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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1903)
TIIE OMAITA DAILY HEE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1903. f A.. SPECIAL NOTICES j i . 14rrwHni for three eolaasae i will bo takes aattl IX a, for the Nl edition a ad BBltl no . Ms. far aaorBlag aad Sander edltloB. Rates, 1 l-2c m word ant laaertlen, la a ward thereafter. (Sethis takes far leee kaa S5e far tka Srst laser Itea. Three advertAaeasests aaaat k raa eoBee-ewtlvely. Advertieere, by raaseettsaT na bared rkMk, aaa have enswere aa dreeeed te aaakma lattar Is vara f Tka Bee. Amaveers aa addressed will ka delivered ea rresestnOes at AAve thee only. SITVATTOMS WANTED. WANTF.I By young man of good address and experience, position as bookkeeper; preferred; good reference. Address ". 45 p- A M 8USx POSITION, by experienced lady stenog rapher, eccurate In flaurea: would Ilka ma naaershlp of branch business for soma . responsime nrm. Address M 61. Bee. A MT41 9x wanted at ale: help. FALL TERM NOW OFEN. niv A vn VICWT TcTJENTS ADMITTED AT ANT TIME. Boyles College -NE YORK LIFE BLuO. BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRIT ING. ENQLI8JL Apply for Catalogue. . B 223 WANTED, for I'nlld Rtate'a .rmv .hi. bodied, nnmarrled men. Mwcen ages of n and 86, cltltena of United States, of ' rood character and temperate habits, who can apeak, raad and write English. For In formation apply to recruiting officer, w twi ais., umana, ana iinooiii, iseb B M476 WANTED, b tailor at Council Bluffa Steam Aye Worke IDlS-kiir West Broadway, i vwmou xiiuns. ts M723 WANTED, a man ta work from our wagon, C F. Adams Co., 1618 Howard. . b Mm GOOD messengers want; first-class pay. A. D. T. Co., 213 B. 13th. B La WANTED, a good, smart, bright, up-end-a-comlng young roan, conversant with tha buslnesa, as (hipping dark. The Colo- oaaaiery vo., 140 Lawrence St., . v,ui. u Mora ix wajn i eij, any traveling man, salesman or clark who wanla a batter paying po- Jiuon can Ond It by writing M 8. care of . paper. B M511 7 j GENERAL, AGENT for Nebraska; excel " lent contract; don't answer unless you vuaiufB, references required. u Acuueiii to., ues Moines, la, - ' B M5C8 T WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack - a, ate. io ranvassing. National Adv xsureau, unicago. B-M861 7x wax i ftien to laarn barber trade. -oinparauveiy no expense, Few weeks completes. New method. nmrtirnJ perlence expert Instructions that savei r"'"l i?" or write. Moier Barber Col lego, 1302 Douglas St. B M601 llx tB.,AMriyrKK wanted at once; must be . rood workman and etrletly sober. Address c,nina.rowri company, Bloux Falls, WANTED, at once, cabinet maker, carver. aria up-to-date nnlaber; one competent to take charge of shop; none but sober meu appiy. uncoin upnolsterlng Co Lincoln. Ne.b. . B 3W WANTED, man of about 25 years aa book keeper and cashier; leave telephone num bar. Address M 89, Pee. B 141 dx WlXTEDIALEIMEM, EXPERIENCED book salesmen of ability. uuvmiuii ui jmtiuiionai menu t erri tory Is being rapldly assigned. F. D. Mayer, Broadway and Locust 8ts., St. WANTED FBM ALB HELP, 100 Qlrla, Call Canadian offloa, loth ft Dodge. WANTED Olrl for UOS W ebster St general house wot k. C M&U) WANTED, girl for general housework. 1808 Webster St. C MB1 SERVANT OLRL wanted at once at 1111 B. 28th at. C-rM578 WANTED, experienced girl for general housework.- Mrs. Warren M. Rogers, 1708 Farnam. Apply W. M. Rogers, 1308 Har W. i C-608 WANTED, girl for general hcusnwork; food wages. Apply 8718 Dewey Ave. C 643 7x WANTED, woman to-eookfor three In family; no washing; wages $4 per week. Addraas U 47, Bee. fc 5S5 7x WANTED A neat girt to assist with hovise- wora: uh wasn ana iron; one who lives ctoee oy ana vnu go noma even ntrs pre- tarred. (41 8. Xlh Ave. C Mu3 a tVANTED iadles to learn hairdresslng, .manicuring or facial massage. Qualified leacnera, ime clinic, aipiomsa, tools and poslllons given. Busy season now. Call r write. Moler College, lift Douctas St C m a lix THE Smith Premier Typewriter Company maintains an employment bureau for con venience of buslneas men and typewriter opvatora. Servlrea free. Comer 17th and Farnam. Tel. 12S4. C M396 O-a WANTED, girl for general housework. 2308 Fowler ave. . C M785 8x OIRL for general housework; no washing or children. Call at 820 N. 23d st. CMS01V FOB RSIIT-SOCBES, IIVJUOCO c. Paters ft Co., Bee Blrtg. PAYNE-BOBTWICK ft CO., choice houses ul-uji New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone lois. D Oi WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft 8 tor. age Co., TeL 144. Offlee, 17U Webster Bu Uni Prts of the city. The - W W M W JM Jt , vis Co., but baa Bl lg. V til TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage wo., orace loiist araauj, or Tela eo. D tM DEIBIRABLB H8EWE8T PART CITT 144 N. 88lh ave., 11 rooms, modern In every way, first class condition and o . of the best locations In city. Price ft per luoata. Qeorga ft Co., lajl Farnam st D-AUJ 15 FOR RENT A 8-room house, allNnod. arn except furnace. Ua, C M. Baohmann. f)-87 Paxton block. ItHint HOUSES, tnaaranoa. Rlngwalt. Barker Plk. FOR RENT Oood barn. luqulre I'M Burt. FOR RENT 264M Harney St., desirable modern bouse of I rooms In first-class re pair, Hb. uarvin Bros., 1W4 rarnam st D-M118 -ROOM, modern. 2711 Dewey ave.; SJO. D-74J One I and cna ( room cottage, large, beau. tiful grounds: no furnacv: 814 and II.'.. ti. and txio Mi. ho as st. Key on pram' tees. Klngwalt Bros., Barker block. D 111 MODERN HOUSE. LARGE YARD. 58 North 24th St. two blocks north Ames; rooms, new plumbing, furnaua. n rat -class conaitton; also parol aso. Nortkwest corner. 2Mb. and Jacksun sla; i rooms, rnouarn; ju. , lit South 24th St.; I room cottage; tl'.U. GEORGE ft CO.. 14 U Farixm et D M135 s7 frOK RENT, No. 103 Bo. SOth ave , 11-room brick, full cellar, cistern, oak floor and Anlsh; furnace aad all modem. In best condition. o. Lxl Bo. utn tw., lb-room. c"!iVt and modern. I.neat appo:atment a. a r. t- Ish. Inquire on rreuilswa D Mill FOR RENT, 8-room kouaa. all modera. 512 N. 4 at Apply at M Y. Ufa bldg. 1 JS FOR IlKST-HOVIES. FOR RENT, six-room crtttage. modem ex cept furnace, nil California Bt., ijs; nve room cottage. WT Blondo Bt., f. At ply at tm North lth Bt. D Vk7. FOR RENT FIKNISIIEO ROOMS, NJCELT furnished rooms. Inquire Omaha steam laundry, 17S0 Leavenworth. 'Phone A-17U. E 2U DEWST European hotel, 13th and Fsrnam. E 131 ROTAli HOTEL, European, 10th ft Chicago. it U.i TO $2 00 per week. 4a B. 18th St., one diock soul a or court nouse. e va AETNA HOUSE. European. 13th ft Dodge. NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen preferred. H.5 is. 17th. E 231 O. M. E. haula trunks. Telephone ni. E 7X7 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; 'phone B7. M3il 10 ROOMS, 11 M per week' and up. "tate hotel, 1611 LOUgiaS Bt. ' K A1435 11 NICE rooms, day or week. 16J5 Howard. B M38 lil MODERN rooms, front. 2019 Bt. Mary'a avenue. E 161 27 LARGE. LIGHT, AIRF ROOMS. 112 Sn and up per month. . 7Rc and up a day. . AT THE DELLONE, 14th St. and Capitol Are. Steam heated electric lighted private and general baths all conveniences first-class service. Eat where you plese. ROOM AT THE DELLONE. E-tlS SOx FOR RENT, In private family, two large rront rooms, southeast exposure, warm In winter and cool In summer; within walk ing distance but convenient to thrtv enr lines. 22H Webster st E 347 x NICELY furnished rooms. 190 Canltol ave. E-M363 TWO large south 250 Harney. front alcove rvms. E-M'JW lOx FIRXISHED ROOMS ANU BOARD. CENTER HOTEL, European plan. 210 N. 17th. F-M660 15 BOARD and room, furnace. 626 8. 13th St. F V 27x THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms and board, also meal tickets. F M72J OS FIRKITCRB PACKING. PETERSON ft LUNDBERQ, 116 So. 17th. Tel. L-2358. H 238 FOR RENT STORES AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at HlJ Farnam, 12iW, four storlos and first-class cemented .basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault office' counter and fixtures. For pries and particulars enquire C. C. Roe water, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100, Bee building. 1 MM7 FOR RENT The building formerly occu- ?led by The Bee at 91S Farnam at. It has our stories and a basement, which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose water, secretary, room luo. Bee building. 1-261 THE spacious store room on Farnam street In the Bee building, formerly occu pied by MacCarthy Tailoring Co., to lease od reasonable terms. Rent includes Jan itor service, electric light and neat. In quire R. C. Peters ft Ca, ground floor. Bee building. I M6J4 DESK ROOM for rent ' 634 Paxton block. I-MS40 SUITE of ( rooms, aras and electric light, water, vault; suitable for doctor's office. Robt. H. Bennett, Continental block. I-CM AGENTS WAITED. WANTED Canvassing agents in avery county to solicit subscriptions' to Til till TWENTIETH CENTUKT FARMER Steady employment with assured good in come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily ov to xiou per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a few men are onered by the union Central Life Insurance Co. Correspondence In vited. J. M. Edmlnston ft Sons, general agents, OnuUii and Llnoohi. J-MJS Sept 8 NEW WASHER. LOW PRICED. Warranted to waah four shirts, or equiva lent, in three minutes. L,innt. strong-, dur. able, all wood and beat all the tin wash ers. No "air pressure" about It.. Sold In pairs one washer to be used in each hand In common tub or boiler on any kind of clothes. Also tongs for lift'ng ?lothes from boiler, and all sent prepaid or 82.50. Agents deal directly V 1th In ventor. No middlemen.' J. F. EHlott Mmon, is. j Mi7if ax AGENTS for the best, most popular faucet filters made; easy sellers; good .pronu i. v.. rigott, Laramie, wvo. ' J-M784 12S AGENTS for best most popular faucet ON lera maae; easy sellers; good profit. T. C Plgott Laramie. Wyo. J Mt54 12x WANTEDWIdeawake solicitors to repre sent us at state and county fairs, stook sales, etc. rosition permanent at an assured good Income. AddIv Twenlleth Century Farmer headquarters, State Fair Orounds. or E. R. McCiellan, Lincoln Hotel. Lincoln. Neb.. Monday.. Tue dnv and Wednesday evenings from seven to eignt o cioca. j Mwu 7x WANTED TO HKIW. I CANNOT supply the demand. If your nouae is vacaui you eapeci to nave one list with me. F. L. Wead, U2t Douglaa. WANTED By two young men, room and ooara n private lamuy; must De con venient to car line; stute rates. Will ha permanent ir sultca; not too far out. Ad. dress M W Bea. K M530 Ix WANTED TO BUT. WILL PAY cash for 40 to 60 arras within 18 miles or urauita. Address, K. u, iiee. N-Mztl WANTED To buy. close to Omaha, a few seres of land. Kasper Coal Co., 14th and WiUlara Bta. IS Mis 14 FOR SALE FIRNITIRE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sale, Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge Bt. O 212 Must Be Sold THIS WEEK Tha carpet", furniture, office fixtures, kitchen utensils, linen curtains and everything In the Hotel Barker must be sold at once, regardless of cost. Ths carpenters start Monday tearing aut- aad we must sell Immediately. BARKER HOTEL, Thirteenth and Jones Bts. O-M730 T FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, alTO TIRES set while you wait; nrst-claaa re pair wurk ia. Frost luo ami Leavea aorta. , P itl ilONROK se Is pleaauia vehicles at 811 N lath 6t. P 144 " " ' " . . " " "'a''"" " ' " FK HAI.K. : riat-rlsss war rartU; a ai.ap lor someuo-iy. ta.1 .t lea v en w oi in. y : GOOD MILK WAGON, coal waaoa ajtd busry at a big bnrfaln A- W. Jobraun, wna ion a ieara now va, r uaa WHY LET YOUR ROOM STAY VACANT? Every Day is a Loss of Money When a Little Want-Ad Will Rent It. FOR SALE MISCKLLASEOVI. FOR BALE, oerondhand locomobile. In nret-clsss rhape, at one-half price. Call or address, K21 Farnam 8t. - Q 24 FOR BALE, thirty-three thousand four hundred and ninety-seven Bliares Hold Hill Mining Stock, ten cents a share If taken quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dorn, Boaid of Trade building. Q-M467 TELEPHONK POLES; long fir timber! cht:ken fence; oak piling, vol Douglaa. Q-ft; IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Western Anchor Fence Co., 06 N. 17th 8L, CATAIOOUE cut drug prlcaa free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-2 ICE for aala In car load lota. Lincoln Ice Co., Lincoln, Neb. . Address Q-M715 INDIAN goods and r el lea. 1111 Farnam. Q-250 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 111J Farnam. Q-261 FOR SALE, coal business. Capital required, t2.WO.00. J 21, Bee. Q 262 NEW and 2d hand tyFewrltera. Ills Farnam. FOR SALE, a new 800-ampere. double-pole switch; never been used. Apply to or ad- drew "Superintendent Bee Building, . Omaha."- J-M7S7 FOR- SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator; can be used either passenger or freight : com plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wire en closure. J. L. Brandeta ft Sons. Q S9 FOR BALE CHEAP, at Barker hotel. Omaha, or C. W. Partridge, Paxton block, one Hale hydraulic passenger elevator, Upright cylinder, cage 6x6 feet, I stories, all In perfect rtinring order; 800 Inside doors, 1 thick, with frames, casing and hardware; base board, 4 nights oak stairs, cherry and osk mantles, Tto Inside win dows. 100.000 4-foot white pine lath, cleaned and bundled, 2x4 studding, marble wash bowls, urinals, bath tubs, sinks, steam pipe snd radiators. O M754 Ux CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADT QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told, past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 807 N. 18th. 8264 MME. LUCRETIA, medium. 17P9 Cftllfor 8 818 BSX nla. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. BMITH, hatha, 118 N. 15, Id floor, r. L PERIOIAL VIA VI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and homo treatment for disorders of women. Free booklet Vlavl Co., 848 Bee Bldg. U-255 PRIVATE home during confinement; ha bles adopted. The Oood Samaritan Sanitarium, 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la. U-196 MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. U-2S6 At druggists, 81. BURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Bee' bldg. rflvl DR. ROY. chiropodist: corns ana supernu ous hair removed Dy electricity, k, a. niid 8, 1506 Farnam st TJ-269 PRIVATE hospital before and during con- nnemeui; m nmivsi care tnq iiursioa. Mrs. U.FUher, 1601 Vinton. TeL 1889. U-280 WE RENT sewing machines at 75c per week, 82 per month; we repair ana sou parts for every maohine manufactured; secondhand machines. 85 to V: second hand machines from 8Vto 818. Nab. Cyteie Co., 16th and Harney. . U M1M OMAHA Dye Works, 1515 Howard, fashion able cleaners, aressea, suits, cioaxs, ora perlea, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets. U M733-20 PRIVATE Sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement, ur. ana Mrs. UBrtscn, 8825 California St Terms reasonable. . U-4 DR. PRIES treats cuccessfully alt diseases and irregularities oi women from any causa; experienced and reliable. 15U Dodge Bt., Arlington block, Omaha. U-604 8. BHONFELD. the antiquarian (estab lished iSi), reroorea to su a. i. i.ire dio. U M516 01 babies adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2132 Lake. Tel. Rad-18S4. U-2t8 MONEY TO LOAN REAL KSTATB. WANTED City loans and warrr.nta. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., urn Farnam street. . W-2SI . FARM snd city loans; low rates. W. 'H. Thomas, First Mi l can oiug. .- i iota PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. Y. Life. W-2o8 WANTED Real estate loans and warrants R. C. Peters t,'o ree mag. v at FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1004 Farnam. . PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas. 4 TO I P. C. money. Bern Is, Paxton block. MOKEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. NOT IN THE TRUST. Money Any Amount Loaned to salaried employes holding per manent positions on tuelr PLAIN NOTE, without MORTGAGE, ENDORSER or SE CURITY of any kind, without EMPLOY. im-ft kTtnvlulcA. We also loan meney on Furniture, Pianos, etc.. without removal or gooaa. iuu nave use of both money and goods. It Costs You Nothing To call and be convinced that ouV ratas are the cheapest In Omaha. We want your business aud believe an In vestigation cf our methods will get it even If at rresent you sre dealing else where. KIND. COURTEOUS TREAT HENT to all. Our offices are the best equipped to handle your business with privacy of any In the city. Come In and see ua, whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co." Roms 807-808 Paxton Blk. Room 807-301 X ft MONEY loaned on plain note to sararled peosle; business confidential; lowest rales. 514 i axton block. The J. A. Huttnn Co. X 275 MONEY To salaried employes and wage earners. Gel uur )Jlcui or loans, thai gets yuu aui oi debt. Any Udy or iciuUmaa, Machinist, engineer, etc., bsvii.g reuaoie cuiuloyiueni can get, juai on his note: Monthly. Weekly 1180 Return to u...U. or 8U.& or ti.66 s0 Return to us... iJU or or 8.36 I 8j Return to us... t.i or 111 or 1 taj $ 16-Reiurn to us.... 4 uO or 2. a) or l it) aiaet liux, lawesi raies, oonftdential. Na inquties. Wul-k service. Cbarteous treatmeui. THi bXAE LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BT.K. X-374 LAROFFT BT B1NT83 IN 1X)ANS TO eALAKIF-l) l'Lt'PLE. metciianis, team siera, boa.-d'i.g ho.ites. etc.. wllliout ss cun.y; eie- terms; 40 ofloes lit princi pal .cltiea. 4a) Bcsr4 if Tr-de Lldg. X-J78 CTIATTEI aalsry and Jewelry loins. Foley Loan IO., 8 jo to V- v'ra, K, 8, Barker bx. X-27i MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, bureca, coa a, ale. C. F. Kaad, Si 8 11 MONEY TO I.OA C'HATTEt.N, MONEY LtlANED ON FURNITURE-. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. ETC. Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try tis If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. (33 Paxton Block. ICth and Farnam Sts. X 271 EASY 18 Best explains our methods. We loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. Or if you nave a permanent position we can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, except your own agree ment to repay. Our service is quick and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask Is that you give us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 11 Board of Trade Bidg. Tel. 22. (Established 1W3 .) 8u 8. Kith Bt X-770 BLSfftKSS CHARCBS. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. IL Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y 27 A GOOD paying 1 8-room hotel for sale In Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner lives In Chicago Is tha object In selling. Mitchell ft Faught Wood River, Neb. Y-277 FOR SALE Good hardware, furniture and undertaking business; store building snd residence also. Address Box 1. Ply mouth, Neb. Y M117 B8 LITCHFIELD, Neb., Ir much In need of a first-class hotel. Good site may be se cured. Located on main line B. ft M. R. R. Population. 500. Address F. Starks. Sec retary Litchfield Mutual Improvement club. Y-M220 8ept.x GROCERY for sale; good location: German population; good reasons for selling; es tablished trade. L 55, Bee. T 606 "x FOR SALE Only drug store in town of 400, eastern Nebraska; prescriptions from two doctors; all German community. Best chance; large territory; good buslneas. Address M 35 Bee. Y Ms32 8 FOR SALE, set of abstract books of best county in South Dakota. Address M 37, Bee. Y-148 8 FOR SALE The finest equipped meat mar ket in the state outside of Lincoln and Omaha; in the exact business center of tie city; paying 1300 per month net; everything new and eomplete. Will take cash or approved notes. Addres Hill's Market Fremont, Neb. Y M556 10 FOR BALE, good grocery snd butcher's fix tures. Including Ice box. Inquire 273 Fnr nam. Y 56S CASH FOR TOU REAL ESTATE OR BUSINESS, no matter where located. For a quick sale send us rte-ct lpion and rr ee. . NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS AQKNCT, D 812. Bank of- Commerce Bldg., Mlnne- apolis, Minn. Y I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS, no matter where it is or what It is wortn; send de scription, state prloe and learn how. Offices and special representatives in 8 cities. W. M. OSTRANDER. Home Office 148 N. A. Bldg., Philadelphia. . .. Y WANTED, carnival attractions, Sept. 23, 4, 25 and 28; good live town; big money In sight; good buslneas a sure thing. Ad dress Retnbeck Carnival Co., Relnbeck, la. Y M713 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. GEORGE & COMPANY, v 1601 FARiNA ST. . -HOUSES FOR SALE- - .r$5,2Q0.ty) Modern house of 9 rooms near 24th and Half Howard streets, very desirable loca tion. .. i $3,200.00 8020 California street (on Harney street car line), south front, 8-room house, modern except furnace. . . - 12,300.00 On South tflth St., near Leavenworth, "7 room house, modern except furnace. $1,500.00 D.07 North 18th "St., 6-room cot tape, good condition, central location; rents for 815 per month. - f. $1,200.00 8522 Indiana ave., 7-roora house, paved street. $1,000.00, 3S19 North 18th St.. near MAiderson st. 4 room cottage, lot 50x120 feet Wa can eejl 83U00 cash, balance monthly. $860.00 8618 Parker St., 6-room cottage In good con dltlon; JLW cash, balance monthly. $650.00 GooeT building lot on Burt st. Just west of 24th st, on grade; six; 60x167 feet. . . RE M733 7 FINE INVESTMENTS. For sale, 6-room, all modern house, east front' lot 61x128; paved street, paving all paid for. S2.250.00. 8-room all modern cottage, fine neighbor hood, furnace, bath, closet; elegant man tel with grate; lot 60x120; close to street car, school and church, 82.20.0a. 7-room house, corner lot fcoxlio, south and east front; one block te Harney at. line, 2 blocks to Walnut Hill line; must be sold this weak, 81.260.0u. 2-atory 7-room house, good neighborhood; Close to school and Street Cars, 81,550.00. Lot 58x190, 6 or 8-room house, good barn, chicken house, fruit trees; party Is going to leave city: will sail on easy terms; 81,000.00. nice little place, 60x95, (-room house and summer kitchen, within' easy walking dis tance; tt block to street car, 8 block to school, fco.00., I have also well located acre and Improved property In Benson at very low prices and easy terms. J. A. Lovgren, 436-37 Paxtou Blk. RE M744 7 CHOICE BARGAINS. For sale, 8-room house, south front, on Capital Ave., t blocks west of High school. 82.40000. 8-room bouse, bath, closet, city water, good slsed barn; lot 60x150; south front; paved street I2.SOO.00. Two-story 8-room, all modern house, east front, lot 66xia; right for grade; beauti ful shade trees, on At. 22d st., :.3O0. J. A. Lovgren, 436-437 Paxton Blk. . - RE M746 7 DO YOU WANT A GOOD HOME CHEAP? I will aell my home on Georgia ave., near , the park, close to Park school and sev eral churches, at a targaln; terms to suit. Tha house has seven rooms besides laun dry, furnace room and vegetable cellar; is in good condition, modern, with every convenience and open plumbing. It wi'.l iiiv von to look Into this, as It Is a good Investment. Address M 18. Oman Bee. BE-44s 81x 81.150 BUY 8 modern double house; rents for 820 per mouth. Box 44, Irvlngt in, Neb. RE M7 x HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; also acre prt perty and form lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 5(M. Bee bltlg. RE 27s RANCH a:i4 farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAlester. lapd coinmisiloner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RK 280 MODERN S-r. house, full 62-ft. lot. best lo cation for a horns. Inquire 1411 Vlnmn Bt RE 706 21 WILLIAMSON SflSf g.5. bVd88 RE ATTORSETS. HERBERT 8. CRJfNE. 817 N. T. L. Bldg. M3a5 10X J. M. MACFARLAND. 816 N. T. U Bldg. M754 D. OARBAGE. ANTI-MUNOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cea pools and vaults, remove garbage and u animals at reduce prices. 631 N. Ulh. Tel. 1778. v -it . FOR SALF BKAI, ESTATE. EXPERT ACC'Ol NTANT. O. R. RATHBI N. room 16. Com'l Nat Brink. Private le- s ins In lookkeepln. etc. 7oJ FLORISTS. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 94 D. HENDERSON, florist 1411 Farnam Bt -2S7 ACCORDION PLF.ATIRO. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. -282 GOLD AND SILVER PLATINO. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2fM. -7a LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN ft PRICE. 410 1st Nat Bk.bldg. 2) NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Life Bldg., attorneya and collectors every, where. 21 J. M. MACFARLAND, U N. Y. L. Bldg. M737 21 LOST. LOST, lady's gold watch, marked with monogram M. R. M. on one aide ana "1WS on other side: black guard with gold seal attached; monogram on seal, "M. R. M." Please return to mayor's office, city hall, and receive reward. Lost U5S8 LOST Driving from Burlington Station ts Happy lionow eariy tsunaay morning, roll of canaa and umbrellas marked 11. IL M. Finder will be aultably rewarded by returning same to room tut Karbaon block. M 800 7a MEDICAL. LIQUOR HABIT cured In three days.. Pay when cured. No hypodermics. Write for circulars. Oatlln Inatitute. 222 8. 14th. -28 Mt'SICAU OMAHA College of Music and Dramatlo Art, 628 N. Ann St (Dodge St. car.). Ex. emlnatlons for twenty free and part'.al scholarships tn ail supjects sept, a ana 24 at the college; practice rooms wltu pianos for students For particulars apply F. H, V right, L. L. C. M., director. 'Phone ll'Jl ! 7.S-J THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldga Block. 3) WANTED Boys with good voices for Trin ity Cathedral Choir (preparatory class). Applyv F. H. Wright organist and choir director. 72 18 E. D. KECK, voice culture and the art of singing. Studio, 1802 Farnam Bt. M616-0-1 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615, New York Lite Bldg. Tel. 16 4. 294 Tha Hui.t Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 2352. 2S(5 Ataen ft FarwelL Paxton Blk., 604-7. T. 1S65. 2W DRS. FINCH ft MILLER, 124 S. 26th St -37 DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 832 N. Y. Life. Tel. 2b8S. 2D8 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office. Reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 7ti8 L , 1 . , .J . PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 318 8. 15th St., Omaha. Tel. 1788. SOD PATENTS-Sues ft Co.. Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1S23. M570 N15x PA STL RAGE. PASTURE for horses. Benson. Theo. Williams, 70S lfiX RIG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 906&. -401 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A- C. VAN 8 ANT'S school. 717 N. T. Life. -8.8 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College. Boyd s Theater. AiJ LAWNMOWER9. SHARPENED. P. Melcholr, 13th ft Howard. J LOCKSMITHS. C. R. HEFLIN, 808 N. 16th Bt. Tel. - Cut prices on keys this month. -Mi- 8TATLARY. 8974. -18 ORNAMENTAL work. Qonnella ft Pro., t ii Farnam. M678-16X STORAGE. OM. Van Stor Co., 15UH Karn. Tela. 15o-8L 804 STAMMERING AND STt'TTERINO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everyhere. P. H. PhUbin. 15u6 Farnam. 'Phone 784. -804 TINNERS. a. E. KOCH, 24th and Maple. Tel. Lists. 838 Eg IPHOLSTERINQ. rSzFINISHINO OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WORK. tail Farnam. Tel. 2-11. M464-14 GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wire springs tightened. Tel. B-2U7. 1705 Bt Mary's Ave. 101 DANCING ACADEMY. CHAMBERS' adult beginners now forming Tuesdays and Baturuaya, 6 p. m., com -rr.sncing OctoLer 2. Private lessons any time. Kill and Douglas. Office 'phone, 1471. Residence. A1746. At tor October 16, 2424 Farnam at. Chambers' children s claaaea Wednesdays, 4 p. m., Saturdays, 2 p. in., commencing October 8. 148 MR. AND MRS. MORAND'S dancing and phyrleal culture. 15th and liarney, re opens for children Saturday, October 8; bealnners. 10 a. m.; advance. 3 D. m. Trms reasonsble, a liberal reduction te former patrons and to families who send more tLun one pupil at the sains time. Private classes organized; private lessons any time. Lessors for adults now Tues day and FYldsv, 8 p. in.; assemblies every Wednesday. School truchers' tlcliete at half regular rates. For further particulars write or telephone 1041. 51570 Oct4 DETECTIVE 8. CAPT. CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. A-2M2 Tel. -r4 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Uvulllree, r-to and Lake eUeela. , -878 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, (24 N. toth. -M44 814X BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 811 North lth. 1A3 R. RUMPEL ft state Try us. F-nss. SON, only tie factory In 14th ft Nicholas Bts Tel. 148 8A LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bids will be received at the office of com missioner of public lands and buildings for material and labor for the construction of cement steps, sidewalks, blocks, etc., to be built on the stste rapitol grounds In IJn coin according ta the designs and specifics, tlons now on file In the offloa of the com missioner of public lands and buildings. All bids to be submitted on or before It o'clock noon of September 15, 1WS. The Board of Public iJinds and Butldlnrs reserve the right to reject sny or all bids. Lincoln, Neb., B-rt. 8, 19US. GEORGE D. FOLIjMER, Chairman Board of Publlo Lands and Bulldifirs. Set4d10TO 1AILWAT TIME CARD. VNION STATION 10TH AND MARCT. Cfclcaaje ft Northwester. "Ths Northwestern Line." Leave. Arrive. Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 6:00 pm a 8:89 am Local Sioux City a 6:10 am a 8 iO pm Daylight St. Paul a T 36 am al0:26 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am aU:10 pm Local Cedar Kaplds., Limited Chicago Local Carroll Fast Chicago Fast Bt. Paul Fast Mall Local Biouz City 6:18 pm .a 8:15 pm a 1:16 am .a 4:00 pm a t.K am .a 6:60 pm a 8.46 pm .a 1:10 pm a 8:16 am a 2:40 pm d m:w pm o s:so am Norfolk ft Boneateel....a 7:26 am Lincoln ft Long Plne....t 7:26 am aiu' am bl0:86 am HUaela CeatraL Chicago Express a 7:86 am a 6:18 pm Chicago, Minneapolis ft Bt Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis ft St Paul Express b 7:86 am bl0:S6 pm Chicago Local 10 86 am Chicago Express alO:S5 sm Chicago, Rack Island, ft Paelfle. EAST. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 8:56 am a 8:60 am Chicago Daylight Locat.a T:00 am a 8:86 pm Chicago Expreaa bll:l am a t:86 pm tes Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:36 pm a 1:25 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L'td..a 7:80 am a 7:25 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver. Pueblo and West a o:oo pm and ....a 6:40 pm all: 40 pm Colo., Texss. Cal. Oklahoma Flyer., UbIob Paelne. Overland Limited.., The Fast Mall.... California Express Pacific Express.... Eoatern Express... .a 8:40 am a 6:60 pm a 8:26 pm .a 4:20 pm .all:30 pm a 5:80 pm a 7:20 am The Atlantic Express The Colorado Special.. .i a 7:10 am a 8:40 am Chicago Special a 8:4u am I incoln. Beatrice and Stromehurg Express. .b 4:00 pra bl2:60 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 5:1B pm Grand Island Local.... b 6:30 pm b 8:36 am MUtoerl Paclne .St Louis Expreaa... X. C. ft St L. Ex... . ,.al0:00 am a 6:25 pm ...al0:60pm a 6:16 am Chicago Great Westera Ry. Ca. 104 Ft. Dodge Express.. .b 6:20 am 102 Ft. Dodge Express.. .a 2:45 pm 7 Ft. Dodge Express... a11:25 am 103 Ft. Dodge Express... b 9:18 pm Chlcaae, Mllwaskss & St, Paul. Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am all:16 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:45 pm a 8:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:05 pra a 7:50 am Des Motns Express. ...a 7:46 am a 8:40 pm WsbaiB, Leave. Arrive. Bt Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:66 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 8:16 am al0:80 pm BURLINGTON STATION lOTH ft MASON UuxtlBKtoa a Mlssearl River. Leave. Arrive. Wvmore. Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:50 am bU:05 pm Nebraska Express a 6:50 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited.....,..', a 4:; pm a 6:15 am Black HilU and Puget Sound Express sll:10 pm A 1:10 pm Colorado VesUbuled Flyer .....r..... . , a 2:10 pra Lincoln Fast Mail o i:td pm a au Fort Crook) and Flatts mouth b 8;1S pm bl0:85 am Bellevue ft Pacific Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevua ft Pad Ho Jet.. a 8:50 am Chlraas, HarllBglon & Qalaey Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 8:55 pm Chicago Veatibuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 47:46 am Chicaxo Local a 8:18 am all) pm Chicago Limited a 8:c6 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mai. a 2:40 pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday e Dally except Monaay aaa City, St. Joseph, ft Coaucil Blaffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 8:15 am a 6:05 pm St. Louis Fiver a 5:25 pm all:06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:45 pm a 6:06 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH ft WEBSTER Chicago- ft NovthrresterB, Nebraska aa Wyosalag Division. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Lead, Hot Springs a 8:00 pm 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas. d 8:00 pm 5:08 pm Hastings. Tork, iavia fltv Snne-ior. Geneva. Exeter and Seward. ...b S.00 pm b 8:00 pm Biiaaoari Paeltto, Nehraska Local. Via weeping water D :iv pra aio: am Chicaao, St. Paul, lllnBeapalla . Omaha. k Leave. ' Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:30 am a 6:10 pm fiinux Citv Paasenaer...a 2:00 pm all 20 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 8:46 am YELLOW FEVER IS EPIDEMIC Tsiasi Proooaa to Assist Residents of Mexieo Who Face Des iltatloa. MONTEREY, Mex.. Sept 1-A fund for the yellow fever sufferers of Linares, where the disease Is epidemic, has been started by prominent cltisens of this city. Bus! neas has been practically suspended and those who are not afflicted with the fatal disease are Idle, though not in direct need as yet Scores of fever cases have been re ported and among the - afflicted are the mayor and his secretary. A representative of the Texaa health au thorities is expected to arrive here Tuesday to supervise tha disinfecting of ths dry and to make another thorough Investigation, after which, if the quarantine measures established by the Monterey authorities against Linares and other infected points are found to be efficacious, the quarantine against Monterey will be lifted. tub micro scora Proves that Paraeltas Caaso Hair Loss. Nlne-tentha of tha diseases of ths scalp and hair are caused by parasltlo germs. The importance of this discovery by Prof. Unne of ths Charity Hospital, Hamburg, Oermany, cannot be overestimated. It ex plains why ordinary hair preparations, even of the most expensive character, fall to cure dandruff; because they do not, and they cannot kill the dandruff germ. The only hair preparation In the world that positively destroys the dandruff paraaltes that burrow up the scalp Into scale called scurf or dandruff Is Newbro's Herplcide. In addition to its destroying tha dandruff germ Herplcide la also a delightful hair dressing. Sold by leading druggists. Sen 10c In stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman ft McCon nell Drug Co., special agents. Tbo Lake Shore Liaslted to Pittsborga A through Pittsburgh sleeper is now In dally service on the Lake Shore Limited leaving Chicago at 1:80 p. m.. and reach ing Pittsburgh the nest morning at 6.86, affording Pittsburgh travel all the luxurl. ous appointment of this famous train. M. 8. Gllea, T. P A.. Chicago; C. F. Daly, Chief A. a. P. X, Chicago. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA po'b of StajrrgTit Wa'er Over City CfctiB ' Much Complaint EFFORT 1S TO BE MADE TO DRAIN THEM Fart that No Member of Pollco Forro Has Glvea Road Is tha Occa sion for Considerable C'OBtmeat Over City. Sanitary Inspector Frank Jones will busy himself this week attempting to drsln ths different stagnant ponds of water which ars scattered throughout the city. lYm- ' plaint has been coming In this ?k lit wholesale fashion and Mr. Jones says that If It Is necessary he will file ert-npl ilnti against the owners of the property wht r3 the ponds are located. The worst of those miniature lakes teems to be near the Intersection of Thirty seventh and L streets. Here a body of water covering an area of almost Iwo acres has formed. The water is the re sult of the heavy ruins and ni nattinl outlet being present, there seems no h.indy way In which the same may b? dr:ilred. This pool has become extremely sfgnnn1, as refuse matter has b?e:i t:oml! cu-u'y dumped Into It by unidentified partlo. While the majority of the land on whl'h this body of water stands Is by Cie stock yards company, Mr. Joni3 r.taied that he was In doubt as to whoie duly It was to drain the plnce. An Invcs'lgjtlm ' will be part of his work. There are several other l a I places of this kind. At Thirty-third nn l Q eMs the naturnl depression of the ground hns formed a pond of almost an ncio, ard while there has been no fi-rolgn matter thrown Into the water that nelchborhocd Is 'clamoring to have It removed, saying that it Is both dangerous and Olsagreeab'e. This place will undoubtedly have to be drained at the city's expene. At Thirty-sixth and 8 streets there Is another natural depression of about one and one-half acres. This water has stood In the present place almost the entire sum mer snd the odor arising from it Is ex tremely disagreeable. . . There are many pools In the eastern part of the city which for a long time have baffled the authorities In their attempt to have them lemoved. At the foot of Four teenth and M streets there is a deep hollow and In this a great body of water his formed. There Is absolutely no outlet to It and no way of removing the water ex cept by pumps. - These streets In this plaes have never been opened by the city. At the latter place a young man by ths name of Broderlck was a few days ago Injured, and a claim will probably be filed with the city today, asking damages by reason of the same. While the olty dls- ' clatms any responsibility, the offloiials ere very anxious to rid themselves of thaoe continuous eyesores. May Inquire About Police. The fact that none of the police officers of the city has given an official bond has led up to the question as to whether any of the parties who now wear stars are authorised to make arrests, and. after such an attempt has been made, whether the act Is legal or not The attitude of the police board In asking the council at this time for the necessary money with which to secure bonds for the officers is generally regarded as extremely humorous throughout the city. The board has been In power now for many months and up to the time that Officer Jake Bmall arrested a. commissioner at the yards for refusing to respectfully address the officer, ,, no word was said by the police board about ths furnishing of bonds for the officers, ' In fact-It was generally thought .that all.., of the officers had furnished the necessary .' bonds. When an attorney Inquired of tha olty clerk for the bond of Small he was Informed that no bonds were filed. ' Then the police board stated that It was not . necessary for the bonds to be filed with ths city clerk. Finally, after waiting over six months, the police board finally confessed that no officers of the city had been re quired to furnish bends, and at last the council was reluctantly asked to furnish the money with which ths same could be procured. An arrest was mads Friday In another case of "disrespectful attention" to a ff lice officer and the attorney of the defend ant appeared and threatened to Institute habeas corpus proceedings at once If ths man was not released. Without appearing In the police court the man was turned loos. No reason was assigned for this on the Jail record. Great Doings Today. Nothing now seems to stand in ths way of a great demonstration In South Omaha today. At the appointed hour the parade will bo formed, the bands will play and everything will awing Into line for a glo rious time. The park has been thoroughly prepared and every convenience will bs at hand for a delightful time. While the park will be thoroughly supplied with po lice protection, past events of this kind have proven that this protection Is really unnecessary. One of the marshals of the parade was asked last evening what would be done In tha event of rain and he re plied: "There are no grocers in this pa rade; there will be no rain today." Expert Their Money Soon. City officials who are back In their sal aries since the month of April have re ceived assuranoe thf.t within two weeks the money for the overlap bonds will have been received and everything settled up. No officers of the city have received a cent of salary since April, except for the month of August,, and many of them have dis counted their claims against . the city. While the city clerk Is unable to state just when this money will be received, he says he has reason to feel confident that 11 will be within ths next two weeks. Plcale Next Satarday. The picnic which was to have been held Saturday at Krug park for the benefit of the South Omaha Hospital association will be held on Saturday, September 12. All of the arrangements which had been planned for last Saturday have been held over for tha coming event Brea nan's Condition Imrpoved. Luke Brennan, the pollco officer who was badly cut while attempting to arrest John Kalsor on Friday night was reported much belter last evening and the attending phy sician stated that Brennan would undoubt edly bo able to resume his work on the force within a few days. Kalsor is far from well himself, his head being still badly bruised and battered. He may not bo able to appear at the time set for his prelimin ary hearing, which Is next Wednesday. Magle Caty Gossip. All of the city omens will be cloued to day. The new stock yard chutes will be ready for use within a lew weeks. H. B. FlehariyTius returned from a pleasure and business trip tu Cheyenne. George Legree of Weeping Water was In the city yraterduy, vUuliig wuh fncnCs ' aud relatives. Former Police Judge W. 8. Babco'k wl be a candldata bafora tha coming counlr convention for the oflioa of po.lcc juage of South Omaha. A Jubilee meeting of the Memorial church in Albrlglil waa held last evtomij. There waa a large attendance and an in teresting program. One of tbe quietest Saturday r.Ijh's and Surds ys tn the h story of li.e Jit itt South Omaha waa recorua.1 aeirday. Up ta lt evening Uis Jail blotter sUvd Wiutujl au eaug. , ! - , ' , . , v-.. ' ; I