Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Tim Omaha Daily Bee.
!IW Bee (without funj:.y'. Vv. Year.. II M
ally Dm s.nd Bund. One Year .''.'
Ilustratd Be, Ore loar t
unday B. One e-ir f '1
turdav Re, Urn! Year ' p"
Tweptieth Century Farmer, One Year.. 100
Eailv Re (without Sunday), per copy.... -Jo
ally Bee (without Sunday), per week...!.c
rllv Hec (Including Sunday), per wk..l.t
Sunday Bee, per copv ft15
Rvenlng B- (without Bundnv), per wcok no
Evening Bee (Including Sunday), per
week 1(V?
Complaints' of Trregulsttics In delivery
fcniild be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omihi- The Bee Building.
South Omahs City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth
and M Street.
Council Bluffs 10 Penrl Street.
Chicago 1W Unity Building.
tw York 23? Park Row Building.
Washington W1 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating t" new anil edi
torial rr.ntlT ahoulil be addressed: Ornahe
Bee, Editorial Department.
Ttemlt bv draft, express or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps accepted in payment of
mall account. Personal checks. except on
Omaha or enstern enrhnnes. nnt accented.
UU of Nebmiika. Douglas County, ea.:
George B. Tiiwhuck. secretary of The Bee
Publishing enmpany, being duly iwnrn, says
Hist the actual numhei of full and com
plete nopiee of The Dally Morning. Evening
nd Bunday Be) printed during the month
f August, 1908. wan aa follow:
1 vmuo 17
t 2T.3WU ao.oio
2D,TSO 19 80,220
4 2TMKIO W) 2,3fO
I t.TOO 21 SH,27
Ut,70 K SMI.3SO
a42o 23 ao.o
t 30.180 J4 SIM.SSO
ti,nio 25 ai,aai
J 20,600 26 2,2SI
U simhvo 27 ien.:isi
tt SiHO 2 , 2tt,2t)
M it9,4Ht 30 24I.&UU
II 81,OI2 31 21M7U
W 2U.0HU
Total Ut)4.a2
Less unsold and returned copies.... ' m.muj
Hat total sales tri.lTO
Mat average sales m.ikki
Subscribed In my presence and sworn o
tofore ma this list day of August. A. D. 10JJ.
(Seal.) Notary Public.
a . j
Parties leavlag the city at
ar tlmei mar bare The Bee
seat to them regularly by
Otlfylaa: The Bee Basinets
See, fa peraoa or by mall.
The address will be ekeaged
a often as desired.
Auaten Chamlxrlaln. the son of his
father, wears a monocle.
The man who travels the Btralpht road
tn politics cunnot le lost.
This is an off year for politics, but it
Is not a year for yellow-dog candidates.
The cold wavo pastsed over Baltimore
Monday when a receivership for the Bal
tlmore 19c trust was applied for.
Perhaps that libel suit won by John
Wanamaker was after all only an in
(enloua free advertising sohine.
; "Ireland for the Irish" Is to be the
battleery of the Irish nationalist party
In the coming: parliamentary campaign.
The emblem of Nebraska's goldenrod
jW adorn the crown of King Ak-Sur-Ben
ia the shape of n golden lnieil ear of
Booker T. Washington will leave New
Tork for a trip to Europe next Saturday,
but the negro problem will remain with
ETery week or two Senator Hanna ns
gures the country that he will not resign
from the national committee. Who ex
ported him to resign?
Judge Sullivan's bible in the schools
decision has been debated In the public
rena long enough, and, so far as The
Bee Is concerned, the debate is closed.
Marconi promises an early start In the
commercial use of the wireless tele
graph. Those attractive promises hove
been on the market for more than a
. , -
All amplcious characters are advised
to keep away from Chicago during the
Centennial celebration. People who are
ot suspected of haviug characters will
not be molested.
Tb Tobacco trust has received an
other respite from having itlMoks Mib the searchlight of publicity.
.Very few trusts would want to trust
ny outsider with un examination of
their books.
A political turncoat Is not necessarily
ft nonpartisan. A man who has the
Courage of his convictions Is more of a
tionpartlsan than a mun who Is willing
to barter his convictions for the sake of
at political job.
Before the school board submits a
proposition for that Si'imumk) wing to the
High school it hud better make provi
sion for several new school buildings to
accommodate, children In grades below
the nigh school.
It takes a good deal of sublime aasur
fr-nce for the president of the Bourd of
Education to extend congratulation to
the board for leing out of politics, when
every man, woman and child In Omaha
knows that the board and It -4 otllccrN are
In politic, with both feet and up to tiuir
1 , , . . . . )
The fast and loose methods that have
;. prevailed In the management of county
affairs for years cannot be allowed to
continue much longer. Star-chamber
peaalous and secret deals with contract
era are responsible fo Jobbery and
iwastefulness amounting to tliou.MUu'.s
Upon thousands of dollars a year. Pub
lic business should be conducted lu the
fcpeo and aot la the dark.
TUB 5iiiotr nr trR.
While tar between Turkey nr;d Bt:l-
K v'.. tuny ho iivf lcj, it rvpeurs ot Ident
ti..i!: In order to d' t.i tln-rp intiM be
pMtinpt ucMon by tbe powr. A IUii!n
lispittr!i of n lew days a.iro s!atel that
t!.e ineetliiRt of the sovereigns soon to
t-ike ilac were rxp'ted to cle-ir up the
obscurities of the situation and It was
thought tf".t events would remain tpiiet
tintil after tie Hh of the present
month, unless Bulgaria should refuse to
wait. Events Ftnce the date of that dis
patch have been anything but quiet, the
latest advices reporting operations on
the Bulgarian frontier of a nature de
cidedly menacing to the continuance of
peace. There has been a skirmish be
tween Turkish and Bulgarian troops and
forces of each are located nt n short dis
tance from one another, so that a serious
collision Is probable at any time.
For this situation Turkey seems to be
mainly responsible. Indeed as a matter
of fact Informal warfare has In-en going
on between the two countries for months
and Tnrkey hns refrained from declar
ing war ngainst Bulgaria through fear
of foreign Intervention. Whether or not
she Is any longer influenced by such
fear remains to be seen, but. current
events appear to Indicate that she Is not
and that an Invasion of Bulgarian terri
tory may take place whenever Turkey
hns her military forces In readiness for
such a movement. It Is of course possi
ble thnt the concentration of Turkish
troops near the Bulgarian frontier may
be merely precautionary and it is easy
to understand that under the circum
stances such precaution would be taken,
but there Is reason to believe that Tur
key would welcome a conflict with Bul-
gnriM, lr assured there would le no in
tervention, and would lake every oppor
tunity to provoke it. Bulgaria sympa
thizes with the Macedonians in their re
volt against Turkish tyranny and op
pression and undoubtedly has given
them aid. There Is a racial as well ns a
religious Interest between them. Thus
Turkey Is equally bitter toward both,
but the position of Bulgaria as an Inde
pendent principality safeguards her
against Turkish attack so long as Bul
garia maintains a position of neutrality.
How long she will continue to do this,
in the face of the menacing conditions
confronting her, is the question. Bul
garia is not well prepared for war with
such a power as Turkey. She lacks nu
merclal strength, organization and both
the money and munitions of war neces
sary to cope with Turkey, which has an
army of nearly fn million men that has
been well organized by German military
experts. The Bulgarians are good fight
ers, but in a conflict with Turkey they
could only carry on a guerrilla warfare,
which while giving the enemy a lot of
trouble would also make much for them
selves. Mennwhlle, if the powers are
doing anything to avert war they are
carrying on their diplomatic operations
with great secrecy nnd as indicated in
the Berlin dispatch already referred to
are watching each other with more than
ordinary solicitude.
The following extract from the annual
report of President Theodore Johnson to
the Board of Education is a genuine
The present board should be congratulated
upon having entirely eliminated partisan
politics from the board. There has been
no attempts whatever on the part of the
republican majority of the board to side
track the fusion minority. The beneficial
results of this policy have been apparent
In the practical unanimity with which the
present board has attended strictly to the
business of the board and has not trans
formed it tnto a machine to further the
political aspirations of anyone either In
side or outnlrie of the board. It la to be
hoped thnt thla state of affairs so auspl
clously begun will continue to exist.
So the school board has gone out of
politics, has it?' How was It last spring
when the school board converted Itself
into a political machine to promote the
candidacy of the populist and nonpartl
san Independent candidate for mayor?
People with a very short memory have
scarcely forgotten that less than five
months ago Superintendent Pearse spent
the greater part of bis time, night and
day, at the Benson headquarters, and
the superintendent of buildings drove
from school house to school house to
line tip the Janitors with the school
board machine, while at the same time
schoolma'ams were dragooned into the
municipal political crusade, High school
bojs were, conscripted to march from
ward to wnrd and entertain political
meetings with campaign songs, and even
boys in the lower grades were workfng
up recruits among their male relatives,
If this is not political machine work we
would like to know what machine
work Is.
But the political activity of the school
board did not stop with the spring elec
tion crusade. At this very moment the
dominant majority of the Board of Edu
cation and the officers, who are paid for
educational work, are devoting most of
their time to the Inmktlng of candidates
who have been closely identified with
the preseut school board combine. It Is
a mutter of notoriety that the nonparti
san school board republicans, demo
crats nnd populists are exerting ' their
Influence in favor of former member
Robert Smith, who stood in with the
1 'ear hc contingent and voted him an ex
tension of three years with a $3,000 sal
ary notwithstanding the fact that a very
large percentage of the patrons of tho
public schools were opposed to his re
tention because they did not want a
politician lu the place that requires an
l-'or the same reason Mr. Tearse and
the ring members of the board are plug
ging bard for Mr. Siullend':rf, who
against bis honest convictions was roped
Inio t!.e support of Pear. It was by
the resolution tutioduced by Mrs Stnb
bendorf and passed by thi? that
Secretary Burgess Lad ;,;s ui!"y ruised
from $i.J to $,100 a year, although he
would have been only tco to bold
the position he now has fur $1,X), or
about sn a year more than be had ever
earned before be became secretary. In
the f8-e of Mr. Johnson's assurance that
t!ie lKtrd Is strictly out of politics, Mr.
Burgees Is openly handling the Stubben-
dnrf campaign. Can It Ik possible that
Prnrse and Burgess have pulled the
wool over Mr. Johnson's eyes? Can it
be possible that Mr. Johnson does not
know that the same machinery em
ployed last spring to coerce and line up
the school board employes has been set
in motion within Iho past thirty days?
i itor ir.rf.Yr Rccirnocirr.
A very significant declaration was
made at the annual meeting of Canadian
manufacturers by the vice president of
their association. He said that while
American capital was welcome to the
Dominion American goods were not
wanted, nnd I19 urged an increase in the
Cunadian tariff in order to keep out the
manufactures of this country. He
wanted the tariff high enough against
the rest of the world to allow of a pref
erence, to England nnd the tariff com
mittee of the convention protested
against granting any measure of reci
procity with the United States and fa
vored a fiscal preference to England,
provided Canadian interests are guarded.
This corroborates what we said a few-
days ago, that the manufacturers of
Canada are opposed to any trade rela
tions with the United States which
might In the remotest degree be Inimical
to their interests and they exert a
greater influence than any other Interest
in the Iomlnlon. The government of
that country does not and will not pro
pose anything In the way of reciprocity
which is disapproved by the manufac
turers. It contemplates no change or de- f
parture that would reduce the protection
now accorded to Canadian manufactur
ers and the talk of closer trade relations
refers only to the agricultural producers,
who are seeking to get a larger share of
this great market for their products.
This Is the situation as clearly and
unmistakably presented by representa
tives of the manufacturing interest.
There is no Indication on the pnrt of that
interest to make any concession favor
able to American manufacturers, though
It is quite willing to Increase the Cana
dian' tariff so as to allow of n prefer
encenow 3.1 v per cent to the manu
facturers of England presumably a
preference bo large as to enable the Eng
lish manufacturers to have a decided ad
vantage over those of this country in tho
Canadian market. While it is not at nil
probable that any such policy will be
adopted, yet the fact that it is favored
by a most influential element In the Do
minion, an element which Is unquali
fiedly epposed to reciprocity with the
United States, ought to receive the seri
ous consideration of those here who are
urging closer trade relations between
the two countries. -It seems to us that
such a declaration as that of the Cana
dian manufacturers must be regarded as
pretty conclusive evidence that at pres
ent there Is very little chance of bring
ing alwut closer trade relations between
Canada and the United States, unless
this country Is willing to make conces
sions favorable to the agricultural pro
ducers of the Dominion without obtain
ing an equitable return In the way of
concessions to American manufacturers.
The Board of Education contemplates
another $20O,f)00 bond issue for the ad
dition of a wing to the High school,
which means that the board eventually
experts to make n call for $200,000 for a
second wing and $200,000 more for the
third and last wing. That will make the
High school building cost somewhere in
the neighborhood of $800,000 when com
pleted. At 4 per cent that would rep
resent an annual Interest charge of $32,-
000, or very nearly $1,000 a week for
every week of active schooling.
The paramount issue of equitable tax
ation has penetrnted to the national cap
ital notwithstanding the fact that Uncle
Sam pays one-half of the municipal
taxes in the city of Washington. Com
mentlng on this subject the Washington
Post pointedly declares: "The enforce
ment of the tax laws against large and
small property owners alike is one of
the reforms most Imperatively demanded
by the small borne owners and the la-
Inning classes of the country."
The Clairvoyants' trust is the latest
fad for Greater New York. The object
of that trust, however, is not to fix
prices, but to organize a gold brick com
bine that will supply futures in stocks
at standard prices to credulous stock
The United States Master Brewers'
association, now in session in Philadel
phia, is wrestling with the problem how
to make American brewed Pilsner beer
more palatable and saleable than Pilsner
beer brewed in Bohemia.
The Thurston county Indian land ring
is now willing to let their side partner,
Superintendent Agent Mathewson, go to
some other reservation. But Mathewson
will have to go whether the Indian land
ring is willing or not.
Disadvantage of Competition.
Chicago Tribune.
incle Bam s Income la over 12.000,000 a
day. which Is somewhat larger than Mr.
Rockefeller's Income. But Mr. Rockefel
ler's percentage of profit is greater than
L'ncle Sam's. He haa less competition.
Increasing I'ubllo Gaiety.
St. Ixnils Globe-Democrat.
Carmack, Yardman and the rest of the
souths freak statesmen are contributing
a little to the gaieties of politics, and In
cldentally they are putting cluba Into the
hands of the republicans of the country
with which to wallop the democratic party.
Xothlng In Knlnro Too
Brooklyn Bagle.
An American syndicate la buying Popo
ratapetl. and on 'the Installment plan at
that. In order to market the sulphur de
posits. This commercialisation of one of
the world's greatest volcanoes suggests
that nothing In nature ia too big to escape
our propensity for peddling.
I Mtrrturi ti per Intents.
Pittsburg Dispauh.
The latest announcement is that Dr
Wiley proposes aeries of experiments to
show the effect of salicylic acid when
m!ed with liquors. As a large number of
people have painstakingly demonstrated
the elTeet of liquors, whether mined with
the salicylic flavor or not, the further ea
periment seems unnecessary.
Deft loach of rlnvy.
Baltimore American.
What Irrigation can do for western lands
is nothing to what a fowl rress agent with
a camera can do for them In the eyes of
those who have never been farther west
than Ohio. And what such men can do
for the west is nothing compared with what
he can do the east for.
Saved In Time,
Kansas City Star.
The Armourdale police have taken In cus
tody a Nebraska mnn who sold his farm for
$.1.8C0, with the Intention of giving the
money to the flood sufferers. He had ex
pended tsno In this way when lie was dis
covered. It Is mighty lucky for him and his
friends that he struck Armourdale Instead
of '1 opeka.
Past Mnater In the Art.
Boston Transcript.
Really It Is easier to discover an honest
politician In Pennsylvania than to discern
the truth In the Balkan countries. As they
now say In the Levant, It takes two Alban
ians tn outlle a Turk, two Turks to outlle
a Greek, two Greeks to outlle an Armenian,
and two Armenians to outlle a German
newspaper correspondent.
Bogota's Uame of Bins?.
, New York World.
Tt Is asserted that Colombia la ready to
ratify the Panama canal treaty as soon as
It can scare the French company into
paying $5,000,000 of the $0.000.000 to be re
ceived from the United States. The late
General 8chenck ought to have been sent
to Bogota, instead of to London. He would
have enjoyed life among a people capable
of putting up such a magnificent game of
gtrennooa Work of "Detll -Wagons"
In Fattening Cemeteries.
New York Tribune.
An automobile on a French highway got
out of order. It dashed Into a ditch, une
man was killed, another was seriously
njured and two more were pat Into Im
minent peril of death. It was "running at
a high rate of speed." An automobile on
an American race course burst a tire. It
Jumped the track and killed one man and
seriously Injured others. It was trying to
break the record."
These were Items of one day's news and
there were others like them the same day.
There are some such almost every day In
these strenuous, record-breaking times.
On with the dance! Let Joy be uncon-
flned!" The oestrus goading of our twen
tieth century "civilisation" (spare the
mark!) makes needful frequent sacrifices.
The blood of tho martyrs Is the lubrloatlng
oil of the Scarlet Scorchers. Hoopla! Get
out of the road, you old peoples!
Yet the Blesned Serosch, which seven
times each night llleth around the earth In
guardian watchfulness, whispers a promise
that one day niraln men shall realize that
there Is something better than mere speed
madness; that It profits a man little to
break the record and at the same time to
break his own neck; and that the furious
running of steam engines on common high
ways Is potential murder, and mlle-a-mlnute
running of machines on race tracks
Is potential suicide, comparable In vicious
and uselees folly with attempts to shoot
Niagara, and to see ' how much prusslc
acid or parls green the stomach will stand
without fatal results.
Perhaps, too, some day, some day of days,
we shall becomo sudlcjently enlightened to
enforce rlghteoict laws against murder and
suicide, even though such deeds be at
tempted with hundred-horse power Im
ported Magenta Moguls.
Fusion Bosses Condemned by Their
Own Methods.
IJncoln Star.
There Is a way In which a so-called "non
partisan" movement might have become
worthy of attention In Nebraska this year.
If there had been an honest hair In the
head of the movement of the fusion bosses
If, for example, a considerable number of
democrats and populists had showed some
sincerity In nonpar! isanshlp by declaring
for Judge Barnes then there might have
been no small co-operation of Nebraska
republicans along nonpartisan lines.
Oh, no no genuine nonparttsanshlp would
be tolerated by tho fuslonlsts. By no
strategem or persuasion could they be
tempted Into nonpartisan action. That la
the very thing that they early took special
and successful pains to forestall and pre
vent. The fusion party Is the minority party In
Nebraska, but Its bosses, as far back as
early Bprlng and even In the winter, were
conspiring to retain a fusion partisan ma
jority of the supreme court to hold two
out of the three Judges on that bench.
The preposterous feature of this partisan
plot Is that It Is put forward in the false
name of "nonpartlaanship."
The fusion conventions met as partisan
conventions; as fusion partisans they nom
inated a fusion partisan for supreme Judge;
as partisans they are supporting their
regular partisan candidate, nominated by
a partisan convention, regularly called by
the proper partisan authority for an ex
clusively partisan purpose. And now the
republican electors of Nebraska are asked
to support this fusion partisan ticket and
plot on "nonpartisan" grounds! Which
shall we marvel nt the more the folly or
the gall of such a fiasco?
Do men gather grapes from thistles?
Well, then, do we get "nonpartlsanshlp" out
of fusion partisanship and the coarsest
kind of partisanship at that? Go to.
Whenever- the fusion partisans In Ne
braska experience a single honest Impulse
toward a nonpartisan supreme court they
well know precisely how to broach It and
how to put the responsibility of refusal
upon the republican party. We have in this
state the majority republican party and the
minority fusion pirty; the latter being
made up. as between the democrats and
the populists, nolody can more than
vaguely guess how. But whenever a non
partisan bench li honestly desired, the
fusion minority knows well that tt should
begin In good time. Indicating through
proper authority Its desire to the republi
can majority, and should agree with the
latter on a method of nonpartisan nomina
tion and election. The way Is as plain as
the noonday sun. Kvery Intelligent man
In Nebraska knows It.
The fusion ooases themselves know It
perfectly, and tn this camplagn took early
and perfect pains to prevent nonpartisan
nomination and election. As the state
knows, they first made sure of a partisan
fusion ticket for supreme Judge, and then,
tn every Judicial district which they as
partisans can or hoiie to control, they made
fusion partisan tickets for district Judges.
Then In some districts. In which fusion
partisan district Judfs tickets were hope
less, they omitted fusion nominations
therefor. In order to further the trick of
"nonpartisan" trade for the fusion par
tisan supreme Judge.
Look this up one side and down the
other, and then say whether In Nebraska
there ever was a ram a grotesque example
of partisan political crookedness than this
pretended "nonpartisan" trick of the fu
sion partisan bosses.
Rlonles on the Cnrrent of I. lie In
the Metropolis.
Bpencer Thome In Harper's Weekly seeks
to refute the prevailing opinion that the
cost of living In New York City Is higher
than elsewhere In America. To show that
the opinion Is erroneous he cites his own
experience In different cities of the east.
"I have kept house In the suburbs of Bos
ton," he says, "doing most of my market
ing In the 'Hub,' and In a Maine village,
and 1 have found that a family1 of moderate
means, say with an Income of from $1.5tW to
H.00O a year, can live better and cheaper
In New York than In either of the above
mentioned places.
"Last fall, while In a Massachusetts city
of nearly 100,000 people, I compared the
prices of meat and poultry which a thrifty
housewife paid with those which I paid In
New Tork, and found a difference of W
per cent and even more. I never paid more
than 12H cents for fowl, while she paid 18
cents. I have bought roasting chickens, so
called, for the same price, while the Mas
sachusetts housewife paid 22 cents. 8he
paid 1ft cents for a leg of mutton, and I
never paid over 12'4 cents, usually 10 cents.
often 9, and on one occasion 7. Rump steak
cost her 28 cents; there Is no such cut
here, but sirloin and porterhouse are 18 and
20 cents respectively. She also paid more
for eggs, butter and milk, and much more
for orsnges. lemons, bananas and similar
fruit. And this was a city within an hour's
ride from Boston.
"There are thousands of street hucksters
tn New Tork who sell all kinds of berries,
fruits and vegetables. They buy when the
supply exceeds the regular demand, and
their wares are as good aa those purchased
at stores or 'Glnny stands,' and are much
lower In price. In season I have bought
excellent strawberries and blackberries
from hucksters at 6 cents a box, though
this was an unusually low price. The past
summer they sold watermelons as low as
15 cents each, and cantaloupes, when they
were plenty, for 2 cents."
It Is a matter of wonder to most people
how even such a big city as New York
can support so many fortune tellers or
clairvoyants, as they prefer to be called.
The Impression seems to be thnt' these
curious fish subsist entirely on the credul
ity of love-lorn women who try to "get a
line" on prospective husbands. As a mat
ter of fact the dollar fees they get from
this source are the smallest part of their
Incomes. Many of them are regularly re
tained by promoters of shady enterprises
who seek to sell their worthless stocks.
The mode of operation Is very simple. The
clairvoyant takes the names and addresses
of persons who have "financial seances"
after having told them that they were
destined to make a great fortune In a cer
tain line of speculation. A few days after
the seance the victim receives a circular
or personal letter calling attention to an
opportunity for Investment which exactly
fits the prophecy of the seer. She (for the
victim Is usually a woman) never thinks of
connecting the "Clairvoyant with the stock
broker, and she buys on the mysterious
"hunch" she receives. The broker gives
the clairvoyant a pretty good percentage
of the profits. It may be noticed that
while most clairvoyants advertise revela
tions of the future In matters of love, they
usually add that advice on Investments la
their specialty. Another fat source of In
come accrues from recommending certain
doctors or tradesmen of their credulous
"clients." (
Additional light If additional light were
needed was cast upon the dlmlnutlveness
of the average Harlem flat during the
progress of a police court case the other
day. ...'
A young married woman, rather pretty,
was arrested for annoying the people liv
ing In the Harlem flat beneath her own
flat. It seems that the young married
woman had deliberately allowed the water
In her bath tub to overflow. The water
percolated through the floor and partly
ruined the piano In the flat below, much
wet plaster having fallen on the Instru
ment. The proprietor of the flat building
preferred the additional complaint against
the pretty young married woman of wan
tonly destroying proper! y.
The latter, In her defense, admitted that
she had permitted the water In her bath
tub to overflow, but she said she had been
rendered almost insane by the constant
reiteration of "Hiawatha" and "Mr. Doo
ley" by the piano thumpers In the flat be
low. Each member of the family In the flat
below, the young woman declared, took a
crack at "Hiawatha" during all of the
waking and most of the sleeping hours of
the twenty-four, and, between them, she
said, "Hiawatha" was never allowed to
rest from one day's end to the other. So,
after asking the folks down below to cut
out "Hiawatha" during at least a few
hours of the day, the young married
woman had allowed the water In her bath
tub to overflow. She admitted If, but her
nerves were in that state, etc., etc.
"But I don't exactly understand this,"
said the magistrate to the pretty prisoner.
You are living, you say. In the flat di
rectly over this complainant. The arrange
ment of the flat must, therefore, I take it,
be the same. How, then, could the over
flowed water from the bath room bath tub
have caused the plaster to fall In the flat
below and damage the piano?"
'Oh, we keep the piano In the bath room,
your honor," put In the complainant. "It's
the only place where there's room for It."
The magistrate grinned. Then he re
marked that the perpetual pounding of
Hiawatha" constituted quite a lot of prov
ocation on the part of the young woman.
He turned the young woman loose upon the
promise of her husband to pay for the
damage caused by the overflowed water.
"And I would advise you," playfully re
marked the magistrate to the complainant,
"to abondon 'Hiawatha' as an Incessant
pianoforte performance. Why not try a
little Tchalkowsky?"
"Oh, we don't play them rag-time tunes,
your honor!" hastily replied the complain
ant, and then the magistrate gasped and
took up the next case.
An exritlns: municipal campaign Is Indi
cated In New York, and already transpar
encies are appearing on the streets. The
Cltirens' union will extensively use this
method In fighting; Tammany. The slides
now seen set forth various good works ac-
cnmnllHhed by the Low administration,
such as taking the police and health, depart
ments out of pontics, ana me opening ui
six parks and seven playgrounds, as com
pared with one under Van Wyck. Another
statement Is that the mortality In New
York has been reduced to 18.74 per thou
sand, the lowest rate In the history of the
The New York saloon keepers In the
neighborhood of a certain theater are very
crusty Just at present. At this theater a
melodrama entitled "Drink" is being
presented and It Is said to have such a
powerful effect upon the patrons of the
house many of whom have, up to date,
been patrons of the saloons In the neigh
borhoodthat they sit In lamb-like patience
during the entire acts and allow their thirst
to consume them.
New York It at once the fastest snd the
slowest city In thla broad nation. Jt still
has horse cars and plays ping-pong. The
latter fart was established by certain
burglars w ho ransacked a New York house
and then lingered long enough to enjoy
a game of ping-pong on the kitchea table.
Maues Life's Walk.Easy
The mature product ef nearlv twenty years
of constant Improvement tn selection of ma
terials, in methods, machinery and scien
tific designing. The most thoroughly com
fortable shoe on the market today.
if rnr osolsr oWs net aoro (Arm,
writs me trill tail yen was ,
ovERRim Tnn cv.rtvht mark.
Electric Car Attains Speed of On
Hundred and Sis Miles an Hoar.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Experiments In Berlin have shown that
It Is possible to give an electric car a
speed of 10S miles sn hour. ,
To get this speed the most careful at
tention has been given to construction of
motor, car and track. The experiments
have extended over a series of years and
have been under the the auspices of gov
ernment ss well as manufacturers and
railway builders.
As Berlin has taken the lead In the ap
plication of electrlrlty to railways and
as electrical engineers have received the
greatest encouragement from the Prus
sian government, it may be' assumed that
the trials now In progress at Berlin will
represent the highest achievement of the
electric railway In the matter of speed and
Last year the highest speed obtained on
the Berlin military line was ninety-nine
and a half miles an hour, or three and a
half miles less than the best time ever
made by a train on a steam railway in
the Vnited States.
By changing the roadbed, using pine and
oak ties, and Increasing the weight of the
rails, engineers have Increased the speed
seven miles an hour over the record made
last year. It Is believed also that, with
the Improved roadbed, a speed of ICS miles
an hour can be obtained. This would be
faster by twelve miles an hour than the
best time ever made on a steam railway.
It must be remembered, however, that the
Berlin experiments with especially con
structed tracks and an especially con
structed roadbed represents the possibili
ties of electric railways rather than actu
alities. Kver since the construction of the first
electric railway of the world at Berlin, In
1879, German engineers have been trying
to get an Increase In speed, and their ex
periments have been of great value to
engineers and constructors. Meantime,
however, the United States has gone for
ward more rapidly In developing electric
railways in every-day use than Germany
or any other country.
The highest speed ever made on an elec
tric railway In actual every-day use was
that made on the Aurora, Elgin & Chicago
road a few months ago, In which a car
was given a speed of seventy-three miles
an hour, and ran the full distance be
tween Chicago and Aurora, thlrty-flve
miles. In thirty-four minutes and thirty
nine seconds, and five miles in four min
utes and five seconds. 1
The trip was made by an ordinary
motor car built for a maximum speed of
ninety miles an hour. This was a prac
tical test of speed, on a road In use or
passenger traffic, and has not been
As far as the corn crop Is concerned, the
frosts predicted by the meteorological
bureau do not amount to shucks.
It Is not stated whether the lady who
has scornfully returned Grand Duke
Michael's diamond necklace has written a
novel or Is going on the stage.
Eight of the present governors of states
are Methodists; all republicans but two.
The Presbyterians have seven governors,
all again republicans but two. The Baptists
have six, all of whom are southerners and
all democrats.
Speaker Gully of the British House of
Commons will be 70 years old next year.
Mr. Gully has been speaker for eight years,
having been In the House about the same
length of time previous to his elevation to
that important place.
Rear Admiral Casey, who has Just been
placed on the retired list of the navy, baa
seen forty-seven years of active service. He
has even been noted for his bluff exterior
and Imperturbable good nature and was a
universal favorite with his subordinates.
Dr. William Thompson, who for tho past
six years has been Instructor In charge of
the United States Bureau of Animal In
dustry at the Sioux City (la.) stock yards,
has resigned his position In order to accept
a position as veterinarian in the Philippine
civil service. He will sail September 29 for
the Philippines, where he expects to re
main permanently.
Anderson 11. Hopkins, assistant librarian
of the John Crerar library In Chicago, has
been selected for librarian of the new
Louisville Free library, his salary being
3,600 a year. He Is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Michigan, was Its assistant
librarian for some time and during the last
year has been president of the Illinois
Librarian association.
Your Child's Eyesight
You are responsible for the sight of your
child. Watch out for frowns, for squints
and when he reads or looks at a picture
book does he bold It too near or too far?
These little things grow faster than the
child and in many cases can be overcome
if discovered In time.
211 South Islh Street,
Pattoo Black
The men who wait upon you at our store
do not pride themselres upon their abilty aa
salesmen but aa experts in giving other men
fits and we guarantee fit and satisfaction if
our men do the fitting.
"So your daughter belongs to tha
Ladles' auxiliary of the Universal Teace ao
clety?" "Yes. and let m tell you, she Is fast
fighting her way to the front In that organ
ization. "Puck.
"I never spoke a lie In my life." pro
tested the editor of the populist organ.
"I can quite believe it," replied the plain
man. "I suppose all your Hum has lwen
occupied in writing them." Philadelphia
"Who wns It saw the handwriting on the
wall. Freddie?" asked the Sunday sohool
"Tho landlord, ma'am," quickly replied
the little boy who lives in a flat- Yonkers
"Some men," said Uncle U.bmi, "Is so sus
picious dat dey kind o" goes around lookln'
fob do worst of tt. so us to vindicate dwlr
Judgment o' human nature." Washington
"Now, here's a piers of goods," said the
volublo drummer, "that speaks for Itself.
"All right." Interrupted the weary buyer,
"suppose you keep quiet for live minutes,
and give it a chance.'Thlladelphla Press.
First Boy Do y-er want ter go ter heaven
when yer die, like de Sunday school ma'am
tells yer?
Second Boy Nit! Dere's no fun goln' ter
places where a woman wants ter go.
His Physician You are burning the can
dle at both ends.
Rich btit Irritable Patient-Any cheap,
old fashioned doctor could have told me
that. When I pay you tM for an opinion
you ought to use a metaphor more in ac
cordance with this age of gas and electric
ity. Chicago Tribune.
"This Is our own hair restorer," sold the
druggist, "and It's positively the best for
your use."
"Hut," said the bald-heeded man, "you
surely won't guarantee It to raise hair
on my head."
"Kven If It doesn't you'll appreciate It,
for the flies simply detest It and won't go
near It." Philadelphia, Press.
Hicks He says he has perfected plans
that will enable him to liulM low-priced
automobiles, placing the machines within
the reach of all.
Wicks The idea! That meians a great
business undertaking.
Hicks H'm! It also means a great unriVr
tnklng business. Philadelphia Catholic
Last year she deftly mndo the tee
And drove the ball with skill and grace;
A splendid maid and lithe was she,
With pretty sunburned arms and face.
This year she still Is making tea
With catnip, though, instead of sand;
She tries to drive tho bawl, but see, .
'Tls Just a rattle in her hand. ,
Chicago Record-Herald.
A. J. Waterhouse In Success.
The man who feels Is a happier wight
Than the man who Is callous and cold.
For If he weeps In the gloom of night.
He laughs In the sunbeams' gold;
And If the tide of his life runs low.
It reaches the summits of cheer;
He knows the heights, as the depths below.
And he smiles through a pitying tear.
And after It all, when all Is done.
The world has moat of the gladdening
For the twilight lingers when day Is
And the sun's benediction Is dear.
The man who feels Is happier far
I say t again and again
Than ever can be, or ever are.
The pltllens sons of men;
For If he sighs for his own gray woes.
He sighs for another's too;
If the plant of pahi In his bossom grows.
It Is covered by sympathy's dew.
And after It all, when all is suld.
Still pity and love forever ure wed;
That the heart unfeeling Is chill and
Is true, and forever la true.
The man who feels. Is a dear God's gift
To a sorrowful, travailing world:
By the hands that the burdens of lite uplift
Is the flag of our peace unfurled.
We need not the souls thut are callous as
And selfish, and wedded to greed,
But the pitying tear for our fallen estate
We need and we ever shall need.
And after It all, when all Is post,
Tls the deed of love that alone may
And the rest Is chaff tn the winnowing
In the garden of life, a weed.
A Boarding and Day School for young
women and girls. Siwclal course requir
ing two years for hih school graduate,
also prepares for any college open
to women. Vassar, Wellealcy, Ml.
Holyoke, Western Reserve L'nlversity, the
University of Nebraska and the University
of Chicago admit pupils without examina
tion on the certlllcates of the principal and.
faculty. Exceptional advantages In Music,
Art and Elocution. Well equipped gym
nasium 65 feet by 40 feet. Ample provision
for outdoor sports. Including private skat
ing grounds. Reopens September 14. Send
for Illustrated catalogue. Address the
Principal, Omaha. Neb.
Deoatnr shoes sell themselves at 13 50 and
Direct from maker te