TITE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1003. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS: MI OR tlEMTIOS. I Davis eelle drug. Btockert sell carp'U- Crayon enlarging, S0 Broadway. Expert watch repairing. I,effert, 409 B'y. Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumayer. Diamond betrothal ring at Leffert's, 409 Broadway. UK and 18K wedding rinks at Lefferte. 409 Broadway. Household good for sale, cheap. Call at 17j6 Second avenue. Picture and frame. Alexander' Art tore, S33 Broadway. Ei-Supervlsor B. O. Auld of ariawold wa In tha city yeaterday visiting friends. "The regular meeting of Myrtle lodge, Degree of Honor, will meet thla evening. Ura. E. F. Watt of North Beoond atreet la home from a vlalt with relative la Freoport, 111. The Woman' Missionary ocety of the First Presbyterian church will meet In the church parlor thla afternoon at 1:80 o'clock. A marriage license wa Issued yemeraay jwa uiiy, aaoa nv, aim Council Bluff. to Manly B. Moon, Iowa Kaon el Heater Kosa, aged 44. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Henry will leave Tn mmAmir inp Ruattla. Wash., where they will locate. They will go by way of Ban Francisco, For rent, office room, ground floor; on f th mn central locations In the busi ness portion of the city. Apply to The Be office, city. Mtr.haal Hls-sins of Del Molne died yes terday morning at Mercy hospital, where he had been a patient for five day. He waa 6u year of age. The entire fire department gave an ex hibition run last evening on Bouth Main treet for the ediflcatlon of the visitor to the street fair and carnival. W. Johnston, a car cleaner In the em- rloy of the Union Paclllc. paid a fine of 10.06 yeaterday for using bad language at the atreet fair Tuosauy mgni. We contract to keep publlo or private houses free from roaches by tne year, in sect Exterminator Manufacturing company, Council Bluff. Ia. Telephone F-634. Mr. Christina Johannsen, wife of Peter Johannsen of Walnut, wa committed to Bt. Bernard' hosuital yesterday afternoon by the .commissioner lor tne insane. Rev. O. W. Bnyder of Bt. John' English Lutheran church will preach Sunday after noon at t o'clock at the People' Union church. Thirty-fifth treet ana Avenue a. Mr. and Mr. Henry Bohroeder of Layton township nied articles of adoption yes terday of Nettle Kuhl, an orphan, who will henceforth be known a Nellie Bchroeder, Lout A green enameled chatelaine watch, In the vioinlty of U. P. Transfer, Monday, BeDtomber 7. between 4 and 6 o'clock. Finder return to 1103 6th avenue and re celv reward. To advertise our many new style of plo i ture w will for thirty day give to those who mention thl ad 26 per cent reduction on all work. Life sice portrait a specialty. The Btlgleman Studio, 43 and 46 South Main atreet. Chester Erbert. who wa recently com mltted to the state asylum at Clartnda, and from which he eacaDed two day ago. was picked up by the police yesterday afternoon. He waa to have been dis charged Rt the end of the month a cured. o the commissioners, on hi mother agreeing to care for him, ordered hi re-laaae. John Lane, charged with assaulting and robbing Thomas Ktnerion oi weai nronu wav. was released yesterday from the city lall on hi promising to leave town. HI hrnthar. Peter Lane, and Charles Douglas, who were charred with disturbing the peace In connection with the assault on F.therton, wer also released, they prom ising to leave town. The three are horse dealers, who have been camping In tha west part of the city, and the police wer glad to get rid or. mem. The funeral of Oba C. Flndley wa held vaatordav afternoon from the family resi dence, 408 Bouth First street, and wa at tended by a large gathering of the .rela tive and friends of the deceased and the bereaved family. Among the many hand some floral tributes were piece from the Woodmen of the World and the Modem Woodmen of America lodge. Burial wa In Walnut Hill cemetery. - ReirV" A. Ren wick of Bouth Omaha conducted th rr vice. ' BANNER CROWD AT CARNIVAL Folly Thirteen Thouennd VUlt tha Groond Darin; Afternoon and Evening. If th weather clerk will call at th ad ministration booth at th treet fair and carnival ground th management will grant him any favor h may aak In return for th beautiful weather b provided for the great how yeaterday. With weather that could not be excelled and the Eagle a a stellar attraction, the attendance at . th carnival yeaterday reached the 11,000 mark and a ho account 1 kept of the ad mission by coupon or eason tickets, It may hav been closer to 16.000. In any ca U waa th blggeat crowd by all odd of th week so far and th ground were simply packed with a Jolly, fun seeking; crowd. Despite the Immense throng, ther wa no disorder and every on seemed bent on having a good time, and it 1 believed they all found It Th Eagle, headed by a band, cam hundred strong from Omaha and wer Joined by th local members. They marched through th grounds to tha strain of "A Hot Time In th Old Town Tonight"' and wer loudly cheered. Th attendance during th afternoon wa also a record breaker, a feature of th at tendance being th large number of children on th ground. ' Tonight th Maocabee and other fra ternal organisations will visit th treet fair in a body and help to make th welkin ring and th wheel go round. Th efficient policing of th ground prvnta any at tempt at rowdyism. BOARD FIXES THE TAX LEVY Eednotlon of a Quarter of a Mill Outside City of Council Bluff. THREE-QUARTER MILL LESS IN THE CITY Board at Saporrtaor Kaaaea tha Jadg-ea and Clerk tor tha Gen eral Election Thla Coming November. Tha state and county tax levy for 1908 In Pottawattamie county, as fixed by the 8, Turty'a add., t d Three transfers, total t 1.17 Board of Bupervisor yeeterday, will be 16U mill, a against 16 mills for 1902, a reduction of mill. The levy is a xoi- low: Mill. Mill. Btate 8. Road 1. Btat university. .1 School 1. Btate Agricul- Insane (county).. 1. tural college ... .1 Insane (state).... 1. Btate Normal 1 Boldler' relief... . County general.. 4. Bond and Inter- Poor 1. est Brldg . . "HT Total 16V4 Thl year th state general levy 1 half a mill lee than In 1802 and thre Is no levy for the poor farm, xni manes a reduction of 1 mill, while th Insane county fund levy is one-quarter mill higher and there 1 a levy of 1 mill for insane state fund, which wa not levied in 1902, making an increase of 1 mill, or a total decrease of one-quarter mill. The total tax levy in the city of Council Bluff for 1903 will b S6 mill, a against 8TV4 mill In 1902, or a reduction of three- fourth of a mill. Th city tax levy win be mad up as follow: . Mill. Mill. Regular levy 7 County and state Park levy 24 levy lSVi Bcho01 ,evy " Total M The school levy, as certified to the su pervisor by th Board of Education, 1 a follows: Mills. Mill. Teacher' fund... 17 Bond-interest ... 6V Contingent fund. 10 A . ; Total Detail at City Levy. Th city of Council Bluff levle It tx for bridges, and this Is why the tat and county levy In Council Bluff I 1314 mill Instead of 164 mill, a It 1 throughout the ret of th county. Th regular city levy in Council Bluff 1 mads up as fol low: Mills. Mill. General fund 10 Judgment fund... 1 clerks, Hnry De Long, Jr., republican; . Fred Shoemaker, democrat. I Second Ward, First Precinct Judge. Bpenrer Smith, republican; E. H. Jjougre, republican; D. Bheward, democrat; clerks, J. W. Hlanchard, republican; I. B. Rohrer, democrat. Beoond Ward. Second Precinct Judge. John Olsen, republican; Ovide Vlen, repub lican; u. r. i:erviss, aemocrai; cieras, n. A. Balrd, republican; Harry Luchom, demo crat. Third Ward. First Precinct Judges, J. A. Arnold, republican; Ohio Knox, republican; M. A. Tlnley, democrat; clerks, J. H. Mayne, republican; A. Baumelater, demo crat. Third Ward, Second Precinct Judge, M. H. Tlnley, democrat; Frank Keller, repub lican; Iaaao Chemlss, republican: clerks. A. W. Melsner, republican; O. F. Hughe, democrat. Fourth Ward, Flrt Precinct Judges, C. W. McDonald, republican: F. P. Wright, republican; T. E. Cased y, democrat; clerks, H. B. Ogden, republican; Paul Wlckham, democrat. Fourth Ward, Second Precinct Judge, Ed Ford, republican: 8. Wilson, republican i ' J. F. Mulqueen, democrat; clerks, D. 1 Orlme, republican; Fay Bolln, democrat. riitn warn, rirst rrecinci jucigea, j. i. Fleming, republican; Peter Smith, repub lican; Page Morrison, democrat; clerks. A. W. Dennla, republican; C. W. Gould, democrat. Fifth Ward. Second Precinct Judge. Thomas Brewlclt, republican; Fred Baar, republican; James McMillan, democrat; clerks, J. H. Strock, republican; M. B, O'Rourke. democrat. Blxth Ward. First Precinct Judges. I. Lovett, republican; C. Johnson, republican; W. C. Boyer, democrat; clerks, J. II. Swart x, republican; Miles Schoneld, demo crat. Blxth Ward. Second Precinct Judge. W. Hamilton, republican; I,. Pederson, repub lican; "Carl Negathon, democrat; clerks, B. Beauclalr, republican; Carl Frantjar, dem ocrat. Kane (outside city) Judges. Samuel Av ery, republican; H. A. Smith, republican; Fred Duncan, democrat; clerks, Elmer But ler, republican; J. O. McMahon, democrat Plumbing and Heating. Btxby A Con. Bond loan fund. Intersection pav ing and grad ing bonds t Funded debt 8 Intersection sew er bonds 1 General sewer fund '. 1 Brldae fund... Library mainte nance 1 Library building fund 1 Water fund 6 Lighting fund.... 4 Improvement .... i Total 87H GRAND JURY ENDS ITS LABORS Nomber of Indictment Returned, Several of Which Were Not Made Pnhlle. Th district court grand Jury completed Its labors yesterday afternoon after being In session sine Tuesday of last week and adjourned. A number of Indictments were reported, several of which, owing to the defendants not being in custody, were not mads public. Before adjourning th grand Jury Inspected the county and city Jail and reported that It found them both In a sanitary condition and properly kept In A respects. Thl la the first time for several sessions of court that the grand Jury ha returned a favorable report on th city Jail. The Indictment made public were as fol low: Bid Ellke, th Arabian peddler charged with criminally assaulting Mary Brugge man, the 11-year-old daughter of Henry Bruggeman of Neola on August L, Elike's bond wa placed at 81,000. Teddy Hays, the mulatto charged with breaking Into the Milwaukee depot on Sep tember 8 and another Indictment on the charge of breaking into the Illinois Central depot when the trunk belonging to Mrs. Patsy Fallon waa broken open and robbed. C, K. Bird, charged with holding up and robbing George W. Catterlln on the night of August 5 in Sam Grave' grocery store at 1901 High street of a gold watch and The town levle throughout the county ' chain and a amall sura In cash. Bird's bond are a follow: Carson, 16V4 mills; Avoca, 9 mills; Han cock. 8 mills; Macedonia, 6 mill; Minden, 16 mills; Neola, SOft mills; Oakland, 17 mills; Underwood, 4 mills; Walnut, 11 mill. Name Election Officers. Th board of supervisors yesterday named the Judge and clerk for th general elec tion In November. Thl la th list; - Belknap Judge, William Carae, repub lican; It. ki. Kounds, republican; C. A. Sample, democrat; clerks, F. A. Nash, re puDlican; J. O. Bate, democrat. Boomer Judge, John Bollinger, repub lican; P. T. Chiistlanaon, republican; A. B. Smith, democrat; clerks, U. B. McMriae, democrat; J. P. Chrlstlanaon, republican. Carson Jua go, joanua Alston, repuo Ucan; J. F. Kled, republican; G. S. Dye, democrat; clerks, Frank Galloway, repub lican; L. L. Pierce, democrat. Center Judges, W. B. EUlc, republican; W. E Maxwell, republican; C. H. Powell, democrat; clerks, George Nasb, republican; A. L. Frlsell, democrat. Crescent Judges, t. c. Foot, democrat; C G. Mcintosh, democrat; J. B. Matlock, republican; clerka, Robert Adam, demo crat; J. B. Kelllng, republican. Gamer, Flrt Precinct Judges, William Heilman, democrat; J. H. Gamer, demo crat; W. 8. Clay, republican; clerks, Henry E. Tiarka, democrat; i. R. AlberUon, re publican. Garner, Second Precinct Judge, M. H. Abel, democrat; Newton Gallup, repub lican; J. P. Anderson, republican; clerks, Christian Miller, republican; James W. 6ml th, dem at. Grove J ua ,es, A. Nordyke, republican; J. R. Bloan, republican; N. A. Brown, demo crat; clerks, William A. Rankin, democrat; J. A. Knox, republican. Hardin Judge. F. H, Torneton, demo crat; F. B. Chambers, republican; J. M. Underwood, republican; clerka, M. W. Davis, republican: W. H. Kleef, democrat. Hasel Dell Judges, W. J. Hutchinson, democrat; Morris Hough, democrat; David Nixon, republican; clerks, William Nixon, republican; Henry E. Wager, democrat. James Judges, G.' 8. Cutchall, repub lican; Edward Relneke, republican; George Miller, democrat; clerk, C. C. Smith, re publican; M. P. Brown, democrat. Keg Creek Judges, Charles B. Flood, democrat; Fred Heuwlnkl. republican; petlef Miller, . republican; clerka, O. P. Pluraer, republican; T. D. Oayley, demo crat. Knox Judge. H. V. Rock, democrat; Peter F- Howell, republican; Jasper Pierce, aemocrai; cieras, j. ll. rieaa, repuoucan; C Brown, aemocrai. was placed at 82,000. Barney Fields, colored, charged with breaking Into the harness shop of L. A. Wiley at 106 Bouth Main street on August 1. His bond waa placed at 8500. CONFER OVER THE CAMPAIGN Chairman 8pen0e And Executive Committee to Make Bound of Diitriote. ATTACK VALIDITY OF FIRE ESCAPE LAW Conrt Allow Son Liberty to Attend Fnneral at Mother Who Died an Henrtngr of HI Conviction ' for Larceny, (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINES. Sept 10. (Special.) Chair man Spence of the republican state com mute today announced conference to be held In three of the districts ot the tat. where the republican county chairmen are to meet with the chairman of the state committee and other member of th com mittee and with the chief of the speakers' bureau. At these district conferences there will be a general exchange of views on th work of th coming campaign. The con ference have been held at the beginning of the campaign for several year and were found to be very valuable. The date announced are: Sixth dletrlct, Ottumwa, Thursday, September 17; Eighth district. Creeton, Friday, September 18; Ninth dls trlct. Council Bluffs, Saturday, September 19. Chairman Jackson of the democ ratio state committee arrived In this city today and commenced work at democratic head quarters. There will be no special work done by the democrats at this time and no district conferences will be held. "It Is too early to begin," said Mr. Jackson today. "There 1 no Interest in the campaign and no use In making any fight at this time. Mr. Sullivan, the candidate for governor, will deliver some addresses thla month and that will be all that 1 to be done." Attack on Flro Escape Lavvr. An effort Is being made to have the new Iowa law requiring fire escapes on all build ings three stories high declared Invalid because of alleged Irregularities in Its pass age. The law I attacked a a part of the defense in suits for damages aggregating 8300,000 on account of the deaths in the Clifton house fire In Cedar Rapids last winter. Senator Dowell of this city, the author of the law, declares that the law cannot be successfully attacked on the ground that It was not passed and that the record ia clear aa to the manner In which the law waa passed. At the same time It is hi plan and that of the state labor com missioner, In whose hands the enforcement of the law lies, to secure Important amend ments to the law. As a result of the law fire escapes have been placed on hundreds of buildings In Iowa and In thla city scores of buildings that were entirely without protection of this kind have since been sup plied. The bill waa passed unanimously by tha legislature. Strike of th Barbers. Sixty barber went out on a strike In Des Moines today in certain union shops that had not lived up to the scale of wages as desired. The barbers Insist upon a flat rate of 813 per week and 60 per cent of all receipts above 818, but the employers de sired to limit the 60 per cent to all over 820 each week. Not all the shops in the district is 6,911. Last year It waa 6,916 and th year be for It wa t,W0. The flood are given aa th cause for th figure being under those of 1901. The flood in the aprlng of 1901 mads a decrease In the district In the southeast bottoms and the flood of the paat aprlng ha kept the figure down. MRS. FRAISSENET ON STAND Testlfle that tapper Tear Ago Wa th Wedding; Contract with Parker. DAVENPORT, la., Sept. 10.-(Speelal Telegram.) The second day of the trial In which the son of Paulina Fralsaenet, th housekeeper for W. Fred Parker, th mil lionaire artist and traveler, seek to secure possession of his fortune, wa marked by several sensational features, the chief of which waa the testimony given by Mrs. Fralssenet when she took the witness chair. Sh testified that th eccentric artist did not believe In regulation weddings, and that by agreement between them a supper to which they Jointly Issued Invitations about fifteen years ago waa In celebration of their marriage. The aupper assembled about a score of their friends at the country home of Parker at Florence, Neb., where he died last year. The evidence of several persons showed that he had acknowledged their two children as his sons. Mitchell Chapman of Omaha testified that Parker one offered him a large sum of money if he would take Mr. Fralssenet and th children to Honolulu and "shake them." As Parker inherited much of his wealth under condition that if he died without lawful Issue it would revert to other relu Uvea, a hard fight Is being made to show that the boys who are now claiming his fortune are not his legitimate children. Girl' Romance I Ended. SIOUX CITY, la., Sept. 10.-(Speclal Tel egram.) The romance of Bessie McNeal, daughter of W. H. McNeal, editor of th Wayne Herald and postmaster, who ran away in boy' clothing to be married to H A. Blunt, ha been shattered. After a few week of married bllaa Blunt ha called on the police to find his wife, and ahe has gone with her father. The groom la now talking divorce. Iowa Man Kill Himself. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Sept- 10. (Special.)- Because he believed hla wife no longef loved him, William Colsen, 87 year of age, of Farragut, la., committed sulcld by hooting himself through the heart In th presence of his wife on Bouth Fourth street in this city. Child Killed by Horse. WATERLOO, la.. Sept 10. (Special Tele gram.) Luverne Klelnfelter, a 4-year-old aon of a liveryman, was kicked by a horse and Instantly killed. The horse was fright ened by the approach of the child In the barn. Alexander White, charged with breaking ? ere affected as a number have been Bteffen at Neola on August 80. Hattle will be settled tomorrow Hortlonltnrnl Society Meeting. The program for the annual fall session ot th Southwestern Iowa Horticultural so ciety, which will be held In this city Tues day and Wednesday of next week, has been Issued. The session will be held In th county courthouse and the headquarter of th society will be at th Kiel hotel. In aamuch aa th membership of the society la drawn from twenty-four ' counties In th southwestern part of th atate, a good attendance and an Interesting meeting are expected. One of the day ot th meeting will be devoted to visiting th vineyards, orchards and other points of Interest In this vicinity. The program for the meet ing la aa follows: Greeting. J. P. Hess. Council Bluffs. "The Grape," by members Council Bluffs Orape Growers' association and A. B. El liott. Red Oak. v "The Strawberry." R. D. McOeehon, At inti,.T W FL Unrdner. Onawa. "Disposition of Thl Apple Crop;" F. P. Amdor, Carbon; F. r, dolph. "Bpraylng." Prof. A. T. Edwin, Amea; J. P. Jackson. Glenwood. "Seasonable Hints on the Apple Pack, 1903." Judir J. W. Murphy, Glenwood. "Improvement in Fruit. ' Theodore Wil liams, Benson, Neb.; H. A. Ferry. Crescent Real Estate Transfer. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of Squire A Annls, 101 Pearl street: Thomas D. Metcalf and wife to B. O. Brulnrton. ei feet lot IS and w4S feet lot To, block 9. Turley Whit' ubdlv.. w. d 4 806 Rachel Arrlck to Hannah J. Roberta. eH nw4 31-7S-4J. w. d 860 County treasurer to Mary L. Fver It. lot T. block 7. Evans hi Bridge add ; undivided lot S, blo k 4. and undivided as lot 4. block 4. McMahon. Cooper A Jefferls' add.; lot 10, block 68. Riddles' subdlv, and lot 10, block Dr. Spencer, Ran- White, his wife, who had been bound over with him was released from th county Jail, the grand Jury having failed to return an indictment against her. ( Peter D. Burk, a blacksmith of this city, charged with stabbing Real Summltt on the night of July 29. The Indictment chargea Burke with assault with Intent to commit murder, and his bond waa fixed at 81,000. The grand Jury failed to indict Dr. C. F. Clark, charged with breaking and entering Dr. J. H. Cole'a office on July 30 and steal ing a valuable microscope and several aur glcal Instruments. The grand Jury decided that Clark was mentally deranged. He waa released 'yesterday afternoon from th county Jail. The grand Jury also failed to Indict Ben Ewlng and Kate Linsel, charged with maintaining illicit relations. In the district court yesterday . Judge Macy granted four divorces. Mr. Mary Amelia Waberg waa granted a divorce from Samuel Waberg on the grounds of deser tion. Irene Patterson obtained a divorce from L. J. Patterson, whom she married In this city January 18, 1899. Mra. May B. Creamer waa given a divorce from E. A. Creamer, whom she married at Norfolk, Neb., September 29, 1874. Mra. Mattle Rog ers was given a divorce from 8. H. Rogers, whom she married at Brownvtlle, Neb., on January 9, 1885. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel., 250. Night, F667. MAKE ATTACK ON THE CREW Angry for Italian Blame Trainmen tho Death of a Com panion. MARSHALLTOWN, la., Sept 10. (Spe- tin;.a V. Sl.ver. democrat; Telegram.)-F. An.lllo. an Italian la LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN.' 81 VoaH at. CubII kUffa. '!heao R.I Frank Hanna. republican: O. B. Til ton. democrat; clerka, Hugo Burmelster, demo crat; Charles Spangler, republican. Lewis Judges, G. D. Wlttland, repub lican; P. W. Cramer, democrat; Fred Beck, democrat; clerka, G. C. Plumer, democrat; W. A. Herring, republican. Lincoln Judges, George Hardenbugh, domocrat; W. II. Davis, democrat; Ben Greea. republican; clerks, M. E. Reimer, democrat; E. L. Young, republican. Macedonia Judges. It. F. Herbert, demo crat: John Dye, democrat; N. L. Hobaen, republican; clerks, Thomas I. Clark, repub lican; Henry Kennedy, democrat. Minden Judges, Peter Langer, repub lican; Henry Koch, republican ; Henry Btef fen, democrat; clerks, Julius Btuhr, demo crat; John Gelger, republican. Neola Judge. Georae J. William, dem ocrat; August Sundell. democrat; Frank Klllpack, republican; clerks, J. E. Hens worth, democrat; R. B. Fulton, republican. Norwalk Judges. Carl Klopplng. demo crat; J. P. Maxwell, democrat; J. H. Sharp, republican; clerks. W. F. Cash, democrat) J. A. Miles, republican. Pleasant Judges, C. V. Rock, democrat; Henry Fleming, republican; J. N. Frum, republican; clerks. D. Gross, democrat; Fred Rohrs, republican. Rock ford Judges. John Zohner. repub lican: W. I. Mevers. democrat: J. A. Currte. democrat; citrus, j, rx. Mutcninson, repuo Uran; H. L. Pouts, democrat. Sliver CrekJudges. J. G. Moss, repub lican; A. Olderog, republican; George Tay lor, democrat; clerks, E. Lawson, repub lican; A. Ouren, democrat. Vallev Judges, J. T. Armstrong, repub lican: W. J. Dool. democrat: C. Hannah, democrat; clerks, W. C. Battelte, democrat; Frank Stevenson, republican. , Washington Judges, Jackson Lewis, re publican; Felix Bets, republican; H. C. Me Cab, democrat; clerks. F. W. Pierce, re publican; W. B. Llddell, democrat. Waveland JudaVs. J. W. Rush, repub lican; W. W. Miller, republican; James Blaln. democrat; clerk. C. W. Miller, re publican: A. Llscher, democrat. vi:n junges. jamea noner. aemocrai; Ci. H. Mathla. republican; J. M. Meredith, republican; clerks. M. Walter, republican; J. fi. McConnell, democrat. York Judges. N. Mathlesen, democrat; G. W. Davis, democrat; Calvin Mauer, re publican; cierka, Urirh McLean, democrat; B. Elchenberger, republican. COUNCIL BLUFFS, First Ward. First Precinct Judges. C. II. Huber, democrat; L. A. Casper, demo crat; W. C. I'lckey, republican; clerks, Chester Wllllita, republican; William Green, democrat. First Ward. Second Precinct Judge. 8. H. Connor, republican; Victor Xeeler, re publiuani Oeoar Xoungluo, democrat; Help to Get Upton .Present Mayor Brenton of this city ha taken up the matter of soliciting contribution for th purchase of a silver aervlc for Sir Thomas Llpton Irt accordance with plana made by a committee headed by General Joseph Wheeler. At the same time the movement has been revived to raise a fund for the purchase of a sliver service for the cruiser Des Moines, for which already about 8400 has been raised. The signal corps of the Iowa National guard returned today from Clear Lake, where it waa encamped with the Fifty-sixth regiment. Governor Cummins and mem bers of his staff have also returned from the encampment Death t'nlocks Cell Door . Th funeral of Mra. Susan Vlrden waa held today and by order of th court, her son, Fred Vlrden, who was the cause of her death, waa released that he (night at tend the funeral. She had swooned and never recovered on hearing the court de clare Fred guilty of larceny. He was sent to Jail aa he was unable to give bonds. But on hi earnest appeal to the court to be allowed to attend the funeral he waa given his liberty and allowed to go. Myaterloae Disappearance Considerable apprehension is felt among the friend of Sherman Klrkhart, a bar tender, brother of the manager of the Logan hotel, who disappeared September L He occupied a room at the Logan bote! After supper Tuesday evening he went to the saloon on Court avenue where he tended bar and worked until closing time. when It 1 said he suddenly disappeared. His wife la said to reside at Cedar Rapids and, on account of some family affair, they had not been living together for some time. lth)(the Northwestern track gang, ( H reported t0 nave recelved a teiegram street crossing last evening was run over and Instantly killed, the wheels passing over his head. His fellow workmen thought the train crew was to blame and made an attack on the engineer and brakeman with drawn knives and revolvers. The engineer was compelled to stop the train, but offloers rescued them. Garretson for Senator. 8IOUX CITY. Ia.. Sept 10. (Special Tel egram.) Woodbury county democrats today nominated a county ticket with Arthur 8. Garretson at Its head aa. candidate for senator. Mr. Garretson was prominently Identified with the boom history of Sioux City. He waa part of the business enter prises which floated paper and started all kinds of enterprises. Unlike the other pro moters, Mr. Garretson remained In Sioux City and faced the muslo when the bubble burst. He is regarded as a man of un usual political strength by the party which haa named him. Economy in county and city affairs is the slogan of the party. The rest of th ticket: A. C. Luth and 8. Frlsble, representative; W." E. Powell, sheriff; A. W. Wetdell, treasurer; Mra. A. Armstrong, auperlntendent of schools: Fred C Smith, surveyor. Oeorge Ellerd. former alderman-at-large, wa - nominated for supervisor from the Bloux City district. on th day previous to his disappearance which may have some connection with the affair, but the text of the telegram la not known. Increase In School Population. An Increase of six la shown by the census of th Eat De Moines school district, which was completed yesterday over the figure for 1902. Th total number of chll dren In th district between th age of ( and 21 or whoa parent reside in the 000, divided Into 100 akarea. and half of which haa been taken. It ia expected the remainder of the stock will be eubecrlbed In a short time. The life of th road Is to b fifty year. Th stockholders pledge themselves to con struct, maintain and operate a street rail way line, it Is proposed to connect the town of northwest Missouri with Savan nah, th terminus of th lino being St. Joseph. Iter the line will likely be -tended to Council Bluff and Omaha. Thla la th Intention of the stockholder should th present project prov a uccess. The work of obtaining a right-of-way along most of th road In thla and ad joining eountle I practically completed. Th statement wa mad laat night thnt the Burlington we backing th project In ordev to hurt competing line in thla aec tlon of the atat. SPECIAL GASI! MEAT MARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Roast beef, per pound , Five pounds good steak tor , Round steak, per pound Sirloin steak. per pound Porterhouse steak. per pound kid roast, per pound Boll beef, per pound Corn beef, per pound Hams, per pound 10c 10c 10c 5c 3I-2C 13 l-2c Bacon. Mr riniind Spar rlba. Da per pound U Pork chops, in per pound ....a.......... IWIs Mutton stew. per pound .. Mutton roast, per round ., Beat lard, per pound Dressed spring chicken, per pound Good butter, per pound Fresh eggs, per dosen 5c 8c-l2c ::::::ilc 20c I7c 'Phone us your order and we will collect on delivery. We appreciate your trade and will try at all times to please you. The Orvis Market TEL. 4G. 537 BKOADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS. We Lead Others Follow Best Sirloin Steak, three pounds. .. .25c Porterhouse Steak, three pounds 25c And all other meats in proportion at the Centra! Grocery and Meat Market TELEPHONE 24. 600-602 WEST BKOADWAY. Carpenter Killed by Fall. NASHUA, Ia., Sept. 10.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Charles Button, a carp uter ot Charles City, fell from a barn on .vlilch he was working and waa Instantly kll.ed. LOSES HIS LIFE IN A FIRE Ono Nashville Man Is Killed and Several Others Are ierl ooely Injured, NASHVILLE, Tenn., Sept 10. Fire today resulted In the death of Dr. William H. Smith, the injury ot eight others and dam aged, property to th extent of $126,000, Seriously Injured: . . Assistant Chief Joseph Weaver, oalp wound and probably fracture. Captain Robert Burke, spin broken. Oeorge Ferris, rib broken and injured Internally, Samuel McHenry, colored. Injured In ternally. The Ore started In the wholesale grocery house of Coleman, Thompkins & Co. and spread rapidly to the adjoining buildings, occupied by the Broad Street Stove and Tinware company and the wholesale drug house of Dr. W. H. Smith c Bros. After the fire was out the walls fell, killing Dr. Smith and Injuring the others. "THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS IN THE EATING." There is nothing that has quite so much proof of good quality as our fresh pies and cakes. We haye an established reputation for making genu ine German rye bread. Our Specialty is good things for your Sunday dinners. GIVE US A CALL. THB GBKMAN BAKBRY 227 SOUTH MAIN STREET. HISBHKIIEEIIlHIBlS&IBiaMBBSH H M M FANCY GROCERIES II -M!aS enwars If you want the best of everything, at attractive, low. prices, give us a call. We have some of tne very choicest of fresh fruit, very suitable or canning purposes. JOHN OLSON TELEPHONE 113. 739-741 BROADWAY. H BBHMHBUIMnZinU THIEF IS SHOT BY SOLDIER Gnard Fire at Hint Whll Ho Is Talc. lav Copper from Roof of Barrack. PITTSBURG, Fa., Sept 10. William Crowley of Monaca, Pa., wa shot In th groin today by a soldier at th United Btate arsenal. He wa removed to the j hospital in a aerlou condition and a dls- i put Is now on between the police author- ltles and th commandant at the arsenal j concerning the arrest of the soldier who did i the shooting. Thefts of copper and lead from th roof of th barracks have been frequent of late. It Is alleged that Crowley, with sev eral others, wer detected removing the copper. Crowley refused to halt when com manded and the soldier ahot him. The others eacaped. C. O. D. GROCERY You will find us now located at 132 West Broadway, Instead of 330 Broadway. We still handle, as before, everything in first-class croccrles. Friday and Saturday we will make a special gale on a few articles: Flour, sugar, lard, bacon, teas and coffee. Come and give us a trial. You will be pleased with our goods and prices. The C CX D, Grocery TELEPHONE L-045. S. CHERNES, Prop. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 i WILL BUILD ROAD TO OMAHA Article of Incorporation for Proposed Lino Are riled at Savannah, MUsoorl. SAVANNAH, Mo.. Sept, 10.-(Speclal.V-Artlcles of incorporation of the Savannah as Northweatern Street Railway company have been filed for record, and aa aoon as the remainder of the stock Is subscribed the construction of the line, which Is to take In all the small towns In northwest Missouri, will begin. The Incorporators of th line r John A. McLean. Charle J. Bocher, Isaac R. Wil liams, Collins T. Newton and William O. Htn. All reside in thl city. Th capital stock of th company I 1100,- SKIN n )SES THE OUTCROPPING OF BAD BLOOD Coart Proceeding In Harrison. LOG AN, la.. Sept. 10. (Special.) The grand Jury of the Harrison county district court today made their report and were dUmlaaed. The 0.000 libel suit brought against Almo Btern et al. by J. O. Pugsley wa dismissed. H. H. McKinney, former county treasurer, waa Indicted. Hla books showed a shortage of 12,774 at tha and of bis term of office. ' Alfred Pardun, the 11-year-old boy who burned a school house near Woodbine to escape attendance, was also indictee. A. . xnorneii will appear Saturday and the session wlU be prolonged by two weeks Jury tria; And while not always painful are aggravating beyond expression. With few exceptions they are worse in spring and summer when the system begins to thaw out and the skin is reacting and making ex tra efforts to throw of! the poisons that have accumu lated during the winter months. Then boils and pimples, rashes and erup tions of every conceivable kind make their appear ance, and Eczema and Tet ter the twin terrors of I suffered with Ecaema of th hand and face for over a year, it wa not only annoying and painful but very si sightly, and I disliked to go out la the trt. I tried at least a dosen aoape and salve and became very discouraged until I read in the paper of the cures performed through the us ef S. 8. 8. I had little faith at first but determined to give it a month' fair trial at least. I am pleased to state inai i soon aouoeu m slight improvement, sufficient to decide me to keep it up. Alter tne us or iiz dohhi wr a aa amaoth and a Oft aa a babv'. Thi WM Ta TV- A I . I. . . vrftl ago aid I have neve had any Uouble sine.. sVin diseases Nettle jtiss OENSVA BBIOOS. Rash. Poison Oak and Ivy, B ?tB , ..pou,, If inn. and such other skin trou- bles as usually remain quiet during cold weather, break out afresh to tor ment and distract by their fearful burning, itching and stinging. A course Ol S. a. O. now will pumy ana enncu mc uiouu, anu reinforce and tone up the general system, and c5vy of! the bodily impurities through the proper chan nels, thus warding off the diseases common to spring and summer. The skin, with good blood to nourish it, remains smooth and soft and free of all disfiguring eruptions. Send for our free book on diseases of the skin and write us if you desire medical advic or any special information. This will cost you nothing. THE S WIFT SPCCIF1G CO., A TIAHTA, CAm Charles J. Cronkleton TELEPHONE 408. 635-637 BROADWAY. POSTOFFICE BLOCK. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, MEAT and HARDWARE. ONLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS SOLD. UNION PACIFIC H7M TO COLORADO AND RETURN Dally to 6pt SOtrw DAILY TOURIST CARS bet w eon Omahew and Denver VIA UNION PACIFIC Double Derths, $1.60 Accommodations provided for all classes cf passengers. Write for copy ef booklet. 'The Rockies. Croat Salt Lake and Yellowstone." nir ricKtrr offick, 1SI FARNaM STREET. 'Phono til ) 1 4 . V