THK OMAHA DAILY BEE: IK IDA Y. SEPTEMBER- 18. 1903. SAINTS HAXDY ITU STICK Fitcber Millar Ifakei a Balloon Atoeoiioa in tha Fourth Inning. SIX RUNS DROP OUT OF THE PARACHUTE Jloerke Family "tarts Ont Well, hat thai Dutk, with Some A4altlaas la llr laalasre, "Was Taa I.araa to OTrcn, ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Sept. 17.-8peclal Tele- im.) The Roha family was handy with the wagon tongue today while their friends from Omaha war a Uttla oft In fielding. Tha Fame waa looae and uninteresting, but tha small crow of fans who donned their ovareoata and braved the cold weather atald to tha and. , The visitors made two runa In the open lot inning. Carter a ngled to left and waa sacrificed to second by O.-nlna. Luty Mil ler alngled to left. Welch got a two-base hit Into right Held, scoring Carter and ad vancing Miller to third. Bhugart flew out to center, scoring Ml.ier. Thomas went cut on a Una drive to Rone. The locala could rot score In the first Inning, even after th firat man up, Phil Olade, got a two bagger. Garvin flew out to left. Roha want out on a popup to Shugart and Reta iner on an Infield grounder. The vU.t.ra added another run In the third. Oenlna went out on a popup to Rohe. Dusty Mil ler got a two-bagger Into left Held and wnt to third on Welch's Infield out. Bhu- I.ur-la: renrer. Vhltetlflge and Bchlel. oore, second game: fci. IWnver 0 10 111 0 12 4 Milwaukee ...OloeelOO 19 IS 1 flatteries: Milwaukee, Kenna and Lucia; lenver, Kyler and Bclilel. Kaaaaa City Ilea Molaea Divide. KANSAS CITT, BepL 17. Kansas City and Des Mnlnea divided honor In a double header here today. Cable pitched a fine game, but Cutliman waa hit hard In tha first. Craig was given poor support In tha aecond. Attendance 200. Score, first game: R.H.K. Kam.nn City ...1 0 1 1 t M 1 M II I lea Moines ....0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0-0 7 ( flatteries: Kansas City, Cable and Mes slttj lies Moines, Cushman and Marshall. 8-ore. set-ond game: H U E. Tes Moines ....1 0 t 1 1 0 0 0 0 7 1 Kansas City ...0 0000100 0-1 I Batteries: Kansas City, Craig and Mes sltt; Les Moines, Harvey and Marshall. taaalBa; of tha Teams. riiyed. Won. Lost. Milwaukee Colorado Hprlngs Kanssa City Su J'laeph Peoria Denver Dea Molnea Omaha 124 ..H ..3 ..119 ..125 ..125 ..124 so 75 61 6S 67 64 60 4 61 fr) f-7 67 m JVC. .51.1 .521 .4-4 .4r .418 .4u3 No games; season declared ended. two bases. R. Miller hit to the Infield end Oondlng was caught off second. Carter walked to firat. Oenlna went out on an In field grounder. D. M.ller flew out to left. Miller took the balloon route In the fourth and the locala had scored six runs bciore be came down. Garvin went out on a line drive to Bhugart. Rohe got a two-tiga hit to center field. Kemmer singled to center, acorlng Rohe. Hartman singled to right, advancing Kemmer to aecond. Flake singled to center, scoring Kemmer. Mc Connell went out on an Infield grounder, advancing Hartman and Plate each a base. McBrlde singled, scoring Hartman and Plake. McBrlde stole second and third, I s oring on k Howie's, single. Phil Glade f singled to left, scoring Howie who had gone all the way around, on a aortas of errors. Garvin retired the side with un in field grounder, his aecond out In thla half. The visitors failed to score In the fifth. Welch walked to first. Bhugart and Thomas went out on Infield grounders. Hlckey went out on a popup to McBrlde. Tha Balnte Increased their lead by one run. Rohe was passed to first. Kemmer beat out an lnfie:d hit, while Rohe stole ifhlrd. The latter scored on Hartman- In- field out. Plake went out on a popup to Vliugart. McConnell went out on an In Held grounder. Omaha scored one run In the sixth. Gondlng reached first safely on Rohe'a error of his Infield hit. R. Miller ctruck out Carter got a two-base hit Into deep renter. Genlns - flew out to. left, scoring Gondlng. Dusty Miller flew out to center. McBrlde went out on an Infield grounder. Howie and Phil Glade struck out. In the seventh Bt. Joseph scored again, Garvin got to first on an error by Thomas. Rohe sacrificed to Welch. Garvin went to third on a wild pitch. Kemmer hit safe, scoring (iffrvln, Hartman aent a grounder to Mil ler and Kemmer was caught at third. Hartman was caught at third fix an at tempt to steal. Omaha scored two In the ninth. Carter hit to center, Oenlna wa'.ked, D. Miller struck out, Welch hit to center and Carter crossed the rubber; Shugart waa thrown out at first by McBrlde; meanwhile Oenlna scored. Thomas was thrown out at first. ST. JOSEPH. AB. R. H. O. A. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Laalsvllle ana Toledo Break Evea la Closllg Games oa Farmer's Groaaaa. LOUISVILLE. Ky., Sept. 17. Louisville closed the season here today, breaking even with Toledo In a double-header. The first game waa a slugging match, which the locals won easily. The second game developed Into a farce after McCord, who started to pitch, gave the firat alz men bases on balls, forcing three runs across tha plate. Kerwtn, who relieved him, fared little better. Catcher Bhrlever rtfthpH IhK Inat Innlna atrtlrtnr nut thr.. gart was paased to firat. Thomas singled ! men. Umpire Cunningham called the see- to center, scoring D. Miller and advancing !ld frame on account of darkness after five Bhugart to second. Hlckey flew out to j !&Vnr."t" AtUndanoe- 25- center. One, two, three order for the Lousvillr. ' Toledo. Saints. McBrlde struck out. Howie and' R.H.o A E B h o a b. Phil Olade went out on lnflcld grounders. hIT'"'::: i s 4 ai'. '. ". l I i o l For Omaha, Gondlng hit to left field for Braahaar. tb. 1 l HChiMa. 14 11 uvvtii, a . a w v nernin, ri. a 4 v w v Rulllran, lb. I 4 I CiHHallna;, e... 1 1 I I CWtn.r, It... 1 4 CSrhaub, I I 1 Whit. Ill OTsrnar. lb... 44414 Qulnlan, as.. 1 I 1 I Madding, ct.. 4 114 0 Bohanaoa, p. 1 1 4 1 0.Couhltn, p.. 4 4 4 1 1 Totals ... I II IT I jl Touts ... 4 14 14 I I Loulsvllla i 4 0 1110 1 Toledo 0 000000044 Two-base hits: Kerwln. Turner. Three base hits: Owen. Stolen hases: Odwell (2). Heddlng, While. Sacrifice hit: Had dtng. Basea on balls"; Off Borfannon. I; off Coughlln, 2. Struck out: By Bohan non, 4; by Coughlln. I Hit by pitcher: Suliivan. Passed balls: Relating. 1; White, 2. Double plays: Chllds to Turner to Owen; Kllng to RIllng to Turner; Rels ling to Owen. Left on bases: Louisville, 10; Toledo, 12. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Cun ningham. Score, second game: TOLKi0. LOf ISVILLI. R.H.O.a.E.) R.H.O A. E. 114 4 Kara-la. p-rf. 114 10 I I 1 I Hrt. lb 044 1 1 4 3 0 Braahear, 2b. I I 1 t 1114 0 Odwrll, ct. .. 114 1 0 0 0 Saltlvan, Jb. 0 1 0 I I 4 1 1 ( Irmer, if... Ill 14 10 1 Whit, c 4 0 4 14 14 0 Qulnlsn. M. . 4 4 4 4 10 10 Mi-rord, p... 4 4 4 Walker, rf... 4 1 4 II I IS T 4 ShrlSTer, p.. 1 1 4 Totals ... T 11 II Toledo 7 2 1 8 0-13 Louisville 1 11117 Two-base hits: Kerwln. Clymer, Smith, Schaub (2. Crist&U (2). Three-base hit: Odwell, Struck out: Bv Kerwln, 2; by Bhrlever. 3. Wild pitches: Kerwln, . Time: 1:15. Umpire: Cunningham. Mllwaakee ana St. Paal Divide. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Chleaas Takes Two froaa Philadelphia Tkrssgk the Good Work of Taylor. CHICAGO. Pept. 17 -The locals took both (rames from Philadelphia today. Errors snd Mitchell's wlldness gave them the first. The visitor", playid a nearly perfect game In the seciLd but were unable to hit Taylor, who relie? Currle after four nine had been made off Eight of Chicago's hits were bunched In the three lnn.nga they scored In. Attendance, 1.000. Score, firat game: CHICAOO I PHILADELPHIA. R.H.Oil l B.H.O.A . Slr1. cf.... 1 1 4 4 4 Thomas, cf.. 4 4 14 4 Mrt arthj. It 1 1 1 4 4 Barry, If 4 t I 4 4 thanca, lk... 1 4 14 4 4 WoWt'n. lb. 4 4 4 1 4 Jan. rf I 1 1 4 0 Tltun, rf 4 1 1 4 4 Tinker, ss... I I 1 T i Hallman. lb. 4 4 4 4 1 XUns. r 1114 0 Douslaax, lb. 4 4 T 4 4 Crr. Ik ... 4 4 14 1 HulmrlU, as. 1 1 4 1 1 Caaer. lb.... 4 114 4 II nth. c 4 1 I '1 1 Luadfrso, p. 4 4 4 I 0 Mitcbtll, p.. 4 1 4 4 1 Total! ... 4 T 17 M 11 ToUla ... 1 I 14 7 4 Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 0 ' Phliaaelphla 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Left on bases: Chicago, 8: Philadelphia, S. Two-bnse hits: Hulswitt, Kllng. Bacrifice hits: Wolvcrton 2), Thomas, Tinker. livers, Hallman. Etolen bases: McCarthy 2). ouble Dlnva: Kvers to Tinker 10 Chance; Kllng to Lvers; Kllng to Tinker to Cafey. Btruck out: By Lundgren. ; by Mitchell. Passed balls: Roth. Bases on balls: on undaren. 2: off Mitchell. 1. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Emslle and Moran. Score, second game: CHICAOO. I rHILADELmiA. R H O A E I R.H.O. A X. cf.... 110 0 l'Thomu. cf.. 0 114 4 4 0 Barry. If 4 I I 4 4 4 WoWfa. lb. 1 1 4 0 4 4 O'Tltua. rf 4 1 1 4 4 MrCartbr, III I I banc, lb.. 111 'ones, rf I I 4 Tlnkw, aa Kilns, c. Erra. lb. aiwT. 30. Currle. p. Taylor, p. Totals Chicago .... Philadelphia Left on baaea Smith. If Owen, aa Childa. lb.... Rrrnanl, rf., Kllrow, c... Bchaub, lb... lunwr. lb... Haiillng, cf.. Crlatall, p... Total! Two-base hits: Slaaie. McFetrldge. Doug' lass. Casey. Sacrifice hit: Hulswitt. Stolen bases: Jones Vi), Tinker, woiverton, unance. Double plays: Tinker to Chance to Hall man to Douglass. Struck out: By Currle, by Taylor. 1; by McFetredge. 2. Fsse on balls: Oft Currle. 2; off McFetredge 6. Time: 1:41. Umpires: Moran and Kmslle. Brooklya Wlas Oae, Other Tied. BT. LOUIS. BeDt. 17. 8t. Louis lost the first and drew In the aecond game of a double-header here today. Thatcher had St. Louia b anked tin to the nintn inning. when some timely hitting gave St. Louis a run. In the second game uavy urain prac- Iratllv threw the arame away In the nintn Inning when he threw the ball against the fence, allowing Sheckard to score the tle Ing run. Game waa called on account of darkness. Attendance, 876. Score, first game: BROOKLYN. i BT. LOUIS. R.U.O.A I H H O.i l Strang. 16... 1 1 I 1 0 Dnnlaary, rf. 0 1 I 1 0 us moot, ct.... s s I O'Braln, aa 0 0 110 OHurks, 3b.... 11110 0 Barclay, It... 0 I I 4 4 0, lb 4 0 10 1 0 0 Bart. b 0 I 1 I 0 II J. O'Ntll, (.4 4 4 1 4 0 Browna, p... 4 10 14 I 1 r. Glade, rf... iarla. It t Kobe. 3b Kommer, lb.... Itattmaii, cf.. Plake, as McConnell, c. McHridf. 2b... Howie, p Totals S3 I U OMAHA. AB. R- H. ! Mill Welch. Carter, rf UMnlna, Jb.... Miller. If.. lb Kliugart, 2b... l'homua, ss... Hlckey. cf.... Vtiding, C... A Miller,' p... o. 0 : 1 10 k 0 0 0 E. 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 t 0 11 .0 0 0 1 .20100 24 0 1 1 0 14 0 0 2 4 Totals St. Joseph .... Omaha Bases on balls: Off Howie, 3; off Miller, 1. 8truck out: By Howie, 2; by Miller, 4. "Wild pitches: By Howie. 0; by Miller, 2. Two-base iilta:- Olade. , Rohe. Kemmer, Carter. D. Miller, Welch. G ndlng. Double play: Bhugart to Welch. Left on bases: lit. Joseph, 4; Omaha, a Time: 1:20. L'm 4re: Kelly. Peoria Takes Two. . PEORIA, Sept 17. Peoria defeated Colo Hprings in a double header this after Vi'hmi by opportune hitting and fast fielding. Mine second game waa called in the sixth Inning on account of darkneaa. Score. flrt fame: R.H E. eorla ' 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 2 210 11 0 Colo. Sprlnga..l 03100103 14 4 Batteries? Peoria, Barry and Hessler; Colorado Springs, Wllleman and Doran. Score, aecond game: R H E. Peoria " I 13 12 4-13 1 0 Colo. Springs 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 Batterlea: Peoria, Friend and Hessler; Colorado Springs, Buchanan and Doran. Mllwaakee aad Deaver Split Evea. MILWAUKEE. Sept. 17 Milwaukee and TVnver spill even In today'a double header. MePherson pitched great bail In the first game, while heavy hitting characterised the second, . Attendance, 150. Score, first game: RH.E. Milwaukee 0 2030001 7 71 Denver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 4 I Batteries: Milwaukee, McPbersoa and MILWAUKEE. Sept. 17. Milwaukee split even with St. Paul today. Milwaukee's excellent fielding was too much for St. Paul's heavy batting In the second game. Attendance. 600. Score, firat game: BT. PAUL. MILWAUKEE. R.H. OAs!! R.HO-AK nlcr, lb 1 4 0 1 OOanlry. It... 4 4 4 4 4 Shannon, ef. . 4 I 4 4 OiUonahae, lb. 4 0 S 1 0 Jackson, rf.. 4 0 I 4 (I Wood, e 4 1 14 1 4 t. aa. 0 0 t I fil'nglaub. lb. 0 1 1 1 4 Plrrc. o 0 0 T 0 O'Htmphlll, lb 0 0 I t I riournoy. K. 0 4 I 4 t' Dunlsary. cf. 4 4 1 0 0 Whreler. th. 0 1 1 4 llVloi. as 4 0 4 0 0 Sulllyaa, lb. 4 4 II 1 lironnor, rf... 4 4 14 4 Vorbatl, p.... 4 4 4 T liBlllott, p.... 4 4 4 1 1 Totals ...T 117 10 tl TeUls ...4 in 4 4 Bt. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Milwaukee 0 OOOOOOOO-O Two-base hit: Unglaub. Stolen base: Hemphill. Bacrifice hits: Ganley, Hemp hill. Struck out: By Elliott, 1; by Cor Lett. 3. Hit by pitched ball: Pierce. Double play: Wheeler to Schaefer to Sul livan. Left on baaes: Milwaukee, 6; tit. Paul,. (. Time: 1:37. Umpire: Mullane. Score, second game: hULWAUKKR. I ST. PAUL. R.H O A E I B.H.O.A E. Ganlay, cf... 1 1 4 0 4 Orlr. lb. 4 1114 Do.iabu. lb. 0 0 II 0 0 Shannon, cf. 0 0 0 0 0 Wood, c 4 0 4 1 OJackion. rt . 1 14 10 t nalaub. lb. 1,1 I I 4h.-ha.lcr, aa. I I I I 4 Hauipblll, lb. I I I I 1 Plrc. I I 4 I 4 Duilcavy, it. 4 1 0 4 0 Plournoy, If. 1 I 4 4 1 Vioi, aa 1 4 I i 0 Whntlcr. Ib. 4 1 4 1 I fonnora, rt.. 1 1 1 1 4 BulllTaa, lb. 4 4 T I 4 Suniiual, p... 0 1 0 4 4 Uartoa. p 4 0 14 1 ToiaU ... 7 7 40 14 ll ToUla ... 4 1127 14 I None out when winning run waa scored Milwaukee 3 00300100 17 Et. Paul 8 00001020 08 PBrn.rf run.- Xf 1 1 .n .1 Uu . Cf Vil K Two-base hits: Unglaub, Dunleavy, Sct'iaf fer, 3; Jackaon, Pierce. Flournoy. Stolen baaea: Hemphill. Schaefer. Hit by pitched ball: By Wood, Pierce. Passed ball: Pierce, Sacrifice hits: Slimmel, 3: Donahue, Shan Hon. Struck out: By Sthnmel. 3: by Barto. 3. Left on bases: Milwaukee, ; St. Paul, s. lime: i:o. umpire: Muuane. ladfaaapolla shots Oat Colambaa. COLUMBUS. Sept. 17. Indianapolis shut out Columbus today In a fast game. The locals' new left handed pitcher. Hardy, oia wen. Attendance ivi. ecore: INDIANAPOLIS. I COLUMBUS. R.H.O A I B.H.O.A X Klhm. lb.... 14 4 1 0 Oleaaoa. tb.. 4 0 4 0 0 rex. lb 1 0 0 4 0 Arudt. If 0 4 1 4 4 Husriavar, r l l o Turuir, lb... 0 I I I Woodruff. If. 0 0 3 0 0 Bannoa, cf.. 0 10 4 Lll. s 4 I 4 1 0 Cllnsmaa. as 4 4 4 4 Loultar, cf... 4 4 4 0 4 Mrllur, lb... 4 1 T 4 Marcan, aa... 11111 Wagaar, rf.. 0 13 0 Haa. lb 1 1 1 1 0 Po. 4 4 4 1 Ford, p 4 4 14 O.Hardy, p 4 4 4 1 Touts ... I I 27 4 ll Totals ... 4 I 17 4 Indianapolis 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0-3 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Karned runs: Indianapolis, 1. Sacrifice nite: woodruff. Two-base hit: Uannon, Basca on balls: Off Hardy, 2; off Kord, 3. Hit Dy piuner: By Hardy, 3. Time: l:3S. empire: iiasaeu. taadlac of Iho Toaaas. Played. Won. Lost. St. Paul .... Louisville ... Milwaukee , Indianapolis Kansaa City Columbus .. Minneapolla Toledo Games today: 122 135 . 133 . V . lJt , 13b 13U . 134 81 75 75 64 66 47 4 45 64 bS tl (A 80 M 7 P.O. .659 .tiJ .5-14 .661 .buu .4o .32 .300 St. Paul at Milwaukee, Columbus, Indianapolis at Toledo. Minneapolis at Ksnsaa City, Louisville at IX UbJ emiinniatism the: ri2V iciivo.1 Thoso who hve cret felt iti keen, cnttins; pains, or witnessed the intense raftering ol others, know that RheumAtism is torture, ana mat 11 i ngnuy called 4t The Kinir of Pain." ' All do not suffer alike. Some are suddenly seired with the most excrucia ting pains, and it seems every muscle and joint ia the body was being torn asunder. " Others feel only occasional slight pains for weeks or months, when a sudden chanz ia the weather or exposure to damp, chilly winds or night air brings on a fierce attack, lasting for days perhaps and leaving the patient with a weakened constitution or crippled and deformed lor ail time. An acid, polluted condition of the blood is the cause of every form and Tarietyof Rheumatism, Muscular, Articular, Acute, Chronic, Inflammatory and Sciatic, and the blood must be purged and purified btfore there is an (' end to your aches and pains. External applications, the use of liniments and plasters do much toward temporary relief, but such treatment does not reach the real cause or cleanse the diseased blood ; but S. S. S., the greatest of all blood purifiers and tonics, does cure Rheumatism by antidoting and neutralizing the Doisonous acids and building up the weak and -sluggish blood. It is safe ana renaoie in an lorms 01 itneumausm. 11 mattes we old acid blood rich and nutritious, and the pain-tortured muscles and joints and the weak and shattered nerves or n ad . arrrtnir and 4Via tir avtsttrt ia iniriovwaittfwl L -a' W" and tontd up by the ose of this great vegetable remedy. V If tou have Rheumatism, write us, and our physicians will furnish without ciiargf any information aesirea, ana we win nun iree our dock on jineumaiisn jjis smrr specific co., ATuutTA, CA 4 1 4 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 j 4 11 17 11 7f Totals Hallman. lb. t 1 4 4 4 Douslaaa, lb. I 1 10 1 I HolKwItt, as. 4 1 4 4 0 1ooIb. e 4 4 4 4 4 Roth, r 4 4 14 0 altrct'lfa, p 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 14 I I .0 0114000 - .0 2020010 0-3 Chlortfo. 7; Philadelphia, Sheckard. If. 0 0 I 0 I inti ha, cf I I I 0 toyle. lb.... 1 0 11 0 rahln. aa... 0 0 11 GMlcr. rt... 0 I 0 0 Jordan. 2b... 0 0 4 I Jatklltarh, c. 0 1 4 I Thau her. p.. 0 0 0 I EMS THE WESTERN SEASON reiident Beiton Calls Off Qxmn Schedu'od for tha Nut Ten Dtyt, COLD WEATHER ASSIGNED AS REASON aye Towaa la Which Most of Oames Were to Be Playe4 Ueow Poorly Evea I ader Favorable Clreanastaaees. PEORIA, III.. Sept. lT.-After the close of today's double header President Sexton of the Western Base Ball league officially declared the leagus season closed, though ten days yet remain of the schedule. While President Bexton felt It his duty to end tha season he was loth to do so. The weather throughout the west for the past few days has been unusually bad and as there Is but little hope for the next tew days he was virtually compelled to do so. "While such sn action Is business," said he this evening, "yet I regret the turn of flairs, for the league has been progressing so nicely that It Is a shame to end the seaaofl prematurely. However, to have con tinued would have meant heavy losses for all teams snd It Is for this reason that the order was Issued. The season has been unusually prosperous In most Instances and with two exceptions, all have made money. nfortunately Denver and Omaha have had losing teams, but the patrons have been loyal and the patronage has been excep tional. All players wll be reserved and next season the Western will be on Its feet nd continue Its reputation of being the fastest minor league In existence. "After a conference with Secretary Far- rell of the National league and with the management of the various Western league clubs It has been decided to close the West ern league schedule season with today's games. AH regulations have been compiled with and all league rights will be protected. Each city will reserve the players of Its present team for the season of 1904 and the circuit for next season will be maintained exactly as It closes today. The decision to close the season now Instead of com pleting the remaining ten days of the sched ule was only reached after mature de liberation. The season thus far has been fairly good one for most of the clubs concerned, but the bad weather of the past few days, coupled with the fact that the weather outlook Is unfavorable for the re maining games, and all clubs would face a certain loss, It waa deemed advisable to declare the Western league season offi cially closed today." ToUla ... I I 17 11 0 Totals ... 1 I 17 11 4 Brooklyn 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 03 Bt. Louis o o o o o o o w l i Earned runs: St. Ixtuia. 1: Brooklyn. 2. Two-base hits: Smoot, Barclay. Double play: Thatcher to Jacklitsch to Doyle. Hit by pitched ball: By Brown, Strang. Wild pitch: Brown. Base on balls: Off Brown, 1; oft Thatcher. 1. Struck out: By Brown, 5; tv Thatcher. 3. Lrt on bases: 1st. louis. 7; Brooklyn, 3. Time: 1:43. Umpire; John stone. Score, second game: 8T. LOt'li. I BROOKLYN. i ii tt i B ' nurta DnnlMTy, rf. 1 1 3 1 0'Stranc, Sb..l 3 I 1 1 I Kmuot, cf.... 4 110 OSnerhara. If. 1 4 I Brain, aa ... j iODta. v a Burk. lb... 14 11 l'noyte. lb.... 0 1 11 Barclay. If... 0 0 1 0 0tahln. a... 4 I 1 Hyaa, lb 4 I I 4 0'Owlar, rf... 4 1 4 Brta. lb 1 1 1 1 I Jordan. Jb... 0 4 4 O'N.II. c 1 1 T 4 0 Jarklltacb. p. 1 4 I Hackolt, p... 13 4 1 (nBuhntdt. p... 1 11 ToUla ... I 11 17 H 4i ToUla ... I 10 17 IK 1 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 B Brooklyn 0 0 S 0 0 0 1 0 10 Earned runs: Brooklyn. 1: Bt. Louis. B. Two-base hits: Hackett, Smoot. Three- hasR hits: Sheckard. Hackett. Bacnnce nit O Nell. Double play: O'Nfll to. Jtyan, liases on cans: un: tiacaett, a. otmca out: By Hackett. 6: by Schmidt, 4. Left on bases: St. Louis, 7; Brooklyn, 0. Time: 1:37. Umpire: Johnstone. Postponed Caaaea. PiTTSBITRCJ. BeDt. 17. The Pittsburg Boston game waa postponed on account of cold weatner. mere win oe two games to morrow. CINCINNATI. Bent. 17. The Cincinnati New York game wus postponed on account of cold weatner. Btaaolaar of the Teams. 4 1 Pittsburg . New York . Chicago ... Cincinnati . Brooklyn . Boston Philadelphia St. Louis ...ISO ...131 ...lai ...128 ...127 ...IIS ...UO Won. Lost. P C. 87 43 . 669 70 S2 .6tS 77 61 .001 69 67 .548 64 63 .6"4 63 76 .411 41 CI .336 42 8 .323 Games today: Boston at Pittsburg. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Bat Oae la Played aad Bostoa Will Take Championship hy Wla alas froaa Clevelaad. BOSTON. Sept. 17. Bostoa definitely won the championship of the American league today by defeating Cleveland. 14 to I In game marked by the heavy batting of the locals. The game was called tn the eighth on account of darkness. A stop by Lajoie was the feature. Cleveland s loose neluing swelled Boston's total. Attendance 6,11)4. Score; BOSTON. I CLEVELAND. R H O A E R HO A E.i Douab.rty. If I 4 4 4 rilrk, rt 4 4 4 4 Colllna, lb... I I I 1 1 liay, U 113 4 4 Stalil. ct 1110 0 Bradlry, lb.. 4 14 1 Fneman, rf. I I I 0 0 LJola, lb.... 0 4 13 Parent, as... till 4 Hamla, lb.... 1164 Iji'h.nca. lb I I I 4 I Lou. ef 4 1 1 4 Parrla. lb ... I 114 I Abbott. ..., 4 4 11 r.rr.11. c ... 114 1 oaorha'er. as. 1 1 4 3 WlnUr. p.... 4 4 4 4 6 Rboadsa, p... 4 111 ToUla ...11 17 M 11 l' ToUla ...3 Til's Boston 4 1 1 S t 1 0 14 Cleveland 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 03 Earned runs: Boston. I: Cleveland. 2. Two-base hits: Freeman, Parent, Ferris Ferrell. Bradley. Three-bate hits: Stahl. Colllna. Home run: Ferris, Colllna. Double piaya: rereni to f erns to ia(Jhance Stolen bases: Colllna. LaChance. First base on balls: Off Winter, 2. Hit by pitched Rhoadea, 2. Time: 1:30. Umpire: O Laugh It a. Foatpoaed Games. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 17. The Phll-adelphia-St. Louia games were postponed on account or rain. WASHINGTON. Sept. 17. The Wsshlng- ton-ueirott game waa postponed on ac count of wet a-rounda. NEW YORK, Sept. 17.-The Chicago-New York game was postponed on account of raau. (taadlac of Iho Tcaaaa. Plan Boston a 177 Cleveland l'J Philadelphia 123 New Yuck . Detroit St. Louis .. Chicago ... Waahlngton Games today: Won. Lost P."; 84 43 .3 72 67 66 67 .537 U 64 ' .617 61 64 .44 60 65 AM 66 60 .446 3 37 .310 ...AM ...126 ....12$ ....126 Chicago at New York. St. Louia at Philadelphia. Iielrolt at Wa ton, Cleveland at Boston. ihing Races at Yaakloa Fair. YANKTON. 8. D-. Sect. 17.-(8Deolal Tel egram.t Attendance at the state fair was 4,i"). TracK lair. Keaults: The 2 2M trot waa won by Kadrolas. Mel or anon second. Vera H third. Time: 2.17V lacing. 2:45 clasa. seven startera. purse -j: won ny ma ance. Liva i second, Arteona Itusaeil third. Elva D tell on the stretcn in the second neat. Pony race, three starters, purse 150: Won by May Bell. Babe second, Koan Babe third. In warming up for the running race Pug III, a stallion, bolted and threw his rider against the fence at the Judges stand. breaking- two ribs. Another rtdt-r was pu uu and the race started. Pus 111 broke hli right hind leg ou the stretch and must be killed. strikes Oaf Twrsly Mea. BA88ETT. N. b . Bent 17 -SDecial Tele gram.) The A I us worth and baaseit teams played a game of ball here today, result Ins In a victory for Bassett. The score waa 6 to 1 Artua and Hill constituted ths battery for baaartt and V llaon and Slur hy for Alnsworth. Artua pitched a Sblen did game, fanning twenty men. Tha score would have been very close but for two er- i run V'l iu M.. vi Aimwuiia. juoawifl I piey a rteapoii esre tomorrow. 'e.-A . ' : 1 I K5 1 EVERY i aaml !&c. (Bigg as. Duplicates another Crerao. It never varies in quality, aroma or price. (2) & .'p.;- mm II Vv Cremo la cigar of Inrsriablo roodness that ia sold in ivory town a4 at tha pas? prim of 5 casta. Any 4MM tost sens it tor lest does so witn in endeavor to reoect on urcmo quauty at the cost of The Largest Selling Brtuid of Cigars in the World. Tt9 Band Im iff 8immkorM PimmcUmm. olds at six furlongs at Kenllworth today. Results: First race, one mile and one-sixteenth. elling: Arrah Uowan won. Flora B:lght second. Cursus third. Time: 1 :61V Second race, five and one-half furlong, selling: Overhand won. Caddie Mac sec ond. Oreenfleld third. Time: 1:104. Third race, one mile: oarsman won. Courtmaid second, Vnmasked third. Time: :42. Fourth race, six furlongs: The Quick step, selling: Dl:k Turpln won. Silver urenm second, Sourle third. Time: 1:15. Fifth race, one mile and one-eighth, sell- ng: Co.. Anderson won. Lunar aecond. Latrobe third. Time: 1:56. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Amor ous won, Dr. Stuckv aecond, Kentucky Rose third. Time: 1:15. PROGRAM FOR CRESCEUS DAY Errata Whleh Will Come Off at Trl- Clty Amalear Driving Clob Track Catarday. Practically all arrangements have been completed for the matinee of the Trl City Amateur Driving club at the track on Saturday, and the races will start at 1:30 p. m. . Cresceus, the champion stal lion trotter, will try to establish a record to beat his world's record of 2:084 for a mile. He will be paced by "Mike, the Tramp," and a White touring car. Cres ceus has the right of tha track and will race at about 4 o'clock, possibly later. The balance of the program consists of the following: Single horses to runabouts, horses snd not appointments to count: Entries, L. C. Bysune, 2; Edward Peck,' Charles Creigh ton, F. A. Nash. C. C. Kendall and N. B. Vpdike. ' . "''" Double teams to show horses, and not appointments to count: . Entries, Arthur Smith, Ward Burgess, JH. Evans, J. C. Wharton and F. S. Cowglll. Half mile, class A, 1:07: Tony W., W. A. McKay; Blugen, C. C. Kendall; Nellie Ash, Dr. Langdon, and George Castle, T. Dennlson. Half mile, class B, 1:10: Mable L., d. Q. Trey; Laddie N., F. A. Nash; Ardine, Clinton Brlggs; Black Hawk, R. A. Thomp son, snd Roy F., Floyd J. Campbell. Half mile, clasa C, 1:14: Rose M., Joseph Johnson; Van Tine, F. A. Nash; Ruth Jestor, Clinton Brlggs; Mardlne, Clinton Brlggs, and Princess, C. F. Reed. An effort will be made to have a matched race between Mr. Ketcham's White tour ing car and one of Frederickson's automobiles. In the opinion of Mr. Campbell, secretary of tha Trl-Clty Amateur Driving club. "Cresceus Day," Saturday, will be the greatest event of Its kind In the history of Omaha. The show horse exhibit will be first on the program ,and will be called on promptly at 1:30 In the afternoon. In his effort to lower his record of 2:08U for the mile on a half-mile track, the champion stallion will be paced by "Mike the Tramp," a runner, and a White touring automobile. The trial race against Father Time Is expected to furnish a grand spec tacle of speed and prowess of the premier stallion of the world. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Oaly Three of ila Starters Flalahed ta Emerald steeplechase at Hawthorae. CHICAOO, Sept. 17. Only three of tha six starters finished in the Emerald ateeplechase over the short course, the leaiure 01 tne liawtnorna card today. nraujia. First race, one mile: Lady Joeelvn won Emir second, Florence II third. Time: 1:4. BticoM race, steeolechase. Emerald stake Short course: HanUvice won, Falella sec ond. Indian II third. Time: 3:17,. Third race, six furlonaa: The Kentuek. Ian won, M ureses second. Rag Tag third. aime: i.ity. Fourth race, one mile: Judas Humes am Luraltchter second. Kickaway third. Tlma: ana. Fifth race, one mile and one-ela-nth: O'Hagen won, lampoon second, Barrack third. Time: i:0L Sixth race. five furlonn: Wannlez J-100K0 won, casrine aecona, Katie Powers intra. Time pot taken. Ktw IURK. Beet. 17 Mud runnera were again In demand at Graveaend today. The Parkvtl'.e handicap was won by Shot gun, the favorite, who won from start to nnian. Keauita: First race, selllna. about six furlonss King Pepper won, Eva Russell second, Elnle L third. Time: 1:13. Second race, one mile and one-sixteenth. handicap: Carbuncle won. April Showers second. Young Henry third. Time: :4!k. Third race, about six lurlongs, the Park vllle stakes: Shot run won. Wild Thvma aecond. Futurlta third. Time: 1:12. Fourth race, one mile and one-sixteenth, the Speculation: Daisy Oreen won, Koa la nd aecond, Thorneycroft third. Time: l:4:. Fifth race, about six furlonra: Aristoc racy won, Molin second. Ruby Ring intra, nine: 1 :izyt Sixth race, one mile and seventy yarda Gaviota won, 1st roller second, Sluyve third, lime; 1:411. ST. Lut'ld. Sept. 17-Misa Mae Day. at even money, won the September stake race. rteauits: ' First race, six furlongs: Behoove won cscanaba second, Ultra v ires third. Time 1:24 V,, Second race, six snd one-half furlongs W'llhelml.ia won. Sting second. Whiten intra, lime: l:3lVi. Third race, one mile: Don O'High won, LSI. Lech second. Town Moor thl Time Fourth race, one mile. SeDtember stakes Miss Mae Day won, Jordan second, W. B. uaies mira rime: 1 i. Fifth race, five and one-half furlonrs Wenrirk won. Atlas second. Walnut Hill third. Time: 1:15. Sixth race, one mile and one-sixteenth Branch won. Kl Caney aecond, CI 00 Ooo third Time: 1 SB BL'FFA IX). Bept 17 -Dick Turpln won IM wutcaiw; salUAg SLaaaa lor I-yeax EVENTS ON TROTTING TRACKS Strong; Wind Keeps Daa Patch from Trying; to Break Record. READVILLE. Mass.. Sent. 17 Almost a gale swept down the stretch at the Read vllle track today and It prevented Dan Patch attempting to break nis record. uummsry : Trotting. 2:14 class, purse S3.000: I Mazetto, blk. g. (Nlckerson) 1 1 1 Norrle, b. g. (Shank) t i I I Dillon Boy, b. h. 1 Hudson) t 1 John Mac. b. g. (Milan) ...5 4 4 iuck Berry, n. g. (israelii 4 Direct View. blk. h. (Curry) 6 S i Oxford Chimes, blk. g (Hodge) ds Time: JC11H. i-.vt. z:ltw. Trotting. 3:15 class, purse 11,000, two In ! three: I Rowllan. b. e. (Golden) 1 1 ' Millard Sanders, b. g. (MerriHeld) 2 I Midnight, Mk. h. (Cox) 6 S Dreamer, blk. h. (Loughlln) S Katrlnka O (Miller) S 4 Mary Rachel, ch. m. (Timothy) 4 5 Hllgar, b. g. (Spear) ds Time: 2:13H. Z:m. Pacing. 2:0:1 class, purse $2,000: Nervolo, b. h. (Hudson) 2 2 111 Locanda. br. h. (Golden) 1 12 2 2 Terrell S. ch. g. (Lasell) 4 Sltt Miss Willamont. If. in zils Dlab'lto, b. g. (Curry 6ds Brown Heels, b. h. vDodge) 6ds Time: il:0S. z.0P, 2;oti, 2:11. Wagon race, silver cun. tmateurs to drive: Ack and.' ch. tc. (Mr. Belledeau) 1 1 Silver Glow, b. a. (Mr. Saunders) t 2 Crowshade, blk. g. tMr. Plant) 2 6 Fashion, ch. m. (Mr. Farmer) 4 a Altwood, b. m. (Mr. Shepard) 4 Time: 1:1a, ::i4t. With the Bowlers. The Clarksons lost to the Orphans last night on Clark's alleys. Score: 1st. 2d. 3d. Totals Gilchrist 144 1S9 132 Brunko 1 14 17 L. J. Schneider lbg lbi iti Murphy 150 15 172 potter 147 1&9 201 Totals... Francisco Norton . . . Conrad ... Marble ... Clurkson . 416 6U7 42 487 607 X4S6 748 849 8a CLARKSONS. 1st. 2d. 2d. Totals. Totals. .144 144 171 177 157 158 143 170 1S3 1HJ 189 183 134 lt!9 L3 791 829 834 4f9 492 4H 665 4J2 Good ghootlag Near York. YORK. Neb.. BeDt. 17. (Speclal.)-Hunt- ers are having great sport at this time. Never before were ducks so plentiful In York county and huntera think nothing of bringing In from fifteen to fifty ducka. This year ducks stayed during the sum mer on tne many ponas ana lanes, oeverai accidents have occurred to hunters. Mr. Thomas Pence, one of the leading pros perous farmers near York, waa injured oulte seriously from the kick or reaction of a heavily loaded gun, the breech strik ing him on the nose and lacerating his luce so mar nis oesi inenus ao not recog nise him. Owing to good hunting, nearly every one owning a gun bt enjoying the sport. The Signal of Distress Whites of eyes and skin yellow show liver trouble and Jaundice. Dr. King's New Life Pills cure or no pay. Only 26c For sale by Kubn St Co. Senator Scott Very 111. IiVNVFR. Bent. 17. The condlt'on Of t'nlled States Senator Nathan B. Scott of Went Viikinia. who la sick with illeocollUa at the Blown Palace hotel In this city, was reported to be sllgntiy improvta mis morn ing, although It is still regarded as very grave. The senator's wife Is now at bis bedsida OF fit m It is not so much of a calamity that a man contracts disease or w eakness es, but that he neglects them or fails to secure the proper treatment for their cure. Why wait until your whole system becomes polluted with disease, or until your nervous system Is tottering under the strain, and you are a physical and mental wreck, unfit for work, businefls, study or marriage? Uncertain or Im proper treatment can only do harm. There is only one perfect, safe and lusting curt for you. which you will find at the State Electro-Medical In stitute. Start right and start at once. nnur. a i .U'.n flanffavAii. I TREAT HEX OJiLY ASD Ct RK L TliKM UllllVl.1, IAM.LI AAU 1HUH OICHLY. 1 EVERY MAN anfferlng with aay WILL CURt YOU PRIVATE DISEASES. VARICOCELE. STRICTl'IIE. KIDXRY Oft BLAD DER DISEASES, POlSOXOls" DIS CHARGES. RI.OOD POISOX, 1VEAKEX 1 DRAINS, IMPOTEXCY, KRVO-SElTlAL DEBILITY. vlth aay of Its numerous distressing symptoms, owes It to himself, his family, and espe cially to the future generations to get cured promptly, safely and thoroughly. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 1 only. COSILTATIOK FREE. CALL OR ADDRESS State Electro-Medical Institute, 1308 Farnam St., Bet, 13th and 14th 8ts , Omaha, Neb. avw-.M."...'av CALIFORNIA AND BACK October 8 to 17, Inclusive, round-trip tickets to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles, $30.00. Liberal return limits. Stopovers allowed at many points enroute. 4 The Burlington is the SCENIC ROUTE to California. It car ries you past the grandest scen ery in the world the Hocky Mountains. Thro' standard and tourist sleepers to California daily. lt me send you folders telling all about our personally conducted excursions and , what to see tn California when you get there. Free. Mot J. B. REYNOLDS City Pass. Agt.f 1502 Farnam St., Omaha jf A BOTTLT T7 see that Tne bottli is V r YTR A DDYl Psoateimctt sr rjet.Ta to se etrrra tHn Farrjr ium. Sk Is 1st Eat, a. UKTAtLU CS aUkart. Tsawa, PM, RICHARDSON DRUO OO. Ksriralaoa a-"" It ' . I Chicago ..ONLY.. . $12.75 eas TO as and Return TICKETS ON SUE SEPT. 26. 27 and 28 For full information call at Illinois Central City Ticket office, No, 1402 Farnam Bt, Omaha, or write W.'H. BRILL, DIst, Pass. Hgt., Omaha, Neb.' : ..: 1 " rr : 1 1 Perfield's ,0 fe Bdr.. Room 7. TolophoM 70 1 Wtber. laryskCaar tadwaj latillift For Menstrual Suppression 2y PEN-TAN-GOT U t bail I kin S). Soli la Omaha r Sbaraaa BtsCaabaU Pins Co. Stall araara Sllaa. Trass sustuee rc'DRUIIICARDS MHITK DOVf. CU ft ft never ;.'ti UJctryy cru ium tor tKrufltf tlrtnk, ib t-ppewx tor wttlcli CaUajiof alwt avu-r bin LtiU rcmtMr. 6 ITCH la any Jiyui W Ha, Or WilllWUl tttoWsMLC Of DftilttsUt laV4U4M. a DR. McCREW SPECIALIST Tnaas ail Sanaa at DISEASES OF MEN ONLf A aia4laal nun- 31 Years BsearUaea. 3 It VaaralaOaiaat Kaar4U.OOOCaaaai-raal aUaaa. aiarrvus tlak.Ulr. Lms at Stratllk SaS Vtlal. Sr ul all luraaa at ti t TlHlMll tl. I'll rl, - U .- u Bhcn&aa 4h MoCobasII Uug Co., Owaha. I star m . ikj sv, mu, Vai