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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1903)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1003. WANT THE WILL SET ASIDE Grandchildren of Peter Qltndt Demand , Bhare of Estate Equal to Other Heirs, TORN PAGES CAUSE SOME COMPLICATION Boa ( Contention I Valued at . Heart? Half Million and Per. latent FIM Beema Certain. Developmpnts In ths settlement of the 1400,000 estate of the late Peter Olandt, the Millard banker, read somewhat like the panes of a novel. Bometlme ago the will wi admitted to probate, there being a host of beneficiaries. Later Paulina If. Wlllms, Clnra Wlllms and Henry L. Wlllms of Millard entered a proteat by their at torneys, Jefferls and Howell, asking that the will be set aalde and the property dis tributed according to law. Theae heirs are grandchildren. When the will was preaented for probate It was noticed by employes In the county Judge's office that one of the several pages had been torn off a few Inches from the bottom of the sheet. The page In question contained a number of bequests and the mutilation had been made so as to leave a sentence Incomplete, the last word being "and." Notwithstanding the notice taken at the time of this condition of the will, the court was satisfied that the original document waa In the shape that th maker intended It to be. Want Kqaal Portion. Now tho three grandchildren come In and through their attorneys say they will ahow that the Intention was to award them more of the property than thoy got They are dissatisfied with their share, want to break the win and come In on even footing with the other numerous heirs. On ths other hand Attorneys Punk McCoy for the estate, administrator and other legatees, state that It can be shown precisely how the page came to be torn off to coincide with the exact wishes of the deceased. A hearing was set for yesterday and many witnesses responded. The contest ants, however, were not ready to proceed and the case waa postponed until Septem ber . ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Of Interest to Stockholders Free Transportation to Attend the An- nal Meeting at Chicago. Public notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Illinois Central Railroad company will be held at Its offices In Chicago, 111., on Wednesday, October 21, 1908, at 13 o'clock noon. , To permit personal attendance at said meeting there will be Issued to each holder of one or more shares of the capital stock of the Illinois Central Railroad company as registered on the books of the company at the close Of business on Tuesday, Septem ber 19, 1903, who Is of full age, a ticket enabling him, or her, to travel free over th company's lines from the station on th Illinois Central railroad nearest to his or her registered address to Chicago and re turn, such ticket to be good for the Journey to Chicago only during the tour days im mediately preceding, and th day of the meeting, and for the return Journey from Chicago only on th day of the meeting, and th four days Immediately following, when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours that to to say, be tween t a. ra. and ( p. m. In th office of th assistant secretary, Mr. W. O. Sruen, in Chicago. Such ticket may b obtained by any holder of stock registered a above, on application, in writing, to the president of th company in Chicago. Each application must stat th full nam and address of th stockholder exactly aa given in his or her certificate of stock, together with the number and date of such certificate. No mora than one person will be carried free In respect to any one holding of stock as registered on the book of th company. A. O. HACK8TAFF. Secretary. GO TO , BILL FOUR STATES Army of Poster Pasters Invado Large atrip of Conntry for King Ak-Sar-Ben. Manager Pony Moore has moved the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival offlce from th First National bank building to 319 South Thirteenth street," telephone 997, and ar rangements for the biggest affair of Its kind ever seen In th country ar being pushed forward. Eight men have ' started out to "bill Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and the Black Hills country with handsome one-sheet lithograph posters. They show a Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben in full armor and bear suitable legends regarding the parade and carnival The Omaha Electric Light A Power com pany has accepted the proposition of the city to waive collection of its special street lighting bill until next year. Th stringing of wire Is therefore being pushed, and Omaha wilt be brilliantly Illuminated with hundreds of aro and thousands of whit and colored Incandescent during th carnival. ChampagnT If tt'a the taste and sparkle you want, Dl bring you Cook's Imperial. Annonnceaaoata of th Theaters. Ruth Peebles, Trixle Frlganaa and Ida' tene Cotton aro enough to make a pretty good show all by themselves, but with the backing of a cborua of sixty girls, the show girls and the "Song of the Cities" sextette, these star of "Th Prince of Pilsen" company have a splendid setting. Th engagement begins on Thursday even ing, opening th season at th Boyd, and continues until after Saturday, with matinee on Saturday, The sale of seats Is now open. Attention, Klksl Th funeral of- Brother Marshall W. Kennard will be held from the Elks' lodge rooms. Ware block, 16th and Farnam sts., Tuesday. Sept. 1 (today) at 3 p. m. All members ar requested to be present. Vli Itlng members and the public, ar Invited. FRANK A. FT RAT, Secretary. Attention, A. O. I. W. Funeral of Brother Carl Lundberg will be held Wednesday, September I, at t o'clock p. m., from 1937 South Seventeenth street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Members of America lodge No. I9 and his relatives and friends a re cordially re quested to attend. OTTO PETERSON. M. W. ALFRED JOHNSON, Recorder. Tho Lake Shore Limited to Plttabargh A through Pittsburgh sleeper is now In dally service on th Lake Shore Limited leaving Chicago at 1:30 p. m., and reach lug Pittsburgh tb next morning at U, affording Pittsburgh, travel all the luxuri ous appointments of this famous train. M. 8. Ulles. T. P A., Chicago; C. F. Daly, Chief A. O. P. A., Chicago. Douglas Printing Co.. lio Howard. Tel. 44. Dr. r. W. Slabaugh. demist. LUK. T. Ufa if Tuesday's Special Bargains Girls' Schools Suits at $5 and $6.98 iS2 Handsomely mnde little tailored Suits for jfirls, swell two-piece Suits la blouses. Norfolks, reefers and nil the populnr styles that will be worn this fall. Made in the new novelty cloth and very pretty and serv iceable for a fall school dress.. sT ptW f T We have marked these new suits J at special prices Just precedlui; 1 I J J m XJr the opening of school, today sr "" Bonnet Black Silk Sale This Is the renowned black silk from the firm of C. J. Bonnet St Co., Lyons, France. Every piece bears the Bonnet trade-mark and alll Lave the superb finish. Bonnet Taffetas do not crock nor crack. These special prices prevail: 21- inch Bonnet Taffeta, worth fl.OO, at 59c '27-iuch Bonnet Taffeta, worth $1.25, at 75c 30-inch Bonnet Taffeta, worth $1.75, nt 1.25 30-inch Bonnet Teau de Sole, worth $2.00, at 1.39 22- inch Bonnet Teau de Sole, worth $1.30, nt ; 95c 22 inch Bonnet Peau de Uant, worth $1.30, at l95o 22-inch Bonnet Louiaene Brllliante, worth $1.39, at 95c $1 Colored Taffetas at 59c Beautiful Italian finished taffetas, 05 different shades, will be of use in many ways in the new pssf fall suits, worth fl.OO . Js JJ a yard today Jr Jr at Fashionable Silk Belts at 25c Our very finest silk peau de soie and taffeta belts that have been selling during the season at 50c and 75c. These are the prettiest and most stylish belts that' can be found and will be highly popular for fall f ""1 ' wear today ! 4" special y .V a, at.. Special Sale on Boys' School Suits Get Your Boy Ready for School. The swellest little suits for good, strong wear and showing all the new BtyleJ 11 121.11- J! lur iuB in, Lie leiiuwi, on uispiay ai special sale in ou Clothing Department on the third floor. Watch our Windows r UlWIIMMIil-iaiUll'l.l.ltllUlimSIMIIgMJMILlnM.Wl.llRIWJ.IM.S "yOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO open a bank account with us. We pay & por cent intorost on pass booh and cer tificates, and money may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Deposits made now draw interest for th entire month. Checks on all banks cashed. J. L. Brandeis & Schis Bankers. TO KEEP RIVERS IN BANKS Connollr Proposes to Stralajhtaa Elk- horn and Pnnio to Prevent Farther Inundations. The Elkhorn. the Big" Papio and the east branch of the latter river may be straight ened In Doug-las county and the banks so protected as to prevent Inundations of sur rounding lands. County Commissioner Connolly Is urging that this be done. He says that on trips through the county last week he found thousands of dollars damage had been done to crops by the overflow from the streams. He talked over the matter of building works to restrain the rivers and found the fanners generally In favor of the Idea. One community In the southern part of the county was willing to offer 11,000 towards the expense. If the work be done. The expense, according to the commis sioners, will be comparatively small, and will be saved several times over In a few years by the protection afforded to farm property. He Introduced a resolution at the meet ing of the board directing-, the county sur veyor to make "meanders" of the rivers, and prepare an estimate for straightening the courses. The move seemed to meet with the general approval of the other com missioners and they voted for It. Commis sioner O'Keeffe said If possible the im provement should be made. Bell Boys Released, Q. Bonehlll, who has been staying at the Barker, yesterday reported to the police that he had been robbed of $60. Four bell boys at the hotel were arrested on suspi cion J. It. Haraer of Sioux City, Frank Shavllk. 1708. South Tenth street; John Christiansen, who lives at the hotel, and Frank Ross, from Tenth and Kavan streets. After an examination by Captain Dunn the four were liberated, aa there was nothing to show that they had taken the money. Work svt .Andltorlai The Auditorium presented a very busy scene yesterday, and -no further Inter ruptions or delays In the work are sntlol- Fated. Brick work was resumed by a large orce of masons,, which will be Increased as rspldly as possible by the contractors. The big trusses anj brackets for the roof are being delivered on the grounds, where they will be "assembled" before being hoisted. Seventy-Five Accept. Seventy-five acceptances of Invitations to the banquet which the Commercial club will tender President Kilekney of the Chi cago Great Western have len received, leaving but fifteen still to be filled. Not only will sll of them be taken, but the committee expects that It will receive ac ceptances from a score or more members who eaunot be accommodated with seals. in all wool fabrics, made Watch our Wirfdows It's Your Fault 1i?T..OURS, lf yu continue to pay full, old time prices for drugs, prescriptions, patent medicines, rubber goods, etc cause we are making this absolutely un necessary with our system of delivering any thing we sell to your door at adver Jlaed Prices. PRESCRIPTIONS ARE CALLED FOR FILLED AND DELI V Wgz$!Ui. MONEY THAN T ANY ncrLiABUB UHUU STORE IN THE CITY-THIS WE WILL, GUAR AN TEE. 60c Oxyn Balm ' Cream 40c 50o Charles' Flesh Food 40c $1.00 Peruna g70 1.00 lT. S. Tobacco Cure guaranteed.. 60c $1.00 Pierce's Remedies 6X0 61)0 Cutleura Salve 390 60c Doan's Kidney Pills S90 75c Mueller's Cod Liver Oil 64c 25o Hire's Root Beer u0 36o Genuine Castoiia , 24c Allcock's Plasters- ue $2.00 Genuine Chester's Pennyroyal Pllla $1 OPEN ALL, NIGHT. SCIIAEFER'S SBS-SBm Two 'Phones T4T and TT. 16th nnd Chicago Streets. Ossnha. Stiie.. g 5 M INDIAN BEADS! N H H M g ' The fad of the Day H ... M M we carry the largest line or colors Bin BEADS of any house. Send us M your mall orders of any color possible; M M we can All your wants. Looms to M M weave bead work. pattern books, M M needles, everything pertaining 10 the M M BEAD work. Also the largest and H ta roust complete yarn department In the M H west. We WHOLESALE OR RETAIL tt snd can All your wants for any quan- M n as BJOSEPII F. BILZ H $23 S. 16th BU feat M OMAHA. - - NEBRASKA. M D ibsbebbesxbskskxesbeebeLZ p,mm LITHIA WATER tsSSS Perfteld's Cut Prio Piano Co, Be Bdf Room 7. Telephone 701 Wtaer. Mrs dark LeJwtc IfefcUzr. ft 0 0E ill! iHb) HK.L.IAULK Bluttfa. De sure nnd attend our famous 00 minute sales, where we ac tually give away goods for almost nothing. riiOM8::0TOD0 We will sell flat lining cambric, regular uc goods, in two colors only, drab and brown and only ten yards dp to a customer, at, yard ...Im 9:30 TO 10:30 One big square white goods in 40-inch India linons, 40-inch lawns, 40-inch organdies, dot Swisses, checks and stripe nainsooks, mercerized stripes, Leuo stripes, etc., not a yard worth less than 25c, long mill ends, for one hour, from . C( 10 HO to 11:30 at yard FROM 10:00 TO 11:00 ONE HOUR SALES IN BIO VELVET DEPARTMENT. To start the season on velvets, will sell 100 boxes imported vel veteens, in fine selections of colors these goods are worth ' three times the money, but for one hour Tuesday morning from 10 until 11 o'clock, you take your choice, (Rf no limit as to quantity ...... Iwu FROM 11:00 TO 12:00 500 dozen ladies' fine lisle thread hose, in plain and fancy colors, including the sample line of one of the largest hosiery houses Jn New York This is a great opportunity to buy fine hose at less than one-half price, worth up to $1.00 f Of on sale at 39c, 25c, 19c, 15c and lub FROM 1:30 TO 2:30 T.M. We will sell short and long remnants of wash goods, prints, per cales and other coods worth for 60 minutes only, and only IN OUR MAIN WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT FROM 3:30 TO 4:30 TUESDAY. During this ONE HOUR Ave will have on sale the balance of our thin colored wash goods, batiste, dimity, Swiss, LV f mulls, etc., 12Jc to 40c grades at 1 2u FROM 4:30 TO 530 For 60 minutes we will sell $1.50 wrappers for 59c. 500 ladies' wrappers, ace and insertion trimmed, EftQf worth up to $1.50 for UUU Grand September Opening Grocery Specials, 25 lb. sacks whole wheat flour at 45c Large sacks white or yellow cornmeal at 12Hc 10 lb. sacks pure Graham flour 19c Pearl Tapioca, sago. Farina, Barley, etc., per pound 3e The best corn starch, pkR oc Celluloid elastic or Electric starch, pkff.'c All brands of laundry soap, bar 2V&C 1-lb. package Imported marcaronl 7Vfcc t pkgs. home made condensed mince meat for , 35c 1-lb. can fancy Alaska salmon 9c 6-Ib. pkg Union, Yankee or High Five Breakfast oatmeal 15a 8 lb. can Golden Pumpkin 5c SEPTEMBER WEDDINGS - Our. stock of Silver Is very complete Sugar 8pooni, $2.00; Berry Spoons, $4.00; $5.00, $6.00; Cream Laddies, $2.00. $3.00 and $4.00; Tea Spoons, per set, $4.00, $5.00 and $4.00 () sntt nunoreas or other besutirul pieces to select rrom Spend a few minutes In our store. Look for the name i S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler; ! 1516 Douglas Street. Free Drug Catalog aaaarfsSaESEESSBss'' j If you oeed anything In the drug line write for our Big Catalogue. It contains! much Interesting information and will show you where to SAVE MONEY ON YOUR DRUGS. $1.00 Wine Cardul we sell for 74c $1.00 Baker's Barley Malt Whiskey for...7oc i $1.00 Oaomulslon, we sell ,...80c Free samples Ozomulslun for those who 1 wish them. I 25o Brown's Bronchial Trochees for 20c 60c Oxzyn Balm (always) for 4c ! $1.00 Hostetter's Bitters, we sell Tile 26o Brandreth'a Fills, we sell Vjc. ; $3.60 Marvel Whirling Spray, we sell. ..$2.15 $1.00 De Miracle Hair Remover for goc 26o Gargling Oil, we sell ..19c 60o Gargling Oil, we sell ..Stc $1.00 Gargling OU, we sell 7tto KngllHh Process Soap, 8c cake, dor Sua 60o Williams' Pink Pills for 39c , Colgate's Pansy Blossom Kxtract, we sell, os 25c 26o Orangelne, we sell VJc 60c Orangelne, we sell 3o 26a Asiatic Insect Powder for 20c 26o Davis' Pain Killer for lc ' 60o Davis' Pain Killer for X)c ' $1.00 Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills 79c Good Atomizers 2c J-qt. Fountain Syringe 5oc 60o Pozzonl's Complexion Powder for....2c Write lor our 100 page catalogue. This catalogue la corrected to date and pleasea , everybody except our small-bore, would-be ; competitors WHO DON'T LIKE IT A BIT. I 25o Mennen's Talcum Powder, we sell llo 1 $1.00 White Ribbon Liquor Cure, we sell.HOo : (Special prices to dealers on above.) i $1.00 Listertne (Lambert's, we sell ....74c 26o Putzlne (cleans wall paper) we sell rfm : 26c Putzlne (cleans wall paper), our I price 12a ' SOo Syrup Figs (genuine), we sell 3:'o 26o Hunyada Lajos water for l?,c 6oo Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets for ;c 9 LU'lan Russell Cigars for 2nc $1.00 Newbro's Herplclde for 7Ho $1.60 Fellow's Syrup, we sell $1.15 Our big catalogue tells all about our store. Write for it. Sherman & McConnal! DrugGo. Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Cor. 16th and Dodge, OMAHA, JSEB. Have them right. No use suffering with poor teeth when we can fix them and make your mastication perfect. All work guar anteed. Fillings . Crowns (22k.) ..75c up. $5.00 TafYs Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. COLLAR ToascrrBss, PaeMsnphar. U1I Fvua, ul Fxaa. BTOBSCirasa, fruiter, 1201 Howard, ul. U10. "There U eslr 8taeecf iar.w tut ae't aoiss twe thiass sne til aulas beta la tee suie ktg torsos suss CbTeetli Tuesday in Omaha's Greatest Domestic Room from 7Jc to 19c, yard, 11 10 yds to customer, at ...d 2- lb can Wax or String Beans Gc Fresh crisp soda, butter or oyster crackers, per pound Re All kinrb) potted meats, can 3o 3- lb. can table Peaches, Apricots, Pears , or Plums, In honey syrup, per can ,.12Vc Large juicy Lemons, each lo Fancy sweet Orannes, each lo TEA AND COFFEE SPECIALS Oood Bio Coffee, per lb t l-8c Fancy Qo!den Bio. per lb ,.10c Choice Santos Coffee, per lb ..12tyc H. B. C. Special Blend, per lb ISc High Grade Mocha and Java, lb 26c Choice Tea Sittings, lb 15c Fancy Basket Fired Japan,' Special one day only, lb 28c OJ 0 Misses School Shoes ft We have a line of aenulne welt sole shoes made with smooth inner soles and oak sole leather outer soles TI10 large trade we hava built up on these shoes Is proof enough of the quality we put In them. Children's sizes. H to 11, $175. Misses' sizes, HVi to 2, $2.25. Young women's sizes. 2 "A to S. $3.00. These last have either the spring or low heel. We recommend this shoe for fit, style, comfort and wear, and give you your money back If not satlsnea. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-to-Dato Shoe House, Just received $3,000 worth of Gorham Sterling Sil ver and Elegant New Eggerton Cut Glass For Wedding Presents A larger variety and more varied and beautiful designs and shapes than we have shown any previous season. 222 So. 16th St. Merchants National Dank ) , Of OMAHA . , 1 1 M M. Uwr Vmb W It ak VNITDO mTATBm DHWtmlTUHY. rmk Hrt. I a DM w sWdil ltb.T wrtbf r TJHtllwMt, I jrfewgj "YtPR3rtElry jE5EX3SZsflS33E3 Boys' School Shoes Our "Indestnictable" school shoe for toys aro the great est tvenr resistors ever put upon the market. 13Va to 2 tt . ies 214 to it 1.50 1.65 Made of genuine veal with strong: quilted soles. cnif- Prepare the Boys for School. Four special lots of school suits for boys, on sale all this week. $1.50. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS made of fancy cheviot and ens ' simeres, in dark and medium shades, Norfolks, 4 to 12, . or double breasted style jackets, i ")Oi 8' to 15 years all this week .U-IV' HOYS' SCHOOL SUITS made of all wool blue cheviots, fancy cheviots and cassimeres, nil the newest colorings, Norfolks 4 to 8, double breasted jacket 8 to O f) f) 15 years all this week &JVJ BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS made of all wool high grade, blue cheviots and thibets, fancy cheviots and cassimeres, all newest colorings, Norfolk 4 to 12, double E-f) breasted jacket 8 to 15 all this week i.KjJ BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS made of the highest grade of blue "Washington Mills cheviots, also fancy cheviots and cassimeres, absolutely the latest colorings, . Norfolk and double breasted all this week .-Jv J JV Aloney Saving in and Picture Dept. BBBSBstS' IBBBBBBSBbJ Tuesday a Picture worth $1.25, for Set) them In the window. Pyrography has its headquar ters 1H OUr Art We save you money on your grocery purchases Jrgo BlutHB, tifrnu. - w-sv-v-, Inviting. Prices the lowest. Free postal caras. leiepnone wi. Corn Starch Special We plac. on sale several thousand one pound packages of Corn Starch 3c per package 3c per package NO DEALERS SUIT-LIED. Breakfast Cocoa, half pound 20 C can Flavored Table Syrup, j can TreRerved Blackberries,, per can Potted Meats, assorted Qn can ' Veal and Ham Loaf can Apples, 8-pound Qn . can . Catsup, bottle - fin for Apple Butter, IOC French Mustard, glass jar and tfrr spoon w Gelatine, per package, Iflc for ,uv Fruit Butter Jar, lOc for Worcester Souce, I fir" bottle Parlor Matches, Rn 1,000 In box Cream Cheese, 124c per pound Neufchatel Cheese, An each Fresh Roasted Santos Coffee, tOn fine flavored, per pound aiv Tea glftlngs, in per pound scw Imperial Japan Tea, ORp per pound iJK Headquarters for groceries. K r , oSsssTiisiroji mmm.- ' k- I A. aa mmuTMxn ronm. wotam "w I mmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. k. TI HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS WHOM ALL POINT ON R3ISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY. 6REATLY BEDUCED BATES EAST. INDIANA. WESTE1N OHIO AND LOUISVILLE. IT, t9mhr K fcfc. 15th u4 Odabtr 6th. Katsra lianit. 39 iij. DONT MIS To tsUH Jm eld aaxne and ' aawnstna . iia( """" .imiM nmmn aaa Iku lau. bl i u itc ta vnim ma a j uuk To see that your Teeth Receive the Best Deotal Attention. ' BAILEY, Tho Dontlst. Lady Attendant. - Teleptiom 1085. 3rd Floor Paxtoa Bloc'.. f Boys School Waists We hare too mnny bora' waists in hand, more thau v,e usually hate at this time of year. TYe want to bring the atoek down to its normal condltlone-therefcre, we will sell boys fine percale md madras wnlsts, worth 75c S $.u!7 48c Art Dept. Lessons Free. Crockery English Porcelain Decorated 100-piece Din- r QO ner Sets 1.00 Large Sewing Lamp, com plete with mammoth decorated chim- t iOr neys, for . .40L Flemish 4 Gallon Water Coolers, com !'..c..m:. ... 85c plete Haviland & Co., White Kan son Breakfast n Plates .sVUC Large Rockingham lfr Dishes ...... ...... 1"C Bennett's pure white high grade fruit jar rubbers, dozen )C School Suits A watch for nothing Suits up from .. TUia ruiMpr yavr frio4 f atkec 4a os eosiMatv-s wnt, ea r ivrnnncr u t n ill a r- 2 ill i