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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, PElTEMBEIt 17, 1003. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. 331 Per Gent Discount Sale COUNCIL BLUFFS. ISD1CTS A RURAL CARRIER Charged with Embsssling Money Left by Farmers ia the Mail Boxes. WAS INTENDED TO BUY POSTAL ORDERS Allocation t Mad That Carrier Ap propriated h Money His Dm tee Coart Boar rrltn Bnnkraptey Matters. Royal M. Zlmmer, a rural route mall car der of Harrison county, was Imitated yea terday by the federal grand Jury on a A-harg- of embesxlement Farmera living on Zlmmer'a mall route were !n the habit of placing money In their mall boxes In re turn for which Zlmmer wse supposed to Issua money orders. The farmers fatted to receive the money orders and an Investiga tion was started which resulted In Zlm rner's arrest. The exact amount alleged to have been secured by Zlmmer In this man ner la not known, but the federal authori ties aay It is considerable. Tha grand Jury also returned an Indict ment against Henry Krta of Carroll on the charge of sending cbsrena letters through tha mall. It Is charged that Erts haa sys tematically persecuted a respectable Ger man family living near Carroll, and In do ing so sent the head of the family levi-ral letters containing vtla and obscene lan guage. Ferdinand Kuehnel, charged with emhea alement of government funds while post master at Westphalia and who declined to enter either a plea of guilty or not guilty, was sentenced by Judge McPherson yester day morning to six months' Imprisonment In the county Jail at Red Oak, and pay a fine of 1600, this being equal to the amount of Ms embexilement. A greater part of yesterday's session wns taken up with bankruptcy matters. A stlp' illation of dismissal wss filed In the tnvol untary bankruptcy case of Morris Cohn cf thla city, but the court refused to aoeej-t It and the case was continued for future hearing.' A. B. Alpern of Omaha whs Cohn's largest creditor and the one who brought the bankruptcy proceedings. Cohn filed a counter claim against Alpern for P. BOO and thsy settled the matter out of court. In the bankruptcy of Mrs. Ella Jameson, formerly of this city, a resistance win made to the reopening of the case moved for by the creditors, who allege that Mrs. Jameson failed to schedule among her as sets her Interest In the estate of her father, a. wealthy farmer near Cedar Rapids. The court took the matter under advisement. Judge McPherson also heard tha bank ruptcy case of Martin Nolte, transferred here from Des Moines. .Nolte was formerly i In tha mercantile business in Dexter, la., bat claims that for four montha prior to the proceedlnga brought by his creditors to have blm declared a bankrupt he had been a resident of Nebraska, where he waa engaged in farming. As a resident of Ne braska ha claimed ha waa not subject to Involuntary bankruptcy proceedings in Iowa. This case the court also took under Advisement. - . The hearing of the bankruptcy case of Francis V I.udwlg of "Harrison county waa continued ontll next term. The suit of Lou Ekelton, administrator, against the Union faclAo railroad, assigned for trial yester day, was continued to next term. waa found on him he complained that he had been robbed of five 120 gold pieces. Investigation by the police showed that Miller had been drinking In the bar of a Broadway hotel, where he displayed a num ber of gold pieces. The proprietor of the place suggested to Miller that ha put at least tlSO of his money In the safe until he sobered up, but Miller refused to accept tha advice and retorted that he was well able to take care of himself. The police aro looking for a painter who waa with Miller at the time he left the hotel, when he waa known to have nearly 1200 with him. Up to a lata hour last night the police had been unable to lay their hands on the painter. Thieves Probably Mart Fir. While everything pointed to the fire In the Campbell Bridge company'a warehouse Monday night aa being incendiary, the au thorities now believe it was atarted by thieves to aid them In robbing houses in the immediate vicinity. This Is the theory ad vanced by the police when they learned yesterday that one house In the vicinity had been robbed during the progress of the fir and another entered by thieves, who however wer frightened away by a bull dog. The house of Frank Bchram, a car re pairer In tha employ of the Union Paclno, at 1417 South Third atreet, was entered and $156 In money, mostly- $20 gold pieces, and a watch and chain taken from a desk In th dining room. Bchram, with other members of his family ran out to watch the lire, leaving the house unguarded. The theft was not discovered by tha family until late Tuesday night. Thieves also entered, the residence of J. J. McCluggage, an express messenger liv ing at 1401 Third street, but were frightened away aa a bull dog, which was in me kitchen, gave the alarm and aroused the occupants of th hous. Both houses are but a few doors from tha warehouse, which waa set on Ore. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel.. B0. Night, F6C7. Ho Damage fey Frost. According to reports received In the city yesterday the frost, which waa general In Council Bluffa and adjacent country, did no damage worth speaking of. No harm, it waa reported, had been dona to fruit, vege tables or corn. Marriage Licenses. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Theodore Miller, Council Bluffs.. Blgne Holmgaard, Council Bluffs.. Fred Loreni, Council Bluffs '.. DAY FOR THE METHODISTS1 Two Conference in Setsion, One in Dei Moines and One in Indianola. aaannnnnnn STATE INSTITUTIONS SHORT ON POTATOES Monument Be labelled Over th Grave of Revolat loaary Soldi Located Near Moaat Pleasant. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINsfs, Sept. la. (8pecll.)-Th annual conference of th Iowa district of the African Methodist Episcopal church commenced here this morning with Bishop Grant of Chloago, tha well known colored divine, presiding. Th district comprises six states. Including Iowa, Illinois, Wis consin, Minnesota and the two Dakota. There waa a large attendance, about fifty ministers of the colored Methodist churches being present today. The sessions will last several days. The bishop complimented the olergymen of the district on the work they had done and the day was largely given over to discussion of the subject of the year's work. Rev. E. J. Jackaon of Bloux City, was elected general secretary; Rev. L. J. Phllllpa of Clarinda, recording secretary, and Rev. R. H. Williamson of Buxton, statistical secretary. The chief Interest of the conference now Is the se lection of the delegates who will attend the general conference In Chicago next May. There are a number of candidates for the place and much Interest is mani fested in the matter. The Women's Missionary society of th African Methodist Episcopal church held a session today and elected officers as fol lows: President, Mrs. M. Malone, Keokuk; vice presidents, Mrs. H. H. Thompson of St. Paul; Mrs. Anna Williams, Osceola, and Miss Anna Pierce, Streator, 111.; recording secretary, Mrs. Mollis Hlgglns, Mollne, 111.; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Kate Tillman, Chicago. The last named was also elected delegate to th quadriennial meeting of the general society In Pittsburg In November next. Rev. L. M. Fenwlck of Milwaukee Is here to meet possible charge to be mad asainst htm In con b a reunion of old aoldler and eld aettters and a public address. arveylaat Wester lown Iaterarbaa. Reporta to tha officer of tha Western Iowa International Railroad company from the engineers In charge of th aurvey are that they have proceeded aa far west from Orlmes as Guthrie Center and that tha work of arranging th preliminary aurvey is going on rapidly. Th company haa made some changea In the dlreotory board, aa it Is learned that tha people In Pottawattamie county have not yet decided that they will become Interested In th line. ROBBERS ENTER IOWA BANK fteenre 1,000 la Hirer, Break Opea th Sate, hat Take Nothing) Therefroa. DES MOINES, Sept. IS. Robber entered th Farmera bank at Rhodea last night by cutting a hole through tha roof. They en tered the vault through the top and ae cured 11,000 In silver that they found out side the enfe proper. The tatter waa burst open with dynamite and the contenta ex posed, but nothing waa taken. Thla is taken to Indicate that the robbera wer frightened away. MEN TO PBOBE INDIAN FRAUDS Objection Made to Inspector Charchlll Who Is Himself tnder Charges. WASHINGTON, Sept. 1.-Theri will b no delay in starting the Indian Territory Investigation. Attorney Charles J. Bona parte of Baltimore will take up that work early next week. Mri Bonaparte will be assisted by InKpeetor R. F. O'Fallon and possibly Dr. Oeorge Bird Orltinell, editor of Forest and Stream. Inspector Frank Churchill was suggested as one of those detailed to assist Mr. Bonaparte, but his selection may be countermanded, owing to a report that Mr. Churchill Is himself under charges. It waa said today that chargea have been filed with Secretary Hitchcock to the effect that In purchaalng the Im provements on land set aside for a gov ernment reservation at Sulphur Springs, Chickasaw nation,' Mr. Churchill, who was In full charge of that work, It Is Claimed, neotlon with the allegation that he signed naJ om of the most desirable property set a recommendation of a colored man for a ""ld ,or himself, and thla has betn used saloonkeeper In Milwaukee. He denies the b"'B for th allegation that he waa that ha sianed such a netitlon. but did aln . nvoivea in irregularities mat snouia do in. a protest against certain white men being allowed a license ,and a protest against tha color line being drawn In such matter. Southwest Iowa Methodists.' The Methodist Episcopal conference of ! tha Des Moines district for the churches of southwestern Iowa opened formally at Myrtle wicks, louiioii biuui. " . ... , -, . Lawrence O. Christensen, Council Bluffs.. 27 j charge. The reports of the presiding 1- Age. ....2S ....20 ....fO TnJI.nnla n tr ,Wh tllahnn Vfallnllail M nQ J 1IM 1M ..'111. ...LI. A . IIII IIJ ... Ul.n.lU 11. Ann. a Patersen. Council Bluffs 26 Charles Anderson. North Bend, Neb.... 48 Martha Adams, North Bend, Neb 26 O. Qustafson. Mondamin, Ia JS May Watts, Mondamin, Ia v 24 H. F. Nicholson. Council Bluffs 21 Nellie L. Beasore, Council Bluffs IS Real Kstatn Transfer. Thes tranafert wer filed yesterday in the abstract, title and loan offtoe of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl atreet: , C. H. Doane to Sarah E. Brlsco, lot 1. block S4. Ferry edd., w. d...... ... 850 8. Greenbaum and wife to Simon John son, lot e. block 19, Hall s add., w. d... County Treasurer to John Bereshelm and L. F.- Murphy. Recerversj lots 1. 8. 9. 13 ana 14. DiocK it, ..Terry a xirnv add., tax deed Three 'transfers, total... ders will show that there wer In the con ference district over 5,000 conversions the past year and that the addition to church property amounted to over $250,000. The year ha been prosperous with 'all tha churches and th report all Indicated a great advance In church work. The con ference waa organised today by the selec tion of Rev. William Stevenson of Jeffer son, recording scretary; Rev. Frank Cald well of Colorado, statistical secretary, and Rev. Fred Stevenaon of Osoeola, treasurer for the conference. There are about tX) clergymen present. Memorial service waa held today for the departed minister of the church 1 and the wives of olergymen i Matter In District Coart. Th 1300 In gold donated as one of the prises by th Council Bluffs street fair and carnival committee, and which was won by Mrs. M. C. Van Derveer, formed tha bone of contention In summary proceedlnga begun In th district court yesterday by Ovlde Vlen against Mrs. Van Derveer and her husband. Vlen at once hastened to garnishee tha atreet' fair and carnival management in order to attach the $300 won by Mra. Van Derveer to aatlsfy a judgment, but was In formed that tile money had been paid over to Mrs. Van Derveer shortly after the draw ing Tuesday night Special proceedlnga were then commenced In the district court to compel Mr. and Mra. Van Derveer to ap pear for examination, aa to their disposition of the money. Th examination was held In the ' afternoon before Judge Macy and the defendants testified that the money had been turned over to H. H. Van Brunt, in whoa employ Mr. Van Derveer Is; and to whom he claimed to be Indebted. Pending a further hearing In the matter, to be held this morning, .th court Issued an order restraining, th defendants from making any further disposition of tha money. F. C. Kuhn began suit for divorce yester doy from Augusta H. Kuhn, whom he mar ried In this city January 18, 1899. In ad dition to statutory charges, he allege th defendant deserted him June 14. 190$. Judge W. R. Oreen Is still unable to re Bums his judicial duties and Judge Thor sell is holding court for him In Logan this week. Judge Thornell will coma here Mon day to try the criminal assignment, while Judge Macy will go to Avoca to bear equity case In Judge ThornaU's place. This ohange is made because of Judge Macy'a eyesight. Judge Macy recently underwent an operation for his eyes and expect to" undergo another early in October. In the meantime he la forbidden to uae his eye sight more than absolutely necesaary and consequently this 'prevents him from pre siding over Jury trials, which Involve the reading of Instructions and examination of written evidence. MINOR MENTION. Frnlt Uroeer Finish I p. The meeting of th Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society closed yesterday with a morning session. There was no formal program as many of the members who had been preaent Tuesday had returned to their homes. The question of making an exhibit at tha Bt. Louis exposition was informally discussed, but nothing decided upon. Borne of the member favored furnishing a dally supply of fresh fruit for the exhibit, while other were of the opinion that tha under taking would be too big and at th sain Urn too costly. During th afternoon th member who stayed over were driven around the local vineyard and orchards and wer enter tained at J. P. Hess' country residence at the close of the trip. Davis sella drugs. 1 ' Stockert sells carpet. Crayon enlarging, SOS Broadway. Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 40 B'y. Celebrated Meta beer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal rings at Leffert's. 40 Broadway. 14K and 18K wedding rinks at Leffert's, 409 Broadway. Mr. and Mr. 8. B. Whaley and daughter Carrie are visiting at Bpearftsh. S. D. Tlgredla temple No. 167, Rathbone Slstera will meet this evening in Bt. Alban hall Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shusart have gone tor an extended trip through . western Ne braska. Bee the hand-painted china' In the ahow window at C. E. Alexander & Co. a, 8SS Broadway. Harmony chapter. Order of Eastern Star, will hold Its regular meeting this evening In Masonic hall. James H.' Lowry, a member Of the local newspaper fraternity, la visiting relatives In Wlnslde, Neb. Mrs. J. C. Mitchell la visiting frlenda in Indianapolis and will also vlalt in Chicago before returning home. Deputy United State Revenue Collector M. M. Parkinson and wife will leave today for a trip to Colorado. John M. Calvin, waa yesterday appointed administrator of the W. H. M. Puney es tate in place of Frank S. Pusey, resigned. For rent, office room, ground floor; one of the most central locations In the busi ness portion of the city. Apply to The Bus office, city. Detective Murphy, who was stricken with apoplexy, continues te improve and it is expected will be able to resume his duties by tn beginning vl next ween. We contract to keep public or private houses free from roaches by the year. In sect Exterminator Manufacturing company. Council Bluffa, la. Telephone '-M4. John W. Wright and Mlas Jessie May i an(j others. Karl, Dotn OI tlua city, were marnea iuea day evening at the home or the bride, 194 Eleventh avenue, Justice Carson officiating. Mrs. H. I. Forsyth and daughters, Hor tenae and Noau, lett yeeteiday for New York, from where they will sail tor uer 11 n, where the Misses Forsyth will study music for two years. Secretary Ross of the Board of Educa tion expects to complete the school census by the end of tliLa week. Indications are that it will show an Increase of nearly oOO over that of last year. Mayor Morgan yesterday received a hand somely engraved invitation from Mayor Harrison to attend the centennial celebra tion of the settlement of the Windy CUy, to be held September HI to Ootober 1. The will of Charles Nolan, who died from vestlgated. The report concerning these charges could not be confirmed at tha In terior department, as none of the officials there would dleouss it. Th fact that he haa been selected aa one of Mr. Bonaparte's assistants would indicate that If charges have been made against him they are dis credited' at the department. It is likely however, that the criticism of Mr. Church ill's selection may lead to the substitution of some other Inspector. Mr. O'Fallon has been in the Indian serv ice only a few months. He Is a Mlssouiian, and ha served In the Missouri legislature. Dr. Orinnell r-as had considerable expert ence in th Investigation of scandals on In dian reservations. About a year ago, at the request of President Roosevelt, he disclosed the facta In connection with an attempt that was mad to defraud the Standing Rock Siouxs In the leasing of 400,000 acres of land belonging to those Indians, and thus saved thara their homea and prevented cattlemen from getting possession of their landa. Dr. OrlnpeH haa had an. experience of many years among the Indiana, and for LAST OF TRADE EXCURSIONS rinal Tour of Oommeroial Club and Stack Etohans Sett Week. SECTION TRIBUTARY TO NO COMPETITOR Train Leaves Omaha Nest Wednes day to Travel Over Reek Island and Mllwaake Member of the Commercial club and of th South Omaha Live Stock exchange are preparing for th third and last trade ex cursion of this season, which aa proposed will cover the line of th Rock Island and Milwaukee between Omaha and Dea Moines, September u, S4 arid IB. Tne train, wnicn will leave the Union atatlon at 7:30 a. m. Wednesday will cover the main Una of the Rock Island to Des Moines and the four branchea to Carson, Audubon, Qrlswold and Outhrle Center. The return will be over the Milwaukee main line, without digressions. The train will consist of six cars, two Pullmans from Omaha and one from South Omaha, an officials' car, day coach and baggage car. There will be a military band aa usual, th quartet, souvenirs and the usual advertising matter. The first night will be spent In Atlantic and the second in Dea Moines. Thla excursion will cover the territory In western Iowa which was not visited on the former trips. Th first of these was to the south and In a country "where the railroads lead on to Kansas City and other compet ing points. The second was to the north, where Sioux City has a large business and where the roada allow competition from the other end a well aa from Omaha. But the present excursion 1b on line which touch no competing point for general jobbing nearer than Chicago. The average of pop ulation for the towna la alao high. Thla la the Itinerary as outlined: Beutember 23. Btops. Weston Vnderwood . Neoln Minden Sholbv Avoca Hancock .... Oakland Carson Walnut Mr rue ....... Atlantlo Lorah Krayton Exlra Hamlin Audubon .... Atlantlo Arrive. . 8: a. m. 10 minutes 8:20 a. m. 10 minutes 8:46 a.m. SO minutes 9:15 a. m 9:42 a. m 10:18 a. m. 11:04 a. m. 11:83 a. m. 12:08 p. m. 1:13 p. m. 1:46 p. m. S IB p. m. i:si It minutes 18 minutes 80 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes SO minutes IS minutes (0 minutes b minutes 3:47 p. m. 10 minutes :W p. m. 20 minutes SO p. m. who have died In th year. A committee m tlmB "vad amona; the Black Feet of jnoniana. ttm nut reputation for unerring Judgment, and, in the ppinlon of officials here, his nam will add vastly to tha weight of authority In the report Mr. Bona parte will make on the situation In tha Indian Territory. Th suggestion has been made that. In view of Fourth Assistant Postmaater Gen eral Brlstow's success in runnlnr rtnwn brib taker, and other grafters In th Post- omo department with his force of trained inspectors, thkt some of Mr. BrlBtow'a men b detailed to assist Mr. Bonaparte In ex posing frauds In th Indian Territory. It la pointed out that Inspectors Mayer and Fosnes, who developed th Irregularities In tha Machen case, would be valuable addi tions to Mr. Bonaparte' fore. Especially la Inspector Fosnes well equipped for tha Indian Territory work, as he has had ex perience in scandals connected with the In dian service and the general land office. There la a growing belief among officials in Washington t that th Investigation in the Indian Territory will develop scandals even more rensatlonal than those brought to light by the postal Investigation. was appointed also to itake up with a sim ilar committee from the Iowa conference the matter of readjustment of th district lines. Will Bay Potatoes Early The conference of heads of the state In stitutions closed today, all the papers on the program having been read. Chairman Cownie of the state board, presented th needs of the institutions and advice to the superintendents and at the conclusion ob tained Information aa to the cropa at th various state farms. It was found that owing to the bad season the state will again have to buy potatoes, and thla will be done as early aa possible. The recent floods have done great damage to the crops and an estimate of the amount to be purchased will be secured , very soon and the stat make the purchases In other states. Hea-nlar Army Representative. Word ha been received her that Major J. A. Olmsted haa been named by the War board to represent th regular army In Iowa In charge of Instruction for the Na tional guard, and that he will enter upon his duties in about a month. Major Olm sted Is now military Instructor In th Stat Normal school at Cedar Falls. On Moro Savings Bank. Th article of Incorporation of th Farm ers' apd Merchants' Savings bank of Grav ity were filed with the secretary of state today. The capital is $10,000; W. P. Savage, president; C. H. Thomas, secretary. Th Spenoer Business university filed papers of incorporation today; capital SS.- 000; by Josephine Lamb, H. J. Burk, Frank lin Floete, O. W. Anderson, William Flint GrlBwold Lewis Atlantlo Wlota Anita Adair Casey Menlo Monteith Outhrle Center Stuart Dexter Earlham le Soto.... Van Meter Boonvllle ....... Commerce , Valley Junction Dea Molnee . 4:89 p. m 4:66 p. m. 6:60 p. m. September 24. .......... 8:00 a. IT). S:S8 a. m. 9:40 a. m. 10:00 a, m. .....10:29 a. m. 11:05 a. in. 11:43 a. m. 12:15 p. tn. 12:66 p. m. 6 minutes GO minutes 40 minute 16 minutes 6 minutes 16 minutes 20 minutes 20 minute 20 minutes 10 minutes 6 minutes 1:20 d. m. 40 minute 8:00 p. ID, 45 minutes 8:M p. m. 20 minute 4:26 p.m. IS minutes 4:58 p.m. 15 minutes 6:20 p.m. 16 minutes 6:40 p. m. 10 minutes 6:01 P. m. 5 minutes zu minutes Cliv Grimes Oranger Madrid Woodward . Benton Perry Dawson ..... Jamaica .,. Hemdon .... Bagley Bayard Coon Raplda Dedham Templeton .. Manning ... Anntnwall ... Manilla Astor Defiance . ... Earling .... Panama ... Portamouth Persia Yorkshire , Omaha .... 6:13 p. m. :60 p. m. September 25. 8:16 a. m. 8:35 a. m. 8:62 a. m. 9:06 a. m. I minutes 5 minutes 6 minutes 20 minutes .9:50 a.m. 10 minutes .10:09 a.m. 8 minutes 10:26 a. m. ....11:35 a. m. ....11:64 a. m. ....12:05 p. m. ....12:23 p. m. ....12:86 p. m. p. m. . 1:36 p. m. . 1 58 p. m. . 2:23 p. m. . 2:30 p. m. . 2:60 p. m. 8:10 p. m. 60 minutes 10 minutes minutes 10 minutes 10 minute 10 minutes 22 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minute 15 minutes 8 minutes 8:30 p. m. ' 10 minutes 8:50 p.m. 15 minutes 4:16 p. m. 6 minutes 4:32 p. m. 10 minutes 4:63 p. m. 10 minutes 5:10 p.m. 10 minutes , ft:w p. m. Sou ot Money Gone. Oeorg L. C. Miller, who haa been work ing iu th lumber region In 'Oregon and Washington, and Is on his way to visit rel atives In Des Moines, was found sleeping off a good slsed Jag on on of th aetteea tn Bay Has park yesterday morning. When searched at th city jail he was found to have S9S on him. Including three S)0 gold piece. When Miller waa told what money WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Application Approved for Establish, meat of Two Kw Banks In Iowa. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, Sept. H.-(SpeciaI Tele gram.) Application to organise national banks In Iowa were approved by the comp troller of the currency today as follows: Th First National bank of Alta, with a capital of $26,000, by James' F. Toy of BlOUX CltV .T Tnw I T Ty i - - -" j i a. ... urgwnB, Aaron Conner ind nnr a rni.i.,i n.. TX W1r,arne-W"" company of Ce- ' First National bank of Akron, with a cap. uai oi 136.000. by James F. Toy of Sioux dar Rapids became Incorporated today with WAXQ capital. The notice of change of name of th Buxton Ice company of Sioux City to the Consumers' Ice company was filed today and with It notice of increase ot capital to $100,900. Pip Bnrst at Capitol. The state capltol improvement commis sion planned to relieve the distress at th stato capital today by turning on steam. Th change In th heating plant by repla cing the seven old boilers with four new lockjaw caured by Injuries received dur- ones haa made It Impossible to warm up lug the recent Hood, was hied for probai the capltol earlier and there haa been some yeaterday. Mr. Nolan left all of his prop- . th .,. rrhi. my. both personal and real, to his widow. fomp "Bt ,n th? ,Ut mf e- This morn Mrs. Annie James has brought suit In the ln' tera w" turned on from four of th district court againat the cUy of Council old boiler that hav not yet been disturbed bluffs and a number ot defendants to and the first thing done was to burst th quiet her title to the Jaraue property at - ,. w,. . . the corner of Eighth atreet and Third 'am J1,p leaUn frora h heating plant avenue. I through the tunnel to th capltol. Thla Is The building occupied by a grocery firm I a 14-inch main. Workmen wer secured to at 1M2 West Broadway has been reported to 0 to work and stay at th task until th the city authorities a being in an unaal k,,, , . ... . . . , " condidtlon since the recent flood, and Cliyibr" u "Paid and thla will be In a day Engineer EUiyr ha been Instructed to In-1 or two. In-the meantime th state offi speut It. clals are liberal in th us of a-aa to. keen SVnV'th. InluTS-t'.6 K r 0fll"' WMU Th capitol commissioner are her and do ing all they can to further th work on ev ery department of th building. Vnvell Shepherd Mnnmn. Th date for th unveiling of th monu ment In Forest Home cemetery near Mount Pleasant, Henry county, erected to th LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. Sf Peart ft.. CuaU MUJk 'Paon tl man Studios, 48 and 46 8 Main aL KlthK, to Introduce, choice of life like, life slxe portrait or beautiful water color miniature with a dosen cabinet. The receipts in the general fund at th Christian home last week amounted to $165.71, being $34.29 below the needs ot the week and lucreaaing the deficiency In this fund to date to $2.4o9 9i. in the manager a fund th receipts were $18 60. being Jiu.W the deficiency to $183.80 in tula lund to aate. i wamory of Charle Shepherd by th state. Mra Mary T. Roase. widow of J. 8. I ' September IT. Shepherd waa a soldier Roaae, died yeaterday morning at her i of the revolution who died In Iowa and home. 1614 Ninth avenue, frora tubercu'.oeis wbuae grv oa th farm of hi rela after an lllneas of eleven months, aged , . . , . , . yaars. Two eons. John Hoaao of tlna c'ty;"ve u unmarked. The legislature appro and Henry Roaae of Clinton, la., survive prlated $600 for the monument and It ha fti-3?lBtA&il!&' completed An effort waa mad. church and Interment will be In St. Jo- to aecure Governor Cummins to deUver the aeph's cemetery. Mra Kotae was a native ! address at the dedication, but he found It of Baden, Germany and cam to this impossible to go on account of other n couniry In 18.0. ride waa married to John . 8. .Roes in this city tn 1874 and had nude gagmnta. An Invitation' waa also ex- her home her ever aince. For tea yeare tended to J. B. Sullivan and on to W. P. h hM kT11!.. In,',nbJ,r if 8t- Anne so- unburn, but neither one could go. Th ciety of St. Peter thurcb. . ; ' , . . . " , . I address will b by Judge Dwy of Wash- Plutnbtng and tteaoti. " BLxfcy A Son.". lngton. ' On th same Car there wUl also -iiy, J. Fred Toy, George C. Evland R F. Ccbb and M. A. Agdea. These rural carriers were appointed to day for Iowa routes: Albls, regular, John H. Porter; substitute. Earl Porter. A. mont, regular, George Johnson; substitute, John W. Johnson. Centervllle, regular' William H. Treat; substitute, Mrs. Naomi Treat. Montrose, regular, Charlie E. Miner; substitute, Wilson Nolo. Suther land, regular, A. W. H. Stone; ubutut Henry Cooper. ' A rural fre delivery rout will be es tablished October 16 at Hickman. Lancaster county, Nebraska; route embrace an area ot thirty square miles, population, 110. A Thonghtfnl Hnaband Cured his wife of fainting and dlssy spells, weakness, headache and backache with Eleotrio Bitters. Try them. (Oo. Fo? sal by Kuhn dc Co. HYMENEAL fcorhaash-Mnsselaann. Mr. Frances M. Zorbaugh and Mlea Zola Musaelman will be married at th horn of th brides parents, 2019 California street, thla evening. Both are well known In this olty, Mr. Zorbaugh having been engaged for some time past at All Saints church aa a baa soloist Stock well-Brown. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb , Sept. 11 (Spe cial Telegram.) Miss Maud Brown and Bart Rockwell of Council Bluffs wer mar ried at th horn of th bride' parents, aouth of this city, today. After a short wedding trip they will be at horn la Coun cil Bluffa Wnrdman-Hlekles. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Sept 16.-(8p. cial In the Christian church In Murray this evening at S o'clock occurred th mar riage of John W. Wurdman of Leigh, Neb , and MUs Amanda NUklea of Murray, Rev. D. A. Teutiy of plattsihouth officiating. HAIR WATl'RALLY ABCKDANT. When It I Free of Dandrnff It Grow Laxnrlantly. . Hair preparations and dandruff cures, aa a rule, are sticky or irritating affaire that do no. earthly good. Hair, when not die eased, grows naturally, luxuriantly. Dan druff la tha caus of nine-tenths of all hair trouble, and dandruff Is caused by a germ. Tha only wsy to cure dandruff la to kill th germ; and. so far, the only hair prepara tion that will positively destroy t!v germ is Newbro's Herplclde absolutely hum less, free from - grease, sediment, dye matter or dangerous drug. It allays etch ing Instantly; make hair glossy and toft aa silk. "Destroy tha cause, you remove tha effect." Sold by leading druggists. Bend lOo in stamp for sample to Th Her plcid Co., Detroit Mich. Sherman dt Mo- Connell Drug Co., special agents. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES apply af Hogs Contlnnes Liberal, with Increase Over Prevloas Week. CINCINNATI, O., Sept 11 (Special Tele- gram.r Price Current says: "There is continued moderate supply of hogs appear ing In the market centers. Total western packing was 310.000, compared with $00,000 the preceding week and 286.000 last year. Sine March 1 tha total ia 10,815,000 against 9,866,000 a year ago. Prominent place ooni' pare as follows; 1908. .. .8,226. UU0 ... 1,25,000 ...1,026.0110 ... 760,000 ... iMAVO ... 640 0U0 ... SblOOO ... 277.000 ... 246,000 ... 221.0UO ... 241, COO ... S4O.0U0 1902. S.226,000 l,05,0u0 ti!.W 66u,0u0 felk.wO 4.000 SOl.OuO 21H,0( 196.0110 44V. 000 fcl2,0u0 Chicago South Omaha .... Kansas City ...... St. Louis , St. Joseph i Indianapolis Milwaukee ....... Cincinnati Ottumwa Cedar Rapids ..... Sloui City ., , Bt. Paul 1 Hew Rates to Paclno Const. BAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 11 The new transcontinental freight rates affecting Cal ifornia and the entire i'aclno coast will go Into force October 12. Railway freight of ficials have Just made this announcement for the benefit of shippers and merchants who regulate thair purchases and ahip ments by the transportation chargea. Some commodities havs been raised in price, a few were lowered and soms are differently classified. Copies of the new schedule will be out In about a week. During This Week Wo Offer Wall Paper, Art Goods, Picture Frames And Framed Pictures AT 33 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT Thin is just the beginning of wall paper Bennon, and we offer the choice of our mammoth stock of 100,000 rolls of select wall paper at one-third off. ' All orders for framing left during the week will be subject to the same discount. This is the greatest oppor tunity we ever offered at this season of the year. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil & Glass Co. Broadway and Fourth Street, -M Council Bluffs. Talking about Sarsaparilla Ever hear of anv other than Ayer'si3 iztr& n l -Vle-ii. in., mi. i. u A MAGAZINE, OF CLEVER FICTION OCTOBER. OUT TO - PAY 15c On Nrrl ... Thirty fiw. St&rlm, Sasnvjr nvnd Pocni 160 Pages EVERY STORY COMPLETE &ye Measure of a M&n By FRANCIS PREVOgT Thm Jlpostle of tha Button, Elizabeth Der Tha Broad of Decott, E. F. Benson Local Color, Jacft London Thm Brut, E. Nesblt Money Cheeks and Royalties, ' Charles Battell Loomit The Helx, Morgan Robertson Confessions of a Humorist The Duellist's Wife, ; Rafael Sabatlnl And Others This number contains (JQ fJIH tUfH. Prizes to readers of 2k THE SUPEBKfTEKDEHT, It is a Pleasure to hare an office In a building where everything runs smoothly and where your wishes regard ing the little' things that are often annoying are taken care of without t"he necessity' of complaint. . The superintendent of The Dee Building devotes all of his time to supervision of service, repairs and the comfort of the tenants. It may surprise you that you nan rent a vary oorafortabl offloe. Including all ot th benefits of rood service, (or S10.0. All or our offioea are llfht, cool and at tractive. H. C. PETERS & CO., RENTAL AGENTS. QROUNO FLOOR, BBS BUlLDINd Dr.'Searles & Searles SPECUUSTS Cure All Special DISEASES OF LiEl an S Jastftn HAIASlI WEAK, NERVOUS MEN UNIFY 1IB Rl innFR V OISEASES Treatment nn SfeaJcin S5.00 PER MOUTH Examinations and advlo (re at cfBo or br mall. 'Written contract given In all curable diseases -rr refund money paid tor treatment. Treatment by mall. U year la Omaha. Car. lth nnd Dnla, OBI AH A, IBB. a tt 7 QUAKER MAID RYE yr'-'.n MEN AND WOMEII. jfCi ataVV I V Bis W lor Basilars to l t I 4iKfe.ra..lasaaiaMUoa ftwuM U lrniua k blo.rikMi f-M HmwtMi. f aM,SraaM. g T rn a Cou. PaiuUM, aaa sat eMna C7rilaaCHisi C .i m eiuua. - wacmMTi.l f i nl y aVMatata . S- A. ee ta sUia wrt, J V. t tr prmt. ri, Uf V "''S-t ' ot t t.ttlM i T. aa. tuaalai saat ( 1 "jV DeHfhtful ss a averac. BUaltMul aa a Tonic Fa sal mt ra lead in tin, cafe ad rw store. 1 H1RSCH 4 CO. laSISI Cttj, MS. v