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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1903)
THE OMATTA DAILY TIEE: TUESDAY, BEPTEMDEH 1, 100.T f SPECIAL NOTICES will hm taken aatll IS aa. for th venlasr edition til a . sa. for anemia nan day ealtloa. tint, 1 I -'Jo ward ".ret Insertion, la wot4 thereafter. Nothing; takes fee leae tkta SB far th Surat Inser tion. The nTrtlaeiaente aanat . b raa cor eeeatlvely. tWrtler, by reaaoetlasr nom boreal e beak,, can hare anawera ad freeeo) ta a naaaberra letter lb ear a( Tat Bee. Anewere a nddreaeea will b dellrerad aa areaeatatlaa mt tb book only. lITtATIONS WASTED. WANTED By young man of good address ' and experience, position a bookkeeper; bunk preferred; good reference. Address Lfc9, lift. A M 626x CUSTOM CUTTER AND TAILOR from the east, with : 20 years' experience In fine tal'oring. Address M 20, Bee office. A 4'31 as-. WAITED-MA LB HELP. FALL TERM - ' SEPTEMBER 1. ' ' , DAY AND NIGHT. Bbyles College 11 'k.V. IIIHk 1.1 k. ...... BUBIN&so, gHuiiihAAO, a l I'EWlllT" NO, ENULinH. " ' Apply for Catalogue. " B 14 WANTED, far United States army, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages,.of 21 and 'ib. cltlxens of L'nited States, of good character and temperate habits, who van apeaa, roaa ana wme Engusn. or in formation apply to recruiting ottlcer, 10th ana isyag bll., umaiu, ana riasungs, WILL, give a worthy young man or woman a pala-up seholarahlp in Omaba'S leading business, ooilege, to . be paid for when course la tlnisied and position aecured. Aaaresa a 2a. nee. u iv WaJS'TED, at once, a registered druggist; married man preferred. Bchaefra-Cut- - i'rlce Drug Stoi, loth and Chicago eta. WANTED, .experienced window trimmer. i. u. Htanaei Bona, uniatia. a mom WANTED, a tailor at Council Bluffa Steam uye worm. lUla-lUli west tsroaaway council murr. - ts-Mia WANT6.p-aood Biaaaeogera.. A. D. T. Co. iq a. um. , a io a , 1 I i - I ; . f . WANTED at once,' good coatmaker; also good pantmaker: steady work the year around and good pay. Denlson Clothing CO., Demean, la. B 186 4 MEN ,wanted to learn barber trade; our catalogue exolalna how we teach It quickly; mailed free.' Call Moler Barber Collage, taut Douglaa. B ms.o 4x WANTED, a good butcher to take charge of slaughter house Work; only good, re liable aud sober man over 40 years of age nea apply. ,w. Mlako, Ord, Neb. B-M206 lx WANTED, experienced dress goods men Apply mornings at 10 o ciock. J i Brandels A Hons. B M338 2 SALESMEN, to call on business and pro fonatonal men by Introduction and request only; mutt engag with view to perma nency; have- good addreas and executive ability and be capable or presenting i forceful and convincing: manner, a atrlcti high-grade proposition; preference given to men from 25 to 46 years; compensation, 14,000 annually. Call or write 1124 National Life bldg., Chicago, 111. 15 M4T1 w WANTEDExDerlenced beef and provision salesman for road position; old established , nouse. rsone out quaimea men nena ap piy. M xi wee omce'- - a utwi i WANTED, rood butcher to go. away: good wages. Address M 3, lite. a M4S1 lx WANTED, two collectors and anllclton well known In the city. 611 Bee bldg. . - ' B M488 3x WANTED, a mart to work from our wagon, 0-F. Ayam ' Co.; W19 Howard. - i ' - i B-T-M491 TINNERS wanted. Cole Brllsford Hard War Co:, Council Bluffs, la.'B MI84 lx WANTED FEMALH HELP, A0 Olrla. Call Canadian ofOce, 15th a: Dodge. C 6J ' WANTED, girls for light housework; family of two. ..Addreas 1 Mt, Bee. C MUi7 WANTED, competent girl for general .housework; three in family, Mrs. Harry Woodward, 3u07 taniflc. CUni WANTED Eperlenced salesladies in un derwear and hoalc-ry depaxtmenta. J. L. Brandeis as Sons. Omaha, ' C M5U WANTED.- a washerwoman, at 814 N. alat 8U Call at once C-Mia TWO young women to take a couee ' of training In Omaha-Florence Saultarlum. Address Dr. W. Koaa, 1021 Lake HU, Omaha. x c 4SS tlx TOUNG girl to assist at general house work. Inquire ,12? South 26ih St. C MSU I WANTED, experienced stock room s-trla. Appiy millliiery departmenL J. L. Bran- oeia at oona ' C M424 1 WANTED Competent girl for general nouse wora; vree, VK .luir.iiy, aHM - Ca-11 furuia atteet. C 4.6 lx GIRL for. general . housework; minister's iamuy; gooa wages, viitt urani Htieet. C-47 2x OIRL for general housework. Referencea required. Airs, warren Bwltsler, 26i4 St. r, 26i4 8 C 473-1 Mary'a avenue. LADY of good addreas to go south, travel and take orders, for office supplies For - interview auoress m a, nee omce.. . . . - C M483 2x WANTED, good glr ior general, housework. 4-4 is. aa si. . . L-M14 Jx WANTED, at once, young girl to help in iamuy i iw. i u dacaaon .si. , w C M187 Jx WE WANT two educated Women to handle ilia Stoddard lecturea; will - make very favorable contract with right parties; call without delay. Geo. L. jShuman & Co., ail i-axtou Dioca- - 4J M4ua a FOH RENT HOUSES, UnilQPC.w a" P"r of tha city. Jt tlUUOCd C. Plrs A Co.. Bee Bldg. pAYNB-BOSTWICK CO., cholc houses. ul-du3 New York Lif Blug. 'A'hon 1014. D t WF. MOVE nianoa, Maggard Van A Btor ag Co. Tel. lu.' Orhc. lOS Webstar bU lln! IQPln Jrs of the city. Th a.w wmu. f. Davis CO., 0 Bee bldg. D-W4 FOR RKNT. a neat t-room house, all mod . on except furnace, tit.' C. M. Bachmanu, M ii raxion diock. i Mia HOUSES, lnsuran.-a Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. U 4i 9-ROOM. MODERN. 7U Dewey ave. D '44 COTTAOB, 2t06 FrankUn St. D-989 ONrl I and on (-room cottage, large. Lrau tlful grouii4ia: no furnaue; 114 aud 111. 4-X4 and 411 Nicholaa st. Key on pram istM. jungwau uros., uaraer piocx. D-IH MODERN HOUSE. LARGE YARD. 47M North 14th St., two blocks north Ames ave.; rooms, new piummng, lurnace. nm-ctaaa conaition; also oarn. sjuuu. Iorihweet corner 2Mh and Jackson t. t rooms, modern. U0.U). 30 Beuth i4'h St.: room cottage. tlT.60. UkXiKUu A CO.. loUl Farnuui St. D MISu ST TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.. ottlce l&Ilte Farnaut. or Tela. 19-sol. D aM NINE-ROOM hoes. BUxiart ttot Harney Street. ' - D-14V t'VH KENT, No. 102 So. 30th ave.. 11-roora brick, full cellar, ciaiern, ok ft.xirn and finish; farnac and all modern, in beat cuudlilon. ' 1 Na luul Bo. gOth ave., 10-room, complete and modern, fuest appointment and ftn ian; poMeaaioa aepltuiber V Inquire oo tiremlaea. D 4U1 OUR AD MEN WILL WRITE YOUR WANT AD SO AS TO BRING BEST RETURNS. TELEPHONE 238 AND ONE WILL CALL 1 OK I1C1T-HOlSP.S.t FOR REST KM Harney St., Desirable modern house of I rooms In flrst-elnss re pair, 5. Uarvla Bros., 1W4 rarnam su D Villi FOR RENT, Boptember 1. to small family. six-room cottage, modf-rn except lur nsce; 2211 California St.; 2i. Apply at i7 N. 19th St. D M3S9 1 FOR HEJT-rtK.MSUEU HOOMS, DEWEY European otel, 13th and Fnrnntn. C Wl KOTAL HOTEL, European, lcth at Chicago 11.00 to 12.00 per week, 422 So. 18Ui St., one block aoutn of court nouse. o ou NICELT furnlabd rooms. Inquire Omaha steam laundry, l.bO Jeavenwoi in. t onne A-1783. . E-706 AETNA HOUSE. European. 13th Dodeay MU IVI NICE cool room, modern, very reasonable; gentlemen preierreu. vm. E 703 O. M. E. hauls trunks. Teleprione uiu VIENNA HOTBL, 1011 Faroara; 'phona . BfiU'' a aav; av ROOMS. $1 60 per week and uPTBtI?Ahalt" 1312 uougias ai. - ' NICE rooms, day r week. 1626 Howard. K MiiUH B16X CAPITOL HOTEL, ISth and Capitol Ave. elegant roome wun,vr - NICELY furnished . room. 1S15 Cuming E M166 S3x St. MODERN roqms, front. 2019 Pt. Mary's E 161 S27 avenue. Fl'RNlSHED ROOMS Fine location, mod- i ........v, steam heat; reason able, 2215 Farnam sti E-MI76 lx ROOMS, furnished op partly furnished. fc24 N. 20th. TWO nicely furnished rooms; an mcJjrn: for Iwo men.' 2519 Jones. E M428 1 LAROE. LIGHT, AIRY ROOMS. 412.60 and up per month. 60o and up a day. AT THE DELLONE, . i.t. c nA Ponltnl Ave. Stenni heated-electric lighted-prlvate and general baths-all convenlences-flrst-class sg r vice Eat where youplense ROOM AT THE D FCRN1SI1KD ROOMS AND BOARD. CENTER HOTEL, European plan. 210 N. It ! BOARD and room; furnace. iJ1 FIRST-CLASS room and board for two; ROOM and board, reasonable. Z40-""": Tel. A2L93. rWRWITURB PACMUSU nr.a.r'COAV A LUN DBERG. 116 So. lTttv FOR REMT-8TOHBS AKD orFlCEg. ta-iR R-RNT Building suitable for whole SSL ?rpose? at 91? Farnam. 2x90. four stories and nrst-claas cemented basement, elevatorVCr and burglar .proof vaulC "See counter and fixtures. For price and -"L.i..i.i.m ,ir o. C. Rosewater. seo- retary the Be Buildln Co.. room luo, B building. ' M687 room 1UO. KM FOR RENT The building formerly ooou- ?id by rne uee i (,ur atorlea and a baaement which was formerly uaed aa The Boa preea room. Thia wiU t rented very reasonably. It interested apply at office ; of C. C. HOaa water, aooreUiry, room 100. Be buliaing. DESK room for rent, 834 Fax ton block. i wvw .AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agent in ry county to solicit suDacripuona to ina TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with aaaured good In coma. 'Agents In the country with horse and -buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 140 to $100 per. month. Ad dress Century Farmer SoUUtora' Hureau, Bee building. Omaha. J 213 EXCEPTIONAL opportunities for a few men are onerw vjr iu uuiun -.uu Life Jnaurance Co. Correspondence in vited. J. M. Edmlston ft Sons, general agents, Omaha and Lincoln. J M32S Sep. I WE tava all six of the different Pop Leo XIII books; beet terms; ireigm paia; outfit free.- Call or writ W. A. Hlxan baugh t Co., 600 Ware blk., Omaha, J MS63 AGENTS WANTED, In every city and town In the atate. to introduce an entirely new 26-cmt novelty; can be sold In every family; no limit to output or money to be made with same; good seller for fair and carnivals. Alpine Supply House, 8. Clark at., Chicago. . J M447 4x COXIN COXIN-COXIN-COXIN-COXIN Only preparation ror developing pnojo eranhlc nlates and Alms in dayllKht: first aale Loniion, 260,000 flasks: Investment re quired ISOO to 11.000:' company does adver tising, furnishes office; growing business; steady Income; profits satisfactory; flask two sixes, 6uc and (1; secure agency at One. Humphrey eV Co 16 Wall St., New York. . J- WANTED TO RENT. WiKTrn to RKNT Bv a family of adults, two room ana ooara wunin walking distance of court house. Ad' dreaa, staling price, L 31. Bee. K. M711 WANTED, to rent, email atore or half ator near central part or city, vy uo- tiber 1. Addrees M 21, uee. K-M469 lx THREB to & unfurnished rooms for houe Keeping. Close in, gaa ana oaiu. uiirera M 2S, Ilee office K-Mt 2x WANTED TO BUY. WANTED ro buy, soma good dental chair. Union Dental College. I Mai WILL PAY cash for 40 to 60 acres within 16 miles of Omaha. Aiitirasa K 62. Bee office. . N-M3H1 WANTED, to buy, a farm of 15 or .20 acrea, more or leaa, adjoining Omaha; one with good lmprovemer.ta preferred. W 111 pay cash; atate price, kUtl of improvements and laud. Addresa'atiox vs, Kh-niano, Neb. N-Mr.4 B, pilx WANTED, to buy, do to Omaha, a few acres of land. Kasper Coal C",, 14th and . xr It 11 lllllm Pis, i ,i FOR SALE FIRMTIRE. FULL line of hard coal stoves now on sula Chicago Furniture Co., 141U Dooge Bt. O "09 FOR SALE HORSES, SVAQONS, ETC, TIRES t whil you wait; flrst-claaa r lii ir rk. H. Frost, 14'.o and Leaveu worth. P-710 11 1 " MONROE sella pleasure vehicles at 111 N uui Bt. r iu FOR BALE. 1 first-class buggiea: war -ranted: a anap for somebody. Call at Ktt Leaven wort k, P L4 FOR SALE M1SCBLLANEOLS. FOR SAIJS, seoondhand locomobile, la ftiat-clttk ahape. at one-half price. Call or aaarcsa. lua r arnara oo vj tii FOH SALE, a new B00-amtere. double-Dol never been uaed. Apply to or aa dr "Buperlctendent Ue Building, timaaa. ' - W TELEPHONE POLKS; "long fir ' tirobarei chicasn ftuo; oa pllln. 9ul Douslaa I -- FOH SALE MICELLAEOlS. IRON and wire fences, tree guards, trellises. Westera Anchor fence Co., 'Mt N. l?tn bu W 716 CATALOGUE cut drug prloea free. Sher man a McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 711 FOR SALE, Crane hydraulic elevator; pan be uaed either paanenger or freight; com plete, Iron guide poata, cage and wire en cloaure. J. L. Urandela & Hons. INDIAN goods and relics. Ill Farnnm. tDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 111 Farnam. y-7i tCE (or sale In car load lota. Addreas Lincoln loe Co., Lincoln, Nab. Q-M715 FOR BALE, thirty-three thousand, four hundred and ninety-seven shares Gold Hill Mining Stock, ten cents a share if taken quick. Inquire T. F. Van Dorn. Board of Trade building. Q-M467 FOR SALE Coal business. Capital required. K.ow.uu. i ii, uee. 14 eog NEW and Zdhand typewriters, ill Farnam. . -71 BIjACKSMITII TOOLS 1720 8. 13th St. . Q-M172 tX CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants; every thing told; paat, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. 8u7 N.. 18th. 8720 MME. LUCRETIA, medium, 1709 Callfor- , S 340 SHX nla. CONSULT MADAME MONETA. on business end matrimonial matters. She can surely satisfy your mind on everything that la doubtful to you. All letters with stamps answered. 15K2 Howard Bt., Omaha, Neb. 8 474 lx ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. HUE. SMITH, baths, 118 N. U, 3d floor, r.l . lIAl PERSONAL. VIAVA, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment ror oisoraer or. women. Free booklet- Vlavl Co- 348 Bu Bldg. U 721 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopteo. rne uooa ttamaritaa Banltarium, 72s 1st are.. Council Bluffs, la. u a MAGNET PILE KILLER, IT CURES. At druggists, d. U 72 SURGEON-CHIROPODIST, 612 Bee bldg. U 79 PRIVATE hoSDltal before and during con Anament; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. viardeu, Hn iaae. leu Kea-iu. U-724 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R, t and J. 1D06 Farnam si U 733 PRIVATE hoSDltal befora and during con ftnement; best medical care and nursing. Mrs. D. timer, iwi Vinton, lei. itm. , v-ia WE RENT sawing machines at 78c per weeK, sz per moiun; we repair -ana sen Darts for every machine manufactured: eeennd-hand machines 15 to 10; second hand machines from 11 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney. U M162 WANTED Will pay 15 to party furnishing present address of Arthur W. Bond, who .uvea at s4o in. xytn St., umana, in 1M, j. v. Daugnerty, wiicmia, nan. . . U-M4S4 Ex OMAHA Dy Works. 1616 Howard, fashion . able cleaners, dresses, suits, cloaks, dra i paries, ruga, lace curtains; we dye carpets. u Mii Nepzu MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE.. WS.NTED. city loans and warrai W. -carnam omnn & to., uai arnam street. . W-729 FARM and city loans: low rates. W. H. i nomas, Dirsi man ianx ttiag. in. una , . w i tl PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. LI fa W 731 WANTED Real estate loans and war rants. R. C. Peters Co., Be bldg. W-79S FIVE PER CENT loans. Crarvln Bros., 1604 rarnam. w PRIVATE money. F. D. Wad, 1420 Douglaa W lib 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Btmls, Paxton block. W-7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. NOT IN THE TRU8T. Money Any Amount Loaned to salaried employes holding per manent positions on their PLAIN NOTE, without MORTGAGE. ENDORSER or SE CURITY of any kind, without EMPLOY ER S knowledge. WE also loan money on Furniture. Piano, etc., without removal of goods. You hav use of both money and goods. It Costs You Nothing . To 'call - and be convinced that our rates re the cheapest In Omaha. We want your businesa and believe an Investigation of our methods will get It even if at preaent you are dealing else where. KIND, COURTEOUS TREAT MENT to all. Our. offices are the beat equipped to handle your bualneaa w4th privacy or any In the city. Come in and see us, whether you borrow or not. Reliable Credit Co. . Rooms 307-303 Paxton Blk. Rooms 307-208. NOT IN THE TRUST. X M479 FA9Y TO GET CMJ I . TO PAY Bent expu.iuw uui- methods. We loan ou furniture, Liiano. warehouse recelpta, etc. Or if you Lave a pcruiaueut poaluoa w can make you a SALARY LOAN without security, excep, your own agree ment to repay. Our aarvlc Is quick and confidential and we alwaya try to please. All that we ask la that you gtv us a call tefor you borrow elbewliere. . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Ilk Board of Trada Bldg. Tel. (EaiabUshcd 1S9 tut H. lath Bt. X-7S7 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- airy, noraea, cuwa, sic. c. r . Aieea, Jisf M. 11 X.-713 MONEY LOANED ON rURXITCHE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARlEii, ETC. Low ratea and eaay terma Business Confidential. Try ua If you want to nave money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 431 Paxtou Block. Uth aud Farnam St. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchanta, team tore, boarding houses, etc.. without ae curlty; easiest 4erma. 40 offlcea In prin cipal clUc. Tolman. 440 Board or Trad bids'. X-740 MONEY T salaried employes and wag earoara: Get our ayaieui of loan tikal get you out of debt. Any lady or geulieraao, machinist, engineer, etc., having rellabi iupioyatnt van gat, lust on hie not: Half-- Monthly. Muninly. Weekly. ! 100 Return to ue...2 tA or 613.35 or $t Gi 60 Return tc ua... 13 H or "i or 8 36 26 Return to ua... 4.i4 or 111 or 164 lj Return to ua.. 4.u0 or t uO or 1 IO iLaalaal terma lowaat rata, con&dential. No inquirwa WuicM aervic. Cu'orUtoue treatm.ot. THE olAR IX3AN CO.. 444 PAXTON BLK. X-A47 MONEY TO LOAN HATTF.I.a. CHATTEL, aalary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. auo. to u. ureen, rt. a, uarner nil. x 74: MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest raise, ill Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. 3t 741 BISINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, eell or exchange any property or business quick, aee J. II. Jonnaon, 943 N. I. Lite. A GOOD paying 11-room hoiel ror saie in Wood River, Neb., at a bargain; owner lives in unicago is im Mitchell at Faught. Wood K'1". FOR SALE Drug ator In very good loca tion with estauiisnea ireae. uw ir Uon for doctor. P. O. Box 24i C ty. y Milii S2 FOUR-CHAIR barber shop two bam rooms; will Sell for nearly nan n umou In ten day. Addreas K 67, Bee. FOR SALE Good hardware, furniture and undertaking Dusineee, store duuiuiib "" realdence also. Address Box V;8,',,'v" mouth. Neb. . Y-MU789 FOR SALE, a flrst-class harness shop In a good German town or vn; wm aa stock; German preferred: stock Invoice 12.000: good reason for selling; a good thing. Addrees M 10, Bee. T M344 FOR BALE, restaurant and confectionery In a good town; nave gnou imiruimec. dress Box 1093, Harvard. NM2n LITCHFIELD, Neb, Is much In need of a first-closs notel. uooa m V. S . cured. Located on main line B. M. 11. H., Population iu. AonreFs r. retary Litchfield Mutual Improvement retary Y M220 Sept9x ciuo. FOR SALE, only drug store In small town of Harlan county, iirumsnn. i-,, ...... prescriptions from two doctors with good .'. .t., . astahiished business: larRO ter ritory. Good reasons for selling. Address M 2. Bee. Y M208 lx FOR RENT, only meat market nnd Ice business in gooa counny iuwm. wasons and tools: a good slaugh ter house and 4 acres of pasture goes with It. We run 2 wagons.. ooa reasons for a-olna- out of business. Address L 63, Bee. .. Y-M207 lx t.t , -ktt-ct hv wft tirnctical men. to lease . . . i Jk . - . . m n in n.u I electric llgnt plant oi town ,in m m population. AHHrnsa L 49. Bee, Y M402 6 FOR SALE, furniture, fixture! and stock, 4nKl or.A1 Tti gfirV II Tl CI I't 111 1 ft 1 Ilf I IT I T IMini- inrfti fountain; in town (county neat) of Nebrnska: will benr tn- v'estlgntlon; snap if taken at once: Invoice about 11. W0: owner going to Canada. An Ara M 22. care Omaha Bee. Y M4!3 lx FOR BALE, notes 1260. secured by chattel ,tn- seeurltv A No. 1. AiMress M 247 Bee. T-M486 2 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE bnslness property for stock of snoes. grocciicn or !"' Address M 6. Bee office. 7 FOR 'SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also era Property ana larru waun, in v,. Davl Co.. Room 608. Be Bldg. Rjfi-74 WILLIAMSON SaanEk bidV8' RE 744 RANCH anf farm lands; ror sal by th Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner,. . Union Paclflo Headquarters, - Omaha, Neb. .' To. - KE 711 10-ROOM -modem hopses.ill blocks from postofflce. for sal cheap. 108 N. lith. Benewa A Co. V.A a-747 MnnmRV -r housA'full fl ft.- lot. best lo cation for a home. . Inquire 1411 Vinton at. KH-76 aep'i ACCORDION PLEATING. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglaa block. - 741 ATTORNEY. HERBERT 8. CRANE, 917 N. T. L. Bldg. M365 aeplux J. M. MACFARLAND, S19 N. Y. L. Bldg. m ion nepu BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 811 North 16th. . i 760 l - i iii R. RUMBEL & SON. only tie factory In - state. Try us. 14th . Nicholas Bis. Tel. F-8859. 148 B6 t ! , , CARPENTEBS AND JOINERS. ALL kinda of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake street. sm 3ANCNIG ACADEMY. MORAND'S Dancing School. 16th and Harney, reopens for . adult on Tuesday, September 1, at 8 p. m. You will save 82 from the regular price If you Join on or before tho opening night. Call. Open day and evening. Tel. 1041. M 154 Six DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy. 624 N. 20th. 464 biix DRESSMAKING 3309 Howard. and children's sewing. mukj ( DETECTIVES. CAPT CORMACK, 617 Karbach block. TL A -2s. 761 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R F.ATHBUN, room 16, Cora l Nat Bank 7&J FLORISTS. HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 763 L. HENDERSON, florist, 111 Farnam BL -64 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesapoola and vaulu, removes garbage N. Uth. Tel. 1774. 757 fiOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Be Bldg. Tl. 2035. -ii LAW AND COLLECTIONS. TILLMAN A PRICE, 33 U. 8- Nat. Bk. Ud. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. Lif Bldg., attorneys aud collectors every. wbr. ' J. M. MACFARLAND. !1 N. Y. L. Bldg. M iu atepzi LAWN MOWERS. SHARPENED. P. llelchoir, 13tb A Howard ,n.i LOCKSMITHS. C. R. HEFLIN, to N. 16th at. Tai. 2:t Cut pneas ou keys this inontu, -MtS2 811 LOST. LOST, kodak alburn, between 16th und Burt and 17th and Cuming. Return to I uui N. lith and receive reward. Loat-M472 1x PAWRHaOKKIIS. tAQLB Loan Office, rallab'. 'si; ail bualneaa coahdeaUai. coommodat- Uui Douglas. las MISICAU OMAHA College of Musio and Dramatic Art. 623 N. Ann St., iDodge Bt car. Ex aminations tor twenty iree end partial Scholarships in all su-1'Jects Sept. J and 14. at the college; practice rooTns with plahus for students. For pai tlculors apply F. 11. Wright, L. L. C. M., director. 'Pho'ie. 1101. 72b 8 19 T1IOS. J. KELLY, voloe. Davldg Hi.i-k. A WANTED Boys with good voices for Trin ity (atheiial chnlr tpieparatory t-lassi. Apply F. H. Wright, organist and choir director. 72 HI MEDICAL, LIQUOR HABIT cured In thre days. Tay when cured. No hypodermics. Write for circulars. Gatlin Institute, 222 S. 14th. MiiS LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal I'llis are the best Bare, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." in letter by return mall. Ask your druKKlst. Chichester ' nemlcnl Si.. I'hlltflelphlfu Tn. OSTEOPATHY. GID. E tt ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Bull tlb. New York Lit Bldg. Tel. 1064. 701 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. T. 23tl .... ?t4 Atien Farwell, Paxton Blk., St-7. T. IM. 7 . DRS. FINCH MILLER. 124 B. 16th St 76 DR. GRACH DEEGAN. Tel. 2H. 632 N. Y. Life. -7T PATENTS. H. J. COWOILI-No fee unless successful. iib 8. 16th 8U, Omaha. Tel. 1798. 742 PATENTS Sues & Co., Omaha, Neb. Il lustrated patent doox free. iei. ita. ml n 10 PASTURAE. PASTURE . for horses. Thco. Wllllnms, Henson. RIG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Faotory, 1621 Leaven. Tel. ros. iw SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAri SANT'S school. Tit N, Y. Lif. . 770 NEB. Business & Shor'hand College. Bovd'u Theater. Til STATUARY. . . - . . , . uniNAHbn i ali wora. uuuntm x diu., 2"?S Knrnnm. M 678 Bcplfix STORAGE. OM. Van'Stor. Co.. 1611V Farn. Tela. 1569-8R2, 7S STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramie BMfl us TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets vrywhere, P. H. Philbin. leOa Farnam. A'hone Tl TINNERS. G. B. KOCH. 24tb ami Mapl. Tsl. L-194S. S38 Si UPHOLSTERING. REF1N1SHING OMAHA FURNITURE REPAIR WOKK.S. 32U1 r arnam. -iei. jhbi. M454 0X4 GATE CITY Upholstering Co., woven wlr springs tightened. TeL B-2076. 1705 St. Mary s Ave. ine A. C. Onq, A. M., LL. B., Pres., Omaha. Fndorsedbv First Nat'l tl.nli n1 liiialnMS tnnn $10,000 In KollTop Desks, Bank Fixture ani 60 Typewriters. Btudenu can work for board. riena for free caiaioeae, oouna in uiisnwr, finest ever published by a Businesa Ooilege. Read it and you win attena me rt. u. u. POSTOFFICE- NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. as -changes may occur at any 'time.) Foreign maila for tne week ending sep. temher 6. YAii. will close (promptly In all cases) at the General Post Office as follows: Parcels-Post Malls close one nour earner than closing time ahown below. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday. ' Regular and supplementary malls clos at Foreign Station half hour later than closing time show below, (except that Supplement ary Malls for Europe ana central America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Mall. TUESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Kaiser wuneim aer- urosse, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen; at 8jS0 m. for ITALY, direct, per a. s. Clt,ta dl Napoll (mall must be diiectad ."per s. s. Cltta di Nanoll"). WEDNESDAY At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE. per a. a. Philadelphia (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct. per s. a. Rotterdam (mall must be dlrectec "per s. s. Rotterdam "); at 8:30 a. m. (aup Rotterdam (mall must be directed Dlementaryi 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per Ta.ilr.nln via iinnnalAu wi A. 11 m for DENMARK direct, per .'s. Oscar II. (mall must be directed "per s. s. uscar II."). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY, BPA1N, PUKi TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUEZ, per a s. La Lorraine, via Havre (mall for toner parts of EUROPE must b directed "Der . a. La Lorraine"). SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BELGIUM di rect, per . a. Zeeland (mail must be di rected "per s. s. Zeeland"); at. 9:30 for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Anchorla (mall must be directed "per a. s. An choi-la"); at 10.30 a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) fur EUROPE, per s. s. Lucanla via Oueenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial pa pera and Samples for- Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be Kent by tills ship unlesa apecliillv directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary '1 ransatlantlo Malls named atiovn, addi tional Supplementary" Mslls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French aim uerman steamers, anu remain opei until within Ten .Minutes of the hour o sailing of steamer. Malls fr Month and Central America, West Indlea, Ete. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementsry 10.3O a. m.) for CENTRAL AMKRICA (except . Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA C1FIC PORTS, per a, s. Allianca via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be dl reefed "per g. s. Alllnnca")- at 12 m. for HAHMAUH3 ana INUKllIE-KiN UKAtVll tier s. s. GrsnKense. WEDNESDAY At 10 . m. for ORENADA TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Maracas. THURPDAY-At 8 a. m. for CUP, per g'reso. Campeche and Vera Crui mut b nireciea tier s. s. ui iijiuh i: ri ja ni. for BANTIAOO, per s. s. f'lonfueRos, FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. . Santiago, via Tamplco (rnnll must be dl. reeled "t-er a. s. Haiiiiago ); ai a su n. m for BERMUDA, per steamer from Hall fax. SATURDAY At 4 , m. for BRA7.1L, rer s. a. Byron, via Pernambuco. Bsbia. Rio Janeiro and Bunto (mail for Northern Braail, Arventine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. a. Bvron": at 4:30 a. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. C'anova 8 'j 8. m. (minplementary 9:30 a. nt ) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA. per a. s. Philadelphia (mall' for BavanlllH and t'art'iwena must tie ui ructeil- "ter s. s Philadelphia"): at ! a. m. for PORTO RICO (ordinary mall only), per a. a. Arkadla. via lyagues at V 3 a. m (surnlementirv 11:30 a. m. for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, 8A VANILLA and t'AKTAOKMA. ier a. a Alene (mall for Costa Idea must b dl rfiiril "per a. a. Alene"): nt 9 : s m (supnlementary 10:80 a. m.) for INAGUA HAITI and BANTA MAKTA.-iwr Adirondack (mall for pel It (Joave mu be directed "ier a. n: Adirondack'.' nt ft AO h. m. (Hiinplenentsrv ln;30 a. m ) for BT. THOMAS. BT CROIX LVEWARD and WINDWARD IB LANDS. BKITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA. r-r s. a. Korona (mall for Grenada and Trinidad POSTOFriCB NOTICE. most be directed "per a. s. Korona"); at lif a. m. for cl'nA. per s. a. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 1 a. in. for HAITI, l'er s. s. 1'rlns Wlliem III tmil for Cura- mo, Veiieauela, 1 1 lilldiul, Kiitlsh end lutch (liimna must be directed "per s. s. lilris Willem 111 ); at 12.30 p. ni. for t'l HA. per s. s! Oirftvha. via liavana. Malta Forwarded Oteriaad, Etc-, El- cet Triarlr, Ct'RA By rati to Port Tampa, Fin.,- and tntnee ny steamer, closes at inis on- ually, eTteept Thursday, at r.i a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Mon days. W'eunesoavs arid Baturdays). . MK.MCO CITY Overland, unles specially addresved for despatch by sieamer, cieses at this office ually, except Sunday, at l:.t'i,p. m. anil 11:30 p. m. bdiiuaya at 1 ti. ni. and ll:;m v. m. N KVFOl'N Ul.ANU-liy rail to North Bydncy, and thence by steamer, i-iose at this oitloe dully at ::!o p. ra. (conneci Ing malls close here every Monday, WedneKtlflV and Hnturdnvl. JAMAICA By rail to JJoton, and thence oy steamer, closes at tnis omce at o:i V m. every Tuesoav and Thursday. . MIQL'ELON By rail to Boston, 'and thence by steamer, cloaca at tills ottlce dally at 6; SO r. in. BELIZE. PUERTO (X)RTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleana ajid thence by steamer, closes at this otlioe dally, except Binxiny, at t:S0 p. m. and lll:3ii p. ni.. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here Mondays at 4 11 3u i. nO. COBTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, ami tnence Dy steamer, closes at una ofllce daily, except Sunday, at 11:30 p. in. and. 111.80 p. in.. Sundays at 1 p. m. and 111:30 p. in. (connecting mall closes here Tuesdays at lll:3u n. m.l. IHeKltered mail closes at 6:wo p. in. pre vious aay. Transpaclfle Malls. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close nt-re ually at 6:30 p. in. tip to August ljin, inclusive, lor aespatcn per s. s. Rloian Maru. ' . HAWAII, via San Francisco, close hero torla CHINA AND JAPAN, via Vancouver and v lctorla, li. C, close here dallv at 6:30 p. m. up to September 51st, Inclusive, for despatch her s. s. Empress of China. (Merchandise fur U. 8. i'ostal Agency at Shanghai, cannot be forwarded via Can- Hi fl I HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, clone here dally at . 6:30 p. ni. up to Sept loth, inclusive, . for dispatch per s. s. Gaelic. NEW ZEALAND, . AUSTRALIA (except west;, INEiW VAl.UUUJNIA, 1J1, HA- MOA and HAWAII, via. San Francisco, Close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to Sept. S12th. - Inclusive, for dlsnatch oer a. a. Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamer carry ing the Hiltlsh mall for New Zealand Cues not arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra malls dosing- at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a, m. and 6:30 p. m. Sun days at 4:30 a. m.. 9 a. mi and 6:30 P. m. will be made up ana forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer). AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI 18- DANDH and MU.VV CALKUUJil 1A (sp- clally addressed , only), via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dully at 6:30 p. m. up to 8ept 12th, inclusive, for I J - u . ' . . . . w- rllsriAtch rter a. Mnana. HAVVAII. JAPAN. CHINA' and" PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Sept, littn, inciasive, tor per s. s. Honrkono- Maru. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, olose here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to Sept. Mbtn, inclusive, ior ais- fiaton per e. s. Mariposa." 1ILIPPINB IBIANDS, via San Fran cisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to Sept. 126th, Inclusive, (or dispatch i per V. - 8. Transport, NOTE Unless otherwise addressed, West Australia Js forwarded via Europe; and ' New Zealand and Philippines . via Ban Francisco the quickest routes. Phlllp- ninea specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii la forwarded via Ran Francisco exclusively. Transpacific 'malls are forwarded to port of sailing- dally and the schedule of clos- Ing is arranged . on' the presumption of heir uninterrupted overland transit. IReglstered mall close at 4:00 p. m. pre vious aay. CORNELIUS- VAN COTT, Postmaster, Postofflce, New York, N. Y., Aug. 28. 190S. RAILWAY TIME CARD, UNION STATION lOTH AND MARC Y. rhU..A A- ,rtkw,.l.r.. Th Northwestern Line." ' t - . ' Leave. Arrlv. XPmt nt,U.rt a a-in Am a. 7 110 em Mall ....a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am Local Sioux City... Davllrht Bt. Puul., ....a 6:10 am a n:au pm ..a 7:36 am .10:25 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am aU:10 pm Local Cedar Rapids b:w pm .. 6:1 Limited Chicago. .a 8:15 pm a 9:15 am Docai carrou Fast Chicago Fast Bl. I'aul Fast Mall Local Sioux City a 4:oo pm a v.oo am a 6:50 pm a 3 46 pm a 8:10 urn a 8:15 am . a 2:40 pm b 4:00 pm b 9:50 am a 7:25 am al0:33 am Norfolk & Bonesteel.. Lincoln & Long Pin.. b 7:26 am bl06 am illlaolu Central. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express .a 7:36 am a 5:10 pm cnicago, Minneapolis Bt. Paul Dimitea .a 7:50 pm a i:oo am M'nnpiin,41 A- tit. Paul Express b 7:35 am bl0:35 pm Chicago Local 10 3! am Chicago Expres.... al0:35 am Chlcaao. Mllwankee ft St. Paol, rhlnmro Davlltrht.. a 7:45 am all: 15 pm Chicago Fast Express..a 6:46 pm a 1:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:o6 pm a 7:50 am Des Moinos express.... a i: am a a:w pm talon Paclflo. Overland Limited... ...a 9:40 am 4:20 pm ...all:30 pm a 9:60 pm The Fast Mail California Expres. a 3.25 pm Pacific Lxpresa....... Eastern Expre. 6:30 pm The Atianuo Exoreaa. a i.m am The Colorado Bpeciai...a 7:10 am ai:4uam Chicago Special a 3:40 am Lincoln. Beatrice and Stromaourg Express. .d 4:00 pm dil-:to j m North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:15 pin Grand island Looal....b 6:30 pm b 4-35 um Chicago, Hock Island & Paelflo, EAST. Chlc&a-o Dayllaht L t d. a 3:56 am a 1:60 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:35 pm cnicago fc,xpreaa.. 011:13 am a a.aa pro Des Moinea Express a 4:30 pm bll:60 am Chicago Fuel Express.. a 5:35 pm a 1:25 pm Rocky Mountain L't d.. 7:80 am a 7:26 km Lincoln, Colo.- Springs, , , Denver. Pueblo and West a 1:30 rm a 6:00 on coio., iexas, cai. ana Oklahoma flyer.. a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm Mlasoorl Paclslc St. Louis Ex Dreaa ,al0:00 am . a 6:26 nm K. C. & St. L. Ex al0:50 pm a 6:16 am Wabaan. , - St. Louis "Cannon Ball1 Expieas a 5:55 pm a 8:20 am St. - Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a 9:15 am a!0:80 pm WEBSTER DEPOT ISTH WEBSTER Chicago A Nortbvteatern, Nebraaka . anil Wyoming; Division. Leuv. Arrive. Black Hill. Deadwood. Lead, Hot Springs a 1:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Caaper and Douglas .' d 1:00 pm 6:00 pm Hasting. lorn, navia t ity, Bupertor, uenevai Exeter and Seward.. ..b :00 pm b 5:00 pm Chicago. Kt. Paul, Minneapolis A Oniaba. Twin City Pasaenger....a 4:30 am a 9:11 nm Sioux City Passenger... a 2 :il vni r.ll:20am Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b 8:46 am Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water.. ......b 4:10 pm alO:SS am BIHL1SGTON STATION IOT H A MASON Barllnartoa aV Missouri River. Leav. Arrive. Wymore. Baatrlo and Lincoln a 1:50 am bl2;05 pm reorasaa r-apresa a s:i am a cw pm Denver Limited ...a t-io pm a 6:45 am Bluck Hills and Pugol Bound Express all :10 pm a 8:10 pm coioraao vemiouiea Flyer S:10 pm l.incoin 011 juuii d pm a 9:ua am Fort Crook and Platla- - mouth . ... h 1:15 rim tilO-TIS am Beilevue & Pacific Jet.. a 7:50 pin a 4:27 am ueiio.uw oc rnwiiu c..a a.uv hui Kanaaa Clr, St, Joaepb at Connrll " Blnff. Kansas City Day Ex., .a 9:15 am a 6:05 pm Bt. Louis r iyer a &:2 nm ali u Kanuaa City Night Ex.. i0:45 ftin a 4:0o pm ( bleaar. Barltanlon .ulaey. Chlcatto Bneolui .-...a 7:00 am a 3:85 cm Chicago Vtstubuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am C hicago- Ixk'uI a :ix am U:J inn Chicago Limited..., a 8x6 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mat.... a 2:40 pi a Dally. Dally xopt Sunday, d Dally xcept Saturday. Dally xoept Monaay. daily at 6:30 P m. uo to AuKiist ISlMt. inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Alameda, instructions to nigaers, proposal Dianas nna CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma7 close "ther Information "J, bh?nt offlcea here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to August ? deRot qi,8jr"L"" .?m,ha'-St' Wist incliinlve fnr ilesiiutch r a a vie. Paul, Denver and Chicago and at this otlee. !-,' ,ncJuwve- Ior oesputcn per s. s. Vic- .. 9 ,..,,rVP tnp rtAht t0 aoceDt or relect STBAMSHIrS. KGLLAND-AMERICA LINE Nw reln-rr Stvsiaara ( 11 H Tom HkW TOKK HOTTKHUAM, Tla BOI'UMINBV alllDf WeanMAAr At 19 A. at. R(XtMBI '. S-pt. IIRr t. 1 Totxliini Srpt. llNnoritasi pt. H tstendAOl . Ulasturtlta Oct. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, Oil Dearbora St.. Chleag-o, 111. . W.rrr Moor, 1(01 r.maai at- C. Svtkwfar. 11 n r.rnaia M.. J. B. It.iWll. IMS rarn.a at. (GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BRICK WORKSHOP and water system. Department of th Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washing ton. 1). C, August .'lv 19l. Staled propna als endorsed "i'roposuls fur Improvements, l'lerre, B. 1.," nnd addressed to the com missioner of Indian affairs, Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian office until 2 o'clock p. m, of Friday, September 18, 1903, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials and labor required to construct ami complete a brick workshop, svith plumbing and water system at th Pierre school, fiouth Dakota. In strict ac cordance with pinna, apecillcntlona and In structions to bidders, which may be ex amined at this office, .the offices of tha Improvement - Bulletin. Minneapolis, Minn., th Free Press, 1'b-rre, B. D., the Argus Leudcr, Sioux Falls. 8. D,. The Bae. Omaha. Neb., the Builders' and Traders' Exchanges at Omnha, Neb., Milwaukee, Wis., and Bt. Paul,- Minn., the North western Manufacturers Association. St. Paul, Minn., the U. 8. Indian Warehouses at No. M5 Howard St.. Omaha, Neb., No, 205 Bo. Canal St., Chicago. 111., and No. 119-121 Wooater si.. New York City and at the school. For further Information apply to W. H. Cox, Supi. Indian School, Pierre, South Dakota. V. A. JONES, Commiss ioner. A-25-27-at-B-l--5-8-10-ll OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- mastev, Sheridan, wyo.. Aug. 4. l!)03. Sealed nrooosals In triplicate will be re ceived here until 10 a. m., Sept. 2, 1903, for construction of a 12-bed brick hospital at Fort Mackenzie,: Wyo. Plans, specifications. any or all propos-ils or any bart thereof. Envelope containing proposals snouia b endorsed. "Proposals for Hospital," ad- rlressed Twpt Thos Pwohe. Q M. WILL OPEN. MARKET ON TIME Mr. Gerke Promises that No Farther Delay Will Be Occa sioned. 1 XTpon . the authority, of Marketmaater Gerke the statement Is mad that th Cap itol avenue mart will be open for us by the people this morning. "This." says he, "Is an assured fapt," The eight persons who have bought stalls are fitting them up nnd - Toy this morning will hare " them sup plied with wares. Tha restaurant pro- , . . . ... pnetor, raui uenyt, is already stocked ana ready for business. Electric lights have been nut In. telephones are 'being placed and generally this morning there -was an air of "something doing" ground ' the structure. : A number of prominent cltlsens. Including Count Crelghton, Harry McCormack, A. B. Hubermann and Alfred Millard, will urge the enforcement of the ordinances In order that the Capitol avenue market may be a success. Marketmaater Gerke say that next Sat. urday night conditions should Justify a lively market scene, such as Is a famllLnr sight in New Orleans, . Louisville, Balti more and other cities. Are Simply Perfect. Dr. King's New, Life Pills are prompt. safe, gentl and always satisfy or no pay. Rest for stomach and liver. 25c. For sal by Kuhn & Co. COAL TAKES 0NE MORE LEAP i AnthTaclle Soar '. Attain and Soft Is ! on th Wins;, Da to Higher - . . Waie.'' Anthraojt coal has taken another jump and ' notice 'of an ail vane In th pric of oft coal may bs made In a few days. Circulars received by th coal dealers con- tain th same Information as that conveyed in the press dispatches, to the effect that th pric at the mine for Cherokee coal which Is used extensively, in this city has been advanced 25 cent a , ton. It I now 33.10 at the mines, which Is a record-breaking high price. The lncreas la attributed to th Increase in the wages of miners. Twenty-five cents was added Saturday, effective yesterday, to the price of haid coal. It is now til per ton. I Ka Ardnn for either anft nr Jisrit I . . .... ... i ceivea at tnese ngurea, oraer ror winter delivery at them 'being declined. ' The sup ply of coal on the. local market is fair, but not large and dealers expect to be nble to supply all demands, though they anticipate doing come hustling In order to keep 0man. warm tha comlne winter "man warm ne coming winter, No Time to Fool Away. I Coughs, colds and lung trouble demand pr0mpt treatment with Dr. King's N Discovery. No cure, no pay. 50c, 11.00. For sale by Kuhn & Co. 4503 '.f"man'JTiflitgoiru Woman's Nightgown,. 4509, to Be Mads with High or Low Neck. Night gown that are slightly open at the neck are preferred by th, treater number' of women to any other sort and are exceedingly fashionable. This one includes elbow sleeves with grace ful frill as a finish, and can be mad more or less dainty aa the material I on thing or another. Th original Is made of nain sook with " trimmings of German Valen ciennes lace, which can be trusted to en dure th ravages of tha laundry, but long I cloth, Paris mualln and all th fabric used for underwear ar equally appropriate, while th trimming can be anything that may be preferred. Th gown la made with an oddly shaped yoke, that may cut high, and to which th full front and back are Joined. The sleeve are cut In one place each, with deep point at their lower edges which fall over th graduated frills. Th quantity of material required for th I medium alza Is 64 yards 34 Inches wld. with 7 yards of Insertion, I yard wld lac edging and l' yarda narrow to trim. a Illustrated. The pattern 4509 la cut In sitae, for g 82, I 34, 36, '38 and 40-inch bust measur. For the accommodation of Th Be readera thesa patterns, which usually retail at from 26 to 60 cents, will b furnlahad at a nominal pric. 10 cent, which cover ail axpenae. In order to get a pattern enclos 10 cants, glv number and nam of pattern. SEASONABLE FASKIOHS