t 10 Tlin OMAHA DAILY NEE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1903. mi Don't Fail to At- Children'.?, SI 5chool . I Clothing lin 3rd Floor I WJ Children's School Shoe 2nd Floor tend tho Great THE RELIABLE STORK. '"'t Miiw."iu'i!U"i ii t ib ii i j aw sjr-w 1 1 isj iu w-y as t, aflr.TUWJ lln HJn,V Come And see the smart new modes epecially priced. Ladies' Fall Suit Bargains . Suit, Skirt and Coat Specials A Suit at $7.50 On Wednesday we will show a varied assortment of up-to-date fall suits which we will price at n very remarkable bargain. You will find novelty cloth suits made with the long skirt coats and otber dis tinctive r.KKi effects, well made and styl- i J iauntv street suit, at a, Swell Fall An assortment front coat ting Ideas, blgh grade samples. A real buying opportunity, at , nnrrnp.t suit like it our exclusive special A Made with the . inn rlmmlnir. t made of eood New Fall Dress Skirts at $3.98. Made of broadcloths -with w1d tnfleta folds; the new hip trim QQ mlnjfs, etc., the new trains, at The New Fall Weight Coats. glimpse of the new fall coats, many of the boot stylos in the corset effects, blouse and box fronts, close fitting backs. In full weight T.TJC:.T? 9.98, 12.50, 14.85 Fall Millinery Specials Street Hats at $1.49 The banner line of street hats shown in Omaha. The very newest shades, aaid shapes equal In design to any $3 hat shown this "I A Q season, a big special millinery even, 'today .... " Ready-to-wear and Ready-to-trim Turbans In dress shapes, etc., all velvet, velvet and jet, and vel vet and felt combinations, most of these are sample hats and are regularly sold not' less than: I Qft $3.50, today, special, at 130 Black flowers, silk and velvet Toliajre. violets, roses, etc.. sold every where at 49c, 4nn today at , . . . 1UW ?J. JZ. Pznnbtl tt p9ne 3lfi3 'You are cordially invited to open a bank account with cs. We fay 4 per cent interest on pass books and certifi cates) and money may be withdrawn at any time without notice, on all banks cashed J. L. Brandeis & Sons BANKERS. ..SEWING MACHINES.. W. ars authorised agents lor the NEW HOME, WHITE, STANDARD, DO MESTIC, HOUSEHOLD, and other first class sewing machines sold on small month ly payments. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed purchasers. We are the oldest sewing machine Arm In this city. P. E. FLODiMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave. Tel. 1574 THE BENNETT COMPANY SPECIAL. PEANUT SALE WEDNESDAY. THREE CENTS A QUART. THREE CENTS A QUART. FRESH ROASTED 8TILL HOT A FULL, QUART FOR THREE CENTS. ITOUIT DEPARTMENT BASEMENT. Ills Deal. , 7,66.00 worth of tables for th. parlor, 6en. library, hall. td room, etc.; a New York manufacturer's sample line; 20 per cent discount this week. Don't miss It. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. i Card of Thank. W. the undersigned wish to express our sincere thanks to A. O. U. W.. Lodge No. 18, to Tailors Union No. 92, to D. of 11. A. O. V. XV., No. 230, and to the many friends for their kindness and sympathy and tloral offerings during the sickness and at the death of our beloved husband and father. MRS. JOHN SWARD and CHILDREN. Douglas Printing Co., U08 Howard. Tel. Hi. Publics . Appreciation a Uiiud Thine Ry the way they take to our 'JO per cent discount aample table sal.. Come early. Ton won't be disappointed. Orchard & Wllhetm Carpet Co. Indian Beads the big bunches for Be, St Bennett's. May Build This Kali. Fisher I.awr!e are drawing plans for the new three-story brick building that will replace the structure that collapsed at 16 Douglas street some wrrki ag". The Wel ern Keal Estate company of Huston, repre eenled in Omaha by the McCugu Invest ment om.in. will put up the bullllng. Kroin Intimations made to the cltv building department construction this fall is Indi cated. Bonansa Seail-Authrarlie Coal. We are receiving fresh shipments of tonanaa Eemi-Anthracite roal dally. Secure your winter supply now before th. prlc advances. Our customers say "It Is equal to hard coal." Prlc 17.50 per ton. We sell all kinds of coal. Central Coal & Cok. Co. lira and Harney at, 'Phones 113 and 1695. ' Sample Suits at $14.85 of swell fall suits In the box effect, blouse front, and tiirht fit Including many very 14.85 , Our Fall Suit Leader. The popular fall suit of the season made In i made in Fall, not d 9.98 colors and ClOthS IOr Iall. not Q ever sold for the price Golf Skirt at $1.98. new pleated bottoms, 1.98 meltons, etc., at Pompoms, al I sorts and colors; all the trimming a street hat requires. each dmiKJK,' 21. Ptun&tla & pen Checks Onlmod shoes need no breaking In. They ara comfortable from tha mo ment you put them on. Yet they look well as long as you wear them. The reason Is, they ara mada to fit. Onimod On-aMan gives satisfaction. Always $3.50$2.50 Regent Shoo Go. 205 So. 15th St. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank th. many friends who kindly assisted us In our sad bereavement of our beloved sister, wife and mother. William Van Hyrung, O. J. Carey. Mars. Ava B. Tubbs. Indian Beads the big bunches for Re, at Bennett's. Watch th. Regent 8 hoe company win dows for th. Free 6 hoe coupon. 205 South Fifteenth, street Specie! for one day-Wednesday only, ws will sell all our 20c and Xc Cretonnes for 1SV yard-all colors. Ws also sell Curtain ewlss very cheap Orchard ft Wlllieliu Carpet Co. i iff l.aco ana Embroidery Sale Wednesday. rtK) HAND MADE LACES AT BSc TARD. Wednesday morning we will place on sale 2") pieces of all linen, hand mnde oluny lace and Inserting, worth 75c to tJ a yard. The!" K-uods Hn the odd pieces from th CJarrlsoTi, Wright Co. stock ami are of the very finest cluny patterns, are strictly all linen and every pleee hand made The lest weHrlng lnce manufactured, CDm on sale Wednesday at, yard 096 SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY III THE CLOAK DEPARTMENT. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. HOI FOR A BUSY DAY WEDNESDAY IN THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. 50c Hat Drapes, 29c Black, white, and black and white combinotian, chiffon hemstitched veil dT hat drapes l yards long, easily worth 50c vVrC white they last w HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. $1.25 black felt turbans ... 69c HATS TRIUKED FREE OF CHARGE. $t.00 black ostrich plumes 39c 50c white silk infants' caps..,. 25c $2.00 ready-to-wear hats 98c HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. (59c automobile corduroy caps . 39c HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ill iHfc Hivi.IAtL,ti; IIUHg. DON'T WAIT. PRESERVE PEACHES AND PEAR3 NOW. The fruit crop Is short owing to the late frosts, and indications are for higher prices and inferior quality. We have purchased from the California Fruit Exchange another oar of fancy free stone peaches and fancy Bartlett pears, which we will continue to sell Wednesday, ns follows: Fancy freestone peaches, per box VPAc Fancy Bartlett peiars. per box Illo BREAKFAST FOOD SPECIALS Vigor, per package 7,0 aj u u - HAYDEW BROS. r.- ... - Stnoks Omaha' Finest "tiJ V Full line f Clr Havana Cigars Com plete L II line of pipes all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST PV- J CIGAR HOUSE. Main Office, 1404 Douglts. I m0 X Established ISM. Telephone 1- , - . .. - .0tJ.J Rubber Goods UuoU weather lor iliein but 6ur sale all this week beats the Weather, even. Talk about SPECIAL SALES. CLEARING SALES, SACRIFICE SALES. CHAL LENGE SALES, BANKRUPT SALES, etc., etc.; they are not In It with this one. No such prices were ever made before any where as we are now making on SYRINGES. WATER BOTTLES, FOUN TAIN SYRINGES, etc. THESE PRICES ARE LESS THAN MANY DEALERS ARE PAY I NO AT WHOLESALE. ADD 15o TO THESE PRICES FOR POSTAGE IF WANTED BY MAIL. TH18 WEEK ONLY. -lt. White water bottle 35c S-qt, White water bottle 45c ii-qt. Diamond fountain syringe 4c 3- qt. Diamond fountain syringe 4mj 4- qt. Diamond fountain syringe 64c t-qt. Imperial fountain syringe 45o 3- qt. Imperial fountain syringe 55c 2-qt. Imperial syringe and water bottle.. 75c 5- qt. Imperial ayriiiKe and water bottle. .sic 4- qt. Imperial syringe and water bottle. .We Think of it a combination syringe and water bottle, 75c. 2-qt. heavy, slate color water bottle. ...60c 5- qt. heavy, tjte color water bottle 70c 4- qt. heavy, slate color wattr bottle Kile 2-qt. slate fountain syringe, "Pearl" 75c 5- qt. slate fountuin syringe, "Pearl". .. S5c 4-qt. slate fountain syringe, "Pearl"... (tie 2-qt. slate combination, "Harvard".... $1.00 s-qt. slate comMnallon, "Harvard .... 1.25 4-qt. slate crnnblimtloii, "Harvard".... 1.40 Z-qt. extra rapid now fountain, 'Hos pital 75c 3- qt. extra rapid flow fountain, "Hos pital" 85c 4-it. extra rapid flow fountain, "Hos pital" S5c i: 00 ' Venetian rapid now. red rubber. extra fancy, holds 3 quarts, for $1 50 5oc Yale bulb syringe Sc 60c nioitiizt't' run slse and guaranteed.... Jaa 'iMtr.se; VKK-e:s a Re; right so ark THE UiODS THIS WEEK REMEMBER. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. ALWAYS OPEN. SCilAEFER'S DKUO STOKE Vmm 'Ph.Bes T47 sad T7. lath 41 thlca Streets, Omaha. T 1 Tables. Tables. Not only a few, but mora than (00 from which to make your selection; 20 per cent discount; library, parlor, den. bed room tables, taborettes and pedestals. Orchard 4V Wllb.Un Carpet Cth SPECIAL EMBROIDERY SALE Just arrived, two more cases of that noted lot of 4H to ysrxl strips of embroideries and Insertlngs, which will be placed on sale Wednesday morning, worth 6c to 75c at, per yard Qf VSe to 3C WOMEN'S SUITS. New stilts are arriving every day by eje- firess. The newest things from the beet louses hi New York, opening daily In our clo:ik department. . Several new suits, all new materials, new mixtures, the lest we have JO QQ sirh shown so fur this season, for saun 175 suits received by express today all new mixtures, panne cheviots, Lyman's wool cheviots and broadcloths, for which oth ers will ask you na high as C Kf) PUPll J5, our price Wednesday only '0.JU BOUH NX) new sample nulls, In all tho new grace ful styles these are away ahead of any thing we have shown this season, and can well compare with our '$36.00 suits whlcn we showed ten aays ago, r-ik Wednesdav onlv. each 9tv TO high class suits, at, each $35, $45, $06 and $75 WOMEN'S FURS. The rush on furs has commenced In earnest. Buy early and save 25 per cent. Every fur garment we sell Is sold 25 pur cent less than It will be three weeks hence. The furs which we have on hand now were bought at the early price nnd bought cheap aiuk the next Instalment will cost us much more. 2U1 women's scarfs, made of opossum, mink, blended marten, etc, which sell 4 A QUI for $S.OO, Wednesday only each . . . Qf3 3 tZTVVz?r... $1.50 each Just received bv express. VJi women's long - cloaks beautiful garments at tjl rtfl each, $25, $19 and VlHiUU Grocery Department Vim, per packag NeutritR, per package ', Egg-O-See, per package Malta Ceres, per paekapre DRIED FRUIT. Choice Utah Peaehes, per pound Choice California Peaches, per pound., Fancy Colorado Peaches, per pound ., Extra fancy Mulr Peaches, per pound. Good Sunta Clara Prunes, per pound.. Fancy Italian Prunes per pound Fancy black sweet French Prunes, lb.. KXTRA SPECIAL Most all brands of laundry. 7He 7c ..5c 7'o .8Vj,e .10c ..4c ..6c uuji, imrs ror .I5c COOK STOVES... That heat your home and last 20 years. $3.00 Per Month ..OR.. The Wholesale Price for Cash. -ef ' ; ::; " '.' ! 1 1 Our long lasting steel range is th. finest cooking spparatus In th. world, but It Is Intended for cooking and not heating. Our high grade cast Iron Ranger and cook Stove will cook and heat. too. Th. walls of our steel range are made of two sheets of steel with asbestos In between, and that won't let tha heat out like an Iron rang or cook will, that throws heat in every di rection. The Stoetzel Stove Co., 714 S. 16th St. 3r&as, In mm ;1' Jl:.'f f (St..". " - c?.t it a. . '- 1 S i, vf i . n . 'r. . . a . . -. . .a BANKRUPT LANGE & MINTON MUSIC STOCK PIANOS ORGANS PLAYERS MANDOLINS VIOLINS DANJOS m GUITARS AND ETC. ahuellER , (iNCOSPOBATtO) MANUFACTURE-WHOLESALE-RETAtt F M O S MAIN HOUSE ANO OFFICC: 1319 FAHHAS1 FACTORY! FARN ASJ TCLEPHONC 1tS OMAHA LINCOLN, NEB CO. BLUFFS, IA las a. iith T. I oa s)oaowa For Storm and Streef Wear We have a woman's 13 50 shoe that is exactly the tiling for stormy weather and for street weur ut auy time,. Made of medium kid stock or patent colt skin, with a tjood weight welt shoe, a comfortable walking hel and an easy fit ting, but fashionable last. It Is the seme of good sense, com fort and style; the correct street shoe in storm or shine; and tho best shoe value sold anywhere fer $3.50 CRY SHOE CQ iS'&DOIJGlAo. 1 - VOMENs lUtf ; U ruua-tlt, lfL. ksaeM:4MMiuBlii knuL r.osLiuaui ti; irllevea la ! nut, -JU sU i i A- ''. 1.eii-:'l AT ONE-THIRD COST PI..I,SiSWniSBB Smart Overcoats for fall. Our frill display of ready for your inspection. Never in the his tory of " 1 he Nebraska a magnificent array of smart overcoats arc made by the best clothes builders in America. They are strictly correct in all points of fashion and beauty of designs. They are df the character which most of the men who are particular about their clothes .imagine are to be had from only the high priced tailors. Drop in tomorrow and let us Show you the new fall styles. The Grocery Leaders Second to none In any way whsre groceries are concerned. VARIETY', FRESHNESS. I-OW PRICES AND ASSURED SATI8- FACTION. WEDNESDAY SPECIALS. 2-LR. PACKAGE BEN NETT'S CAPITOL PAN CAKE FLOl'R 8c WORTH lViO-AT NEW 1303 STOCK REST POSSIBLE QUALITY. Asparagas 12iC 1 pound can " Breakfast Cocoa, 20 C Vi-lb. can " Bentiott's Capitol Baking 3C Powder, best possible, h-lb. can parlor Matches An r j at M0 WI.V II. W4t ......... ..... Catsup per bottle Chill Sauce per bottle ..... French Mustard Elans and spoon 8c 8c 10c Pineapple grated IOC 3-pound can Grape Nuta tOc per packag. Pull weight Milk QC upr run ..... ..... Bluing per box ..... 2om Starch 1-lb. package California Prunes per pound Peaches evaporated fresh almost every day ... 2c 5c 5c 10c 15c 24c 5c t Country Butter direct from larmer to us Bennett's Calltol Creamery Butter best on earth, lb ... Medium Sour Pickles pint FULL LINE OF CHEESE WISCONSIN CREAM CHEESE, LB 124c HEADQUARTERS FOR TEAS, ETC,. B. F. Japan, Oolontr, Gunpowder nnSl. English Breakfust tXfin nar Jt7W ,... ... Tea Sittings per pound Imperial Japan per pound Fine Santos Coffee Bennett's Capitol Coffee pound , Mixed Pickling Spices ' pound , . 15c 25c 12c 28c 25c THE THE BENNETT COMPANY YOUR DENTAL WORK FREE Our success is due to the hiuh grade work done by the professors of thit college. No students. Teeth Kmtraeted Without Pain by tur ev Iatent Method. I Mil, OfTIIBKB 1st, Fl XI. SKT OK TEETH. a.BB. Save Your Teeth. Save your money. We savo aching teeth. We save ulcerated teeth. We save old roots. We can save 95 per cent of teeth others extract. In order to give all a chance to consult the prufi s.miih. vnl i niitlnuii tu do work FREE. SMALL CHARGES FOIl MATKKIAL Call r.-n ly un.l uvni.l the niHli. Be sure you are In the rixht place. We do us we advertise. We have stood the test. Nearly lu.uuo patients In lnHt 1 mimlhs. We beat the jealous, Idle, sorehead dentists and dental see's. Complete victory for the Union. Teeth Kstrarted FREE Alamlaam Plates from 8.(MI Killings from itno Gold Crawus from a.nn get of Teeth, pair fS.OO silver Plant Crowns UNION DENTAL COLLEGE Ellv? in-2-J 1HII:UL.IH. Open Dally till H. Sundays, U ! 4. H-.ii.l-. -Ll ,...JI ill-IH-J.. iU.J ..n.lll. -U.IL Ill-WWS-lJi.lMliJU.IJ...-JMB Don't Forget This W'e.bave a special dt'iuirtiuent for altcrlnK and rcjialrliiK. We ni ter Juckets and rellne them, alti-r skirts anil reblnd ttx-iu, and do all kinds of altering and reiialrluK for both Indies and gentleuieu. t'ouie iu and talk to us. THE PAIiTORIUM 07 6a 15th St Tel. 063 OMAHA. Re-No-May Cares roar feet to slay eared, fold Everywhere. MAMt FACT! RED BY A. MAYER. Deputy Btata Tstartnarfao. Food Inspector. HsLRIUiCGIOTTI. D. V. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. Offica and Inflrmaty, Blh and Maaoa Bta. 3 overcoats is licrc and have we shown such new fall styles. Our Indian Beads! Indian Beads! Big Bunch for HARDWARE BARGAINS For Wednesday Large steel range, with G 8 inch boles, 18x20 oven, .,.26.50 Oak Heating Stoves At all prices, ?H.oO, $12.05, $10,155, $8.93, er QC ?6.9." and 5-qt. blue nnd white pro- serving kettle. . . 31c G-qt. blue and white pre serving 'ICp kettle S-qt. blue and white pre- serving kettle . 41c We save broken down teeth. We restore dlsi -olored leeth. We iwrfurm all brm ln-H iTitlslry. Work e?T?rt.Trt n ...j .7 i!": . J '""V" buaranxeeo i 10 Years. ""HtH'J -JH iLt'y flffViinB-"-1''. W"'m " III 25C DRUG PRICES! Still Slaughtered The prlres on standard PAT K NT MEI'l C1NLS LriiKKlsi a Sundries, etc., are silll very low at our store. There Is a sul Mantlal saving In trsdliiM Willi Hi. 2m: Mermen's Talcum Powder fur II" e' Colgate's 1'uiii-y illotsom, oi -' ba Piiliit Krushes for -"" 11.25 Paint Hruslies for tl.i I.lHterlne fur tl.W Winn t'anliil for "I' 25c. Mistletoo Cream fur 1"; $1.00 Temptation Tonic for Vc t packHes toilet pa(ier for Ivi ' ll.uu Kilmer's Kwainji-lloDt for 3 cukes hue violet soap for --" Hl bottle h'niveliolil ummonla for 1.' Kirk's Landruff Cure for I Warranted to cure dandruff In 10 da. Il.ui Ntalirn'n Herpirlde lor Il.wt S-iuibb's Sartii.irllla f'r 11 mi Huriiliam-H S.iiaiMrllla for .. lirown Pronrhliil Troches for Xc UaiKiHiK Oil 'for WHITE FOR I'ATAUiU Showing b'.uio articles at t ut lub es. A: .1: COIl. ltTTH AXU IXiIXJK BT4. OMAliA, Sherman 8 McCoineli DrBa Go i ,'.io