Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1903, PART I, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
PAGES 1 TO 8. Jgj
i:STAJ!LtSIIi:i) JUXE 19, 1871.
h i x u u: co i v this i : i . c i: x ts.
Turkey Tired of Dia? of Foroa on Pari
of United Sates.
Befora This is Dona Porte Destras With
drawal of Cotton's Boats.
Ho Direct Request :or ReraoTal is Known at
Kepresenlatlre Talks to Turkish Far
alga Mlltr Ahont the Assault '
lo Miflr and Claims
, Agalnet Kniln,
CONSTANTINOPLE, Thursday', Sept. 24.
-1 he porta has expressed a wish for the
withdrawal of the American war ships now
off in yroot., "so that the settlement of the
questions pending between I he Inked
(Kates and Turkey can bo proceedi d wkhJ"
It la thousht here that the United Biat&i
Will not consent to withdraw lis whips.
Minister Irishman has arranged for a con
ference with the foreign minister, TewilK
I'ajiha, today.
Ofllclal circles take a calmer view of the
Balkan situation aud advices from Bulgaria
point to a lelaxatlon of the tension.
lie form Commission Named.
The composition of the mixed commission
to curry out me program of reforais in
Maceuoi.U la otlicially announoed tojay.
liiiuil l'utha la president 01 tne committee
and the other meinoera are Ktiulusm Be,
president of the municipal council of S.1
lonna, JtiaoU Itholeff, BulgaiUn, and
Noumle Nlkersh, Greek, botn members Oil
the oourl of Justice at Monostir; Niko,
Servian, member of tha court of Justice, at
Uskub, and Kutbo Yanl, Roumanian. The
commission will sit temporarily at Mon
aUr. An trade haa been issued ordurlng
the civil and military authorities to obey
the commission's regulations.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. The State de
partment haa no fresh news from Minister
Irishman today. The Amerloan minister
haa had several confer enoea with Tewflk
Paaha, the Turkish Foreign minister, con
cerning tha settlement of the Mogellsen
aHaJr and the Amerloan olatma against
the sultan' government.
While definite conclusions have not been
reached, no hitch haa oooured In the
negotiations. On the ground that all is
now quiet in Beyroot, it is not unlikely that
the port la pressing: for the withdrawal
of the American ship, but no direct
request of this nature haa been preferred
to the authorities hex.
Baltoar Discuss Sltaatlaa.
LONDON, Sept.' 86. Premier Balfour In
a lengthy letter to the archbishop of Can
terbury disousaed ths Maoauoman akua
tion. The letter la a reply to the aroh-bh-hop'a
aotlon in drawing attention 'to the
arrowing uneasiness among members of the
church at the apparent apathy of tha pow
ars "while unspeakable atroultlea are per
etrated In Macedonia."
' sir. Baiiour says he la In entire sympathy
with the foiling of horror and desires to
give expression In publlo meeting to the
Sentiment of horror rooently expreaaed.
Air. Balfour then says:
We have not to deal with a sample of mis
government or niis.-etrMntet..n or the
Turkish government, but wlih the fact tbu
the government of Muceuonla la rent, lato
fragment by differences In race, aggra
vated by differences In religion. In addition
to the tils Initiated by corrupt and Incapa
ble administration, by the ralo of undis
ciplined soluiera and by the moaes of taxa
tion, w have to recaon wlui ml tne Hid.
which, in a population not Imbued with
I Western idea of humanity, sects do not
auruple to infliot on one another,
Eadoraaa Raaalaa, Ida.
Mr. Balfour adds:
The instrument whereby the situation
tnay be ueait with la the concert of fcurop.
g liut even were they sui in harmony, K la
noceaoarily siuW and must o iueaectlve
I lr lli nrnni.m l I, w. : u nn,
V tar . of oongratula.luu when Russia and
A Austria, aamig with the authority of cu-
rope, propoteu to press tho soneme of re
forms, which, whl.e in theoretical
foriectlon, came within the circuit of prao
leal poiitica and wou,a, n mr
piesaml by tne pone and more fra.ikiy
accepted by the Moodonian population,
liave spared the world tne horror It haa
witnessed. Neither of then oonoitlona waa
(u lli Led.
The porta as usual waa dilatory and
Called to see that a of humanity waa
policy of wisdom. The revolutionists
.have deliberately aone their tost to drive
me iur to exoeea ana furnish hlra with
an excuse for deterring tne execution of
reforms, mee.lng horrors with horrors asvl
brutality with brutality, for the deliberate
purpose of driving tne Turk to crimes
malum the Innocent and thus play upon
the sympathise of the world.
Hucn methods as theae are no mors mor
ally tolurubi than the mlsguvernment
IWhloh la liiUr axcua.
Attltud of Ureat Ilrltala.
Coming to the question of tha attitude of
Oreat Britain. Mr. Halt our points out that
Russia, Austria and Turkey cannot be In
different to a territorial redistribution in
the peninsula, whil dreeo. Bulgaria, Ser
Yla and Roumaula ax all Interested In ths
fat of the provino whoa popu
lation la made up from all their nationali
ties. Thee external complications are
doubled by internal ones because of reli
gious differences, the Mohammedans fear
ing Christian rule, while the exaxchlsta
persecute the patrlarchlsts. The' Greeks
who are pgtrlarchlsta, would sooner find
rule under the sultan than be left with the
Bulgarians, who are ax&rchlnU. H con
tinues; It Is with a problem such as this that
Cne has to deal, mid I cannot but belUve
that the beat hope of dealing with It Ilea
in tne continued co-opera tl n of Ruasla
and Austria, strengthened w th the support
lit mn it-vi u j. wio ui inn otner sigua
torles of the treaty of Berlin.
These countries possess, Mr. Balfour as
sorts, Incomparable Influence over the an-
tagonlstlo forces In the peninsula.
In fact no other nation or group of na
tions could do It at all if Russia and Aus
tria wsre hostile.
Great Britain waa not precluded by the
policy outlined from Offering suggeatlous
Which had already been done, and she will
continue to do so, but It would be folly
to forget that there are occasions when two
powers are stronger than three and an ad
dition of numbers carries a diminution of
I ' for Either tide.
Ths principles, concludes Mr. Balfour, di
rect the policy of the British government In
ths near east and be has no doubt that they
sre In accordance with British interests and
In obedience to them Ilea the beat hope of
improving the condition of the Macedonians
and the securing of European pvace.
It waa stated at tha foreign office today
that Sir Nicholas O'Connor, the British
ambaakador at Constantinople, had been In
structed to Inform th port that neither
ffn&Biiii as SaooosV Fa)
English Railroad hefaaes to Traae
port Them t nleas Paid for
Extra ten Ice.
LONDON, Sept. 25. General Indignation
has been aroti.ed here by a dispute be
tween the postofflce authorities and the
management of the Iiondon & Northwest
ern railroad over the payment for the
transportation of mull, by which the
American mulls have been dolnyrd at Liv
erpool, when, tinder exceptional clrcum
Htnmes, they have not been landed at
It :pptari that the railroad disputes Its
liability to carry to London a larger por
tion of the Atlantic mull than can bo
stowed away In an ordinary boat train,
without extra payment.
The recent arrlvttl of I'mbrla's mall
brought n.u iters to a head, when the rail
road otlh' refused to carry the mall un
lewi paid for the rout. Confronled unex
pectedly with this ultimatum, the pontof
flce compiled under protect. On the ar
rival of Etrurla. September 19, the railroad
took a Hiniilr stand, but on this oc
casion the postal authorities stubbornly de
clined to comply with the conditions.
Consequently, hundreds of mall bags
brought by Ktrtirln were left at Liverpool
and were forwarded to London In small
numbers, ns the accommodation of the pos
tal cars of the ordinary trains permitted,
the Issf portion of Ktrurla's malls not leav
ing Liverpool until Monday.
Defaulting Treasurer In the Philip
pines Is Given Severe Sen
tence by t'oort.
MANILA, Sept. S. Dean Tompkins, the
defaulting treasurer at San Fernando, con
victed recently of forgery, has been ren
tenced to seventeen years' imprisonment.
Ills trial on the other charges filed against
him has been set for December L
A Filipino named Kalbasa, president of
the nationalist party, was arrested today
upon a similar charge as that which has
Just been preferred against Domlnador Oo
mex. . He Is accused of being concerned
with the latter In fomenting the disturb
ances which have lately taken place In the
northern province of Luson, where a guer
rilla warfare has been carried on for some
time past by ladrones against the peaceably
Inclined native.
He la now held to answer on charges of
rebellion and Insurrection against the au
thority of the United States.
Two prisoners named Rudd and Black, es
caped fugitives from the United States mil
itary prison on Malagt Island, In Lnguna
de Bay, Luzon, have been killed by na
tives. In defense the latter claim that the
killing took place during an attempt to
capture the fugitives to gain the reward
which was offered for their arrest and re
turn to the military authorities.
British High Commlseloaer Will Wot
Accept tha Colonial Secre
taryship. ( (
LONDON, Sept. 28, Th Associated Press
Is this to state definite!- that Lord-Wllrr,
th British high commissioner In South
Africa, who la now at Carlsbad, has been
offered and haa declined the colonial sec
retaryship. Further pressure Is being brought to bear
on him, urging him to reconsider his de
termination, but If the forecast of his
frlenda Is correct he will not accept.
Mr, Brodrlck haa accepted the secre
taryship for India and In the event of Lord
Mtlner yielding to the pressure the duke of
Marlborough, who Is now under secretary
for the colonies, will become undersecre
tary for India, precedent ordaining that
both the secretary and under secretary
shall not sit In the same house.
No definite announcement of the composi
tion of the new cabinet is axpeoted before
Monday at the earliest.
Asaaalt I'poa Jens at Gomel gome
thlag 1st Which ITnlted ttatea
Cannot Interfere.
WABHINOTON, Sept. 25. Th following
bulletin has been posted at the State depart
The Department of State has received
advices from the American charge at Bt,
Petersburg to the effect that In the Gomel
riots. In whlcn Ave Christiana lost their
Uvea, no foreigners or foreign Interval
In view of the position taken by the
Russian government at the time of tne
KishlnefT affair, that the Imperial authori
ties wouiu aociine to receive foreign repre
sentatlves concerning domeatlo matters
where no foreign Interests were Involved.
the report of the American charge at bt.
Petersburg that no foreign Interests were
Jeopardised lit the recent antl-Semltlc riot
at (iomel closes the Incident ao far as the
Btat department Is concerned.
laa taJvador Will Pay Hlsa Monthly
Over a Period of Eight
LA LIB BR TAD, San Salvador, Sept. 25.
Congress has approved the agreement made
by Benor Lopes, the Salvadorean minister
to the United States, to pay Alfred If.
Burrell 15,000 gold monthly during eight
years as compensation for the Salvadorean
governments treatment to 'the Trlunfo
Some unimportant popular demonstrations
occurred In coiuiectlon with the action of
the assembly, but there was no disturb
anon oi oruer. . ongreea, wnicn bad an
extraordinary session to deal with the Bur
rell claim, will adjourn tomorrow.
Tells las Doming that Claims of
Amerlvaa Company Mast Be
Paid Soon.
BANTb DOMINGO CITT, Sept. 25-Tt la
reported In government circles that United
States Minister Powell thta morning In
formed the Dominican minister of Foreign
affairs that the agreement made by th
lute Dominican government reecting the
claims of tha Santo Domlnlco Improvement
company of New York must be respected
and Its provisions carried out without fur
ther delay.
Cllmat AsTeet Geraaaa Horses.
BERLIN, Sept. 25. Count Von Lchndorff.
th Prussian minister of th horse, haa re
ported to Emperor WllUara that the cli
matic and food conditions make German
horses Inferior to the English and French
bora and that, therefore, a full regenera
tion of th German stock cannot be too
quickly brought about by Importing atal
Itona. Much of th horee food used In Ger
many Is now brought from America.
Count Von Lahndorff suggests populat
ing hor racing by permitting book mak
ing and Bund a raotcg.
Adriees Organ's' d Lahor to Go Slow on the
Miller Proposition.
Secretary of Xaiy and Soperln
teodent of mal Academy Take
Strong ;ronnd Aanlnat
(Fmm a Staff Porreeponilent.)
WASHINGTON, Kept, r,. (Special Tfle-pram.)-K.
E. Clark of Cedar Rapids, la.,
grand rhb'f of the Order of Railway Con
ductors, is In Washington today for the
purpose of consulting with the executive
council of the American Federation of
Iabor In regard to the case of W. A.
Miller of the bookbinders' department of
the government printing office. Mr. Clark
Is here exerting his Influence against any
aggressive action on the part ot organ
ized labor which ralnht tend to embarrass
the administration. Mr. Clark waa a mem
ber of the anthracite coal strike com
elon and Is a close personal frle- (s
President Rooseve'.t. having been th' . i
of the executive for the posltln- ,s
slstant secretary of the Depa' of
Commerce nnd Labor. .
Raral Carriers K '
These rural free deliver' rn were
appointed today: Nehray noa, regu
lar. William A, Denr ' substitute,
William H. Ilouser. J .oud, regular,
Elra Ralph, substitute, A Jackson. 8t.
Kdward, regular, Walter S. Taylor; sub
stitute, F.dwln H. Taylor. Tllden. regular,
Charles H. Calvin; substitute, Hattle R.
Calvin. Iowa Brooklyn, regular, George
P. Johnson; substitute, James Johnson.
Lime Hpr'ngs, regular, Henry It. Menslng;
substitute, Elmer II. Mensiug. Malvern,
regular. Richard Taul. Mystic, regular,
John W. James; substitute, W. D. Bates.
Oakley, regular, William Newhouse; sub
stitute, Harry Newhouse.. Paulina, regular,
Lee A. Young; aubstltute. Charles A.
Young. Stanton, regular. James F. 8an
dln; substitute, John W. Sandln. South
Dakota Marlon, regular, Henry J. De
grott; substitute, John Degrott. Lea, regu
lar, Henry Heeran; substitute,
New Bank for Mitchell.
The application of H. 8. Clarke, Jr., H.
T. Clarke, sr., M. Boyd. M. K. Clarke and
S. Wlsner to orgnnlze the First Na
tional bank of Mitchell, Neb., with capital
of $25,000, was today approved by the comp
troller of the currency.
These Iowa rural routes will be estab
lished November 2: Adair, Adair county,
one route; area covered, forty-three square
miles; population. 672. Bellevue. Jackson
county, two routes; area, sixty-one square
miles; population. .I,o70. Cordova, Marion
county, one route; area, eighteen square
miles; population. 608. Cummlngs, Warren
county, one route; area, sixteen square
miles; population. 869. Delmar, Clinton
county, one route; area, twenty-one and
one-half square miles; population, BID.
PVrmarsbur. C'.ayton county, on route,
area, seventeen square miles; population,
i Msjwena. Cass county, two routes,
araae)xtytjtquarft mUeai DOB'tlad'on.
Mllford. Dickinson county, trrree routes,
area, 105 square miles; population, 1,695.
argent Outlines Views.
At today's session of the executive coun
cil of the American Federation of Labor
Mr. Sargent, commissioner general of Im
migration, outlined his views on the Chi
nese Immlgrstlon laws and1 on the Immi
gration of Japanese Into the United States,
Hawaii and the Philippines, witn refer
ence to the effect on general labor condi
tions. His views were asked for tne
guidance of the federation In its attitude
toward any explanation on the subject.
Haslng Most lie Stopped.
Hasing at Annapolis was on of the sub-
Jeots discussed at tne navy aepanmrm
today between Secretary Moody and Cap
tain Wlllard II. Brownson, superintendent
of the Naval academy. Since returning
from his vacation Captain Brownson has
Instituted a thorough Investigation of
affairs at the academy and today Informed
the secretary that no hasing existed at
There are (no more .than twenty upper
classmen at the Institution. As soon as
the midshipmen return from their holiday
the superintendent will renew the vigorous
policy against haxing wnicn provea
effective last year.
Becretary Moody recently said to Cap
tain Brownson: "If haxing exists at An
napolis, stop lt and the Navy department
will back you."
Payne Confers with Brlstow.
Postmaster General Payne has returned
from Hot Springs, Va., and was at his
desk today. He spent considerable time
In conference with Fourth Assistant Post
master General Brlstow.
Frederick M. Habbell Arranges to
Tara ftiMtO.OOU Over to State for
School at Dea Molaea.
DffS MOINES, Sept. 26. Frederick M.
Hubbell, one of the wealthiest citizens of
Iowa, his Wife, Frances E. Hubbell, Join
Ing, has conveyed property to the value of
about tS.OOO.OOu to himself and his sons.
Frederick C. Hubbell and Grover C. Hub
bell of Des Moines, "trustees of the said
Frederick M. Hubbell estate," and to their
successors In trust for the trustors and
their lineal descendants, with a "llmlta'
tlon over" as tne lawyers term It, to the
state of Iowa, to be used In founding a
college of learning In the city of Des
The "trust period" defined commences
with the date of the declaration and con
tinues to the limit of time allowed by th
law, namely, for the life or lives In being
and twenty-one years thereafter.
Estimating the duration of these lives at
from sixty to seventy years, and adding
the twenty-one years mentioned, the trust
will In all probability last from eighty to
ninety yeara and will by the natural In
crease In value b a magnificent estate.
Jadge Osborne Order that
Hanged oa Decern
ber IS.
CTNTHIANA. Ky., Sept. 28 Curtis Jett
waa brought Into court today, when Judge
Osborne decreed that he ba hanged "be
tween sunrise ar.d sunset December IS fot
killing Jamea Cock rill, at Jackson. Ky
July 3. 1902 "
When Judge Osborne aald he would aeno
the prisoner to another Jail Jett pkad'c!
earnestly to ba returned to Lexington, Ky
Judge Blaiiton filed papers giving lib
grounds for a new trial preparatory to car
rylng th case to th court of appeals at
Lleatenant tlarhsnk. Makes Drfeaae ta
the Charge of Filipino
LLAVKN WORTH, Sept. 11 First Lieu
tenant Kidney It. Btirbank, First Infantry,
stationed at Fort Leavenworth, filed suit
fn the district court today to annul a pre
tended murrlage with Mrs. Conception
Vniques, a Filipino woman.
Tim Ming of this suit Is the outcome ot
a clinigu made by Mrs. Vaxiiues to the
War department last spring that Lieuten
ant Hurbank had married her while In
the Philippine Inlands and that she wan his
liwful wife and wanted him to r.i'pport
her. Tho llrst notice of thla alleged mar
riage was mails publlo after the announce
ment of the engagement of Lieutenant Bur
bank to a society girl of Leavenworth.
The story of the Filipino marrrliig of
Lieutenant Burbunk, which he proclaims is
a fraud, comes from ' Vailndolld province,
where Lieutenant Burliank was In com
mand of a garrison ot United Stutes troops
In 1901.
Mrs. Vaxques. who was a widow with
three small children, lived In the village
where the garrison wuS located. Lieutenant
HuroanK came to rori ueavrnwonn a year
ago and a report followed him that he
whs married to a Filipino woman and was
the father of a newborn babe. The Fili
pino widow followed this by filing copies
of documents, pretending to ba a marriage
contract with Lieutenant Burbank.
To offset this Lieutenant Burbank and
Corporal Barnes sent affidavits to the War
department stating that Lieutenant Bur
bank was not In the village, but out on a
campaign on the data of the pretended
marriage; also that there was no notice
of the marriage posted or announoed by
the town crier going up and down the
streets of the village and proclaiming It
according to the Filipino custom, and the
pretended marriage Is a fraud and any
documents to back it a forgery.
It Is said that Lieutenant Bui-banks'
solution of the affair Is that a Justice of
the peace and president of the village
where he commanded the troops, was Im
prisoned for six months for Insubordina
tion, that the Justice had charge of the
records, and In his anger and to get even
with him, permitted the woman to apply
and make out a marrlr-ga'' certificate. Ills
object lu filing the suit here Is to clear
up his reco-d. 1 . .
Under the Kansas divorce laws the
woman haa forty days to answer. She
will not have time to do so, as It would
require at least three months to prepare
any defense and file it by a person now
in the Jlillipplnes.
Take Charge af Mannaver of Army
Which Start at West Point,
Sept. 25. With the con.mandlng general
on the ground and all preliminaries dis
poned of, the regular troops from the De
partment of the Lakes began arriving to
day, while others wore "leaving station"
In different parts of tit country for the
second series of instru?t:v war manouvera.
The mireuYor -vill ryxhi i-omd .of. their
kind undertaken In time of peace, the first
having been held at Fort Riley, Kan., last
year. About 14,000 troops, Including mi
litia from Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michi
gan, Kentucky, and Wisconsin will par
ticipate. The regular troops taking part
represent all arms of the service except
the heavy artillery. The militia will be
represented sole y by Infantry and the light
Major General John C. Bates, command
ing the Department of the Lakes, la here
with his staff. General Bates has Issued
a longthy order for the guldanco of the
umpires, officers and troops during the
The maneuvers proper will not begin
until October 2. by which time all the na
tional guardsmen will have arrived. All
conditions of actual warfare and the
strategical problems relating to the re
pulse of an Invading army will be worked
out to the last detail, the main movements
extending over a period of nearly two
The automobile as a factor In warfare
already has been given a trial by the sig
nal corps men. Their lumbering vehicle
struck Its colors, however, last night, to
one of the Kentucky "knobs" surrounding
the ramp and was shoved back to a steam
boat to be sent to Louisville for repairs.
Stockholder Allege that Concern Is
Not Belnax Properly Managed
by Directors.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept, 25. A bill was
filed today before Vice Chancellor Gray Jn
Camden by F. Bchoentleld, a stockholder
of the American Can company, praying for
an Injunction to restrain the payment of
the 2V, pfr cent dividend by the Board of
Directors on the company's preferred stock.
The matter will come before the vice
chancellor on September 28.
The bill, among other things,' charges
fraud In the organization of the company
and over capitalization, that the tangible
assets are not worth more than SlO.OiiO.OOO,
whereas the company Is capitalized at
iS2.500.OvO, that while the company acquired
U3 plants It has been operating only thirty
and according to its last showing only
earned 4 per cent on the total of Its value
of J.tMO.oort. It Is alleged that the payment
of the dividend would be an impairment of
its capital. The bill also prays that the
stock which Is alleged to have been fraudu
lently IsfUied and which it Is claimed went
as bonus, profit or award to the promoters,
be annulled If still In their hands, otherwise
that they be required to account therefor
for the money.
The president of the company Is F. A.
Asmann of New York.
Man with Reward of flOO.OOO Over
Ills Head Uoeat of California
BAN FRANCISCO. Brpt. is.-The Chinese
population of the city Is greatly excited
today over the arrival of Leung Kal, vice
presl-lent of the Chinese Empire Reform
saoclatlon. He favors the cause of the
voting emperor, and the empress dowager
Is said to have offered a sum equivalent
o tlPC.OOO for his arrest.
Fully lO.OoO of th Chinese In California
telong to the reform party, and. though
Leung Is watched by a bodyguard, he has
to f'ar of being deprived of his liberty.
He wss escorted from the ferry landing
-o Chinatown by a procession headed by a
brass band. In line were fifty harks tilled
with Chines merchants and men of promi
nence in th colony. After a reception at
the headquarter of the reform association
Lung waa glrea a baiiquat.
Eepnblicant of AH Eanks and Fso'.ions
' Unit in Seconding Effort
Kvldenre of the Dawning of a Better
Day for Douglas Connty Itepub
lleaa Party Leader See JSeces
alty of Getting Together.
Whereas. This meeting of republicans of
Douglas county has been called for th
mot excellent object of allaying factional
strlle within the party and presenting a
colli front In the approaching campaign.
Therefore, be it
Resolved. That It Is the sense of the re
publicans here assembled that It Is the
eiear duty ot each and every republican in
this county to support at the polls the
nominees of the coming republican county
Itenhved. That it la the duty of all re
publican newspapers printed and published
In this county to earnestly and In good
faith support the nominees of the coming
republican county convention.
Resolved. That It Is the sense of this
meeting of republicans, representing all
factions. Interests Hnd candidates for office,
that Hll republicans. In Douglas county, re
gardless of previous faolioual alliances,
should aid the republican county central
committee In successfully parrying out
the present primary rules to thu end that
the republican voters may select, the nom
inees .of the party for the com! tig elec
tion. Republicans of all ranks, classes and
conditions, and of various degrees of opin
ion concerning local politics, crowded
Washington hall to the doors last night,
with the avowed purpose of promoting a
unification of purpose among the leaders
and the rank and file of the party. If the
great majority of the words used by the
speakers and the remarks made by the
audience after adjournment can be taken
as expressions,, the meeting did much to
achieve that mission. Even temper and
good 'tumor prevailed at nil times. A few
of the speakers were Inclined to refer to
old scores nnd events of the local history
that had made harmony a thing o be de
sired, but In the main the earnestness and
sincerity of the speakers was evident and so
received. Enthusiasm over the word "Har
mony" was easy to obtain at nil times.
Whether from the mouths of machine or
anll-machlne speakers, the sentiments of
peace and unity never failed to bring forth
thunders of applause, and In the final ap
peal by John L. Webster, the noise was
Judge, Barnes Called On.
In addition to the regular list of speak
ers arranged by the committees, Judge
John S. Barnes, nominee for Justice of the
supreme court, who happened to be pres
ent, and John L. Webster, candidate for the
vlee-presldentlal nomination, were called
for and responded with speeches in keep
ing with the spirit of the meeting. Nearly
all of the candidates paid glowing tributes
to Mr. Webster and Judge Karnes and de
clared It Important that there be harmony
In the Douglas county republican ranks
If they' are to have force and power
throughout the state and nation.
Few of the leaders anticipated a gather
ing displaying ao much toleration and good
feeling among erstwhile political opponents.
From .the-.tuatruxa - LicX the. . farthest
wnll irhten who had differed politically were
strangely mixed and many a man who for
months has been chilly to his neighbor
because of what happened in one or more
campaigns sat side by aide with his neigh
bor, each applauding the j same sentiments
and "each agreeing to the things the speak
ers said.
Early In the evening the big room was
filled with a lttety hum of conversation and
knots of men conferred as earnestly as
though about to go Into an Important
nominating convention.
This Is not to say that the strife of years
was never In evidence or altogether left
to the past. To the contrary, little bits
of It stuck up whenever there was a timely
opportunity, but the projections were tact
fully smothered and battered down before
they had a chance to become more than
symptoms of discontent.
Call Meeting; to Order.
When Dr. H. A. Foster, president of the
McKlnley club, called for order at 8:15 the
following men wer seated on the platform:
Byron G. Burbank, W. A. Snunders, Mayor
Moores, A. W. Jefferfs. W. F. Gurley, W. J.
Connell, Robert Cowell, Edward Rosewater,
H. C. Brome, John L. Kennedy. Dr. W. H.
Christie, John P. Breen and E. J. Cornish.
Later Judge Barnes came In and was ac
corded a seat of honor. .
Dr. Foster said that the McKlnfey club
had Initiated the harmony movement which
had resulted In the meeting and he trusted
the object for which It was called would
be accomplished. He then introduced Sena
tor Millard, who presided.
"I have been a republican for many
years," said the senator. "Many times I
have been puzzled over the candidates
whom my party has nominated and some
times I have voted for some of them
against my will, but I have made up my
mind that the only thing for a republican
to do is to support the republican ticket
always, from end to end."
Robert Cowell, whom Senator Millard
Introduced as the first speaker, waa greeted
with a burst of applause. He aald that ho
looked upon the big attendance as a good
augury that the desire for harmony had
been making progress. His fervent te
mark that he hoped that never again after
the meeting would anyone hear of fac
tlnns in the party In Douglas county pro
voked the first hearty enthusiasm of the
evening. He told of the necessity for
harmony and how the understanding of Its
Importance had grown and said he was
frank In saying that among his friends In
the party the disposition was to meet
the opposition more than half way and to
concede a fair and liberal representation
on the ticket.
Wonld Prefer Another Time.
Byron G. Burbank's speech was not en
tlrely free from a discordant strain. "If
the time for holding this meeting had been
placed In my hands," he said, "I would
have selected some time following the coin
ing republican convention. However, I wan
asked to sign the call and could not well
refuse and ao am here In the Interests of
harmony." The Judicial ticket, he sul.l.
should receive the support of all repub
licans of the district, as should Judge
Barnes, all of the nominees being eminently
qualified for the positions which they
sought on the bench. He eulogised ''John
L. Webeter and praised the new primary
rules, saying that they would give the
people free and untrarameled choice In
selecting their candidates. After pledging
his support to the ticket that will be nomi
nated Mr. Burbank announced that he be
lieved In majority rule In all parties.
Then the speaker proceeded to find fault
with a Bee editorial, which pointed out
the necessity of selecting honest and com
petent men for nominations and the fallacy
of the belief that members of the party
must support and vote for men who are
neither competent nor honest, but who
(Coutluued ao Sood Pag.)
Fore-nst for Nebraska Snturdiy Showers
snd Collier; Sunday Fnlr.
1 Tnrkey Wants ships withdrawn.
Clark Advises Inlons to Go Slow.
For Harmony In pongta" Connty.
Drlmnr Ties Trottlnar Record.
a Robert Talks Ahont Gold.
A ews from braak Towaa.
Rrntal Mnnler Leaally Atoned For.
I Detroit Grand Jury Gets Bnay.
P.nalneer Defeats llolilnp Men.
leads Word from the Far North,
ft Mitchell Corn Palace a nig Tlilna.
Inlon Divided Over fam Parke.
O Council II In Its and Iowa rws.
T Omaha Jobbers Return from Toar.
Affair at Wontti Oinnha.
Police Get Alleged Crooks.
8 Reanlta ot the Hall Gatnce.
Postal Inspector Tells story.
Wall ttreet Has a Bad Day.
Talk of a Manilas Combine.
Starts New Work on Inlon Pacific.
Breaks the Building Record.
11 Grent Wool Market of the West.
Chicago l ull Out Special Tearhera.
la Editorial.
13 "Three Swindler of ' Lorraine."
14 Financial and Commercial.
lit Stlekney Talk of Omaha.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi
Honr. Deg. Hoar. Dea.
5 a. m fit 1 p. n Hit
U a. m B7 a p. m. . . . . . eo
7 a. m fV4 :; p. m...... fM
8 a. m .'! 4 p. ua T
O a. m t ft p. m H5
10 a, 73 H p. m Kt
11 a. m 7s) T p. ra Ml
12 tu hO N p. in 77
0 p. in. . . . .'. 71
Local Dealer l.ooka for Coal ta Ad
vance and Cites Other Fnel
aa Substitute.
"If any man In this part of the country
can llnd a genuine peat bug on his laud,"
said a local coal dealer, "he'll be the beat
part of the way to easy street. The coul
question has started everyone to thinking
about fuel, and I believe If people under
stood the value of peat wo would soon
know for certain Just what amount of it
Is to be found In Nebraska, western Iowa
and surrounding country. Everybody H
kicking about tho price of hard coal, and
soft coal Is about as bad this year. I don't
see that coal will be any cheaper this sea
son and anthracite never la what you could
call cheap out here. We are by no mean
certain that the labor question has been
arbitrated so that there wid be- no further
trouble; for my part I should not be sur
prised If the mines were closed down aciUn
most any time.
"Peat has figured valuably for fuel In
Ireland, Germany and Scandinavia. The
troublo with peat Is of course the water In
It, and this can't nil be pressed out; but
lignite contains water also, and practi
cally all western coal is young coal or
lignite, so that It haa ittlo advantage over
peat. You can't buy any sort of decent
coal for less than a ton, and th peat
briquettes can be manufactured for about
12. But even If the peat were for tale,
people -would jej jdt tu, takis.Jl up. -because
they've fc-ot In -the coal habit. The
stoves also would have to be a little dif
ferent." The location of peat bogs In Nebraska
and aurrouttdlng states Is still to be thor-
OUglliy ill VfBllBUltni. Iiui. nuftiij ot
university. In a took on the geology of
Nebraska, says among other things:
There is no uuestlon n'.iout the groat
quantity of peat In NWbraska. ll,id-n
mentions muny locations where it is
found. It Is also found on the tributaries
and headwaters of the Logan, fc-lkhorn
and Elue livers and on river and
other tributaries of the Hepubiuun. Great
quantities are also lWtid u ::omie county
on the Loup and on its tributaries. In
fact there is hardly a township Hi some
sections of the state that does not contain
home peat beg". When peoplo once 1- am
Its vulue and more attention is directed to
it. It will be found where It la hot expected.
Nearly all of the peat that 1 nave tested
In this state Is fully up to the average In
Will nl, However, Admit Those
Keeping Them Nor Men of
Mixed Blood.
BALTIMORE. Sept. 25. A proportion to
admit to membersnlp In the Order of Odd
Fellows persons of mixed blood was de
feated by the sovereign grand lodge as
was also a resolution to grant to the
Patriarchs Militant a district representa
tive In the sovereign grand lodge.
The resolution to fix the salary of Gen
eral M. A. Raney, commander of the Pa
triarchs Militant, at Sl.COO was lost nnd his
remuneration will consist of the profits on
the sale of supplies to members of that
branch of the order. After a spirited de
bate the resolution to permit liquor deal
ers to Join the order was defeated.
President Dreyfuas of Pittsburg Says
that Club Will Sarely Meet
PITTSBURG, Sept 2S.-Presldent Drey
fuss of the Pittsburg base ball club an
nounced tonight that despite all rumors
to the contrary the Pittsburg-Boston series
for the world's championship will be played
as originally scheduled. A party of rooters
has been made up to accompany the Na
tional leaguers to Boston next Monday
Loss la North Carolina and Virginia
Said to Be Very
WASHINGTON. Sept. 25.-Reportfl re
ceived at Southern Railroad headquarters
In this city concerning the fires at Greens
boro, N. C, and Culpepper. Vs., Indicate
that the loaves will be gnat.
At Culpepper the station and two freight
cars were destroyed, and at Greensboro an
oil tank and two empty cars were burned.
Movements of Ocean trssels Sept. 25.
At Queenstown Sailed: litonla, from
Boston, for Liverpool; Celtic, from New
York, for Uverisml; Campania, from New
York, for IJverjwHil.
At Movllie Sailed: Tunisian, for New
At Liverpool Sailed : Armenian, for New
York; Bohemian, fur New York; Cedrlc,
for New York via tjueenstown.
At Plymouth Arrived: Hluecher, from
New York.
At Bmwhead Passed: Ultoiili. from Boa
ton, for cnernstiiwn ami Uverpool.
At Boub si" Hur Mer Sailed: Hlatendam,
from New York, for Rotterdam.
At Cheiiiourg Hailed: Fiicrst Bismarck,
from Hamburg mid Southampton, for New
York; Krou Prlns Wlllnim, for New York.
At Tory Island Passed: Hlbenan, from
St. Johns, N. F.. for Glasgow.
At Isle or Wight- i'.issed: Stateudam,
from New York, for Rotterdam
At Hamburg Arrived' Pietoriau, from
New Vera.
Major Delmar is Seconal Horse to Make
Two-Minu'e Ecoord.
Baoce'S Comes to Eon of Delmar in Csoond
Start at Trial
Slower Work in Last Quarter Coit Him
Winner of Friday's Rare Agalat
Time otd for IO.OOO, the High
est Price F.ver Paid for
Such a Horse.
NEW YORK. Sept. 26 -The Mg event to-
day at the Empire City track wn the
effort of the champion gelding. Major
Delmar, to beat his own record of 2:00'i
nnd to beat tho world's record of 2 minutes
held by Ikhi Dillon.
Ho trotted a most wonderful mile, and. In
a game but thing finish, shot under the
Wire In the record time.
After n preliminary warming up the
gelding champion came out for his trial
at 4:20. I lo went around the first turn,
broke nnd canio back. At the second at
tempt he went away us steady as a clock,
and, though a slow beginner, got to the
qirirlcr In SOW seconds. Up the back
stretch ho phot with such lightning ra
pidity that ho flashed by the half-mile
polo In 69 seconds. Then the grand stand
rosi and cheered ns the gallant son of
Delmar flew around tho top turn to the
three-quarters pole In 1:29 nnd came home
to the wire In ":0a, thus equaling th time
of Lott Dillon.
It was a splendid performance by the ani
mal, which only thU week changed owners
at J4V'v the highest price ever paid for a
gelding. Major Delmar Is a New York
animal, bred and foaled, trained and owned
In the Empire stute.
Two running horses, hitched to sulkies,
were provided for pacemakers. The sulky
equipped with the wind shield was driven
by George R. Spear, regular trainer for
E. F. Sitiatliers, Major Delmar's owner.
O'hrr Uvents of th Day.
In the 2:11 cIqrs Promise was th choice
at even money. He was beaten by a noso
in tho first heat and won the second by a
head. In the third heat he was a poor
third, and the Jcdges were so dissatisfied
that they declied nil pools off on tho race
tt;id fined the driver Jin).
In the 2:18 puce Georgo R. Peck was the
choice, but he wan a counterfeit, at Arzille,
af'.'T the first ! eat, von taslly. Results:
2:iS class, pacing, puree SEfO
Arlslle, b. m. (Eminons)
I 11
12 2
4 X
5 X 4
I I to
,loe li. Nelson, b. i. ((il!lort
Geo. It. Peck, blk. h. (Seeley)....
Burr i.'nk, b. g. (Lnngi..
Hal Freta. blk. m. (Urowley)..,.
Rose Elfctiite. b. m. (Urani S ro
Dnvld Muscovite, blk. g. (.Maxttcld),? T. ro
Cloer, f. ni. (Ford)
Time: 2:11 J:!: 2:12,j, 2:1?
2.11 trot U iiR, purse oOO:
Marlon Wilkes, b. m. (McDonald).
r. i 1
! 1 3
It 4 2
8 3 4
4 6 5
I I ilr
Promise, blk. jr. (Andrews)......
j tueen Wilkes, b. m. (
u"',uvru' njP,'
Sneur) ,
Nell Gwynne, gr. m. (Kelly)
'lime: Z:K14; 2:10; 2:11.
2:t class, pacing, purso $500. (Unfln
llrodina, b. m. (Davis)
Nonuinle, b. m. fLonmls)
I b. g. (Wiilkevt
Theron Powers, b. 'Murphy)
tivp Walnut, br. g. 1 Kinney) ...
G.'ilil Ilrlck, blk. g. (Curry
Freelmont. b. h. (Baumoii) ...
Time: i:(is,; 1!:0S!,.
Speclnl to beat 2:uuU:
Major Delmar, b. g. 1 McDonald) won.
Time by quarters: 0:3u'; 0:69; 1:29; 2:00.
Prisoners Accused of Being Strike
Leaders Released by Colo
rado Mllltla.
CRIPI'LE CREEK, Colo., Sept. a. After
a telephone conversation between Governor
Peabody und Adjutant General Sherman
Bell this order was Issued:
Brigadier General John Chase, command
ing First brigade, National Guard, Colo
rado, Is hereby directed to Immediately
comply with the decree of Judge Seeds, dis
trict Judge, sitting for the Fourth Judicial
district. Teller county, Colorado, and re
lease thereunder the prisoners as com
manded. .
A few minutes thereafter Sherman Par
ker, Charles Campbell, H. R. Rafferty and
II. W. McKlnney were released from the
guardhouse and went to their respective
homes In Independence nnd Altmnn, where
they were enthusiastically received by large
crowds of union miners.
There still remain Imprisoned In the mili
tary guard house President C. O. Kennison
and W. F. Davis, members of the miners'
district executive committee; Thomas Fos
ter and Patrick Mullaney. Habeas corpus
proceedings for the release of these were
instituted today In the district court by At
torney John Glover.
As Judge Seeds haa gon on a trip to
Denver 'no action will be taken In thes
cases until Monday. i
The mllitar authorities have not made
any charges against the four men ordered
released by Judge Seeds yesterday and
they are now free.
DENVER. Sept. 25 Th strik at Crlppl
Creek has taken on an International com
plication. Four Germans Imported from
Duluth to take the strikers' places tefueed
to go to work when they learned of con
ditions there and wer placed In the mili
tary prison.
Through th Western Federation of Min
ers they have now appealed to the German
consul In Denver to place the matter before
his government and to look for redress for
the men Imprisoned.
Chicago Heara Ratlroada Will Pat V
Freight Tar Ida Becaaa af
High Wages.
CHICAGO, Sept. 25. The Record-Herald
tomorrow will nay that a movement la on
foot by the railroads of the entire country
to bring about a general advance In freight
rates, the reason assigned being the big
Increase In the wages of all classes of labor
and In the price of all materials used by the
railroads. A similar advance waa made one
year ago for the sum reason, and went
Into effect Jaunary 1, last. At that time
shippers generally protested, and It Is un
derstood that various Industrial associa
tions will combine to prevent further ad
vances. The Trunk Line association Is raid to he
planning for a general Increase In ra(a
uniountlng to 10 per cent, to become effec
tive January 1. Railroad officials say that
with the present price a decrease In net
revenues ramoU be prevented, unless
freight rata ar advanced.