10 Till" OMAITA DAILY TEE: TUESDAY. SErTEMKER 22. 100.1. Special IJ Sail rf Pictures JJJ Extra Special SaIevor COTTON IN THE BASEMENT All Grades of Muslins 36 inches wide, one big counter, go at, a yard .36-1 tic h Wide Cambric anv price, one bier bargain 121c Satin and Silkoline go at, a yard Best Grades Cinderella all colors, goat, yard Imitation Flannels very wide, dainty floral designs, Waistitigs in plain white, patterns, basket weaves, etc., sells elsewhere at $1 a yard, at, yard 1 3c Imitation Wool Suitings' I go at. a yard J2 Mercerised Sateen one yard wide, in all colors, worth 40o ES yard, go at IOC Two Silk Specials for Tuesday Beautiful New Crepe de Chines in all the much favored colors, the most attractive bar-' CQp nrain nt vnrrl . - S w i J ------ - - - - - New Metallic Velvets the latest fashion able, at, yard 20-Ccnt Veilings at 5c. 7,000 yards of all silk veilings in sewing silk and silk mira ble with wide and narrow borders, suitable for hat EZ drapes, in black and colors, worth 20c, at, yard. . . 35c Handkerchiefs at 6icand 15c Indies' and men's all kinds of handkerchiefs in all linen, plain and fancy hemstitched, also colored borders in lace and embroidery edged ends, all Pal styles, worth up to 35c, at 2 lcJV Turn Over Collars at 5c and 15c each Ladies' lace and embroidered turn over collars in the neat and very lacey showy patterns, In white, cream and ecru, over 100 styles, worth up Ert 1 El pi to 50c, go at, each UL"lUU l. y. Prnnbtt & pn$. CELEBRATES GOLDEN JUBILEE father piiulei Ooppens. Fifty Yean a Mem- br of Jeiuit Order. SOLEMN HIGH MASS OF THANKSGIVING ptoAcBta of Crelghtea Colics, Frlests ad rronlaeit Catbollo Laysseai Bom Koted Edo.ca.tor Author f Vur Text Books. - The observance of the fiftieth anniver sary, or golden Jubilee, of Rev. Charles Coppens, on of the noted Jesuit educators of Hie United States, began yesterday morning at Crelghton college and concluded In the evening with a reception to the prlesta and prominent Catholic laymen of th city. Solemn high mass of thanksgiving was Celebrated by Father Coppens at 1:30 o'clock In St. John's church. Father Rlgg being deacon, rrof. Calhoun subdeacon and Prof. Dahltnan master of ceremonies. A number of other priests were In th sanc tuary and all the student and a number of the members of the parish were present. Later Father Coppens was tendered a re ception by the students, addresses being mad on behalf of the seniors and juniors, and a poem written by Father Strltch, professor of poetry of the university, being delivered. Father Coppens responded, drawing many lessons from his long ex perience as a teacher. Bora la Belgians. Father Coppena was born In Turnhout, Belgium, May 24. 1S. and entered th So ciety of Jeaua at Tronchlejjnes, Belgium, September 21, 1863. He arrived at Floris sant, Mo., the normal college of th Jesuits where members of th order are educated, December 24, 1851. and was ordained a priest In St. Patrick's cathedral, New York, July St, 18(6. II waa professor of rhetorlo at Florissant for th next ten years, after vhlch h was for six years a professor In th Jesuit college at St: Louis and for five years at St. Mary'a college, St. Mary's, Kan., first aa prefect of Studies and later as rector of th college. After returning to Florissant as professor of rhetoric for two years Father Coppens was prefect of stud lea and professor of philosophy at th Zetrolt (Mich.) college until 1893, when he Was transferred to thla city to be prof Minor of philosophy and lecturer on medical Juris prudence at Crelghton college. Aathor of Teat Book. Father Coppens Is th author of a num ber of text books on logic and metaphyalca, tnoral philosophy, oratory and rhetoric, and of lecturea on moral principles and roedl eal practice and Jurisprudence. He has alao been a frequent contributor to magaslnes and periodicals on thes aub- leois. i Father Coppens' career in the Jesuit order la noted for the fact that every on of his fifty years aa a member of it has been passed aa a student and a teacher Almost without exception members of th order are at times assigned to preach missions, as paators of congregations or to other work, but Father Coppens' Ufa has been passed In th study and achool room, The golden Jubilee of a priest dates, with tb exception of priests who ar Jeaulta, from their ordination. Owing to th many years of study required Jeeults ar not ordained until they ar 30 or over 30 years of age, so that th date of entrance Into lb order Is observed. OXB FARE FOR THE ROVnO TRII. Chicago t'eateaaial. Chit-ago, IU.. 8-pt a-Octobtr 1, 1903. , The Chicago Great Western railway will en September H, 27 and X. aell tickets to Chicago and return at th abov rat. Thee ikiim ax geoo returning uum October Inclusive. For further particulars inqui f OOorge F. Thomas. Unrai agent. fpaaha National ba&k. fcuUOuid Picture Dept. on 3rd floor GOODS 5c none better at n square, go at, yd 2V' one yard wide, fl n 2 Flannel fiVoC best grade, 36-in. If)- go at, a yard.... black and white, damask Outing: Flannel excellent 45c ilue grade, worth 10c, go at, yard' 36-Inch Percal 12 l-2o value full pieces, go at, yard 6ic 59c JC. Ptnttbti & pott PICNIC SURE GO THIS TIME LenaT-Leoked-For Oatlna of Grocera d Batchers at Last Assared. No rain within a thousand miles, two carloads of race horses and several hun dred. If net thousands, of people If that isn't assurance enough that the grocers' and butchers' plcnlo today at Missouri Valley la going to be a success. Secretary Fischer say he Is Unable to offer anything conclusive. The grocers and butchers, disappointed for the fourteenth time, are elated over the bright weather and other favorable condi tions which now seem to warrant abso lutely their hopes of having a picnic. Those attending the picnic will have their choice of three trains, all over the North western, the first leaving the Union depot at 7:30, the second at 8 and the last at 8:30. They will all be back before spring, but the grocers and butchers refuse to say how much. Nip Them In the Bad. If you have loss of appetite, headache, constipation or biliousness take EKvtt's Bitters. It cures or no pay. Only &.. cor sale by Kuhn & Co. Aanonoceneents ef the Theaters. 'The Princess Chic" drew another large and highly pleased, audience at the Krug theater laat night. Seluom is it given to a musical organisation to attain such wide popularity as that which has fallen to the lot of the Klrke LaShelle Comic Opera company. This excellent organisation has played In all the chief cities of the United States and Canada and everywhere has met with the same favorable reception. It may be that the opera per se Is superior to its contemporary offerings, or It may be that the company reaches a higher standard of excellence than similar organisations, or perhaps both, but the fact remains that this dainty opera comlqua Is universally pleasing.. Ths only remaining matinee of The Princess Chic" will be Wednesday aft ernoon. The engagement closes Wednesday night Roaable Morrison's engagement In "A De serted Bride" at the Boyd does not close until after Wednesday night. The play tclla a really good atory, and is put on .with unusual attention to scenic details, making one of the beat popular price attractions on the road today. Miss Morrison Is well known In Omaha, being the daughter of Lewis Morrison, and having appeared here number of tlmea with her father. Popu lar prlcea, 15, 25, (0 and 76 cents prevail; at th matlne any seat for X rents. Ths Orpheum had what might be called an opening again last night, for It waa so ciety night. The faahlonablea turned out big. It being a representative stylish audi ence and very enthusiastic. That the well- balanced and excellent bill met their ap proval was manifest. The first midweek matinee of the season will be given Thurs day. Monday night next the great Klaw A Erlanger production of "Ben-Hur" will be gin its return engagement at the Boyd thea ter. Omaha Is one of very few cities that have had a second visit from this big show In the same year, but the demand for It waa such as to warrant the move. Beats will go on sale on Thursday morning, and at that time all mall order accompanied by cash will be filled In the order of their receipt. No seat a will be laid aalde bafor that time, aa th management of rhe thea ter desires thst everyone shall be treated alike. A force of mechanics Is now at work preparing the stage and Installing the ma chlnery for the great ahow. Nattce t the Cahlle. W have been Informed that a souvenl book of Omaha la being represented to the publlo as being printed by us. This Is a false statement, as nothing of this kind is being printed by us. A. J, HO0T4 Incorporated, TIIK RELIABLE ITORR. ""VWfVlstH1. T"?" ssMssBaBBWaa Ml I ) "I- 'J HanSchiffntrlri j V Mirx J I S I Hand Tilon;d Jf WD.rir- - h Hr fcthJt o A Mar. A ORE AT SALE OF BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS Boys' suits, made in double breasted knee pant style, in ages from 6 to 16 years, in cheviots, cassimeres and worsteds, all well made and none worth less than $3.00 In this 1 QC great sale for W I W W Boys' knee pant suits in double three-piece styles, in all the latest shades and fabrics, tailored 'in first-class manner, and none worth less than $4.50 f CO in this great sale dClJU Boys' long pant suits in double plain black, blue and fancy mixtures, any of these h f fl suits were made to sell at from $0.50 to $7.50,, this sale JiUU Youths' long path suits, in single and double breasted styles- made up of cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds and serges, in plain blacks, blues, browns, and fancy mixtures, tailored 7 Kjl throughout, made to sell for $10, our special price only N JU Plums! Plums!! Plums!!l Plums!!!! PLUMS! PLUMS!! PLUMS!!! PLUMS!!!! We have purchased from the California Fruit Exchange, one car or tancy wasnington uiue nums wnicn UKH we will sell Tuesday at, crate Also fancy Bartlett Pears per box HAVDEN BROS. WE CAN PLEASE YOU In anything that you may desire In the machines, of different make, is very complete ana are soia on very iavoraoie iermn. Have you a machine out of order? Let us repair It for you or we will allow you what It's worth on a new one guarantee satisfaction. P. E. FL0DMAN & CO., - What Feature of the Face , Is more expresnlve than your teeth. Kvery sentence uttered, and every breath expelled, denote? the condition they are kept in. , v Ji BAILEY, The Dentist; Ltdy Attendant. Telephone 1085. . 3rd Floor, Paxtoi Bloc'. WATCH TALK Some ppeople think because we sell only good and thoroughly reliable watches we do not sell cheap enough watches to enable some to buy here.'Tlnn't so. Just us St we sell the best grade watches at lowest prices, so we sell the best second grade watches at lowest prices. The cheapest watches we do not sell. The cheapest Is always the poorest, and In watches you can't afford to buy them at any price. Spend a few minutes in our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, IS 16 Douglas 5treU OPEN FOR BUSINESS AT LAST New Market Home Placet Produce 01 Sale for Titst Time. TWO DEALERS OCCUPY THEIR STALLS Ho Arrests la Wholesale Dtstrlet and Affairs Are Carried as I'saal, with Hackatera oa Their Gaard. The city In general did not put on a festive appearance yeaterday and the caaual pedestrian would not have been aware that anything unusual had occurred. But It had. The Capitol avenue market house hed been opened for something more than the sale of stalls, and for the first time goods were oflered for sale. True there were but two stalls occupied Parme lee Sc Redford displayed poultry and egg and Alexander Baad was prepared to dis pense notions. All we want Is for the dry to show It Is In earnest and we will be ready with a full line of poultry." said Mr. Parmelee. "When they say there Is no demand for a retail market they are mistaken. There Is no place where a woman can go now to buy produce except to the grocer's or the meat markets and so naturally these places are doing all .that they can to 'knock' the new house. We Intend to sell so as to make It an Inducement for housewives to deal here. We believe that there are enough people In the city who see the advantage of getting their produce end poultry at flrat hand to support this house and we expect to do a good business when we have got a start." No. arreats were made In the wholesale district and business was carried on in general as usual except that most of the market men were careful to stay close, to the market platform which Is conducted by the Grocers' association. Question for Meat SprlneT. "I regard the market house controversy ss a question to be settled next spring." said Mayor Moores. "The season has so far advanced that there is little to be gained by taking decisive measures this fall. "The construction of the new engine house at Eleventh and Jackson streets will be the most Important factor, I think, In eliminating the market In that locality. An elghty-flve-foot truck and the biggest steamer of the department will be located there and the adjacent streets must not be blocked by the wagons of ths gardeners. It Is Imperative that the department have a free path in getting away from the house and this will be Insisted upon." Honse Visitors' Excaraleas To Indiana, western Ohio and Louisville, Ky., via th Missouri I'sclflo railway at greatly reduced rates. Tickets on sal Oc tober . good for return within SO days from dat of sale. For further Information call or address Thomas F. Godfrey. Passenger and Ticket agent. 8. E. corner Fourteenth and Pouglaa atrsela, Omaha, Nob., or H. C ljQWnead a P, T.jk. tL lunula, lad. u it Grand Fall Display. Greatest stock and finest ex hibit of strictly up-to-date clothing ever shown west of Chicago. All the latest ideas in correct styles for men's and boys' cloth ing is in this stock of high grade values at lowest prices in this or any other market. The sale of men's $10 suits last Friday and Saturday prov ed a wonderful success. The sale will be continued this week with new values added for Tuesday and Wednesday. The overcoat display is beyond description in variety, style and breasted Norfolk, bailor ana and single breasted styles . . . UU www .50 sewing machine line. Our supply of new 1514 Capitol Ave. Tel. 1574 55ESSS HQUBIGAHT'S PERFUMES We are now carrylna- a line of the world- famous nerfumes. anuria and nowdern aa manufactured by Koublgant of Paris. This line includes: Houhlsrant's Eau de Colosrne. bottle 11. BO lloublgant's Violet Russe Kxt. (white), bottle 1.60 Houblaant'a Ideals Extract, ounce 1.7E Iloublgant's Ideale Extract, fancy box, package I.bo Houblgant's Vlolette Ideale Extract, bottle 2.00 Houblgant's Vlolette Idnale soap, cake 1.25 Houblgant's Vlolette Ideale Powder, box ; 2.00 WRITE FOR DRUG CATALOGUE. Stan & McConnsIl Drug Go COR. 1TH AND DODGE, OMAHA. Comfort and Beauty of teeth have many virtues. Have your teeth attended whr you ar sure to get reliable work. Ret ef Teeth . ap Beat 8t SOO TaiVs Dental Rooms 1517 Dougrlaa St. THE MARK OP QUALITY. fly $3.00 Cabinets arc Unsurpassed. Perfleld's cS?c. Bee Wf., Room 7. Telephone 701 Weber. S t.ry CUT Ladwlg MOlar. SCHOOLS. Racine College Grammar School "THE SCHOOL THAT HAKES MANLY BOYS" Pupils Study Under aa Instructor. Its Graduates on ter any Collea or University. Social and Ath letic Advantages. Military Drill. For Boys of H to IT Year Old. lllastrsue Csuiocus ant sapllntles te Hear? Doaalas Roblnaoa, Warden Haclae. Wis. Saro'l Burns Is selling a real "Libhey" cut glaas Bon Bon JJ 00. Douefi-u efriaUAaf to.j lb -uuwira. Tl VrV- tiSr COFTPIGHT ISO BH KWt.NATHAJI FlJCHS CO. "HE BEAUCA1RE Ufte Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago SI2.75 ONLY ONLY TO Chicago & Back Sept. 26 27 28 Z FOR THE 1 Chicago Centennial Jubilee cCitj Offices; 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-661 Will be here next week with some special things for everybody. We took time by the forelock' and laid In a supply of "Special" boys' shoes. Extra heavy oak soles, full round toe, heavy grain and box calf uppers, sail cloth lined a comfortable shoe that will weah Slses 13 to 3-42.25. Blses 1 to 56-42.50. We guarantee these "Specials" to be as good as our men's "Drexel's Specials," and they are the best $3.50 shoe In Omaha. DREXEL SHOE CO., B 14(9 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House, IBIHEailHIEHBMSBBlllBfl THE M M B M ilndian Beads UlllWlMli sur v r M M The Fad of the Day g n we carry the largest line or col M ora In READS of any bouse. Bend m us your inuil orders of any color JJ M possible; we can fill your wants. M Looms to weave beaJwork, pat tern books, needles, everything JJ pertaining to the BEAD work, u Also the largest and most complete JJ varn department la the west. WeH WHOI.KSALK OH HETAIL nndk can fill your wants for any quan tity. JOSEPH F. mi 7 . B 321 S. 16th Street. M u OMAHA. - . NEBRASKA. M aiEBBSEflBKflEBBBEBBEBSBSlBBBaf tM I W VCOLLAR sea-"-.., If you want more than comfort in tho gar ment you wear, see that it is identified with the 'Nebraska" label. It insures a garment of a grade so high that even the average "to order" tailor accepts it as the standard. Tho highest skilled talent in this country design and make "Nebraska" clothing, services that no individual tailor could afford to employ. When you are ready, we would like to have you see the new models in men's suits and overcoats, all of which are here with us in a variety that is without a gap. Mefl's Suits and Overcoats, $5.00 to $22.50 f 1 lAJUlJ OUR GRAND FALL OPENING SALES MEAN HEAPS OF MONEY SAVED FOR COAL FOR ALL WHO ATTEND DRUGS AT GUT PRICES We have a full line of everything carried In an up-to-the-hour Drug Store Patent Medicines, Remedies Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Dentifrice, Toilet Soaps, Toilet Waters, Itlons, Rubber Goods, Toilet Brushes all kinds of Brushes. Here are some Snaps for Tuesday: Some Drugs for Tuesday 8ad 75c Cnrter's IJttle Liver 1 Sn Pills Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne, 15C Allcock's Porous Plasters, two for SOW Caatorla, 23c Cascarets, for 40c, 200 and Packer's Tar Soap for , Flso Consumption Cure 10c 15c 20c Syfor!'..?,..F1.8g: 40c Mother's Friend, 80C Bcott's Emulsion, '80C Pierce's Favorite Prescription Duffy's Malt Whiskey, for Bennett's Malt Whiskey, for 79c 85c 75c Cresceus was rubbed down with Ben nett's Witch Hazel and Alcohol before he stepped to the track, and HE BROKE THE WORLD'S RECORD. KWALITY KOWNTS. THE BENNETT COMPANY. (layden Bros. Announce a Special Millinery Exhibit TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22 AND 23. Suporb Paris Model This allowing will be a linery, expressing the maximum of beauty and the utmost of American skill and cleverness as well as the style dictates of the Parisian grand masters so reasonably priced. Most of them for $ 15. 00. This is just one-half of the figure asked in Chicago OO and New York establishments. Tuesday P I Z ' and Wednesday "" HAVDEW BROS. Not Infrequently we are requested to pronounce on the value of a dia mond that's prised chiefly for Ita freaumed quality. Oftlmes the "qual ly" has been something only In name, "brilliancy, " "shape" and "cut" being entirely lacking. In selecting from our stork one Is spared all doubt as to quality because every stone carries with It' our personal guarantee of high quality In Its literal and truest sense. Diamond truth Is wiiat you hear and . obtain when patronising this house,' with Its magnificent col lection, reasonable prices and pre eminently superior grades. BROWN & BORSHfclM, Z2S South 16th Street. ip DiMOSD vpj TRUTH nai,,:, , , r nnmL jl jj Good Things fo Eat CANDY! CANDY! Special Candy OflTee for Tuesday. THE CA.NDV SEASOJt 19 0. We are dally receiving big lots of the finest Candles the finest of their Kinds. Fo rToesday An Old Fashioned ROCK CANDY SALE Pure old fashioned Rook Candv table colorlnes only lb White or amber colored vege-C Cinnamon Imperials, - per lb .' 1C Inter Green Beans, eO Per lb laC BostonBeana (something new).' 5g THESE PRICES 'ARE ' FOR TUES DAY ONLY. GROCERY! CROCERY1 Everything as you want It fresh. larg!tt'inPUre' FLLL' WE1HT and a Japan Rice, m per lb OC Raspberries, 8-lb. can Potted Meats, per can Oil Sardines, per tun Pepper Sauce, bottle , 10c ...3c ...5c ...7c 10c 10c 10c I', neappies, 8-lb. can Pancake Flour, 2-lb. pkg Rolled Oats, 2-lb. pkg Asparagus new very tender f uu uui ninnBy j-io. can AMOTIIF.R Bl FRl'KH SPECIAL California Prunes Big. meaty, A THIN SKIN FRUIT Jt' TUESDAY, a pound Bt'TTERI BITTER!! FRESH COUNTRY BUTTER, gg BENNETT'S CAPITbL ' O A CREAMERY, lb sSHrC Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, ni per lb Is-iC Medium Sour Pickles, E pint OC POSTAL CARDS FREE Ring up 13T. Hals ol5.00 display of incomparable fine mil of the millinery art and all Tuesday, Sept. 22d, ih tne ions; lost CHARLEY ItOKB we ve all been looking for the treat liy for that groceryman's picnic, at Mo. Valley, Iowa. It's going to happen, rain or slilne tlin we will have six weeks good INDIAN HUMMER WEATHER Our soda fountain is sdll going full blast und evni MAVOIt MOOKKM tii ops In for his phonphale. The drug trust hasn't caught us yet and we sre Mill cutting prices rinener than all the JIM HOKK1) EMPORIU113 $1.00 Peruini genuine, fnly , : II. 0U Pierre's Medlral Discovery 6...: tl.00 Pierre's Favorite Prescription ....tr. $1.00 Parlnliin HhIt Tonl' the only GUARANTEED DANDRUFF CURE. 75c $1.00 Dr. Du tier's Female Regulator the only guaranteed female remody. T'o JSo Caatorla the genuine Ihc too Doan's Khlney Pills Siu 6oo C'utU ura Salve .7. a!0 ll.UO Iler'a Malt Whlxkey (Wo Mi Pure Cunadlan Malt Whlakey ....7',c U Chester's Gauulue Pennyroyal Fills. .$l.j OPEN ALL NIGHT, SCHAEFEH'S CUT PRica DRIX1 STORU Yw Pho T4T ftid TtT. XH. mA CkUa BtMtm, jOautka. f i )