TITE OMAITA DAILY DEE: RI7NDAY, REFTEMBEIt" 20. 1903. 20 AS EQ1ITABI.F. BUQtlT. Csaelave o Uioranrt Men from All Otrr the Stat Amfmhl. Oage E. Tarbell, second vice president ot the Equitable Life Insurance company of New York, who has been making a tour of the United States, arrived from the nt In Ma private car Thursday night. This visit of Mr. Tarbell had bpen U.oked forward to with happy anticipations for many weeks. . Nothing had been neglected to make It a delightful and profitable oc casion. All the Equitable agents of the State were Invited the local board of medical examiner 'was well represents!, In all, thirty guest aat down to a sump tuous feast. Mr. Tarbell devoted his time during the day Friday to the Interests of tho Ne braska agency of hl company, pers many meeting and advising the member! of the agency force. The most important event "connected with hi visit was the banquet at; the Her Grand hotel In the evening, given by H. D. Neely In Mr. Tarbells honor. The banquet Itself was ono of the finest ever given In Omnha, and the In tellectual treat In Mr. Tarbell's after dinner speech waa a fitting conclusion to the splendid occasion. Full of fire-, crisp and clear-cut In every rentence, eloquent and strong, the matchless Tarbeil held rapt attention for over an hour. It was a great speech on life insurance. The con viction of all was that they were In the presence of a remarkable man, one who could only be eminent among his fellows In his calling. Mr. H. D. Neely, the well known and affable manager for the company In Ne braska, presided, and In hsi unique and j happy style, Introduced Mr. Tarbell and several other speakers who followed with short addresses. A notable feature In Mr. Tarbell's address and of the others was the expression of the highest respect and deepest regard for Mr. Neely, who was certainly In the midst of his friends. Mr. William Henry Brown, local cashier, who has been In the cashier's office of the com pany for twenty-three years at various points In the United State?, was an equal recipient In tributes of friendship ant es teem from his closest business associates. It was an Inspiring occasion ,for the Ne braska agency. Every man present vai convinced that his was the greatest busi ness In the world, that his success was simply his capacity for hard and honest work, which alone make great achieve ments possible. Mr. Tarbell is one of the most conspicuous examples In the United 8tates of the possibilities for a self-made, self-confident, untiring, determined man, Mr, Tarbell was accompanied by his wife and children, Miss Louise and Mr. Swift Tarbell; Miss Anna L. Amendt, C. A. Currah and Edward Schmidt. The ladles of the party were entertained for dinner In the evening by Mrs. H. D. Neely, at the palatial new residence of the Neclys, in Walnut Hill. After the banquet the entire party repaired to their car at the Union station whence they left at 7 o'clock on Saturday morning for Des Moines. OJIB PARE! FOB TUB HOI AD TRIP. Chicago Centennial, Chicago, 111., Sept. 2G-October 1, 1903. The Chicago Great Western railway will on September 26. 27 and 28, sell tickets to Chicago and return at the above rate. These tickets are good returning until October 6, Inclusive. For further particulars inquire of George F. Thomas, General agent, Omaha National bank building. AK-SAR-BEN IX. Jlost Pirasant and Qraclous of Kings Ruler of ths Seven Cities of Cibola. , OMAHA'S PATRON SATRAP He of the MUMjr Ha41e-nd Wide reaching; Fatroltlsm Here fop Coronation, The first ten days of brown October will be bright with electricity and pagaent. The great Ak-Sar-Ben IX will make Ma triumphal entry and receive his crown. No more gracious monarch ever graced a throne or cut a cornstalk. No patron nalnt of the Mediterranean brought more benefit-lent gifts to a city. Serene and se cure, he wl!l sit on his throne and his peo ple will rejoice as they never rejoiced be fore. He of the Mighty Hustle has driven lethargy. In attention, sordid selfishness and want of public spirit from the midst of the people. In their stead he has In stituted the Order of Welcome, the FELLOWSHIP OK THE! GLAD HASD and the Independent Order of Workers for the Common Good. Unity, aggressive co operation and fealty to the Interests of tho city and state have, driven pessimism, selfishness and Indifference Into hiding. Of the 1.52S active Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben, three-fourths are of Insurable age. One half are married men. All are business hustlers. Many of them are absolutely without life Insurance. Others are carry ing on!y temporary indemnity. It Is hardly necessary to advise these wide awake peo ple that life insurance la quite as essential as fire Insurance as an element of business econom;'. THE II ANKERS RESERVE LIFE Is an Omaha institution. It Is two years younger than Ak-Sar-Ben. It has nearly twice as many members. It continues In business throughout the round year, al ways pushing, growing, extending. Every dollar of surplus and all its reserves are concentrated In Omaha, where Is Its home ofjlce. The day is not distant when this aggressive young Omaha organization will have more money within its custody and control than the largest of -our national banks. Within ten years from this year of our Lord the Bankers' Reserve Life company will be a $30,000,000 Llfo company and wll! be enjoying a premium Income of over $1,000,000 per annum. d. it. nonisox, president of the Bankers' Reserve Life company is a loyal Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben, as he has for twenty years been a loyal citizen of Omaha. He Invites Individual Knights to reflect upon the value of a great Life com pany to Omaha. A brief consideration of the subject will show that no other single enterprise In Omaha can be so useful to the city. Mr. Roblson thinks the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben who require additional in surance should take It in the Bankers" Re serve Life, if upon investigation they find. as they must find, that this Omaha insti tution is up-to-date, aggressive, safe and liberal. 9 "1 w"" HUM sJUX.Hf ..SOEVER BEFOiR! A. O. U. W., Attention! .AH members of the Omaha lodges are re quested to be at Twentr-fourth and J treets, South Omaha, at 7:45 p. m., Monday, September 21, to escort supreme and grand lodge offlcers to A. O. U. W. temple and participate In dedication services. C. W. MILLER, Pres. In a letter received yesterday by the An-deraen-MUlard company' from Mr. Clarke Powell, who started last Monday with tho Cadillac auto for Neltgh, Neb., to attend the Nellgh carnival, which Is being held this week, he states that after a hard trip through mud and water he nnally reached Nellgh on Wednesday and waa received with a hearty welcome by the throngs of people who are in attendance at the carni val. Mr. Powell says that the Cadillac is creat ing quite a sensation at Nellgh and that prospects for sales In that part ot the coun try are very flattering. Medical Collea-e Onenlnar. The Omaha Medical college, medical de partment of the university of Nebraska, will open its twenty-first session on Tues day evening September 22, at ths college building, Twelfth and Pacific streets. Prof. Henry B. Ward of the university and dean of the College of Medicine Will be present, and Prof. Donald Macrae. 1r.. of Pound! Bluffs, will deliver the opening address to me students. Regular lectures will com mence Wednesday morning, the 23d. jfTITO'''alw''l',M-'iWTi'!ii'-'fw Homo Visitors' Excursions , To Indiana, western Ohio and Louisville. Ky., via the Missouri Pacific railway at greatly reduced rates. Tickets on sale Oc tober 6, good for return within 80 days from date of sale. For further Information call or address Thomas F. Godfrey, Passenger and Ticket agent, S. K. corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha. Neb., or H. C. Townsend. G. P. & T. A. St. Louis, Md. Single tickets for the services st Tempi Israel, Twenty-fourth and tllarney streets, for ths holidays, September 21 and 22 and October I and 2, can be obtained at Mandel. pera s. nixieenin ana r irnum: Moritm u fr's cigar store and at Sachs Bros., 228 guth Fourteenth street. "Strongest in the World," the Equitable Life Assurance society. Its nollcies are tight drafts at maturity. 8e H. D. Neely, manager. Merchants National Bank Bid. Omaha, Neb. 'Latest Myles In Ladles' Suits. Cloaks, Skirts WJiia. Bilk Petticoats. Wrappers, Bain Coats. Millinery, etc. Cash or credit. People's Store, 16th and Farnam. Douglas Printing Co., lu Howard. Tsl Chicago Laundry Rest work. Tel. 205. .1 ,.U. .!. . V.VJH "IMf I.. Mf SSftfl 1 , ' mm- A shapely foot can easily be turned Into deformity by 111 fitting shoes, but buy shoes that are worth' of the name hoes that are built by skill and rain shoes that combine form, style, durability and comfort. Onimod On-a-f.lan gives satisfaction.. Always $3.50 3$2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 209 So. 15th St. No Other Place On Earth Can you save (4c as easy as you can here. Our men's $3.00 shoes are really $3.60 values, as values go around Omaha, i Box calf, with single or double soles. Vlcl kid, with heavy single solo. Three different lasts the medium, full round and wide toe. We will be as willing to give you your money back as we are to take It if you find these shoes unsatisfac tory, i Why should you go elsewhere and pay 13.60 when you can get it here for $3.1)0? DREXEL SHOE CO., 14 W Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Dat Shoe House, isseseseseesbe Paint Brush Sale Closes Monday Our Paint Brush sale at 16th and Dodge will close MONDAY. After that any brushes left may be seen at our ware house, rear of 1514 Dodge, REMEMBER these brushra were pur chaaed from the MIDLAND PAINT & GLASS CO. at one-fourth their wholesala value and are being sold by us at curre spondlngly low prices. They are the very best brands made JOHN ' wiunisu ana 1iU.nui 3 KLK1NLE ft CO. Painters will do well to lay In a year nr two's supply, as this Is the chance of a IH'etlrae. ' $1.60 4V In. black bristle wall brush.... 75c 40c 3-in. common paint brush fur 25c yc 2u.-ln. Hines' Delight for ..lie Tie Painters' dusters for 3So 11.00 Dictator varnish brush, for 50c tl. 60 Long, white bristle stucco brush.. 75c 11.75 Long, white bristle stucco brush.. 85c 65c Window brushes for &c t-gross lot, round paint brushes, worth 10c, 16o and 20c. for.. 6c 10-gross lie lH-tnch black paint brushes for 8c 6-gross 15c 2S-lnch black paint brushes for sc 60c 3Vi-tnoh Jew! I paint brush for 35c MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED Subject to . stock on hand. t J 1 Hare we been able to offer such big values at such low prices. Carloads of standard, honestly made stoves and ranges bought direct from factories at discount figures, enables us to put our prices where high-grade goods cost you no more than the ordinary. GENUINE SIIIm Round Oaks, Garlands and tiauiani nomc iiase uurnurs and Soft Goal Heaters SPECIAL 8ALE PRICES NOW ON STEKL RANGES Heavy f Of 1 cold rolled steel, asbestos Un-nrt fir h h lng. dupkx state, pouch feed, J I 'L OAK STOVES-Flrst-class soft coal beaters made from heavy steel nickel trimmed, up from Oil Heaters $3 75 up Mr Tights $2-45 up EVERYTHING IN HARD WARE. MECHANICS' TOOLS. MANTEL8, GRATES, TILE, FIRE PLACE FIXTURES. STOVES AND RANGES SOLD ON PAYT1ENTS. Milton Rogers & Sons Go. I4TH AND HARNEY STREETS. aatsii 22 Estjb'Ubed far years. RELIABLE 0 DENTISTRY KO RELIABLE DENTISTRY SAVES PAIN AND MONEY. "llV OLD RELIABLE, ACCl'BATK, PAINLESS, EXPERT DENTISTS. STUDENTS. SKILLED SPECIALISTS IN EACH DEPARTMENT. Beware of Jealous, Idle, sorehead dentists and dental Soc's, who have lost their business and have tried to run ours. They tried to bluff us out. passed around and took up a collection, and with all their working, blowing, lying and bluffing we beat them We have stood the test. Our record Is acknowledged to be the cleanest md greatest in the west-10.000 PATIENTS IN THE LAST TWENTY MONTHS. Jo Hava Got tha Business and Here to Stay Its a Com- oleta Victory for the Union. UNTIL OCT. 10- j CROWNS, from . .52.85 .f OF TEETH, pair .....-....$2.00 dJMINUM, from.. .. -$8,00 fiLLIHSS, from 25c TEETH EXTRACTED FREE. WORK GUARANTEED TEN YEARS. Incorporated under state law. Consult the professors free. Graduate dentists will be admitted to our fall course. Our methods make the crowning, filling and extracting of teeth a pleasure. We make loose teeth tight, stop bleeding ruaa and treat all dlaea.es of the month. If you have heavy plates or plates that don't fit, get one of our non-breakable, dou ble suction, patented non-Irritant plates. Call early and avoid the rush. We are al ways crowded. The people are for the Union and against combine or trust den tists, Bs sure you are In the right place. The Celebrated DR. WORSTER, TERROR TO THE DENTISTS, IS HERE. nion Dental College OF PAINIESS DENTISTRY. OPEN DAILY TILL . SUNADV TO 4. 1522 Douslaa Rubber Goods Good weather for thoni but our sale all this week beats the weather, even. Talk about SPECIAL SALES. CLEARING SALES, SACRIFICE SALES. CHAL LENGE SALES, BANKRUPT SALES, etc., etc.; they are not in it with this one. No such prices were ever mado before any where us we are now making on SYRINGES, WATER BOTTLES, FOUN TAIN SYRINGES eic THESE PRICES ARE LESS THAN MANY DEALERS ARE PAYING AT WHOLESALE. ADD lBo TO THESE PRICES FOR POSTAGE IF WANTED BY MAIL THIS WEEK ONLY. 2-qt. White water bottle S3o Srqt. White water bottle 45c 2- qt. Diamond fountain syringe- 40o 3- qt. Diamond fountain syringe 48o 4- qt. Diamond fountain syringe 64c 2- qt. Imperial fountain syringe 45c 3- qt. Imperial fountain vyringo 55c 2- qt. Impel ial syringe and water bottle.. 75o 3- qt. Imperial syringo and water oottle..85o 4- qt. Imperial syringe and water ottle..9oc Think of It a combination syringe und water bottle, 75c. J-qt. heavy, slate color water bottle. ...60o 5- qt. heavy, slate color water bottle 70c 4- qt. heavy, slate color water bottle 0c 2-qt, slate fountain syringe, "Pearl" 7"o 5- qt. slate fountain syringe, "Pearl".... 85c 4-qt. slate fountain syringe, "Pearl".... 95c 2- qt. siate combination, "Harvard". ...$1.00 3- qt slate combination, "Harvard".... 1.25 4- qt. slate combination, ' Harvard"... i 1.40 2- qt. extra rapid flow fountain, "Hos pital" 75o 3- qt. extra rapid flow fountain, "Hos pital" 86o 4- qt. extra rapid flow fountain, "Hos- . pltal" 95o 11.00 "Venetian" rapid flow, red rubber, extra fanry, holds 3 quarts, for 11.50 COc Yale bulb syringe 25o lut atomizer full sise and gunranteed SSo THESE PRICKS ARK RIGHT SO ARKS THE GOODH. THIS WFTCK REMEMBER. MAIL ORDEFS FILLED. ALWAYS OPEN. SCEMEFER'S SKqb r-wn Phones T47 and 79T. lOlla atad Clilcniro Streets. Omaha. REPAIRS in stock for all makes of Furnnce, Steam and Hot - Water Heaters, STOVES AND RANGES, ' REPAIRS . Water Founts OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS Tel. 960. 1207 Douglas St Herman l mm DO GO Agents for Sherwin-Williams Paints, Cor. 16th and Dodge, Omaha, Neb. Deputy State Veterinarian. Food Inspector. l. ii. nmccioni, D. V. s. CITT VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary. Zath and Mason St. Omaha. Neb. Teleshone 131 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best AarlellnrI Weekly. N M ilndian Beadsg ma jj, ,'j SP'tfTTifli-iffiT'l I BENNETT COflf Thq Leading Piano House of the West. Grand Fall Opening SALE of PIANOS See them and the low prices to them. Get our terms and we will sell a piano to yon. Fall Opening Chances Four high grade beautiful Mahogany Pianos easily worth J(60 HLOfSi each Fall OpenlnK price... PtliJ Five high frrade tine Walnut Finnos enslly worth 1(30 each Clfifl Fall Openln price qJAUVi Six hlaii srnde prftty Oak Plnnow running in values up to 1150 '?J.ei each Fall Opening price... Vt'- Three high grade French Mottled Walnut pretty instruments worth easily &1M) each Fall Open- OHII lng price qJAVJU We have three or four real fine Sample Pianos In U(Teront woods oak, walnut, mahogany the factory couldn't turn them out under Jd'i avenue apiece Fall Open- tile ing price $ttJ Sold on Easy, Payments Your Own Terms. Here Are Great Bargains A nice $350 Mahogany Piano C 1 1 a slightly used for IOO A pretty, up-to-date $300 Oak Piano slightly used A lovely fine-toned $350 Wal nut Piano slightly used $158 $168 Sold on Easy Payments Your Own Terms Organs Organs On easy payments-85, $75, G6, 1f $50 down to f 1U We have two expert tuners at work all the time we guarantee their work. Ring up 137 Music Depart mentand you'll get Immediate atten tion. , . THE BENNETT COMPANY Horner Sts., Omaha. 10th and tin THE RbLIAllLH STOHfc:. TUB ILK LIAS LB STORE. I Vg Are Headquarters for the Famous Hart, Schaffnor & Marx Clothing What's Your Style? Do you like n regular sack suit for busiuess? Or the double breasted? Or tho 'Varsity? All suitable nud if you say "Hart, Sehaffner & Marx," all good and satisfactory to you. We show here the regular II. 6. & M. double-breastjd sack differs a little frome the double- t breasted 'Varsity both very; stylish suits. The best thiug about Hart, Sehaffner & Marx clothes is you pay a little more for 'em than for some clothes; but you'll get a good deal more thanvyou pay. i pl;:f I I ' ll, - ? Ml C : Sehaffner 5- , J V Marx p,, M r Hind Tulorrd '"M 1 J r Copyright lift by iUrtMJufluw m These suits come in cassimeres, cheviots, unfinished wor steds and fancy worsteds are made with hair cloth fronts, hand padded shoulders and are hand tailored throughout. PHICES $22.50, $18.00, f 15.00, If) flfl $12.50 and IU.UU Big Furniture Clearing Sale. i tar VfcrU 1 11 1 SHOE ARISTOCRACY i The aristocrats of the shoe world for men are found In our new fall lines of $5,00 and $6.00 Shoes made by JOHNSON & MURPHY. J. S. TURNER CO, BOYDEN SHOE CO. These lines are selected from the best styles of the best mak ers of men's shoes In the world. They are. In fact, the shoe aristocrats, and superior to all others In style, quality, finish and fit. If you must have the latest and bent, see our new fall styles. lhT? Ill ; ill U3 I HI v a. TAFTI w .1 im I I If I H. Beauty of teeth have many virtues. Have your teeth attended where you are sure to get reliable work. fet of Tretli S-"i.O; op licat Set H.OO Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Dousrla St. Tho Fad of the Day ts We carry the largest line of col- g ors In HEADS of any Louse. Send M us your mall orders of any color JJ potsIble; we cau fill your wants, si Iooms to weave beudwork, put-u . . . Ad . . . i . . . . p pertaining to me nit..u wur. Also the largist and most complete varn department In the west. We WUOLKSALH OK HKTA1L nod can All your wants for any quau-H lity. . , u JOSEPH P. BILZ J21 5. 16th Street. OMAHA. - NtbltASKA. tcsmtiuEsaaiMSiuiuKiiiki The Latest Thing in Cloth Is alwnys to be found at this tailoring; t.atabltshment. If you haven't a good tailor nd are looking for one. try us. ' VJal vi7 tinvlP'-e vnu that you nrtu) cf bef:r tl-,ctlon for the ja awuuf U.atn wtc will give you. ttELGREN & GRADMANN, TAILORS 309. aoutb Sixteenth St Irorm For Menstrual Suppression i Mortpo-rf-i pei-TAN-GOT It tox ; I bout . Sold Is 0h br l' H.Cvua.U Llius to. tUU lri sflwe &r WW.. mm mm II SP (TS T 7Z FAVORITE MG&r If 1 III ii :3c 1 1 1 xtTAiNEW j XOLLAR j rum "1 1 6uWAm BfiicunM Biwarm"' Only nine days more of this September sale. You cannot afford to miss It. Every piece of furniture is guaranteed to glv perfect satisfaction. About 3,iW0 pieces of parlor, library, din lngroom, bedroom and kitchen furniture at from one-third to one-half off reaulsx values. Note prices and examine roods. Sanitary couches at $4.95. Velour couches at 14.00 and upwards. Bedroom suited at $22.50, $19.50, $16.00 and $11.50. 6-piece parlor suites at $19.00. 5-plece -parlor suites at $25.00. B-plece parlor suites-at $30.00. 8-plece solid mahogany suites at $31.00. Corner chairs worth $4.50, at $1.95. Center tables at $2, $1.26, R5o and 89c. BxtenHlon tables, 6-ft., at $660, $5.60, $4 60. and $3.50. .... Sideboards, solid oak, at $22, $18, $15, $13, and $9.85. Iron beds at $5, $3. $2.60 and $1.75. Pining chairs at $1.25, $1, 95c, 7c and 65a Cane seat rockers at $4, $3, $1.25, and 950. Wood and veneer seat chairs and rock em at one-third off regular prices.' Kitchen furniture nt from one-third to one-half off regular prices. V A 3 JPi3 -mj b A Talk About Watches The reason that I sell more watches th an any other Jeweler In Omaha Is becau I sell onlv watches that I can guarantee t p keep perfect time. I carry al grades. f 7 , 24-1"wol-rl. all sizes, all styles. When you buy a watch of me you 11 have r.n ! n tlnekponer. Any movement any style cne that suits you. If your watch falls to keep time bring It to us for repair. We ll do it right. - JO JN RUDD, Jeweler, 115 South Sixteenth Street. Watch Inspector C. St. P. M. & O; C. & N. W. Ry. 8l I r" -i f Vjjj 1 '!!!H"I"!'!' THE ROYAL. ACORN. The leading base burner of the century. The stove that gives the most heat and uses the least fuel. The stove that la so easily regulated and controled. The stove with the powerful hot air circulation and doub'.e heating system. The stove that does not crack and on which the nickel does not tartiltth with the heat. We have over 2.01ft written testimonials from your neighbors. Acorn Base Burners, $25 upward. THE MODERN ACORN. The up-to-the-mlnute, reaily-to-baka steel range. The range with a thP: ter In tho oven door. W hen we show yoi " construction of the Modern Acorn you will wonder how we can sell It for less than others ask for ranges not so good. Fact Is we buy them In large numbers for snot cash and price them at a very low margin of profit In order to sell the quaa- gain. JOHN I1USSIE HARDWARE GO. "IF YOU BUY IT OF HUSSIE IT'S RICHT." 2407-2409 CUMlfIG STREET A Clean. Well Kept Set of Teeth Indicates a refined person, and has much to do with the Impression you maks BAILEY, Tho Dentist, Lidj Attendant. Telephona I0S5. 3rd Flo)r Pntoi Blost. GOLD CROWNS FROM $2.00 TO IN'TROIiLTE W'R NBW METHODS, WE WIIX GIVK ETXTRA Cl'T T.VlIi- v-r i7 8IPTEMBEH 10. DON'T bBAY, YOU MAT KB TOO LATE x-xvv-- Fill 1 11 2 a OCa From ww BRIDQB Work from nnr easy Duvment plan may In terest you. Work guaranteed 15 years. Graduate dentists. New management. New York Dental Co. Kstab'lshed narly 10 year here. Opposite Hayden's and Boston C tores, 115 Houth 16ih street