THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1903. RACE FOR SECOND POSITION CbiMto bj Wincing from Sew York Hu Leal of Oca Po nt SHUTS ClANTS OUT ON HOME GROUNDS la flicker Battle) Rt( Wtlm,r r and Mtllhrnaoi F,rm,f Has Better Lark to Time f lllta. CHICAGO, Sept. II. The New Torka were shut out today in a pitchers' battle, Welmer having a .hade tha better of It against Mathewson. The few hits made by the visitors were wasted, while Chicago's were timely, being made after a couple of paseee and New Tork'a two error" had placed men on basca. Attendonce, 3,9 & Score: CUICAOO. , Kl TORK. X K.H.O.A I I R. H.O.A.E. Slaala. et 1 Browne, rf... I 1 I Hrni I I, t I I I ' 0 Vcuenn. lb., t 1 I 1 Its Mrtoa. If.... i iso m I I Kllaa, c i 1 0 lender, lb... 0 1 1 Keen, lb.... III 1 Ollbert. ib... 0 1 1 Cu7, lb.... IIS tell SSI (l,Mlhrion, 0 S S S S Wot-artaj. It 1 s CaAnaa, lb... 1 1 i-mm. rt 1 Tinker, aa... 1 I Weimar, Totals.... 1 mil) Total, ... 0 411 1 Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 I New Vork 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Left on baaea: Chicago, 6; New York 5. Two-bane hit: Jones. Sacrifice hit: Mo Uann. Stolon bases: Kvera, Ilrowne. Struck out: By Welmer, 6; by Mathowson. L iifit baae on balls: Off Welmer. 2: off Mat howson, 4. Time: l:3u. Umpires: Kmllio and Moian. Boatoa Takes Oss from St. Loala. BT. LOITIS, Sept. 19-By superior all around work Boston took today's same from St. Louis by a score of S to 1. Willis, who pitched for Uoaton, let Si. Louis down with live hit. A one-hand catch of a liner by Dave Brain was the fielding feature of the game. Attendance, 2.M). Score: BOSTON. I ST. Ul'I9. R.H.O.A B.I KHOAS IXIter, if ... 0 I S OlDunlelTr. If. t I I I I II I Bmoot, ot 1 1 1 0 1 1 Brain, aa 0 114 1 li jm.. b.... l I u a Barrier, If... 0 I 0 A 1 I reunay. lb., 1 Ab't',hlc. Ib Col.j. If.... 0 0 10 0 Onni'lH, lb. 1 1 II ateery, or. I etorat, o. Aubrey, m. Wljlla, .... ToUls . I e llll 0 0 111 1 1 1 4 I turn lyn. lh 0 I I 0 Bert,, lb 0 0 1 1 1 Oonrenf, e... 1 1 I 1 Mlurplijr. P-. 0 0 1 I 0 O'Nell 0 0 0 0 f Total, ... 1 mil 4 batted for Conveny In the ninth. Boston 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0-6 Bt. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 1,0 0 0-1 Earned runs: St. Louis, 1. Two-base hit: Moran. . Three-base hit: Bmoot. Sacrifice hit: Moran. Double plays: Dunleary to Kyan to Murphyj Herte to Brain to Kyan. Btolen banes: Tenney, McCreery. First baae on balls: Off Murphy, 2; off Willis. I. Struck out: By Murphy. 1; by Willis, S. lft on bases: St. Louis, 7; Boston, 7. Time: 1:10. Umpire: Johnstone. rittabara; sad Brooklyn Divide. PITTSBURG, Sept. If Both game, were Blow and loosely playsd. Darkness ended the second fame after six Innings had been played. Kruger was hit on the head by a pitched ball by Reldy and knocked uncon scious. Attendance, 6.073. Score first game: PITTSUtJRQ. I BROOKLTN. R.H.O.A B R.H O A B. Beaumont, ef I I 1 0 o'strans. Ib... 1 1 1 1 0 Clark, If.... I 1 I 0 it, HhKk.rd. If. 1 I 1 1 0 BVbrtnf. rt... 0 111 1 iinbh,, .'f ... 11000 sa.. 1114 o Dorl. lb..,. I I 11 1 0 Brtnir Id, IB 1 111 1 Oliahlen, a.... 1 I I T 1 Rltebar. lb.. 0 I 1 4 lOeeeler. rt... 1 I 0 0 0 Kruaer, lb... 110 1 4 Jordan. Ik... 1 1 I t t rarrlah. a llll OJtltter. a 0 0 f 1 1 Valt, 1 1 a I Garvin. .... 110 4 0 Total, ...II 14 17 II J Total, ...10 II 14 II 4 Pittsburg 2 4 1 0 0 2 2 0 -ll Brooklyn 2 0 0 2 1 0 I 0 2 in Earned runs: Pittsburg. 4; Brooklyn, 4. Two-base hits: Clarke. Carrlsh, Pah. en, deanler, Jordan. Three-base hits: Wagner, Doyle. Home run: Beaumont. Sacrifice hit: Kruger. Stolon baaea: Beaumont, Clarke, Sebrlng, Strang. Dahlen. Double flays: Wagner to Bransfleld; Rehrlns; to Bransfleld; Doyle to Rltter. First base on balls: Off Velt, ; off Garvin. 3. Hit by pitched ball: Bransfleld. Struck out : By Velt. 2; by (iarvln. 1. Time: 1:0). I'mplra: Hurst. Score second game: BROOKLYN. 1 UTTSSt'FO. R.H.O.A I R.H.O.A C 'rant, Ib...l 111 1 Beas't, rf-tb 0 I I t I Sherkar. It. 0 I 0 0 rl.rke. If ... S 0 0 0 Inbh. rt.... 11110 abrln. rt... 10 4 0 tmrlr. Ik ... I 14 0 Hi W.,n.r, a, . I 1 1 I I Tiehlen, ee .. llll t1 Knnal'll, lb I 1 T 1 I ttreeier, rt... 4 0 0 0 0 M h'll, Ih-cf llll Jnran, lb... (0111 Krur. lb... llll J.i-kmaoh. t. 1 1 1 1 Rit.h.T. lb.. Retdy, s I 11 swearer, ,... 1 rfeieter. p... I 1 Trrtali ... I I II f Carrlah 0 0 Total, ... I 10 II I I Batted for Pfelster In sixth Inning. Brooklyn n 0 1 2 1 0 4-4 Pittsburg 0 2 0 0 0 02 Earned runs: Pittsburg, 2; Brooklyn. I Two-base hit: JscklltBcn. Double play: Jordan to Doyle. First bare on balls: oft Pfelster. 6: Off Reidv, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Kruger, 8heksrd, Oessler. Struck out: By Pfflstnr, : by Keldy, 1. Paste 1 balls: Weaver (2). Tims: 1:21 Umpire: Hurst. Esek Take a Oame. CINCINNATI, Sept. 1 Cincinnati broke even In the double-header with Philadelphia today. Both gnmes wore slugging matchi-a. The second gum was caned after tne eiiihth Inning. Kiig.-in, a Texaa recruit, mas tried out In the second game and was given an unmerciful beating. Stelnfeldt Injured hla riant lea In the second game and will be unable to play again the rest of the sea son. Attendance, 6.24. Score, first gsme: CINCINNATI.' I PHILADELPHIA. K.H.O.A E. R.H O A B. Donlln. If.... lilt llfhomas, rt.. 1 101 R.Tmour. cf.. 14 10 0 OIaenn. lb.. 114 10 Mol.n. rf.... 1 14 0 O WolT't'a, lb. 1 0 1 Bvkler. lb.. Ill DTItua, rf Ill Stamrdt, Ib. llll 0 Parrr, If I Daly, :b I I I I liDouflana, lb. 1 I I 1 rorroran. sa. I I I I Hulawltt, aa. 0 1 .4 I Plti, c 1 I 4 1 1 !imm, ... 1 I 1 t Phillip,. ... 111 e Du, jl.tiy. p. 1 ( I Totals ...lllltll! l Totals ...TlCttll 4 Cincinnati t 0 , 1 0 0 2 2 17 Philadelphia 0 0211000 27 Two-base hits: Corcoran, Gleason. Three base hits: Titus. Wolverton. Corcoran, Douglass. Stolen bases: Beckley, Stelnfeld, Thomas. First base on balls: off Phillips, 4; off Dugglehy, 4. Double plays: Daly to Corcoran; Berkley to Oleason; Hulswltt to Douglass. Hit by pitched ball: Duggleaby. Struck out: By Phillips, 4; by Dugglesby, 2. Left on bases: Cincinnati, 4; Phila delphia, 4. Time: 1:46. Umpire: O Day. Score, second game. PHILADELPHIA. , CINCINNATI. R H.O.A.E. R H O A B. Tboraaa. cf... I I I 0 0 Donlln. If... 1 I 1 4 H,llman, lb. 0 I I I 0 amour, cf.. 1 1 0 0 WolT'ta. Ib. 1 I 1 I 1 Dolao. rf....O 0 0 0 1 Titua, rf 1 1 I 0 0 Mrckiay. lb.. II I I Barry, If I I 4 0 0 Pt.lnf'oM. lb. 0 0 I I 0 LHiuslan, lb. 1 I I 0 0 IVArm'd, 3b. 1 0 1 0 0 Huuwltt, sa. 0 1 I 1 1 Daly, Sb 0 I 1 4 1 Dooln, e 1 I 4 1 0 Corcoran. ,,. 0 0 1 4 0 McFat'dc, P 1 0 1 0 Pitt,, c 1 1 4 I 0 I'elnl, c 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ...10 IS 34 I l,K,,n, p 1 1 0 i 0 I Total. ... 4 1 14 11 4 Philadelphia 1 15 0 111 0-10 flm'lnnutl ft 1 n n 1 fl t 11 A Two-base hits: Hnllman, Barry. Wolver- I'm, iiioin, r-eira, ivoiuin. oacrince ni:s: 'I ' I , . . IJ...H. I'ln.lB Q, . nun, lvuiii, wrrviiiiui:. dk.I' ii bases: Thomas, Hallman, Donlln. First ufine on dhiis. uu ttagan, u; on: mcreii ridge, 4. Hit by pitched ball: DeArmond. Struck out: By Ragun, 2; by McFettrldge, 1 Left on buses: Cincinnati, 2; Phila delphia, 8. Time: 1:43. Umpire:- O'Day. taadlna- of the Teams. Played. Won.Lost.Pr.Ct. Pittsburg 134 90 44 .0T2 Chicago 131 79 62 .603 New York l.'H 80 li Mi Cincinnati 129 70 E .642 Brooklyn li!) 65 tit .604 Boston lti 64 78 .4 Philadelphia Urt 43 83 .341 St. Louts 121 42 89 .320 Games today: Boston at St. Louis: New York at Chicago; Philadelphia at Cincin nati. Kansas City Defeats St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 19. Kansas City won today a post-season game on errors. Bcore: R.H.E. Kansas City ...0 2000000 12 7 0 St. Joseph ....I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 8 I Batteries: St Joseph, Chlnn and Mo. connall; Kansas city, liess und Messltt. Militia Orsaalsea Foot Ball Team. BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. 19. Special.) The members of company O met lust night and organised a foot ball team for tho coming seuson. Uniforms will be ordered at once ana after October 1 the team will be ready to meet all comer. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia Defeats- Detroit hp Timely Hlftltisr aad Bad Work bp Visitors. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 1 -Philadelphia defeated Detroit today hp timely hitting, coupled by several wild throws by the visi tors. Henley pitched a steady game and was well backed. Attendance, R.61L Bcore: PHILADELPHIA. DETfiOlT. It. HO. A B. I R. H.O.A.E. Ittrliol. If... 0 110 0 Barrett, cf...O 0 10 0 ricktrlns. el I 1 I 0 0 Lth. If 0 4 I,t. lb I I 10 1 Crawford, rf. 1 1 0 L. croaa, Ib. 0 111 ICitr. lb I 111 I R'ybold. rt.. 110 0 Yaaaar, Ib... 1 1110 Murphy, lb.. I 4 0 Lna, sa 0 1 1 M. uroaa, as. 1 I I Rurna, lb 1 1 I I Shrwk. ,.... I 1 0 MKluire, e... till Henley, p.... 1 1 t'Mullla, p.... 1111 Totals . ..l 11 "l ToUU ...4 IN1I 4 Phlladeplhla 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 - Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 04 Earned runs: Detroit, 2. Two-base hits: Crawford, Davis. Home run: Mulltn. Sac ratlce hit: Barrett. Stolen bases: Hartsel, Pickering. Double play. Burns' to Carr. Ieft on liases: Detroit, 7: Philadelphia, 4. First bsse on balls: Off Mullin, 4; off Hen ley, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Bv llenlev (2). Struck out: By Mullin, 1; by Henley. 6. Psssed ball: Shreck. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Adam. Hew York Takes First of Series. N EWTORK. Sept. 19 -In the first of the series todny Cleveland lost to the locals. It was a game characterized by fine fielding and clone .inough to keep the rooters guess ing. Attendance, 8,172. Score: NEW YORK. 1 ' CLEVELAND. R.H.O.A. E.I H. H.O.A.E. Conroy, lb... 1 I I I 1 Plitk, rf 1 PalU. ef 1 I Bay, If 1 I Kr.liT. rf... 1 1 Bradley, Ik.. 1 Klberfeia. M. 1 1 I 1 o La)nle, lb... 4 1 William,, lb. I I I I Beral,. lb ... 4 ( Oantel. lb... 1 10 Thnney, rf... 1 McParl'4, If. 0 I 0 1 Abbott. 0....1 III Brum, c.... I 1 4 Gocha'er, Be. 1 1 Cheabro, p... 1 I boaabus, p.. I 1 Total. ... 7 r7 14 ll Totals ...1 14 11 New York 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Left on bases: New York, 6; Cleveland, 5,. Two-base hits: Donahue. Stolen bases: Conroy. Williams. Double plnys: l.ajole to Qochnatter to Bemls; Williams to Eluerfeld. First base on errors: Cleveland, 2. First baae on balls: Off Chesbro, 8; off Donahue, 2. Sacrifice hits: Flick, Gochnauer. Struck out: By Chesbro. 2; by Donahue, . Passed balls: Abbott. Time: 1:24. Um pire: Sheridan. Boston Win from Chicago. BOSTON, Sept. 19 Boston continued their batting streak today defeating Chicago 12 to 3. Young pitched one of the best games ana was faultlessly supported. Attendance, 2, 2WI. Score: BOSTON. , CHICAGO. ft. H.O.A.E. K. H.O.A.E. Dougherty, It I J 4 OiJonea. ef Oi-ailahan, If.. I 0 made by both teams. Attendance, 6. Bcore : KANSAS CITY. R.H O A S ntbfawt, Hill, cf ... .nr. Zo.. Or.dy, c... ar. rf ... Hall, lb ... Knell, If.. Leae, a... urham, p. Butler ... YM,r, c ... 1 1 Softener, lb.. I HunlTi, lb... 1 0 Thoniae. p... 0 Total. ... I 114 II Totals ... 11 17 It I' No ofits when wlnnlhg fun made. "Hatted Tor Durham In ninth. Kansas City 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1-8 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 S i Two-base hits: Rothfuss. Hill. Nance. Knoll. Butler, Maloney, Martin. Home run: leager. sacrtnee nit: iear. Double May: Mclntyre to Martin. First base on balis: ire Durnam. b: on Tnomas. o. utrucK out: By Durham. 8; by Thormts, 9. Hit by Itched ball: iiy . 'i nomas 1. 1'assed ball: enger. Ieft on bases: Kansas City. J: Minneapolis, 7. Time) 1:66. Umpire: oreman. Score, second game: KANSAS CITY. I MINNEAPOLIS. R.H.O A.B R 11 t A B. Rothfuaa. lb. 4 K olllrao, cf.. 0 0 I 0 4 Hill, cf 1 0 Maloney. rf.. 10 0 4 Nar.-, Ib.... 4 1 0 Uylrr. aa 0 I I 0 brady, c I 4 1 0 Mrlntrre, lb. 8 1 Orar, rf ( 0 Lilly. If 0 0 t 4 Hall, lb I tl'MM, c ... 4 0(40 Knoll. If 0 I 0 U'Kpoonrr. lb.. 0 110 Le. aa.... 1 10 1 0 Martin, Ib... 0 1 1 Franta, p.... 0 1 tiiTboma,, p... is Touts ...1 1 IS 01 Totals ... I I II 1 Kansas Cltv 0 0 0 O 1 ft 1 Minneapolis ....0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hit: tlradv. Sacrifice hit- Thomas. Stolen bases: Rothfus. Nance, Oyler. First base on balls: .off Thomas. 2. Struck out: By Frantt. 3; by Thomas, 4. Wild pitch: Thomas. Left on bases: Kan sas City, 2: Minneapolis, 2. Time: l:uS. Umpire: Foreman. standing of tha Teams. Played. Won. Lost, Collins. Ib... Ill Btahl, ef 1 Freeman, rl, 1 I 1 Parent, aa. . . 8 1 LaChanre, lb 1 0 11 Kern,, 2b 1 1 I ('riser, e.... 1 1 i Young, p.... I Clarke, Ib... I 8 Cklreen, rt I Tannehlll. as I I 1 label!, lb.... I I I 0 1 Magoon, 2b.. 11110 "uillran, o.. 8 1 riaharty, p.. 1 1 ToUls ...111. 17 11 il Totals ...I 14 I Boston 2 0201082 13 Chicago 0 000201002 Earned runs: Boston, 6: Chicago, 2. Two base hits: Freeman, Isbell. Three-base nus: Dougnerty, Collins, Parent, Crlger, Magoon. Home runs: Ferris. Freemnn. First baae on balls: Off Young, 2; off Fla- neny, l. mt tiy pitched ball: By Flahertv, 1. tColllns). Struck out: By Young, 6; by r miimj, i, lime; i.m. umpire, o Luugh 11 u. St. I,onls Defeats Washington. WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 St. Louis won today's game with the greatest ease. Wash ington In one Inning had the first three men up make singles and till the bxses, but did not gel a runner over tne piaie. score: IT. LOUIS. , WASHINOTON. R. H.O.A.E. R. H.O.A.E Burkett. If... I I 0 w Robinson, cf. 0 1 I 1 oi Hendrlcka, rt truateen, aa.... 1 OSelhactt, If... 1 ti Clarke, lb... I 0 Coughllft. tb. 1 iMoCork. Ib. 0 I OIKItirrdga, c. 0 0 1 wander, rf. I Heldrlrk, cf. 1 Anderaon, lb 1 Wallace, a,.. 1 Hill, lb. Bock. Ib 1 Kahoa, s 1 Kalley, p.... Powell, p.... llUe, p. .. 1 8 17 14 1 A SQUARE DEAL ON A SQUARE PIANO Uospo's Dig Salo ON NEW PIANOS Brought In ss part payment many used Instruments, wrucn are noi placed on sale at prices which seem so low that they will warrant looking Into, and they are just the thing for beginners: r.0."..0.?-. 513.00 TERMS 83 cash and 12 per month. One CsJenburg A Voupel QQ TERMS 8) cash and 12 per month. One Durham Piano TKRUS 84 Cash and 60o One J. P. Hale Piano TERMS 84 cash and too One Pease 4 Co. Piano TERMS 86 cash and 60o a week. ?....; 40-00 TERMS 86 cash and 82 per month. One Undemaa Piano One Kimball . - Piano 27.00 a week. .33,00 a week. 37.00 45-00 50-00 TERMS 88 cash and IS per month. A. HOSPE GO. I5I3-I5IS Ocu'Ias St. Musical Instruments Selling Fast At Hospo's. THE PRICES DO IT! A number of slightly damaged In struments, just a little shopworn, are left from our recent fire sale. These must be sold to make room for the new stock coming In. 822.00 Washburn Mandolin, warranted iKdm... SII-00 816.00 Washburn Mandolin. In perfect condition, latest "f Cfl model f 3U A large number of odd styles, Bur ton, Bruno, Martin, ' Regal Mandolins and Guitars, bold at 60 per cent dis count. Largest stock' In the west of Musto Boxes sold at a big discount. 830.00 Reglna Musto Box, wilh Tunes, only 83) 00 Reglna Munlo Box, 3 C ft ft with Tunes, only vOlJ 22-00 .50-00 75 00 I75.0O Reglna Muslo Box, with Tunes, only , 8100.00 Stella Muslo Box. with Tunes, only ALL ON EAST PAYMENTS. - Pianos are In the sale from 8111.00 and up, on 85.00 payments. A. HOSPE CO. 1513-1515 Douglas St 0 0. I 28 0 0 0 0-1 " 1 11 11 ' fllil-lll!iiil! $12.75 to Chicago and return, Sept. 2G, 27 and 28. Iieturn limit leavirfg Chicago, October 5th. A Mammoth Celebration of the One Hundredth Birthday of the City by the Lake, well worth the trip to see. Flyers leave Burlington Sta tion, Omaha, at 7 a. m., 4 p.' m. and 8:05 p. m. All first class, high grade trains offering fast time, dining cars, elegant equip ment everything to make traveling comfortable. The buffet cars on the T a. m. and 8:06 p. m trains are particularly attractive and satisfactory. J. D. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, OMAHA. J ata3BB6a32E2aaa3s Totals . Total. .... 1( n 14 ll Sf. Louis 0 0 10 3 Washington 0 10 0 0 Earned runs: St. Louis, 8. Two-base hits: McCarmlrk. Robinson. Anderson. . PoarelL Burkett (2). Three-base hit:. Wallace. Dou ble plays: Lee to Clark (2); Wallace unas sisted. First base on balls: Off Lee, 1; off neuey, z; on t-owen, i. nil ny pitcned ball: Swander. Struck out: By Lee, 1; by Kelley, 4; by Powell, 2. Left on bases: Washing ton, 7: St. Louis, 5. Wild pitch : Lt. Time: i:. umpire: uonnoiiy. Attendance, l,m Standing of he Teams. Played. Won.Lost.Pr.Ct. Boston 1'9 8ti 43 .o57 Cleveland 131 72 (, .649 Philadelphia ....136 68 ' 68 .640 New York 118 tf 68 .62'! St. Louis 128 62 0 .4-4 Detroit 128 61 67 .477 Chicago ...128 66 72 .S Washington 128 41 88 .318 No games today. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES t. Pant Wins from Milwaukee. Hlte ting Mueller and Rally Doesn't Snre Latter. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 18.-St. Paul landed bard on Mueller In the first two Innings today and Milwaukee'! rally In the end could not overcome the lead. Attendance, 800. Bcore: ST. PAUL. I MtLWAVKIC R.H.O.A K I R. H.O.A.E Gel.r, tb I I t llOanley, rf I I 1 bannos, ef.. Ill ;boaebira. lb. 4 1 I ( 1 Jackaoo, Ib.. 111 1 Wood, c 0 14 14 scnaerer. aa., e a s i runaiattb. ib. 0 I I I 0 Pierre, a 1 4 O'Hrmohlll, ef. 14 Plouniay, If. 0 1 1 0 olDualeavy. If. 0 1 0 0 rortwtt, lb.. 1 ll I OjVloa. aa 1 8 1 I Banoa. rf.... 0 olfVbafley. lb. I I I I I Bailey, p.... 8 8 0 0'Muallar, p... 1 0 aiereoiin, p.. o ToUls ... I 11 It 14 I) I Totals ...4 11 17 14 I St. Paul 2 40200000 S Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 20 Two-base hits: Schaefer lit. Tlnma run Donahue. Base on balls: Off Mueller. 1 off Bailer. 2. Struck out: Bv Mueller. 2: by Bailey, 4; by Meredith, 2. Double play: Donahue to Vlox. Left on bases: Mil waukee, t: St. Paul. i. Time: 1:60. I'm- pire: MUllane. Loalswllle Defeata Colamhaa. COLUMBUS, O., Sept 1 LoulsvlUe de feated Columbns today by hard hitting. The all-round work of Braahear was feature. Attendance, 027. Score: LOllSVII.LB. COLL'HDt'S. MH O A X I R at O.A K Kerwls, rf... 114 4 eOlaaun, tb.. 111 Hart, lb 1 14 4 0 Aradt. If 11 Kraahaar, Ib. I 4 I I 4 Turner, tb... llll Odw.ll, cf... 18 1 1 Banaon. cf... 1 ulllyaa, Ib. 118 8 lil'llaimaa. aa. I 1 1 firmer. If... 1 1 1 0 at a I lor. lb... 1 1 11 0 Qulnlaa, aa.. llll 1 Werner, if.. 18 Berry. ...... 0 14 1 1 Roacb. e 4 I T Kaaa, p 110 0 Berger. p.... till ToUl, . 14 17 II J T ota la ... 8 l If 14' I Louisville 8 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 00 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 14 Stolen bases: Kerwln 121 Clvmer 12). OdwelL Two-base hits: Clingman, Wag ner, Sullivan, Hart. Three-bae hit: Bra- snear. Double plays: Clingman to 'Uleason to Mellor, berier to Mrllor to Qulnlan, Braahear to Hart 48). Struck out: bv Bergen, 1; by Lagan. 1. Base on balls: Oil beiger, I. rassea oali: berry, lime: 1:40. umpire: HaakeiL Iadlaaayalla Wlaa from Toledo TOLEDO. Sept. 19. Toledo could not hit Owen, Indianapolis' new twlrler, today. wnne lougnun was wtia ana inenective, Phenomenal catches were made by Owens Chllds and Bernard. Attendance, 4a0. score: TOLEDO R.H. OA. a IN DIANA POL18. K H OAS Klhw, lb.... 1 14 Poi. tb i a Hortaer. rf I Woodruff. It. 1 1 Ceuuar. ef... 1 I lie Mertue, as. Han, lb..., Owes, p... . 1 I 1 I 1 001 1 0 Smith. If.. a a i 1 8 v a I 8 7 1 Barnard, rt wena, aa. . . . Chllde. lb.... 1 Ktetaow, Ctlioaun, lb.. Turner, lb. Haaaing. t. Coagblia. p. 1 8 i a i i 4 a i Totals ... I 11 ri U) ToUls ... I I'M 8 Fox out for not touching second baae. Indlsnapolla 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 0-i Toledo 0 0200000 0-2 Two-base hits: Haddlng. Chllds. Wood ruff. Coulter. Home run: Haas. Btolen bases: Owens Kox. Baae on bells: off CouahUn, 4. Struck out: By Coughlln. 4 by Owen, X Double plays: Owens to Turner. Owens to Marean to K'hm (li Ift on bases: Toledo. 2: Indiana Dolls. 4. Wild pitch: Coughlln. Time: 1:60. Umpire I tinning nam. Kaaiai City Takes Two, KANSAS CITY. SeDt. IS -Ktvnsaa Cltr took two well played games from Minneap olla today. MlnneaporiB, by a ba'.ting rally in tne ninin inning or tne nrer game, all but tied the score. The second game was a pitchers' batUe, la which only five hits acre lb. IIINNBAFOLta. H.H.U.A.g. 1 14 I I ! i i i i i i 1 HtllllTan. rf.. M.lonay, If. Or it aa. Mrlntrre. Ib. 0 1 0 bally. If 1 I St. Paul Louisville Milwaukee Indianapolis ... Kansas city ... Columbua Minneapolis ... Toledo Games today: Minneapolis at ...i:t4 ....137 ....135 ....1.17 ....132 ....137 ....134 ....137 83 76 76 66 4H 49 46 64 69 61 65 82 86 63 PC. .7 .608 .6o3 .565 .507 .402 .361 .358 St. Paul at Kansas Cltv. Milwaukee, Louisville at Columbus, Indianapolis at Toledo, SCORES AGAINST 'VARSITY Lincoln High Sehool Makes Touch down Early ta tha Game. (From a Stall Correspondents LINCOLN. Neb.. Sept. 19. (Soeclal Tele gram.) Nebraska university defeated Lin- coin Miern school today Dy a decisive score in me iniiiin came oi tne loot nail season. but the High school lads scored a touch down, a teat arcomullslied by no other team during the entire season of The llich scnooi toucmiown came early In the first nan. one ot tne Nebraska backs fumbled In the middle of the Held, and Cnannr grabbed thexball, raced down the field un opposed and crossed the cornhuskers' goal. Booths' men soon settled down and there after the Issue was not In doubt, four totiondowns :n short halves of tliteen min utes being rsehrapkaa total. Booth put In almost two complete teams, the combina tion witn Mar mi ana l-Jager, the light hnlves, achieving moat of the honors. Marsh played with brilliant dash, scoring two of the touchdowns. Captain Bender left his old position at right half and went In at quarter, calling the signals end di recting the plnys. Booth made no attempt to make use of the new rule allowing the quarterback to carry tho ball and the corn- nuskers were somewhat handicapped by be ing denied the services of Brntler aa a 5 round gainer. Dashes by EnRer and Bene Irt, each for forty yards, were features. j ne lineup. V.ltl'naLii Oa Pn.lllnn TT.'.rW C-,,1, 1 Oore-Grlfflth left end Cosner Perry left tackle Fields Cotlon-Boom-L. Munn left guard ..J. Munn "rg center u. Munn Hunter-Newton right guard WIHte Roblnsrln .right tackle. ...Hllbebsand Conklin right end Snults Bender-Capt. Bell, .quarter McWIIIlams Eager-Ducray left half Rnrwlik Benedict ........left half : Marsh-Clark right half .......Burrus Brlggs ..full back Maron Touchdown.: Cosner, Boll, Benedict. Marsh C2). Resalta of Harlem Regatta. NEW YORK. Sent: 19. The senior slna-la cull shell race, chief event of the fall regatta of the Harlem Regatta association on the Hnrlem river this afternoon, was won Derisively Dy frank Veseley or the Bohemian Boat club of New York. Re. suits: . , Junior sin iris sculls: Won bv C. V. Mid ler of the Nassau Brmt club of New York, J. J. Eller of the Metropolitan Boat club of New York second. Time: 6:03V,. Senior sliiKle sculls: Won bv Frana- Veseley of the Bohemian Boat club of New lorg, c S. Titus of the Ataianta Boat club of New York second. Time: 5:1134. oecona iour-oareo gign: won DV Daunt less club of New York. Metronolltan club second. Time: 6:24. Senior double sculls: Won bv Atalanta Boat club of New York. Nassau Rnat club of New York second. Time: 4:48. Junior double sculls: Won bv Metronoll tan Boat club. Nassau Ront rlllh aAnnnrl Time: 4:46,. Junior four-osred gla-s: Won by Bohemian Boat club crew of New York. Nonpareil Boat club Of New York second. Time: 6:01V, ' James Gets Glenvlew Trophy. CHrCAOO. Sent. 19 Louis N. James of Olonvlew, last year's national title holder. unieaiea raui i. jnurpny or tne oarden City, L. I., Oolf club In the thirty-six hole finals of the Ulenvlew club at Glenvlew to day by 5 up and 4 to play. It was almost a foregone conclusion after the morning round that James would win, as he had a lead of 2 up for the eighteen holes. Neither played as well aa In the preceding rounds of the tournament, both being er ratic at times. Murnhv met with more 111 luck than hla opponent, but on the whole High School Loses. The South Omaha foot ball tenm tilavvrl Its first game yesterday afternoon at Jet ter'a park, against the South Omaha Co lumblas. Columbins weighed twenty-five pounds a man heavier and beat the school boys by a score of 10 to 0. Acherman and Austin were the stars for-Columblas. each making a touchdown. Ferguson, Mullen Hnn aienoree gin spienaid work for the High school. Ferguson end Mullen wr especially good In blocking plays. The High ciiooi wtu piay me uiuaiia . commercial college next Saturday. Chicago, W ins at Foot Ball. CHICAGO. Sent. 19. Chlcasn unlv.r.irv i ei cm mi jjomimru college ot Ualesburg. 111., at foot ball today by a score of 25 fo 0. Tha game was fast throughout, but the Lombard team was outclusxed and never had a chance at any time to cross Chicago's eutii line. Matinee Rare nt Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. Rent. 19 (Rnaol.l At a meetlna of the lien I rice Drli ine an. clstion last night It was decided to hold another matinee race meeting net Wednes day afternoon, at whlrh time some of the best horses In the city will be entered. More Homes for Omaha. Th. Mm. out - m . . in,,, ui miiiurr oc iuase IOOK OUt luuuina pt-rmits ror rour more bouse yes terday: Two six-room, two-story frame. ... . .. wv s v mi t n . a i i ituij streeta, and two five-room cottages at . "..i 7-., in,, nu Atriiutirw avenue, j nia nrm has eight houses under way, and has built more houses this season than any ...... in i it tn,. it renins mac ine houses are sold faster than they can build ln.m in vim ULJUUU nnnn h mm c3 J 1313 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEB. This will be a great week at the big patio store over 100 instruments from the Burlington, In., bankrupt stock have been cleaned, tuned and polished and placed in our salesrooms for your inspection at prices never before quoted in the history of the piano business. LANGE & nitlTOfl vai a lending music house In their sec tion they, made a gpetMaltr of Due In strument we bought the entire stock at auction from the receiver there art- guitars, Washburn mandolins, fine vio lins, talking machines, large and small Hpplna music boxes all selling at ono thlrd cost 60,000 copies of Standard sheet music from lc to Cc each, nothing oyer 5 cents. r7 t' ' -"3 amaaaaaai pet mm -4, -VJ- 1 THE PIANO OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME USED PIANOS NEW PIANOS Standard Organs NOW IS THE TIME i that piano or orKnn -you will never have such a clmnec auln no ad vance In the prleo If you wish easy payments tlon't you know the happl rtess of any honit depends on the at tractions therein ft pin no . does the business and now you can get one at so small a price and on such easy pay ments that no one can now sy they can't afford It. from the Lange & Mlnton stocii niauy taken In exehaiiKe during this sale soie returned from rent all thoroughly repaired, Uu-wl, polished and guaranteed In first class order we will take any of them back nt the same, pvkn nt any time within threa years to ward a new one. 6t. Louis Piano for Voso & Son. for ; Hallet & Davis for Peae , for McCammon for Light & Co. for Emerson for James & HolBtrom for Knabe for , Stelnway for Arlon tor Marshall & Wendell for Chicago make for New York make for The lost four are JuBt like new. On Paymonts of 25c to $1.00 a Week $28 $30 $38 $40 . $42 . $57 . $60 .... $69 $75 . $125 ...$138 $148 $167 $188 Every new piano In the house will be offered at a genuine reduction. Look at the makes we have, nearly all the good ones, the Stelnway & Eons, Ctcger A Sons, Emerson, Vos. ti Bona, A. B. Chase, Hard man, Mason A Hamlin, Srhmoller & Muel ler', hand made plana, and a .core more of the most trustworthy to buy. During this sale we will sell flno new planus ua follows: Blaslu!) Sons, mahogany Hf finish, for a2IJ Another Eastern moke In fancy Ct'iu walnut iplOO Lnrge fine ones In golden oak, $162 Here Is o beauty, only three left. C.QfS 2 muhoganys and 1 wclnut, each. .' a"J A-lot of about thirty fine, standard, first class pianos, elKht different makes, all hinds of casings tt 4 choice 7 a.J- Cn Payment of $5 Mcnihy AMUCLLCil (iNCODPOHtttll) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE -RETAIL' F3 1 M O S WAIN HOUSC AND OrFICC: 1313 FARNAM rACToar: i fauna TILtPHONt 1638 The names tell the quality the prices tell a saving of at least one-half or more pick out yours and get here early. I'nlverslty. 9 stops, walnut, bight top Ceo. Wncds. 8 stops, walnut. high top Klminll. 1.1 stopc, walnut, li octavos Kimball, 10 stopa. wslnut, for Cornish, 18 stops, walnut. for Hunt. 9 rtops, wajriut, 6 octaws Perry, 11 stops, for Shonlper. t stops, with cymbols Mason & Humlin, 10 stops, walnut Peloubet, 7 stops, walnut Story & Clark, 10 atopa, walnut Katey, 11 stops, for Ilurdette, small slse, for , Kimball, 11 atopa, fancy oak Kimball, 10 stops, walnut Western Cottage, 13 stops, 0 octaves Estey, stops, wa'nut Packard. 11 stops, octaves Crown, 10 stops, latest style $16 $14 $38 . $22 $19 .. $29 . ..$19 . $31 . $41 ....$18 ...$26 . ..$32 ' $9 ....$49 ....$29 ....$36 $34 $42 "'$42 OMAHA LINCOLN, NCB 13S . TITM T. t.u re. CO. BLUFFS, IA 60S OADWAY til. see On Payments of 50c to $1.25 a Week BAD BREATH "For month, I had rraa triable with bit .teniae Baa B.eil all kiBd. of aiedleiuwe. Mr tongue baa r"SL , n ,nwi, ar areata bbtiub a bad lur. Two weeka au a friend re nBuradt d CaacrM. sod after u.iaa tii.m 1 can wlllli.,!. eai cheerfully 7 thai th-r tare eDtlrelr enred me. I therefore le, lot know ftlia. t .kail A Jhera to auf oaa antfertna frora fvahtroabloa. ' Claaa. It. aalnea, let fcuiiaiwa i.,k,w lutk, M.J, ffp$ Bt For It L jet The Dowels rteaaaat. Pal .table. Potent. Taa-teOooa OeOoed, Veeer Blok'B. VT Orlpe. Urn. Me. etc. Merer Bold Ib bulk. The (eaatna taulat ataaavad C C C. Huaruie4 ta ttn ut f oaf aae, Laaa. Bterllog Bemedy Co.. Chicago or N.Y. frjl An JAL SALE. Ul IIILU03 BOIES I WE DOM'T Kill n PATCH UP. We Cure Safely and Thoroughly w .ir n avntem of electricity and medicine combined we cure quickly and safely Clseases and weaknesses of men a"l othtn have "ailed? "our object Is not so much to do the work that other doctors can do. but rather to do of i.annTriinu If vou are a victim of Nervo-Sexual Debility, with all its distressing symptoms, you certainly do not IMhIM r-FI.Y intend to remain so. Tou have only ono life to live. Why not live it In the full enjoyment of abundant I iff 1 1 U I LIIU I vitality and perfect health? The fact that you have taken Inferior remedies to no avail should not de stroy yo-tr Uh In all treatment, nor your hope of a radical cure. .During my long term, of scientific study and practical ir.liiire I have evolved a special treatment for Nervo-rJexual Debility that is uniformly successful In cases where sue mm before and by other doctors deemed Impossible. It does not stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. It iiv.ih irritation of the delicate tissues surrounding the lax and unduly expanded seminal ducts, contracting them to their normal condition, which stops night emissions, dries up day drains and Prevents prematureneaa It tones up and strVnathens the blood vessels that carry nourlfhment to the weakened part, which regain full power, size and vigor. Mean whUs Tall other Symptom. Improve, and the patient Anally relics a , greut blight rfr-- ..i.lJ 1,1. ii rl All tViot deen know edae. expert skill, vast lc" '". .r.," i -n.r nn .nui.nllih Li experience and tnorougn scientnic one '"'"V' , 4h Za now being done for those who come to u. for the help they need. Diseases of Men. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Hvaroceie, Weak and Shrunken Organs. Enlarged Prostate Gland and all Skin and Blood Diseases promptly cured by our safe method. PRIVATE RUPTURE BLOOD POISON Cured to stay cured de without nneratlon. Don't wait the Innaer vou cielav the larger It becomes, A .Up or fall may cause strangulation and death, (SYPHILIS) All sorea on body, limbs. In mouth and throat .oon dlaappea;', and your Blood Poison Is cured In less time than anywhere else, and at much less expense to you. Ill nlnnnri r Enlarged veins in the scrotum, corded and knotted, feel VflKlli Ml Hr lug like a btimtle of etrth worms when taken In the IHniUUULLL haVA For a limited time we will cure this Manhood Wrecker for half price. Rememb,r if you i have ever tan treatment " failed to get cured, you never took treatment at the STATL. LLKCTKO MEDICAL INSTITUTE. nnillT tlf 1 IT t'ntll your whole system 1. polluted with disease, or Hllll I WAI I until vour nervous syntem Is tottering under the strain UUI1 I limi anQ yoU hemme a physical and mental wreck, unfit for work, business, study or marriage. The woret oases that I have had to deal with were those that had been neglected or Improperly treated before coming to me, ' , Every afflicted man owes It to himself, hi. family and to the future generation to get cured SAFELY and thoroughly. I cure by restoring and preserving Important organs. I do not advocate their mutilation or destruc tion by any means whatever for the purpose of trying to make a quick ? I?kvl IO COXSII-TATIO?! FREB Writs if you canot call. I WILL CURE YOU Office hour., Il m. to a p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets Omaha, Neb. Grocers and Butchers Picnic VIA THE NORTHWESTERN LINE, Valloy Park, Sa, Tuesday, SopS. WITHOUT- FAIL. 0 Special train from South Omaha at 7:30 a. m, and from Union Depot, Omaha, continuously from 7;30 to 8:40 a. m. Foot ball game, base ball, barbacue, 5 mile horse races, and tent show, in addition to the original program. Everybody invited'' All groceries and markets closed. The grounds are in superb condition and excellent weather guaranteed. f i I I I t i i