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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1903)
TnE (ttfAIIA DAILY BEE: TtTESDAY, BEFTEMBEft 1, 1003. V t SEW YORE TARES BOTH . Def.-f.ta Philadelphia's National League Team in Two Goid Dime K'GINNITY ADDS TO H13 LAURELS Ptteher Seenred a Doable Victory lor Gotham Team for the Third Time Slaen Opening of Season. NEW TORK. Aug. a. The Philadelphia National league teem lost both same to day to the local team at the Polo grounds. McOinnlty pitched both Karnes, scoring double victory for the third time this sea son. The home team hit Duggieby freely In the second game. Fraaer, who pitched the first game for Philadelphia, was well supported, bo errors being made by either aide. Attendance, 3,409. Bcore, first game: HEW TOTtK. i ' PHILADELPHIA. . m.H.O.A.M. K.U.O.A.. nroama, H.. I 1 I I Thomas, rf.t 1 I M 0 UlMHID. t.. 1 1 1 I 1 0 WolT'l's. 16. t 1 1 4 I 1 Tllua, rf 1 1 0 4 0 116 Barrr, If 0 0 0 It Dousjiaa, lb 11 II Hul.wllt, aa. 1 1 I 4 0 0 Zlrumar, ... 0 0 4 10 la ... k a a a a a Total ...4 I 11 0 Total . .."l l M 1J Nw York 1 $ 0 0 6 8 0 0 - Philadelphia 00006000 11 Two-baio hits: Tltuj, Hulswltt. Left on Daves; jsew York. 10: 1'hlladelphia. 7. Bto- rince hits: Bresnahan, McUann, Lauder. rJroan'n'n, cf 0 fnGana, lb.. 0 Maria, If... 0 Bahb. m ( Landar, lb... 1 1unn. b.... 1 Warnar, o, 1 McOlnnltr, f 0 bsaaa: Wsshlrrton 1 Boston T. Time 1:45. Vmplre. Connolly. ' Bcore, svcond game: BOHTO. I WAUHlJfflTOW. R.R.O.A.B I R.B.O.A K. DnTixtiart. Ill 0 I 0 IHmn, a.... I I Hanoi-Irk, rt 1 0 l-lharb. It.. 1 0 Bran, ef 0 0 Clarka. lb. .. 0 1 rouKhlla. lb. 0 0 N'Ur'l, lb. 0 Colllna, ... Ill C. Blast, rl. 1 I I rmmu, rt 0 1 1 PrM, aa... I 0 I LaChaace. Ik 1 1 II Fama, 2b... 0 0 0 J. IK.hl, .. 0 1 1 Glbaoa. p.... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Drill, a 0 1 DnnkaL .... 0 .onb. 0 0 0 T0U1 ...I T M 17 tl , Total ... t I 4 t I Tloston 1 0 10 10 0 1-8 Wsshlngton 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0-1 Two-hsse hits: Freeman, Collins. Thres hes hit LaChance. Home run: Collins. Btolen base: Parent. Sacrifice hit": Fer ris. First base on balls: Off Dunkle 1, off Gibson 1. Ptruck out: By Dunkle S, by Gibson 1. Left on bases: Washington 8. ponton t Wild pitch: Gibson. Time 1.35. Umpire, Connolly. St. Lools Takes Two BT. LOUIS. Aug. tl. St. Louis took the double-header from Cleveland this after noon almost as easKy aa the latter team defeated St. Louis yesterday. The score In the flret was t to 8, and In the second I to 1 Powell and Bradley were ordered Darkness ended the frame after eight In nings. Attendance l,4i& Bcore, first game: WASHINGTON. i BOSTON. R.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A B. soil IDouthenr. if o l 4 1 o I 0 o o Moran, aa... Hanuncka, rt 0 tolback, If.. 0 Ryan, cf 1 Clara., lb... 1 Coaghlls, lb. 0 McCor-k. lb. 0 trill, 0 Fatten, ..., 0 11V VtCollloa. lb .. 1 0 10 tt Frannan. rf. 0 1 II 0 1 0 4 0 0 Milwaukee at ColnmBus, St. Ianl at Louis ville, Minneapolis at Indianapolis. GAMES IN WESTERN LEAGUE Mllwaakre Via from Peoria la Game with Error nesaoaslble for Score. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 3L -Milwaukee won a clone Kama from Peoiia todayi An error by Cblelen In the eighth was responsible for the only score of the game. Score: R H K Milwaukee .... 00000001 lli Peoria 00000000 0-0 4 Batteries: Milwaukee, Konna and Lucla; Peoria, Harry and Hesaler. Dearer Wins Exhibition. PENVER, Ana:. 31. Denver won an exhi bition game from Des Moines today by a core oi 7 to 1. Roth teams played Indlf feient'y, though Denver led In the batting, and won thereby. Btaauiiitr of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. 10 0 Btahl. cf 0 1 10 1 Opar.nt, aa... 0 10 1 ;La(-kaaa. lb 0 I I I 1 Ferrla. 2b.... 0 14 1 OOrlger, a...,. 0 011 OiDlnaaa. fj... 0 Totals ... t I 10 II ll Total .. 1 ti!l 16 1 sOne out when winning run scored. Washington 0 10000000 1-1 Boston 0 00000001 01 Three-base hit: Collins. Home run: Ryan. Btolen bases: Couahlln (2). MoCormlck. Oieason. Btolen base: Bresnahan. Double , Drill, Crlger. Double p'ays: Parent, Fer- Plays Mertes to Kabb to McQann. First base on balls: Off McOinnlty, 8; off 4. JJit by pitched ball: By McOinnlty, 1; by Fnuwr, X Struck out: By MrUinnity, 4; by Fraaer, 4. Time of game: 1:30. Um pires: Hurst and Moran. Bcore, second game: NKW TORK. PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B I R.H.O.A.B. Browne. If.. I 1 1 I olTbomaa. cf.. 0 0 10 0 Bwan'h'a, ef I 4 1 0 O'OIraaon, lb., 10 110 Mcoaos, lb. 0 0 I 0 0WoWt'B. lb. 1 1 I I I Martaa. IX... 0 0 1 0 0 Tltua. rf 0 110 0 Oil 0 harry. It.... 1000 Lauder, lb... 1 I 0 0 1oolM. lb. 0 0 I 1 1 I)unn, Sb.... 10 0 1 lHulwltt, aa. 0 1 I 0 1 Warnar, a... 1 1 11 1 OiHailman. aa. 0 0 0 1 I aoUlaoltjr, i I I Doolu, a 0 1 4 1 . , ihifslabr. s. I 1 I 1 ToUl m. t 11 II l l . I . Total 1 t II f New Tork ' ...... 0 0 n l t i s o a a Philadelphia 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02 Left n basns: New Tork, E; Philadel phia, 6. Two-base hits: Bresnahan (21, Titus (2). 8acriHce hits: McUann, Dunn, DougUas. Stolen bases: Bresnahan, Me Oann. Double play: Durgleby to Oieason. First base on balls: Off McOinnlty, 1; off Duggleby, 4. First base on errors: New York, iv Philadelphia, 1. Btruck out: By McOinnlty, t. Wild pitch: DugsMeby. Time of game; 1:13. Umpires: Moran f and Hurst. Brooklyn Defeats Boston. BROOKLYN, Aug. Jl.-In an unlnterest lna game Brooklyn defeated Boston hers today. But for errors by Jordan and Strang In the second Inning the visitors would have bscn abut out. Attendance, 1,300. Score: . BROOKLYN. ' R.H.O.A.B "trans, lb... I I I I i Shackard. If. 4 Dobba, cf..., 1 rorl, lb..,, Dablan, as... 0 Oeaalar, rf... I Jordan, lb., I Hitter, l Jose. 1 4 I 1 I 4 11 Total ...14 II 17 13 Brooklyn .... Boston ..0 Daitar, Tannay, lb. Coalar, It.. Atanl.jr, rf. Moran, e lb tlchlo. Ib 1 iron' far, Ib 1 tubra, a... 1 yilJlama, p. 4 BOBTON. R.H.O.A.B et... ooiO) o 11 0 I .Total ... 4 I 14 10 I 111(010 -14 40000000-4 Two-base hits: Strang (2). Bheckard. Poyie. First base on errors: Boston. 4; Brooklyn. 2. Btolen bases: Sheckard. Hit ter. Double plays: Tenney to Aubrey) Jones to Doyle; Strang to Doyle to Aubrey; jtDuiiucmo to Tenney. Jbert on- bases: Boston, ; Brooklyn, 0. First on balls: OR Jones, 1; off Williams, 4. Sacrifice nits: Aubrey, Williams, Dobbs, Dahlen, Hit by pitched ball: By Williams, 1 Struck out: By Jones, 1; by Williams, 1. Time: 1:40. umpire: O Day. Plttsbnra- Wins In Ninth: ) BT. LOUIS, Aug. Sl.-By a ninth Inning S rally that netted .them five' runs .Plttsburg woiv' front M.J ,ouls today by a score of 0 te 0. Pittsburg's new battery, Thompson and Carlsch, were in points tor the visitors and 'worked well, letting Si. Louis down with six hits. Fan-all's fielding was the xeaiure or ine game. Attendance, two. trcore ! . P1TT8BURU. H.H U A.E Beaumont, cf 4 Clarka, It.,.. 1 Leacb.. lb.,.. 1 Wacnar, aa. . 1 Branarld, lb I Kll.hay, lb.. I Bebrlng, rf,. I Oarlauh, o... 0 TboBipaon, 0 r. LOUIS R.H.O.A.B. lb.. I t I 11 0 loo 2 1 farrell. Dunlaayy, rt. 1 Hraoot, of.... t Burka, lb.... 1 Murphjr, lb.. 0 1 II Hraln, .... 1 1 4 Barclay, It.. 0 Hyatt, fl 0 Jurrla, p.,,. 0 1 1 I 0 1 rs and LaChance; Fern, 1'arent and La Chance; Dougherty and roliltis. First base on bans: or ratten l, on umeen l. Btrucn off the field in the first frame, but both played In the second. Attendance, t.luu. bcore, nrst game: ST. LOUIS. R.H.O.A.B. Bnrkatt, If... Ill Martin, Ib... I I 1 Hill, lb 4 0 0 Anderaon, lb 0 I tl Wallaca, as.. 1 I I Halarlck, cf. I I I H.mphni, rt. 0 1 0 SiiilaM, .... 0 wrlllit, p.... Total I 10 17 II 2 CLEVELAND. R.H.O.A.B. Flick, If 1 I 0 0 0 Bar, cf 0 I t 0 0 Bradley, lb.. 0 0 0 0 0 Thonay, lb.. 0 1 1 I 0 ljiloia. lb... l l i HUkmaa, lb 0 1 It 0 0 Hardy, rf.... 0 0 0 0 0 Hernia, 1 I I 1 0 Uovhn'er, aa. 0 I 0 I 0 Moora, p 9 0 1 t Bt. Louis Cleveland Earned runs: St Total . I 14 14 14 1 40011010 -8 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-1 Louis.' 8: Cleveland. J. Two-base hits: Heldrlck (21, Hemphill, Martin, Lajole, Bemls. Sacrifice hits: Mar tin, Hill, Sugden. Bay. Double plays; Wright to Wallace to Anderson: Tnonoy (unasslstedl. Stolen bases: HeiarlcK, Bay, Hickman. Bases on balls: Oft Wright, 1; off Moore, 2. Struck out: By Wright, 6; by Moore. 5. Left on bases: Bt. Louis, ; Cleveland, 1L Tlmo of game: 1:40. Umpire: O'Laughlin. bcore, second game: IT. LOt'lS. , CLEVELAND. R.H.O.AK R.H.O.A.B Bnrkatt. If.. 1 I 10 0 Flick, If 1 1 1 1 0 1 e Bay, ct t i o v 1 1 Bradley, lb.. 0 1110 1 0 Lajola. lb... 1 1 I 4 0 I 0 Hlckmas, lb 0 I II 0 0 0 0 Hardy, rf.... 0 0 10 0 0 0 Abbott, .... 0 0 I I 0 1 0 Gochu'ar, aa. 0 1 I I 0 1 1 Moral. .... 0 0 4 1 1 'xBemla 0. 0 0 0 0 Total ... I 1 17 I ll I Totala ... I I 14 14 1 x Batted for Hardy in ninth. St. Louis 0 1000008 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 02 Earned runs: Bt. Louis, i. Two-base hit: Heldrlck. Sacrifice hits: Martin, Sugden, Powell. Stolen bases: Flick, Burkett (2), Hemphill. Heldrlck. Hit by pitched ball; By Stoval, Burkett. Wild pitches: By Sto val, 2. Bases on balls: Off Powell, 8; oft Btoval, 4. Struck out: By Powell, 12; by Stoval, 2. Left on bases: St. Louis, 6; Cleveland, 7. Time of game: 1:32. Umpire: O'Laughlin. Postponed Games. New-York-Philadelphia game postponed; wet grounds. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost Milwaukee Culorauo Springs Kansas City . .. St. Joseph Denver Peoria Des Moines Omaha Games today: .108 ..ill ..ltrj ..104 ..ill ..109 ..110 ..101 67 68 63 bi 49 48 42 40 44 61 61 60 3 bo P.r. .030 .612 .600 .4tU .4M .43 ait tt Colorado Martin, Ib... 1 Hill. Ib 0 Anderaon, lb 0 Wallaca, a.. 0 Heldrlck, cf. t Hamphlll, rf 1 Hug-dan, o.... 1 Powell, p.... 0 1 11 0 1 Omaha Springs, Des Moines at Denver, Peoria at, bt. josepn at Kansas City. HAVE FUN BUMPING THE BALL Omaha and Colorado Springs Play Ex hibition Game at Cripple Creek. CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., Aug. St. (Spe cial Telegram.) Tne nrst western league game played In the camo this year took place today at Union tiark before a crowd of over 1.000 and resulted In a victory for Colorado Springs by a snore of la to 11 over Omaha. It was a batting contest throughout and quite a few ouatly errors were made on each side. Thomas for Omaha knocked the ball over the right field fence for two home runs. Ntll made a home run, the ball going Into ieep center. The fielding feature was Nlll's catch of a wicked liner In the last half of the ninth inning. Local baseball en thusiasts are Inclined to believe that the Cripple Creek district Eagles would have a fair showing against either one of the teams. Attendance, 1,000. The following Is the score: R.H.E. Colorado Springs ...4 0 4 0 0 4 3 0 -15 18 4 Omaha 2000300 1-11 13 4 Batteries: Colorado Springs, Buchanan, Newmeyer, Doran; Omaha, Companion, Schafstall, Thomas. Two-base hits: Fleming, Congalton (2). Everltt, Doran, Miller. Shugxrt. Three-base hit: Thorn ton. Home runs: Thomas (2). Nlll. Earned runs: Colorado Springs, 6; Omaha, S. Time of game: 1:60. Umpire: McCarthy. Soldier , Blair 8. BLAIR. Neb.. A us:. 31 fRneHnft Thai soldier boys of Fort Crook defeated the Blair team today In a featureless game by a score of 9 to 8. E. Noyes pitched a good game, only allowing four hits, but his sup. port was decidedly rotten. Every man that did not drop the ball or throw It away was regarded with suspicion. U. Noyes pitched mo ani. inning-, xne score; n u c Soldiers 01002203 2 96 Blair 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0-2 8 11 Batteries: Soldiers. T!ndilAv anrl t1nl. Blair, E. Noyes, U. Noyes and Epllng. Double plavs: Blair, 1: Soldiers, 1. Struck out: By EndsW, 3; bv E. NoVes. 6: hv IT. Noyes. 1. First base on balls: Off Pi. Noyes, 6. Hit by pitched ball: By E. Noyes, I. Passed balls: Epllng (2). Um pires: Halstead and Durant. Inloa ghats Ont Pragma. WESTON, Neb.. Aug. 31. (Special.) Z yards da, trial beau; 2J0 yards low Dunnes, mm neais; -v yarns run, yarns daan, nnai neat; two-nine run; ju yards low hurdles, llnai heat; one mile re lay race. Field events will start simultaneously with the track events as follows: Pole vau't. discus throw, high jump, shot put, hammer throw, running broad Jump, throw ing 6t-pound weight. The order of events Is given out by President Llglnger In oruer to Inform the contesting athletes how to arrange their entries. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS hot Gea Won Flying Handicap for Three-Year-Olds at Sheep head Bay. NEW YORK, Aug. 31 Shot Oun, carry ing 113 pounus, won the Flying handicap for 8-year-olds at Sheepsheud rfay today. He was a hot favorite In the betting and never gave his backers a nervous moment. Jockey O'Nell carried off the rldinff honoi by piloting the first three winners. Re sults: First race, sir furlongs: Runnels won. Wealth second, Oceantide third. Time: 1:13. 8econd race, handicap, one mile and one furlong: Major Dalngerfleld won, Duke of Kendal second, Lord Badge third. Time: 1:664. Third race, the Autumn stakes, last five furlongs of Futurity course: Ormondes Right won. Memories second, Tippecanoe third. Time: 1:00. Fourth race, the Flying handicap, six furlongs on main track: Shot Gun won. Wild Thyme second, River Pirate third. Time: 1:14. Fifth race, last five furlongs of Futurity course: Mimosa won. Thistle Heather seo ond, Llda Loeb third. Time: 1:01. Sixth race, one mile and one-sixteenth on turf, selling: Florfiam Queen won, Ulrch Broom second. Conundrum third. Tlmo: 1:60. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 81. Imboden, with Bhee han up and giving from fifteen to twenty five pounds to the Pendleton pnlr, Bride and Major Carpenter, won the Dclmar Ju venile slakes, the feature of Delmar'e open ing day. Results: First race, five and one-half furlongs: w. P. Palmer won, Bandlllo second, Frank Boston ... Cleveland Philadelphia ... Detroit .......... New York St. Louis Chicago - Washington .... Oaraes today: New York at Waatlngton. 113 ....113 ....111 ....11,9 ....106 ..1U ....113 .111 73 63 60 65 63 62 61 ' 36 33 60 61 64 63 60 6i '76 P.C. ..662 .668 .641 .605 .60$ .46? .456 824 Cleveland at 8L Louis. Philadelphia, boston at Total ... I 14 11 10 '4 Totala ... 0 4 17 11 St. Louis 2 1.0 0 0 0 0 I 0- Pittsburg 10000101 o I Earned runs: Pittsburg. 6. Two-base hits Carlsch (2), Beaumont, Bransfleld, Clarke, Brain. Home runs; leacn. bebrlng. Hacrl flee hits; ' Smoot, Burke. Double play: rarreu to lira in to oiurpny. eioien uunt's: Wagner (2). Bransfleld, Farrell (2). Dun leavy, Ryan. Hit by pitched ball: By Thompson, Dunleavy; by Currle, Wagner. First bas on balls:- Oft Currle, 8; oft Thompson, 2. Struck out; By Currle, 3; by Thompson, ft. Time: 1:60. Umpire; Emslie. Chteaaro) Defeats Cincinnati. CHICAGO, Aug. 81. Six bunched hits In three Innings and the visitors' rsgged field ing gave the locals today's game. Wicker was only bit for five safeties, but three of thbin were for extra bases, and scored all of Cincinnati's runs. Attendance, 3,100. Score: CHICAGO. CINCINNATI. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Kansas City and Toledo Play a Game Called with the Bcore Tied. TOLEDO, Aug. 3i.-Wlth Kansas City fretting a lead of six runs in the first nnlng, Toledo, by consistent playing, tied the score and the game was called on ac count of darkness. Attendance, 400. Score: TOLEDO. I KANSAS CITT. R.H.O.A B I n H.O.A.EJ. ft H O. A. E l Mia, If ... 4I4 o'Kaller. If.... 0 0 0 I May, lb.... 6 111 C naymour. af. 1 1 I 0 1 13 11 ljUolan, I Caaar, Chance, lb., Jonaa, cf. .... Tlnkar, aa... Klliii, a Kvara, lb... Harlay, rt.. Wlckart, p rf ... 6 1110 O Uacklar, lb.. 1 4 0.14 llstaluf'dt, lb. 0 1 I T I CDaly. Ib 1 0 111 01 orcoran. aa. 0 10 10 II Plat., a...... 0 1111 0 ButboB. s... 0 , rHuia, C I Toui ... li rr u 1 4 1 11 Totals I I M 14 I -I Olbaoa. .... 0 Total ... 1 11 37 U H i Total ... I 10 47 11 I Toledo 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 1 08 Kansas City 6 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-rl Two-base hit: Dorn. Bernard. Qear. Orady. Knoll. Rotbfuss. Three-base hits: Owens: Base on balls: Off Dorn, 1; off Gibson, 1. Struck out: By Dorn, 8; by Alloway, z; by uibson, ft. wild pitch: mo no n. stolen bases: Smith (2), Kothlus. Sacrifice hits: Chllds. Oear. Double plays: Owens to Chllds to Turner; Owens to Tur ner: Owens to Turner: Chllds to Tur. ner. . Left on bases: Toledo. 4: Kansas City, 6. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Muilane. Columbus Defeats Milwaukee. COLUMBUS, Aug. 31. Columbus de feated Milwaukee today in a spirited game. Stlmmel, who started to pitch for the vis itors, lasted only four innings. Attendanoe 1,069. Score Chicago 0 IIOtHIM Cincinnati ...0 o o o 1 i 1 o Left on bases: Chicago, ; Cincinnati, 4. Two-base hits: Evers, Corcoran. Three base hit: Seymour. Home run:' Daly. Sao rlllce hit: Evers. Stolen bases: Williams (ran for Casey), Slagle. Struck Out: By Wicker, 4; by Suthoff, 8; by Poole, 1. Passed ball: KUng. Bases on balls: Off Wicker, 2: oft Suthoff, 1; off Poole, 1. Wild pitch; Wicker. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Johnstone. Pittsburg ... New York Chicago , Cincinnati Brooklyn Boston St. Louis , Philadelphia Standing: ot tne Teams. Played. Won. Lo"t. .114 ....114 ....111 ....111 ..,.110 ....lift ....116 ;...iui 77 47 60 64 46 3a 33 37 46 46 61 64 62 70 P.C .670 .6M .641 .491 .424 .830 Oames todayi Boston at Brooklyn. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington and Boston Divide Hon. ors in' Games W here Collins . . '. thlnes. WASHINGTON. Aug. ' a. Washington captured the first game of today's double fieader and Boston took the second. The first game was a pitcher's battle between Putteu and Dlneen and terminated In the trntn Inning, wlien wun one man on oase, MoOormlik out the ball over ths fence. Boston seoured aa early lead In the s-cond game and was never In danger. Collins' batting was ths feature and ha scored enough runs to win the game tor his team, ut; By Patten A by Dlueon 3. Left on lINuu' BEER'S? ggjBJ Aldar frae May at t vaanany smith. It.... 1 Owen, aa ... 1 Chllda. lb... 1 Barnard, rf., 1 Klalnow, .. 4 gchaub. lb... 1 Turaar, lb... 1 Haddlng, CI. 1 Dora, p 1 OlHIII, cf 1 blow, rf 1 OjNanco, lb.... 0 1 Orady, c 1 OKranti, lb... 1 ftkaoll, If I (rRothfaaa. lb. 1 0'Laowa. ..u 0 0'AUoway, p... 4 Aradt. COLUMBUS. R.H.O.A.B. It 1 Ulaaaon, rf.. 1 Tvrnar, lb. .. 1 Raymar, lb.. I Bannan, af . . 0 C'llnaraan. as 1 Manor, lb... 1 Fox. i Bariar, p.... 0 1 1 I 10 i I M Tt W A TTtaftPTP Oanlay, rf... 1 1 0 0 Scbanar, rt. 1 I 0 0 Vnslaub, Ib. 0 0 1 I Duntoary, Ib 1 0 I 8 Hamphlll, oil 1 i Maradlth, H. 0 1 0 0 Spaar, 0 14 1 Klilott, lb... 4 1 11 0 btlmmal, p.. 4 1 4 1 Hedgaa, p... 0 0 0 1 Weston shut out Prague at that place r j . iiiiiicj wo,a IIIVIUCIUW, SL11UW- ng but three hits and striking out fifteen men. Only one Prague player reached third, while Weston had chances to score, but through poor base running only aa- lui cu uiiv iuii. xiie score: WW Weston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 7 Prague 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 3 Two-base hits: Walte (2. Stevens. First base on balls: Weston, 2; Prague, 2. Struck out: By Prlmley, 16; by Donato, 6. Bat teries: Weston, Prlmley and Wplta; Prague. Donato and Frahin. Umpires: Vlasak and nuraa, .., i , Fast Gnme at Hooper, HOOPER. Neb.. Aug. 31. (Sneelan Tha fame between Arlington and Hooper yes erday was one of the fastest ever played litis, nooper won, o to leaving it witn a clean record, having won every game played this year. The score: Hooper 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 Arlington 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02 Batteries: Arlington, Eads and Brown; Hooper, Letherby and White. Struck out: By Eads, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Eads. 2 lime: 1:15. Umpires: Badger and ftoDertson. Collins third. Tims: 1:10. seven ruriongs: ur. tart- Second race ledge won, Worthlngton second. Revenge Dare third. Time: l:ZV. Third race, one mile and one-sixteenth : Dr. Hart won, Never Such second, Morris Volmer third. Time: l:49-4. Fourth race, the pelmar juvenile lor z- year-olds, six furlongs: Imboden won, Ml. ior uarjienter aecuiij, Unas (mm. Time: :15. Three starters. Fifth race, one mile and seventy yards: Golden Olltter won, Belvlno second, Dtco ratlon third. Time: 1:48H. Kentucky Car dinal and HlndJ also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs: Theory won, Tenny Belle second. Called Back third. Time: l:li;V4. CHICAGO, Aug. SI. Carrying 126 rounds and giving away weight to everything op posed to him. Judge Himes, at 7 to 2, made a show of his field in the Oak Park handi cap at Harlem today, finishing four lengths In front of the light-weighted Fading Light. Results: First race, six furlongs: Albemarle won. Major Johnson Second, Evening Star third. Time: 1:21 V. Second race, five furlongs: Copperfleld won, Kate Powers second, Commodore third. Time: l:06i. Third race, one mile and one-eighth. Oak Park handicap: Judfre Himes won, Fading Light necond. Floyd K third. Time: 2:044. Fourth race, one mile and one-sixteenth: Jack Ratlin won, Louisville second, Oallant third. Time: 1:68. Fifth race, six furlongs: Orfeo won, Gypsene second. The Don third. Time: 1:20. Father Tallant Demonland, Lady Kent, C. Thompson and Heraldo also ran. Sixth race, one mile and 100 yards: Prince Biases won. Lord Melbourne second, C. B. Campbell third. Time: 1:67. BUFFALO, N. .Y.. Aug. 81. Two horses went down In the mile handicap at Kenil worth park today and Jockeys Minder and Walsh had miraculous escapes. Albula, coupled with Slluran, as the Lamasney en try, favorite for the four-horse rce, got away in front and was leading three lengths at the flrat turn. Albula slipped ana went down and Mrs. Frank Fetter stumbled over him. Both boys were sent flying, but arose unhurt. Neither horse was Injured. Results: First race, six furlongs, "selling: Pluck won. Lansdowne second, Arachue third. Time: 1:20. Second race, one mile and a sixteenth: Chickadee won, Nuptial second. Animosity third. Time: 1:58. Third raoe, Ave furlongs: Cherbogan won, Miss McMeekln second, JMlndellne third. Time: 1:09. , Fourth race, one mile, ""handicap: Easy Street won, Blludlan neoond, Albula foil, Mrs. Frank Foster lost' rWer, Albula was remounted and finished third. Time: li62. : Fifth race. Ave and a half .furlongs, sell ing: Excentral won, Searkee second. Pre tention third. Time: 1:14. Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards, selling: Reeves won. Airtight second. Bar gee third. Time: 1:65. Philadelphia strengthens Clnb. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 81.-Manager Connie Mack of the Philadelphia American league ball club today sinned Pitcher Ruba Waddell for next season. Waddell Is un der suspension for the remainder of this season for Insubordination. Manager Mack has also closed a deal with the Utlca club, of the New York State league, by which he will get Pitcher Fairbanks and Innelder HUley. Clinton Bents White Sox. CLINTON, la.. Aug. 31. (Special Tele gram.) The Chicago American league team was defeated here today by the local nine by a soore of 10 to 6. The feature of the game was the batting of Dooley, the Clinton first, baseman, who made a home run and two two-baggers. . lgns Second Baseman. DETROIT, Aug. 21. The Detiolt Ameri can league team has signed Second Base man Burns of San Francisco. STRUGGLE F0R UPTON CUP La Rita and Sprite Tied for First Place, with' Protests Filed. CHICAGO, Aug. 31. LaRlta won today's race In the series for possession of the Sir Thomas Llpton cup and Hoosler was sec ond. Sprite third. Pilot fourth and Little Shamrock fifth. Privateer started but with' drew before tha finish. Outlay was un able to compete owing to an accident to Its alls. The result of today', race leaves LaRlta and Sprite for first place, each having a nercentaae of 250. These two yachts will meet In a special race tomorrow to decide the question of supremacy. Today's race waa nrotested because one of the buoys had been moved and two of the yachts ran out of the course and lost considerable time. If the protest is sustained all the yachts will be allowed to start tomorrow. The race today was sailed in a gale and the finish between the first three yachts was very close. Hoosler was only twenty seconds be hind LaRlta and Sprite a like distance back ot lioosier. Totals ... 6 I 17 11 I Total .. UK 1 I xArndt out; hit by batted ball. Columbus 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0-4 Stolen bases: Oieason 3, Turner t, Hemp hill., Speer. Sacrifice hit: Mellor. Three base hits: Ganley. Home run: Turner. Struck out: By Burger 6, by Stlmmel 2, by Hedges 1. Buses on balls: Off Berger 4, off Stlmsnel 3. Passed ball: Fox. Time: 1:63. Umplrei Cunningham. t. Paal 'Wine from Lonisvllle. LOUISVILLE, Aug. 31. Bt. Paul defeated Loulavllie today In a well played game. The locals could not hit Bailey at opportune times, while Walker was batted hard when man were on the bases. Attendance, t.CuO. Bcore: IT. TAIL. I LOUISVILLE. Oear, lb Shannon. Jaikaon. rf.. 1 Schaefar, aa. 1 rluitina. Ib. 1 Kallay. lb... 1 Klournoy. If. 1 J SvilllT'S. I Ballay. p.... 0 1141 Karwta. rt cf. 0 0 0 0 V Han, If 0 0 Hraahaar, Ib. 0 4 ltOdwall, ct... 0 4 111. Silli'S. Ib 1 0 U Schrtarer. , a, 0 Win,. lb ... 1 0 oJulnlaa, aa.. 0 1 SiWalkar, p... 0 I I 17 11 "l Total ...1 I 17 11 3 I I I I 1 I 1 11 1 1 : i R.H.O.A.B. 1110 0 I 11 Total Louisville ........... 0 I110000 0-I 8t. Paul 100810000 Two-base hits: White, Huggins. Three base hit: White. Stolen bases: S. Sullivan. Ouwell, Braahear, Schaefer, Jackson. Sacrl hae hit: Shannon. Double plays: Brashear to Qulnlan to White, Brashear to White to Schaefer to Kelly. First base on bailsi Oft Walker, 3: off Bailey, 1. Struck out: By Walker, 4: by Bailey. 1. Hit by pitched bail: Quinlan. Huggins. left on bases; Louisville, I; 6t. Paul, I. Time: 2:00. Um pire: Foreman. Called Berenae of Rain. INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 31-Wlth the score standing 3 to 0 In favor of Indianap olis the game with Minurapolla was called In the first part of the fourth inning en account of rain. A doubls-header will be played tomorrow. taadln ef tie Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Bt. Paul ..' Louisville Milwaukee Indianapolis .... Kansas City .... Columbus Minneapolis .... Tolsdo Ganea lo4ajrt .111 ...lit 77 47 44 4.' 57 01 41 W 38 48 48 it 64 67 73 Tl P.C .670 .6x3 .67 .614 .tyH Aii .in .3o Vo4u City, at Toledo, EVENTS ON TROTTING TRACKS Dan Patch Falls to Equal Record, bat Goes In Two Mlnntes Flat. BT. PAUL, Aug. 31. Sixty thousand saw Daa Patch unsuccessfully attempt to lower nis recoia at tne state lair grounds today. Despite the fact that the gieat p.oer had gone against time last Friday at Readvllle, Mass., and had been almost continuously on the cars until today, he went a mile In 2:00 flat The day waa Ideal, being warm, with scarcely a breeie stlcrlng, and the track was In first-class condition. After being sent a warmina-un mile In 2:10l4, Dan Patch, accompanied by his run ning mate, uia Mine, appeared for hi rial against time. At the second scoring Me Henry nodded for the word and the stal lion was off, covering the ground In long, easy strides. The first quarter waa gone In 30 seconds, the next In 2iV making ths halt in bi. Around the far turn the runner slackened his speed a trifle and Patch did the third quarter In 80. Coming Into the stretch Patch showed a msgnlfl eent burst of speed, and with McHenry fairly lifting him along the last quarter was done In 2D, and tha mile In 2:00. Two good races were carded for the opening day, tha 2:20 trot and the 2:1:4 pace. Results: 2:12 trot, purse 31,000: Klondike won sec ond, third and fourth heats snd the race. Time: 2:13, 2:1:'. 2:1214. Magpie V. Won first heat in 2:14. Gold Dust Maid, Brash and Eyllne also started. 2:40 pace, purse 81,(00: Joe Interest won In straight heats. Time: 2:11. 2:l:t. 2:13. Foxy Curd, Pontiff Girl, Axtello Wilkes, Pt M. snd Nntalta Brown also stsrted. READV1LI.E. Mass., Aug. 81. On ac count ot the heavy track the Neponset stake for pacers, held over from last week and scheduled to take place today, was again postponed and will be held on the first day upon which the conditions shall be favorable. Internntlonal Tennis Results. NIAOARA-ON-THE-LAKE. Ont.. Aug. 31. The Niagara International Tennis tour nament - waa continued here today, and many matches were disposed of. Scores: Men's Championship Singles First round: H. Hall of Toronto beat H. E. Averv of Detroit, 6-4. 6-3: E. 11. Fisher of New York beat Ralph Burns of Hamilton, 6-8, 8-6, 6-1, Sidney L. Smith of New York beat P. Ack rtand of Cincinnati. 6-3. 7-4; Dr. Pearson of Toronto beat D. Lloyd of Pittsburg, 6-:. 6-3. Ladles' Champlonshln First round: Miss Myrtle McAteer of Pittsburg beat MUs Carrie Nceley of Chicago, 4-4, 4-3. ProsYraai for Athletic I'alon. MILWAUKEE. Aug 31-Presldent W. H. Llalnaer ot the National Amateur Athletic union today gave out the official order of events tor tne nations V championship con tests to be held at Milwaukee, September 10 and 11. The order will not be changed by the referee. The list follows: One hundred and twenty yards high hurdles, trial heats: l'Vyard dash, trial heals; one mil run: 100-yard dash, final heal; Li) yards high hurdle, Onai heat; TRY COMPANY MANAGERS Kw Jersey Would Provo Street Car Directors Guilt of M.rnlan;hter. PERMITTED TWO TRAINS TO COLLIDE Prosecntlon In Opening; Address Says Defendants Let Crossing; Remain Covered with Snow so Brakes Woald Net Work. NEWARK, N. J.. Aug. 81.-The seven members of the executive committee of the board of directors of the North Jersey Street Kailwuy company appeared today in the Essex county court for trial on in dictments charging them with man slaughter. On February 19, last, nine Newark school students were killed In & collision between a Clifton avenue trolley car and a Lack awanna express train. Indictments were returned against A. J. Cassatt, Pennsyl vania; J. D. Crlmmins of New York: Ed ward E. C. Young, president of the North Jersey Street Railway company and First National bank of Jersey City; Dr. Leslie D. Ward, vice president of the Prudential Insurance company) Elisha B. Caddis, wholesale merchant and director of the Pennsylvania railroad; David Young, vice president and general manager of the North Jersey, and J. Roosevelt Shanley, ' members of the executive committee of ths street railway company. In addition to these men there also ap-' pea red as defendants Charles M. Shlpman, former general superintendent of the North Jersey; James Smith, Arthur W. Pratt and Richard Eck, division officers of the com pany. The Indictment of these officials followed a verdict by the coroner' jury fixing re sponsibility on the North Jersey Btreef. Railway company, I Chief Justice Gummer and Justices Van- i sickle and Dixon were on the bench to hear the case. On behalf of the defend ants there - appeared former Governor Werts and R. V. Llndabury. Car Went Throoa-h 'Gates. The jury was completed and at 10 a. m. Prosecutor Rlker opened for the state, re citing the nature of the accident, toe con dition of the track and the dangers of the crossing. On tho morning of the accident, he said, the crossing was covered with snow and Ice, so that the brake shoes of the car were clogged. . In consequence the car slipped down the incline, smashed through the gates and collided with the train. He said that common prudence de manded clean tracks, empty front plat forms, so as not to Interfere with the motorman, and a safety derailing switch. These were absent In this case. He then named the defendants individu ally and stated that they were aware ef the condition ot the tracks, that thsy knew about the crossings and they had done nothing to avoid the accident. He asked that they be adjudged guilty of the charge in the indictment. The first witness was Edward G. Kempf, a surveyor, who showed diagrams and measurements he had made on the Clifton avenue crossing and the Immediate vicin ity. He was followed by Mrs. Minnie Horle, sister of Ernestine Miller. The defense admitted the death of Miss Miller and also that she was a passenger on the wrecked car. This waa done to relieve Mrs. Horle from the pain of a prolonged examination as to her sister's death. The last witness of the day was James Kay, a letter carrier, who wa at ths crossing at the time of the accident. He described the condition of the approach to the crossing and said that the motor man of the trolley car apparently mad every effort to stop the car, but could not do so on account of the Ice-covered con dition of the tracks. He wa4 still being examined when court adjourned for the day- a . ' Success i marvelous, driving out all other polishes wherever known. It is the modtrn past tho polish. No acids to crack, the leather. SIIINOI'A fil1 " crcki aod preserves the leather la men's, women's and children's shoes. There is no other like It. A Shtnola shine contain no yellow tin re h Is the Ideal color-Just a brilliant, lasting et black. Easy te apply with the shtnola Dauber ana rouaner ; smnes instantly one same last a week, at net Is waterproof. OMM HVltDHMD J HI JIMS FOR Jt DIMS. At all desltrs, lOc, or by mil postpaid for price. Beware of worthies Imitation ; get it o4ay. 8BIXOUA Co., ScUMfrt, Rochester, N.Y. BANK CLERK SHOOTS GIRL Then Toms the Revolver Upon Him self and Ends His Own Life. RICHMOND, Va., Aug. 31.-Herbert B. Bates, a clerk to the First National bank, today shot and killed Miss Rena Gentry. He then shot and killed himself. There were no witnesses to the tragedy. It la supposed that ahe had refused hla attention. Yearlings Bring; Good Prices. NEW YORK. Au. 31. The yearlings from the McGraUilima and Oakwood studs were sold in the pa.Mo:k at Sheepshead Bay todav. Price ruled (food. A chestnut colt bv Reauttw .-r'Hiwv Hose was knocked down to J. E. Maildit, after some spirited bidding, for 2,350. t."i top price of the sale. Captain 8. S. Brown paid 12,100 for the son of Ceaarlon and imported Abu Kru. Other aalea: Imported chestnut colt py imported Piety and Imported Aggie Marden, P. Dunne, 81,260. Chestnut fillv by Imported Mirthful and Agnes Weed, E. R. Bradley, Bay colt by imported nraie ot r-enzance and Alma L., W. E. Hayes. 31.800. Black colt by imported Plsate of Pen ganoe and Bracket, P. Dunne. $1,230. Chestnut colt bv Russell and Brandolette, P. H. Garrison $1,700. - Chestnut colt by Onondaga and Imported E:f. H. R- Baker, $1,100. - Chestnut colt bv Imported Madison and Eramel, M. D. Miller. $1,000. Horse Drops Dead oa Track. SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 31. (8r"clal Tele gram.) The Interstate Live Stock fair opened very ausplcloualv here today and the large crowds In attendance promise great success for the entire week. The program of races was excellent and irrod time made. In the 2:3$ pace Parkerfield dropped dead from a bursted blood vessel In the fourth heat, having made the best time, 2:121. in the second heat. Summary: 2:86 pace: Ada P. won. Major Dent sec ond. Miss Vsnce third. Handsome Harry fourth. Best time: 2:12J4. Running, half mile and repeat, purse 8W0: Tlburnen won, Archie M. second. Best time: 0:604. Running, three-quarter of a mile dash, purse IW: Chamberlain won, Faywood sec ond. Time: l:174j ' Ten-Ronnd Draw. SAGINAW. Mich., Aug. 31. Martin Duffy of Chicago, welterweight chamnlon of the world, and Gus Gardner of Philadelphia, chamnlon at 136 pounds, fought ten rounds io a draw here tonight. Gardner was out weighed by Dnffv nearly fifteen pounds, and considering the discrepancy In weight he fought like a demon. Duffy tried hard to put him out, but could not hit hard enough. Grand Circuit Racea Postponed. PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Aug. 31 Today's Grand Circuit races at NatTagansett park were postponed owing to wet condition cf the track. FATHER DYING OF GRIEF Will Rot Remain a Prisoner. LOUISVILLE. Aug. 8L-Father John H, Cushlng today denied the story emanating from Denver that he had been ordered to Gethssmsne, and that he was to' remain practically a prisoner for life because of his long fight upon Bishop Mats. Father Cushlng has been s-nt In retreat at the Trapplst monastery for a month by Arch bishop Falconlo. and thereafter will return to his diocese In Denver. Treasury Officials on To nr. ST. PAUL, Aug. 80. Robert 8. Armstrong. assistant secretary of the United States treasury; N. N. Stranahan, collector of tha Port of New York, and Hamilton Fish, aBNiBiam nt fw xora, leri toaay over the Great Northern for tha Pacific coast, wheie tney win visit a number or cities. Return Ing east the party will spend a week or morn in xeuowstone park. Man Who Ihoots His Son Will Live to Ba Tried in Conrt. Sot JOLIET. Ill, Aug. 31. John Catons. the aged and wealthy farmer who shot and killed his favorite son In July during a quarrel, is dying of grief. He has been taken from the jail to the hospital, and the doctors say ha will not live to faee the grand jury Indlotment for murder pending against him. vouf vonrlerrai Tmi?s.tmm fo tKr nontha ru4 daIdi nttralr cared of woititni 1 and dytpepitft, l think word or prU u 'Csc.reta''fur thlr wuftdtrfvl 002. potation Hsvrlii- UkAn atarrfa and dyi due. wsV'Cucaxel I haw, tftkttu iiumrtiin uthatr n-ral l! ramftdiniaa bat withuDt TLi .ni I find ihmi CMflftrtHa nil oar tutu. i in cm art 1 won id in ft year." 4mm Mi bsvu ail tn 0th art I aaT takaa mm McOuna, i Meto9i Bt, Jar. ay Cl7, K. . best for Th Dowels V Sw. Canon CATtwrne 1 w mw nil. 1 .1, 1 .in. rtn." .. a K'r blckon, Vi iuiii ar orlpo, lac. tea. tOe. f'f aoid la balk. Tha tannine labial atanpaa COO. uaaxaufeca to aura or yuur moaajr sacs. Sterlidg Remedy Co., Chicago or N.T. 50 AXXIML SALE. TEN KILLIQN EOXES 0M (t( the BAG TO THE OLP 30 uE On September 1, 8, 15 and October 6 the Burlington offers round trip tickets to many points in Indiana and Ohio at fare and one-third; good to re turn within thirty days. I can sell you tickets via Chi cago, , Peoria or St. Louis whichever way you want to go. I may be able to offer money earing , suggestions better seo or write me. Trains via Chicago and Peoria leave 7:00 a. in., 4.-00 p. m. and 1:06 p. m. ; via St Louis, E:S p. m. Tbsy carry everything that makes traveling comfortable. ifliiimn J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, IS02 Farnam Street, OMAHA. IHB 1 v TANDARD PUimYANDWII0LB50MB55. CINCINNATI.OHIO. IIILLER LIQUOR CO. WhOMl0z:iA farty in, sic Is Ms Caca, a. 8ANTAIUA C4.. sUfcar. Taaaaa. rla. RICHAR080N DRUG CO. ye It is a Pleasure to have an office in a building where every thiup, runs smoothly and where your wishes regard ing the little Milngs that are often annoying are taken care of without tho necessity of complaint. . The superintendent of The Bee Building devotes all of his time to supervision of service, repairs and the comfort of the tenants. It may aurprlse yon that you can rent a very oomfortable office. Including all of the benefits of good service, for 810.00. AU ot our offices are light, coo! and at tractive. R. C. PETERS St CO., RENTAL AGENTS. Q ROUND f LOOR. BUG BU1LDINQ THE Every Woman tesmt4insin4ar ahexiis) ktwa vixMal iLs ciuoarftal MAtYtt Whirling tarty TusewVairlaalSTHaaL ar. AM aaa Iviioa, Bati. TMBewairlaal rrta. 4 oat Cantesianl, At mm ImM ft It. ' I f faa Mnrml sutsm.laa the liAlf ail. g4y-tK ttO 1 tir, a it Mn4 4Mhip Ic t. ltkir-i4 book- !. U a luil Mrtlrtjiar ami utn rflln- M TlNf h, t, 7b? mwTf.' " nltmgoinm mmn 4W ' I g j W "il7 a 4 ! Lfc 1 t' . ... . , DR. tAc GREW aPK lAUaT. Chr(i leaa than all thara. Trrata all lorma af DISEASES Of MEN tl rra' aiprrlaaca. II ara M Uinal.a. M.bue ta.r curad. Kr-liabla. aac aatalul. Cuiaa auaiaa- 4. Tall or vrlta star tit g. lata OUAfcU. rinn.