Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Ak-Sar-Ben's Mailer Eoll of XBiguti
Snmben Almost the Host.
Announcement of Railroad Conces
sion aad Other Matter of Great
Interest to tho Sabject
f the, King.
-Thirteen hundred and sixty, compared
With T7ii at this time one year ago," an
nounced the grand mufti at the den lest
night. Then he read a Hat of Omaha men
who are not, but who he declared should be,
Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben. and reminded all
the knight present that a 1,600 mark wa
et for the present year. Therefore each
and every knight waa urged to bring In the
application, accompanied by the check, of
a free born citizen of Omaha before or on
next Monday night. For the succeeding
Monday night, Beptember 14, will be the
last Initiation' night of the year.
The grand mufti also announced that
eighty horemen and eighty valiant men to
ride on floats are required for the parades.
Knight desiring to ride are therefor noti
fied to communicate with Samson, postofflce
box 777, Immediately.
Official notice wa received from all the
railroad that a rate of one far for the
round trip from all point with 300 mile of
Omaha will b put In for the Ak-Sar-Ben
carnival. Ticket will be sold October t, t,
C, 7 and I,. and all of them will be good
returning until October 13.
It will be decided at the next meeting of
the board of governor whether or not there
will be an Ak-Sar-Ben excursion through
the eastern portion of Nebraska and the
western portion of Iowa.
octal and Mnslcnl Session,
- After the regular lessons had been Im
parted to a large class of candidate, and
the visitor had been given the freedom of
the den. Rev. James Wise of South Omaha
waa called teethe forum by the grand mufti.
H acquitted himself nobly and wa fol
lowed by Frank L. Haller, who told ona
story, and Daniel C. Callahan, who told
another story. A. J. Roardman of Phlladel
pma waa then cordlully invited to say
something, and In the space of four minute
demonstrated conclusively that some of the
thing said about cltlsens of the City of
Brotherly Love are absolutely untrue. .
A special musical program followed. W,
. f. wapploh made his first bow to an
Omaha, or any other, audience, as a cornet
soloist and both surprised and delighted the
knight. ' He wa recalled several times,
and a great wave of applause shook the
den as hs retired for the last time and
Herman Bellstedt at the same moment ap
peared at the other end of the den. Mr.
Bellstedt first greeted his brother knights
In words, and then with the "Friendly
Greeting" march. He, too, was recalled sev
eral times, the knights selecting his pro
gram. A. II. Dross sang "For All Eternity'
In a rich ' baritone voice, and Judge Sla'
baugh, by command of the grand mufti,
closed the second section of the session with
a short talk. The third section, as always,
wa made. up of refreshment In the ante
' Among the visitors were:
Nebraska: F. W. Clark, Harrison; Dr,
8. Q. Glover, Arlington; W. J. Redfleld,
.Wood River; 8. F. Houston, Tekamah
. 1. J. Sexton. Hastings: H. A. Tool. Mur
. dock:.T. G. Dorsey. York: Elmer Easer,
H. J. Cashman, Beaver Crossing; George
Hutchison, H. P. Owens, Hubbell; II.
Krler, Lexington; W. J. Cates, Juniata;
11. C.'McMaken, Plattsmouth; H. O. Can
tie, W. J. V. Cornish. Lincoln; J. W. Post,
Chadron; J. C. Jordan, Gordon; Joseph
Goasard, Herman; Edward P. Meyers, R.
M. Mown, Hyannls; B. J. lfofracner, Cody;
.' Heiiry Andorson; , L. F. lunishi, V J.
.Kurle, Wiley King, John Simpson, Wllilam
Kindred. W. A. VYl.son. Jonn Kennlnger,
Florence; F. . Yaw, Hastings; A. L.
Johnson, York; Lloyd Goipa, .C S. Stone,
11. F. Brendel, R. W. bnevanger. A. L.
Boka, Murray; John H. White, Chadron;
George M. Smith, Sheely.
Iowa: J. R. Rehker, Arcadia; Theodore
Larson, Stanton; J. W. Turner, Des
Moines; W. 8. Johnson, Sioux City; John
Teenier, Fort Dodge; J. H. Merrill, Ar
cadia; Dr. Devereaux, Fort Dodge; F. K,
fciarsori, Dubuque; B. Burt, Villiaca.
From states near and far came: O. W.
Pickerel. W. H. Andrews, New Orleans;
Arthur Bell, Los Angeles, Cal. ; J. E. Block,
Detroit: L. H. Onwrmnn. fllnux Knlls M.
V.; R. B. Herryhlll, Phoenix. Arli.j G.
D. Alder, Salt Lake City; Frederick Pease,
Meridan, Conn.; A. T. n, Dunkirk,
N. Y.; A. J.. Rhenbottom, llarrv D. Gibbs,
Buffalo; A. J. Smith, New York City: A.
J. Hoardman. Philadelphia; George Wallen
steln, Clnrlnnatl; C. F. Lovell, Boseman,
Mont ; John Bain. Kansas City; H. Clirk,
Tarklo, Mo.; A, Kottsleper. St. Louis; A.
Fletcher, Boston; J. F. Kyle. Grand Junc
tion, Colo.; O. Munson, M. - Steele, Denver;
W. B. Jannsen. Kenosha, Wis.; F. M.
Starkweather, Milwaukee; George Bache
lor, Mineral Point, Wis.; Edgar Devln,
Chelan. Wash.; E. D. Brown, A. C. Duve,
W. L. Harvey. J. A. Mulr, Chicago: O. W.
Bailey, Newcomb, 111.: Harry BrTndley, A.
P. LoWery, Oelrlcha, 8. D.
Barney Klnmtf llni Is Nabbed, Mamie
Corrlgan Bays, with Lat
ter' Valuables.
Barney Klmmerllng, who I no stranger
to the police; wa up a usual yesterday.
This time he Is charged with a grave
offense, that of house-breaking.
Mamie Corrlgan Is the complaining wit
ness and alleges that KlmmerllDg entered
her room while she was In an adjoining
apartment quelling a family Imbroglio
which had assumed alarming proportions,
Klmmerllng evidently called to see her,
but, finding no one at home. Is said to
hav frosen onto all the Jewelry and other
valuables In sight and was disappearing
when the owner of the valuables hove In
sight Knowing Klmmerllng disposition
the woman said she suspected that all was
not well and tackled Klmmerllng neir th
head of th stairs. A fierce tussle ensued,
but the woman called loudly for help and
held on to her victim's coat until It came,
Th man was dragged back Into the
room and made to unload his plunder. The
woman said he was found possessed of a
gold chain, which Is very valuable, a pair
of cuff button and a large gold locket. -
Rain or Snot
Proof Acalhcr
The new leather which
is always bright, glossy,
strong and soft, and can't
gtt hard. Rain or snow
don't affect it. When you
buy hoe look for this label
Wolff Proem Uatdtr Co.
Homebody turned In a call for the polio
and Captain Hat and Officer Fahey re
sponded with th patrol wagon.. Klm-
merllng wa easily nabbed and waa lodged
at the station house. His hearing has been
set for Wednesday morning.
After Seventeen Year the Boat Thlr.
teenth Hostelry Vert Oat (
A wholesale moving from the Barker
hotel wa In progress yesterday. Dinner
was the last meal served In the old hostelry
and by noon today the last regular
boarder will have vacated hi room. The
bar will be kept open for about ten days,
by which tlm It I expected a transfer of
the saloon license will be made to some
other location.
Manager Frank Barker, who took charge
of the house six year ago, I selling the
furniture and all the hotel effect. He ha
everal offer from hotels, but ha not yet
determined whether or not h will remain
In the business. Bam Bauman, chief clerk
of the hotel for a number of years, go to
the Her Grand.
The Barker notel was built by the Barker
Bros. In 188 and ha almost since It wa
opened been the headquarters for theatrical
people, over 80 per cent of those coming to
Omaha In recent years having stopped at
It The hotel baa 149 outside room, and
under it last management waa conducted
profitably. In the recent division of the
Barker property the hotel waa taken by
Joseph Barker, a part of hi share. He In
tend turning It into a business building.
Negotiation hav been in progress for a
ten-year lea of It to the John Deer Plow
company, but the deal ha not yet been
closed. The plow company want the build
ing for a warehouse,
Banal Park Resident Petition Cans
ell for Protection Against
Henry Rains.
Resident of Bemla Park addition want
a storm water system provided that will
prevent damage to their property by heavy
rain, a occurred last week. A petition
aigned by many of them asks the mayor
and council to have- the eystem remodeled
north of Hawthorn avenue, from Thlrty
ixth to Thirty-third treet. onth of Ham
ilton and along Thirty-third street to Lin
coln boulevard. 'Harry Fisher, a property
owner who was worst damaged, brought
the matter to the attention of the council
yesterday afternoon and asked that the
engineer be directed to prepare plan at
once for an early reconstruction of the
system. Th paving and sewerage com
mittee took th request under advisement.
A Monster Protest.
W. I. Kleratead filed with th olty clerk
yesterday a protest containing more than
1,000 names protesting against an exclusive
lighting contract with th electrlo light com
pany and also expressing a strong prefer
ence for gas lamps Instead of electrlo light
In the residence portion of the city.
.The petition addressed to the mayor and
council reads as follows:
We, the undersigned, cltlsens of Omaha,
having only the best Interest of th city
at heart, and being advised that there I
a scheme on foot to , grant the electric
light company a ten-year contract for
soma 1,200 light at a price of $70 per light
per year, .and at th some tlm dispense
with all th gas lamps In the city '
Now, therefore, we do most emphatically
protest against any such deal for th fol
lowing reasons:
First Because the prloe of 70 par light
while It may be reasonable now, may be
an extravagant prloe In Ave years and
double the price to be obtained In ten years
Second The gas lamp as now distributed
give much- better value at the price fur
nlshed than th electrlo light at th pro
posed price.
Third The new Welsbach gaa posts a
now established are an (ornament to the
street, whereas the electrlo light pole and
wires are a dangerou nuisance; th one
being near the ground where light I re
quired, th other above the trees, where It
doe less good. It Is bad enough to submit
to the unsightly poles and wires a now
existing without having them strung
throughout the city, necessitating the de
structlnn of thousands of shade tree.
Among some of the more important sign
ers to the above are:
J.'B. Kitchen, Faxton Hotel.
E. L. Stone, Dewey tt Stone Fnmrtur Co.
Samuel Burns, Dealer In Crockery.
H. A. Thompson. Thompson, Bel den A Co.
Bchmoller Mueller, Piano and Organs.
Regent Shoe Co.
M. H. nilss. Crockery.
Nebraska Clothing Company.
A. Hospe. Pianos and Organ.
F. P. Klrkendall, Wholesale Boot and
Ceorg M. Ribbed, Rlbbel Paper Co.
W. L. Masterman A Co., Wholesale Tea
and Coffee.
Interstate Rubber Co.
Z. T. Lindsay.
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.
W. E. Rlddell, Commission.
J. F. Wllhelmy, Wright. Wllhelmy Co,
C. F. Weller, Richardson Drug Co.
3. Clark Colt, Leo-Glass-Andressen
Hardware Co.
Barrett-Johnson A Co.
Expressmen' Delivery Co.
William A Smith Co., Tailors.
Courtnsy A Co., Orocer.
Robert Rosenswelg. Drexel Sho Co.
L. W. Buell, Karbaeh hotel.
Maul-Davis Co., Undertaker.
Kelley A Heyden. Furnishing Goods.
A. M. Lesser. Central Market.
George B. Lak. TI5I7IX1
John C. Wharton.
L. B. Stewart, Seed Store.
Charles E. Black, The Hatter.
Arthur H. Brlggs, Hats and Cap.
Sherman A McConnell, Druggist.
N. A. Kuhn, Druggist.
Beaton Drug Co.
Myers A Dillon Drug Co.
Joseph Bell. Druggist
Dr. R. C. Moore.
Dr. R. M. Stone.
Dr. Paul H. Ellis, President N. O. Im
provement Club.
S. H. Buffett A Son.
People's Furniture and Carpet Co.
Glob Optical Co.
C. B. Brown. Jeweler.
George W. Ryan. Jeweler.
The Omaha Tea A Coffee Co, .
Jo. P. Fronser, Jeweler.
O. 8. Benawa, Real Eetat Dealer,
H. Hardy, Toy and Fancy Goods.
Omaha Carpet Co.
John Rowe, Plumbing.
J. J. Cameron, Skirt Factory.
H. J. Hughes. 1403 Douglas.
J. E. Almy A Bon. Tailor.
Johnson Hardware Co.
T. J. Beard A Bro., fainter and Deoora
Borosls Shoe Co.
Hess A Bwoboda. Florists.
8. W. Lindsay. Jewelry.
W. H. Koanlg. Kilpatrlck Dry Goo.- Co
A. T. Austin, American Hand-Sewed 5r.o
A. L. Meyer. Her A Co.
National Leather Co.
C. E. B!lweU, E. E. Bruce A, Co.
Nebraska-Iowa Creamery Co.
Peter Elsasser.
Oeorge Munro A Co.,' Grocers. '
Bullard A Hosgland, Lumbar.
W. A. Saunders.
George K. Barker.
Fsycke Bros, Commission Cn
opening of krug theater
Firrt Performance Given at the Haw Omaha
Hons Crowded by n Fairly Repre
sentative Aadlence ot Omaha
People Who Enjoy Piny and
Applaud Player.'
To Mens, Btalr A Havlln and Hudson
A Judah, th managerial combination
under whose direction the Krug theater
ha been constructed, Omaha gave a most
gracious greeting last night. And If the
radiance that lighted Mr. Judah's face
Is a fair basis for calculating, the satis
faction of the partner In the new enter
prise, they are all glad they came.
It was a typical first night, and all the
regulars were on hand to add the com
mendation of their presence to the formal
opening of the new theater.. With the
modesty that has marked the progress Of
the owners from the time they determined
to embark on th . enterprise up . to the
present, the formalities attending th af
fair were only such as la decent con
formity to the conventionalities were es
sential and necessary. And If those who
were there are as unanimous in their en
dorsement of the Krug as they were In
arrival, then It success Is assured. For
doorkeepers and ushers unite In the as
sertion that all the seatholdera came at
the same time, and quite ' a number of
those who were caught in the squeeie that
resulted . from this simultaneous assem
blage at the doors will cheerfully bear tes
timony to the fact
But th crowd wa good-natured, And
bore with patience what seemed to be un
avoidable. Having successfully negotiated
the passageway leading from the lobby
to the door, the little discomfort of the
crowd was forgotten In contemplation of
the Inviting appearance of th theater,
which looked even prettier when opened
for business than it did on the night It
wa given over to the public for Inspec
tion. Th orchestra, under th leadership
of Julius Thlele, played an appropriate
overture, and President Zlmtnan of the
city council, speaking from a box, briefly
voiced th sentiment of the people toward
the management.
Welcome from Both Side.
Mr. Zlmman referred to the Inability of
Mayor Moore to be present, expressing
regret that Illness should deprive the olty'
executive from taking hi proper part In
such an Important public function. Th
patronage of the theater, said Mr. Zlmman,
Is an Index as much of the prosperity of
the people as it is ot their taste, and the
opening of a new theater can only be
taken as an Indication that Omaha Is once
more on th high road of prosperity. It
Is also an Indication of th growth of th
city and Its Increasing Importance. For
the managers he bespoke public support,
and closed by saying that when the ac
counts for the year are made up, Messrs.
Btalr A Havlln' and Hudson A Judah
would not find' the receipts from their
Omaha hous th least of the forty or
fifty theaters they control.
Introducing Hon. John Lee Webster, who
spoke on behalf of the managers, ' Mr
Zlmman spoke of him as "the next vice
president of the United States," a senti
ment that won the first outburst of iearty
applause within the theater. Mr. Webster
smilingly bowed his acknowledgment
from the box and briefly but. appropriately
expressed the appreciation of the ' man
agers pf .the high,. cortpjlment paid "them
by tn Cltlsens or., umana in so uoeraiiy
patronising th enterprise, the. welcome be
ing most generous and therefore the more
warmly felt. With facile .English, Mr.
Webster told of the art of the painter, the
art of the sculptor, of the poet and of the
musician; but surpassing all these Is the
art of the actor, for It present the living,
breathing reality, rather than the Image.
The educational force of the theater I
Illustrated by ' the fact that - thousands
have gained their knowledge of all that Is
worth knowing of Roman history by wit
nessing "Julius Caesar;" that others have
Imbibed their Information of ancient Egypt
through listening to the stage story of
"Antony and Cleopatra," and so on.'
It Is the Intention of the management,"
said Mr. Webster, "to make this house
the center of such amusements as shall
tend toward the ciilture, the entertainment
tind the advancement of all who com here.
And I am sure that If they persist In their
efforts In this direction they will merit the
applause and appreciation of 'the cltlsens
of Omaha."
During the evening telegrams of congrat
ulation were received from Henry W. Sav
age, Lew Dockstader, Jacob Lltt, James
K. Hackett, Augustus PltOu, Harry Doel
Parker, George H. Nlcolal, ' E. D, Stair,
J. H. Havlln, E. B. Brtgham' and about
thirty others.
Play nnd Player.
Sweet Clover" wa not chosen with the
especial end In view of opening th new
house, but because It came first In the
regular order of the bookings for the sea
son. It is of that peculiar order ot pas
toral play which deals with , simple lives
and elementary emotions. It has no ab
straction and contains no involved situa
tions or complexity of conditions. It
merely tells the story of a young girl who
cams near going wrong, but who wa saved
from a situation she apparently could not
control by the development of a situation
she really was unable to master or man
age. It Is ksyed In a major strain all the
way, and the subtone of humor that per-1
vades Its melody Is not sufficient to soften
Its Intrusive chords. Some of Its aspects
approach real life very nearly, but In the
main It Is stagy and theatrical, unrelieved
by any spontaneity or grace of construc
tion or action.
Otis B. Thayer has the role of Jerome
Holcombe, the foolish old father ' who
sought to realise In the daughter th hap
piness, he had missed In the mother, for
getting that babies grow up and become
men and women. His characterisation of
the part was good, and he waa well sup
ported by Miss Edna Robb, who made
Lorls Holcombe just such a winsome girl
as might easily steal far Into the heart
not only of a doting father but of a de -
voted lover as well. Miss Clara Tapefleld
makes th old maid aunt, Abigail ' Hol
combe, the real success of the play so tar
a character work Is concerned. Others In
the cast are well fitted for their parts,
and the performance runs very smoothly.
The piece Is carefully staged, under the
direction of Mr. Thayer himself, and the
scenery Is peculiarly appropriate. The en
gagement 1 tor the entire week, with th
customary -Wednesday and Saturday mat
inees. The audience wa what might hav been
expected at the opening ulght of a new
theater, one that fairly represent th
people of Omaha. It filled the hous from
top to bottom, overflowed Into the foyer,
and gased from behind th balcony rati
at th picture on the stage. It was gen
erously appreciative, too.
James and Wnrdo leor Rneeess.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Aug. 81. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Louis James and Frederick
Ward gave the Initial performance of
Rupert Hughe' and Collin Kemper' "Al
exander the Gteat" at Power' theater to
night, and, judging from Its reception by
th audience, which filled too tbaaur to
Its capacity, the piny promise to be a
great success. Mr. James was seen In the
title role e.-id Mr. Warde as Peril I eras,
an In go type of character, and both ap
peared to splendid advantage. Managers
Wagenhals A Kemper have provided six
massive scenes. Two of them aroused ex
ceptional enthusiasm. One showed the be
sieging army outside the walls of Mallls,
the other, Alexander' despairing army en
camped among the enow peaks of the
mountains above the clouds, where he Im
agines he has arrived at the end of th
world. .Sixty people were used In the production.
Bnthnslnstlo Repabllcnn Listen to
Connty Candidates nnd Endorse
tat Ticket.
The Eighth Ward Republican club cele
brated th opening of th campaign last
evening at Its headquarters In Wolf's hall.
Twenty-second and Cuming streets, with a
big attendance and a Very harmonious and
enthusiastic meeting. The meeting was
called to order by Secretary W. F. Powers,
In the" absence of th regular chairman.
Colonel T. L. Harris was elected chairman
of the meeting. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved.
The first business In order was the elec
tion of officers for the coming year, which
resulted In the unanimous choice of John
Scott for president, John Wallace first vice
president, Robert L. Bryant second vice
president, W. F. Powers secretary, E. O.
Glenn assistant secretary and Charles &
Leslie treasurer.
This resolution was unanimously adopted:
Whereas, The republicans of the state of
Nebraska In convention assembled In the
city of Lincoln on Ausust 18, 1918. nominated
ror me supreme juotteKnip judge jonn li.
Barnes, and for regents of the University
of Nebraska C. 8. Allen of IJncoln and
T. W. Whltmore of Valley, therefore, be It
Resolved. That the Eighth Wnrd Repuh-
llcan club does herehy endorse the said
nominees and pledge Its most cordial sup
port In securing their election.
Resolved, That the Eighth Ward Repub
lican cluh requests State Central Commit
teeman Charles W. Fear to extend an In
vitation to Messrs. Barnes, Allen and Whlt
more to meet with the Eighth Ward Repub
lican club on a date most convenient to
earh of the said candidates.
. Following the adoption of the resolutions
Coroner Bralley, candidate for renomlna
tlon; Judge Dickinson, candidate for district
Judge; James Allan, for sheriff; Charles
Unit, for county clerk; Judge Alstedt, for
Justice of th peace; Henry Olson, for
county assessor; Chris Boyer, for county
assessor; C. 8. Elgutter, for county judge;
J. W. Klncald, for Justice of the peace;
3. W. Marrow, for constable; A. J. Dona
hue, for sheriff, and Charles L. Thomas, for
county commissioner from tho First dis
trict (comprising ths Fourth, Seventh and
Eighth wards), being present, were called
for and each announced their candidacy
and asked the support of the ward In the
primaries. ..
Councilman P. C. Schroeder of the Eighth
ward was called for and gave a very Inter.
estlng talk on ward matters. He stated
that he was not yet prepared to Bay Just
how he would stand on the electrlo light
and gas propositions to be submitted to the
council. He aid: "I am not tied down by
any corporation and shall do just as I am
Instructed to do by the Eighth ward In this
matter." .
Remains of Oliver VW. Moore Arrive
' from Manila Investigation n
to Cnnse of .Death.
The remain .of Olivet P. Moore, son of
W. W. Moors, 848'- South- Twenty-third
street, arrived In Omstta yesterday after
noon at 6:0 from Manila; and will be burled
at ' Forest LaWn 'cemetery tomorrow, the
funeral being held "from the undertaking
parlor of Bralley A Dorranc at Twentieth
and Cuming' street.' 1
The death of young Moore wa reported
some days ago and the new which came
from Manila wa that' he had committed
suicide, but his parents are strongly In
clined to doubt this theory, adhering to the
belief that their son was shot by other
than his own hands. The bright tones of
his letters home and the delight with which
he was looking forward to his homecoming
twenty months hence, when his term as a
soldier would be completed, constrained
them to cling to the theory that he was
killed by others.
Oliver Moore was a mere boy, not 18 until
October S, yet had served two years and a
half as a soldier In the Philippines. He
Was a private in me tignieeinn
field artillery and wa stationed at Posay
garrlon. Manila. His parents had not seen
him from the day of his departure, when
n tittle more than IB years old, until the
melancholy spectacle of his body wa forced
nnon their vision yesterday.
So certain are w In our convictions
that our boy met death at other nands tnan
his own." said the bereaved father last
night, "that w have called for an In
vestigation of all the circumstances."
Receive Promise frnin Western Pas-
senser Association of On
nnd One-Third.
. reident. Cunningham of the Rural Let
ter Carriers' association of Nebraska has
received a letter from Chairman MacLeod
of the Western Passenger association stat
ing that a round trip rate of a fare and
one-third on the certificate plan has been
granted for th national convention of the
rural letter carriers in cmcago, oepiem
ber 1J-1J. This applies to Nebraska, Iowa,
Colorado and as far west as Cheyenne.
The Nebraska delegates, about twelve In
number, probably will assemble in Omaha
and leave In a body on th evening of Sep
tember 9. This matter la now being ar
lies Herplrlde successfully la Trent'
lnr Sycosis of tho Benrd.
He says: "I recently treated a case of
syosis (similar to 'barber's Itch') of th
lower Up. with Newbro' Herplcide. Ther
wa an extensive loss of beard with in
fiammatlon extending well down on th
ch,n- " Tb reault of th PPcatlon f
1 Herplcide wa most gratifying. The loss
of beard ceased ana a new growtn or nair
I now taking place over the once Inflamed
"(8lgned.) Melville E. O'Neill. M. D..
"846 Howard St.,
"San Francisco, Cal." .
Herplcide kills the dandruff germ and
permit the hair to grow abundantly.
Bold by leading druggists. Bend. 10c In
stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co.
Detroit Mich. Sherman A McConnoll Drug
Co., special agents.
Fnneral of M. W. Keannrd.
The funeral of Marshall W. Kennard. who
died audilenly of heart disease at his rel
dence, 171s Doll Ins street, Is to ne neld s
1 o'clock this afternoon from the B ki' kxlg
rooms, under the sunrlces of the B'nevolen
Order of Elks, of which deceased wm on
honored member. Rev. R. Kerr EccIbs o
the Immanunl BantIM church will official
at the bier. The Elks' quartet w'll fnrnlxh
"Mistc. The hearers, all or wnom an
Klks. will be George T. Mills. W. T Canads
Frank C. Broadwell. Hrrv Duel!, W. C.
Sunderland and J. C. Sharp.
Works Wonder for Women.
Electric Bitter Invigorate the female
system and cure nervousness, headache,
backache and constipation or no nay. toe
For sal by Kuhn A Co.
jJS . J . aJ.i V a.
la a
JU-UJb UJUUbo t?0 Ttvtw
City Oonnoil Rip Off Largo Chunk of
Available Oaih Aneta.
Tamblo-Down Bnlldlnar Ordered Torn
Down nnd Another Batch of
Fir Supplies to Bo
In a very few minutes last night th city
council spent over 117,000 of the 1903 appro-
pr lotion. Bill and salarlest for' August,
amounting to S6.422 ware ordered cald a
were also Judgments amounting to 111,000.
Among the bills paid waa SJQS for the new
fire team.
Flvo bids were received for the sewer to
be laid In the alley between Twenty-sixth
and Twenty-seventh streets from A to F
streets This contract wa awarded to G.
E. Beck. His bid was 97 cents per lineal
foot for the sewer and tl per foot for man
holes. Other bids for manhole ranged from
13.60 to V, per foot. f
The mayor and city clerk were directed
to enter into a contract with Beck for this
.;wer as soon a he had filed a proper
Adkln reported that th Horace Plunkett
building at Twenty-fourth and K street
1 In such a condition that It should be
torn down. This structure wa condemned
some time ago. but tenants were permitted
to remain at their own peril. Ther will
be no more foolishness about this building
now, a It ha been declared by the city
engineer that the walls are liable to fall
at any time. - Unless tne agent of the prop
erty wrecks the building the city will do
the work and charge the cost against th
Clerk Shrlgley waa directed to advertise
for bids for the grading of th alley be
tween Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth
streets from E to F streets.
From this time on nersons dealrinr tn
move dead anhnala will be compelled to
secure an order from the city sanitary In
A crosswalk wa ordered laid on the
north side of R street across Twenty-ninth.
Tho Fire and Police board recommended
that 1,000 feet of cotton hose be purchased.
The communication was referred to the fir
and waterN committee with power to act.
Then ther wa another letter from the
board asking that hose cart No. I be re
modeled. The fir and water committee will
look aftef this. '
A statement from the police 'board to the
effect that none of the policemen-are under
bonds was read. The council was asked to
arrange matter with th bonding com
pany, so that all police officer would be
under bonds.
There was a report that children are In the
habit of spending the evening around cer
tain saloons In the southwestern part of
the city and the attention of the chief of
police was called to the commuatcatlon.
A petition for an electric arc light at
Fifteenth and W street wa read and re
ferred to the lighting committee.
When a few street reDalr mntinm y.mA
been acted on the council adjourned until
September 8.
Let Coal Contract. -
At the meeting of th Board of Educa
tion last night th contract for supplying
coal to the public schools for th year was
awarded to Broadwell A Rich. The bid ot
thla firm was 8167 per ton tor hand picked
Walnut block coal.
A room 1 to be fitted up In the base
ment of the Corrlgan school as soon a
possible In order to provide for more pu
pils. Miss Re h felt was elected a substitute
teacher. Outside of the letting of the coal
contract little business was transacted.
Some bills were ordered paid and then tho
board adjourned for one week.
Jush before adjournment Contractor Pe
terson who Is building the addition to the
Highland achool, reported that a gang-of
about fifteen toughs were carrying off ma
terial and destroying the work already
done. Mr, Peterson stated that he em
ployed a watchman, but that one man
could not cope with a gang of toughs. He
asked for police protection. Later Mr.
Peterson called at police headquarter and
asked for police protection, and was told
to go and hire more watchmen.
Another Continuance Granted,
The case against Martin Spoetler, an
employ of the Union Stock Yards com
pany, who was arrested by Officer J. Small
a few days ago, was again continued. This
1 the third time the case, has been con
tinued. Each time the case has been called
Officer Small reported that he was sick.
Sunday Small was on duty, but Monday
forenoon he was reported on the sick
list again and so th case went over with
out date. Steps are to be taken to have
the esse brought up Just as soon as Of
ficer Small reports for duty.
Heavy Mails Yesterdny,
Monday was a hard day for the mall
carriers as much of the belated eastern
malls arrived Sunday night. The carriers
were forced to carry heavy loads ut each
trip. The letter mall was delivered flrit
and then came the paper mall. There
was a three days' aceummulatlon of east
ern mall to be handled In one day, but the
carriers did good work without complain
ing. The packers were discommoded some
what by not getting mail from the east,
and the result was an Increased business
for ths telegraph companies.
Arranging Carnival Attraction.
C. W. Miller, who Is In charge of th
Ancient Order United Workmen cirnlval
to be held here In September, I booking a
number lot first class attractions. Th
carnival will commence on September 21
when the new Workman temple, will be
dedicated. Mr. Miller ha received a num
ber of replies .from invitations sent to th
grand officer of the state and the dedi
cation of the temple will be quite an af
fair. Preparations ar being mad to
fence In Twenty-fifth street from L to M
streets and give a sort of a street fair.
Great Interest Is being manifest In th
Carnival by th 1,400 members of the order
In this city and also by Workman lodge
out In the state.
Get Heavy Fin
Dave Rice. colored, who assaulted
Thomas Trobrldge at the Swift plant
few day ago, wa fined 5o snd eosts In
polio court yesterday afternooo by Judge
iAjbbLA4 V
King. Trobrldge gave an order to Rice
which he did ' not obey and the o.ilored
man struck his boss a severe blow. Rice
then hurriedly left the plant, but was
later captured by the police. At Rice has
no money to pay his fine, he will prob
ably serv out his sentence In Jail.
Maglo City Gossip.
Colonl J. B. Watklns returned yesterday
from a trip to Winnipeg.
Joseph KoutRky has returned from his
farm In Nuckolls county.
Roscoe Rawley left yesterday for a busi
ness trip through central Iowa.
Monday' receipt of sheep at the stock
yard her numbered 19,000 head.
Broken stone Is being placed In some ot
the big holes on Twenty-fourth street.
. . ... 1- T.'kl-I. Ar19L T
treeti announce the birth of a daughter.
Chief Garrett of the fire department re
ports that fire hall Mo. 1 Is overrun with
A daughter has been bom to Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Weloh, Twenty-eighth nnd E
Mr. and Mr. E. R. Leigh are back Trom
a two weeks' stay at tn summer resorts
In Colorado.
The Fire and Police board Is supposed
to hold a public session In th council
chamber tonight.
St. Martin' Auxiliary meet Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. A. L. Lott, Twenty-
second and H street.
Herbert North, paymaster at Armour's,
has returned from a month' visit with
friend In Nw York.
Miss Minnie Mundt has returned from
Missouri, where she visited friends and
relatives for a few weeks.
Quite a number of Improvements are
being mnde st nre department neaaquar
ters on Twenty-fourth street.
Mrs. Bruce McCulloch. Twelfth and I
streets, has returned from a week s visit
with friends at Glenwood, la.
Mrs. W. G. Meelfus. 907 North Twentieth
street, has returned from Springfield, Mo.,
where she spent tne summer.
The public schools will open today
Nearly all of the teachers reported to Su
perlntendent McLean yesterday.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs
Charles Bcarr on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. R. M. Blrge and son Earle, 1024
Nnrth Twentv-elghih street, have returned
from a six weeks' visit with friends In
Boston. Mass.
Rome of the hsv at the Morrill feed barns
was still smouldering yesterday and the fire
department was called out to tnrow water
on the fire.
Mrs. Maurice McAdamB, Twentieth snd
M streets, and her sister. Miss Kitty Nor
moyle, will leave In a day or two for Chi
cago to spend the winter.
Frank J. Morlarty. cashier of the Pack
ers' National bank, and Mrs. Morlarty
have returned from Colorado Springs. Mrs.
Morlarty Is much Improved In health.
Zock Cuddlngton came over from his
rradlnr nmn at Hawthorne. Ia.. yester
duv. -He said he wanted to get a little
sunshine and also to get out of the mud.
J. W. Christie, father of Sam and Harry
Christie, is reported to be dangerously 111
at the home or relatives in niinneHpoiiB.
Harrv Christie I now enroute to Minne
apolis.. .
Scott DUnn has sold his property at
Twenty-second ahd L streets to William
Ricka of ChaDtnan. Neb. Mr. and Mrs.
Dunn and the children will leave soon for
a two months' stay In New York.
Dana Morrill left the South Omaha hos
pital yesterday and was taken to the home
of Frank Jones, 608 North Nineteenth
street. Mr. Morrill Is rapidly recovering
from the burns he received at tnm nr.
Pair of Suspicion nnd Well Armed
Travelers Taken Into
William Edmonds, colored, from Topeka,
Kan., and J. E. Pollock, Marlon Center,
Kan., arrived In the city yesterday fore
noon. Thev deDoslted their baggage, con
: ,gtmg o( two pairs of overalls. In a Ninth
treet saloon for safe keeping. Shortly after
they had left the place the bartender went
through the bundle and found two large
revolvers. He reported the find to the police
and the two men were taken Into custody,
When they were questioned separately at
the police station one of them said they
had com direct from Denver and th other
that they had arrived from Topeka. In
several other respects their stories con
flicted. In their pockets were found letters
addressed to wo women In Topeka In
which they said they Intended making a
raise in Omaha last night and jumping out
today to Denver. Their plans were nipped
In the bud, however, a they spent the night
In a cell. They will be held on the charge
of auspicious character until their past
record I Inquired Into. .
Ar Deterred from .Threshing nnd
Fnll Plowing nnd Corn 1 Ma
turing slowly.
The B. A M. crop report for the last week
shows that the excessive rain have been
somewhat damaging to. the crops. Ths
rain wa general and it ha been excessive
along the northern and southern divisions.
Wheat and oats, which were In the shock,
have been somewhat damaged by the mois
ture and little threshing wa done during
the week. Fall plowing Is hardly begun, a
th ground Is too wet.
Too llttlo sunshine was afforded for the
corn to mature much during the week, but
without an early frost there will be more
than fodder. Sugar beets are excellent, but
potatoes ar doing only fair. The pasture
ar fine, but the range west of Newcastle
are very dry.
Ileal ns ty Manic.
It a pain, sore, wound, burn, scald, cut
or piles distress you, Bucklen'a Arnica
Salve will cur it, or no pay 26c. For sals
by Kuhn A Co.
AH of this can be avoided,
however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this
great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands 'gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
use of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by all
druggists at 1 1. coper
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
this liniment, will be sent free.
Til Bra.fl.!. Reciter Co., Atlanta, Ca.
Oommifiicser O'&eeffe Protests Cffioiallj
Against Steel Bridge Contracts.
Declare t'onnty Engineer Did Not
Make Poraonnl Inspection, bnt
Took Dictations from Con
trnctor as Given.
County Commissioner Richard O'K
yesterday filed with the clerk of
board a written protest to the otlon of th
commissioners in letting contracts tor
thousands of dollar worth of tteel bridges
!ast week. The document puts In con
crete form O'Keeffe'a objection to th
steel bridge building under th present
contract with Robert C. Drake.
I would like to exnlxln inv vote an fol
lows: 1 vote against the letting of the con
tract let on August iX lSHU, for the follow
ing reasons: The board did not comply
with the statutes. The county engineer did
not go on the ground to take the measure
ments of the substructure and superstruc
ture, but received them from the contrac
tor as dictated by him, and are as follows:
For one of the bridges located on the south
old of the northwest quarters of section f,
number one (1), township fourteen (HI,
range eleven (11), to consist of 100-foot
steel span as per class B, No. I, with sub
structure seventeen feet high as per sub
structure, class No. 6, and with rail as per
extra class No. 3, and with the neaessaiy
piling as per substructure, class No. i.
The tulies, fifty-four Indies Inst year
(19() ere nt contract price, $13.50 per ver
tical foot, with nine vertical feet of a wall
abutment at each end of bridge, which te
duced the number of vertical feet of tubes
from 100 feet to 64 feet at 812.60 per foot,
which makes 88UO for substructure ns
against 81,600 this year, a difference of 8800
In substructure for the same length brldfre, r
namely, 200-foot span. There are some iOO- f
foot iron bridges let at the cost of t-.772.40
each; a wooden bridge 100 teet long costing
8339 complete and good for at least ten
Difference In Coat.
Taking the cost of a wooden bridge com
plete from the cost of the Iron bridge com-
?lete leaves a balance of 12, 433.40, which at
per cent interest every two years would
amount to 8340.67. or 8167 more than the
total cost of building a 100-foot pile bridge.
I would say that when It Is necessary to
build bridges across the Elkhorn they
should be iron otructures and also on Im
portant roads, such as Dodge street and
Oenter street, where they cross the Paplo.
There are five steel bridges across the Elk
horn river in pouglas county, two of them
In hew locations, being put In within the
last five years. Both of them are now Im
passable on account of the change of th
current In the Elkhorn river.
I think that the money now in the bridge
fund should be used for straightening and
rlprapplng the Elkhorn river so as to pro
tect the five bridges which are now In be
fore using the money In the bridge fund for
any other unnecessary purpose. Two of
these bridge have cost the county a little
over 825,000, and for that reason they should
be protected. There Is one sixty-foot and
one fifty-foot Iron bridge ordered at an esti
mated cost of $2.f28. The board could put In
two brick culverts each to be sixty-six feet
long and seven feet In diameter st a cost of
tl.tUX, or tl44 less thsn steel bridges. The
culverts nre rood for generations, while the
steel bridge floors need constant tr pairs a
well as painting snd only give a sixteen
foot roadwsy, while the culverts run th
full width of the road, or sixty-six feet.
F. R. Beeman, wife and daughter have
returned from Chicago.
Frank Kimball has returned from a six
weeks' visit In Colorado.
Judge J. H. Broad y of Lincoln was anl
Omaha visitor lost evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paffenrath and chil
dren have returned from New York.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Beckwith of Beatrice
are visiting In the city today, guests of
the Paxton.
W. H. Steele, George W. Ballantlne, A.
E. Rleglas of Denver snd E. F. Hoag of
Fremont are at the Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lewis of San Fran
cisco, H. E. Clark of Seattle, 11. G. Gibbi
of Cowallls, Ore., are at the Her Grand
J. P. Gibbon of Kearnev. FV E. Fender
Thomas I.. Bex ton of Lincoln and Wlllard
g. lfardlng of Nebraska City are at U
C. G. Coutant stato librarian and his
torian of Wyoming, Is In the city, a guext
at the Paxton. His resldenox U at Chey
enne, Wyo.
11. D. Little of Boise. J. M. Rmaev of
Gillette, Wyo., F. Chaltertnn of Cheyenne
and A. F. Diefendorfer of Sheridan are at
the Paxton.
Mrs. Artie Cody Boal of North Platte
Is In the city, a guest at the Her Grand.
Mrs. Boal Is the daughter of Hon. W. F.
Cody (Buffalo Bill).
General Manager Smith of th Omaha A
Council Bluffs Street Hallway company
left Sunday evening for Saratoga Spring,
to attend the annuul convention of street
railway officials.
J. H. Hill of Portland, Ore., D. A. Han
cock of Denver, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Frankle of North Bend, W. T, Lock wood.
Miss Hurley of Auburn, W. H. Johns m
and Tlllla Johnson of Julian at at th
United States District Judge Mc-Pherson
was In the city yesterday afternoon en
routo to Denver for a few days visit. He
stated that lie would not hand down an
opinion on the motion for a new trial In
the Llnnler case for several days.
Health Commissioner J. B. Ralph and
Mrs. Ralph will leave toJay for Hasting
to attend the state encampment ot the
Grand Army of the Republic and to visit
relatives. Dr. Ralph Is medical director
of the Department of Nebraska.
John Steel leaves Tuesday for a two
weeks' slny at his fruit ranch In the Boise
valley, near Palmer, Ida. His first plant
ing of prune trees la yielding the nrt
crop this year. It will be about eighty
tons, and has already been sold at 814 per
ton. Next year a second twenty acres of
prune trees , will bear their first crop, and
Mr. Steel also has twenty-flv acre In
pears, fifteen acres In winter apples, and
a family orchard of five acres. He ex-
fiects In a few years to derive a handsome
ncome from the Investment,
Every woman coreti i
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore the
loss of heir girlish forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children is often destructive
to the mother's shapeliness.