A v. J. & R. A. David, 1410 Williams St. R. WUg iS. Y. Dept. Store). 1Si-12 Vinton. Mrs. Jullu Stenick, 1413 8. 13th St. Photographers. "Emory." 213 No. 16th Bt. Tel B 19G8. Plumber. W. T. Dnly i. 8on. Tel. 2341. 2305 Leaven worth St. Tailors. William Thompson. 2719 Leavenworth St. 8. Mayer. 2426 8. 16th St. Trnnka and Traveling Bags. Forby Trunk Factory. 1406 Douglas. Tel. 2533. Tt.e Bennt-tt t.'o , lMh & Harney Sta. Tel. 137 R. Wlig tX. Y. Dept. Store), 1S0S-12 Vinton St. Tinsmith. Olson Bros., 2670 Leavenworth Bt. Tel. A 2951 Tinware and Honsefnrulahlngs. E. D. Patton. 220 No. 16th St. Tel. 2011. The Bennett Co.. 16th A Harney HI. Tel. 137 Olson Bros., 2570 Leavenworth St. Tel. A 2951 The North Side Racket Btore. 1522 No. 24th. Avenue Hardware A Harness Store, 202 Sherman Avenue. John Hempieman. Tel. L 2302. 2410J?umlnt Bt Vpholsterers. The Bennett Co., 16th S- Harney sts. Tel. 137 Scheller & Kama. 2201 Farnam Bt. F. W. ClaBs, 2S17 Leavenworth 6t. Wall paper, Moliltnae and Window Shades. The Bennett Co., 16th Harnev Bts. Tel. 137 Harte A Baxter. 428 Psxton Block. Mine, and Liquors (Hot He Goods.) Hlller Llottor Co.. 1309 Farnam Bt. Tel. 1241. Henry Hlller, 622 No. 16th St. Tel. 1784. The Bennett Co.. 16th Ar Harney Sts. Tel. 137 SOUTH OMAHA. Boots and Shoes. National Clothing Co., 26th A N Sts. The Globe, 2503 N St. 8. Hlever. 2707 Q St. J. V. Vacek, 339 No. 24lh 8t. Itakers and Confectioners, Keller Bros., 622 No. 24th St F. Frushard A Son, 2519 N St. Clirar.. Tobacco and Confectionery. F. Frushard Pon, 2519 N St. Clothing. National Clothing Co., 25th A N Bts. The Globe. 2503 N St. 8. Slevor, 2T07 Q St. Department Store. The Bennett Co.. 16th A Harney Bts. (Omaha). Tel. 137. Dry Goods and Ladles Famishing.. J. V. Vacek, 839 No. 24th Bt. The Bennett Co.. 16th A Harney Bt. (Omaha). Tel. 137. Gentlemen's Furnishings. National Shoe A Clothing Co., 28th A N Bt The Globe, 2503 N Bt. 8. Clever. 2707 Q Bt. J. V. Vacek, 829 No. 24th Bt. Groceries and Provisions. I.egro A Co.. 26th A M Bts. j. A. Wlllsrd. 610 No. 24th Sts. Tel. 8173. D. Hobaa, 31st A Q Sts. Tel. 3306. Chas. A. Kover. 610 No. 24th St. S. 1. Raynor, 2636 Jefferson St. Hardware and Cutlery. 8. Omaha Hdw. Co., 420 No. 24th St Laundry. Vnion Hand Laundry, 2604 N St. TeL 291 Meats and Provisions. Charles A. Kover, 620 No. 24th Bt. Legro A Co., Stith A M Bts. Wines and Manors (Bottle Goods.) 3. Klein, Cor. 98th A N Bts. BE5SO. KEB. Groceries and General Merchandise. J. F. Odefy, Whlttlngham Bt. We will reedean all "sperry A Hutchinson" Green Trading Stamps yoa hay previously collected and will also give "Sparry A Hutchinson Stamps la exchange far ataaspa o( other companies previously eollecteSM in Omaha, vrovlded they are Pre sented la '.he books In which thal were risr'nally collected. This offer not good after "t. L3. THE OMAHA TRADING STAMP CO 210 N. 1.6th 'Street Telephone 3471 The Sperry & Hutchinson Co. PAID-UP CAPITAL $1,000,000. PROPRIETOR. THOMAS A. SPERRY, President. SURPLUS $250,000. I ...,yv . . , a. , , -y- t v. j f j - illialsi lff-rrir'.mi frm-ztm wur7!VJ:u itv'WWM fcsswL rpynfsa i C?S ?E?sWJ ?cts wwl We own and operate more stores than any other concern t in the world. lira mm m i If59nw m mm mm mm ' ,'H- IS vvve-e