I THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, FEPTEMRER 3, 1903. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Market! for All Grabs Btron; and Actitt at Chicago Wednesdaj. UNFAVORABLE REPORT OF NORTHWEST ftroaa; Fore lc a Market and Small Receipts Cause 1'raent Demand from Both Coanliilot Itooees and Short. CHICAGO, Sept. J The gTaln markets pr all strong; and active. rVtmtrr wheat cIohIhb lc hurtier, wlih Ucoembcr up lUlc, Hcptembrr corn with a Kiln of Tn ana Dfcfmlifr of c. rsepiember oat were up Ho and December S'aHc. Trovl alona were lirm at an advance of from iWc to 10c. From nearly every Bectlon of the north went came aovlrm of a distinctly unfavor able character retarding weather and crop. Added to tlieee were the Influence of strong fori-lun market and small receipt, all resulting In an urgent demand from commission houee and short. There wh no nelllng pressure until top price wero reached r2c for September, after starting at 8'VJ0'C. and with December up to g:ee from the opening at Musc. At that point there wa some eelllng for outside account and price reacted somewhat, al though there wa no apparent weakneaa. The close ahowed a net gain for September of lc, at UMlSlVfcc. wltn December op irrilVfcc 'at t&Vuc. Outside market were strong with an Improved cah de mand. Trading wa very heavy, with De cember buatnea leading. Clearance of wheat and flour were muni to 810,nflO bu. Primary receipt were 744.UOO bu., against 1.224.C0O bu. last year. Minneapolis and Du luth reported receipt of 191 car, which, with local receipt of 137 car (5 of contract grade), made a total for the three points of 328 car, agnlnst 424 last week and 845 a year ago. There was but little corn offered for sal and short ran price up during the first half hour' trading and the advance wa well sustained. A general demand for all deliveries developed with local trader, scalpers and commission house buying on cool weather report, small receipt, strong cable and the higher prices in wheat. Moderate Belling with proflta not closed caused a recession from the high point, but the closo ahowed September up 74c at BJc, after starting at 61".it62c and selling up to Ktyc. December dosed c higher, at BISc, having ranged between BlS'iiSHic and 61fl. Trading was heavy and excited. Ixical receipt were 33 cars, with 23 of contract grade. Trading In oats wan of good volume and there wa n strong tone to the market. Local bought early, but sold on nn early advance, causing a mnll reaction, but gen eral liquidation, which ha continued for some days, ceaaed und the rentlment wa mora bullish on the meager country offer ings. September closed He higher at X and December KfiHc better nt rBWiac, having aold up from 35c and 3Ho respec tively. Local receipt were M car. Provision were llrm, with no feature. Offerings were light and were readily ab sorbed by a scattered demand, with com mission house and broker leading. Sep tember pork closed 7Hc higher at $12.3n. Beptember lard wus up 2c nt $S.fiO, with January at $7 12. September rib were 10c higher at 17.66: January, 3fltt. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 120 car; corn, 390 cur; oats, 9S car; hogs, 2b. 000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcle. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close.Yesfy. Wheat lllll Sept idOVMMil 8J 80V4I 811 Dec. IW'O'.m'hI (U4 82 82Vu. May a3k4 86 I 83j4M Corn- I I I I . Sept, 61fi32 627, 61 B2 Dec. iiU'ttl 61 tsi si o'-l. May )61Stw-) M &1V461,4j . Oats III Sept, 1 35 35H1 3S ) 331. Dec. I , 86V4I Mar. 384j! :i,36a3ffitt,. 29 iKI3S(0. 12 37' 12 25 ' 12 35 '. 12 65 I 12 60 U 2;. 13 22 13 0? 11 171 . I I I . fora i Sept. 1 12 27H Oct. 12 26 I . May I 13 071 Lard i i ' Sept. 1 R 671 8 62 8 67 8 60 . 7 70 7 76 . 7 07 7 15 . Ocjt. 7 7 7 7. ' Jan. J 7 07 7 IB ltlla 1 1 Sept. I 7 65 I 7 S 7 52 Oct. I 7 70 I 1 86 1 7 6JV. 7 65 7 67 6 7 .1 7K!J 77 Jan. 1 75 i 6 77 4 75 No. 2. aNew. . bold. Cash quotailona wet as tollowsl FLOUlv Steady. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 8fxg7c; No. 8, 80 4c; No. 8 red, 80Hmlc CORN No. 2, 5Jc; No. 1 yellow, 63c. OATS No. 2, 34c; No. 8 white, SttftJKc RYE No. 8. 54fc4c. BARLEY Gooa feeding, 4S45c; fair to choice malting, 62Ut"c. HEED No. i flax, l4c; No. 1 northwest ern, Wc; prime timothy, $3.06; clover, con tract grade, $9.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.35 C12.37. Lard, per 100 lb., $.67&4.ti0; short rib side (loose), $7.37t J. 62; dry salted shoulders (boxed), $6.M7u.i.oo; short clear sides (boxed), 7.7fxy 7.87 V. WHISKY Basis of hlgn wines, $1.23. Tha lullowliig wore the receipt and ship ments o flour and grain yesterday: hecoioie. einpinents. Flour, bbla 210.000 21,700 Wheat, bu 163,400 11.7m) Corn, bu 443,100 23.000 Oats, bu 2M.760 171,400 Rye, bu 8,600 Barley, bu 47,300 900 On tii Produce exchange today tha but ter market was steady; creameries, 143 19c; dairies, 13((fl7c. Cheese, firm at 90 llc. Egga. firm at mark, cases Included, 144il7o. taw York gkse.-ial market. Qaotatloaa of ! Day on Various Comuodltle. NEW YORK, Sept. $. FLOUR-Reeelpta. 17,641 bbl.; exports, 13.194 bbla. Tha mar ket was more active and firmer. Winter patents, $3.90i4.30; winter straights, W.binJ S.to; Minnesota patenu, $4.7u(u-..i6; wintur extras, 2ntjJ.2G; Minnesota bakers, U lAt 4.00; winter, low graot. $2.7ow3.0j. Kye flour, steady; talr to good, $i.lKjjj.36; choice to fancy, J.JH(j.tx. CORN MEAL Firmer. RYE Firmer; No. 8 western, lo,,(. e. b, afloat; state and Jersey, tofeoftc BARLEY Firm; feeding, 4c. c L t. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 40,676 bu.; spot, firm; No. 8 red, 87fcc elevator, and 8V f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, IkVo f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 bard Manitoba, 97c afloat. There was a slight advance In all wh.-at markets today. The small cables, com plaints of unfavorable weather and gjoi commlaslon-huuse buying all had an ef fect on prlcea. Later complaints of dam age In the northwest caused further strength, particularly In September, which closed very Arm at l$lc net advance. May, 88 -1089 7-16c; closea, MHc; Septem ber, 87v87c; closed 8ic; December, 8, tis8 1-19c; closed, fcfeSo. CORN Receipts, KJ.IOO bu; exports, 1,383 bu.; spot, firm; No. 2, 69a elevator, and too f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 yellow, 62c; No. 2 white, 60c. Option market was strong at the start on prospects for cool weather In west, higher cables and wheat advance at Chicago market. The close showed tfo net advance. Sspiember, tHiti6tlo; closed, 6Sc; December, 68Bu3c; closed, 6So. . - OATS Receipts. 61,000 bu.: exports. 4ff bu. ; spot, firmer; No. 2, Sic; standard white, 41V.c; No. 3. S7c; No. 2 white. 41c; No. 3 white, 40c; track white, 4otU5c. HAY-Dull; shipping, 77lc. HOPS Hteady ; state, common to choice. . Utll2c; 19ul. 14ri7c: old. Kilo; Pa- clflo toust, 1902, 20g26c; 1901, 14Cul7c: old git1 2c. HIDES Firm; Galveston, 20tf2J lbs lHc; California, 21&26 lbs., 19c: Tsxas. dry' HigtO lb., 14c. ' LEATHER Steady ; acid. !3r25o. RICE Firm; dometlc, fair to extra, 4 16Wc: Janan. 5tre. I'HOVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $10 25 4110.76; mess. $8.0oii1t.60: beef ham. $21.5o 23.00; city extra India mesa, M iXKj 15 W: ticket. 19. OOiil 10 f fut meat. iimiIv ni..i. fed bellle. 12iil6c: nlckled shoulders. 6.'; pickled bams, U'yjjlJc. Lard, quiet; west ern steamed. $S.M; retlned firm; continent. f. id: Bourn American, aun. rors. steady; family, $17 5oil7 66; short clears, $14.2&al.i6; fl x-yin..D. TALLOW Dull: city, ic; country. it. BUTTER-Recelpts. 14.6.11 nkga.; firm; oairy. iQiisc; creamery, iMVimhC FOG8 RecelpU, 8,116 pkgs.; Arm; fresh Jlr3c CHEESE Recelnt. 10.081 pkga Market firm; creameries. lOwiOHc; fancy, small col ored. V.c; fancy, white, 10',c; large col ored. 10'e; fancy, white. 10c. POULTRY Alive-, firm: western chickens. 14c; fowl, lie; turkey. l?o. Ureseed, easy; western brollerat 12c; fowls, 12c; spring turkey, 16o6c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Sept. t-CORN-Higher; No. 8, lie: No. 4. 6tx. OATS Higher: No. I white, 363ic; No. I white. 34v3Se. WHISK V On the basts of $1.23 for fin ished goods. Llrer"el Oral a aad PrelleaB. aUTCZLPOOL, Bept l-WHSAT-Spot: No. 1 red western wlAter, steady, As td; No. 1 northern spring, strong. s lod. Future: S'ealy; September. 4 4d; Oc tober, 6 6Hd; December, 6 7d. ft rtN Mr"', American mixed. new, steady at 4 6d. Futures, firm; September, 4 d ; October, 4s d. OMAHA WIIOI.KgALH MARKET. Condition f Trad a ad Quotation Staple and Fancy Prodaee, EGOS Fresh stork, los ofT, 17c. LIVK POL L! HY-Hens, '(i9c; spring chickens, per lb., 12c; roosters, ccordlng to sge, 4(tic: turkeys, lH12c; old ducks, 6c; oung du ks, Xj9c. Bl iTKH Packing stock, 12fjrl3c; choice to fancy dairy, In tubs, lfifliltc; separator, 20c. FRESH FISH-Fresh caught trout. 11c; pickerel, "itc; pike, 10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, iH'USc; blueflsh, 15c; whlteflsh, 10c; salmon, 11c; haddock, 10c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, lffc; lobsters, boiled, per lb.. 20c; lobster, green, per lb., tsc: bullheads, lie: catfish, 14c; black ba. Jofl22c; hnllbut, e; crap plea, liic; herring, 6c; whits bass, 10c; blue flns. do. OVhTERP New Tork counts, per can, 4Sc; per gal., J3.15; etra selects, per ean, S7c; per gnl.. tl.M); standard, per can, 3oo; per gal., $1 6D. PR AN Per ton. 114. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Dealers' sssoc.latlon: Choice No. 1 up land, lf; No. 2. $3.50; medium. IS; coarse. 7.60. Rye straw, $.S0. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair and receipts light. CORN 4c. OATS S7c. RYE No. 2. Bfle. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu., 70ff80e. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per hafket, 75c; Virginias, per 3-bu. basket, CUCUMBERS Homa grown, per basket. HEANB-ITome grown, wa, per market basket, 7080c; string, per market basket, 7(BW)c. CABBAOE-New horns grown. llo P'oREEN CORN-Per dos., 10c. TOMATOES Home grown, per basket, ftHI RARB Per lb., lc. NAVY BEANS-Per bu.. $2.60. CELERY Michigan, per doi.. 80g35c; lore western. 4Go. ONIONS New home grown, dry, per lb., 2c; fancy Washington stock, per lb., 8c. EGO FLANTS-Per dos., $1.001.26. FRUITS. PLUMS Utah and Colorado, 11.25. PRUNES Italian, per box, i.oo; Gross. $1.65; Silver. $1.40. PEACHES California, salaway, 11.00; California clings, 90c. CRA HAPPLKS Per bbl., $3. . PICA ItS California. Ilartletfs, per box, $2.75; Colorado and Utah Flemish, Colorado and Utah Bartlott s, $2.0O2-25. CANTALOUPE Idaho, standard, per crate. $3.00; per -crate, $2.60; home grown, per dos.. $1.26. APPLES Welthevs and other varieties, per 8-bu. bbl.. $l'.f.(V&3.00. GRAPES California, Tokays. $2.00: Sweet water and Muscats, $1.75; homa grown, 8-lb. hn slept Z&p WATERMELONS -Missouri, $2530 each; crated, tier lb., net. lc. 1SRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $7.00. TRCP1CAI FRI7ITS. FIGS Turkish. 18-lb. box. per lb.. 18c. ORANGES Mediterranean, large sites, $3 50; Valencia, all slses, $4.00fJ4 .25. BANANAS Per bunch, $2.002.60; Jumbos, 13. no. LEMONS California, fancy, 800 to 860 size. ;t. 6045.00; choice, $4; 240 to ZiO slses, $4.CKKi4.25. LI MKU-Florida, per C-basket crata, $6.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin Twins, full cream, 12c: Wlaconaln. young America's. lic; Black Swlas, 15c; Wisconsin bricks, 12a; Wisconsin llmberger, 14c. HONEY Nob. per 24 frames. $3.60; Utah bnd Colorado, per 26 frames, $3.60. POPCORN Per lb., ic; shelled, 8330. HIDES No. 1 green. BHc: No. Z green, No. 1 veal calf, 3 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal en If 12 to 15 lbs.: 6c: dry salted hides. Kd 12c; sheep pelts, 2M76c; hroso hides, J1.50W NUTS-Walnut. No. 1 soft shell, per lb. 17c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft ahcll, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; urazns, per IB., izc; iiioeri. per io., lie; almonds, soft shell, per lb., ICc; hard shell, rer iu., j,Cj pel hob. luigc, per iu., j7iv, small, per lb., 11c; peanuts, per lb., 6c roasiea peanuts, per id., ic. 8t. I.oal Grain and Provisions. ST. IXDU1S. Sept. 2. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red cash ana elevator, 83c; track, Ai 87c; September, 83c; December, 8G(g7c; May, K9frKUc; No. t hard, 8CKij81o. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 47c; track, 49!it'49c; September, 47c; December, 48c; May, 4H4c. OAT a H 1 glior ; No. t cash, 84c; track, 3fi(ji'3t)V4c ; - September, S3c; December, 33c: December, 36c; May, 87ic; No. 2 White, 3'(39c. RYE-Steady at 6656o. FLOUR Higher; red winter patents, $4.10 (24.20; extra fancy and straight, $3.804.05; clear, (3.30'i3.50. SEED Timothy, Steady, $2.763.00, for prime. COKNMEAL Steady. $2.60. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track, 710 75c. HAY-8teady; timothy, $8.0011.60; prairie. $7.009.00. IKON COTTON TIES-$1.06. BAGGING 5fi6c. HEMP TWINE 60. PROVI8IONS-Pork, higher: Jobbing, standard meas, $12.76. Lard, higher at $7.70. Bacon, firm; boxed extra shorts, $8.60; clear ribs. $9.00; short clear, 19.12. POULTRY Firm; chicken, c; springs. 10c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 8iff9c; geese, 44(6c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 1420c; dairy, 134 16c. i.GUS Firm at 19c, loss off. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls 7.6x 16,000 Wheat, bu 83.0H0 TS.flnO Corn, bu 41.C00 63,000 Oats, bu 42.000 41,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Bept. J. WHEAT 8ep temher, 73c; December, 724f72c; cash, No. 2 hard, 74W&76c; No. 8, 72fc73c: No. 4. 86i9c; rejected. fiB'iKiiic; No. 2 red, 79c; No. 3, 7Sc; receipts, W car. CORN September, 44T4e; December, 43iffl 43c; caab. No. 2 mixed, 46'47c; No. 2 wiiite. 4t4i47e; No. 8, 4c. OATS No. 2 white, 89j40c; No. I mixed. 3641 RYE No. 2. 6454o. HAY-Cholce timothy, 89.BO10.00; choice prulrie, $7.2t)ft7.60. BUTTER Recclnts. 6.150 nkas.; firm: dairy. 144il8c; creamery, lR19e. C1IEESE Ri-celpts, 6.003 pkgs.i firm; creameries. 10410Hc. BUGS Firm: Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 13c: No. 2. whltewood cases In cluded, 17c. v. tteceipts. snipments. Wheat, bu 76.810 1W.0O0 Corn, bu 26,10 27.' 0) Oats, bu 14,000 8.003 PlilUdelphla Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. BeDt. I. BUTTER The market was steady: fair demand; ex tra western creamery, 20c; nearby prints, 21c. EGGS The market was firm: rood de mand; fresh nearby, 22c, los off: western. rcc; soutnwestern, 2U4j21c; southern, l&Q 14C. CHEESE The market was oulet but steady; New York full cream, choice new, ifntii.'Ysc; lair to gooa, vwiuc. Mlnnennoll Whent, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS Sept. 2-WHEAT-Clo: December. 81ut8iKc; May. R31c; on track. No. 1 hard, S7c: No. 1 northern. Mic; No. 1 northern. K4c: No. 3 northern, 80$83c. FI3UK Higher, on cars; first patent, $4 50i4.Sft: second patents. 8440A4.M: first clears. 83.60ti8.60: second clears, t2C4"!.7S. BRAN In bulk. $12.60i 12.75. Mllwaokc Grain Market. MILWAT'KER. Wis.. Sept. I.-WHEAT-Hlgher. Close: No. 1 northern. 88iie: No. 2 northern. 8tMi87e; December, 82c bid. RYF-Hlgher: No. 1. 6Sc. BARLEY Higher; No. 2. 67c; sample, 48 63c. CORN December, 61c. Dalnth Ural a Market. DULUTH, Sept. 2 WHEAT New, to ar rive. No. 1 Hard. 85c; No. 1 northern. 84c: No. 2 northern. 82c; new, on trselc". Nv 1 northern. September. Mr; December, tlUe: Mav. S44e. OATS to arrive and on track. 85ic. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Sept. l.-SEEn-dorer. Oc tober. n 60; December. $5 66. Timothy, prime, $1.55; September, allske, $3.66. Bvaporatei Anpte and Dried Fratta. SP,oTi?wRK- P- -EVAPORATED APPLES The market for evaporated ap ple I quiet and unchanged. Small lots of new fruit are srrlvlng. but are e-enerallv poor s to quality and attract little atten- iur. ommnn are quoted at 4v5c. prime M 5i tiio, choice at fcJto and fancy at i.Vc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Spot prune remain steady to firm at prices un charged, ranirlnir from IL. A , n grnde. Apricots continue to attract a fair iirmmo ana rule nrm. New crop, Sil? ouo' ,''o. choice at 9'OlOc, and fancy at lOSfcllc. Metal Market. NEW TOJUt. Sept. I MET At Jt Snot tin was unchanged and quiet at 8J6 75ft 17 00. A sale of ten too Depteotber was toad at $26 76. At Ixindon tin wa 6a lower fot spot at 121 15 and future closed un changed at 121 15. Copper w dull here, V. . . . . . 1 - . , . l I . 1 n . . 1,, uiii iiriib-i nt 1.1. lO'lf i.i.p, , riry lytic, $l3.62tfll.75. and casting at $13. Trt 13 SO, Inndon reported copper 15 lower With spot at 58 io and future 57 12s 6.1. Lead was dull and unchanged here, loo don lead market wa unchanged at 11 2 4d. Locally It was quoted t $4.25. Spelter was quint here snd unchanged, and nt London was 2 6d lower st 2" 16 Id. The oel Iron business wa slow. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $17.5t1rl.no; No. 2 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south ern soft at $16. Soft Ig.76. Foreign markets quiet and unchanged. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 2 METALS Iend firm at $4.204.26; spelter firm at $3.6MU5.70. HEW YORK STOCKS AND DOD9. laeertalnty of Corn Crop Tenses Re flex Aetlon In Railroad Seearftle. NEW YORK. Sept. !-Ther was no news to account for any change In the complexion of today' stock market and the early part of the ression wa glen over to a dullness more profound and a slug gishness more Inert, than at any time dvir Ing tho present neglected condition of the market. Later there was some revival of activity which expanded the volume of transactions considerably over those of yesterday and lifted the average level of prices above last night. Atchison wa the leader with an extreme rise of 2 point, and three or four of tho other Grangers responded to the extent of a point. Prices eased off before the close which wa un steady. The afternoon demonstration seemed to be directed against the short interest In Atchison and partly In the other Grangers Incidentally. The operations on the advance were conducted by several well known speculative operator whose return to the street from vacitlon ab sence was thus signalised. The uncertainty over the com crop ba been the motive for putting out consider able short lines In the Grangers und thl ha been reflected for some time by the strength of the borrowing demand for Atchison In the loan crowd. This seem to have constituted the cue for the profes sional oprrator referred to, to bid up price on the shorts and a considerable de mand to cover wa the consequence. There was a rise In the stock with sim ultaneous strength In the corn and wheat market which seemed to leave no room for the Inference that the buying was baed on a more favorable Immediate outlook for the crops. The common market also failed to c 'n tlnue yesterday's reactionary tendency. During the enrlv depreslon. Metropolitan Street railway wa conspicuously weak on account of the current impression that the dividend on the stock gunranteel by tho Security company I not being fullv earned. There wn a report nlo of a $700.0 0 de crease In the net earning for Ausust for United State steel. A small Increase In Pennsylvania's net earning for July com pared with the gross earning and the shorp decrease in net for the line wet of Pittsburg and Erie were unfavorably commented upon. A renewed suit against the Amalgamated Copper Interest In Montana and the three point break In Consolidated Gns. aroused misgivings amongst the professlonnls n to the market Attitude of the Standard Oil Interest. , . The unsettled labor situation In Colorado was reflected In the Colorado Fuel nni American Smelting stock. But the-a In fluences a well a the Incident at Oyster Bnv were regarded In the later movement The money market ha become nlrnou ss nominal an affair a the stock tnarm. Bankers seem convinced that when tno crop money begins to move the call loan rate will stiffen and borrowers will re sort to time loans while brokers and com mission houes are content with the call loan msrket nt the pre-ent 2 per pent level. There wa ronae recovery n New York exchange at Chicago todav but for eign exchango there wa somewhat "ler. Bill against future shipment of cotton are beginning to make hp'r "ppearance In the exchange market for the first time. The fate of the corn crop and the outcome of the call money market sre tho factors In the stock market situation. There was some breadth to the bond mar Vet but the price movement was Irregular. Total sales par value $1110.000 The rise In ouotntlon for government bond I at tributed to the demand from bank . for u-a 8 snd the old and new 4s advanced r.r cent. The 6s declined per cent, on the ,Fo11wln' sre the closrng quotations oil the New York Stock exchange: , Atchlaoo Mso. racuic " l"4Bo. Railway JJ 2ft do pld ' " f - a. n- i 7 do pld Bal. A Ohio. C.n.dtas' Pmcini.r.'.im Toledo. 8t. L. W. 11 do pld.... ,1 . KI I . Ito do Did... Chea. A Ohl'ft J314fnlon Pacific .... !5' Chicago A Alton.. do ptd Chicago A 0. Vf.. do let ptd rhlrato A N. W . . Chicago Ter. A Tr A nM 12'. do Ptd M WabMh IT do ptd 2 Wheeling A L. 14WIi. Central . lO'l do ptd 14 IT 1104 at 211 ,. to .Adama Ex.... C. C. O. A St. L, 73 (American Ex... 180 Colorado So..'. 14 l!nltd State. Ex.... Joo a ix ,.m 6 Wella-Farso Ex.... too 4K 2 2 K)i4 , 15 It , 9 do d pld 12 Ami. Copper Pel. Hudnoa l4StAmer. t.r t r.... r.i t. a. w -la do Did DT.r A R. O 5 Amer. Lin. OH.... do ptd V7 pti ...... rt4 io Amer. Locomotive. do let pfd 67 SI vti... ........ do td ptd m American 8. A R. nM., Nn, nM IrJl I do Dfd 44 to Hocklnf Valley mer. rugir iui ii: do pld Dtt lAnac. Mining Co.... 7t Illlnola Central HIS Brooklyn 11. T 4f.t Iowa Central tov r"'- rnr A Iron... 49 do pfd Columhua A H. C... US K. C. Southern it ona. (iae ITS do pfd 8t jficn. Electric 11 I,. A N 1(S Inter. Paper 11 Manhattan L, 1J5S1 do PM Met. 6t. Rr lia,j!Inter. riimj ,.. 34 Minn. A St. L U I do pfd 70 Mo. Pacific 4 'National Placult .... t M . K. A T 1 National M ... do pfd 40s No. American .... Nat. R. R. of M. pfd. 4lVPeelne Mall IS 76 2Uk l 41V4 0 til tin 66 it 71 t"-i a 1S is . 42 IS . 704 81 N. T. Wntral IZi! , ceopie was Norfolk A W eis.Preaaed 8. Car.... do ptd it T "l" P" Ontario A W jcnnPullman P. Car... Pennajrlranla ..124 Republic Steel P., C. C. A St. L.. . tl do pfd , Rubber Gooda do pfd Reading do lat pfd do td pfd Rock Island Co.... do pfd St L A 8 F let ptd do 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do nfd 7Sl . t . 2t , M , M , 1 Tenn. Coal A Iron. U. 8. Leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel 9414 do pfd St. Paul 142 Weetern talon do pfd 171 Aew Yorlt Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept. t MONEY On call: Esy at H((J2Va per cent; closing bid, 14: offered at 2. Time: Nominal; sixty days. 4(&6 per cent; ninety days. E34; six months. 6WS6. Prime mercantile paper, 6 6H per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, with actual business In bankers' bill at $4 8610f$ 4.W16 for demand and at $4 IBIV?? 4 K!35 for sittv dnvs; posted rates. $4.84W4 MH snd $4 WH'Sm!7; commercial bills, $4.RSH'r'i4 83. SILVER Bar, 67c; Mexican dollars, hundb-uovernmeni ana rauroaa, irreg ular, k The closing quotations on bond are as follows: . . V. S. ref. t. rag... .107 fL. A N. snl. 4a.... do coupe 107H Mex. Central 4a.... do te. re( 1U7 I do la lnc . S . 74 . me . t74 . 17 . 7'4 . H, .12K So coupon , n't xi. at. u. a. do new 4e. res 134!xM.. K. A T. 4a.... do coupon .. .1)441 do ia. do old 4a, reg lu N. T. C. gen. ISa. do coupon ...1'ljH. 3. C. sea. 6a. do ta, res do coupon Atchtaon sen; 4. do adj. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a... do ISa ido conr. 4a... xranada So. te Central of Qa. 6a ...lillSiNo. PaclAc 4a ...101S do te 70S ... ti n. w. con. 4a.... 7 .... tu Reading gen. 4a 5S ,...100SRt. L. A I. M. e. 6a. Ill ... II ,8t. U A 8. F. 4e.... tl ... ta Bt. I,. 8. W. la ...lot ido ta 71 ...11KS i. A'. A A. P. 4a... 77 aide la Inc. 6 i So. pacific 4a Chea. A Ohio 4Sa... 10114 po Railway 6a 1US xCklcage A A. ISa. . 71S C. B. A Q. n. 4a.... N xC, M A P g. 4a.. lot 4 xC. A N. W. e. Te..uo-, C. R. I. aV P. 4a. ...lu C C C A St L g. 4a.. M Ctllcago Ter. 4a 11 Colorado So. 4a 14 D. n.er aV K. O. 4a.. Erie prior lie 4a.... MX Teiae A Pacific la. ..IMS it . si. I w. a. .IS t'nlon Pacific 4a tS do conv. 4s H'i xWabaah U U4S Ido la Iu4 do deb. B IK'4 xVt'eat Shore 4a lui iWheel. A L. K. 4a.. it iWla. Central 4e i Con. Tobacco 4a 64-14 Colo. Fuel cos. 6e... 7 do general 4a 3S P. W. A U. C. la.... loss xHocktng Val. 4Sa...lO x Bid. xx Offered. New York Mining; Quotation. NEW YORK, Sept. 2 The following are the quotation on mining stocks: Adama Ces Alice Breece Brunewlck Co... Ccmetork Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Ilor Slleer Iron Silver LcadTlll Cos.... x Offered. .. it .. 17 .. 14 .. 3 .. t .14 ..116 .. t Little Chief .. Ontario Ophtr xrtioenls Pctoal Savage fclterra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard .. 7S .600 .170 . t . 10 . te . 6 . 16 .171 Forelgrn Klaanelal. lOVnAW Car. a Unnw wa. In m n.1 .... ate demand In the market today and sup plies were larger, mncounta were teuly. German exchange on London was watched keenly. Huslneas on the Htock exchange was sluggish and the attendance was ngnt, dus to the reappearance of fine weather. Consols were steady. Americans opened dull and moved fractionally, but there wa an Indlsnnaltlon to operate and thuy closed ?ulet. The amount of bullion withdrawn rum the Bank of England on balance to day was liK Oon Gold bars, 77s lud; Amer ican eagles. 7s 4-1. BEHL1N, Sept. t. Discount rates on short and three months' bills, $ per cent. On the bourse todjr transactions were light and price) were generslly inchangd. The weekly bank statement of the Imperial Hank of Germany shows the following changes: Cash In hnd, decrease. 21,l'40.rin) mark; treasury notes, decreae, 4i,0rJ mark; other securltle. Increase. I,').!") marks; notes In circulation, Increase, M.O-il,-Ot " mark. PARIS. Sept. t Price on the boure 'to day opened rather weak, but soon lmprov-d. Unsincss, however, wa slack. At the cloe stork were fairly strong, except for a few offer of Turk. Three per cent rente. 87f 94c; exchange on London, bt 12c for check. London Stock Slarket. LONDON, Sept. I. Closing quotation: Console fnr moner..tO I II New York Central. do acceunt Norfolk A Weetern. MS Anaconda Atchtaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio... Canadian Pacific Cheeapeak r Ohio. ( blcago O. W C. M. St. r I)e Deere lienrer A R. O do pfd Erie do let pfd do td pfd Illlnole Central Loulatlll Naah.. Mlaaourt, K. AT... . fS . n s .127 . us . "S .14 . 10't . SS . n . "S . 4 . 61 .l.tiS .lS . ros do pf Ontario A Weetern Pennerleanla Rend Mine Kredlng do let pfd do id pfd Southern Hallway. do pfd Southern PaclBc... t'nlnn Pacific tti H 4 lS MS 40 s lS ISS 'S 4 77S r?S do pfd. United State Steel.. US do pfd. ... 72 ... 22S ... 17 Wabaih . do pfd. BAR SILVER-Steady at ounce. MONEY lH51i Der cent 2 ll-18d per The rate of discount In the open market for hort bills ia iV3i-m per cent and for tnree monuis bills is 2 U-l(a2 16-16 per cent. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, Bept 2.-Call loans, 4H P" cent; time loans, IHi9 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchison 4a 17 Allouex S Mex. Central 4 II lAmaUimated 14 Atchtaon fe Bingham -S do pfd tl calumet A Hecl....4N0 Boeton A Albany. ...I4 ontennlal ZUie 45S 3S IS 1 US ICS 10 to IS 10 7H 2t S 171. IS ' las Boston A Me U7 Copper Range ... Hoeton Ulevated ....M7 'Dominion Coal . N. V.. N. H. A H...1N Kracklln Kitchburg pfd in Uale Royale Union Paclflo 7 Mohawk .' Mex. Central IIS Old Dominion ... American Sugar ....117 loaceoi do pfd 11 Parrot American T. A T....1IIS Qulncy Dominion I. at 8.. Gen. Electric Maie. Klectrlo do pfd United Fruit U. 8. Steel dc pfd tVeatlnxh. Common Adventure IS Santa Pe Copper. .161 Tamarack ilS'Trlnltr o IS United Bute t:tah Victoria tt lnona Wolverine .,, Daly Wast..., 2J 7014 91 s Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 2. COTTON The market opened steady at an advance of 4 points to a decline of 7 points. The ad vance was contined to October, which came In for considerable bull support on call, while the other months were generally lower. There was little Importance In the early news, the cables being steady, while weather reports were good. This proved the signal for bull support. The spectacu lar strength on the part of the clique, how ever, so far from alarming the shorts, brought on an avalanche of selling Inside of 111 teen minutes. During the balance of the session trading ruled less active. The close was steady at a net decline of lii9 points, with the late positions showing the greatest losses and at nearly the lowest of the day. Sales were estimated at 3U0.000 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. t-COTTON-Fu-turee steady; September, 11. 27 11.28c; Oc tober, tO.Zlijiin.Z'.ic; November, 9.87il0.00c; December, 9.94fu9.96c; January, 9.6Va9-70c; March, !) 9)8 lO.ulc. Spot, quiet. Sales, 800 bales; ordinary, 9 1-16c; good ordinary, 10Sc; low middling. 11-S.c; middling, 12sc; good middling. 12c; middling fair, 13 6-lbc. Re ceipts, 39 bales; stock, 12.4W bales. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 2. COTTON Quiet; middling, K'Hc Stock, 1,206 bales. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 2.-COTTON Spot In fair demand; prices 6 points lower; Amer ican middling fair, 7.22d; good middling, 7.4od; low middling, 6.76d; ordinary, 6..'d; ordinary fair, 6.02U. The sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export and Included 6,600 American. Receipts, 1,000 bales; no Amer ican. Futures opened easier and closed steady; American, g. o. c. 6.44d; September and October, 6.03tii.04d; October and No vember, 6. Cod; November and December, 6.&i,'i6.Md; December and January, 6.46iij) 6. Hid; January and February, 6.44d; Febru ary and March, G.42d; March and April, 6.4J5.43d; April and May, 6.42. Wool Market. BOSTON. Sept. 2 WOOL While the wool market In general has been fairly quiet this week, there are some good sales of territory wool. Prices are generally firm, and while dealers may not get asking prlcea In every caw, t hero Is no disposition manifest to make any concessions, as they declare prices aro as low as the wool can be sold at a reasonable profit. Quotations: Territory-Idaho finrx 14r0l6c; medium fine, 16(&17Hc; medium, 18iU19c; Wyoming fine. 14frl5c; fine medium, loworiftc; meniura, 18S)&19c; Utah and Nevada fine, 16H?16c; fine medium, 17(&17Hc; medium, 18iji'20c; Da kota fine, Incise; tine medium, 16Vi17Vic ; medium. 18ft 2oc: Montana fine, choice. 214i lc; medium choice.: 8uf21c; staple, 2021c; medium choice, iiu-c. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 2 WOOL Quiet. Me dium grades, combing and clothing. 16c; light fine. 15&'17yfcc; heavy fine, 12&144c; tub washed, ZOftXtVxC Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sent. 2. COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at an ad vance of 6 points tollowing better Euro pean cable and rumor of crop damage. Tranlng was moderately active and the market ruled about steady until shortly after midday, when offering became more liberal as a result of the full movement and exnectatlons of a good Increase In the world's visible supply statement.. The mar ket closed steady, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales were 1S.750 bag. Including September at 3.85c; October, s.Soc; .Novem ber. 4.06c: December. 4.35c: January. 4.454S 4.50; March. 4.60(i4.65c; April. 4.70c; May 4.80c.' and July, 4.90c. Oil stnd Rosin. OIL CITY. Sent. 2. Credit balances. 165. Shipments 92.590; runs Slst, 1.118,497; average 75, 199. Shipments, Lima, 94 944; runs, LI i.a, Slt, 110,193. average (8,121. NEW YORK, Sept. 2 OIL Cottonseed, dull; prime yellow, 4u4lc. Petroleum, steady. Turpentine, nrm, at uxuc. ROSIN Firm; strained, common to good, 2&&30C. ' . . SAVANNAH, OS., Bept i-iunnif TINE Firm, 64c. ROSIN firm. A, B, C, $1.80: D, $18'; E. 81.85; Q, 12.10; H. 82.40; I, 12.96: K. 83.10; M, 8.16; N. 83.25; W. C, 83.50; W, W, 83.70. Dry- Gooda Market. NEW YORK, Sept t DRY GOODS Buyers are operating In Jobbers' houses and a good deal of Inquiry Is noted for spot goods with first hands; but there Is no disposition to operate ahead and sell ers' quotations are not being accepted on future contracts. The curtailment in pro gress Is regarded In certain quarters as overestimated, but is having Its effect in reducing the quantity of available sup ply. Sugar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. t. SUGAR Dull, Open kettle centrifugal, 3V&3Vc; whltea, 47 l-16c; seconds. 2tj3sc. MOLASSES Dull; centrifugal, 613c. NEW YORK. Sept. 2. SUGAR Raw firm; fair refining, 3e; centrifugal, 94 test, 3Tc; molasses sugar. 3so. Refined, firm; crushed, 6.6cc; powdered, 6.10o; granu lated, 5c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans, StErM2c. Whisky Market. CINCINNATI. Sept. 2 WHISKY Distil lers' finished goods, steady on basis of 81.28. ST. LOUIS, oept. 2.-WHISKY 8teady at II Ti. PEORIA, Bept 2.-WHISKY-81.23. Kansas City l ive Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 2 CATTLE Re ceipts, 9,100 head natives, 900 head Texan; calve. 1.100 head native, 100 head Texuns. The market for choice beeves was active; strong to 10c higher; common, steady; quarantine, steady; good feeder, strong; common, steady: stcckera, dull and weak; cows, steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers. 84.7ikri5.40; fair to good. 14.00 4(4.76; Blockers and feeders, 12. 2.ftt.2j; western fed steer. 83.7M.00; Indian steer. t2.6,r3.0: Texas cows. Il.4i4i4.30; native cows. 81.6ti3 9i: native heifers, 42.SO 64.66; ranner. II. lift 2 40; bulla. e3.Xxad.oo; calve. 12 2fa3.&0. HOGS RecelDt. 7.0O0 head. The market opened steady to 6c lower, closed firm. Top, t no- bulk of sales 86.80fV0: heivy, 85.30 65.42H.; mixed packers'. 5 5"(o.ti2H; light, v, 4c,'ij.80; yorkirs. 85 7C&j.80; pigs, 85. 0CK? 6.75. t HHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 12.000 head. The market wa steady. Native lambs, f.2 8055.80; western lamb, $2.75'u5.00; fed ewes. I2.d"3 90: Tea clipped year ling. 82.4iWt4.00; Texas clipped sheen, 82.20 taa.oo; stockera and feeders, i.tiJ.). Iterk In fight. Following are the receipts of live stock at the six principal western cities yester day: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 4 S75 7.X 11.450 Kansas City 11. 7.000 12im Clleaao 42 on 25.0k) 80.'"1 St. Iiuls 6010 4.M0 COO St. Joseoh t "i a.fr-3 l.o2 Sioux City 1.4u0 8.2uO Totals 4.So3 69.901 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET DesiraUa Grades of Beef Cattle Eo'd at Stead Prioei Ftedera Strong. HOGS VERY SLOW AND LOWER Another Liberal Ran of Sheen anal I.am b, bnt Killers ana Feeder Sheep Steady Feeder Lara ks Clow and n Little Lower. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept 8. Itecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. OlTlclal Monday 6.4M 6.117 14.0S0 Official Tuesday 8.84i .97 22.2 Official Wednesday t.ali 1,M 11.4o0 Three days this week.. 14,840 23.0P8 4H.8I9 Same days last week. ...12.1' 'il.vl 28.411 Same week before 16.6n0 17.410 81.171 Same three weeks ago. .14,9.14 il.biA 27,3T4 Same four weeks ago. ..12,445 21.11a) 81,64j Same days last year....l,778 8,727 83 11 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and atieep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with last vear: 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec Cattle 649,529 631,403 111,124 Hogs 1,649, b46 1,671,370 21,726 Sheep 861,047 7u6,2& t0,291 Average prlco paid for hogs at South Omaha tor the last several days with com parisons; Data. 1903. 1902.1901.1900.1899.1898.1897. Aug. 15. Aug. 16.. Aug. 17. Aug. 18.. Aug. 19. Aug. 20.. Aug. 21., Aug. 22., Aug. 3.. Aug. 24., Aug. 26., Aug. 26.. Aug. 27. Aug. 28. Aug. 24).. Aug. 30., Aug. 31.. Sept. 1., Sept. 2., i 26 f 68 6 77 4 87 4 44 8 75 6 77 4 98 4 32 3 78 3 70 6 83 6 00 4 36 3 7 4 3 71 4 96 4 47 8 66 3 68 6 89 4 60 3 67 3 73 6 86 ( 03 3 76 8 70 6 78 6 02 4 42 i 78 6 87 6 01 4 42 3 68 6 91 4 7 4 41 I 74 I 83 6 91 6 02 4 42 8 81 8 7 6 06 4 40 8 73 3 81 6 87 4 88 I 72 8 91 5 iio 4 98 8 70 4 02 6 00 5 02 4 40 897 6 02 6 02 4 42 8 70 8 11 6 00 4 40 8 72 8 91 6 12 5 4 27 8 68 3 99 6 04 4 20 3 61 3 99 11 4 14 3 88 4 07 6 6 B 20. 6 171 6 67 6 72 6 15 6 79 6 ZW4.I g ac t mu 7 90 I 98 6 4H 6 44V 6 32 6 22 s a:'54 7 1(H 7 30 7 29 7 26 7 18 7 26 e 7 82 6 3U 6 3.1H 6 23 7 42 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Hot a. C. M. & St. P 1 15 Wabash '.. 1 Missouri Pacific .... 14 1 .. Union Pacific system 66 18 II r ja, v. w S3.. F.. E. A M. V 56 26 t C, St. P.. M. & O.. 8 14 .. .. B. & M 50 Z4 W I C, B. & Q 4 6.. C, R. I. & P.. east.. 8 4.. C, R. 1. & P., west.. 6-3 Total reclnts 199 115 45 2 The dir.nositlon of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep, Omaha Packing Co.... 466 1.394 4L9 643 1.525 l. 92 1.761 399 643 2,244 1.219 252 624 15 94 4K 233 30 .... .... 63 16 243 48 2 828 901 .... 12.236 swirt and company.... Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co.... uudany, Kansas viiy.. Armour. Sioux city.... Vanaant & Co Carey A Benton Hill & son Louis & Uunderwood .. HiiHlon AV Co ,. Livingstone & Shaller li. F. Hobblok H. F. Hamilton Wolf & Murnan "Lee Rothschild Werthelmer Other buyers Totals 4.P86 7,648 16.118 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were fairly liberal this morning, but the demand wa equal to the occasion and a fairly active and steady market resulted. Most of the trulns arrived In fairly good season, so the bulk of the offerings was disposed of by the middle of the forenoon. A good proportion of the receipts this morning consisted of corn fed steers, about 40 cars being on sale. Packers took hold fairly well and the market could safely be quoted steady on nil desirable grades. The common and part fat kinds were of courso more or less neglected and hard to sell at steady rrlces. There were no strictly fancy cattle offered today, so the market does not look as high on paper as u reany was. There was not an excessive supply of she stock In sight this morning and an a result trading was fairly active, with prices steady on both cows and heifer. The bet ter grades In particular were in good de mand and Bold readily. The canners and cutters. thouKh. also sold without much difficulty In yesterday's notches There Is nothing new to be said of bulls, veal calves and stags, as prices are prac tice ly the same as tney nave Deen ior me last several days. There were over forty cars of stockera snd feeders shipped to the country yester day, which encouraged speculators to quite an extent, inn morning uitj i,,v, u freely and the market .was active and steady on the general run. with choice K,,nha a tittle atrflnver. Although there were a good many on sale, the bulk of them was disposed or in gooa seanon. There were not more than ten or a ooxen car of western beef steer on sale and they were lacking In quality, i ne marsei ooum not be quoted anything but steady. Range r,w sold readllv at steady prices, while stockers and feeders were active and steady to strong. Representative saies: BEEF STEERS. Ne. 1 te t l i 4 1 4 41 I 41 ta HO Av. I'r. w At. rr. tU 1 60 to .1406 8 06 ... 171 ...1000 ...lieu ...110J ... 4( ...mo ...1OH0 ...11114 ...ioa ...1211 ...1"0 ...10S3 1 14.!.'!! . .1247 ..1271 . .13IX ,.! . .120 ..111 ..Ull ..1440 ..140 ..127 ..1181 I IS 4 04 4 U 4 60 4 th 4 46 4 46 4 76 6 16 6 10 t 10 6 25 6 8 6 10 I 10 6 10 I 15 I 46 I 45 6 46 6 04 1 40 I to t to 1 66 t 15 4 00 8 60 4 M 6 00 4 06 6 06 6 06 ..1401 . 13F.S .1401 it 8TEERS AND HEIFERS. 1037 4 60 60 1124 COWS. .... 60 I 00 1 661 .... 75 .... 670 74 t60 ....1004 401 670 160 400 t 25 1 10 I 10 I 60 .. 740 ..1066 .. 120 ..lilt ..1140 .. 716 .. 776 t 66 HEIFERS. 4.... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 8.... 1.... 1.... II.... 8.... t oo I 8 16 4 CALVES. t 15 1 4 00 STAGS. 8 40 164 4 00 .1130 t M 1.... 16M 4 oe BTOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 600 I 60 1. 430 t 64 , 4M . too 610 160 1 00 I oo I so I 40 I. . T. 81. .120 I 60 .111 I 60 Ml 111 .1041 SO NEBRASKA. No. Av, 4 cows 977 1 bull 1430 4 feeders. . MK) ?r. 2 60 2 10 8 60 2 bO 2 35 6 00 2 16 2 15 3 40 2 20 2 56 2 50 2 00 3 00 2 80 2 30 No. Av. 2 cow 10U0 2 feeders.. 1340 Pr. 3 60 8 85 8 60 2 26 2 1)0 1 40 2 15 2 26 3 25 2 55 2 65 2 50 2 40 2 00 2 30 2 feeders.. 853 1 cow 1020 1 cow 2 heifers... 2 heifers.. 1 cow 1 cow 2 feeders.. 11 cows 1 cow 1 cow &S0 4 cows. 813 746 640 860 940 6s6 9" 760 9H0 1 calf.... 3 cows.., 1 cow.... 1 teeder. 6 cows. .. , 2 20 , 740 1020 8oO ll 0 3 cows I'M) 1 cow 770 2 feeders.. 7H5 2 feeder.. 616 1 feeder... 1H70 1 feeder... 1160 1 steer 990 " 19 feeders.. 872 3 cows 1?2 2 cows 8u0 9 steers.... 980 2 cows 9C0 1 cow 1010 1 heifer.... 6u) 1 feeder. ..1130 1 feeders. . 9?i0 1 feeder. ..1130 6 feeders.. 96 17 feeder.. 1 1 feeder... ! 10 feeder. .1134 1 bull 1270 3 cow 1160 11 cows 823 2 cows..., 2 feeders. 830 956 IDAHO. 8 50 10 steers... 2 feeders. 16 cows... .1070 . 630 ..878 8 60 2 25 1 66 3 60 2 75 2 76 2 76 3 00 3 55 3 65 3 60 3 01) 3 55 3 20 1 76 2 25 3 25 2 26 2 30 2 75 2 25 2 25 2 IO 8 66 8 40 8 56 3 60 3 55 3 55 2 2" 34 steers 8 cows. . 20 cows. . ...1052 ...1017 ...1007 45 feeders., 964 1 feeder... 9h0 12 feeders. 1 feeder. . 66 feeders. 3 feeders. 1 feeder.. 3 bulls.... 3 cows.... 921 1010 020 893 910 1340 1028 2 75 WYOMING, 16 cows 974 2 75 1 cow. ..1219 ..1400 3 28 2 60 1 cow 1170 X M lbull..., 22 feeders.. 1249 8 90 SOUTH DAKOTA. lbull 14.W f i 12 steers. 21 steers.... 966 8 60 ..1030 2 80 Mrs. Ella Haynes Neb. 18 feeders.. 943 3 86 1 feeder... 943 104 feeders. 1131 8 85 8 feeders. .1131 T. Bowen Neb. 2 25 I 26 3 heifers... 703 2 o 1 heifer.. 1 nelfer.... 820 2 60 P. T. Hlgalns Neb. 420 2 26 10 heifers 697 2 60 8 feeders 494 616 3 20 t 66 1 feeder... 4J0 14 feeders.. 784 P. 14 feeders.. 7M 21 feeders.. 987 A. 28 feeder.. 843 2 76 14 feeders 8 60 J Dalton-Neb. 8 60 1 feeder. 3 66 I feeders J. Barnes Neb. 750 867 3 71 1 00 3 SO feeder 790 2 50 Tom tk M. Reynold Wyo, 28 cows 968 8 0 84 steers.. ..1244 1 Steer 1"0 Tt 62 fee'-r. .IJJ T. C. Blmerson Neb. T feeders.. 914 3 86 I cows 1000 1 bull 1280 I 20 3 n I 35 2 46 Tternnlda A H Neb. 24 cows .... 93a 2 85 2 rows 190 I M C. P. Bishop Neb. 8 feeders.. 775 3 25 8 feeders.. 770 3 26 2 feeders.. CW I ZB 1 row Km) I 80 8 cow 946 3 80 3 rows 916 2 30 2 cows 9:t0 1 75 2 cows Hi6 1 75 cows 836 2 80 1 row 1070 1 75 10 cows MO 1 75 I cows 690 2 80 8 cows a IN Reed N.-Neb. , 14 feeders.. 933 8 85 14 cows 194 I M 21 cows 9bl 2 45 Y. C. Blmerson Neb. 14 steers.. ..1071 3 65 48 feeders.. 130 I 68 60 feeders.. 940 8 66 W. S. White Wro. 1 bull llflO 3 60 1 bull. 120 t 20 lbull 1280 2 50 I feeders. .1150 160 8 feeders.. W7 3 56 7 feeders.. 8T8 3 60 1 feeder... 820 3 50 1 feeder. ..1000 I 60 4 feeders.. 1092 3 75 2 feeders.. 1076 ICS cows 916 2 80 6 feeders.. 93 160 4 feeders.. M2 3 50 1 row 1320 I 90 1 cow 1100 2 60 1 cow 1070 2 66 2 cows 1040 2 60 1 cow 950 I 45 1 cow 980 3 76 1 cow 1190 I 75 1 cow 9-0 2 00 7 cows 960 I 75 1 steer 1210 2 75 1 steer 1150 3 10 lbull 1670 2 30 lbull 1360 1 80 C. N. Link 4 Co. Wyo. 4 cows 892 1 40 1 cows 800 t 40 23 cows 935 3 70 Tom Black Wyo. 1 feeder... 830 8 85 16 cows 94 1 75 8 cows 923 2 50 1 bull 1020 2 85 1 cow 850 2 60 1 btill....lu003 20 O. B. Hobbs Wyo. 22 cows 991 3 80 1 bull. ..1280 S 60 3 cows 1080 2 60 W. S. Orant-Wyo. eows 1143 I 00 14 cows 1115 J 60 34 feeders.. 1026 3 90 1 feeder... 970 t 26 B. A. Root Wyo. lstag 1420 2 95 2 feeders.. 8S8 8 85 1 feeder... 820 8 85 1 feeder... 1070 3 85 lbull 1110 2 75 16 feeders.. 841 3 85 3 cows 900 2 60 3 cow 1100 2 90 Joe Colllns-S. D. 10 cows 950 2 60 lbull 14M 18$ Meows 10(0 2 86 lcow iOGO 2 60 14 cows 1020 2 60 HOGS There wss not an excessive run of hogs In sight this morning, but packers were very bearish and tried to pound the market. Salesmen, however, were holding for strsdy prices and ss a result the day was well advanced before much business was transacted. It finally settled down to a basis of about steady prices, as compared with yesterday's close, or weak to a nickel lower than yesterday morning. Late yes terday a good many hogs had to sell from 85.10 to 35.15 that were the same ns those that sold early from 85.16 to S3. 20. The heavy hogs today sold largely from 35.10 to 85.15 and the medium weights went from 3515 to 85.25, while lightweights sold from $5.30 to 85 50. The heavy and common hogs suffered the greatest decline and the com mission men are calling the attention of the shipper to the fact that packers are discriminating sgalnst common hogs to a much greater extent than they were a short time ago. Trading was slow from start to finish, but still by noon most everything was disposed of. Representative sales: No. A. Bh. Pr. Ho. At. sh. Tr. 16 100 ... I 0 M Ml 80 6 20 41 1l ... I 04 14 14 10 6 20' 44 241 140 I 10 4 261 40 6 20 60 114 ... 6 10 U 2t ... I 20 62 Ill ... 6 10 2(1 ... I 20 60 106 ... 6 124 10 154 40 6 20 65 204 ... 6 12' ! 201 ... 120 61 125 40 6 US 1 ll 10 ( jo 61. ...... .27 80 t 15 18 2(0 ... I 20 6.......2 ... 5 IS , 71 271 40 1 20 ! 2D7 ... I 16 44 2l 240 ( 20 6 284 ... I II 42 2M 80 10 66 278 W lit ft 244 40 I 10 4 2M ... ( 15 41 244 40 6 iii 61 276 ... 4 II 44 2t ... 4 22 41 170 40 I 15 (8 '...240 140 6 22 H 67 141 100 8 li v 16 208 ... I 12S4 64 211 ... I 14 8 Ml ... 26 64 335 ... I IS ! 221 40 i 25 . 28 824 ... I 15 64 25 ... I 25 41 870 ... I 15 . 40 161 ... I IS (7 291 40 6 15 64 24 120 I 28 61 1114 ... I 15 41 2r. ... 26 44 28 80 I 16 15 121 ... I 36 64 Ill 140 6 II 41 223 ... I 25 6 2M 120 6 16 40 176 10 I 25 1 327 ... 5 15 12 141 ... I 25 1 144 80 5 16 2 254 ... I 25 HI 0 5 17V4 14 251 10 I 21"4 72 18 40 1 11V, , SI 281 ... 6 32V4 40 tot ... 6 17" 'tO 141 ... 130 0 280 40 6 17V, 1 J0 ... i 30 6 285 10 6 llti 2M 120 I 10 61 176 40 6 11V, 67 224 60 I 30 HO ... 5 17V4 76 238 160 I 35 M 2 ... 6 17V, 65 117 ... 4 40 " 287 ... 6 17V, SO 170 110 5 40 " 301 120 6 17'4 II Ml ... 64 71 271 ... 6 10 SHKtf AND lAMBS There was another fairly liberal run of sheep here this morn ing, but the market as a whole did not show much change from yesterday. There was very little lat stuff Included in the offerings, and the better grades commanded Just about steady price a compared with yesterday. When it carne to the commoner kinds the market was slow and a little lower. Somo wethers and yearlings mixed brought 33.40. and some ewes sold for 32.90, both of which were pronounced Just about steady prices. The big end of the receipt consisted of feeders, but . the demand for sheep was in good shape, and prices ruled Just about steady on desirable grades. Com mon stuff, though, is if anything a little lower. Feeder lambs have not been very brisk sale for the last few days, and as compared with last week the market la lo 26c lower. Quotutlona for grass stock: Good to choice lambs, $4.766.00: fair to good lambs, St.'ffi 4.75; good to choice yearlings, 3.40y3.65: fair to good yearlings, $i2u&3.40; good to choice wethers, 83.l04i3.35; fair to good wether. S3.004J3.15; good to clioloe ewes, S2.40fj2.8r; fair to good ewes. 3-'.2&fi2.40; feeder Iamb. 83. 754.35; feeder yearlings, S3.254T3.60; feeder wether. 83.1044.3.26; feeuer ewes, 1.60i2.60. Representative saies: 3 culls 106 2 00 459 Wyoming feeder ewes 82 2 10 6 Idaho feeder ewes 'j 82 2 40 6 Idaho feeder ewes 82 2 40 61 Idaho feeder ewes 86 2 50 451 Wyoming feeder ewes 88 2 60 1 Idaho ewe 90 2 60 61 Idaho ewes 112 2 90 255 Wyoming feeder yearlings... 89, 8 20 35 Idaho feeder lambs 67 3 75 141 Idaho feeder lambs 4 62 4 00 S Idaho feeder lambs 60 4 25 283 Idaho ewes 86 2 25 32 Idaho feeder ewes 98 2 li 7 Idaho ewe 104 2 60 102 Idaho feeder ewes 85 2 60 83 Idaho ewes 102 2 60 74 Idaho ewes 98 2 56 201 Idaho feeder ewes 89 2 60 63 Idaho ewes 99 2 65 613 Idaho feeder wethers 87 8 20 269 Idaho feeder wethers 87 3 20 1 buck 120 2 60 688 feeder wethers 62 2 17V4 10 Idaho wethers 100 2 26' 7 Idaho wethers 116 3 26 61 Idaho yearlings 102 8 25 83 Idaho yearlings 86 S 40 331 Idaho feeder lambs 55 4 10 62.3 Idaho feeder lambs 61 4 25 307 Wyoming feeder ewes 80 2 :"0 30 Wyoming feeder ewes 87 2 25 601 Wyoming feeder ewos 87 2 3VA 00 Wyoming feeder ewes 86 2 60 113 Wyoming ewes 88 2 05 204 Wyoming ewes U0 2 75 17 Wyoming ewes 98 2 75 118 Wyoming feeder lamb. . . 63 4 10 LATE YESTERDAY. 216 Idaho feeder ewes 93 2 30 75 Idaho ewes 100 2 60 376 Idaho ewes 94 2 60 338 Idaho ewes 92 2 60 86 Idaho ewea 101 2 75 81 Idaho eares 102 3 75 40 Idaho feeder lambs 69 3 '0 845 Idaho feeder yearlings 71 3 00 25 Idaho feeder lambs 62 3 00 123 Idaho yearlings 91 8 25 144 Idaho wethers 100 8 25 12 Idaho yearlings 80 9 1 35 136 Idaho yearlings 88 8 f 5 119 Idaho yearlings 94 8 35 1 3.",8 Idaho yearling 78 8 40 15 Idaho yearlings K6 3 45 62 Idaho feeder yearlings 69 3 45 176 Idaho feeder yearlings 89 8 46 26 Idaho feeder yearlings 79 3 45 124 Idaho yearling 96 3 50 104 Idaho yearling 96 3 50 78 Idaho yearling 99 8 fO W Idaho yearling 86 8 56 174 Idaho yearlings 99 8 50 18 Idaho yearlings 84 3 65 679 Idaho feeder Iamb 49 4 00 1.049 Idaho feeder lambs 66 4 05 485 Idaho feeder lamhs 62 4 20 651 Idaho feeder lambs 69 4 20 1.130 Idaho feeder lambs 68 4 26 818 Idaho Iambs 62 4 66 282 Idaho lamhs 61 4 66 fo2 Idaho lamhs 61 4 65 29 steers.. ..1186 3 68 23 feeders.. 1200 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Largo Reeelnts of All Ktoek. with Steady Market, Featnres of Day. CHICAGO. Sept. 3. CATTLE Receipts, 22.000 head; steaIv to 10c higher; good to nrlme steer. 35.66(141.10; poor to medium, 84 1015 30; stnekers snd feeders. 32.6044.26; cows. 1.50r4.6O; heifer. 32 00(95.10; earner. 31 5092.70; bull. 82.0fKS4 40; calves. S3 604) 7 00; Texas fed steers, S3.25ig4.60; western steer. S3 2A4.65. HfK'18 Receipts todsy. 25 000 heed; esti mated tomorrow. 27 000 heed: steady to Re higher: mixed snd butchers', 86.0066. 85; good to choice heavy, 85 5fi'?r5.70; rough heavy, 5 0"l6 30; light. 85.40ij6.16; bulk of sales. 46 3Ofrfi.60. SHEEP Receipts. 80.000 head: steady; na tive lambs lower and westerns higher; good to choice wethers. S3.10(fr3.76: fair to choice mixed. 32.254i3.00: western sheep. 32.75474 00; native lambs, $3 5041 6 00; western lambs, 34.0Oij5.28. Kew York Lire Stock Market. NF.W YORK Sept. 2 BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,409 head; the market for good to rholre steers was tdy to strong Others slow snd -MrlOo lower. Bull and cows slow to 10c lower. Steers, 84.0066.70: Btocker. 83.60: hull. S2.004I400; cows. 31.28 trfl 50. Csbles qu'itrd live cattle lower, at1U4 felloe per pound. dreed weight. Exports, 1.610 nnsrters of beef. CALVF8 Receipt. 2 072 he1; good Veal firm to 25c higher: err seer and buttermilk veils. SS.ffT 60: ton. 8 75: cull. j 84.00414.(0; grassers and buttermilks, 22 tutf I Oft; few, 88.25; westerns, $2.88; trftjf dressed re', P-fflSHc. , . HOOH Receipt. ,fl hsl. The market wa steady. State snd Pennsylvania hogs, $S1F-W4 4; choir light. 36 50. RHEKI AND MM US Receipts, 6. "71 head. The market for sheep wa generally dull and eler; good lambs firm to l"c higher, others fully stesdy. Sheep, $2 5" 3 60; few extra and export sheep, 8.1 oil 1 1"': culls, $2.00; lambs, SS-IMW.?; culls, SIP"; best Canada lambs, S6.004ji.10. Cables quote sheep steady, St. I.oaU Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Sept. . CATTLE Receipt, 8,000 head. Including 3.000 head Texan. The market was steady. Native shipping and exiort steer. S4.6o'6.tV; dreetl beef and butcher Bteer. S4.0W(j5.2; steers under l.OuO pound, 83.7fylf-5.00; totker and feed er, 2.4oii3.76; cows and heifer. .' 2,'.'t 4.60; canner. S3. 0 "if 2.15; bull. 2.7.V(i3.7i; calve. S4.0oHi4.60; Texa and Indian steer, S3.7(fi4 90; cows and heifer. 82 ?.!. on. HOGS Receipt, 4,600 head. The market Wa steady. Pigs and light. S12o'(i6.oi; packers'. 3i 4otf5. 86; butchers' and best hevy. 85.45iT6.PO. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts tVO head. The market wa steady. Native muttons, 83.2n'n3.75: lambs, 34.2"4J.ri.riO; culls and bucks, S2.2iu4.00; stockers. $2. 23(23.0). St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Bept. 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.822 head; steady to lOc higher: na tives, f42ofrt.75; cows and heifers, $1,764 6.15; stockers and feeders. IJ.Rotj 4.30. HOGS Receipts, 5.983 head; mostly 5c lower; light. f5.30ijS.66; medium and heavy, S5.2iV(tn 25. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.962 head; steady. Slonz City Lire Slock Market. BIOUX CITY. Ia.. Bept. I.-Ppeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.401'- market steady; beeves, 4.00i7n,20; cows, bulls and mixed, 32.504j(4.O0; stockers and feeder, $2.(0 tj3 80; calve snd yenrllngs. $2 Coifi 3 ). HOGS Receipts. 3,20i; market So lower, selling at 85 10vi6.35; bulk, $5.1:5.20. OMAHA TELEGRAPHER DIES John C. Rodman's Sadden Death Is Reported front Chicago, Where Ho Recently Went. Word has been received from Chicago of the death of John C. Rodman, who Is well known In Omaha, where he was connected with tho Union raclfla railroad as teleg rapher for eleven years. Last month Mr. Bodman severed his connection with tho Union Pacific and went to Chicago where he began working with the Postal Te'e graph people. His death wa very sudden and merely the bare particulars are known to his friends here It was due lo heart disease, from which he had been a sufferer for some time. He leaves a wife and child, who live Bt ilS South Twenty-sixth street. They had been preparing to move to Chicago and Mrs. Bodman had disposed of much of the furniture and furnishings of the house already. Mr. Bodman was local chairman of the Union Pacific board of the Brother hood of Railway Telegraphers. A Thoughtful Husband Cured his wife of fainting and dlzty spell, weakness, headache and backache with Electric Bitters. Try them. 60o. For sale by Kutin & Co. REAL KSTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record yesterday as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Truet company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street. John Imke and wife to Anna Palm beck, lots 1 to 4 block 5. Mll'ard. .$1,000.00 Mutual Loan and Building associa tion to Benjamin O. Getter, lot 90, Windsor Place addition 600.00 M. A. Benner to Edith Gilford, lots 1 and 2, Howe's addition 5,500.00 Jacob V. Shipley and wife to the Merchants' National bank of Omaha, lots 2, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 134, Florence 6.00 A. Anke Hlllebrand and wife to An thony Pering, east H north 90 feet lot 16, block 3, Campbell's addition. TO.OO Benjamin O. Getter and wife to Dor othy Girard, lot 35, block 6, Jerome Park addition 1,800.00 Lola A. Crawford and husband to William A. Chapman, lot 20, block ' ' , Druid Hill addition 1.700.00 Ferdinand Strelts to Wm. Llckcrt, lot 18, block 458, Grand View addi tion 200.00 Mary E. Hacker and husband to J. A. Flko et at., lot 10, block 8, Kountze's fourth sub. addition 2,400.00 Zella W. Bryans and husband to . Wm. D. Pruyn, lot 6. Shlll's sub., block A. Shlnn's addition 2,000.00 B. L. Whlttaker and husband to Na than Merrlam, lot 14, block 11, Kountxe place 7.000.00 Tukey Land company to Maude Mogge, part lots 4, 6 and 6, block 2, Leentlne's Saratoga 200.00 Vaclav Slgmund to Albert Tosnohll sek. lot 11, block 2. Potter & Cobb'a addition 785 00 Mary C. Van Dorn and husband to City Savings bank of Omaha, west 114 feet lots 1 and 2, McCandllsh place 300.00 Dr. Searfes & Searles SPECIALISTS Cure All Special DISEASES OF UEI BLOOD POISON WEAK, NERVOUS MEX KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES Treatment and Medicine S5.00 PER flOUTil Examinations and advice free at office or Sw mall. Written contract given lit all aurable diseases .r refund money paid fot treatment. Treatment by mall. 14 years jn Omaha, SVAUt sua DejfaaTeSva, OSLAJga Cbarge leaa than all other DR. McCREW SPECIALIST Treats All form of DISEASES OF MEN ONLy A medical expert Ml dometl equaled never iur lfd. 28 Years Experience. IS Years In Omaha. Thirty Thousand Curatt Varlctvele, Hydrocele, fiiuod Tulaon, StrUture, Oleet, Nervous. Debility, Lots o! Streugth and Vital ily and all forma of chronic di . Treatment by mall. Call or write. Box 74. QMc over XU (i. Mib tiu, Omaha, Neb. MAKE PERFECT VJiZtf ft 10 SOT lKfAia ? DotnAtSut fprieongen iue j oyi avud aniMiLont) not life etui barentored u you. The vary worvttfavsMeof Nervoue IffclMtj era abaolutelT cured l.y H FKr'I'U TA ML. Art Give proiui.l relief U lo omnia, falUiia mesnorT and Uie wae O s a e a w - Si, 111- III rU ITJ tndltcretlona or eipesteeeor early yeaia. niTrart vitror fcrui iK;inT toaveiv (uuir. V-m. Brareoptlieeyeteui. Uivm bv bloiu to me cbeeke and lustra to the ovee of ifAvounoroltl. ne!kM boireewiliai anerrjry CJL'Jtt box vl JS.iOa4Mrinpl0l 4iar&nM4acurt TiLllFor money iv utwUd. Cut be earrieU la vcxtt tm pockml. ftold aviy where. or mailed in f Iain wrapper on re?eh u -.t jruEtTo orur cwuvah y. Bold In Omaaa, We , tvy Vaaa 4 Oa 1M mm Dour'aei BliermaA & MgCoDit!! Drug; Co., ltia ai4 Jjtxitftji fta Council flliAfl., lv, ay O. U. brown, bfl Main. Every Voman m eaaareaaea na enoaia vo about ia eietnd MAtVfL Whlrlina oorav Tke ntw tefteel Ifta.. JmltL iee mmm nmrrutn. net fill. tUem K TUB) Bldf VEARE GF1AIN CO. 310-311 Board of Trade. - OMAHA, NEB. If. SC Ward, afaaaaer. Tel. 143141. -w - m L,ZiSk t'eaae..Uafcj; Set rear reattei eje a. , fT" tbr. htit aend aiame fori. In. f. A 7 lueueied kook -l4 li ei.ee V aJt full prtlruiaf and lre'-U(iila W' m