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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1903)
TIIE 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 1003. TAKE THE ENTIRE SERIES !&":::::::: 115 Pauls Wini Another Bnco of Games Trom k Quinn'i Undertaken. ROURKE'S HEN SWING THE STICK HEAY11Y m Total of Thlrty-Far Hit 1st th Two ttames, Which Met Them Trtttr-lT f Tallies. f ) L (From a Btalt Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Sept. S.-t8peclal Tele gram.) The Undertaken dropped two mora to Omaha, today, making It seven straight I ntwo of the moat wretched exhibition of corner-lot bane ball that have been foisted tipon tha lenient Des Moines public this year. The first ram went to tha wood before three Innings bad been played. In uj second the 14 M 4 4 4J Moines ) 7 .W . .4M .410 .41 Omaha riel. lb. HIM. t... .41 1 IRU 111 Anaeraoa, 1 1 JJ ! Wallace, aa.. 4 1 1 I HatitTlc. cf. I Des Moines team forarot "'"fhill. rf.l 1 1 i - oa. .... t iumb miniin is piay very cievtr i Wnjht. p an ior rour Innings. But the pressure ws too treat and In the fifth Inning the balloon ascended. The locals were simply outclassed, as In the previous contests. The Omaha team displayed much ringer and the oc is none at all. except In the first few inrilngs of the second game. A small crowd turned out to watch the tames. But a few Innings had passed be fore many got up to leave. Those who re mained took It out on Umpire McCarthy, whose work continued -to be all In favor of the visitors. While his decisions that were wrong could not have effected the general isults. they aroused the anger of the crowd, which hooted and leered McCarthy throughout both games. In the Omaha team Bill" Hoffer met his Waterloo. Every Ranger In the game landed on Hoffer for one or more hits, piling tip twenty safeties i Detfolt in an. uenins secured four safe singles, Miller and Companion procured three each and Thomas got two, a triple and a homer. Companion pitched a fairly clever game and also was backed up by good fielding and heavy stick-work on the part of his team mates. Attendance. 800. Score, first game: OMAHA. IB. PO. 4 1 Ienver 11 I'eoria 114 Omaha lie Des Moines 1U Uame toils v: T)m Moines at IVnver at Colorado Springs. Ft- Joseph at snaas city, Milwaukee at t'eoria. GAMES INTMERICAN LEAGUE St. Loala Takes Two Fast Gasaes frea Detroit, Maklag Oae hatoat. ST. LOUIS. Sept. . St. Louis won two fast games from Detroit this afternoon. Wright shut the visitors out In the first game, while Mullln held fit. Louis to a single run. Pelty let Detroit down with three hits, and would have had a shut out but for Frlel's error. Donovan did not prove hard for the locals. Attendance, 11,400. Score, first game: IT. UM'IB. DETROIT. KH.OARI R.RO.A.B. Bnrlnrtt. It... 4 114 Barrett, ct... 4 114 4 LoaS. ir I 1 I Crawfard. t(. I 1 I M tCarr. lb T I (McAllister, aa 1 1 Terr, lb... 6 a Lnc tb 4 I I 1 MrCulra. a... 4 4 I I 1 Mallta, p.... f ( ! Totals 9100 .0 0 0 . 4 U t 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-0 Tata, la 6t. Louis Detroit .. Esrned run: St. Louis. 1. Sacrifice hits: Lush. Hill. Double play: Long to Carr. Stolen base: Hemphill. Base on balls: Oft Wright. 1; off Mullln, 2. Struck out: By Wright, t; by Mullln. 8. Left on bases: St. Louis, t: Detroit, 4. Time: 1:40. Umpire: O'Laughlln. Score, second game: ST. LOftS. DETROIT. a . H O. A l l a H O A t. Bertatt, It... Ill Barratt. rt... 1 rrtel. tb 1 1 t lUirii, If 1 4 Hill, tb fit Krawtor. rf. t 1 Anderao. Ik 1 II 1 arr. lb 1 II Wallaca, aa. . 1111 eMeAlllater. aa 4 Heidiick, ef. t 1 dTeaajar, ... 4 4 114 HempMU, rt. 1 1 iUmg. tb 1 I Shannon, ... Silt IBualow. a.... 4 t 4 rUy. a f f I I OtDoaeTBa, 4 1 Tata la IURII X ISt Louis 1 Hit by pitched bull: Hemphill. Sacrifice hits: Connors, Knoll, Rothfu. Wild pitch: Elliot. Struck out: By Elliott. U; by Durham, 2. luble plays: Gear to Oltxn; Durham to Nsmce. Left on bases: Mllauk, I: Kansas City, 6. Time: 1.46. Umpire: Foreman. Score, second game: KANSAS TTT. M1LWACKER. lion a h O A E Kail, cf 11 a'oanlay. ef... 4 114 1 Uear, rf 1 I 1 4 Connor, lb . 1 I Naaf. ... till 4 HamDhlll. Ib. 1 1 1 OIImob, lb... I I 4 tshalW. lb.. 1 t I 1 Bailee, ... 1114 4 t'lmleaar. aa 1 I 4 I Knoll. It 114 tv.rrtllh. rt. 4 4 1 Rothfuaa. lb. 1114 "peer, c till Leewe, aa.... 4 11 4 Elliott. It.... 1 I Cooaa, a 1 Hrdfea. p.... t Mueller. ... 1 ToUla 11 lllill 1 Taula I 111 I I Kansas City 4 110 1 b 11 Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 0 1 Two-base hits: Gear, Rothfusa. Three baste hit: Knoll. Stolen bss: Rothfusa (2). base on balls: Off Hedges, 2; oft Coons, 1. Passed ball: Speer. Struck out: By Coons, i; by Mueller. 1. Double play: Rothfusa to Gibson. Left on bases: Mll wsukee, B; Kansas City, S. Time: 1:16. Umpire: Foreman. Loaiavtlle Wlai From Toledo. TOLEDO. Rent, S. Three bases on balls. two errors, a sacrifice hit and three singles In the first Inning lost the game for Toteuo today. The game was calied at the end ct the eighth inning to allow Louisville to catch a train. Attendance l.lOu. Score: 1V011SV1LLB. i Tout no Oenlne, cf , Miller, If....... Thornton, lb.., Welch, rf Phugart. 2b..., Thomaa. SB.,.. Oondlng, c Lewis, 2b Companion, p. Totals ..... AB. 11 A. 0 0 Total 1 I 14 1J 1 .1 0 0 1 - It 1 M I I I 01 Earned run: Rt. Louis. 2. Two-base hits: Anderson, Wallace, Hill. Sacrifice hits: DeldrUk, Donovan. Double play: Heldrick to Wallace to Andereon. lilt by pitched ball: By Pelty. Teager. Bases on balls: Off Felty, 2; off Donovan. 1. Struck out: By Pelty, t; by Donovan, 1. Left on bases: St. Louie. 4: Detroit, I. Time: 1:46. Um pire: O'Laughlln. Chleaajo Wlas Fran CleTelaad. 0 gam from Cleveland today by a ran scored Kerwla Han, If Braabaar, Sb. 1 01I, cf... 1 lulllran, Ib. 1 While, lb.... 1 BV-brlerer, e. 1 Quiolaa, aa.. 1 t R H.O.A.E 1 rf... 1 4 v Smith. If... Osena, aa... I rbllaa. lb . Sllrmard, rf. CKlrlaow. c. Srhaab, lb.. OTurnar. lb.. U'Haddlns. cf. t;ha:allns. p. B. H.O.A.E. 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 4 4 1 t T 54 1 ll Total.. .6 0 1 .0 0 2 I I 14 IS I 0 0 0 0-7 0 0 0 01 Clarke, cf , j ueary. ss Cook, If , Curtla, If , Qulnn, n , Marshall, rf.... Towna, lb Fohl. e Durkea, Ib 2 itoifer, p 4 a II DES MOINES. AB. R. IB 1 t 1 c 4 6 20 27 12 PO. 10 0 A. E. 0 11 Oi TotalB H t 11 27 10 4 Oman 0 4 2 1 1 0 t 211 Des Moines I 0 1 0 0 0 1 ( Left on bases: Des Moines, 10; Omaha. Basea on errors: Tim Vfnln. a- Omaha. 4. Two-base hits: Towne, Miller. Thornton, Shugart. Lewis. Three-base hit: Thomas. Home run. Thomas. Double plays: Thornton, unassisted; O'Leary to Towns. Stolen base: Welch. Bases on halls: Oft Hoffer, 2; off Companion, . Hit by pitched ball; By Hotter, L Struck out: By Hoffer, 4; by Companion, a. Wild rlteh: By Hoffer, 1. by Companion. L Time: 1:40. Umpire: McCarthy. Score, second game: OMAHA. AH. R. IB. PO. A. Oenlns, ef 6 2 I 4 0 Miller. If C 1 12 0 Thornton, lb t 1 1 10 Welch, rf 4 110 Hhuaart. 2b 5 2 2 2 1 Thomas, ss.... S I 2 0 I Oondlng. c. 6-2 IS Lewis. Ib 10 I ScoafctalL p 11 0 1 in the tenth on two errors by Gochnauer, and a pass by Glendon. Exceptional play ing made the game Interesting all the time. Attendance 4.SUU. Score: CHICAGO. I CUCVELAXD. RHOAEl R.HO.A.B. HftlBMS. If... 41 0 rik. rt 1 14 1 0 Bar. If 4 4 4 4'Bradlar, Sb.. S.LaJnta. lb.... IHIekataa. Ib. ball, lb Jnnm, ef.. Sraen. rt 1 raitakaa. Sb. 1 Vacoon, lb.. Tanaablll, a 4 I ulUiaa. .. t It Whlta, p I Total. 1 I M 14 Thoney, ef . .. AMwtt. .... Oerhna'er, as 4 Olendoa. p... 4 Tota la., U2 7 t Totals 44 12 14 27 DES MOINES. AB. B, IB. PO. Clark, cf , O'Leary, ss Curtis. If Qulnn, 2b Marshall, rf , Towns, lb , Fohl. c Durkeo. Ib Morrison, p , Totals , Omaha Des Moines Left on basea: Basea on errors : Two-base hits: 1 0 o- 1 10 27 7 4 10 27 U I .... 0 0 0 1 4 0 i 12 ....0 000202004 Des Moines, S; Omaha, 4. Des Moines. I; Omaha, 4. Towne. Miller. Thomas, Oondir.g. Three-bsse hits: Clarke Cl. Shu- Karl. Bases on balls: Off Morrison. 1. Struck out: By Morrison. 4; by Schafstsll. 4 Time: 1:30. Attendance. LCOO. Umpire: McCarthy. Kamsaa City Defeats St. Joseph. KANSAS 'CITY, Sept. . Hard hitting tided by Ht Joseph's errors won the game for Kansas City today. Cable pitched a imni amine. Attendance 4.0CO. Score: R. H. E. Kansas City 00101 11 1 St. Joaeph 1 00000 01 I Batteries Kansas City, Cable and Mas sit; St. Joseph. Diehl and Mc 'cnnelU Mllwsske Wlas Oae. PaSORIA. Pept 1 Milwaukee won the first game with Peoria today, while the second wss calied at the end of the ninth Inning on account of darkness with ths score a tie. Attendance 4,600. Score, flrat game: R.H E. Milwaukee 0 01000 1-8 I 1 Peoria 1 0000000 0-1 14 Batteries : Peoria. Barry and Hessler; Milwaukee. Swormstead and Lucia. Roore, second game: R.H.E. penrla 1 1 0 0 0 0 C 2 6 1 Milwaukee ..-.0 0100010 0-2 4 -:. Rnttertes: Peoria. Olmstead and Hessler; Milwaukee, Mcpherson and Lucia. nearer Lost Errars. DENVER. Sept. . Today 'a game was a E (tellers' battle, Denver losing on errora. core: R H E. Colorado Springs 1 000001 02 0 Denver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 4 6 Batterlesi Denver, lmke and Schlel; Colorado 'Springs, Buchanan and Dor a. StaatdlasT of the Teams. Plsved. Won. Lost. P C. Milwaukee 1U 7 4-1 .t Colorado Sprtngs... 117 72 45 .416 xTwo out when winning run waa scored. Chicago 0 00000000 11 Cleveland 0 0000000 0 0 Left on bases: Chicago S, Cleveland (. Two-base hits: Bradley 1. Sacrifice hits: Green Bay, Gochnauer. Stolen baaes: Is bell. Green. Struck out: By White 2, by Glendon 3. Base on balls: Off White 1. off Glendon 6. Hit with ball: Abbott. Time: 1:34. Umpire: Sheridan. taadlag; the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Boeton , Cleveland ... Philadelphia Mew I or k .. Detroit St. Louis Chlcaro Washington 116 , 110 114 , 110 11$ 117 II 11 74 65 0 67 5S 65 64 17 JJ 64 64 63 67 42 2 79 P.C. .61 .644 .6 .611 .604 .470 .44 311 Games today: Chlcngo at Cleveland. De troit at St. Louis, Washington at Phila delphia, Boeton at New York. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Williams Waa Knocked Oat of tha Box aad Colambas Wlas from lad la at polls. COLUMBUS. O.. 8ept. 6. Williams was kneeked out of the box In the fourth Inning today, while Dorner wss very effective at critical stages. Attendance. 6.872. Score: COLIMDIS I INDIANAPOLIS. R U O A S R.H. O A B Arndt. If 1 Gleaaoa, rf.. 1 Tunhar. Sb . . . f Kmrmwr. lb., 1 IMtaaaa. cf... rilngaaaa. aa 1 lauik, lb.... O. rax, c... Dortter, p. ... 1 Toasts., 11 17 0'Klbm. lb ... 4 I F. Foi. lb... l'HoTlaTr. rf O'Drlea. If... 0 WWoratnig, r.. 'rotikar, ef... IMarran. aa... OITasiaett. Sb.. 1 C Wllliama, p - Vaja. p SiLealla .... I 0 0 laved. Won. Lost. P C. li 79 41 .6j0 123 U - R .fct 120 61 .676 li tw b .ott 120 60 60 .6011 IS 66 70 .440 122 46 77 .3d9 124 41 83 .Utl Tatala 1 I I 1 x Leelle batted for O'Brien In ninth. Columbua 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 6 Indianapolis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Stolen bases: Gleason (2), Raymer. Two base hits: Arndt, Woodruff. Three-base hits: Arndt, Gleason, Clingman, Smith. Double play: Clingman to fuymer. In nings pitched: By Williams. 3V,; by Vols, 4 Hits: Off Williams, b; off Vols. t. Struck out: By Dorner. 6; by Wil liams. 2; by Vols, 2. Baaes on balla: Off Dorner. 4: off Williams. 1- off 2. Wild pitch: Williams. Psssed ball: u. Fox. Time: 1:64. Umpire: Cunningham. Each Takes Game. MILWAUKEE, Sept. (.Milwaukee broke even with Kansas City In today's double header, winning the first game by a score of I to 2 and losing the second by a score of 7 to 1. the score reverting to seven Innings, when Umpire Foreman called the game on account of darkness. Both teams were crippled. Milwaukee especially so. and the playing was much of a farce In the second game. Each team played two pitchers beside the ones In the box. snd many errors resulted. Kansas CMy having me peuer oi ii. Aiienaance. z,wu. score, first game: MILWAUKEE. , KANSAS CITY. R H O A E l h. H.O.A.E. 14 Nell, at I 1 4 1 Oaar. rf I t 1 I Nanra. lb.... S I Olhaoa, lb.., I Duller, a. ... 4 Knoll, It.... I 3 Rothfusa. Sb J Levwa. aa... 1 v Durham, p.. Tatala ... Louisville Toledo .. Two-base hits: Turner (21. Smith, White. Fieri flee hit: White. Bases on balls: . Off Reisllng. 6; off Egan, 1. Struck out: By Egan, 4. Wild pilches: Reisllng. 1; Egan, l Wit hv r4rch1 hall: OutnULn. Double plays: Chllds to Turner, Schaub to Owens to Turner, Child to Owens to Turner. Left on bases: Toledo, 4: Louisville, 6. Time: 13&. Umpire: HaakeU. Postponed Games. ST. PAUL, Sept. 1 The St Paul-Minneapolis game was postponed today on ac count oi rain Standing of tha Teams. St Paul Louisville .... Milwaukee ... Indianapolis . Kansas City.. Columbus .... Minneapolis . Toledo Games today: Kansas City at Milwaukee, St. Paul at Minneapolis. Louisville at To ledo, Columbua at Indianapolis. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Phillies Was Changed for latheff, hat 8t. Loals Took the G Kaslly. CINCINNATI. Sept. 6 St. Louie had no trouble In wlnnina today's game from On ctnnail. Phillips was taken out of the box In the fifth and replaced by Suthoff. who did not fare much better. Hsckett's de livery waa a puzzle, and if it had not been for errors, he would have scored a shutout. Attendance 6.600. Score: ST. LOl'lS CINCINNATI. B..H.0.A.E.I &U.fl.AL rairell. tb...i 1 1 S fi Keller. If.-.. 114 Dnnleavy. rf. I I 4 Sermoiir, ef. 1 I Smoot. ef.... 1 4 11 Dolaa. rf.... 110 Burke, Ib.... 1114 1 Donlln. lb... 1 7 1 ft ran. lb 6 2 1 4 4 "telolaldt. b I I Brais. aa 114 1 I Palr. lb 14 11 Bnrrlar. If... 114 1 0 Corcoran, aa. 1 1 I S O Natl, c 1 I Peltl. e 141 HackaU, p... 4011 Phillipa. p... t 1 lEutkotl. p.... Total t II 27 11 4 xDelaal I Tatala I I 1 1 x Batted for Suthoff in ninth. St. Louis 3 0031001 2 S Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 03 Two-base hits: Kelley, Burke. Three base hit: Barclay. Left on baaes: Cin cinnati, t; St. Louis, 8. Stolen bases: Dun leavy (3), Smoot, Barclay. Double plays: Brain to Farrell to Ryan. First base on balls: By Phillips. I; by Suthoff, 1; by Hackett. I. Hit by pitched ball: gtoln feldt Struck out: By Hackett. 5: by Sut hoff. I; by Phillips. L Sacrifice hits: Dun leavy, Smoot and Ryan. Time l.oi. Um pire: Emslie. Pittabarg Defeats Chicago. CHICAGO. 8pt. 1 Chicago secured only three hits off Phllllpl today, two of them, bunched with a wild pitch and an error, scoring their only run. A questionable de cision at the plate helped the champions to their nrst two. a girt, a batsman bit. a fumble and two singles, adding their other three. Attendande 12,Oj0. Score: PITTSBlrlO. I CHICAGO. R.H. O A. 8 R.H O A E. Raearaont. ct 4 I 4 u t Slagls, ef I 1 ' McCarthy. U. 1 4 1 Chanca, lb... 6 6 1'Raub. Ib 44 a .Vnea. rf.. 0.T inker, aa. Oaaler. cf rauaaa. lb... 1 Hampklll, Sb. 1 4 Latoanpta, a. Snn. Sb.. I 1 Ianleey. It. 1 I Meredith, rt. Spwr. C I 12 Elliott, e Ill ataellar. It... 4 4 4 H Total I tiM U Total I I IT I al x Two out when winning run scored. Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13 Kansas City 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02 Three-base hits: Rothfuss (2). Dunleavy. Base on balls: Off Elliott, 1: off Durham, l i is i 1 ' Taste Alike : Cost Alike ; . i . - 30iIKS 1 , C) The makers keep . " I , the quality op, -"7 j Tb quality keep 1 tit price tip,' J j I Oc - ( The Lrbbr,e$t Selling ) ' Brand of Cigars In the WorlL J: I I j m urn nrutimat j Clark. If 4 14 Uacb. rb ... 4 1 Wi,rf. aa... 1 1 4 Branatato, lb 1 11 Mtrhar. ib.. 1SS Behrtn. rt... I 1 Ptielpa, e... Phllllppl, p Total.... IS II I 17 11 4 0 Xlln. Kra. lb... aar. 3b... calmer, ToUla 0 0 0 2 10 0 0 4 111 0 4 11 .114 1 Sill 4 41 41 1 I IT II i 0 S 0 0-6 0 0 0 91 Pittsburg Chicago Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Pittsburg. . Double play: Slagle to Tinker to Ever. Wagner to Bitchey to Branafleld. Struck out: By Welmer. 1 Basea on balis: OK weimer, I; oil Phllllppl. 1. Wild pitches Phllllppl. Hit with ball: Phelps. Tims: Uti. Umpires: Mecefee and Smith. Boston W Ins at Prevldenee. PROVIDENCE, R. I.. Sept. -A large crowd witnessed a clean-cut championship game between Boston snd Philadelphia at Rocky Point today. It was a pitchers' battle, with Willis having slightly better control than McFetridge. Cooley's batting, the fielding of Carney. Hallman and Mr Caraey, and the all round work of Zimmer were features. Attendance. 4.6C0. Score: BOSTON. I PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A I AUO.i t. DaWar. rf ... 1 Carney, It... 1 I I Ceoiey. lb... 1 I ltCraery. cf. I 4 4 Moraa. c I 1 4 Abbarbls. Ib I I I Cramlagar. Sb 1 1 S Aubray, aa. .. I 4 4 Willi, p 1 d, Barry. If 1 1 4 (Milan ana. lb.. 1 4 I I 4 0 orwolvanou, Ib I 0 4 I 4 1 OTltua. rf 4 114 4 WDouclaa, lb.. I t I bHalmian. ef. I 1 OfHulavlit, aa. 4 4 1 I 1 21 mmrr. e. . . 4 I f 4 4 I e M'-Petrtdc, p 4 1 4 1 4 Tatala I I IT 10 ll Tatala I I 14 10 .4 Boston 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 02 Two-base hits: Cooley, Titus. Stolen bases: Cooley. Zimmer. Sacrifice hits: Carney, Abbatttchlo, Gleason, Wolverton. Double plays: Hallman to Gleason, Mc Creery to Moran. First bae on balls: Off Willis. 1: off McFetrtdge. 1. Struck out: By Willis. 4; by McFetridge, (. Time: 1:30. Umpires: O'Day and Moran. taadinaT of the Team. Played. Won. Lot m 120 121 t i 63 4i 27 40 27 48 40 6 69 44 74 1 P.C. .6SS .(A) .61 J21 l-3 .414 .MJ fl I n in i-ih i ' 'ami I ma nan. aiai an .1 .... a. ...i 1 1 .... mi .. hp I mull i a i ai in ,., ( . , : The Home of E'TQLdlwejser : aV - . I I ; - r. A few of the Principal Buildings of the Aflheiiser- Bmsclli St. Louis, U.S.A. Plant Covers 125 Acres Equal to 60 City Blocks Employs 5,000 People Sales for Year 1865: Sales for Year 1902: 8,600 Barrels of Beer M09.315 Barrels of Beer isj ii i.;nwm I?. -TO "BWBaj aaaasa aaniaa 1 law aa ai .aain.ii ll ui I'.f Plttsbura- ... New York .. Chicago Cincinnati .. Brooklyn .... Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Games today: Brooklyn at New York Philadelphia at Botiton, Chicago at Pitts burg, St. Louis at Cincinnati. OMAHA GUN CLUB SHOOTS Hew Oraraalaatloa Holds Live-Bird Tare! Ceateat la Iewa This f Aftet The recently reorKmnlzed Omaha Gun club will hold a Labor day live Mrd and target hoot this afternoon on its grounds at the loaa end of the Douglas street brldn. A newly adejited system of handicapping will be used. Shooting will commence at I o'clock. All shooters are luvltad to par ticipate, and all spectators will b welcome. championship of Europe, Vhlch waa de cided here today, Robert Leroy of the New York Lawn Tennis club defeated Plnckuey by 4-6, 4-1. S-L t-0. .. IDEALS TAKE DOUBLE HEADER Beat the Crescents Twice o the Soath Omaha Groaada an Snnday. The Ideals took two games from the Crescents yesterday at 8outh Omaha. One was a shutout, 6 to 0. and the second game also went to the poets by 11 to 2. Roth, games were easily taken, and at no time were in doubt. In the first game the Cres cents took a brace In the ninth Inning, get ting three men on bases with no outs. Col lier knocked a fly to deep center, which Bowler fielded and by a beautiful throw cut the runner off at home piste. The second game was featureless, with the ex ception of the fielding and stickwork of the Ideals. Next SuBdty Ideals and Jet ters at South Omaha. Score, first game: IDEALS. AB. R. ... 4 1 ... t 0 ... 1 2 ... I 1 ... 1 0 .. 4 0 ...4 0 Crook, Chae. Sanders and Blee. Attendance $.0. ORIGINALS TAKE Umpire: ft pQpg JQ FASTER DETAILS REVENGE Mintkus. 2b..., Bowler, cf Lynch, ss Gibson. If...,. Lewis, lb....;. Hofmann, 2b., Campbell, rf.. Cos. c Bellinger, p... Totals Tom pee tt, cf... Foraji, ss , Ky.-.n. If Rodman, Zb.... Petersen, lb Diamond. cf-3b Collier, rf Lynch, e Weed. ss-Sb.... Troby, p 21 ( CRESCENTS. AB. R. I H. O. A. E. 0 2 10 0 S 1 0 0 2 4 1 12 0 0 1 1 0 1 i i o 0 10 0 14 1 0 10 11 1 n u 1 H. O. A. E, 112 1 0 0 0 0 2 40 2 0 4 1 0 10 0 0 2 10 4 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 2 0 1 it "i i 1 0 0 0 5 Garners Elgbteea Rons While the Eagles Aecamalate Horu Collars. The Lee-Glant-Andrecsen Originals took revenge out of the Council Bluffs Esgles for the defeat which they administered the hardware men in their last time, and nibbed it in, .'ust to show the BluflHes that they didn't sppreolate the former treat ment. All through the frame, after the second Inning, the Originals plucked enough feathers to make grandma's fea ther bed look like a pigeon's wing. Scully pitched in his oldtlme form and received excellent support ct critical times. Kelly also covered hlmseir with glory. Doth at bat and In the field. For the Eagles, Butler, a graduate from Buck Keith's Jeatrucrs. was the most con spicuous, accepting six chances without an error and getting two hits. Brewlck also made a spectacular one-handed catch of a line drive off Kelly's bat. Attendance, 200. Score: L. G. A. ORIGINALS. AB. R. IB. PO. A. E. S ToUla S3 0 Ideals 2 0 11 Crescents 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Stolen bases: Lynch (3), Gibson (Tl, Foran, Ryan. Diamond i-i. Double plays: Hofmann to Lewis to Minlkus. Mlnlkus to Hofmann, Bowler to Coe. Two-base hit: Rodman. Hit by pitched ball: Gibson. First base on balla: Off Troby. 1; off Bellinger, 1. Struck out: By Bellinger, 4; by Troby, 3. Pasaed balls: By Lynch. 2. Wild pitch: Troby. Time: 1:30., Umpire,: Leuhrs. Score, second game: IDEALS. AH. R. 6 Mlnlkus, 3b Bowler, cf-.... Lynch, ss Gibson, If Lewis, lb Hofmann. 2b.... Carapbfll, rf.... Coe. c-cf Bellinger, p Totals Tompsett, cf..., Foran, ss Ryan. If Hodman. 2sVlb Petersen, p.... Diamond. So.... J Collier, cf Weld. Troby, rf-lb... Totals Ideals Crescents Earned run: Mltilku (?. Coe, 42 11 CRE8CENTS. AB. R. 4 Blair Beats Omaha Clerks. BLAIR, Neb.. Sept. 4. (Special Tele gram.) Blair won from the Omaha retail clerks today In th eleventh Inning. Blair hud three men on buses, when Pitcher Howell hit Mathews with a ball and forced In the winning run. Both pitchers were touched up fur thirteen hits. Th features of the game were the ca'chlrg of Epllng and Ifabcr'a base running and a grand stand eaten at center for Blilr. Score: R H E Blair 0 011104020 113 12 7 Clerks 2 3 0 2 1 1 0 0 20011 13 S Batteries: Blair. E. Noyes and Kpllng: Clerks. W. Howell and Sullivan, ft rec ta hit: Etllng. Struck out: By E. Noyes. 10: by Howell. 1 Bases on balls: Off E Noyes, 1; off Howell, 6. Hit by ? itched ball: By E. Noyes, 1; by Howell, Passed Ball: Sullivan. Umpire: Stan-field. Amerleaa Chamtttaa Wlaa. THE HAGUE, Sept 4 In tb final of the i a alufi lut U law luml4 33 .. 1 4 ..10 Ideals. 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 4. H. O. A. E. 3 110 12 0 0 0 14 0 110 1 1 11 0 0 2 6 6 0 0 10 0 1 3 t 0 0 0 2 1 1 ii 1 H. O. A. E. 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 1 10 0 1 S 1 4 0 0 111 0 4 0 1 0 4 10 1112 10 0 4 4 T7 10 4 0 0 4 0 1-11 0 0 6 0 12 Stolen bases: Weld CM. Collier. Peter sen. Double play: Lynch to Hofmann to Lewis.. Two-lMase bits: ttuwier, uewu. Three-base hit: Mintkus. Hit by pitched ball: Hodman. First base on ball: Off Bellinger, i: off Petersen. 1. Struck out: By Bellinger. 3: by Petersen. 6. Tliue: 2 00. Umpire: Leuhrs. Vamea la Three-1 Leaaae. At Sprlngfleld 8prinrfeld. 17; Cedar Rap Ida. 1. Second gam: Springfield. 1; Cedar Ha-t'lda. . At lux-k Island Rock Island. 1; Dubuque, 0. Second game: Rock lalxnd, 2; Du buque, v i Oral game furfcited). At Blooming ton Blooming ton. 6: Daven port. S. Idlers a!t the Game. , PAPILLION. Sept. (Special Tele gram ) Company H from Fori i'nx k plaved the Papll Ion nine here today. In the eighth Inning the score atood 4 to 4. but on account of au alleged wrong decision of ths umptrs th soldier bos uult and th umnlr aarod th game to th Paploe. Bat tcnoav f apiUlua, Cbaso ay.4 Bates, furi Waller, ss Bradford, 2b.. Spruce, cf Saffelder, lb... Kelly. 3b Bcully, p Mtlier, c Kennedy. If... Coegrove, rf... Totals Prosant Officori at Vat'can to Eomain in Positions Iadefinitrlj. DENIES SELECTION OF CARDINAL MORAN New Secretary of State Will Be mm Italia sx. It la Said, Follow. laT tb -Preeedeat of Ceatarles. 44 IS 14 27 COUNCIL BIrUFTS EAGLES. AB. R. IB. PO. Duncan. If..., Griffith, rf... Butler, ID... Howarth, cf Mosher, 3b.. Brewlck, ss. Moore, lb Strong, c Matthews, p 1 10 ROME. Sept. S. With reference to th report that Cardinal Moran of Sydney, N. 8. W., has been offered tha post of papal secretary of stats It can be said that Pius X has made no decision regarding tha ap pointment of a state secretary. A cardinal who Is on the bast of terms with the pop, having been one of his warmest electors, said today to th Asso ciated Frees correspondent: "Tha holy father desires to be coma a master of the whole mechanism of ths 0 j Vatican before appointing a secretary of 1 i state. Meanwhile all officials employed by J I Pope Leo have been retained, aa none bet a i tor than they could help the) new pontiff. 0 , The new secretary of stale will gradually replaa them. But their removal will not be a punlahment, on tb contrary, they A. E. j W'U be rewarded for their, service by pro- 0 1 motto Tit nsw secretary ot etat . will choose man fotirely trusted by laara and who will b capable of co laboring with him 2 In tb new direction of th Vatican's policy. Si rested yesterday on a rharsje of esrault and battery, and H. F. Smith, a Council Bluffs plumber, was incarcerated as a meas- - ure of precaution against further designs on Mr. Smith. The two men met ut Gold smith,'' saloon In the Third ward und the police say It waa a disastrous meet for Smith. , . 24 13 Totals Double play: Scully to Saffelder; Cos grove to Miller to Kelly. Earned runs: Originals. 8. Two-base hits: Bradford, Mtlier, Kennedy (2). Coegrove. Thre-ba v , . . . - T.' .. 1 1 , . Cl n . nn Kails- V Scully. iTby ' Matthews. 1 Struck out! By ! been spoken of for tb position. Is unlikely Scully, ; by Matthews, 6. Sacrifice hits: . to be chosen, b being a Spaniard. Beside Bradford U). bpruce. ecuiiy. oioien oases. hu appointment, even if mad after be Th new secretary, however, is almost sure to b an Italian, as that baa been the tradition for centuries. Cardinal . Moran, notwithstanding hi undoubted ability, lib eral turn of mind and his exact acquaint anoa with modern problem, ha no roor chance than any othr foreigner. This Is why Mgr. Merry Del VaL who has often Kellv. Scully. Passed Left on bases: Originals, f; Time: 1:40. Umpire: Le Van. Strong. Eagles. 10. Games at Vlatoo Park Today. Omaha will return today after th moat successful trip of the season, with a record of eight games won out of thirteen played. Seven of these victories were won in suc cession, ths entire series at Dea Molnea, including the series postponed at the time of the flood lsst June. It was a little lata In the year to begin the winning streak, but It's welcome just the same, and If It keeps up a little longer, we will be deprived of the booby prise In the league race. The whole team Is playing good call, both with the bat and in the field, and while the Identity of the new men Is not known here. It doesn't matter much, so long ss they plsy the gam. A double-header will b played this afternoon, with Dea Mo'.nes as opponent, snd th Rourkes will show the Quinn family that those seven games at Dea Moines were not mistakes. The first game today will be called at 2:30 o'clock. BIsT rsr Trala Wrecked. GOSHEN. Ind., Sept. 4 A southbound Big Four passenger train was wrecked this morning by hitting a cow. The engine turned over and landed half way down an embankment on Ita side. The baggage car was derailed. The engineer ati ftremaa escaped unhurt. While the wrecking crew was clearing th track thla afternoon a chain broke, the recoil hurling It Into th crowd that was watching tha proceed log a. Three men were hurt. Marshal Kills Desperado. MIDDLES BO RO, Ky Sept 4 Maj-shal Gray shot and killed Lee Smith at Nichol son's Mines late Ust night. Smith waa from Bell county and known as a deeper- do. He had picked a quarrel with Gray and later fatal!)' stabbed James Loonsy. Then Gray cam to Looney's rescue and shot Smltii. Gray then fled to tha moun- Begins at Bed Reek. Health, strength and vigor depend on di gestion. Dr. King's New Life Pills mak It pei feet or no pay. Only 26c For sal by Kuha 4 c. 1 had been appointed a cardinal, might be considered aa aa offense to th sacred col lege, as It would Imply that among It present members there la Bon worthy to occupy th position. Th Dellaesuor for October. On account of the tUgnlncanc of! th month in lh realm of atyl loo October fjishlon magazines are always important number end among then tie Ivi;.,eator is conspicuous for general excellence and tor th attractiveness of the styles por trayed. Tb newest fabrics and latest millinery r '' illustrated, snd th novelties and fancies in trimmings and accessories pictured. "The Evolution of a Clubwoman," a serial story, by Angnes Sur bridgc, which begins In this number; treats a fundamental question of the feminine world th woman' club and promises to be extremely Interesting. It is an autobiog raphy a story of fact, but roore Interesting than fiction. Also In this number appears tha first Of a remarkable aeries of photo graphic articles, in which J. C. Hemment. the well-known photographer, relates his adventures with the camera at home and In foreign lands. His war experiences, which constitute the first paper, are thrill ing, and his personal recollections of th) stirring event In which he took part ar absorbingly Interesting, as well a of historical value. In fiction, ther Is an ex cellent story, entitled 'The 811ent Partner." by Lynn Roby Meek Ins, and the second part of a "Florida Cracker," Virginia Fraxer Boyle's quaint story of a remote Florida hamlet, llome-bulldlng, particularly th sentimental slds of it. Is written of by Clara E. Laughlln, and N. Hudson Moor baa a delightful paper on Lillies. In th flower aeries. In "Carlotta and 1" a unique cookery series presenting practical culinary advice In th guise of fiction. Mile Bradford tells the story of the Wed ding Dinner. An Ideal suburban dwelling Is shown, and a couple of pages of Histori cal Slipper ar another feature. The Chil dren's Department Includes a firelight story, Sally Lunn's Tea Fnrty. by Livingston B. Morse; an amusing tale by Jean M. Thomson, sailed "The Sentence of the Brown Owl:" the continuation of the "Hanging Bishop Hendrlck of Cebu. Philippine, and Osrdcns of Babylon." by Lina Beard; and Mgr. Hendrlck. th bishop' brother, left ' th helpful Hewing l-esson. by Lucy this morning for Venice. ' Dtsastroas for Smith. Fred Meyer, an Omaha hackdrlver. was Bertram. Of particular Interest ar th articles on The Child's Roms. on Gardening, on Childhood, on the Hyglcn of Clothing, th College and Club Notes, etc. 'KING OF ALL BOTTLED BEERS Order fro H. Mar at Comoaay Maeagar NAj 4pY The men who wait upon you at our store do not pride themselves upon their ability as salesmen but as experts in giving other men fits and we guarantee fit and satisfaction if our men do the fitting. Decatur shoes sell themselves at (3.50 and $5 00 Direct from maker to wearer. 1521 Farmam