Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1903, PART 1, Page 7, Image 7

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and rider wars carried away by the awlft
Millionaire Senator Epen'ds Most of Hit
Tims in Art Ga'leriea,,
Gelaare aad Catanlaara of Amerlcaaa
la tke Social let ta Great
Great Britain and oa
tha Coatlacat.
Copyright. 1903, by frees Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Auf. . (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) United
fit tee Senator Clark la Indulging hie craie
(or antique atatuary, bronsea and plcturea.
He la ataylng at the Carlton. Every morn
ing, with the energy of a boy, he atarta
(or the National gallery, where he atanda
sometimes (or an hour at a time con
templating the Botticelli maaterplecea and
the Raphaels. The officials know him and
provide him with a chair when he geta
around to a favorlfe painting.
He la not ao found of French art. The
Italian and Florentine achoola are hla
peclal dream.
It la reported that he la negotiating with
an Impecunious English peer td buy some
rare tepestrlea and plcturea through
Charlea Davla of Bond street, who recently
waa singled out by King Edward In
recognition of hla work In rearranging the
royal collections at Buckingham and Wind
sor palace, for the post of royal art expert.
United States ambassador and Mrs.
Choate, who have been ataylng for "week
ends" at various country houses are looking
(or a place (or the (all. Mrs. Choate went
to Ascot yesterday In pursuit of a country
house, and (ound some splendid placea to
Jet. She probably will take one.
' Secretary and Mra. Henry White and
daughter are visiting James Cadwalader
at Esdell, where there la excellent shooting.
Jamea Carter, who Joins In leasing the
place, . la there with Mr. Cadwalader.
Among other New Yorkers staying there la
Mr. McKIm, the famous architect.
Mr. and Mra. C. T. Yerkes have gone
to Germany. Mr. Yerkea will take a Aeeded
rest and drink the waters at Marlenbad.
Eyea Better Thaa Ever.
Harry Payne Whitney, has Just come over
with his wife and Is entertallng at Hoi wick
hall, his father's Yorkshire place. Mra.
Duryea and her two little girls are In tha
house party. Craig Wadsworth has been
there all thla 'week enjoying the aplendtd
shooting. Though his eyesight was some
what Impaired by a hunting accident last
year, he derived so tnuoh benefit from the
treatment by Pagenather that now he can
shoot stralghter than ever.
Princess Cantacuzene has gone to her
villa at St. Malo, In northwestern France,
after having stayed with Mra. potter
Palmer 'for the wedding of Honore Palmer,
Mra. Potter Palmer left for Parte last
week and will not return to London until
aha haa made the round of the various
.' "smart" spas and cures, which seem to
. have unparalleled attraction (or Americana
this year. '
The duke and duchess of Manchester have
been guests of James H. Smith of New
York at a shooting lodge In Dunachton,
Perthshire. The other guesta were all
Americana and the duchesa enjoyed the
visit "Immensely." Last night the duke
and duchess dined at tha Carleton with
Prince Henry of Pless and Count Mens-
Lavish with His Bride.
B. V, Thompson of New York, who mar
ried an hour before he aatled for England,
a fortnight ago, la honeymooning at the
: Carleton, lavishing presents on hla bride.
; He bought (or her yesterday a surprise
gift from the most expensive French Jew
elera single diamond for $1,500. it la not
large, but It la the most perfect conoelvable
In color. The bridegroom carried it for an
hour or two In his walstooat pocket, show.
Ing tt to several Intimate friends dining
at Prince's.
S. 8. MoClure la here (or a (ew daya, on
hla way to America. He had a nervous
breakdown aome months ago and his rest
In Swltserland worked wonder in restoring
hla health.
Mr. H. F. and Mlas Schumacher arrived
. from Parte, on their way home, yesterday,
General and Mra. Amea are still In Paris,
' but will return here (or a (ew daya before
leaving (or home.
Mra. Nathaniel Thayer and her beautiful
daughters have gone abroad. They will
return to London September T to stay two
daya before Bailing for home.
The Henry Sellgmanns, who were such
success at Homburg, are oomlng here Sep
tember (.
Calaa Caaaty Democrate Kama
Ticket Raeept Saperlateaaent
-Oaly Oae Contest.
CRE8TON. Ia., Aug. .-8peclal Tele
gramsThe democrata of Union county
held a nominating convention here today.
Candidates wsre scarce and the only con
tent waa over sheriff. No nomination waa
made for county superintendent, but a
resolution to endorse the republican candi
date was defeated. The ticket nominated
was as follows: Representative, T. 8.
H. Dougherty; treasurer, Lovt Pollock;
sheriff, Armstrong Wray; coroner, Frank
McGregor; aurveyor, Charles Williams. The
platform did not mention silver or the
Kansas City platform and waa confined to
local Issues, except condemning the republi
cans for their change of front on the Iowa
WEBSTER CITY, la., Aug. 29. (Special
Telegram.) The democrata of Hamilton
county met in convention in this city this
afternoon and placed in nomination the
following ticket: For representative, F.
A. Edwards, Webster City; for sheriff,
Miles Tatham. Jewell; for superintendent
of schools, Ralph Fenton, Jewell ; for treas
urer, Ed Peterson, Stratford. Mr. Edwards
stated this evening that he would announoe
in the Freeman-Tribune Monday that .ha
will refuse to run. The remainder of the
ticket ia yet to be heard from.
Blaak Hills goldlera and Sailors Have
Ha Assistance from tha
Weather Man.
PIEDMONT, S. V., Aug. 29. -(Special.)
The annual reunion of the Black Hills
soldiers and sailors have "run up against"
many tough propositions In years gone by,
but none ao bad as that at Piedmont
Wednesday and yesterday. The first day
opened rainy and cloudy all over the Hills
and thla cut down the attendance. Yeater
day waa sUll cold and cloudy.
Judge O. O. Bennett of Deadwood made
the address of welcome, and it waa greatly
appreciated. Hon. Washington Gardner,
congressman from Michigan, maae tne
main address, and it waa a masterpiece In
very way historical, foroeful, patrlotlo
and eloquent.
There waa a fair attendance and alto
gether the reunion waa a success In aplte
of the elements. Lead haa been chosen as
the place (or the next reunion, with date
the same aa thla year.
Fltty-Beven In Hospital.
ROME, Aug. 29. All the persona injured
In the railway accident near Udlne, alxty
miles from Venice, Thursday night when
a train crowded with soldiers collided with
a freight train, have been brought here
and placed in hospitals. They number
fifty-seven and include two captains and
thirteen lieutenants. The . condition of
twelve of the Injured la aerioua. Twenty
persona were killed In the disaster.
Drowned In Bwoolen Stream.
PIERRE, 8. P., Aug. . -(Special Tela
gram.) Jamea Cavanaugh, a young rough
rider, waa drowned Friday night In Chey
anno river near Leslie while trying to
cross the s.tream on a horse. The river
waa awollen by recent ralna and the horse
Danger, that frost May Catch the
Grass Before It Haa Had
Time to Care.
BTURGI8. 8. D., Aug. 2.-(Speclal.)-A
most unuaual storm for the Black Hiua
country occurred Wednesday. There was
a prodigious rain at Sturgls and It extended
all around thla aectlon. While doing no
damage to apeak of the rain at thla season
of the year is a bad thing. It keeps tne
grass growing instead of curing, and the
froata may catch all feed In an Immature
stage. Reports from tne ranges are to uio
effect that all water holes ara full, but the
green (eed makes shrinkage in cattle while
Trnth Spoils Good Story.
MITCHELL. 8. D.. Aug. 19. (Speclal.)-
A farmer living fifteen miles northeaat of
hare waa hurried to town with a awlft
team to have a physician repair a dlslo
cated ahoulder. After the Job waa done
the farmer said that he waa pitching wheat
bundles to a threshing machine and the
bundlea were ao heavy that hla ahoulder
went out of place. That waa considered
quite a real eatate boomlet (or the splendid
crope in thla city. Later it waa ascertained
that heavy wheat bundlea had nothing to
do with the dislocation of the farmer's
shoulder, but he had an altercation with
hla wife, who, proving the "man of the
house," knocked her husband Into a corner
and dislocated his ahoulder. It waa too bad
to spoil a good real estate agricultural
boom by a prosalo family quarrel.
Montana Jadge Awards Theaa Jad
meat for Property Worth
Ton Million Dollars.
BUTTE. Mont., Aug. 29. Judge Clancy,
in the dlatrict court today, rendered hla de
clalon in tha , famoua Nipper mine case,
which Involved mining property valued at
119,000,000. By today's decision the plaintiffs,
F. Augustus Helnse and othera, are granted
everything they have asksd against the
Washoe Copper company and the Anaconda
Copper company.
The suit Involved rich ore bodies under
the aurface of tha Oden and other claims
owned by the defendants. The plaintiffs
claimed to own these ore bodlaa on the
ground that they were extra-lateral por
tlons of the Nipper vein. The defendants
denied that there waa any Nipper vein at
all In the Nipper mining claim, and there
fore denied that the plaintiffs had any
claim on the ore bodies claimed. The case
will be appealed to the supreme court.
Eiperienosi of a Beorniting Offioer Operat
ing in the Middle West
doalat Vharaeterlstlcs of Hesitating
Recralts Mlcah Saved by Hla
Maw Opportaao raising
of Cynthlann.
"I never ploughed Into so many schools
of natural born hesltatora aa I met with
during thla last Inland lubber-gathering
cruise that I've Just finished," said a petty
officer of the navy who has been attached
for some months to a naval recruiting out
fit operating in the middle western and a
few of the more northerly southern atatea.
"Moat of them nudged ao close to the life
on the ocean wave that they could feel
the apray and smell the acouse, and then,
becoming stampeded all of a sudden, ducked
for the tall and uncut like a bunch of
seminary girls with red sunshades cross
Ing a grating field and hiking for the
frnre upon seeing a cow gaxlng at them
three furlongs away.
"And the bigger and huskier the lubbers
were the more scared they seemed to be at
the last minute. One of them, an Illlrfols
yap as high aa a Manhu mandarin on stret
floods stilts and strong enough to play Jacks
with ten-pound dumbbells wired together,
made a backdown and a getaway that gave
the officer In charge of our shipping outfit
the fan tods for three daya.
He passed the surgeon aa eaay as a
racing turblner allpa by a dump scow. He
was so good when he shed hla hayln' duds
and went before the physical examiner that
the surgeon only smiled and aald, "What's
the use? You'll do,' after taking little more
than a peek or two at the big lummox.
"But some of us that were looking on
could see that hla gizzard was about the
site of a sand gnat's. There waa a hunted
look In hla eye after the surgeon told him
that he was all right, and you could almost
hear the cogitations in his maintop while
ha waa putting on hla clothea preparatory
to going In before the shipping officer and
putting his name to the enlistment papers.
Dodged the. Hook.
Take a brace, maty,' we said to him,
encouragingly, seeing that the big Zeke
waa edging cloae to a collapse, "What's
three years T A mere bag o' shells! And
think of the hayln' you'll dodge while
you're gone! Look at the fun you're going
to have! Think of Paris and Port Bald!
Just one grand, lolly dreamy smoke for
three years! Unship that thlnk-lt-over
look and take a reef In your forked
guessing stick. The deep water's the thing
for you. Jack!'
I dunno so much 'bout that, - b'gosh,
now th't I've got thla far,' the big Cy aald,
acratchlng hla head. 'Mebbe it wouldn't
ault me and I wouldn't ault It and then
what? Say, I'd aure like t' talk It over
with maw ag'ln before I put my hand t'
them binding papers.'
We had a hard time cugger-muggerlng
him out of that notion and we Anally, one
of ua at each aide of him, nursed him along
through the door of the office where the
shipping offioer had the enlistment papers
spread out. He had the inked pen in his
shaking hand and was just leaning over
the desk with hla tongue , lolling out and
hla eyea rolling to acratch hla signature
at the bottom of the made-out (orm that
would hold him tight (or three years when
there was a clattering and a creaking on
the road down below. The yap seemed to
recognise the sound.
With the pen atlll in his hand he
clomped to the window and looked down.
A little old woman in a Paisley shawl
and a poppy-littered bonnet was Just
climbing out of the farm wagon, which she
had been driving herself.
'It's maw!" gasped the Rube with an
expression of Intense relief on hla (ace.
I guess maw wants me.'
"The office door flew open.
" 'Maw!'
" 'Micah!'
"And he waa In her arms and she waa
in hls'n.
" 'Th' Idee o' my Mlcah wantin' f go f r
a roway, arunken, scan aioua sailor th
very Idee I' said the old woman, addressing
the tlred-looklng recruiting officer. 'An'
him th' youngest o' eight boys, all o' 'em
as happy an' oontent as can be on their
paw'a farm an Mlcah never hevln' been
no further 'way from hum than Pee-or-la!
Don't you dare f tell me that my Mlcah'a
already been an' gone an' Jlned them scan
alous sailors, or that it's too late! I'm
a-goin t taae my juican num with me
right now!' '
" 'Madam,' said the shipping officer, get
ting up at hia desk and making Mlcah'a
mother a low bow, "ne'e all yours. You
can have him.'
"She took Mlcah by hla hamlike hand and
led him down the atalra to the wagon, and
I never saw a more delighted looking Mlcah
aahore or afloat than that one was whon
he climbed into the wagon alongside hla
maw. Fact Is, aa the wagon sheered off
Mlcah twisted around in hla aeat grinned
and atuck hla fingers to hta nose at us who
were watching hia getway from the win
An Iowa Experleaeo.
"We had another close thing of It In a
little Iowa town. He waa a township
tease who wore store clothes, banged his
aysteaa of ELECTRO-MEDICAL TREATMENT, the only treati
ear nil forms of lfervo-lexwal I)e
hlllty eansod by self-abase, yonthfal
:ilee, exeesslva lodnlsreneea, o-rer
rerk, dissipation, ete.f by any perfect
sent that will effect n PERMANENT CURE.
There is pain In your back and kldnsya, blue rings under your i
exes, specks before your eyes, alight blurs, headaches, bad!
taste in mouth, so appetite, can't sleep at night, bad dreams.
lossea la sleep and urine, prematureness, lack of desire, 1
"teaful, tired, nervous aod trembly, poor memory, no ambl-1
tlon, hate work, weak, have ditty spells at times, bashful In
ladles' society, prefer to be alone, sometimes salted with'
thought of suicide. The physical suffering Is equaled only'
by tne accompanying mental dlatress, which generally takes
, tne form of giocmy forebodings of impending disaster.
will aorrect all these wrongs, tone up your nervous system.
strengthen aad Invigorate your sexual system, check all un
natural lossea aod rt store you to the vigor of perfect man-
sooo. it will eause you to feel ilka a new man, with new!
hopes, something ta live (or, and ths whole world will teem'
different te you.
TCo do not front nil dleenaoa, bnt wo emro nil wo treati wo trent anen only and en re then to etay eared
We care to stay eared Vartoeoele, Strict ere, Lost Manhood, Atrophied or thrnnken Organs, gyphliltlt
Blood Tolson, Nervo-Beaaal Debility, Rantnre, Kidney, I'rlnary Dlaeaeee. and all associate diseases and
weaknesses of men. We charge nothing for private counsel and give to each patient a LEGAL CONTRACT to hold (or
our promisee. Is It not worth your while to Investigate a cure that has made life anew to multitudes of men. aad to
Which countless tongues gladly testify? YOINU, MIODLK-AU&U AMD OLD M CM call at ostr otnoe today, o
write for on book, FHChl, which will explain the disease wa cure, and how wa cure them to stay oured when othera
Omaha, Reb.
1303 Famam St., between 13th end I4!h Sts.
Ccnsultilioa Frei and Confidential
Reference Best banks and
ssaflrg business tnea ei the alt.
Office Hours I a, m. to I p. m.
Bunaays it a. m. to i p. m.
straw-colored hair ao'a it would protrude
In a real rute way In front of hla chip
straw hat, and sported a hand knit green,
blue and red four-ln-hand necktie.
All In all, ha waa about aa prrarJoua a
specimen of a meadow madcap and a
county cut-up aa I got a. binocular on dur
ing the overland cruise.
'He gave ua to understand that the rea
son he contemplated shipping waa that
there waa a deep, dark cark cankering
away hla life, and when he got thla off
myself and all the reet of the old flat feet
looked each other over and felt real path
etic, ao we did. But the shipping officer,
who overheard him looked up In some
" 'You're not married, are you 7 he in
quired of the teaae. The recruiting officers
have got to be careful not to ship fellows
trying to duck responsibilities of matri
mony on a landsman's or coalheaver's pay.
"The village cut-up replied that he
wa'ant not Jea' ylt, but that
" 'Oh, well, If lt'a only that, you'll get
over It all right when you go to sea," aald
the officer, looking relieved. 'A lot of ua
have carka, but we forget all about 'em
when we go to aea. The sea's the greatest
canker destroyer you ever heard tell of,'
and the officer winked solemnly over the
hoyden's head at us.
"Well, we almost had that fellow
snagged he passed the doctor without any
bother and was eligible In all other re
spects for a deck swab, and ho was ship
ping as a landsman when, at the last
minute, he made a brush out.
" 'I reckon,' . the allo-and-enallage sport
with the cark In hla midriff aald, kind o'
dreamy-like, when we began to glide him
Into the office to tack his name onto the
papers, 'I reckon i ll est Cynthiana Jes
onct more Cynthiana knowed this mornln'
that I was about t' take this fateful step,
an' ef she sees that I'm downright des-
prlt an mean It, w'y, mebbe she'll
Saved by n Slam.
"Again U waa the miserable little Main
street upon which the recruiting head
quarters waa altuated that robbod the
navy of aa waggish and straw-haired a
Hank aa ever played rlng-around-rosy
with tha apple-cheeked girls at a hirskln'
bee. Our nearly-shipped candidate espied
a neat-looking buggy going by with a
white-clad girl driving the nag hitched to
It at a slow Jog. The girl waa looking up
sort of expectantly at the recruiting office
"Our prankish one made one of the open
windows In two slides, poked his head out
and called out to the girl:
" 'Hey, Cynth', I'm Jes' goln' f sign now
aay, Cynth', shall I -sign or . no?'
"Tha girl in the buggy put a forefinger
in her mouth reflectively, and then she
shook her head from side to side,
" "Oood-by, fellers!' yelled the Hiram,
hopping away from the window and mak
ing (or the stairs. 'I don't want f be no
sailor Cynth' says it's all right!' and two
seconds later he waa in the buggy and
driving off with one arm around Cynth'a
waist, the cark gone from hie boaom as
sudden aa a llme-Julcer'a crew laya aft for
grog when the word la passed.
"And we found all of them a heap exac
ting out there in the grain belt. With the
outfit we had an old shellback of a bo sun's
mate, who's been going up and down the
world in the frigates ever since the days
of the old Ticon' and propeller wells, and
this old Jack was constituted the Bureau
of Information to handle the applicants,
because he'd promise them any old thing
that they'd ask for.
Gliding; tho Bait.
But. look a-here, mister, I reckon I'd
git aeaslck, never havin' been on th' water
in nothln' but a sklft before, an' I've
heeard tell that seaslckneaa la plten bad,
the shufflers 'ud say to the old heavy
weather Umber shlverer before making up
their minds to ship, and then the old Jack
would look at them In surprise.
" 'Listen yere, matey,' he'd reply, con
fidentially, herding the doubtful ones Into
corner, ao'a to get a better orac at
them, 'I've been goln' to aea, man ana
boyt In thla line o' packets ever senoe I
was the site o a pup-skate on the Olnney
coaat, and every time that I've put off to
aea, durtn" all o' them yeara, I've been
a-aettln' aea-aick horrible sea-sick sick as
a ship's dog that chewed two pounds o' lye
slcker'n a royal marine double-Ironed in
th' brig after a four-days' Gibraltar shore-
leave and that's a hull plenty sick, matey,
I'm a-tellin' you.
And 'cause why have I been aea-elck
every time I've gone to sea durln all o'
them years? 'Cause why? 'Cause at the
hreak o' th' fo'o'sle on every American
man-o'-war there's a hundred-gallon scut
tie-butt a acuttle-butt, matey, is a cak
filled f th' brim with champagne (or all o
v hands for-ard that suffer from sea
sickness.' and here the old sneiiDacic wouiu
poke them Jovially In the ribs and wink
roa-ulshlv at them, "i nat a cause wny
always git horribly eea-elck w en I got f
sea aomethln" horrible ana wno woman i,
i4h iht there hundred-gallon eouttle-
hntt etandln' there at the break o th
fn i filled f th' brim with toamin ,
tmrlln'. seethln' Frenoh champagne water,
th' aolaot all ready v no turnea on, uuv
on'y f be touched by them o" th" men for'
ard pertlcler the new men forard that's
h .....a r sit sea-sicK ney, wuu
gvt ... ---- -
ouldn't. matey 7"
"It may sound pretty raw, but nine out
of ten o( the b'goshers o( the corn-shuck
Ing section gulped that one down just aa
It flowed from the face of the leathery old
deck prowler, and 1 11 bet that tnere are
some of them rubbering around yet on the
hlDs to which they've been assigned for
tha champogne-nilea scuiue-fuii ior mo
sailors that suffer from the sickness of the
"Most of them, too, wanted quite a wnoie
lot for consenting to bold up their hands
before the recruiting officer. They were
n.rtixuiarlv solicitous aa to the kind of
uniform they would be require to wear,
Ho Wanted a Vnlform.
"In a little Missouri town a big, raw.
boned hired man, with a climbing motion
of tha feet when he walked that 'ud make
you think of the grape-dancers In the dago
vineyards, clomped upstairs to the ofnee,
and without removing his headgear or in
any other way recognizing the shipping
officer, he slouched over to where one of
the fancy uniform plcturea waa hanging.
He placed a big thumb on the picture of
a chief petty officer, a chief bo'sun's mate
with an anchor and eagle rating badge on
the blouse sleeve of his watch arm, and
he inaulred of all of us In general:
" Hey. mister, ef I go ( r sailor with you
tol alt a suit o' clo ea Jea' like
thts-a-one t' wear right off?'
i "Pretty forehand remark, that, when
you atop to think that It takes a aeventh
on born lucky wltn a cam ait me wajr
from ten to twenty yeara to get a chief
petty offlcer'a Tlg-out on hla back in thla
roans navy! I've been with the outfit
eighteen yeara and I'm eUll wearing the
bell-buttona, even if I have got a crow on
mv arm.
"Well, the ahipplng omcer grinnea, ana
the old shellback who acted as the Burea
of Information nodded the turnlp-hoer int
tha next room and said to him:
" 'Messmate, if you honest ' think that
tk.r. uniform that you p'inted out 'ud
suit you. all well an' good; It'll be yours.
Four seta o th' same, with th' cap throw
in rr th' askln. But that klndo' uniform
hain't got no sword f go with It. Now,
you'll be wantin' ' of a sword f go with
your uniform, won't you, messmate?'
"The hired hand reckoned that a sword
added to the uniform wouldn't hurt none,
but. ' ha aald, with great posltiveness,
'wa'n't a-goln' to' wear no loose blue shirt
tucked Into them baggy wide-bottomed
trousers Jea' like common, ornery sailors,
and ef he could have, right off, the uni
form that he'd pointed out In the picture,
w'y, all right mebbe then he'd ship, and,
then, mebbe again he wouldn't he wanted
to git that uniform queatlon made clear
"The Bureau of Information made that
all right with him, and, after the milker
had hesitated and. reneged and passed it
up and come back a dosen tlmea or ao, he
waa duly shipped aa a coat heaver and
hiked east to one of the receiving ships
with a carload of the corralled ones.
"I'd like to 've been standing by near the
receiving ahlp pay office when the Jack-o'-the-Duat
tossed that hired man a alop rig
of government atralght bluejacket togs.
I'll bet a month'k tobacco that he looked
aa sore and abused aa a stranded dogfish
In a quicksand." New York Bun.
Grent Difference of Opinion Between
Men nt Hend of tho
BERLIN, Aug. .-Herr Bebel, the so
cialist leader, called the "uncrowned king"
by the social democrata, waa hissed at the
social democratic convention held In Ber
lin thla week, during a controversy with
the Reichstag vloe presidency queatlon.
Thla indicates the intensity o( the (actional
struggle going on in the party during the
period of Its greatest triumph and which
will be fought out In the party's national
convention In Dresden In September. It Is
a renewal of the Bebel-Bernsteln disputes
of 190L
Herr Bebel, Singer and the old-tlmo
ohiefs are determined to participate in
the Ideaa on which the party haa grown
powerful, while Herr Bernstein, who la an
opportunist and moderate, favors a re
vision of the socialist program, especially
ao that the party, recognizing the exist
ing conditions, may combine with and
utilixe the political elements to as to se
cure a partial realization of its alma.
Second Party In Reichstag.
Ilorr Bernstein haa announced that it
would be a good party atroke to demand
the office of first vice president of the
Reichstag Instead of accepting a lower
presidency, tha . socialists being tha next
most numerous to the dominating party.
Herr Bebel said "no," since a vice presi
dency of the Relohstag would involve a
compromise with the monarchy and it
would be necessary for a socialist holding
office to wait on tha sovereign and con
gratulate him on tha new year and other
occasions, "to crawl on hia stomach be
fore the representative of unjust institu
tions." He added that the vice presidency
would also involve compromises with other
parties, entail responsibilities outside the
socialist sphere and limit the weapona and
eaources against the opposition.
Herr Bernstein Is Joined in hla stand by
the aristocrat, Von Vollmer. and the able
writer, David, who affirm it ia time the
party grasped some of the agenclea of tha
government, and prepare fot the day it
will take over the whole of them, adding
that responsibilities should be sought for,
not evaded. They claim that a socialist
n the presence of the sovereign need only
act as a gentleman without modifying hla
Behind the vloe presidency queatlon are
two tendencies, to be either a great liberal
party, postponing Insistence on Its theor
etical views of government until conditions
ripen, or standing steadfastly by socialist
principles without yielding a little to con
ventional practices and compromises.
Herren Bebel, Bernstein and Singer and
Von Vollmer affirm that they will strive
to preserve party unity and say that the
glee of the ministerial conservatives and
members of the center party over the di
visions of the socialists ara untimely and
If Yon Cannot Talk or Make Signs
' Simply Point ait Photo,
graph In Album.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. 28. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) The prefecture
of police in Paris has Just put into service
an album containing pictures of all lm
aglnabla articlea that a traveler would be
likely to carry.
When a person reporta a loaa at tha pre
fecture of police, where all articlea found
in omnlbusee and cabs are supposed to be
deposited, if the cab driver or omnibus
conductor does his duty if he cannot re
call the name of the article loat, tha album
shown to him and he points out tha
picture neareat like what he has loat.
This album is particularly convenient
when tha loeer apeaka no French. He haa
only to point to a picture. Tha experiment
haa already been tried with an English
woman, and, to her Joy, almoat without
speaking a word she regained tha article
she had lost.
First Effort In Two Years to
Produced Latter End of
(Copyright, 1903, by Preas Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 2. (New York World
Cablegram 8 peclal Telegram.) Plneroq's
new play his first In two yeara which
Charlea Frohman will produce In the Duke
of York'a theater about September 18, ia
named "Letty." Absolute secrecy Is main
talned concerning Its story, which Is told
In four acts and an epilogue. H. B. Irving
and Irene Vanbrugh will play tha leading
parts and the play will be staged by Dion
J. M. Barrle'a new play, which Mr. Froh
man will present September 11, In Wynd
ham's theater, Is called "The Stormy
Petrel." It is a satire on the British habit
of overeating. John Hare, Nina Boucioault
and Dorothea Balrd are already engaged.
-wm OF t0P0lCl- I
September Furniture Sale
A money-saving event that will appeal to
all prospective buyers. on account of tho values offered
and the timeliness of the sale, llight now, at the beginning
of the season, we place on sale thousands of dollars worth
of merchandise at prices that cannot be duplicated else
where. Call and see. CASH OR CREDIT.
Three-Piece Parlor 5et tphol
BUiied in choice coverings of
tapoatrles and velours, frama
in mahopany finish, set oon
slftta of diran, arm chair aad
reception chair, regular value
W0 during- Septem
ber Furniture Sale .
Five-Piece Parlor Set choioe of
covering of various grades
and weaves, frames of mahogany finish, highly polished, of JC C A
the latest deiig a worth 145 during Sept. Furniture Sale UesJU
Couch six rows of tufts, sanitary
construction, frame finiehod la
golden oak, pretty patterns of
upholstering, worth 114, O
during Sept. Furo. Sale". .Ui U
Morris Chairs In various colors of
upholstering and assorted frames
cushions reversible worth
regularly $14.00 during O Cf
Sept. Furniture Sale ... OsJU
Iron Beds We place on sale tomorrow 200 iron
beda, mads of heavy tubing, white enamel,
strongly constructed and well finished regular
price of this bed Is 1450 during ) AJZ
September Furniture Sale .sT,3
Dining Room Chairs Dining room chairs, fancy
embossed back, round seat, woll finished and
very stylish looking, worth $1.60 dur- Qp
log September Furniture Sals OJw
Sideboards massive doslgn, golden oak finish,
heary Frenoh bevel plate mirror, one drawer
velvet lined for silverware, large linen c im
part men ti, worth regularly $32,60 Q rA
during September Furniture Sale llfeUU
Either golden oak or
mahogany finish dress
er, bevel plnte mirror,
Slano polish, pretty
enlem, worth fu.Ort
during Sept. ff IK
Furniture Bnleu,J
Ftada QuaatHj of Cat Balldlag
Stoue While MaklaaT Ex
cavation. (Copyright, 19(3, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Aug. 8. -(New Tork World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) During the prog-
ress of the work of erecting the statue to
Lafayette In the Carousal gardens the
contractors struck a windfall. Workmen 1
excavating a site for the pedestal discov
ered at a depth of six feet a Urge quantity
of excellent building stone ready eut and
faced. The municipal architects have con
cluded that tha atone waa prepared either
for a building In connection with the
tobacco monopoly in the reign of Louis
XV or for a colossal statue of Napoleon
III. The stone becomes the property of
the finder and tha lucky contractor la
thinking of building a house.
Big price reductions In thla de.
partmeat, too. Be sure aad aee
oar drapery values.
a new lot Just received 9 Or
worth 60c during Sept. sale....
weave guaranteed worth 75o- ROf
during September Bnle
chotco colorings and designs of this
season a large assortment to aelect
from worth regularly .$1.25 QCr
during September Sale..... ...'. OJv
LACE CURTAINS-100 palra-31 yards
long oi lrrcnos. wiae extra strona
eogo worth WOO during
Soptember Sale
new dosigns of this season heavily
fringed at both ends worth f QE1
$4 during September Sale.,.. 'J
This department
plete than ever
No. 8 Cook Stove made of heavy
aiuooiu ensungs guars n tea a
gooa Da Her dur
ing September
Two-burner Dangler Gasoline
(stoves during
September Sale
' only .'..v..'.'.
. Star Estate Steel Ranges guaran
teed in ' every wav mnrin nf
heavy st'eel,, plates cloRely riveted
on sole tomor
rowupwards from
is more com
before values
Jabllee Preaeats to Be Exhibited.
TORONTO, Aug. S3. Toronto'a annual ex
hibition waa opened today. The late Queen
Victoria s Jubilee presents, valued at over
12,000,000. and the Cold Stream Ouarda band
are to be the main attractions. The prea
enta will afterward be ahown at the St.
Louis World s fair.
Vesavlas Still la Eraatloa.
NAPLES, Aug. t. Vesuvius la atlll In
eruption today, but bo damage Is being
The-Last Call for Summer Goods
and the Ushering in of the New fall Styles
It's by means of cutting prices down to cost' and very
often below cost that we get rid of the former.
It's by offering you the very best values and largest
assortments that we interest you in the latter.
We are showing the correct modes
in suits and skirts at surprisingly
LOW PIUCEK Come and look them
over they're well worth seeing.
Made especially for us In the long, graceful
blouse coat style, funcy mixturescoat silk
lined and richly finished, full flowing . nine'
gored Inp-soamed skirt, we open the
season wltn this remarkable
Ynlue a(- ,
Just arrived a large shipment of new fall
walking skirts made of men's wear, In plain
cloths mid mixtures. All the most npproved.
fityles are represented. Plain tailored and.
strapped hip effects. Our prices are
We are selling our midsummer silk Jack
ets regardless of cost Come and investigate.
Just s good as ever they wore. Just
good many weeks to wear them. AVe
take no heed of Iokwb now. Several
hundred to be closed out tomorrow.
All $5 Waists go at $2.25
Include many with dainty trimmings
of embroidery, tucks nnd laces, stylos
that have been the fuvorite of smartly
dressed women. .
All $4 Waists g? at $1.69
New designs with large pouch sleeves.
All $3 Waists go at 98c
Include lawns with fancy trimmings
Large assortment of colored walats, must soil, too many on
hand all go at
The remainder of our wash and silk shirt waist suits go for less
than cost. Big bargains for early purchaser.
Our aummer pettlcoata In gingham and mercerized trimmed with
lace, flounce and Insertion. We are selling values for 88c.
and 11.76 values for
. 25c
Builds up the gantrlc Juice of the stom
ach ao you get the full strength and nour
ishment of what you au 30 days' treat
ment Z6c. AU druggists.
Write law Saaapla Copy.
Writ for a svl Cir,
Every Woman
s ssMnaua asa shpaUl s new
. h wowUffnl
MAKVU Whlrlisg fcp, iy
V. 5 'n'' '""'T Shifts-
'tHM f
r'liiM. kill Mive sum lot if
liilule Uril. SIMM in,
eoaa tat Times Blag., V. t.
w m m mm
Writ for lamplt Copy.