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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1903)
10 Tim OMAHA DAILY REE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 100,7. 4 The following plfM hare been selected ry (he county committee for holding the republican orlmarles October 8. In a large majority of oases the places being the same a those In which the election win De held In Ninfmbfr: City of Oamakau J'Jrst Ward First district. 1011 South Tpnth street if,nil dltrlr-t. 174 Bouth Tenth street. Third district. Jlti Bouth Thirteenth Street. Fourth district. 1015 Booth Tenth street. Fifth district. 17 South Tenth atreet. Sixth diKtrict, 2T4B Houth Tenth street. irmn. tow-nth district, 1121 Booth Sixth street. Eighth district, Houtu Fifth atreet. fteroml Wurfl First district, South Seventeenth atrt. Kcrund district. 183 Leavenworth street. Third district. Lfi South Twentieth . Fourth district. 1X1 Bouth Sixteenth trwt. (rear). Fifth district. 1417 William street Sixth, district. 1423 Bouth Sixteenth street. Seventh district, 1806 Bouth Thirteenth t ri-ot. Eighth district 232S Bouth Twentieth Street. Ninth district, IRSt Vinton street. Tenia illstilrt. 1710 Vinton street Eleventh district, 33ol Bouth Twenty- fonrih ivtreet. Third Ward First district. Thurston hotel. Second district, Shrcly block. Third dlrlrt. Iiellone hotel. Fourth district. .113 North Fifteenth street. Fifth dlHtrlct, "Hi North Sixteenth street. Hlxth district. 17 South Thirteenth street. Heventli district. 1120 Douglas street. KlKhth distrli't, lfi Capitol avenue. Nluih district. 12i Chicago street. Tenth district. southeast corner Ninth find Fat nam Htreets. Kourth Ward . First district. 1614 Capitol avenue Hnimil district. Haohelors hotel. Third district, Twenty-tlfth and Daven nnrt streets. Fourth district, tent, and Brnnm streets. Fifth district. Bee building. Hlxth district. Dor an house. Seventh district, 71S Bouth Sixteenth atrrot. Eighth district. Hi Bouth Twentieth atreet. Ninth district, barn, Twenty-fifth and Ilarnev streets. Fifth Wnrd Flrnt district. 3S0R Shermnn avenue. Second district. 2W." Sherman avenue. Third district. 2tXs Sherman avenue. Fourth district. 1S44 Sherman avenue. Fifth district. 223 North Twentieth street. Sixth dlHtrlct, 1443 North Nineteenth street. Heventh district, 11M Sherman avenue. Sixth Ward . First district. 4G23 North Thirtieth street. Second district. 4719 North Fortieth street Third district, 2213 Military avenue. Fourth district, 3704 North Thirtieth Street. Fifth district. SIM North Twenty-first treet. Hlxth district, 2901 North Thirtieth street Heventh district. H402 Parker street. KlKhth district, 1M3 North Twenty-seventh street. Ninth district. 1710 North Twenty-fourth atreet. Tenth district, 2307 North Twenty-fourth etree,t Eleventh dlatrlct, 1701 North Twenty- Tourtn atreet. ' Seventh Ward First district. 271 T.en venworth street. Second district. 1334 Park avenue. Third district. Thirty-third and Francis street. Fourth district, 3424 Bouth Twenty-ninth treet. Fifth district, bam, 1525 Georgia avenue. Blxth district, tenf, Georgia and Popple- ton avenues. Ethth Ward First dlatrlct. 1322 North Twenty-fourth treet. Second dlstrlot. H Hamilton atreet Third district 2W7 Case street. Fourth district '.'422 Cuming- street Fifth district, S1W Cumins; atreet. Hlxth district. 2024 Chicago street rear. Heventh district. 1719 Cumin atreet. KlKhth district, 1801 Case street ' Ninth Ward First district. Thirtieth and Cuming atreet s. Second district. Fortieth and Hamilton Streets. Thl-d district. Fortieth and Farnam Streets. Fourth district. Thirty-third and Daven port streets. Fifth district. Twenty-eighth and Far ns" streets. Sixth district livery stable. Thirtieth and Leavenworth streets. City ef Boatti Omaha. First Word First district. Dlckman's store,' Twenty first and U atreeta. Second dlatrlct. Collins' store, 627 North Twenty-fourth street Second Ward First district, feed store. Twenty-first and Q streets. Second district. 230 N street. Third Ward First district. Railroad avenue and county road. Hecoud district Eagle house, Thirty second end T streets. Fourth Ward First district. Twenty-fdxth and O atreet. Second district, Thlrty-aeoond and ti afreets Fifth Ward First district. Thirty-fifth and O atreeta. Becond district, Thirty-sixth and Q trceta Blxth Ward First district. Twenty-fourth and O Streets. Hecnnd district. Msyberry building, Twenty-fifth street twtween N and M streets. Country Precincts Hwiii, town hall. Chicago, reeson A Bpetman's hall, Elk- Jiorn. Clontarf, bouse of M Rooa. Ionrlaa. school district No. R. T'undee. Pundee enifine bouse. Fsst OmaliH, school district No. O. Flkhorn. Flk Cltv hall. Flnretice, city hall. Jefferson, Manifold's lumber vard. McArdle, Woodmen of the World hall. Millard school house, l'latte Valley, oner honae. tinten. Modern Woodmen of Araerloa hall, Jrvtnirton. Waterloo, Woodmen of the World hall, Waterloo. Je-mlak Rabllcai Clab. A rousing meeting was held in Crounsa tilock Tuesday evening, at which the Ne braska. Jewish Republican club was organ ised and tha following omcers elected: Emll Mots, president; 1. Modji'ska, vice . pre ai dant; Emll Kretach. aecretary; Bam Morris, Treasurer. Over luu members were eurolled M.d the organisation promises to be In a flourishing condition soon. A committee wm auto appointed to enlist membership for the next meeting, dute of whloh wlU be (tnnounced In the papers later. Oae-Way Hales. , Kvery day from September 15 to' November 10, inclusive, the I'nlon l'aclflo will sell one way ticketa from Missouri river terminals (Council 1 Huffs to Kansas City, Inclusive) as follows: fX.W) to Ogden and Salt Lake City. 110.00 to Helena and Uutte, Montana. 122.H to Spokane and Wtnatchee, Wash ington. 122-E0 to Huntington and Nam pa, Idaho. IX.UO to Portland, Tacoma and Beattle. 125.00 to Vancouver and Victoria. I 00 to Aahland and Astoria, Oregon, via Tor Hand. 12.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Ban Diego. Correspondingly low rates to many other California. Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah and Idaho polnta For full Information call on or address city ticket office, 1124 Farnam street 'Phone 114. Atteallam. Garfeld circle No. 11, Toadies of the Grand Army. You are hereby ordered to attend the fuayral of Slater Wllhelmlna Martin at ler lae residence. a Houth Twenty-eeo-nd atreet. Thursday at 1 SO p. iu. By or f er ef tn president. AGNES UAZE, PRIMARY POLLING- PLACES Voting Boo'h for Primariei Deiignated by Republican County Committee. USUAL ELECTION BOOTHS IN MOST "CASES Nebraska Jewish Republican flak U Orintiri1 ytlth Over On Ilondred Mriubrri and Stsrte Oat with Splendid Prospect. . ii I School Shoes f,1 illinery Specials ; Thursday VELVET TRIMMED A most inviting special for Thursday is the hat of velvet with large bird on left side, with handsome steel buckle ultra stylish creation, tomorrow, at A Regular $5.00 Trimmed Hat at $3.50 We offer a tremendous assortment of at $3.50. Trlmmmed with ostrich feathers, also Jet, birds and fancy feathers, in large and medium shapes, at READY TO .TRIM SHAPES trim shapes, complete assortment treat value, at All kind of th t ewellett and most Swell Lace Collars at 59c fdthion'xbU large lace collars. They ovmt tit the atlractivv round and V ghapei, nin m cAtni en7vs in aiaborafa TVnt'cS " - -- and Dutches pattern, f- actually worth $1. SO Vjf and S each, at f New fall kid flrlovesi in every late shade.' Thousands on bargain square, per sxUr, Q NEW FALL SILK WAISTS AT S3. SO Having purchased sample line of one of the finest silk waist manufacturers, we will place on' sale &0 silk waists, all of them this fall's styles, TT f In taffetas, peau de soles, satin duchess, white, black and ,1, Jl I all colors, all slses, at ' LADIES' PURE WOOL SWEATERS AT $1.50 A MS Sweater at $1.W). Ladles' pure wool sweaters in white, red, f Kf blue and green. All slses, on main floor " verts at BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS READY. Our great new stock of fine blankets and comforters has arrived, now ready In great variety In our basement 31. Prn&a & pu3J. 7Z. Prznbtim Pons "" """"IBTT" 1 sLMWimtMiMnmmtnrm 1 1 "--rrnntiamiMasurwsg-.-ass LARGEST EXCLUSIVE RETAIL MILLINERY HOUSE IN THE WEST. First Grand Showing Fall Millinery Dress, Individual Suit and Ready-to-Wear Hats. Thursday and Friday this week 'Our Styles Always EicIusIh Our Prices Popular. . 1508 Douglas Street. 03, WILKINSON'S EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT CLINICS, CREIQHTON BLOCK, 15th AND DOUCLAS, OMAHA. Treatment and operations daily for ratarrh. Catarrhal Deafness. Adenoids often eauaa of mouth breathing, llstlesHnes and deafness in children, IllshiiPfd Noses, Chronlo Sore Throat, Enlarged Tonsils, Urowths In Nostrils, Polypi, etc.. Cleft Palate, Murellp, Kunnlin Kara, Cross Eyes stralKhtened by operation. Headache, due to eye or nasul, or catarrhal causes. Affections of the voice, ilia tongue. Irritable coughs, hay fever, eta THKfH CUNICS ARE FREK TO THE POOR. J TO 6 O'CIXICK. Open evenings 7 to p. m. Sundays S to 12. No charges for examination of patients. KIXSIUISS3ZESSIUSS3IE M M 1 IIU M ilndiat) Beads H M M H I no f jtu or i lie Day h g We carry the largest line of col- JJ U ors in READS of any house. Send m possible; we can till your wants. H JJ Loom to weave beadwork, pat-C H tern books, . needles, everything H g pertaining to the BRAD work. 5 M Also the largest and most complete H JJ yarn department in the west. WeH 5 WUOIJiSALK OH U1STAIL and S M can fill your wants for any quart- 5 tlty. H g 6 JOSEPH F. BILZ g g 321 fie. 16th Street. M H OMAHA, - . NEBRASKA. g An Omaha man loat his keys and they were promptly returned to htm through. a registered tag given him by the MacCaxthy Tailoring Company, 9H South Sixteenth street These tags are nickel plated and numbered. A record la kept of each num ber and the name and address of the man to whom It is given. Tou can get one of tht-ee by calling at their store. Bask Cerliaratea. We Issue certificate of deposit for I, I or 11 months bearing I per cent Interest All deposits payable on demaad. J. U HKANDKld at BO.N3. Bankers. Douglas Prinuac Co., out Howard.' Tel Boy.' School 5-ults Floor HATS AT S2.SO. fastened to the hat 2,50 and satin bows, an repular $5 trimmed hats tomorrow 3.50 Shirred silk and velvet ready-to of late fall styles, 4 fQ -JO jk.. 4Ti, ,W &&f ti J 6 mXtrtH i -i Our Great Fall Leader Ladies'FallSuits$9.98 Absolutely the swelleat and moBt carefully made suit for ladies ever shown at anything like our prices. Made In tho smart styles of Venetians, co and broadcloths 9.98 !n the popular fall shades a rare value at Golf Skirt Special In heavy meltons and novelty t O cloths, stitched and trot- VI fl ton trimmed, at, Dress Skirts Of cheviot, broadcloths, etc., with the new hip trimming, with and a without drop linings l vJ 4 They are 2033 lSVvst Frank Wilcox Manager, Cur Monuj ram Shoe for women always $2.50 The price doesn't In dicate the quality the quality hasn't been cut profit is cut that's all. A maid Is always In attendance to polish ladies' shoes free of charge. Sorosls $3. 50 Always shapelv -always 10 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Best Aarleallasat Weekly. TUB HKL1ABLK ITOIIE. Lien's SI0.00 Suit Salo A Groat Sale of Boys' and Children's Suits Boys' suits, made in double breasted knee pant styles. In ages from 6 to 16 years, In cheviots and cassl meres all well made and none worth less than $2.75, A EJ?V In this great sale at I e vf Boys' knee pant suits, In double breasted Norfolk, sailor blouse and three piece styles, In all the latest shades and fabrics, tailored In first class manner and none worth less than $3.50 to $4.50, sy f In this great sale at only WDU Boys' long pant suits, In double and single breasted styles. In blue and black cheviots and mixed cassimeres any of these suits were made to sell at $7.60, to $9.00 our special price, J f ( onfy OiUU Hats Trimmed Free of Charge Thursday's Magnificent Millinery Values. 1 7.50 Trimmed Hats Q Q $6.00 Trimmed Hats 3 Q 5 ?2.00 Satin Stitched, Drim shaggy 1 mohair, felt Olata for 1 f G.00 white, handsomely trimmed, felt and mohair EZ f U&t6 just the thing for present wear for dZioKJ J $2.00 street hats, made of felt and velvet coiabinationQ O p in all, colors a graiid street hat bargain for , Hals Trimmed Free of Gharge. Rubber Goods Uood weather for them but our sale all this week beats the weather, even. Talk about BPKCIAL SAUia. CUEARINU S ALIOS. 8ACR1KICE 8AL.ES. CHAL- LKNGE BALJSa, BANKRUl'T SALES, etc.. etc.; they are not in It with tins one. o such prices were ever made before any where as we are now making on SYHINGrS, WATKii UOTTL.KS, FOUN TAIN BYKINGEM, etc THESE PHICEH ARB LESS THAN MANY DEALERS ARE PAYING AT WHOLESALE. AI)U 15o TO THESE PRICKS FOR POST AG HI IF WANTED BY MAIL. THIS WEEK ONLY. 2-qt White water bottle 35o S-qt White water bottle 45c 2- qt. Diamond fountain sytinge 4t)c 3- qt. Diamond fountain syringe 4c 4- qt. Diamond fountain svrlnge 64o Z-qt. Imperial fountain syringe 4fo $-qt. Imperial fountain syringe 65c 2-qt. Imperial syringe and water bottle. .TDo -qt. Imperial syrlnee and wator bottle.. h5o 4-qt. Imperial Byrlnge Hnd water bottle. .S5c Think of It a combination syringe and water bottle, 75c. 2-qt heavy, slate color water bottle. ...60e 2-qt heavy, slate color water bottle 70c 4-qt heavy, slate color water bottle S0o 2-qt slate fountain syringe, "Pearl" 75o $-qt. slate fountain syringe, "Pearl". ...8uo 4-qt slate fountain syringe, 'Pearl".. . .Hoc 2-qt. slate combination. "Harvard". ...$1.(p0 2-qt slate combination, "Harvard".... 1.25 4-qt slate combination, "Harvard".... 1.40 2-qt. extra rapid flow fountain, "Hos pital" TCo -qt. extra rapid flow fountain. "Hos pital" 5o -ut. extra rapid flow fountain, "Hos- jjij" 26o $2 00 ""Venetian" rapid flow, red rubber. extra fancy, holds 3 quarts, for $1.50 60o Yale bulb ayrlnge 2Sc hue atomlzw. full size and guaranteed. .. .25o THESE PCF.S ARE RIGHT SO ARE THE GOODS. THIS WKElt irffe'MKMBEH. MAIL ORDERS FIIJJCO. ALWaW OPE14. SGIIflEFER'S dkuq srone Two 'Pbonea T4T TftT. tflth ad hlcaa Streets. Omaaa, r i . taftI rit-uacu 1 1 i ml a. a a w t a -s R S'll Our patients can not help W but appreciate the services they receive at our office, lor we exert our greatest effort in doing honest, faithful work. Hold Filling's. ...SI.SO up Silver Fillings 75c Teeth Cleaned 75c TaiYs Dental Rooms 1517 Doug-las St. COLLAR Deputy Btate TeUrlnartaa, Vood Inspector. H.L.RIUACCI9TTI, D. V. S. CITT VETKRINARIAN. Office aad Innruaiw, aU and Mason Bta. llIS To start the season and test the power of quality and price. This Is a sale by Itself and far beyond any possible com petition. The suits are made In single and double breasted styles fabrics are of cheviots. In dark brown and gray mixtures and dark Plaid effects. In silk mixed worsteds, blue serges. In various weaves and plain black and blue unfinished worsteds, In thlbet cloths, cut by the newest methods and made In the best tailor shops In America made to fit men of all proportions. Your 1-hoir-e of the entire lot, at, per suit SI000 Do not Judge of the quality, make or style of these goods by the price The great hulk of these suits were made to sell at $12.60. J15.00, $17.60 and up to $l.C0-and all put In here to make up the most attractive sale ever attempted In this country. The sale Is set for Friday and Saturday. A sample line of the goods are now on display In our 16th street windows. t 4 HP Just the Thing For the street car man or mechanlo Those new shoes we've had made es pecially for us genuine Goodyear welt soles and grain calf uppers. Made on the wide plain toe and Blucher cut style. . $2.50 A shoe that Is made so as to get the most comfort snd wear. We Invite the men that must be on their feet all day long to look at this know It will please. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's U?-to-Dats Shoe Houss, ,You can hear them at our store every 15 minutes. .... We are agents for the celebrated Russell hall clocks, having tubular chimes. These chimes are much sweeter than any Westminister chimes heretofore sold. Thebe chimes strike on ateel tubes. If you are thinking of a hall clock It will pay yju to our ball cloika, they are th'i tlncst made. Mahogany, oak and ebony cases, any design made to orded i! you wish. BROWN & BORSHEIM, 223 South 16th Street. Perfield's Cut Pries) Piano Co, Res Bidr.. Room 7. Tlphoas 701 Wafcer, Sj.ry at kaewlg Utiles PJr Ctiiirfii i r BOYS' gf " ' 'T 8 GST 0 0 SO Kb Thursday, Bargains in Dry Goods Dept Big Blanket and Comfort Sale at the Harney Street Circle 500 PAIR fine Sheet antl Bed HInnketK. In white, prays and tans, .till pretty borders, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4. 1'rices, per pulr, ?1.5i, A q to 08c, 85c, 73c, C'Jc and JtOC Not one pair worth less than 75c and up to $2.50 rer pair. BED COMFORTS All full bed sizes, covered in reptilnr comfort calicos, silkolines and sateens. Prices 50c, CS)c, 80c, $1.15, $1.38. Not one comfort but what Is worth at least 20 per cent more than we ask in this big sale. FLANNEL SKIRT PATTERNS nongh In each pattern to OCZ make a full underskirt, nicely bordered, all colors, only, pattern iuC 25 dozen full 2 1-2-Ib. feather Bed Pillows, fine quality feathers, A q best quality ticking, this sale, only, each OC In Our-Linen Department. Great bargain sale of fine Irish linen table cloths, 150 fine cloths, full grass bleached, border nil around, In 2 yards, 2 1-2 yards and 4 syj 8 yards long, at, each $2.50, $1.05 and I a X O All worth much more. 100 dozen fine Irish all linen table napkins, full grass bleached, big 24-in. napkins, a big variety of patterns, a good $3.00 napkin, njj special for ThursJly, dozen Wufy SHEETS 81x00 fine sheets, torn and Ironed, all ready for use, a good C5c quality, special sale only, each , UuC PILLOW CASES All sires, good quality, deep hem. Ironed g all ready for use, are cheap at 15c Thursday only, each 1UC n n iinery: Willi Thursday and Friday we will have an in Jormal ope?iing display of pattern hats. A Wonderful Sale of Millinery Just received a sample liiie of trimmed street hats QO worth 2, $3, ?4, all go Thursday and Friday, at Ot Black felt turbans, triniined in silk and velvet worth dou ble the price they are not heavy as cheap i Q O hats usually are yours, each ! O Scotch fslt flats for young iniss, all trimmed in "t Q O dainty colors ! zO Groceries Still Leading We buy direct from the produoer this and our lame purchases geC for us rock-bottom prices. We can give you NEWER, FREBHER, FINER GOODS than any other and cheaper, too! POSTAL. CARPS FRER. H1NO VP 137, GROCERT. Bennett's Capitol Creamery BUTTER Thursday we put en saleS.OOO lbs. at tiet a Hupply, Weather 21c This Is Rousing liutter Bargain. Is U. K. REST ON THE TAULE. Rolled Oats J-pound package 10c Wheat for breakfast '.Mb. pkg loo Ruked Reans 3-)ound can luo Plneupplo gnitrtl J-pound can l"o Chill Halice txitlle o Rreakfast Cocoa Vi-Kiund cmi -c Imported Sardines can 1"' Maple Cream cake 60 Tahlo Byrui rin 1"" Pickles assorted- bottle ; t Hives bottlH 9c Wlsfonsin Cream t'lifusepound..l2lsO Hit. VAI.I KS l t OI KKIIs. Santos Cofffe mild fine drink lb. 12c Rennett's Cupltol Cofl'i-e Hi. pkg.. lo Iniperial Japan Tea -pound Tea Slftlngs poun l lao A Prune Special PIO LOT FINK I.AK'IE. A MEATY ritrXKH. J 1 ICY C. CALIF OK M S-p(-r poiiiul.. THE BENNETT A wise person never waits for trouble but prevents It. He wise and attend to your teeth before yoa are compelled to. BAILEY, Tho Dentist, lid Attendant. Telephons 1085. 3rd Floor Ptitoi Bloe't. Sojttcmhor YOI may not be going to your friends are and ou'il have to buy a prest-nt silver or cut gluHs would l the thing we have a new stork pf both. Sneiid a few minutes at our store. Look fori the nujne. . S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 1116 Douglas Street. SUITS Two Great Special, On Sale Thursday Boys' Suits $2 Made of pure all wool blue cheviot and casslmere all the newest col oringsNorfolk style elses 4 to 13 years double breasted style, slrs I to IS years Special $2 Boys' Suits, $3.00 Made of very fine and select fancy chfvlnta snd cassimeres, also mmm blue Washington mills cheviot fcyJfr mode and trimmed beautifully and the fit Is perfect-Norfolk style, 4 to 12. double breasted style. to 15 years, J? special I, ftitfrin " in' i iW if iviiiiinery! Thursday's Rousing Bargains in Crockery Half gallon Maaoa Jars dozen , 50c 20c 2.95 6c Havlland Co. Ranaon Rreakfast Plates each Rich American Cut Glasa Bowls 16.00 . vaiues for Extra quality Uas Mantles each Macbeth's No. 2 Pearl Top Lamp Chimneys each 6c Common Jelly Tumblers open or with out tin covers IF YOU TAKE THEM WITH 1 Td YOU doen IUW WEIiniNO PRESENTS THE BEST SELECTIONS VOO 1 vma AROUND. - KVERYTHINO 11 FIIK CHOCK KHY A D O LAS SWA HE. EVK11YTHING in ' PLAIM AND VAnCY WiRK. LOWESJ1 PRICES. Come and see this hustling depart ment and the startling Largalna In It. JJ HscSB8B9aB9BBS Weddings get married hut some of a 3. I