TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SUNDAY. BEPTEMBETC fi, 100.T SO STRIKE ORDER FOR OMAHA Iipreu AgnU and Empliyn Deny Export of Ctneral Walrout. HOWEVLR, ALL IS NOT SATISFACTION Knabtri of Brotherhood Conplila of ims Hoars and lutrrference with I n lea by Mmuirrt ol ter tmla Companies Omaha agents of the express companies do not believe that there Is tny gencr.-.l trlke of railway express employe pend ing as has been reported from Chlcsgo. know nothing: about any difficulties between our company and Ita employea," aid Agent L. A. Manlove of the United State Express company against which company the principal grievance was said to he, "and I am certain that If there had been any question of a general strike, we would have been notified Immediately by latter or telegram. As for the trlke being directed against our com pany In particular, that hardly seems prob ably as ours was ths only company which did not oppose tha organization of the brotherhood. Bo far as tho local force Is i concerned I know that there has been no Idea of a strike." A. B. Sampson, agent of Wells Fargo, aid that as far as he knew there had been Do presentation of grievances or threat to trlke on his company In Chicago. As far aa the local staff was concerned he knew there had been no such talk. Ho Talk of "trlke. "There has been no tajk of a strike here," aid a member of the brotherhood. "The express employes have requested the ex press companies In Chicago to grant cer tain things, but so far the agents have re fused to talk with tho brotherhood. There has been no arbitrary demand for the con cessions, however, and it Is not so much a question of wages with us as of better hours. The express companies want to get the night work done without hiring an ex tra man and it makes the hours of some of tis very long. There Is one fellow here who has to make his first train at 3:50 o'clock in the morning and his last does not go until :3S at night. Of course that Is worse than most of us have. "The local men are not very well organ ised and hardly half of them belong to the brotherhood. A large part of the member ship of the local here are men on the road. The Omaha local agents have had orders from Chicago not to Interfere with the es tablishment of the organization, but they have done so right along since we organ ised last winter and have worked on the feelings of the men so that many are afraid to Join." Across the Continent In an Olds mobile. Covered with dust, tired and hungry, L. X Whitman and E. I. Hammond of Pasa dena, Ca'.., rolled Into Omaha in their au tomobile Baturday, August 22. The two men had made the run from San Francisco In the machine. The auto was shipped from Pasadena to San Francisco by boat, and the start was made from the latter place July 1 Mayor Schlnits of Ban Francisco gave them a letter to be delivered to Mayor Low in New York upon their arrival In that city, as that Is their ultimate destina tion. The estimated time required to make the trip was set at sixty days before the start was made, but according to the schedule which had been made up the men were six days behind when they reached this city. The cause of the delay was the heavy rains encountered In the western part of Nebraska. At three different places two days each were lost after they left Denver. The machine which Is being used Is an f-SO-pound Oldsmoblle, manufactured by the Olds Motor Works, Detroit, Mich. So light a machine waa chosen because it was thought that a light machine would work better In the sandy deserts which it was necessary to cross, and It did, and In a great measure tended to make this the first really successful trip across the desert In an automobile. The only two automobiles which have ever attempted the trip from ocean to ocean were heavy machines, weighing four or five times as much as the Oldsmoblle that they have successfully used from San Francisco to Omaha over the Rocky Mountain passes and through the sandy deserts of Nevada. This proves that a light machine, properly made and well handled, can be made to perform the al most miraculous feat with success. The heavy machines have always been chosen for the reason that It was not deemed pos sible that a machine' of the type of the one used by Hammond and Whitman could be macro to successfully accomplish such a trip. They stopped In Omaha with the Olds Gas Engine Works, the well-known repre sentatives of the Olds Motor Works for the western territory. ' The departure from Omaha waa not made until August SI, on account of the heavy rains which visited Iowa at the time the (nsn were here. They were fifteen days behind the schedule out of Omaha. It Is expected that New York will be reached by September 30. Hoane Visitors' Exearsloas. To Indiana, western Ohio and Louisville, Ky via the Missouri Pacific railway at very greatly reduced rates. Tickets on sale September I and 15 and October (. Good to return within thirty days from date of sale. For further Information address or call on Thomas F. Qodfrey, Passenger and Ticket Agent, 8. E. corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb., or II. C. Townsend, O. P. T. A.. St. Louis, Mo. , Dr. Holov Tchlner has returned from Europe. Offlce and residence, 408 Woodmen building, 15th and Howard. Telephone 143. ' Car tlof Thanks. We desire to thank the neighbors snd many friends, and especially to the A. O. V. W. lodge, No. 2, who so kindly as sisted us In our recent affliction In the sud den death of our beloved brother, Carl Lundberg. Also for the many beautiful floral offerings. MR. KNUT LUNDBERO. UK AND MRS. ANDREW 8WANSON. John Bngele is now with the People's Store, lbth and Farnam streets, where ne will be very happy to meet all his friend. "Strongest In the World," the Equitable Life Assurance society. . Its policies ait sight drafts at maturity. Si-o II. IX Nely, manager. Merchants National Bank Rldg., Omaha, Neb, We are showing early fall advance styles or suits, sains, waists, gowns. jackets, mil linery, etc. t un or crotiiu reopie s Store, lth and Farnam streets. Have Root print It. Dr. r. W. Blabaugh. dentist. MSN. Y. Life. Athlete Breaks His Oiva Record. NEW YORK, Sept. I John J. Flanagan of the Oreater rw ion Ainioua associa tion has raised the worlds record, held by lilmself, for throwing the 4 pound we ghL n,. na, murk la Ihlrtr-six fast, eleven Irx-hee. one and one-half inches over the eld one. 1)1 KU. VAN BtlRO. Robert Mslcolm. Friday. 8ep- darling Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Van Burg v Mauiimbcr (. at the rest- A.-.-, i? Manderson street, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon. Friends Invited. Inter ment 1 lwa.ua a, Kelt leaviu ouu, THE SULTUN lit IllfUtf Would Pay a Large Compensation To tho Man YVh? Could Take the Place of All Baba. IN MOHAMMEDAN FATALIW, He Donbtless Walts With some Ap parent Patlenee for the Results f the Rebellion. All Baba and his wonderful lamp would come handy In Constantinople just now. The absurd fatalism of the Mohammedan soldier makes him a brave and efficient weapon in warfare, but In peace the Turkish mind works sluggishly. "Whatever Is to be, will be," is the watchword of Islam and what la the use of fretting over the future? Take things as they come. And this sick man of Europe has. KEPT Et ROPE IK FEAR of Russia for nearly half a century. European diplomacy has attempted the im possible. The enlightened government of the world cannot successfully preserve and maintain a civilization which has refused to advance for 1,000 years. Europe has balanced her peace on the pinnacle of a Mohammedan Mosque since the Crimean War. The uncertain balance of power has kept every nation a camp and every har bor a navy. It is safe for TIIE DASKER9 RESERVE LIFE to venture the assertion . that if Turkey In Europe and Turkey In Asia had been dismembered before the present generation of European Statesmen came Into existence, the armies and navios of the nations of the continent could have long since been reduced to a modern peace footing. The Bankers Reserve Life is for peace and for peace at any price If Turkey la to pay that price. Its business Is Life insurance of course, and It believes it can trow Into a 150,000,000 company whether Europe blazes up into war or smokes the pipe of peace. Nevertheless the Idea of permitting a civilization 1.000 years behind the times, to dictate to modern statesmen and fix the policies of modern diplomacy seems utterly absurd and therefore B. II. ROnsOX, PRESIDENT of the Bankers Reserve Life company turns cheerily away .from the problem of Asia Minor and European Turkey to the facts of Interest at home. The principal fact is that the Bankers Reserve Life company Is growing faster than any other, Western American company, and it ought to grow faster than any other, because It Is up-to-date, wide-awake, reliable, safe and sure to reach $10,000,000 next year. Turkey or no Turkey. If any agent seeks a field where honest work will honestly pay big returns, he is invited to call and "Talk Turkey." Hr OsiMrrkoM, 81 set Lsucsrrsis. spsrmstarrssjs, Mies, sad All Uasaatthr (MaslDlsoharaes. NO PAIN. NO. STAIN. NO STRICTURE. FRCI STRINGS. A "are tii Mre mt Dumue, - Sent to any address for tl.Ofc HERMAN HcCOXNELL, Omaha. aUlysar Ufa. Oe.. LassssUr. O. TOO MUCH FOURTH OF JULY Peacemaker In Coek Fight Appeals to Police for Cessation of . Celebration. , Dr. J. J. Solomon, who sells druggists' sundries and dispenses medicines at 1837 Vinton street, waa In police court yesterday morning ostensibly to ascertain from City Prosecutor Lee whether the Fourth of July oelebratlon Is over or is still on. 'He says that Insofar as he is personally concorned tho celebration is still going on and lie has no Idea when It will let up unless the po lice cume to his aid and help him stop it. Ever since , last Independence day he has been strictly "in It" down his way and he says he wants this kind of celebrating to cease on the grounds that "too much Is a plenty." It seems that on or about the Fourth of July last there, was a cock fight In a sa loon across the way from Dr. Solomon's store. Somebody Informed the police, and the promoters, in fact the whole crowd, in cluding the roosters, were arrested. The chicken men held tfle doctor responsible for breaking up the chicken fight , and ever since, he alleges, have been very active In making things lively for him. Dr. Solomon says they ring his night bell at .unseemly hours and not infrequently awaken him by throwing heavy missiles against the front of the store. Only last night he was aroused from his slumbers at least three times to answer the night bell, only to discover that it waa part of ths plan of his friends to keep the Fourth of July fresh' in his memory. He has not filed a complaint, but asks that he be protected and that this "Infernal celebration" be brought to a speedy ter mination. Low Bnmnier Toarlat Rates Via Chicago Great Western railway. Round trips to St. Paul. Minneapolis, .Superior, Ashland, Duluth and other Minnesota re sorts. Tickets on sale dally to September SO. Oood to return October II. Also to Colo rado, Utah. Black Hills, New Mexico and Texas points, with stopover privileges. For full information apply to any Great Wes tern sgent, or J. P. Elmor, O. P. A., Chl ca go. 111. Chicago Laundry Best work. Tel. 205. The Lake shore Limited to I'lttsbnrsh A through Pittsburgh sleeper Is now In dally service on the Lake Shore Limited leaving Chicago at 1:30 p. m., and reach ing Pittsburgh the next morning at 4 13, affording Pittsburgh travel all the luxurl- ous appointments of this famous train. M. S. Giles, T. P A.. Chicago; C. F. Daly, Chief A. G. P. A.. Chicago. Douglas Printing Co.. 150S Howard. Tel. 144. Rock Island gystesa. I1.6S Lincoln and return Sept. T to 11; re turn limit. Sept 12. The new town of Ten nan t. Shelby county, la., on the Chicago Great Western rail way, wl! be opened to the public by an auction sale of lots Tuesday, September t, at 1 o'clock p. m., on the town site. Spe cial train will leave Council Bluffs at I: JO a. m. on the day of sals. Fare, 60 cents tor round trip. Lunch will be served. For full particulars apply to George F. Thomas, general agent, office Grand llote'.. Council bluffs, or E. B. Msglll, manager town site department. Fort Dodge. Ia. Card of Thanks. , Mr. and Mra C. Remlllard wish to return their heartfelt thanks to their friends for the many kladneaees shown them during tha sickness and death of their son, Ernest HT.IA lotion AllnVI A- KamlUard. QU'CK MEAL U-4U NK1: ; UnmdJII.'t.ma a t.'i ' JUimissuea Open a Bank Account. Deposit mile now draw intersst for the entire month, of September at the rate of 4 per cent per annum compounded every thres months. Accounts opened one dollar to three thousand dollars and cer tificates issued for 3, 6 or 12 months bearing 4 per cent interest. J. L BRANDEIS & SONS BANKERS. Checks on All Banks Cashed. Full line of Clear Havana cigars Complete line of Plpos, all guaranteed. OMAHA'S LARGEST CIGAR HOUSE Main Offlce, 1404 Douglas Street. Est 1884. Tel. 1B, September Weddings We are showing a magnificent line of Rich Cut Olass and Sterling fv'lver, the most appropriate things we can suggest for wedding pres ents. We won't attempt to enumerate hrre what we have, but ask ycu to come -in and give us the pleasure of showing you. Society and Wedding Stationery. Mawhinney & Ryan Co., Jewc'ert and Art Stationers. Look These Over Then If In doubt about the price being the LOWEST get the other fellow's then buy where you can do the best, but remember this! we don't handle any IMITATION Kuuuh hmu are uoi wun prices on that kind. We GUARANTEE the gen uineness of everything we sell. $1.00 Peruna lowest price 67c 85c Castoria not Imitation 24c $1.00 Plerce'B Medical Discovery 68c $1 00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 68c 2oo Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne 15c 2o Quinacetol guaranteed cold cure.. 20c $1.00 Temptation Tonic 2.ic 60c Doom Kidney Pills 3c 6c Cutlcura Halve 89c 75c Moeller's Cod Liver Oil 64c Allcock's Plasters 12c fV Charles' Flesh Food 40c 25c Hlreo Root Peer 14c Mc Bar Pen 40c fiOo Wizard Ol! 8Dc $2.00 Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Ptlls $1.00 OPEN ALL NIGHT. SGIIflEFER'S DRUa STORE Two 'Phones 747 and 707. 10th d Chtcs:o Slreelx. Omaha. We've Just received our Elegant Nsw Line of w!? Woolens The Neatest and Nobbiest that ever and we wanted you to know about it. We make suits that suit strictly up-to-the-minute. n HELGREN & GRADMANN, TAILORS 309 South Sixteenth St. The top notch of style and perfection awaiting your order. Homely Faces Made Attractive If you wish to succeed in life always look your best. This ita duty you owe to yourself, your friends and those you meat socially or ia business. There Is no excuse now for any one worrying through life with wrinkled, blotchy, blemtslvd el.ln and Imperfect or dcforiuod features. It your nnse it hump ed, crooked, bent, too larun. tH long, broad. Hat or dished; if your eyelids are drooping. puny or nai?py; liyour cars srs uo jarc, out stsutliriK or lopped; if jour -la is wrink,ri, crinkled ana withered, and your throat, Iifck nd chin are too fat, flabby and bAgiy , 1 can pain lttaly correct or reinore all these embarrassing, hum sting imperfectio make the fiturr o f ortu artistically bar m.o u I o u s 1 j w their Kurrouudlugs.i render ths skin -l roseate and uaiuraL Remember r-.y thirty years' practice! mors than twenty thouwna each year It of great valuo to you, and what I bars done for any of these 1 can do for you. Consultation la person or by letter Is free sad ttrk-tly r,nrtd-o ttal. Call or wriue personally lor I cut inlunnauon. JOHN H. WOODBURY D.I., ioj atate at., cnicato. fife CJC S ) ' th I TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ, fas- sassele Cay. STEEL RANGES Largest Variety Reliable Goods sold under our own guarantee. MONITOR, MAJESTIC. QUICK MEAL GARNET T. i Steel Ranees made from heavy, cold rolled, polishod steel, with high closet sod asbestos lining, nickel Ofl gJ trimmed, up from fells' Ranees Bold on Payments. Milton Rogers & Sons Co-, 14th and Farnara Sts. DSi ... r El 13th and Douglas Sts., Omibi R The world Is fall of shoes, good, bad and Indlflerret. Most shoe men pnt the least money Into their shoes and net the most money out of their customers. Wo reverse this rule. We put the most money Into our shoes and set the least money out of our customers. Onimod On-a-Man gives' satisfaction. Always S3.50 3 $2.50 Regent Shoe Go. 205 So. 15th St. nam a xTdamjrw. i Florence has a new weekly newspaper, the first one published there In fifty years. Florence Items waa first publlfhed on June 5. th a year. Mr. F. B. Nichols, a well known Omaha printer and a newspaper man of experience for the past twrnty-n.ve years. Is the editor and publisher, and hs la meeting with great success In the new ven ture. The paper has already a clrcu'atlon of 1,000 copies every week and It goes into the homes of the best farming community In the state of Nebraska. The advertising Datronage Is lncrtaMng with every ltaue. and. as one big advertiser raid to the man ager tha other day: "I have received more returns ror tie umount or money Invested In Florence Items than In any other piper In this state for the same amount of spa-e and money." Mr. Nichols has a lare and Increasing Job i rlntlng bus'ness at M3 Nortli mtn streot. umaha, wnere all th fine me chanical work on th paper Is dine. 1IU firm makes a upee'alty of commercial print ing, books, pnrnnhlets and caialcguea. an i they have puhlihed several newspapers and books of. well known reputation, amnni them btlnw "Stories of Omaha." of which several editions have boen published and sold. COFFEE SPECIAL Rio Rlend ne hoeclal Rio 12V4C Leader Rlend has no equal for ,. ":c Roeton Santos 17V-C Roaton Hlend io Cucuta Rlend worth S5c.A F,c Roston Java joc Roston Java and Mocha none belter.. Soc TEA SPECIAL Rasket Fired Japan. English Break last, Oolong and Hyson S3c Our Best Tea, only 6.1c EXTRACTS Two ounces, full weight 15c Four ounces, full weight K BAKINQ POWDER One pound Price's or Royal 42o K. C.2S ounces, Joe; 15 ounces, 12c 10 ounces. Sc. COCOA One-half pound can 19c m TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Writ fa aale Ceay. THE BENNETT GONPUY The Leading Piano House ol the West. Big September Sale of New Pianos Buy a Piano at Bennett's. It Will Alean a Savin; of $100 to $150. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS Wo have Just unpacked five cars of new pianos, prices rango as follows: $98, $124, $126, $135, $143 up to $750. Sold on Tsrms to Suit. THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN. CALL AND SKi: I S AND GET Ot B rillCKS. IP YOU CAS'T CALL, WHITE US TODAY. YOU CAN BIY BY MAIL AS CHEAPLY AS YOU CAN IN PERSON. WE GUARANTEE ABSOLUTE SAT ISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. Give us an Idea of tha stylo or price of piano you want and it will be promptly shipped to you ON YOUR OWN TERMS. Sheet Music Sacrificed for One Week For one week, commencing Monday, September 3rd, we will sell all our classical and popular sheet music, both vocal and instrumental, at the following low prices: $1.00 pieces .38c 75c pieces ' 29c COc pieces 23c 50c pieces 9c 40c pieces 15C This includes such popular and well known selections as "Hiawatha," "Lovely Mary," "Under tha Bamboo Tree." "Pocahontas," all the ('Prince of Pllsen" grid "Florodora" selections and all of our Immense stock. 75c Folios ....35c 50c Folios 30c A Hygienic Shoe A newly constructed shoe for both men and women made with a heavy white felt Inner-sole making .the sole very flexible a non-conductor of cold and damp leaving the feet always at an even temperature and perfectly dry. As these shoes are made on the foot form last, together with this inner sole, makes them firm, flexible and comfortable. Any slxe or width .......$4.00 FOR EITHER MAN OR WOMAN. DREXEL SHOE CO., (419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe Houae, QllBIEUIIHIMBCMiaiEl THE.. INDIAN BEADS The fad of the Day We carry the largest 11ns of colors In HEADS of any house, bend us your-mail orders of any color posalbls; si we cau nil your wants. iooins to m weave beadwoik, pattern book a M needles, everything pertaining to tlx as BEAD work. AIho the largest andfl moat complete, yarn department In theft west. We WHOLfcSAE OR RETAIL M and can fill your wants for any quun- M tliy. M JOSEPH F. BILZ S K2 8. IStb St.. 3 OMAHA. ... NEBRASKA. U ClIHI EBB 1 C E BIKII f E f sJI Perf .eld's CuAE?rco. Be Btdf.,Rn 7. Telephtia 701 Water. Story AUark Laj asaUer. K"1'-"vw-.. fwS' I & -rrfr l li J S&Jk an Uvio llltf IHU' MliU.IAIILK I1UHK, Many jicople take advantage of early selec tions llnyden lU-os' clothing department lias ou exhibition the moat extensive and complete line of high grade, hand tailored clothing west of Chicago and our prices are guaruuteed lower than elsewhere. This is why our trade has in creased so rapidly, making it' possible to make a bigger display aud in greater variety of pat terns and styles than any other house. AVhile our stock represent k all the tlrst class manufacturers, we point with pride to the II., S. and M. line of tailored clothing, as embody ing in its production the highest skill and ut most carefulness, together with u perfection of fit that is absolutely uumatchable. Our new tailored suits at 7..r0, represent a special purchase for an opening leader, aud are made up in attractive styles and ma terials, such as cheviots and fancy mixtures, in fact you would not expect such smart styles and serviceable suits Qf C fl at the low price of OlivU Now is the time for HOYS' SCHOOL HP ITS, and we have them ; in enormous quantities and endless variety we put special , stress on the wearing quantities of all our boys' suits every suit from the highest to the lowest grade is fully guaranteed If our boys' and children's suits at 95c, fl.25, $1.50, ?1.75, or $2.25, are not fully equal in wearing quality, style, and neat, natty appearance, to anything found elsewhere, for less turn double the. price we ask, we positively agree to refund your money. Our greatest aim is to please the little fellows and dou ble the purchasing power of every dollar spent in o.ur clothing department. Tailored GOLD CROWNS FROM $2.00 ' FRKN?? He'tOO iS Flllingr s OCa From (ub BRIDQB CO WofK fromOi Our easy payment plan may in terest ,ou. Work guaranteed 15 years. Graduate dentists. New management. New. York KKtnbllshed nearly 10 years here. 115 tknith ,16th street , OR, WILKIHSOH'S EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT CLINICS, CREIQHTON BLOCK, 15th AND DOUGLAS, OMAHA. Treatment und ope.rutlnns dally tor citarih, Catarrhal iJeafiiea.s. Adenoids often cause of mouth breathing; llstlessnoss and deafivsx In -H'.lr;n I 'h'' n':l Chronic Sore Throat, Enlarged Tonslls.i Growths in Nostrils. Polypi, etc.. Cleft Palalo, Harelip. Running Kara, Cross Kyes HtralBhtenod by operation. Heudache. Juo to eje or na!il, or catarrhal causes. Affections of the volco, the tongue, IrrlUblo coughs, hny fever, 'fa CI',,Njcg ARE jtreb TO THE POOn, J TO 6 O'CLOCK. Open evenings 7 to S p. m. Sundays 9 to 12. No charges for examlnallon of patients. FULL VALUE TEETH Vour bad tth ought to be made good snd your good tooth ought to be protected A Uttlo work toduy will save much suffering tomorrow. Now is the best time. BAILEY, Tho Dentist, lad. Attendant. Tetepheot 1085. 3rd Floor Paxtoi Blosx. Us Tooth Comfort What a comfort to know your teeth were properly fixed by patronizing a reliable dental offlce. We have no fake inducements to offer. Fillings ISc up Set Teeth 13.00 up. Taft's Dental Rooms J 51 7 Douglas St. 1 LITHIA WATER COLLAR Re-Nb-Alay Cares year feet slay eared, sela Everywhere. MAWt FACTI RKU BT A. MAIKR. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ttest Aartcelteral Weekly. taft) m Stylish Fall Clothing for ucn and uoys. Millinery On Momliiy we will show an entire new line of Tailored Hats for street wear, of nearly two hundred different style., em bracing tho designs of the foremost makers of the country. 9Sc, V.M, $t.6i), J19S, ?:.S aud S3.49. A Sale of BIRDS Beautiful white birds and large tan and oxford mottled bird the regular $1.50 kind 75c NOTE. Mr. K. S. Newman, the well known rnlllltveryi man, Is now In charge of our dopurtment Dental Co. Opposite Hayden's and Rostou Stores, , ' DRUGS AT GUT PRICES 60a Colgate's Pansy Rlossom Perfume, os 60c Colgate's Violet Water, bottle :r7o 60o Syrup Figs, we soil '.,..39o 2c Llsterlne (Ijtmlierl'o), our price, 11.00 Hyomel, we sell (too f 1.00 Kilmer's Bwiinip Rout for 7!o fl 00 Guds' Pepto-mangaii, we Bll sic 14 (Hi HOL RKIANT'B ldeale I'erfuine for 3.50 fl 00 Dr. Charles' Klesh Food for 40o 60c BoHnte liyglereque Soap for 2to 60o Oxsyn Ralm for 4oo 2Ao Graves' Tooth Powder for 12o 11.00 Kirk's Dandruff Cure (the 10 days' Dandruff Cure), for 76o WRITE FOR OUR 100-PAOE CATA IX)UCE. COR. 16T1I A DODOE. OMAHA, Cold Facts The fact that it Is about time to order our winter suit Is stating us In the fact right tuow. Suppose you take a look at your last wtnur's suit, maybe by sending it to THIS PAN TORI CM ws could olean and repair It so It would do you another season. ! TIIE PAIlTORIUr.1 407 So 16th St Oil AHA. Tel. 063 Toxscvrass, Paousrtpaar. W! Farsaa, Ul. ng, losscirasa, FrUMr, Mul howu4, ul. U10. "Tbsie Isealreas sutsMirasr," tut solas te talass Hf-ul ssiag seta, la tks sss klaxeee -ma Di uO - 0