Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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i I
w York Looki'Liko a 'Sara Winner Up
Cincinnati Tara A roa ad 'sad Roe
Thla Record On Better la the
.; Eighth, Adding Two Mere
la the glata.
I CINCINNATI, Sept. 1 -Cincinnati won
Vrom New York today after the gamo
aeemed hopelessly loot. McGtnnlty wan hit
hrd In the last two Innings, and tha Cin
cinnati piled up erven rune. It was a
pitcher' battle up to th eventh Inning,
when New York scored five runa.. Attend-
noe. 1.972. Score; '
incinnati. , NKW Yon.
R. .H .O A B
Len iin,
"'.' 1 M tlnjwna. rf,.. o' 114
. el.. II l 1 n-.d-irn. f 4 I 4 I
'. rf 1 1 liMitMua. lb
Peeler, lb.. 1 14 1 0 M.rt... II. ..
stelnrtlt. lb. 4 1 It vBabb, m....
Ds'r. b 4 Lander. b..
Consorts, an. Ill tilt: i than, lb..
I 1 4 4 Warner. ..
f 1 11 I I McOlaaHr, p
Tetsls ... T II IT II l ToUls ... I vrtt II 1
Two out when winning run acored.
Cincinnati o 0000001 27
New York o 00000810-0
Earned runa: Cincinnati, 6; New York, .
Two-base hits: Corcoran, Pmwne, Htolen
bases: Donlln, Seymour, Gilbert. Doublo
play: Daly te Corcoran to Ueckley. Flrat
base on balla: Off Ewlng, 2; off McGlnnity,
. Hit by pitched ball: Ewlng. Left on
bases: Cincinnati. 8; New York. 8. Btruck
out: By Ewlng, 4. Time: J;oo. Umpire:
Pitcher Both Easy.
PITT8BURO, Sept. 16. Pittsburg slaugh
tered Carney by hitting him hard In every
Inning. Philllppl would have met the aame
fat had not his support been of tha sensa
tional order. Wagner, Besumont and Kru-
Ser did great work. Attendance, l.ikH).
FirrsBrnoV " i ' boston. l - ' ' R.H.O A
BMnraont, c( I I 4 0 4 lWr, rf... 1 1 I 1 I
Mark,, if.... lit ft Tenner, lb.. 11414
"bring, rf... 1114 it Ab'tlrble. lb 1 I I I 1
Waanar, ss.. I I I I lU'ool.r. It I 1 I I I
Prtimf'14, lb I 110 1 liurtoi'cor, lb 1 1 I 1 I
llltchey, lb.. 1 I I I 4 MeCrnrr. cf. 1 I 1 I I
Xruiar, lb.., I I 4 I 0 Moras. 0 I I I I
Phalpa, c... 1 1 I I ol Aubrey, u... 1 I I t 1
fBllliiipl, p.. 1 1 1 OjOaroajy p.... t 1 111
ToUls ...MMKu"l ToUM ... I 11411 I
Ptttaburt w.. ...v.... 0 f lit t 1 I -M
Boston ... 00 4 30000 t
Earned runa: Pittsburg, ; Boston. 1 Two
base hits: Phelps. Tenney. Three-base bits:
Branshald,' Kt uger; Tenney. Home run:
McCreery. bVacrTne lilt:- bexter. Btolen
bases: Dexter, Abbitttchlo Double play:'
Jvruger to Kttehle to tiranstleiu. f irst on
balls: Off Phtlllppl, 1; off Carney, 4. Btruck
out: By Philllppl, 1; by Carney, 2. Passed
balla: - Moran. (;. Wild pitches: Carney
(2). Time: 2:00. Umpire: Hurst.
Post po neel Games.
CHICAGO, flept. IS Tha Chlcago-Phlla-delphla
game waa postponed on account of
wet grounds.
8T. LOITI8. Sept. 1. The double-header
between St. Louis and Brooklyn was post
poned because of wet grounds.
Btandtnc ol the Teams.
Played. Won. Lst
nttsburg ...
isew York ..
Uroohiyu ...
fit. Loula ...
Qames todays ' Boston at Pittsburg,
Brooklyn at Bt. Louis, New York at Cin
cinnati, Philadelphia at Chicago.
Mlaaeapolla Takea Two from Mil
vraakea aa Claae et lissea ea '
Hpme ' Groaada.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 18. -The local ball
season cloaed today with a double-header.
Tha locala won the first gam by ninth
Inr.iiirf ra.fiVfnf'ViJ tne5 'wr-out. Wuel
lr kopt. hits scattered ln .the second game,
while Williams wan batted some In the
first Inning. Attendance, 150. Score, first
game: - .
ffulltvsS. f.. Ill e OOsnley.- rf... I 1 I I I
Matoney, rf.. 0 114 4 Ito.ithu. lb. I 1 14 1 4
Oflr, a..... 4 t I I OVniUub, lb. ft 1 4 I I
Mrlntyn. lb. 4 I 1 1 1 Hcmrhlll, cf. 1 1 1 ft 4
lAlly. If.,.,, ft 4 1 1 f fl.-!l(l.. lb. I I I I I
Iwiir, 1 4 1 1 1 1'unlM'r. If. 1 ft I ft I
rxKir, lb.. 1 I 17 I ft loi, '. A ft A I
Wsnln. lb... ft. ell illiwr, c ft I I I
Mcrmcala, p. ft 9 I I C.H.rwlllh. p.. I I I 1
WillUnu, p., 4 4 4 1 u
. TOtSl- I 111 II
Totals ... I 111 11 I V
" Meredlth out on bunt strikes.
Two out when winning run was made.
Minneapolis 00000100 23
Milwaukee .0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 0-1
Two-base hit: Fipooner. Flrt base on
balla: Off MeDonuld. 2: off Wllllama. 1;
off Meredith. 3. Struck out: I'.y Meredith,
R; by McDonald. ). Hit bS bitched ball:
By Meredith. .2. Double play: Ovler to
Martin to Spooner. Let on bases: Min
neapolis, f: Milwaukee, I. Time: 1:20. Lin
plre: Mullane.
Bcora, aeoond game:
P , - I.IO.i.1 It. H. OA. a
(f Osnley. rf ... ft 4 1 I t gulllTtn. cf. 4 ft I I 4
J . I Ixmanus. lb. 4 I 11 I IMalnny. rf.. I I I I ft
V l'lilaut. lb. i 1 ft 4 4 Orlr. ss 4 1 I I 4
, H'p'lll. Ib-of 1 III ( M.lntyro. lb. I 4 I I 4
UfhaOoT. lb.. 1111 o Lallr. it 4 4 1 ft 4
Connors, cf. . 114 I Taacar. c .., 1114
DuulssTy, If. 0 I I ft s Bnoonor, lb., ft 114 ft
Viol. ss I 114 1' Martin, lb. ..4 4 I T
Ppoar. o. 0 111 Wllllama, p.. ft 111
VuaJlor. ... 1111 ft
' ' -"i ToUls ... I 11 IT I 1
- Tat ala ... I If) II 1'
kltmeapoiis ........1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
Two-base bit: Mclntyre. Double plays
Oyler to Martin to Spouner, Muellar to
Sperr to Donahue. First baae on balls
Off Williams. 4: off Mueller, a Struck out
By Mueller. 4; by WIllKms, 1. Left on
bases: Minneapolis, 10; Milwaukee, 7. Time
1:30. umpire: Mullane.
Iadlaaaaalla Defeats folanbsa,
" COLUMBUS. Sept. 16 Indlanapolla de
feated Columbus today In a flve-lnnlng
fume wmcn was caned on aocount of ruin.
Wagner was hit hard. Attendance, SJ7.
KlkSL lb.... I 111 ftlnisuoa. lb., ft 111:
tv. roa. b. 1 1 1 I n di. If I I ft 4 i
HocTioer. rf 1 I
1 ft 0 Turaar. lb... ft 4 1 4
1 ft IBansoa. of... 1 4 1 4 I
4 1 0 eiinaman. ss 4 4 ft I
Woodrutt, If. 0 1
Laalia. e I 1
Coultar. et... 1 I
Mamao, ss... ft ft
llaaa. lb 4 1
Vols, p
I I ti Manor, lb... 4 1 4 I 4
1 I OiRoa.-n. rf.... ft 4 I I I
114 Pu. c ft ft 4 ft
I 1 llWafSer. p... ft I I ft
Tjala ...4.111 4 II -Totals ...I 1 It 1
Rain called at end of fifth Inning; rain
and darkness.
Columbus 0 1 0 0 0-1
IndUnapolla 0 110 24
Two-base hit: Bannon. Struck out: By
vteancr, 4; by Vol. 4. f irst base on rails
Off Vols, 4. Hit by pitched bail: By Wag'
tier, 1. Time: l:0u. Umpire: Haskell.
Fostpaaesl Game,
ST. PAl'L. Minn.. R.tnt. 11 The St. Paul
Kunsaa City tiaiue was postponed on ao
count of wet arounits.
U)L'ltJ VILLI- Seot. 16-.The Toledo-Ixuis
villa game waa postponed on account of
rain. .
I ataadlac at tha Teams-
ft. Paul'
oulsvllle ....
Milwaukee, ..
Vndianapolie .
vansas City
fohimbua ...
Minneapolis ,
Toledo .......
Played. Won. Lost
LosO P.C
44 .662
51 .v2
. 67 .5
l .548
64 .5u0
71 .411 St
,.133 fc
131 74
16 74
..v.. ,.13S 64
144 65
..ISO 47
131 43
riamwe today; St. Paul at M.lwaukee,
&!lnii!tplia at Kansna City. Indianapolis
at Columbus. Toledo at Louisville.
t 7
Guaranteed Puro.
I None So Good.
I Ordar from ''
I . B. May aV Ceasif
WaaMngtoa la raeo a( Odda la Blxth
Innlne; Taken Cam from
WABHINQT6N, Pert. Id -After two men
were out In the second Inning Detroit lred
tip Iee'a delivery and scored six runa, hut
Washington developed a terrlflo batting
streak In the seventh and won a game
which teemed hopelessly lost , Attendance,
3X. Score:
R H O A E. R.H.O A. a.
PiWnaoa. (f. t 1 I 0 narreu, rf... I I 4 t
Hn4rlcaa. rf 1 1 0 Lu.h. as I I I 1
If. ran. aa ... I I t I rrrawfoM, rf. 1 I 4
Slba,-b, If... t 0
Carr. lb.
I 1 114
4114 4
Clar, lb. .. 14
Yeasrr, tb..
Lous, lb....
Mulow, e...
Kltaon. If..
Mullln, If...
Doaor&A, a.
oufbiln, lb. I I &i
Mror. t I I I i (
Ktttrrtct. c. 1 1 4 (
Ln, s 14 14 1
Tstals ...10 14 17 11 : ... I It i4 I I
Waahlngton 02400170 10
Detroit 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 S
Earned runs; Washington, 8. Two-baae
hit: Selbach. Three-base hits: Lush,
Crawford. Btolen bases: V. Coughlln i'l.
Long. Buelow. Sacrifice hits: CKrke,
Xuelow. Doublo plays: McCormlcK to
Moran to Clarke. Mo ran to McCofmlck to
Clarke. First base on balls: Off Lee, 1;
oft Donovan, 2. Hit by pitched bell: Bar
rett, Crawford. Struck out: By Lee, 7;
by Donovan, 7. lft on bases:
ton. 4; Detroit, tk Time: 1:40. Umpire:
Connolly. ,
Boston Wins (ram CleTelaad.
BOSTON. Sept. !. The home team took
one of the heaviest batting game of the
year rrom Cleveland today, l to 7. Kil
llan and Hughes were batted so fiercely
at the outset that both were retired after
the second and ln the fourth respectively.
Glbaon then hela Cleveland to three hits.
Attendance, 4,97V. Score;
k.U.O. A.K.I R.H.O A E.
Poiishertr. Ill II I 1'Fllrk. rf a 1 1 ft 4
Collins, lb... 1111 1 Bur. If 114 14
Si ah I. f I
Kraaouin, rf.. 1
111 ( Bradley, Ik.
Ill 0 l.iijal, lb...
1114 Hickman, lb
1 14 0 tiiLott, !
I ft 1 0 imla, c...
Ill 4 Abbott, ...
10 4 fcit.urnu'er. ss
Parent, ss... 1
Ijithaaoo, lb 1
rerrls, lb.... 1
triavr, c 1
MmhH, p... 1
Ottawa, p.... I
10 1 1 KlllUn. a...
Dunabue, p.
Totals. ...14 II 17 1 I
Totals ... T 11 14 II 1
Boston 32311211 14
Cleveland 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 07
Earned runs: Boston. 1: Cleveland. 2.
Two-baa hits: Ferris (2). Crlger, Siahl,
Freeman. LaChance, Hickman, Kll.ian.
Three-base hits: Colllnn. Hushes. Stshl.
Home runs: Ferris, Crlger. Stolen bnaes:
Btahl, Parent, Lott. Double plays: Bay to
Lajoie tp tfradiey, iajoio to Hiramau.
First base on balls: Off Gibson. 1: off Don
ahue, a 'Hit by pitched ball: By Donahue,
1. utruca- out: ay. HUgnea, z; Dy uiDson,
8; by Donahue, 4 Time: 1:56. Umpire:
u iugnnn.
rettpeaeo uanies.
NEW'TORK. Scrt. 16 The ChlcaKO-New
Tork game waa postponed on account of
PHILADELPHIA, sept. 16. The fhliaael-
phla-Bt. Louis game waa postponed on ao
count of rain.
ataadlasx of tha Teams. ,
Plaved. Won. L"t.
Cleveland ...
New York ..
St. Louis ...
Chicago ....
Oftmcs today: Chlesgo at New York, Bt.
Louis at Philadelphia. Detroit at Washing
ton, Cleveland at Boston.
Mad at Gravesead and Bad Roads
Cats Dons the Attend.
nkw YORK: Bent. II. Mud runners of a
eronounced tvoe were ln aeroana at urave
end today, the heavy rain of the morning
having converted the iraca into a siougn
First race, about six ruriongs: wfiim
won. Blserta second Blldeil tnira. Time:
Bccona race, steeptecnaae, aoouc two ana
a nan miles: tnvaior won, urer snwiu
(lnrtnurallftn third. Time: 6:23.
Third race, nve ana a nan (iiriongs. m
WlllowtaKes: Majorant won.- uowenurop
second. Ocean Tide third. Time: 1:09.'
Kniieth rare, on mite ana a Quarter, nan-
dlcap: Major Dangerflcld won. Sheriff Bell
second. Moon Daisy inira. lime: i:u7b.
Fifth race, five rurionits. selling: hud
Murphy won, San Remo second, Wisteria
tnira. lime: j:w.
Hlrth race -one mile and seventv yards
Beverly won, Queen Klliabeth aecond, Wil
liam Btead third. Time: 1.61.
BT. L.OU1B. Bent. 16. lacy tobs. at s to
1. after a hard drive down the stretch, won
today s Delmar feature Dy a nose rrom
I.lttle Scout, the odds-on favorite. Hesults:
First race, six furlongs: jean tiravier
won, Harry onmtn second, Model Mon
arch, third. Time: i:
Second race. Ave and a half furlongs
Spencerlan won, Mendon second, Cardona
third. Ttme: 1:16.
Third rase, one mile and an elsrhth:
Never Such won The Bobby second. Lynch,
third. Time : 2:1)6.
Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth:
Taby Toaa won. Little Scout aecond, Mal-
lory tnira. Time: i:o,y,.
FHin race, one mile; Stand Pat won.
Golden Glitter second, Echo Dale third.
Time! 1:MU.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Blue Grass Girl
won. Requisition second. Bid Sliver third.
Time: 1:22.
I'HICAGO. Bed. 16. Lord Melbourno won
tho third race at Hawthorne today by a
neck from Christine A, the w lo l snot.
this being his fourtn consecutive victory
First race, five furlongs: Testimony won,
Cyprienne aecona, Aims uuiuur miru
Time: OMV
Second race, six furlongs: Schwa ble won,
Hindus second, Nannie nooge tniru. rime
nil'rd race. One mile and seventy yards
Lord Melbourne won, Christine A socond,
Reraa third. Time: i:4.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Emma A. M.
won. Antolee second. Moor third. Time:
Fifth race, six furlongs: Automaton won
Zevra aecond. UU1ES 11 tnira. lime: l:l
Altth race, one mile: Lady Matchless
won. Bsrd Burns second. Fair Lady Anna
third. Time: l:4bi.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Sept. 16. The splendid
Winning nnianes were uis leaiures at n.en
llworth today. Results:
First race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell
lnr: Outsider won, Benckart second, Kos-
nrn third. Time: l:47Vt.
Becon 1 race, one and one-sixteenth miles
Profitable won, Lee Ridley second. Clover
lund third, 'lime: i:u&.
Third race, one mile and seventy yards
Nevermore won. Molly Hay man second.
J. art of Warwick thud. Time: l:4o.
Fourth race, six furlongs: Carl Kahler
won. Cllnquevalli second, Oravina third.
Time: Ml.
I'Kih rare, nna mile and a sixteenth: At
bulit won. Wlreln second, Autulight third
Time: l:4ti.
Hirth race, six furlnnirs. selling: Kx
central won, Vanity aecond. La Ureque
third. Time: i:ia.
Twantr-Tws Kew Memkera Takea la
aad Pleas for 'Aaaaal Ihoet
Tha Omaha Gun club has gotten new In
tereet aroused in Its work and at the last
regular meeting twenty-two new members
crra tnken in. Officers have betn elected.
wlth.l(. J. Root president, W. D. Town
s?nd aecret&ry and treasurer, Joseph Driva
bach captain and Mrsars. H. i. Hoot, C. A.
l,ewla, Joseph Drisbach and Charles
Bhrumway as the board of managers.
At the next weekly meet, on Saturday,
Seteniber 1?. W. U. Towusend and Hency
McDonald will shoot luu t tracts for the
Dlckev Bird cup, now In Mr. -Townseml's
I.iinesslon. he having wun it last year by
. tiling forty-sevon nut of fifty pigeons.
At taoh mft IJ In prises Is given and
club members have bwn taking a great
Interest in Ibe shouting of late.
The annual amateur tournament begins
October 13 and ends October 13, at whl'-h
Ml it ooen live-bird handicap, with
twenty-live birds, will b shot, at twenty
six to tlilrty-three yarda. Two hundred
targets will be shot on the two flret days
of the meet. E "forts are on foot to con
so I'd -U tha Di' k-y Bird club with the
Omaha club, and should this deal so
through the niemK rehlp will likely be
doubled. Or org NU holson la president of
tho. Dickey Bird club.
Crearas Agalast Time.
Everything la In readlneaa for the record
breaking race of Creaceua at the Tri-Clty
Amateur Driving club track on Saturday,
when the world's record for a bulf mile will
be trotted. George Kutcham of Toledo. ..
who owns th's wonderful horse, hua'lilm
practicing daily, paced by Mike the Tranu.
The track Is In excellent condition on
account of the rvrent ra n, and ufflcla's of
the club any they will have one of (he
faaieat tracks' In the country by the time
tor the race. Baatdea tbls record-breaking
see, which will be paced by en automobile,
here wLl be contests for prises by matrr.ed
team to station wagons and gentlemen S
drivers. Three other tares also be run
b members of the club, and the manage
ment promises the very bet music obtain
raverlteS Were Defeated la All roa
Flveate et Readvllle
READVILLE. Mags.. Sept. 16 Favorites
were defeated In all four events today at
the New Kngland Breeders' meeting. The
ungia nneu urtver nnapp s.iu tor not iry
ng to win the initial heat of the 2:13 pace
with Claymore. The Judges declared all
bets off and after that Claymore fink the
next two and the race without difficulty.
Claxs 2:13. naclna. nurse !Z.O0:
Claymore, b. g. (Knapp)
.. 1 J I
Uentnnc. blk. m. (Uulnn)
Erst alio, b. m. tLnng)
Hull O. b. g. (Richardson
Don Coxlne, blk. h. (Andres)
Time: 2:01, 2:0T"t, 2:10i.
Class 2:20. trotting, purse 32.000. three ln
Jay McGregor, b. h. (Hudson) .... 2 1 1 1
Kinney Lou, br. h. (Doble) 13 2 3
John Taylor, g. g. (Wilson) 3 8 4 2
Navldad. blk. g. (Rennett) . t ( 3 4
Kamares, b. g. (Hither) 4 4 ds
Time: 2:09. 2:". 2:10i, 2:liH.
Class z:i. trotting, purse ii.uuu,
two ln
Alberto, ch. h. (Dlckerson) 1 1
Miss Jeanette. blk. m. (Ecker) 2 2
Christine Bell. b. in. (Rice) 8 2
Tonga, b. m. (Tltor) S 4
Hiack Heauty, dik. m. trorsnerj s
Kapolna, b. h. (Young) 7 6
Claud V. ro. a. (Knnrp) 8
Crow-shade, blk. g. (Wall) 7
Degola. ch. m. (Curry) l
The General, ch. g. (Nichols) ds
Time: Z:k4, 2:!.
Tonga and Black Beauty divided fourth
Clans 2:09. trot tins:, purse 82.000:
Caspian, b. tr. (Shank) 1 1
Hawthorne, ro. m. (Hudson) 8 8
Maxlne. b. m. (Kcker) a I
Duloe Cor. b. m (MUlr) 8 4
George Muscovite, b. h. (Pond) 4 6
Alice uarr, blk. m. (Harrison) a t
Lord Vincent, b. h. (Pstlson) 10
Wentwortn. blk. h.i tHpcar) 7 o
Tho Roman, b. g. (Doble) 9 7
Idollta, b. h. (Kelly) 8 10
Time: Z:07i, z;iuv,.
With tha Bowlers.
The Nationals lost to a ricked team last
night on Clark's alleys. Score:
1-TUtt.CD TftAJM.
1st. 2d
3d. Total.
Francisco if 180 167
Fowler 1R3 17 146
Stone 159 213 175
Penman 182 189 208
Marble 102 2"0 176
ToUls Rf.l 949 87 0 2,670
Int. 5d. 2d. Total.
Ahmanson .'. 146 176 146 467
Chandler 211 170 18 . Ut
GJerde Hit 152 H5 458
Tracy 143 170 155 l8
tteed ivi ii im bts
853 839 788 2,490
High School Foot Ball.
Coach E. M. Marsh has had two full
teams on the andiron at the high school
all week practicing agnlnst each other f -r
tho coming game wun me, comm'-rciat
college on Saturday. No men hsve yet
been picked for the regular learn, nor will
this be done until the last minute. Coach
Marsh does not believe In selecting the
men for the rune too early, so no one will
know absolutely who will be In the lineup
until about time tor tne referee's wnistie.
Among the substitutes the high school
haa seven aood line men. a complete set
of backs and four men whom they can uie
In almost nny position. Almost all of the
mnter'nl thl year Is male up of new men
and they are showing up strong as a rule.
Challenge to Drill.
OMAHA. Neb.. Sept. '.6.-Captaln Art
Hnrrlck, commanding M. W. A. team No.
190. Lincoln. Neb. Dear Captain: Not be
ing satisfied with the neciston or tne juages
at the State fair September 9. 1908, I l.ereby
challenge you under the game rules and
with the same men, witn military omcers
as ludees. to drill for 3100 a side: same to
take place within the next thirty dsvs. Fra
ternally yours, -C. L. MATHER,
Cornmanivng Alpha Guards, Company A,
w. o. w.
Big; Bowling Score).
' fRRflTON. ' Neb.. Bant. 16. (BDeclal.)
Tat evenina. In the bow'lng alley here, a
record was made that Is hard to duplicate. I
Robert Hayland of wisner, nod., made
thirteen straight strikes, which is equiva
lent to 388.
In Ibe Westera Leagrao. , j
ST. JOSEPH. Sept. l.-Omaha-Bt. Joseph i
game postponed; rain.
Games today: Omaha at St. Joseph, Den
ver at Milwaukee, Colorado Spring at
Peoria, Des Moines at Kansas wlty.
Thomas F, McCitrmlck,
Thomas F. McCormlck died at 8 o'clock
yesterday morning at the resldenoe of his
mother, 2312 Douglas street, of stomach
trouble originating during his service In
the Philippines. Mr. McCormlck waa born
In Millard. Neb., In 1676, and In 1890. re
moved with his parents- to Gretna. After
securing a first grade certificate and teach
ing for a short time he decided to enter the
army, ' and enlisted with the Second regi
ment at Fort Omaha, going with It - to
Cuba and taking part In tha fighting be
fore Santiago. Immediately on being dis
charged he re-enlisted and served ln 1901
and 1902 In the Philippines with the Tenth
Infantry. His- record ln both regiments
was excellent. He was never wounded, but
In the Philippines contracted the disease
which after eighteen month of Illness
caused his death. The. funeral will be at
Gretna, his body being laid bslde that of
his father, the late Thomas MoCormlck,
who waa a veteran of the civil war.
CoBsjressmaa Vlaceat Borelagr.
LEXINGTON. Ky., Sept. Ji. Congress
man Vincent Borelng died here today of
pneumonia. He was the only republican
in the Kentucky delegation.
Aaaoaneemeata of the Theaters.
' Thla evening at the JJoyd Chauncey Olcott
and hie supporting company will present
for a single performance his new play,
Terrence." based on Mr. Croker's tory
of the same name. Tite production la under
the direction of August Pltou. Mr. Olcott
sings several new songs during the progress
of the piece, lingular price will rule. On
Friday night Nels Erlckson. heading P. J.
Kennedy company, will present the Swed
ish dialect comedy "Yon Yonson." the en
gagement to last two nights and a mati
nee. "An Orphan Prayer." the splendid pas
toral play selected for the stellar tour of
charming Nettie De Coursey, will be seen at
the Krug theater the balance of the week,
beginning tonight. The story la one of sor
row, devotion and temptation, yet a seri
ous and sublime a the theme may be, the
play contains many Illuminating bit of
comedy, contributed by the quaint char
acter of tu'rdy New England, the locale
of the picture. It I also pleasing to note
that the author ha provided for the Intro
duction of many vocal number thereby al
lowing free scope to Mis De Couraey's re.
markably sweet soprano voice, the selection
d force being the "Jewel Song" from
"Faust." Miss De Coursey, as "Calamity."
Is the merry and frivolous fun-maker of the
production. The complete production Is
carried, the scenery being massive and
striking In appearance, forming a befitting
frame for the author's painting.
Cirleiraaoo Committee Meets,
CHICAGO. 8ept 16 A grievance commit
tee representing 8.CO) emoloves in tin car
end locomotire hop of the Ch'cago ik
Northwestern railroad is In conference to
dv considering action to be tikert regard
ing the company' refusal to grant a better
wage scale.
Cktamtterlala' t'olle. Cholera aad
Diarrhoea Remedy.
The uniform success of this preparation
In the relief and cure of bowel complaint
ha brought it Into almost universal us.
It never fail and when reduced with water
and sweetened I pleaiant to take. It
equally valuable for children and adult.
CrniaJo 8tarta on Personal Property Under
tbe Hew EeTnue Law,
Tax Commlssloaer May Add Fifty
Per teat f insist of Assess
ment for Willful eg
lect lo Retnrn.
The assessing of personal property for
the 1904 city taxes began yestorday. This
morning twenty deputy assessors left the
tax commissioner's office at the city hall,
equipped with the necessary blanks,
stationary and Instructions. They had
listened to an hour' lecture from Com
missioner Fleming as to Instruction and In
addition were given a printed circular con
taining general Information concerning the
The deputies must complete their labor
within forty days according to a city
ordinance. While they are busy listing
the personal property Commissioner Flem
ing will finish placing value on real estate,
towards which he devoted attention during
the summer, revaluing all property between
Dodge and Leavenworth streets.
Innovation and change In the manner
of assessing personal property are covered
fully In the circular, which Is:
Text of Kew nales.
The assessment of all property, real and
personal, for the city of Omaha for l'.o4,
will be made under the provisions of the
new revenue law of the state nod the char
ter of the city combined.
The assessment will be made at fair cash
Deputies have full power to administer
the oath. (No charge.)
The new law la much more stringent than
the old law and Impose penalties more se
vere for neglect or false utateinents. Red
extracts from th law on back of schedules.
The law requires that to oath item assess
able on schedule the word '.None" shall ba
written in if you have no property of the
kind. It is not sufficient that you answer
alone on the property you hold.
The Intent evidently of the new law Is to
depend more than ever before upon the tax
payer' sworn statement, and to Impose
greater penalties both upon the taxpayer
and the assessor for delinquencies in ob
serving Its requirements. This is for the
purpose of obtaining better ubsesnmeiits on
property not open to the view of the aeses
sor, aa money, bonds, stocks, notes, mort
gages, credits, diamonds, jewelry, eto.
It la due Justly to all real estate owners;
to all owners of personal property of a na
ture that cannot escape taxation; to the
well-disposed, conscientious, honest per
sonal property owners; to the franchlsed
corporation who have been compe.led to
pay their proportion, that all other per
sonal property holders list their holdings
for assessment. The penalties provided are
for the purpose of enforcing the law, and
the penalties will be nrnde to the best abil
ity of the assessing powers.
The assessment of persons wilfully neg
lecting to return schedules Is, In the new
law as In the old one, subject to the Judg
ment of the assessor (which In some case
operated as a penalty), but In addition the
Inw compels the tax commissioner to add
60 per cent to the amount of the assessment.
To facilitate the carrying out of the law
and for tho ac-ommo-la ion of th taxiay
ere, the deputies will make their cabs for
sworn returns in the evening where not
found In dav hours. But all taxpayers are
warned that they must not dipend on
deputies calling a second time. It Is mad;
Incumbent on taxpayers to furnl h this
office with a sworn tatements of tnetr per
sonal proirsrty, and for . that purp s the
office win be open from 8 a. m., to 9 p. rn..
Saturdays lnc'M'i.rd. from September 16 to
November 14. Inclusive.
The new law means emphatically to com
pel osieFSment of all property (not exempt),
especially items 1 to 14, inclusive. h:relo
fore Urgely scaplng assessment, and
makes It Incumbent on 'the assessor to
search the records of county Judge, county
clerk, snd district court and regl ter of
deeds, for property liable to be cmi ed,
and finding such, must assess It.- notifying
the owner. The officers -mentioned must
co-operate wl'h the sseF.or. or bi subject
to a fine from 850 to $500 Tor' each offense.
Th provision of the old : law allowing a
personal property owner- cancel his its
essment of credl- (which wa due him)
to the extent of what he owel. Is not In
the new law. The lawmakers evidently
Intended to place ths personal property
holder on the s-tme basis a4 ft real estate
ownrr whose real estate Is mortgaged.
On back of this he t wl l lo f unl a list
of notaries In the d liferent wsrds of the
citv who have consented. for the acOTm
modatlon of taxp-yers. to certify sworn
statement at a nominal f gufe.
For the purpose of reviewing and correct
ing errors in asessmn'a of ol rat ana
personal property, wh-ther of undrva'ua
tlon or excessive valuation, the Board of
Review sits from November 15 to December
15. each year. ' '
The city council sirs as a diwq m aauar
Iratlon on th thtri Tue-d-y of T) re-nbT.
for not less than five (KVdava Cnm-lal"U
ss to assessment should be filed with the
city clerk.
For Imposing Oath.
Inasmuch as all schedule must be
sworn to and comparatively few of the
property owner will b enabled to do thU
before the deputy assessor Commis
sioner Fleming ha mad provision for the
administration of his oath of office during
each week day and until o'clock at night.
Thl la free, but he ha arranged for spe
cial rate from notaries In the different
wards, so that If a person desires to mall
the schedule he may do so. The charge
befot the notaries named will be 10 cents
for assessments less than 8200; IS cent for
lea than 3&00 and 25 cent for any higher
amount. The notaries who have' mad
ttil arrangement are:
First Ward Henry Ehrenpfort, 2316 South
Eleventh atreet; Eben K. Long, 1228 Park
Wild avenue; O. C. Olsen, 2416 South Tenth
street; Robert F. Wllllama, lAii Arbor
Second Ward-Willlnm Altstadt, 850 South
Eighteenth street; William L. Uilmore. lilt
South Twentieth atreet (day), 1W South
Twentieth street (night); Joseph P. Brown,
232;: Boulevaid street; A. Koppanhaver, ZiiO
South Fifteenth street.
Third Ward A. H. Comstock, 924 Farnam
street; Silas Bobbins, 6u South Thirteenth
Fourth Ward Charles I. Rowe. 823 South
Twenty-sixth street; Albert L. Schnurr. 214
South Twenty-sixth street; Mabel U. Wl
ker, 124 North Twenty-fourth atreet; II. A.
Westarfleld. 2012 Capitol avenue.
Filth Ward George F. Abbott, 2124 North
Sixteenth atreet; D. H. Christie. 171 Man
uersou street; Dollle Doherty, SS20 North
Twenty-first street; K. G. King, tail North
Klrieterftnth street.
Hivtlt Ward Charles Battelle. 563 Parker
street; John II. Bexton. 2120 Binney street;
Howard J. Cowglli, 2613 Templeton street;
William W. Entman. 26o2 Seward street;
W. H. Gates, 1122 Wirt street: W. T. Ora
ham, 479 North Thirty-eighth street; W.
B. Ten Ryek. 9004 Binney street; Mabel
Vlekers, 2704 Bpauldlng street.
Seventh Wsrd Alfred Arneman, S20 South
Tweet h-elghth atrea': Arthur K. Baldwin,
1723 South Twenty-eighth street; A. C.
Nielsen. 4S39 Ieavenworth street: E. T.
Petersen, 1519 South Twenty-seventh
street; A. W. Bpoerrl, zui South Forty
sixth street: Charles D. Thomas. 1012 South
Twenty-ninth atreet: Ella M. Whipple, IC3
rtonth Twentv-nfth street.
Eighth Ward Chris Boyer. 2128 Ciimlng
street: Edward W. Btnltenberg, 1017 North
Twenty-ninth street; John S. Wood, 1004
North Twenty-fourth street; Conrad H.
Youiif. The Madison.
Ninth Ward C. T. ' Hutchinson. 4041
Seward street: E. C. Garvin. 124 South
Thirty-rlfth street; Edward M. Martin. 3110
Cans; stret: Albert F. Wayne. 4711 Hamil
ton atreet: Josrph Rspp. )r., 3111 California
street; Fred D. Wead, 6"2 South Fortieth
treet; George T. Zimmerman. 4315 Reward
street; 11. u. rteea, i-i norm lrurty
eighth street.
fsbjert to Poaalty.
The tax commissioner says: " Having
made a liberal provision for the adminis
tration of the oath a possible through
deputies, notaries and keeping tbe office
open day and evening, assessment returned
not aworn to will be ronsldeied as showing
neglect and subject to the penalty of 60
per cent I have trie) to make a practical
application of the new law In thl respect
and have exerted mysulf to afford every
facility for th taking of th oath."
Deputy assessors will call once at each
house and If th head of the family, or
person In whom the possession of property
la vested Is not at home, will arrange an
appointment. If the appointment I not
kept by the taxpayer, an envelope wl l ba
left at each dwelling. On the back of this
envelope Ls thl Inscription In a comblna
tlcn of large black and red letters:
"The deputy for your district not having
secured on call your schedule of personal
property. It I Imperative you should com
plete and return same to the tax depart
ment at once. If not received oon It be
come th duty of the deputy to assess you
from the best information he has, there
fore if over-assessed you will be re
sponsible. In. addition I mult add a 80
per cent penalty. Schedule must be sworn
to." a
This i the oath that must be taken, with
ths necessary answer written In con
tiguous blanks;
Oath to be Takea.
Interrogatory 1. Are you, or were you, on
the fifteenth day of September of the pres
ent year the executor of the will, or
the administrate!- of the estate of any de
ceased person, or the guardian of the es
tate of any infant or person of unsound
mind, or tno trustee of tne property of any
person, or the receiver of any corporation,
association or firm, or the agent, attorney,
or banker Inventing, loaning or otherwise
controlling the money or the property of
any pereon, or the president or accounting
oilicer of any corporation, or a partner, con
signee or pawnbroker?
if yea, designate tor whom you were
then, or ore now, acting in such repre
sentative or fiduciary capacity; and if you
were or now acting under the authority of
any particular court name the court, and
also state to what court you report.
interrogatory 2. Have you, since the fif
teen tli day of September of lust year, either
personally or through the agency of others,
caused all or any part of your taxable prop
erty or other property to be temporarily
converted either by sale, loan, exchange, or
ln aiiy other manner, into bonds or other
securities of tbe United States not taxable,
or any other property not taxable, with
the Intention to pay back, return, exchange
or dispose of auch property after you have
made out your tax statement?
Interrogatory 3. If you have converted
any of your money or property, or money
or property of any other person, as re
quired of you, then state when the aame
was so converted or Invested, and the time
and amount or value thereof.
Interrogatory 4. Have you, at any time
shico the fifteenth dny of September of the
preceding year, withdrawn trom any bank
any moneys there deposited, for the pur
pose of converting the aame into some form
of nontaxable property, or for the purpose
of sending the same out of the state, or
transferring the same to some other per
son or persons with the Intent to, or pur
pose of, evading the payment of tax on the
I, being duly sworn, say that the fore
going statement and schedule la true and
contains a full and complete list of all
fironerty held by me or belonging to me,
ncludlng all personal property pertaining
to merchandising, whether held In actual
possession or having been purchssed with
a view to possession or profit, and all per
sonal property appertaining to manufactur
ing, and all nianufnctured articles, whether
on hand or owned by me. In all esses where
I have been unable to exhibit certain
clusxes of property to the seweasor, sucii
property Iihs been fully and fairly described
and lta true condition represented, and I
huve In no case sought to mislead the aa
aessor ss to the quantity or quality of the
Kroperty I further swear that, since the
fteenth day of September of lost year, I
have not directly or Indirectly converted or
exchanged uny of my property temporarily, i
lor tne purpost or evading tne assessment
thereof tor taxes. Into nontaxable property
or securities of any kind, or transferred or
transmitted the same to any person or In
uny wise for the purpose of evading the
assessment thereof, and that my answers
to the foregoing interrogatories are true.
So help me God.
I have Included all personal property of
wife and children (under age).
Item 1 to 14 in the schedule are as fol
lows: ,
Franchise and descriptions thereof
Annuities.... Royalties..., Patent Rights..,,
Bonds (except IT. S.)". Stocks, County, City,
Village or School Warrants
Notes secured by Mortgage on Property In
Omaha.... Elsewhere
Other Notes '.
Book Account...,
Money on hsnd ot on deposit with Banks,
Trust Companies. Corporations. Firms or
Individual, or subject to my Order, Check
or Draft
Money Loaned not already entered on this
Judgments and Allowances of any Court
and which I have not' already Hated
Moneys Invested at Tax Sales Ton
tine, Companies
Moneys paid to Building. Loan and Saving
Associations on Certificates of Stock
Shares of Stock In any Corporation formed
outside of this Slate
Shares of Stock in a Corporation formed In
Neb. and conducting its business out of
Diamonds Jewelrv Gold and 811-
ver War. Plated Ware
The "freak" listings Include pianolas, au
tomobile, typewriter, slot machines, cash
registers, surgical Instrument and medi
cine, full value pledged property held by
Livery Barn at Gotheabargr.
GOTHENBURG, Neb., Sept. 16. (Special
Telegram.) iFire started at 9 o'clock thl
evening In the Brick Front livery barn and
In thirty minutes consumed the entire build
ing, valued at 82.300. It also burned the
residence near it owned by Mrs. C. A. Pet-
tersen. The wind was In th north ana
threatened the residence portion of tha town
south of the tire, but prompt action on the
part of the cltlsen prevented the spread
of the flames. Insurance on born. 81.300, In
Niagara, 1500 on household goods of K. J.
Bpauldlng, In the Royal, snd 8500 on the
frame dwelling in tbe Aetna. Total losa
will reach 81.000.
C This Shield
ths Box y
If tho mantle you are
using breaks eaalty, it
Is not genuine Wall-.
bach. Five kinds'
All Dealers.
! 1 1 1 muwWww
Columb'tsi ....
Springfield ..
Cincinnati ...
tUndusky ....
Mma .,
...8 87
... 87 84
... 87 84
... 18 14
... 17 M
... K 87
... 77.84
... 1 00
... M
... 84.80
rmtx ft
If,, rO-rrVt-"'ii
ft 11 11111 1 animal il nun mill i i m mimmi man
C . r 1 "
This is only a partial list of points to which rate will apply. Fall information at
Illinois Central Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, or write
W. II. BRILL, Dis. Pass. Agt., Omaha.
. Creole
ild lobacco
If you are a victim of Nervo-Sexual Debility, with all It distressing symp
tom, you certainly do not Intend to remain so. You have only on lire to llvo.
You can ' live It in the full enjoyment of abundant vitality and perfect health.
r-. s xtvz ristr niisat is s r .y-s?,'
4 s T 'K. , --. -N '
7 irwlVr7('!. v'' v ,0
VVILL CURE YOU realises a great blight haa been lifted from
' I Cur Quickly and Safely
and all diseases and weakneaaea du to Inheritance, evil habit, excesses or th
result or specino die
OFFICES HOURS: 8 a. m." to 8 p. m. ; Sundays, 10 to 1 only.
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Farnam St., Det, I3thand 14th Sts .Omiha, Neb,
vnasi ill
- - aflft .V A T W !. t at BW eta A aea .
wAi8.i.fclWC,u KAIES EAST, . .. :rr
UptntUt I at. iih. 15th aaal Pdebar ftk Beton limit. St Jars.
Ls ' " "snei
fjT Jf $m ss-rieuLj. laeuias
ft I V " r""B ' ' Tm mm Vtstx Ami. s.
Hammond . .
. 20
. t:
. 21
,. ?1
. 8
. 84
.. 22
,. 25
,. i'l
Routh Hsnd
Fort Wayne
LaFayette ..
Newcaatl ,.,
l.vsnsvllls ...
Richmond ...
Terra Haute
tho Bands 1
The fact that you have taken Inforlor rem
edies to no avail should not destroy your
faith in all treatment nor your hope of a
radical cure. During my long term cf
scientific atudy and practical experience I
have evolved a special treatment for
Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency. that Is
uniformly successful In case where success
wn before and by other toator deemed
Impossible. It doe not stimulate tem
porarily, but restores permanently. It al
lays the Irritation Of th delicate tissues
aurrounaina me lax ana unauiv exDanaa
ni.rn.Dl nnrifllnn whtnh a, t r, nlffhl Mil..
sion, dries up day drains and prevent
prematureness. It tones up and strength
ens the b'ood vessels that carry nourishment
tn ,kened parts, wnicn regain full
power, sise ana vigor. nasanwnue an
other symptoms Improve snd the patient
L"TO.l""L. U.JU JMiSj. i. I n II .imiil. I '. Ill in II
niHTti at sa
aeo rot"' friend of sHSaea stare.
or seasairri aecirr. oa
INDIANA (Continued).
jogan sport ....
La ports
Korth Vernon
12 49
25 17
81. W
..:. oi
- , " aaaaasjB(ss sa m saa w m