10 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1003. .mss- e at r - Trrr tv II ARTISTIC AUTUMN MILLINERY LADIES' SWELL CLOAKS AND SUITS FOR FALL THE CORRECT FASHIONS IN LADIES' APPAREL, ALWAYS 5EEN FIRST AT BRANDEI5 Correct fashion in millinery is mirrored in our matchless exposition. Each design that bears the Brandeis name reveals the highest standard of millinery excellence. The greatest foreign and American designers are represented The highest degree of excellence in ladies' man'tailorcd suits and wraps is reached in the superb garments which we show in our fall assemblage, Elegance of materials is supple mented by grace and beauty of design y "yiBifoinrnjojjj'og IMPORTED CREATIONS Tomorrow we show a remarkably finished exhibit of direct importations from Paris. These are the original hats which are designed by Taris style makers. . The unsurpassed ele gance of these creations make this assemblage one that is truly remarkable as a fashion YSlf fif event at 201512 Fur felt turbans and dress shapes, an immense lot of manufacturer's samples, special at 29c A Splendid Trimmed Hat at S8.50 Here is the beautiful trimmed hat value of the season. These creations are beautifully trimmed with ostrich plumes, flowers, breasts, etc., and bear that touch of style that is known, only in Brandeis millinery. Equal to any 112.50 hat at. $050 swel- Trimmed Black Hats at. $3.50 A complete line of black trimmed hats, including turbans, dress shapes and pompons, side flare effects, Pompon the very lent effects for trim- fully trimmed with wings, satin ribbon, mings, that have been birdg etc at selling at 25c ' ' to 45c, go at 10c Birds, natural pigeons, in brown castor, white, etc., enormous quantity, value $1.75, at, each. 59c THREE GREAT BASEMENT SPECIALS Splendid velvet dress hats in black and colors, E0 elaborately feather trimmed, $5 values, at Children's Trimmed Hats Pretty felt flats, silk sash and pompon effects, all the Q O popular colors, a $2 value, at isDs Street Hats at $1.49 Here are fully trimmed hats that answer the double purpose of street and dress wear. A value which surpasses any yet this season, at . K 1.49 High Art Creations in Costumes and Wraps A most extraordinary fashion displa y for Monday will be our showing of the very elaborate costumes, opera coats wraps and gowns for fall and win ter 1903. . These superb creations the original designsfrom the master style makers show a perfection in de tail and a striking beauty that cannot be excelled in ladies' apparel. Wide variety of designs, great range of prices Ultra Swell Suits at $39 Here are high art suits faultlessly fashioned from the new lilielines in plain and Tt " "X plaids.. The stylish coverts, the stunning new Scotch tweeds, etc. Every one a charming design, at Tr ' Novelty Tailor Made Suits An entirely new sortment of beautiful new Ideas Just forwarded us by our New York buyer, beautiful novelty suits In both walking and dress effects. Shown tomorrow for the first time at $22.50, $24.50, $29.00, $32.50 Two Suit Specials Two opening specials in the su section will be one lot of suits at $14-85 and one lot at $9.03. These will elude some entirely new ideas and a great many new and odd suits, on sale tomorrow for the first time, at Louis XIV and Prince Henry Velour Coats Also some of the new long looso effects, In the new imported novelties in ve- iK $14.85, $19, $24.50 Slo $98 Beautiful New Dox Coat in all the different colors, new style fall cape, full guaranteed Q QQ a tin lininopfl nt . - S " 14.85-9.98 $19 Long 45-inch Kersey Coat combination col or effect and fancy velvet aud braid trimmings The Smartest Dress Skirts These beautiful skirts are made by style masters of two continents and have the ap pearance of smart elegance that is always deslr- JJ Cn f Ci5 ed by fashion followers. A splendid variety at u 111 P Entire new showing tomorrow of golf aid dress skirts at Opening of Our Fur Dept. 9.98 At the opening of our new fur department we show all the new exclusive Ideas and fashionable furs for this coming season from the email neck soarf and Vlctorlnes to the most stylish fur jackets. Fall Dress Goods o Highest Grade Styles and cloths in high art dress goods which excels any similar display ever mad in Omaha. The new zibelines, the most highly fashionable cloth for suits that the new reason has brought forward, in the newest tones including guu- metal, silver blue, laurel, etc. We also show magnificent de C C J G P" T - $3 $4 and signs of the mirror and broadtail zibelines, prices, a yard. We are exhibiting some elegant dress patterns, every one exclusive and without duplicate in this territory. Fancy zibelines and worsteds, very highly favored, fash- ir!!!.Ag.B,.....85c, $1, $1.50 and $1.75 French voiles in black 44 inches wide, regular $1.50 qual- A ESp itv. a. Rnftial ilrMna cmoHa offer for Mondav. a vard J ' O ' ' " - Canvas etamines and voiles, black and all colors, 69c grade at - 50c A SPECIAL DRESS GOODS VALUE. Pour cases of cloths, suitings, zibelines, broadcloths, Scotch tweeds, -f"v Sicilians, shirt waist dress cloths, nothing worth less than 11.50 and up r C J to 12.60 at, yard J VsV $1.00 DRESS GOODS AT 49c. Regular selling dress goods of $1.00 value, raing day skirt ing, cheviots, fancy suitings, panamas, can- ACr vas, etc., at rVw $1 Embroideries at 29c d 39c Monday will be a remarkable embroidery dy at Brandeis'. One of the greatest bargains we ever offered in huge purchase of fine millinery in Suisse, nainsook and cambric, extra wide and most beautifully executed. Embroideries in this lot are worth up to B "V $1 a yard, for a great Monday's sale, C and sJjfC at.. A Display of the Highest Grade Laces. The newest and most elaborately designed laces, insertings, bands, gallons in cluny, the swell crochet, antique. Venice, spider webs and wood fiber effects, absolutely tn most beautiful laces to be found in Omaha, CQn QQn $1.50 $0.50 $.50 worth up to $7.50, at -VV yOt 1 -W NEW FALL H)ga grade kid gloves in the lateBt lau colors in iriri fit nvee eluding pearl, mode, beaver, ox KID UL,UVtl3 fordSi White and black, all sizes, At 59c PAIR at 35c Hosiery at 15c Ladies' and men's medium 59 c 50c Handkerchiefs at 15c Ladies' and men's plain and em broidered handkerchiefs of pure linen, 50c quality, AtjC at w YT ,1 Misses' UUUC1 HbUt worth 50c, at.. children Ladies' underwear, medium and heavy weight, worth tl a garment, at and heavy weight hosiery, also gauze 4 E5i and lace effects, boys and girls' XOw school ho'ee, worth 35o, at and boys' underwear, medium weights, 19c and 25c 49c Notable Sale of New Silks With an elaborate showing of the new silks we have coupled an important sale, making our silk section doubly interesting this week. New printed warp taffetas in Dresden designs, white grounds, $1 to $3 a yard, dun metal silks, in over 35 different style, from 69c to $2 a yard. Black and white silks New ideas in black and gray brocades, Swiss, Louisenes, figured and striped taffetas, for modish, full costumes, from 75c to $2-50 a yard. New Pompadour printed silk, very popular for eveniog gowns, from $1 to $3.50 a yd. New Paris nets, French printings so much in vogue this season; they come la beautiful floral effects and Dresden figures, special this week 98c a yard. New arrivals of swell, exclusive pattern in crepe-de-Heine, Broche, rich satla Liberty prints and brocades, all 45 inches wide, at $10 to $48 a pattern. The vary latest from Paris, our own importation, velours chiffon for entire costumes, 25 different shades, only shown by us, $2 yard. SALE OF BONNET BLACK SILKS These silks are acknowledged by all the leading modistes the finest of all the black silks, lor this week we offer from our new shipment the latent weaves as well as the "Bonnet" reliable taffeta. Peau Mlgnon, Gros de Londres, Peau Cleo, Loulaene-Aloxandor Xlvjl ' (I . I! T rt,tt)AA Tina.. tt1 A . . . - n . . ... -. . J for fine drens wear, Miranda Brilliant aud Peau-de-Reine ail at one price a yard : Extra special for Monday only, 30 pieces. 27 Inch, wearg rf 4? guaranteed, unbreakable taffeta, a yard A OC KJ-CcP ' l-f a yard J 1 U 4T"Tar VKAtl MAiH. MM twVIM MMTss HIGH GRADE WAISTINGS AT 3Qc AND 49c. We bought out the balance of jobbers' stock of waistings very popular style single and double width. mo- -v a hairs, fancy stripes, cords, Persians, French - J C atld Xi M C flaanels, etc, at J TT Z-J Ladies' 25c and 50c Z?l? Collars at 5c The swell embroidery and lace turn over collars now bo popular tor eany iaii wear, suitaoie ior any coaiume, gzc beC 1J splendid 25c value, each Monday, only,' VELVET SPECIALS New metallic velvets, 5Dc a yard. New gun metal velvets, K9c a yard. New Roman and Persian velvets, 08c and I1.25. 7 New extracted velveteens (English) 75c. New French taffeta velvet for coats and jackets, tl and (5 yard. New colored velvets, 100 different shades,60o 10 pieces very tine black silk Croise vel vets, 50c 1.50Silksat374c-49c-'Vv. 4,250 ya'rdsof new, fashionable silKs of all kinds, consisting of fancy taf fetas, Louisenes, colored taffetas,,, fancy foulards, all styles in black silks worth up to 11.60 f yard all go at, yara 371c-49c-69c Extra Special Silk Bargain Imported full 45-inch wide 4 mr dress Crepede-Chiue, very lustrous, worth $3, oneday only,jd 7 Special Bargains at the Linen Counter 75c 1.75 r75c 1.25 25c turkey red table 1 1 n damask, yard v2 a 00c quauiy, extra neavy fn I7C Scotch cream damask, yd but qumiiy, w-mrn an linen uvrman liver blnachad dumack, yard i&o quality. 70-lnch. extra heavy linen, cream Oamaitk, unt the thins for reslauranta. boaidinK huuiea, etc., yd fSo quality, extra heav whltw luercerizad tab yard.. Specular Tbo (trade of German bleached tame aarnun, wnn spoke stitched border, aomethlus -ry new and iuua a noveuy, yum y. 70-lnch, snow 29c 39c 50c 50c damask, 10-lnch napkins to match at, dot. 22-Inch napkins to match at, doi. Z4-lnch napkins to match at, doi. One lot of napkins worth ?1.00 a dozen go as long, as they last at, aozen. 11.00 quality German silver bleached ta ble damask, beautiful patterns ana trie kind that laundries so nicely, yd.. 22-Inch napkins to match, at. Uosen $1.00 quality, 70-lnch. all pur linen, ful. bleucnea aalin uamaea, exceueni oodM, made In Uolfust to sell for we offer it tomorrow, at, yard.... fl.TS quality, 72-Inch, all pure linen, full bleached, soft flnlxh, tatln damask, Austrian manufacture, goes at, yard ...$2.50 :..$2.98 ....$3.50 50c 100 dozen bleached and half bleached 3-4 napkins, worth $2.50 $1 CO at, dozen 1 kJ zs go Extra Specials Fringed Clothj. Cno bl lot of 4 frlnired table cloths- i mm these are In all colors of border and W ak f ar worth H.a each, so at. each J qj j Xn of the tl.75 fringed cloths with fancy culurud burdera, suit) alse, so, at, each il of the txl2 fringed cloths, worth up to l'J.26 each. In several dlnTerent grades, go at, each. tl &S, fl.fr) and.. 1.25 1.39 TABLE LINEN REMNANTS. On our big bargain square we offer an iniruense lot of table linen remnants in lengths from 1$ to 3J yards, all (rrades, from the cheapest to the best quality, la turkey red, Indigo blue, silver bleached and 01 earn damask. There are some wonderful bar- gains la this lot but they will not last long. H '4 2"Vs-jk Swellest Styles in Men's Clothlnf. The Rogers-Peet 5c Co. and the "Brandeis Special" Suits and Overcoats We show :for the approval of men of taste in Omaha, the' most elegant line of high grade Buits and overcoata ever seen in the city. These ultra fashionable garments are in every way the equal of high grade custom tailors work. Hundreds of styles and patterns. $10 to $35 A very floe grade of popular priced r 7 CM clothing, all new up-to-date, at O J f Special attention te high scheol Mnllorms mads to erder. Our Boys' Library is Here A fine library of the newest books for boys -books loaned free to all our boy customers. The Blanket Department is Ready And we offer tomorrow all the new blankets for thia season. They are all spick and span, new and fresh goods, none carried over from last year as we cleared out every pair of blankets we had. Tomorrow we offer the new. spick and span wool blankets. bouKht direct from the Oil O Q mill for spot cash, at a pair, $3.98. $4.98, $3.98. $3.80, $198 $3. 80 aod Jpl.VO Wl iw dlaim:i3, m eve, c, voe, Sl.25, $1.30 M(j $! 98 Mch foiny'Day Boots On second floor Special tomorrow of 38 different styles ladles' fine welt sole sewed shoes. In kid and box calf patent leather, regular price $3.uu. all sizes and all widths, tomorrow 1.98 98c In basement One lot of nearly a thousand pair of women's kid skin shoes, two styles, all sizes, at 29 different styles, kid, bos calf and velour calf and Donfola laoe shoes, 4 m r all slses, regular price 1 Cf I '. IsUU I Special Sale Shoe Polish CEKOLINE , 19c Swell Shoes for Women for Balls. Parties, Theater and Street Wear Armstrong's Roche stor make, $3.50 button welt shoe ,tlie swell street shoe, ou sale nt 31 styles of finft surpass k!d, M1 kid. pflte jorted enamel, turn nnl welt sole shoes, made to retail this fall for up to $.", go tomorrow at Two new styles of liund turned ktd shoes, Imported cloth toppings, on salo at $:t and 8 different styles Dr. Reed's Cushion soles light, medium and heavy weight sole, all the new fall styles, tomorrow Four new fall styles of swell dresx shoes, la Kurpass kid and Imported patent kid, with full lxuis heel, today hoes. 2.50 nt colt and Im- 3.00 3.50 5.00 6.00 Full sir Comforters Thee are la teo,iko- lloe aod ere ton covers, filled with finest white cotton, Koat Mc SI.25 SI. J SI 8 SJ JO SJ.tl cart. Eiderdown Comforts in fancy sateen, hand knotiod and fancy scroll stitch at $3.50, $3.98, $4.98 and $8.98 each. Specials In Carpet Department Ws offer as special tomorrow sn Immense range of new Brussels carpets, this falls patterns In hall. emir, library, parlor snd Cf f)C rri sleeping room dtslsns. We offer the entire stock ti"CmQyCmi DC VO. In 1 lots, as follows, worth up to $1.26 A special bargain for tomorrow la an Immense rang of Hartford Axminater carpels that generally sell at $1.7- a yard. 'J'hla Is the best Amln- OK ind we offer It tomorrow. s'er oarpot at, yard We offer tomorrow 75 made-up rugs. These come from our own work room and are from our own accumulated lot of remnants of all grudes. qualities and kinds of carpets. Bring In the measurements of jour rooms and It we have your size you can secure a good bargain. School Shoes in the Exclusive Children's Shoe Dept. 2d floor. Children's shoes, sixes 1 to 5, without heels, and 6 to t with spring heels, plain and patent tips. In all the new styles of toes,, button and lace, go at toe, TSc, Ko, toe. II and $1.25. Oirls' school shoes, sizes 81 to 11, in first class sewed and Ooodyear welt soles, made of kid skin, velours, calf and box calf, lacs or button, plain or patent tips, go at bc. $1.26. $1. $1 6 and $1.75. Olrls shoes, sizes 1U to 2. in spring heel and low half heel, made of kid, calf and velour skins, sewed and Goodyear welt soles, plain and patent tips, luce and but ton, all the new last, go at 9c, $1.25, $159, $1.75, 1.M, $2 and $J .25. Olrls' shoes for High school, low heel and spring heel. In all the new toes. In every leather as well as all the new regu lar foot form lasts, sizes V,i to t, go at $1.50, $1.75, $1 St, ILK and $2.60. Little boys' shoes, sizes 8 to 13), from kindergarten sixes to t- ear-olds. In nice, soft vlct kids and calfskins and Just the right kind of soles, neither too heavy nor too light, at 75c, toe, $1.26 and $L60. Boys' school shoes, sizes 1 to 2, and 2'i to 6, made of vlcl kid, box calf, velour and rwuncl, single, doable and triple soles, plain and wire quilted, go at $1.25, $1.H, II.-.', $1.50, $1.75, I IDS and $2.60. mm era LM-2-lf -... l-WBSSJl